Xan and Xandria's Snuffing

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#9 of Club Meat Grinder


Two twin dragons come to the Club, seeking out a way to share their final moments with each other.

Xan and Xandria's tails twined together in an intimate helix as they walked side by side, twin blue-scaled faces wearing matching grins as they reveled in the sights of the Club. Half-listening to the tour the guide was delivering, they trailed behind the panda woman while looking for things they liked, pointing them out to each other so they could share their perverse appreciation.

Despite their eagerness, the twin dragons' pace was moderate as they made their way, slowed down by swell of Xandria's belly. The dragon girl's hands anxiously stroked and cradled the late pregnancy as she carried herself along, all too eager for the ruin that would come to her body and its passenger. The child was Xan's, of course. On the day that they'd finally decided to come to Club Meat Grinder they'd made it in a blaze of passion, spending half a day and night thoroughly ensuring the conception.

Ever since then their lives had been a nearly ceaseless buildup of anticipation, constantly teasing and fucking each other while their baby grew. Night after night the masochistic dragon twins would giggle and moan to each other about what they would do, what would be done to them once they were here.

And now, they were.

Lin spoke her spiel on autopilot as she lead them through the paces, familiar enough with her job to know when the cubs were looking more than listening. The two children whispered to each other every so often when they passed through a quadrant, quietly deliberating the best way to die. Of course, their basis for judging their options was obvious: Which area offered them the best simultaneous snuff?

"We could hang together," Xandria pointed out, young voice seductive as she watched two children swing from the gallows of Breathplay. "I bet you could fuck me until our last breath, if I got my legs around you before we fell."

Her brother seemed to like the idea, evidenced by the slow emergence of his cock as it stiffened out of its sheath. He seemed fascinated by the hanging cubs and the adults that used them, but despite having drawn his attention to the gallows, Xandria's eyes were locked lovingly upon her brother's cock. The ridged shaft was Xandria's favorite sight in the world, the shape of it utterly familiar to her eyes and body. Even given where they were, it was an effort for her to resist reaching out to touch him... as she knew it was equally difficult for Xan to keep from mounting her, in the moments where her own arousal was evident. They each held back for the sake of their final pleasure, letting the anticipation build.

"Maybe," he said cautiously, finally turning away from the choking cubs. "Let's see if there's anything better..."

Stroking himself slowly, the young drake coaxed his cock to its full length as they continued through the voyeuristic snuff show that they'd waited so long to come see. It twitched before him while he walked, the heavy eight inch shaft staying rock hard even after he took his hand away completely. Dripping from the ridges along his shaft in generous quantity, the precum poured out ceaselessly, Xan unable to keep from leaking in the face of all he was seeing. Xandria was in a similar state beside him, panting as the scales of her inner thighs grew increasingly sticky with each life she saw snuffed out, the dark blue nipples of her small breasts stiff and slightly wet. Enjoying themselves, they continued on to the second floor, eager to see what more was in store.

Xan was next to point out two of the many dying cubs around them, tugging his sister's tail with his own to get her attention as they perused the options of Dolcett. Wordlessly, he directed her gaze to a boy and girl of different species, their crotches sticky from repeatedly mating with each other before their snuffing was to occur.

Together they watched as the rabbit girl and her young puppy mate he'd noticed pulled free of each other, popping the little boy's knot free in a gout of thick canine cum. It was clear they'd been at it for a long while, the bunny's legs trembling and her pussy puffy and red from repeated reaming. Holding both hands clasped with one another, they climbed together into a spitting machine under the instruction of a masturbating skunk, visibly excited as they followed the adult's directions. Finally positioned properly with their bodies aligned mouth to mouth, the lapine and canine pressed towards each other for one final kiss. The twins' tails twined tighter as they watched, anticipating what was about to happen. Eyes closing as their tongues passionately intertwined, the rabbit and puppy had a long last moment of innocent intimacy, little bodies relaxed as they waited.

Then, with a pneumatic 'thunk', the spit slammed through them both.

Both bodies jerked in the direction that the steel had passed through them, the eyes of the two children going wide as their kiss was interrupted with a two inch thick steel rod. Seed coated the spit past the point where it had passed through the girl's pussy, masking the blood that doubtless lay beneath the outer creamy layer. Despite how many times he'd doubtless cum already, the little canine child's cock throbbed, stiff knot pulsing as he shot another load with the steel stuck through him. A muffled moan made the rabbit's whole body vibrate as her legs kicked uselessly, eyes rolling back as she experienced her own final climax.

While the spitted little lovers were picked up and placed in an overlarge oven to slowly cook, Xan and Xandria reached out to each other, taking each other's hands and squeezing tightly. Their tails were not enough contact, and even their interlaced fingers were a far cry from the tight, sexual embrace they both longed for, to be pressed together and mating in a mutual outpouring of arousal at what they'd just seen. Xandria's developing breasts bounced slightly with each powerful throb of her heartbeat, Xan's swollen cock throbbing even more visibly.

The female dragon spoke to her brother without looking at him, knowing in that moment that if she caught sight of his cock, she wouldn't be able to resist climbing on top of it.

"We should... finish the tour."

"Yeah..." His hand squeezed hers tightly, communicating in a single word and touch just how difficult it would be to wait even that long.

Xandria swallowed, resolve faltering. "But, I think... I think I'd like..."

"Agreed." Then, a thought crossing his mind, Xan paused. Forcing his eyes away from the dead dog and rabbit, he looked away from Dolcett entirely, head turning slowly as he swept his gaze across the half of the Club they had yet to see. Neither of them paid any attention to Lin, who was experiencing her own surge of arousal as she slyly admired the two children in her charge. She was better at masking such urges of course, Xan failing to notice anything amiss even when he turned to look right at her.

"Is there more stuff like that?", he asked innocently, pointing at the spitted children now turning slowly in the oven. "I mean like... stuff where we can both get snuffed, at the same time. We aren't really interested in the other stuff... we want to go out together, really together." Nodding vigorously beside him to show her agreement, Xandria looked pleadingly at the guide, free hand impatiently caressing her pregnancy.

Putting a finger to her lips, the panda woman's eyes turned upwards for a moment as she considered the options. She glanced back at the little dragons, mentally measuring them before she answered.

"There are a few things," she said slowly. The twins both leaned eagerly forward at her words, prompting a teasing smile to spread over her face. "How about I show you a few of the highlights... or we could keep going through all of the quadrants, if you're feeling patient."

Both of the cubs were practically vibrating with pent up lust, unable to let go of or look at each other. Their choice was clear in their very expressions, not to mention the amount of juices dripping from cock and cunt. Grinning in satisfaction, the panda drew them along, hustling across Dolcett with the children in tow.

Just across the quadrant border into Toybox, the small tour group turned towards the back wall of the area while Lin spoke in eager tones.

"These two beauties have been very popular lately, and since there's one for each of you, I think it'd be the perfect way to send each other off." Briefly lifting onto her toes as they came closer, the short panda woman raised her eyebrows as she peered over a rack of sword-like dildos. "Oh, my. Maybe a little_too_ popular. They're actually both being used right now."

Settling back onto the flats of her feet, she thoughtfully put hands to her hips before looking back at her two eager charges. "Well... I guess you could still watch for a bit... if you think you could stand it."

Having calmed down slightly, the twins shared a quick glance, meeting eyes while avoiding looking at any other part of each other. Avoiding temptation. Turning back to Lin, they reluctantly released one another, tails slowly uncurling from around each other as they deliberately took a step apart. Coming towards her, they each took one of the panda's hands.

"We can do it," Xandria promised, sounding no less excited. "Let's go see." Xan nodded, showing his shared approval.

Squeezing both children's small hands within her own, the guide led them around a few shelves of sex toys, bringing them into view of the stables. Both dragon siblings went suddenly still, feet stumbling as they laid eyes on the beasts before them.

Within the garishly painted paddock sectioned off for the use of the horses, one of the trained animals had hooked its forelegs onto a horizontal bar hanging from the ceiling, putting its shaft at the perfect height to use the all young cocksleeves that came to it for a final pony ride. Looking even more enormous than its actual size, it towered above both the dragons and Lin with its head lifted up in ecstasy, pumping away whinnying happily as it destroyed the latest cunt it had been given to claim.

Lovingly held in place by an older panda woman, its current ferret fucktoy was gasping squeakily as her long body was put to use, bruised belly bulging out obscenely with every thrust. Considerably more filled out than their thin tour guide, her adult companion had her wide ass on display as she bent over the child's flat chest, seeming to be ceaselessly sucking the girl's nipples while keeping her in place. Tears streamed out of the ferret's eyes as she reciprocated, weakly nursing from the panda's huge hanging breasts while her body was broken and used by the merciless beast above her.

Off on the opposite side of the paddock, a second horse was receiving an even higher level of service by a lone child kneeling beneath its belly. Snorting in pleasure as it passively stood in place, the animal's huge throbbing cock was fully encompassed within a fox boy's bulging throat, swallowed to the balls by the intrepid slut. The cub choked and gagged constantly as he rocked his body back and forth to pleasure his feral partner, internal organs surely being destroyed with every stroke delivered along the twitching equine cock. Between his russet thighs the fox's pathetically small prick drizzled an inordinate amount of precum, soaking the hay scattered about the ground as he relished slowly giving up his life for an animal's pleasure.

Standing at the outskirts of the clearing that contained the horse enclosure, the twin dragons looked on wide-eyed, almost shy as they half-peeked from behind Lin's hips. Far closer to the action than they had been in the other areas, their desire to see everything warred with fear of interrupting the show. Watching breathlessly, the attention of each of the siblings gravitated towards a different horse as they imagined themselves in the place of one of the cubs.

Muzzle pressed absently against Lin's left thigh, Xan stared in stunned fascination as the young fox cub finished off the horse, the climax of another child's life playing out its final moments right before his eyes. Body buckling with each throb of the shaft stuck through him, the little boy fought to keep from losing his footing, pushing back with all his strength to keep himself fully impaled upon the orgasming equine. The dragon voyeur witnessed his reward, touching his own belly unconsciously as he saw the fox's stomach start to bloat, bulging unhealthily just below the sternum. Conscious movement lapsing into pleasured twitching, the little vulpine when mostly still while he was unloaded into. Less pacified, the horse shuffled its feet, stepping forward to better drive its cock into the hole it was filling. Then somehow, small as it was, the fox's toddler-sized cock found its way beneath those merciless hooves as they moved.

The horse's one simple movement set the nearly motionless cub into spasms of gagging screams, hips bucking wildly as instinct made him try to pull his cock free from beneath the weight of the huge beast. It was hopeless, of course - the animal barely seemed to notice it had stepped on something. Tiny as he was, the fox's trampled shaft was completely crushed in mere seconds, a few final spasms of seed squirting out from beneath the hoof before the flesh finally gave. Meat splitting and flattening, his dick popped like a ripe fruit, turning into a gory puddle underhoof before he managed to tear free of it. His belly followed in bursting soon after, a less dramatic release as cum sudden gouted from his navel, the flow growing and pinkening as his body tore further. Yet even despite the loss of his dick, the child kept up his eager service. His body milked every drop of cum from the equine cock it was wrapped around, sticky semen flowing heavy from the small blowout in his belly. Only when at long last he had taken in every drop the animal had to give did he let himself stop, slowing until only weak trembling showed any sign of life remaining in his little body.

The horse stepped back, satisfied for now, not even seeming to notice as its used up toy slipped off its softening cock and slumped into a puddle of cum. The messy piebald shaft started to retreat back into its sheath as the animal stepped towards its stable, long haired tail flicking as if in mocking farewell to the dying fox. Gurgling quietly, leaking blood and cum from mouth and stomach, the little slut stared dazedly at the red stain upon the hay that had been his dick, smiling until he finally bled out. Xan watched him raptly until the end, shivering in secondhand bliss.

Xandria stood further from their guide as she enjoyed her own side of the show, holding Lin's hand in two of her own as she unconsciously clutched it between her breasts. Staring past it, her eyes followed the shape of the horse's cock as it was silhouetted through the ferret girl's skin, outlined so clearly each time it pressed up against her belly. With every thrust the dragon was sure the little slut would burst, or at the very least that it would happen when the beast's pleasure finally reached it's peak.

Yet the adult panda with the child seemed to have a different plan. Cradling the cub in her arms, she carefully controlled the angle at which the shaft stabbed through her little pet, pushing the ferret further and further onto the cock each time it slammed up against her yet not letting it bring its full force to bear against her abdominal wall. Slowly the cock pounded its way through the child's body, as relentless as a jackhammer. With each inch further in both females grew more excited, even as the child started to fade.

Finally, the motherly panda woman gave the child's chest one last kiss. Xandria understood at that moment how the adult had been using her lips, the most sensitive part of her, to feel how the cock was moving through the deepest parts of the ferret's body. Delivering pleasure to her painslut had been secondary, nothing compared to her ultimate goal. Dropping to her knees, the suddenly quivering panda grabbed the ferret child by the head, pointing her face straight towards her. Meeting the child's eyes, the woman had an up close view as the flat head of the horsecock pushed up through the girl's throat, making her neck bulge before popping out her mouth. The flare inflated, and the panda opened her mouth and closed her eyes, eagerly accepting a full body cumshot of horse seed, pumped straight through the still living body of her very own equine cocksleeve.

Memories of the spitting she'd seen flashed through Xandria's mind, and she missed the conclusion of the ferret's life as she turned to Lin, impatiently tugging at the woman's fingers to get her attention. Lin looked briefly down at her, then winked, nodding her head towards the other panda.

"No relation, by the way. Not that I'd mind..." The young woman giggled, glancing back in that direction.

"What?" Xandria's thoughts tumbled, pushed off track for a moment by the non-sequitur. The question she'd meant to ask came back to her quickly, though. "No, I wanted to know something else, about the club. Is there anywhere else where I can have something... shoved through me? Like... not a cock... but, something." Her fingers played against her slit as she tried to define her desires, primary school vocabulary failing her. "And through Xan, too... I want it through our bellies. And it should be messy." Peeking past Lin's crotch at her brother, she saw him listening intently, giving her a small smile of shared excitement.

Looking away from the finale of the ferret's life, their guide shrugged, looking down at each cub in turn.

"Actually, you've seen most of what we have dedicated to that specific snuff method. You might luck out in Medical or the Film Studio and get something like that, but besides Dolcett and here, there's really only one other quadrant that you're guaranteed to find death by impalement..." Lin turned, pointing down and directly across the club. "The Armory."

Following where the panda pointed, the two children pressed together to peek past tall dildos, bundled balloons, and a dildo-equipped rodeo machine. Through an narrow unobstructed sightline, they glimpsed muzzle flashes, glinting blades, and fountaining blood. From this distance little else could be made out through the haze, save for the omnipresent shapes of cubs and adults pressing together and falling apart.

Xan looked up at Lin, curious. "Why'd you say it like that, really dramatic?"

Dropping her outstretched arm, the panda sighed slightly as she took them by the hands once again, leading them along towards the stairs.

"Well... I dunno, I feel like I have to play it up a little. It's a lot of the same things you've seen already. We have spears and swords, but they'll stick through you just as well as a spit or split you as nicely as any cleaver. Any of half a dozen things in the Toybox could do both, but you'd have to dig around a bit first to find them."

Contrary to Lin's misgivings, Xandria's face was alight with sudden joy, a grin spreading over her muzzle as soon as she heard the word 'swords'. "Oh my gosh... we have to see that! Xan, doesn't a sword just sound perfect? It could stab through us and cut us both up, then take our heads off!" Excitement sparked in both dragons' eyes as they considered it, their bottled up lust boiling over in impatience. Together they tugged at Lin's hands as they rushed forward, practically pulling the tour guide along as the panda laughed and smiled, hurrying to keep up.

Clambering down stairs and hurrying through the black curtained corridor of Film Studio, Lin barely managed to rein in the twins in time to let her grab a pair of earmuffs for herself, snapping them over her black fuzzed ears. Giving the impatient cubs a thumbs up once they were secure, she approached the curtain of soundproof cloth that lay between them and the Armory. Continuing to play with the children's anticipation, she grinned at them holding the edges of the curtain in her hands, waiting until they were practically ready to run blindly past her before she dramatically flung the fabric apart.

Both children pressed past the panda at once, rushing into a cacophony of gunshots that startled and excited them. After realizing they hadn't been hit, both of them followed the source of the thunderous sounds, appreciating the possibilities of the living target range that hugged the inner edge of the area to their left. Fucking and masturbating at the lip of the grinder itself, other cubs were constantly pelted with bullets as adults set their small, sexy bodies in their sights. Some waiting their turn to be executed even humped at the perforated corpses of previous bullseyes, using the still-warm meat as they anticipated being snuffed themselves.

Lovely as that was to watch, the twins soon turned away towards the other features of the area, seeking out a more personal and destructive tool for their own deaths. It wasn't a long search - practically right beside them were racks upon racks of melee weaponry, honed steel edges begging for a taste of cub blood as they gleamed in the Club's lights. Wordlessly looking over their options, the two cubs finally let themselves slowly start to move back together, a wordless understanding passing between them.

This was the place where they'd meet their end.

Two pairs of blue-scaled hands stroked over Xandria's pregnancy, Xan pressing up behind his sister as the twin dragons stood before the assortment of weapons. Both began to quietly pant, imagining each finely crafted implement stabbing through them in that moment, sliding through Xandria's full stomach, through her into Xan as he fucked her one last time. There was no question in either of their minds that they would go out screwing each other, a last incestuous climax before they were snuffed for good.

"Which one?" Xan whispered, stroking his shaft between his sister's thighs. The tip of his cock stroked along the underside of her swollen stomach, painting it with hot precum while she shuddered and gasped. She covered him in equal measure with the leaking juices from her slit, pure heat radiating against him while she filled the air with her scent.

"I-I don't know..." Her eyelids fluttered, and she looked around, dazed with lust. "Shouldn't we find an adult? Someone has to put it through us..."

Her brother hummed consideringly, but his thoughts were quickly drifting towards how sweet it would feel to push her sister towards the ground and fuck her, close contact and long-building arousal making him no longer really able to focus on any task less immediate.

In the moment before their wills eroded past the point of restraint, both twins felt a bump from behind, someone shoving through the curtain through from the Armory knocking up against them. It roused them, and both turned to look at who had interrupted their imminent mating.

"Excuse me," Lin was saying graciously, bowing slightly to the person who had entered. It appeared she'd been collided with as well, one hand rubbing her thigh slightly to massage away a painful prod. Neither child looked at her for long, though. Their eyes were drawn towards the interloper that had disturbed them, who was now staring back down at them with eyes that were wholly black, mascara swept eyelashes unblinking.

"No trouble," the shark woman said. Her eyes lingered on the two embracing cubs, but she seemed familiar with what Lin's presence meant. The panda made way for her, and the muscular predator brushed past without another word, making her own way deeper into the Armory.

However, neither child missed noticing what she carried, what had poked against Lin's thigh as the woman entered. Swinging from her hand and reeking of gasoline, the bloodstained chainsaw caught and held their attention in an instant, leaving them both speechless, standing stone still in the positions they'd been in when they first caught sight of it. The possibilities for being ruined by such a machine flashed through their minds in an instant of depraved insight. Cock and pussy of brother and sister pulsed, swelling and twitching before they slid apart, sticky strands of juices stretching and glimmering before snapping as their bodies rapidly moved. Turning back and hugging Lin, they both looked up at her with grateful eyes.

"We're gonna go try and catch that chainsaw lady," Xandria panted, squeezing the panda's slender thigh.

"Thank you for helping us!" Xan smiled up at her, then both children let go, linking hands and running after the shark woman as they shouted to her. "Hey! Hey, wait!"

Mildly bemused, Lin bent slightly at the waist as they caught up with their potential killer, fingers wiping off the sticky clear juices both children had smeared over her legs during their hug. Collecting up the mess, she casually licked her hands clean as she made her way back out, pleasantly surprised to find both twins tasted the same.

At the same time, the shark woman swung to face the two children calling to her, cocky smile making it almost seem as if she had expected them to chase her down. Seeing her face-on as they skidded to a stop a few feet away, the cubs realized for the first time that she was a futa - and an impressively equipped one at that. Two stocky spike-shaped shafts sprung from her navy colored crotch, pink flesh half-erect already. In their infatuation with the chainsaw she held, neither one had even noticed her cocks.

"Well, if it isn't the two cutest doorstops in the Club," the shark drawled. Her sharp toothed smile was a sadistic promise in itself, showing she took pleasure even in teasing those she knew full well she was about to snuff. "What can I do for you, sweetmeats?"

Looking at each other for an instant, Xan and Xandria clasped their hands more tightly, tails intertwining in resolve.

"We've been looking all over for something that could snuff us both at the same time..." Xan started.

"But make us into a big mess first! Stab through us and just mess up our guts, like... mmpfh." Xandria's thighs rubbed together, eyes dropping to the chainsaw. "We were gonna do swords but, that thing is perfect! Would you please please please please snuff us?" Blinking big blue eyes, the pregnant dragon child looked pleadingly up at the shark, her brother exactly mirroring her pitiful expression beside her.

Looking back and forth between the two, the shark dragon chuckled, then laughed once loudly.

"Damn if you two aren't just the definition of two peas in a pod. If it weren't for the big belly and big dick, I don't think I could tell you two apart..." A gleam entered the woman's eye, wicked plans already taking root in her mind. "Sure, I'll snuff you... I'll even promise to mess you up as nice as you'd like before I finish you off." She lifted the chainsaw slightly, tapping the tip of it against Xandria's belly. "Your daddy put this in you, little one?"

Smiling, Xandria shook her head. Her brother lifted his chin slightly, perverse pride making his shaft swell as his sister lovingly stroked his arm. The shark's eyes widened, both cocks giving a twitch as she understood.

"Naughty," she breathed appreciatively. "Mmm. I'm gonna love carving you two up... and junior, too." The tip of the chainsaw continued to circle around Xandria's navel, the little dragons growing increasingly excited with each promise of punishment. Xandria was especially eager, unable to help letting out a soft moan whenever the shark spoke of destroying her baby. Then the chainsaw pulled away, and the shark's grin widened even further.

"But first... Since you two are obviously such loving, caring siblings, I think I'd like to see you go at it first. Give me a little show before I send you off. That way I'll be nice and ready to rape your corpses." Gnashing her teeth dramatically, she chuckled as the cubs twitched in excitement, both pairs of blue eyes wide at her suggestion. "Come on now, over here, over here. Let's get a little privacy. I don't want anyone else stumbling over you."

Taking the children towards the back of the quadrant, the shark indicated an odd construction of cinderblocks. It looked like an igloo without a top from the outside, with sandbags sandwiched between two layers of simple bricks and impact-absorbing padding hung from the inner walls. Once inside, the smell of gunpowder and blood became more potent. To the dragons' surprise and delight, a small simple bench was placed here, perfect for a quick, frantic last fuck.

Wasting no time after so long waiting, Xan and Xandria moved in sudden concert, sister swinging down onto her back with her brother's help, legs spread for him in the instant that he thrust forward. Both of them let out sweet, harmonized moans as they finally felt the coupling their bodies had been begging for for so long, Xandria trembling upon the bench as Xan climbed up to better mount her. With her pregnancy in the way, it was harder for them to press chest to chest as they preferred. However, they'd grown used to this during the last few months; Neither had any issues clinging to each other in a full body embrace, melding together to the fullest extent as every inch of Xan's cock pushed into his sister's welcoming slit, tip prodding against her cervix and making her squeal in sweet, gentle pain.

Her belly shifted, breasts leaking against her brother's chest as they both looked into each other's eyes, panting in satisfaction. Feeling each other, sensitive to every squeeze and twitch. Behind them the shark was grunting appreciatively, free hand brushing along her twin cocks as she watched.

"I'm so happy I get to die with you," Xan whispered.

Xandria smiled, kissing him deeply before whispering back.

"I'm so happy you knocked me up before we came."

With that, they began their final fuck with a rush of urgency, muzzles locking together an outpouring of shared passion. Slick thighs slapped together as the ridged length of Xan's cock plunged into his sister's pussy over and over, roughly stroking her insides while she gripped at his back and moaned like a slut into his mouth. Both their legs began to tremble almost at once, Xandria's locked around her brother's hips, holding him in and making him hurt her with every thrust. Just how she liked. His adult sized cock stretched and broke her tight pussy, threatening to push through into her womb each time he bottomed out. She wanted that, longed for it to happen in this final chance they had. He drove for it with equal lust, violently stabbing into her while he grunted in satisfaction.

Small bodies starting to heat up the confines of their little execution chamber, both siblings started to approach orgasm at a rapid pace. After so much voyeuristic denial they could hardly help themselves, knowing each others bodies too well to hold back from pushing every button, focusing on every sweet spot. Their audience seemed in tune with their ecstasy, sensing that whatever plans she had, now was the time to start putting them in action.

Neither cub paused when they heard the chainsaw roar into life, revving deafeningly in the tiny concrete chamber. Their fucking only grew more frantic, more excited. Their small sharp teeth nipped at each other in their increasingly passionate kiss, hearts thumping rapidly in sync with one another through chests pressed together in love.

The first cut came with a sudden horrific squeal of metal against bone, pain ripping into the children at the shoulder as their embrace was complicated by the slow severing of one arm apiece. Blood sprayed, coating their faces with hot liquid while their preteen makeout kept on. Xandria licked their mixed blood from her brother's lips while they both whimpered in pain and lust, new levels of agony pouring through their young minds. Together they felt their arms go slack, then detach, all sensation disappearing as the limbs thumped to the ground. Their hands were still tightly clasped, even as inanimate meat.

Without two arms to hold on with, the rhythm of their lovemaking grew slightly stilted, slower and less smooth compared to the practiced way they'd previously enjoyed. It was almost a relief, delaying the onrushing climax that they both knew would be their last, postponing it to a more perfect moment.

They had barely gone two thrusts when the chainsaw came down once more. Pussy and cock flexed in hot liquid embrace, thrust together as deeply as could be managed while the children reveled in the removal of one leg apiece. The cut came on the opposite side of the arms already taken from them, diagonally across their torso. The pain from the two removed limbs seemed to stretch across their bodies, put at a distance by shock and the pleasure of mating, but still vibrant enough to put both masochistic cubs into a happy haze of pre-snuff euphoria. Soon they began to slowly move against each other once more, improvising now. Xan did more of the work, using his remaining leg to stroke himself through his sister's pulsing pussy, feeling how close she was, knowing he was at the brink himself.

He felt the shark's cocks brush against his ass briefly, but it was only an incidental contact, the sadistic futa focused solely upon the destruction of him and his sister. Xandria saw the woman's face through tear-stained eyes as she kissed her brother in a long, happy goodbye, heat blooming in her belly at the cruel smile that she glimpsed. Their remaining arms came away more cleanly, the ripping chain finding a path between the joint of socket and bone.

Pain was a constant now, the ghosts of limbs reporting an unceasing throb of torturous absence. Yet instead of feeling loss with their increasing mutilation, the two siblings found themselves more focused upon the sensations that remained to them. The contact of their bodies, skin to skin, coupled at the crotch. Their tongues interlaced as their tails had been, stroking each other inside interlocked mouths. Anticipating further pain, they shifted while still able, Xandria pulling Xan deep while he pushed forward. Locking his cock inside her at the maximum depth, her pussy squeezed tight to keep him in for the rest of her life.

The last leg of each twin tore away in a rush of hot agony that was almost freeing, leaving them each utterly limbless, two strange fuck toys laid atop one another. Blood was pumping out of them in every direction, mixing as it poured out onto the floor. Consciousness grew hazy as euphoria swelled to overtake all thought. Both of them twitched, shifting their bodies the last little bit needed. Xan's shaft slid an inch along Xandria's pussy, their oversensitive sex organs sending screaming signals up to their fading minds. Groaning, they both came.

Behind them, the shark watched with breathless excitement, holding her whirring weapon. Her own twin cocks pulsed at full mast while she enjoyed the sight of a brother's long, thick cock pulsing, pumping seed into his sister's rhythmically contracting cunt. Squirt dribbled out of the girl's steaming slit while she received the load, thick seed starting to leak from her after a few long seconds of continuous cumming. While they were both still in full climax, the shark excitedly lifted her saw, lining the tip up along the male dragon's scrotum.

Xan felt the bite of the blade first, gasping in happy surprise as it suddenly split his hanging balls. Popped like paintballs, they splattered pale meat and sperm across everything in the room, obliterated in an instant. Then he began to quiver, whimpering to his sister while she kissed his cheek, sharing what she could with him before her own time of agony came. The chainsaw split his cock up its length, scoring it down the middle without removing it, sending blood and cum squirting out of the opened interior.

With only a few inches of his shaft not within Xandria, there wasn't much time before the chainsaw also found his sister's slit in its merciless path. Body jerking and vibrating as the spinning chain began to chew through her outer labia, Xandria moaned in high pitched squeals of anticipation, knowing that the moment she'd been craving was about to arrive. Her brother rutted with a ruined cock, fucking her pussy even as both she and him had their genitals converted to bloody hash. Their cries of pain and pleasure mingled with the song of the saw, making a brief rising harmony while the weapon shoved deeper into the pregnant girl's pussy. Freshly unloaded cum mixed pink with blood, oozing out down her ass and onto the bench, carrying with it pieces of cock and cunt.

Finally, with more than half a foot of chewing chainsaw whirring within her, Xandria screamed in wicked, purely perverted pleasure. She felt the kiss of pain against her cervix, the small ring of soft muscle ripped apart like the rest of her pussy. Her water broke in the worst way possible, a spreading coolness through the heat of her hot, ripped slit. Completely castrated now, her brother's cockstump oozed cum over the shark's wrists as he felt the abortion happen beneath him, pulling his sister close and kissing her as it did. Her belly bulged and deformed sickeningly, more meat splattering from the gaping wound between her legs, a parody of birth.

Then, the chainsaw jerked upward.

Both children convulsed, almost falling off one another and the bench as their bellies were torn open in one swipe. The mangled pieces of their baby clung to the chainsaw as it caught and ripped at skin and guts, swirling them carelessly around, mixing the contents of each child's insides. Xan's spilled guts fell into Xandria's empty belly, then the whole sloppy mess splattered up back into him, dripping down once more in finer, messier pieces. Feeling it all, they writhed together, bodies barely able to convey to one another the bliss they felt in being destroyed like this, as a family. The meat of brother and sister ripped and tore, shredded and mixed up with the flesh of their child in an amalgamation of gore. Kissing deeply in an agonized passion, the two siblings enjoyed the snuffing of their child even more than they'd enjoyed its conception, feeling their own ruined flesh squishing together with its remains, a mangled mating of hot sticky meat.

The chainsaw pulled free of their bodies with a gruesome wet noise, somehow still running smooth despite all that it had done. Between both children's legs now lay identical gashes, made as the shark had yanked her weapon upwards through stomach and pelvis alike. Pulverized meat slopped from the messy holes, guts oozing out on a tide of bloodstained cum and chunks of child. Ripped intestines so thoroughly tangled that they couldn't tell where one of them ended and the other began, Xan and Xandria gazed at each other, muzzles pressed tip to tip as they each felt their progeny within themselves. Happy to have shared in its snuffing, and in each others, they closed their eyes as the chainsaw came close for one last cut.

Blood sprayed in twin founts more forceful than any before, liquid red covering and running down one padded wall as the heads of the dragon siblings were cut free. Their expressions grew increasingly slutty as their connection to life was so violently removed, utterly shameless by the time they fell free to thump against the ground.

Face up, both of them were given the final gift of seeing their killer drop the bloody chainsaw, circling around their corpses and kneeling down to line up her cocks with their spurting, twitching neckholes. Slamming the twin cocks into their throats, she rapidly fucked the headless corpses, groaning loudly as the world started to grow dark for the two cubs. Side by side even in death, they each smiled as they saw the futa start to cum, happy to be used. Consciousness winked away, and Xan and Xandria's lives fully snuffed out.

But their time had not yet come to an end. As corpses, their service continued, used first for the better part of an hour by the shark futa as she spent load after load into their messy remains. Mentally replaying the scene of their deaths, it was a long time before the woman felt sated enough to stop, exhausting herself before their bodies had gone fully cold. Only then did she carry out the two lumps of dead meat slung over her shoulders, skulls hanging from her hands as she took them over towards the shooting range.

Yet instead of tossing them straight into the grinder, she stopped next to the line of cubs waiting their turn at the end of the shooting gallery, smiling at them before dumping the two snuffed siblings down.

"It used to be a boy and a girl," she said casually, walking away from the gathering group. "Twin siblings. See if you can guess which was which."

With those simple words, she set off a game that ran for the entire rest of the day, passed along by word of mouth from cubs about to die to newcomers just getting into line. With their heads removed, crotches mutilated, and bellies torn, the only hope the children had of guessing by sight would have been which twin had tits. However, the shark had been a step ahead. After sawing the tits off of Xandria's body, she'd made identical marks on Xan, complicating the game past visual inspection.

So the cubs turned towards the intended method of 'deduction'. In their final moments before it was their turn to face the firing squad, they mount the ruined bodies, taking turns in pairs to fuck what was left of the masochistic twins. When they came, adding to the increasing messiness of the already mutilated shapes, they would guess which one they thought was which.

In the end though, which one they thought felt more like a girl or boy didn't really matter. Though the game was for fun and pleasure, the true purpose was far more direct. For those about to willingly face their final fate, some with no true concept of how it would be to die before death came to them, the corpses showed them in vivid detail how soon they, too, would be nothing but meat. It was a gift, a lesson that only lead to greater anticipation, stoking the fires of masochistic lust. In the moments as they unloaded their cum or spritzed squirt in their final orgasm, those that used the snuffed dragons truly understood what fate was in store for any cub that came to Club Meat Grinder.

Kara's Snuffing

Kara stepped onto the uppermost balcony of Club Meat Grinder with a cool expression on her reptilian face, acid colored eyes sweeping the options on offer in the three areas surrounding her. She saw the distant figures of children and adults as they...

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Lore: The Grinder

_ From 'Club Meat Grinder - A Primer'_ Even before they arrive, many visitors are of course familiar with the titular feature of our famous Club. Well known as being the largest industrial meat grinder in the world, the machine is used primarily as...

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Lone's Snuffing

Lone idly squeezed his sheath in a slow, rhythmic way, tufted tail perked in interest as he looked down through the center of Club Meat Grinder. Like many children before him, the preteen goat was enraptured by the sight of so much carnal murder,...

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