Chapter 35: Stoping the Raid of Terror

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#38 of D.M.O.N.

First off, I do not own any chars on the Digimon Series or any other names that involve in this chapter. However, I do own Soul and Al. I apologize first hand if there are any spelling or/and grammar errors, since my English is my second. For those who knows any Digimon series there will always an interactions between humans and Digimons either inside or outside the Digivice, so no 'boo...!' -ing or furry violations. Anything else, please enjoy.

Chapter 35: Stoping the Raid of Terror.

The Destinies were hunting together for helping Al and Soul leveling up and obtaining Veemon's form or any dragon attribute for Al to evolve. Al was truly fascinates by the Destinies new forms, especially Nefertimon and her elegant beautiful form that makes everyone thinks pervert thoughts. 'What the... what was I thinking?' Al snapped out of his own thoughts and continued hunting around.

The team is taking a break after hunting for at least two hours. "I never knew that the requirements are complicated." Pegasusmon commented at the requirements.

"If they give it an easy task, it will be a boring game." Digmon respond in chuckle.

"Still, are there any abnormalities, Al?" Halsemon asked to Al remembering their main objectives.

Al traced back the path they took and nothing seems out of ordinary. "None so far, Halsemon."

"Let's hope it stays that way." Soul responded. "I hate what happened back then." The Destinies flashbacked at the incident where the Glitches use ShogunGeckomon form to bring chaos to the game.

"Right, how could we forget that?" Al sighed feeling a little down at that incident. "Anyway, break time is over and we better starts hunting again. I can't wait to evolve into Veemon."

"Can't you use your Alter Evolution to evolve into Veemon?" Digmon asked in curious.

"Oops... I completely forgot about that." Al remembered his PC's ability. 'I didn't. But it is best not to use it very often.' Black respond inside his head so only Al heard what he is saying.

"Well, why don't you?" Digmon asked again.

"Black warned me that I shouldn't use it very often. I guess I shouldn't rely on it too much or maybe it had side effects."

"Did the side effects ever happen to you?" Nevertimon asked. Al only shook his head for a reply.

"We all know that Black is a good Digimon, and we should trust what he said." Halsemon suggested.

Al nodded to Halsemon in agreeing his suggestion. He saw that Flamedramon is looking and sniffing around the area. "Is there something wrong, Flamedramon?" Al asked.

Flamedramon is still sniffing the air for something. "I smell Digimon, a real life Digimon." He answered.

"How did you know that?" Al asked in confusion.

"Dragon type has a high sence of smelling and instinct compare to beast type." Pegasusmon answered or was it T.K. that answered his question.

"Looks like our day-off has been break-off, let's take-off before something show-off." Al responded while preparing himself to evolve into MetalGreymon. Al saw that everyone is looking at him awkwardly. "Okay, so I'm bad with rhymes and puns. So stop staring at me, it gives me bums."

The Destinies were starts searching for a lost Digimon with Flamedramon leading the team. The scent has leaded them into deeper area and Flamedramon saw the lost Digimon. Al saw the Digimon and it was pink and round with blue eyes and petal at its head. Al was not very familiar about Digimon, but Soul is willing to give him the information he needed. "This Digimon is called Yokomon. He is an in-training form from Biyomon."

"He...?" Al asked.

"This Yokomon is slightly bigger than the female one in anatomical structure, but to us real Digimon we can smell his scent." Soul explained and Al nodded with half of understanding.

"Hey Yokomon, are you all right?" Flamedramon asked. Somehow, he seems glad to see us at least.

"At last there is someone I could ask for help. Please, help me save my village from bad Digimons." The little Yokomon pleaded for help.

"Which village are you living?" Flamedramon asked again.

"The village is on the desert. Please you have to hurry. Meramon and several Birdramon are doing their best to fend off the bad Digimons."

"Which way did you come from?" Nefertimon asked. Yokomon pointed toward a small cavern.

Al slowly headed toward the small cavern and tried to reach the entrance. Suddenly, a portal appeared right in front of him. "It's another portal to the Digital World." Al yelled and quickly pulled out his claw. "We need all the power we could get. Quick call the others that available."

After waiting for at least ten minutes, the back up have finally arrive. They were Beelzebmon, Antylamon, Zero in unknown form, GreenGuilmonX in Gallantmon form, and a female Digimon with fancy pink dresses, pink bulb cap and had four leafs acted as her wing. "Okay... what are these two?" Al asked unfamiliar of the new forms.

"I'm Lillymon in this form; I am Palmon's ultimate form. And Zero is MetalSeadramon." The female Digimon or Lillymon answered. Al looked closely at Zero. Again, he is in new unfamiliar form to Al. He is large metallic serpent with cannon on his nose, blade-like horn, silver hair, and had two tails.

Zero smirked at Al. "Feeling a little jealous about my new form?" he asked.

"No. I prefer his form instead." Al replied while pointing at Flamedramon.

Zero looked at Flamedramon and the other armor evolution Digimons. "Who are they?" he asked. Al gave a small introduction between them and gave the updates for the mission.

After everyone is brief, the team walked into the portal. They were arrived at the desert where there are some poles sticking to the ground. "Where are we?" Al asked.

"We are in the Digital World, and for which continent I say it was File Island." Pegasusmon answered without a doubt as if he was very familiar with the scenery. Al looked at his surroundings and finally saw a village has been attack by unknown Digimons. The Destinies rushed toward the village and saw there are 10 Digimons that attacking the village. Five Birdramon and an unfamiliar flame Digimon try to defend the village but it seems that the flame Digimon has fallen either exhaust or beaten. Flamedramon and Nefertimon saw that the two Digimon attackers is attacking the fallen flame Digimon, therefor they moved forward to defend it with their own special skills. "Queen's Paw!" Nefertimon shoot a pair of beam from her serpent crown helmet. "Fire Knuckle!" Flamedramon's claw starts to burn up and unleashed balls of fire when he is punching.

The attacks had made both enemies staggered. Flamedramon and Nefertimon stand before the fallen flame Digimon and protect it. Al, Zero and GreenGuilmonX unleashed their own skills to shoot back the assaulters and hopefully kill both of them. "Giga Blaster!" "River of Power!" "Lightning Joust!" The assaulters deal heavy damages.

Flamedramon looked at the flame Digimon. "Are you alright, Meramon?"

"Barely..." Meramon respond in grunted pain. "Those wretched viruses were wrecking the whole village. Many Biyomons and three Birdramons were killed protecting the village."

Al saw the first two Digimons that were injured. Both of them slowly floating up, they were similar to a ghost with red cloak and had a golden scythe with a chain pendulum attached to it. The rest of the Destinies are regrouping with Al. Beelzebmon saw what Al saw. "Why does it have to be Phantomon? They are a mega form Digimons. They may look weak but their strength is great, watch out for their scythe."

"Everyone, full power attack!" Al ordered the team while two Phantomons are still recovering. The team unleashed their special attack to eliminate the two. Both Phantomons are eliminated which gave a slight relief to Al. Suddenly there is an attack from nowhere that shock Al's relief. Eight bad Digimons were gathering at the team and ready to strike hard. The Digimons are three that similar to a tank, two winged-dragonoids; humanoid that wears a monkey suit and black glasses, a huge metallic dragonoid with two cannons at its back and lastly looks like a mummy with assault rifle.

"Well what do you know? The back up has finally arrived." The mummy greeted the Destinies with an evil smile.

"It looks like there was a party going on." Antylamon smirked.

"And we are the party crasher." Al responded the joke. "Armor evolutions, can you five deals the tank Digimon and subdue them?"

"Not a sweat." Flamedramon replied representing the armor evolutions.

"Lillymon, Soul, take the survivors to a safe place. Antylamon and Beelzebmon deals the flying dragons. Us, three, will deal the last trio. Those who finish first will help others." Al gave them prespective orders to the team, and they nodded. The team charges toward the designated enemies while Lillymon and Soul evacuate the survivors.

"We never thought to deal with you again, Tankmon." Halsemon smirked. His body starts to cover with ribbons of data. "Slide Evolution into Shurimon." The cocoon shattered and revealing a Digimon wearing a white and leaf cloak. Both his hands and feet were attache to a weapon similar to a shuriken except it was three edges. In addition, he had a large throwing star on his back and has the aura of assassination like a ninja shinobi.

Digmon drills the ground to unleash his attack. "Rock Crackin'!" The ground tore up creating a fissure that will slow the Tankmon's movements.

The armor evolutions used their own attacks to weaken the Tankmons. Pegasusmon and Nefertimon flew high and dive crossing their path. The front hoove on Pegasusmon and the gauntlets at Nefertimon starts glowing and attached to one another forming an energy rope and bind Tankmons. "Golden Noose!"

Digmon used his "Rock Crackin'!" again to make another fissure to trap the Tankmons so they could not run away when the binds weaken.

Beelzebmon prepared his shotguns and aimed at the flying dragons and the dragons do the same by opening up their claws. Beelzebmon and Antylamon dodge away from the attacks they unleashed from their claw. "Man, these Megadramons are so persistant."

"I believe that Al has given me a wrong order. I can't fight with air type." Antylamon responded.

"Deal with it because we are fighting against the ultimates and you can fight it."

"That is true, but using my blade will drain my energy."

"Then make it counts!" Beelzebmon stated and aimed one of the dragons. "Double Impact!" Beelzebmon shoot blindly on the air hoping that some of the bullets hit the dragons and injured them.

Antylamon clapped both his hand and starts forming energies. When he separates his hands, the energy keeps emitting on his palm paw and forming into a blade like axe. "Bunny Blade!" Antylamon throw his energy blades to Megadramons. Unlike Beelzebmon's energy bullets, Megadramons easily dodged Antylamon's energy blades. "I knew that Al gave me the wrong target."

"Grr... Then go and help Al!" Beelzebmon ordered while shooting at the Megadramons.

"But you will be in trouble." Antylamon respond in concern.

"Not when we are around." Flamedramon answered. "Digmon, Antylamon and I will help Al. The rest will deal the Megadramons." The team nods and went their separate ways.

When Flamedramon, Digmon and Antylamon were heading toward Al's team, GreenGuilmonX was toss toward them. Flamedramon and Antylamon brace themselves to catch GreenGuilmonX, and they can catch it. "Are you okay, GreenGuilmonX?"

"Yeah, that mummy freak has one strong punch. No bullets can penetrate this shield." GreenGuilmonX respond.

"I'll say that Mummymon is a troublesome. We fought him before and he was killed by his own friend." Digmon replied. They suddenly heard a crying roar and looked up to see that Al was also thrown out and he is too big for ultimate form so they move away.

"You all right, big guy?" Digmon asked.

"A little jab by that monkey freak, but that strength was no monkey business." Al stood up and shook his head removing any dizziness out of his head.

"Could they hold some Glitches?" Antylamon asked.

"It is hard to tell without confirming first. Right now Zero is fighting alone and one or all of them hold the Glitches." Al stood up and dashed forward with the team.

Zero is having a lot of trouble handling against the monkey suit, mummy, and a heavy giant android dragon. "It is futile to fight us, MetalSeadramon." The giant android dragon spoke. "So you better run or join our forces to pillage every village in this chaotic Digital World."

"Tempting, but I am not in the mood for pillaging or running away, mister." Zero responded. "I've got a job to do and this job includes stoping you three troublesome."

"Well... well... it is seems that he isn't one of us." The monkey suit talked to the rest. "Us as in Digimon so, we are going to rock you to sleep permanently."

"Not if we can help it!" Al yelled from behind Zero and suddenly two missiles aimed toward the devil trio. Al and the back up team arrived at Zero's side.

"What took you so long?" Zero asked to Al.

"Sorry, I need to call a back up agency." Al replied apologetically. "But I got some news for you. Apparently, one of them has the Glitch so we need to clarify all of them. Zero and GreenGuilmonX will fight Machinedramon, Antylamon and Flamedramon will fight Etemon, and Digmon and I will fight Mummymon. And this time I won't make mistake."

"Which one is Machinedramon?" GreenGuilmonX asked.

"The one with two large cannon on it back." Digmon answered and dash toward Mummymon.

Zero and GreenGuilmonX charge toward at the giant android dragon. "All right, it is time for justice." Zero yelled and charged his cannon. "River of Power!" The blast is a hit right on Machinedramon's right torso and causes only a slight scratch.

Machinedramon chuckled by the result. "Is that the best you've got?" he asked and then swung his claw to Zero. Thanks to his slender serpent's body, he is able to dodge the attack.

"Maybe, but can you handle this?" GreenGuilmonX asked while raising his shield and aimed toward Machinedramon. "Shield of the Just!" It is a direct hit on the face.

The Machinedramon is getting angrier and charges up his cannon. Machinedramon slash Zero and GreenGuilmonX while charging up. Zero and GreenGuilmonX were focus on dodging Machinedramon slashing, and yet they did not see a steam coming out from his back. The cannons are charge up and ready to fire, so he aimed at them. "Giga Cannon!"

Zero saw that Machinedramon is aiming toward GreenGuilmonX and him, so he tried to dodge the cannon. Unfortunately, the beam was too fast and Zero got a slight friction from the beam. As for GreenGuilmonX, he did not have the time to dodge it so use his shield to deflect the beam. The beam was too strong that he got push back and to make matter worse, his shield got dent and burning hot from the impact so he discard the shield. Both Zero and GreenGuilmonX felt a slight pain from the burn. "Why do we feel the pain?" Zero asked outloud.

"Because in the Digital World, the PC is our bodies!" Al answered while blocking Mummymon's attacks.

"Why didn't anybody told me earlier?" Zero asked while blowing the burn marks.

"Because, we neglect to tell you earlier and we never thought that you got the mission that includes entering the Digital World." Al replied again. He heard some projectiles had been launch. He guessed that it was Digmon's "Gold Rush!" attack, but when he heard cracking sounds he instantly looked at Mummymon. The Mummymon use his bandages to whip the drill projectiles away. "How about deflecting this?" He aimed his left metal claw to Mummymon. "Mega Claw!" Mummymon saw it and know that he can deflect the claw with his bandage so he dodged it.

Zero is still angry about the pain and channeled his anger to his cannon. He aimed it to the enemy's cannon. GreenGuilmonX saw it and aimed his pike at the cannon. "River of Power!" "Lightning Joust!" One of the cannons was destroyed and that makes Machinedramon really pissed off and went barage.

On the other hand, Flamedramon and Antylamon have an evenly match with Etemon. "Why are you still doing this?" Flamedramon asked to Etemon.

"We already know that this world is in crisis again, so why not wreck things up? Afterall it is my primal instinct." Etemon replied.

"But still, what you did is bad. Why didn't you do a good and honest deed?" Antylamon asked.

"Been there, done that and nothing is work so I am back to my oldself. You know what that mean, sugar; it is time to rock you to sleep with my rocking lullaby. Ho-ho-humm..." Etemon answered.

"Not while we are around, monkey mon." Flamedramon responded. His claw starts burning again. "Fire Knuckle!" Antylamon unleash his energy blade again and it remains in his paw palm. "Bunny Blade!"

Etemon easily dodge those attacks. "Did anybody ever tell you not to play with fire and sharp objects?" Etemon taunted them. "Let's try Monkick!" Etemon lunges toward the nearest target and that is Antylamon.

It is a direct hit at Antylamon's stomach. His concentrations were distracted and the energy blades are disappeared. His body was toss toward Flamedramon.

Flamedramon shut down his flame to catch Antylamon. He felt the great push when he catches him as if Etemon's power were far stronger than his looks. "You okay, Antylamon?"

"I'm not. And to make matters worst, I found which one has the Gltich." Antylamon answered.

"You think that was worst, I've got a better one." Al responded. He showed his full dented metallic claw to Antylamon. "They all have the Glitches."


That's it for this chapter. I thank you for those who participate in the stories so far, especially the names that appears in this chapter and previous chapters. And once again I do apologizes if there are any offense in the chars so far. I did it to bring a real live interaction to everyone, but I always ended up with hurting others so please and very please Forgive me. I do accept any critics and comments.

Thank you for those who watch, fave, and rate my stories.

Chapter 36: Rise to the Grave, SkullGreymon.

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon series because they belong to TOEI Bandai, and also any names that involved in this story. However, I do own Soul, Sarah and Al. I apologize first hand for any spelling or grammar errors because my English is...

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Chapter 34: Meetings with The Armor Evolution.

First off, I do not own any chars in Digimon series or names that involved at this story. However, I do own Alphonse/Al/Albino and Soul in this story. I apologize first hand if there are any spelling or grammar errors because English is my second. Same...

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Chapter 33: Peaceful Afterward.

First off, I don't own any Chars of any Digimon series or names that involved in this chapter. However I do own the chars named Al, Soul and Sarah. I apologize first hand if there are any spelling and/or grammar errors because my English is second and...

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