Chapter 36: Rise to the Grave, SkullGreymon.

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#39 of D.M.O.N.

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon series because they belong to TOEI Bandai, and also any names that involved in this story. However, I do own Soul, Sarah and Al. I apologize first hand for any spelling or grammar errors because my English is my second tongue. Those who know the Digimon series must know the rules of Digimon. Anything else, please enjoy.

Chapter 36: Rise to the Grave, SkullGreymon.

"They all have the Glitches." Al gave the bad news to Antylamon who is resting at Flamedramon's arm.

Antylamon and Flamedramon were surprise to hear the news. "What, how can you tell?" Antylamon asked.

Al showed his left metallic claw to them. MetalGreymon's claw was build from Digizoid steel, the strongest metal in Digital World, is now full of dents. "Agumon told me that this claw was made from the strongest metal in this world and so does Gallantmon's shield." Al answered. "Mummymon's and Machinedramon's blast won't be able to dent these metals and yet they have."

"So are you saying they use that power?" Flamedramon asked.

"Give that blue dragon some cigars because he has answered the bonus question." Etemon responded by clapping his hand to them.

"How?" Antylamon asked. Al looked at Mummymon and saw that he uses his bandage again to attack. Al use his dented claw as a shield again

"Let's just say, some miracles fall from the sky and I don't want to waste the opportunity. And wham... it gives me stregth beyond your imagination." Mummymon answered and then pulled Al to him. Al struggled to pull back but in the end, he was drag to him. "Like right now, I can kill you in an instance. Right here, right now." He continued while aiming his rifle to Al's abdomen.

"Cat's Eye Beam!" "Mane Wind!" "Flower Cannon!"

The attacks came from behind and hit the bandage where it caught Al. Al broke free and quickly strafe backwards. "We came just in time." Al did not need to look because the owner of the voice was none other than Nefertimon.

"Thanks for bailing me out, teach." Al responded when Nefertimon is near.

"We do what we can do, Al." Nefertimon replied.

"Here is my update to all of you, our opponents has and use the Glitches for evil deeds. We have to knock them out so I can manipulate their data and extract the Glitches." Al told the team.

"Well good luck with that, dealing with the infected Digimon is much harder than the fake one." Beelzebmon replied.

"And why is that?" Zero asked.

"They were far more brutal than the ones in the game." Antylamon answered.

"All right... Everyone, attack Machinedramon because he is the dangerous walking tank!" Al ordered and the team attack Machinedramon with full force.

Etemon, Mummymon and Machinedramon also attack the Destinies with full force. The battle was tense, the Destinies deals heavy blow because they are out-power by the trio viruses. Beelzebmon, Lillymon, Pegasusmon and Digmon are having a gunfight with Mummymon. Flamedramon, Antylamon, GreenGuilmonX, Shurimon and Nefertimon are dealing the swift Etemon. Al, Zero and Soul are dealing with Machinedramon.

Mummymon used his rifle and bandage to attack Beelzebmon's team without any trouble. On the other hand, Beelzebmon's team holds their powers just to weaken the Mummymon. Beelzebmon and Pegasusmon shoot down any bandages that attacked them while Lillymon and Digmon try to weaken Mummymon.

Flamedramon's team were having a though battle against Etemon's swiftness. Etemon dodge every attack the Destinies launch as if he was dancing on the battlefield. Even if the Destinies gave a direct hit, Etemon will get a low damage and a taunting laugh.

Al's team is having trouble with Machinedramon because he is too strong and out match. Zero used his attacks and gave small dent at his armor. Soul can only dodge the attacks. As for Al, he kept using his missiles to attack and grew weak. He cannot use his claw because it may break with another strong attack.

Antylamon and Flamedramon intend to injure Etemon by giving a cut at his knee or legs. Etemon saw it and counter it with a strong kick right at Antylamon's stomach again. Antylamon lost focus and his Bunny Blades vanished. Blood gushed out from his mouth coughing.

Al heard a yelp cry from someone. He looked at the field to see that Antylamon is hovering, blood spewing out from his mouth and then collapse to the ground. "Antylamon, Suzie!" Al yelled in concern for them since in the Digital World, everything is real.

Machinedramon's remaining cannon is charged and ready to launch. He aimed and shot at Al who got distracted. Al heard Soul and Zero called his name and looked back at Machinedramon. Machinedramon had already shot the cannon and headed toward Al. Al is unable to dodge at time, so he used his metallic claw to block it. The power was too great for the claw to bear, thus the claw broke down. Al saw it and held his lost arm in pain.

The team looked at Al in shock, but the one that will go berserk are Zero, GreenGuilmonX and Soul. "HOW DARE YOU!" Zero shouted and lunge forward binding Machinedramon with his body. GreenGuilmonX charged forward and stabbed Machinedramon brutally without a care if the lance penetrates his body. Soul used his "Spiking Strike!" the same way as GreenGuilmonX does.

Machinedramon roared in anger and charged up his cannon again. Soul saw that the hose is pumping to the cannon. He used his spike to cut the hose. Machinedramon became wild because both of his cannons were disabled and leaking of energy. Zero saw the chance and shot his "River of Power!" to Machinedramon's head. The head armor got dent and GreenGuilmonX used that weakness to do "Lightning Joust!" as a finishing blow.

While Zero, GreenGuilmonX and Soul distract Machinedramon, Al got a scold from Black. "Quick Digivolved into BlackWarGreymon and let me do the rest!" Al heard him clearly and evolved into BlackWarGreymon to grew stronger and recover his injured arm.

Mummymon saw that Al is evolving and did not miss the chance. He shoot with his rifle at random target that meant to injure or worst killed Al. Once again, Al roared in pain and the evolution was cancel. Al got a shot wound right at his right stomach, luckily it miss any vital organs.

After Machinedramon is down, Zero, GreenGuilmonX, and Soul heard another roar from Al. They looked at Al and saw that he is holding his bleeding stomach.

"Why YOU!" Beelzebmon saw it and went berserk. "Double Impact!" Most of the bullets were miss or leaving a scratch on Mummymon's body. Mummymon only smiled satisfaction by Beelzebmon's rage as if he was feeding himself. Pegasusmon also lost focus because of Al's injuries. He noticed something strange in Mummymon. He was stalling for who knows what the reason is. Then he saw some bandages were loosen and extended. He followed up the bandages and saw that at the end of those bandages lies where the captive Digimons were. 'Oh no!'

Tankmons and Megadramons starts firing at the Destinies. The Destinies get ambushed and injured badly. Etemon and Mummymon laugh for the successful ambush. "We've got ourselves a big haul." Mummymon starts the celebration.

"Yes, but do not celebrate yet because they can still fight." Etemon warned him. "It is time to drain them all with "Concert Crush!"."

Tankmons, Megadramon and Mummymon quickly jumped away from Etemon's attack. The Destinies weas hit since they were too weak to move away. Their powers drained and their forms were reverted to rookies except Gatomon.

"Well... well... I have never seen those Digimon before, except the yellow and white dinos, the guinea pig, the bean sprout and the cat." Etemon commented to them.

"At least you warned me what you will do to them." Mummymon respond in annoyance.

"Well I sing a nice tune you know." Etemon laugh.

"Yes, as nice as your attitude." Mummymon commented.

"Is everybody all right?" Al asked grunting in pain from the last ambush attack.

"We have been through worse time." Patamon replied panting. "But not like these."

"Last time we were outmatched with the Dark Master. And now, eight viruses join force with the Glitches power." Gatomon responded grunting in pain.

"But not for long." Mummymon answered smiling. He looked at Machinedramon or what was left of him. "Poor Machinedramon, he was the best arsenal we could find. Now, it is only useless cannon."

"Not useless at all, we can still use his cannon." Etemon responded while picking up the cannon. "I over heard those kids that we could use the power to change thing, so how about I use this as my personal weapon."

"You don't understand the danger of these Glitches, Etemon." Lopmon warned them. "It can delete you without a trace if you died."

"Well I can see that, thank you very much. What I need to do is not to get killed." Etemon grinned evilly. "As soon as I found out on how to use it." Etemon try to look a gap or a hole at the cannon. After several minutes, he found a gap and inserted his arm just like a hand cannon. "Well look at me, I'm a Gorimon with a super-size cannon." Etemon commented with laughter. "Now which one will be my guinea pig?"

Al unleashed the last strength to attack Etemon. "Pepper Breath!" The attack got his attention since it hitted directly at his face. "I won't let you harm them, Etemon!" Al yelled. "Everytime you used that power you will get more infected and every attacks will infected other Digimons."

"Like I said, I wouldn't know if I don't try it myself, so who will be the guinea pig?" Etemon replied feeling annoyed from that attack. "I guess you will be the first!" He aimed the cannon at Al.

"NO!" Some of the Destinies yelled in grunted pain. 'Why me, I don't want to die. But then again, it is my punishment for hating His creation.' Al said in defeat. He closed his eyes waiting for the blast that will disintegrate him. Al heard the cannon were shots but nothing came to him except heat. Al opened his eyes slowly just to see a horror right in front of his eyes.

Soul has jumped right in front of Al, blocking the cannon with his Wormmon's body. The Destinies saw his action and brought a horror face to all of them. "Soul!" Al yelled in horror. He crawled slowly to him trembling in emotions. Al craddled Soul ignoring any pain or numb in his body. "Soul, why did you do that?" Al asked, tears leaking like a flood.

"I was told that even we are partners and have the same goals, my real objective is to protect my tamer and that is you." Soul answered in a weak voice.

"But we aren't just master. We are family. And as a family, it is my job to protect you, little bro."

"I am truly happy for that, Al. In the end, our instincts tell us what was right and mine said I was right."

"What was right in your instinct, I don't understand!"

"That you will keep on living and will bring peace to these worlds. After all, you are the DigiDestiny and just like Swanmon said that the DigiDestiny will come to this world and save it."

"But I am not a DigiDestiny; I just volunteered to help them."

"You are to them, just like in a prophecy said. You will protect the world as a Digimon with a human heart."

Al shooked his head for denial, "But I am not the guy, it was a mistake. You got the wrong guy."

Soul smiled at him. "I have done my part and now it is your turn. Believe in what your instinct told you, Al. and someday you will realize that I won't die in vain." Al could not say a word to counter him because he is too grieved. "One more thing, can you please call me little Minomon one last time?"

Al chugged down any burden in his throat. "Please don't go, little Minomon." Soul only closed his eyes with a smile and then he exhaled the last breath of life and shattered into million pieces of data. That was the time Al's concious were gone and replaced with pure rage, fury, hatred, and darkness.

He screamed so loud that even someone could hear his cries from neighbouring countries. His body slowly covered with black ribbons of data and grew larger than any normal evolution process. Inside the cocoon, his whole body disintegrated, leaving only his skeleton and a heart. The disintegrate body data transformed into extra bones to add up the texture of the skeleton, like horn, wings, more ribs for improved protection; Lastly, pieces of datas forming on his back creating a missile. After everything is in place, the cocoon is breaking apart revealing a large monster that will gave nightmare to those who seen it and survived.

All the Destinies and the Digimons around them gasped in surprise and fear by Al's evolution. Etemon is more afraid to see the cause for his action. He remembered that he still have the Glitch power and did not scared anymore. He shot the monster with his cannon. Smokes appear after the impact and when the smokes clear, he saw no scratch on the monster. The Digimons starts to run away including Etemon and Al chased them all like a predator chasing its prey.

"That is impossible, how can SkullGreymon isn't destroy by that attack?" Patamon asked still feeling shock and terrified.

"I agree there is no way an ultimate can survive the mega attack, so how is he do it?" Gatomon asked panting in cold fear.

"Could it be the Glitches he defeated before?" Impmon gave a suggestion. "Could he absorb the remnants so that he has the same abilities like it?"

"There is a high posibility; perhaps it is the only reason why he is too strong right now." Lopmon concluded the reason. "So far he had the high regenerate, high defense and evolution abilities."

"In other words, his Glitches are out of control and he has to be stopped." Zero said regaining his grip.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but what can we do without strength?" Hawkmon asked. "Our power has been drained by Etemon, remember?"

"There is one last resort. The Egg of Miracles."

"Well what do ya know, we completely forgot about that." Armadillomon slapped his forehead.

"Let's hope it work." Veemon's body starts to glow slowly and bright. His body shrouded with pure warm energy and very rejuvenating. His body slowly disintegrated leaving only his grid. His form starts to grow bigger, almost similar to Flamedramon's size. The egg dismantled itself showing parts of the armor for Veemon to wear. The armor attached to Veemon in proper place and order. After all the armor pieces are attaches to Veemon, the remaining visible grids were fills with data for his skin. After the process is complete, there stood a new form of Veemon's armor evolution.

The radiant light that emmits from the golden warrior has rejuvenated all the Destinies. "All right, it is time to Digivolved into highest form and stopped him." The golden warrior said. The remaining Destinies nodded and enveloped themselves with ribbons of data. Minutes later, the cocoon disappeared and there stood their highest form.

"Are you guys ready, Rosemon, Aquilamon, Ankylamon, Seraphimon, Holydramon, Beelzebmon, Kerpymon, Zero, GreenGuilmonX?" the golden warrior asked.

"We are ready, Magnamon." Rosemon replied representing the others. Magnamon only nodded and ran toward SkullGreymon.

SkullGreymon chased the run away viruses, ignoring any obstacles in his way. He finally caught one of the Tankmons and devoured its body and data. The rest of the Tankmons fights on but to no avail. They have been stepped crush by SkullGreymon. Megadramons, Mummymon and Etemon attacked SkullGreymon with desperate to survive and again to no avail. Mummymon is been devoured and Etemon was crushed. Megadramons flew away to higher place avoiding any meele attacks.

SkullGreymon roared in rage. He launched his missile at his back and aimed directly at one of the Megadramons. The explosion was massive and hit the other Megadramon. SkullGreymon has killed the viruses but his lust has not been satisfied. SkullGreymon heard thumping sound from behind. He looked and saw the Destinies are approaching them. He gave them an evil smile and starts attacking them with his missile. The Destinies scattered avoiding the missile and explosion range.

The Destinies attack SkullGreymon with everything they got but only gave minor injuries that will soon healed instantly. Every time Skullgreymon catch one of them, the rest swatted away to rescue them. "He is too strong with those Glitches!" Beelzebmon yelled. "The only way to stop him is to attack him with a one knock out attack!"

"We don't know any weakness at him yet." Aquilamon responded.

"But we do know one thing. You can see that he has a heart in his chest. If we can hit it with a strongest attack, it might stop him but it can also kill him." Seraphimon replied.

"We can't kill him, he is one of us." Kerpymon responded.

"But he is on rampage and we have to stop him somehow." Holydramon replied.

SkullGreymon become very bored by these cat and mouse game. He grabbed Holydramon by one of her wing, Beelzebmon by his waist, Rosemon and Ankylamon by wrapping them with his tail. Beelzebmon struggled to free himself. Aquilamon, Zero and GreenGuilmonX try to help the captive free. SkullGreymon throw his captive to the rescuers and stagger. SkullGreymon used this chance and launched his missile to all of them.

The Destinies that were hitted has reverted to their usual form. Kerpymon, Magnamon, and Seraphimon are still able to fight but anger by their lack of power.

SkullGreymon wanted to devour and crush the fallen Destinies but somehow he stopped moving. He starts to roar without reasons and grab his own skeletal chest. With all his strength, he broke his chest open. Magnamon, Kerpymon, and Seraphimon confused by that action. SkullGreymon slowly turned to them and roared in pain. "KILL ME NOW!" he roared to them.

Magnamon, Kerpymon and Orphanimon surprised by that roar. It was either Black or Al that ordered them. "Al, is that you?" Magnamon asked.


"We can't kill you, we will find a solution." Cherubimon responded.


Magnamon looked closely to Al. "All right, as you wish, friend. Everyone use full power. We have to respect him." Seraphimon and Kerpymon felt uneasy for this action but they had no choice.

"Strike of the Seven Stars!" "Magna Explosion!" "Day of Judgement!"

All of the attacks are focus on the open chest. The heart beats unrythmatic and stop for a moment, just like been electrocuted by a taser. SkullGreymon fall and the structure slowly crumbled making a pile of bones. Kerpymon, Seraphimon, and Magnamon descended to the ground and starts crying for their fallen comrade and friend. The rest of the fallen Destinies also cried for Al have lost because he was infect by the Glitches in the first place and cannot be reborn again like Soul.

"I am sorry, Al." Magnamon apologized in sobbing cries.

In the real world, his mother Sarah called Al while knocking the door because she was worried when she heard a scream when she came home. In Al's room, Al fall unconcious right in front of his computer with goggle still on. Both of his Digivice beeping loudly like an alarm clock and flashes with two words.

"Data Lost"


That's it for this chapter. It is settle on how he gots into comma. I do accept any comments and critics and thank you for everyone who read and participate in this story.

Chapter 37: Revive as a Digimon.

First off, I din't own any chars on the Digimon series because they are copyrights from Toei, Bandai and other names that involved in the stories. However, I do own the char named Sarah and Al Revenant. I apologize first hand oif there are spelling or...

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Chapter 35: Stoping the Raid of Terror

First off, I do not own any chars on the Digimon Series or any other names that involve in this chapter. However, I do own Soul and Al. I apologize first hand if there are any spelling or/and grammar errors, since my English is my second. For those who...

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Chapter 34: Meetings with The Armor Evolution.

First off, I do not own any chars in Digimon series or names that involved at this story. However, I do own Alphonse/Al/Albino and Soul in this story. I apologize first hand if there are any spelling or grammar errors because English is my second. Same...

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