The Zodiac: Chapter 3: Confessions

Story by Razukai on SoFurry

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#3 of Ancient Stuff

[The Zodiac: Chapter 1: An Unknown Aid](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 2: Strange Feelings and a New Relationship](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 3: Confessions](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 4: Home](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 5: Rise of the Dragon](%5C)

I'm sorry that I was a little late coming out with this wasn't willing to let me finish when I had wanted. I have taken in consideration some of the comments that you all posted and I hope this will be enjoyable for all. ^^Warning: This story contains themes that may not be suitable for those of you under 18. If you are offended (why are u here??) by anything or you are under the age of 18, it is highly recommended that you press the lovely little ßback arrow in the upper left corner of your browser. Enjoy!

The Zodiac

Chapter 3: Confessions

By Razukai

Here I school waiting for Matt and Talmari. I definitely had big news for them considering that I have found my first love and also coming out as being gay. I sorta had two reasons for coming out to them first. The first reason is because they are my best friends and the second reason is that I have no clue how to go about telling my parents. I would think that my parents would be happy no matter how I was but I don't exactly understand their views on gay people.

Soon enough, a few minutes before the bell, here came the two people I was looking for. At the sight of seeing me out of the hospital they ran towards me, Talmari first then Matt. After everyone was done Talmari looked at me for a second and then said "What's up with you Kai? You're acting as If you have something to tell us..." ' do girls always know what's up before you tell them. I swear it's creepy to know someone like that.' Slightly thinking out loud, I voiced out the thought to Talmari. "How in the world do you girls always know when something is up before we even hint at it? But anyways you're right. There are two things I need to tell you guys..." I paused trying to think of a better way to say it. When my mind drew a blank I sighed and told them about the incident at the hospital involving Fumari, my new mate. It was Matt's turn to speak up as he couldn't stop giggling. I gave him a questioning glance and he responded saying "That's not news; I figured that out yesterday at the hospital while everyone was still in the room. You wouldn't stop staring at him." I was shocked by what he just said. "I didn't think it was that obvious..." I said, blushing a bit.

"So you guys are ok with it?" I asked somewhat recovering. "Of course!" This time they both answered as one in the affirmative then Talmari said "Just because you change your choice of people doesn't mean that my feelings for you will change any. We have been friends for too long for something like this to affect our relationship." Matt nodded his approval of what she said and smiled. I was relieved that they both accepted my decision without any awkwardness and pulled them both into a hug. Then I whispered "Thank you... but that's not all I need to ask you..." I pulled away from them and was getting ready to explain what I meant then I heard the sharp ring of the bell. They shot a worried glance at me. I looked back at them and told them "I will tell you both at lunch." We all had the same lunch so it wouldn't be much of a problem. They both said ok and headed out to class. I also walked to class mind still searching of a way to tell my parents...

My first and second classes went by slow with me keeping an eye on the time. I know when you are waiting for something it's the worst thing in the world to stare at the clock but it seems like I can't ever help but look at the clock. The lesson our teacher was teaching wasn't anything I cared about at the moment so I had nothing better to do. Second period was a bit better since I had Talmari in my class but I told her I wouldn't say anything until they both could hear it.

Our lunch period came after what felt like days of waiting. As soon as I got my lunch I looked around for my friends. Didn't take me long to find them since they were sitting in our normal table. I walked over and sat down and Talmari took no time in asking "What were you going to ask us earlier? I know its something troubling because of the look you had when u told u had something else to ask." Matt then nodded his head comprehensively as he seemed to understand what I wanted to ask. He then said "You are worried about how you are going to tell your parents, right?" I just looked at Matt with my eyes wide open. Then after a few moments I said "Yea...I don't think my parents will be as accepting as you guys were. They have never said anything negative towards gays is just a gut feeling." "Don't worry about it, your parents have been really nice towards me every since I met them. I know they don't know about me but they are just too nice to get upset over it. If you want I can be there when you tell them." When Matt said that I didn't feel much better but in response to the last part I said "I would be happy if you came...but if they have negative feelings for me, then they will immediately blame you. Since I don't know how they will react... if this turns out to be violent I don't want you or Talmari to be anywhere near." At both of my friends protest, I gazed at them both with sad but unwavering eyes, engulfing the table in a silence that even the loud, obnoxious kids in the lunch room couldn't break.

Finally breaking the silence Talmari said "What if things do turn out for the worse, and if it does turn to violent? I can't bear the fact of seeing you in the hospital again..." "I don't know." The bell that ended lunch and told us to go to third period rang. Both friends were feeling discomfort from seeing their friend in such a position. We all had the same class for third period but I wasn't feeling any better. Once everyone was in class and settled the teacher said "We are going to continue our lesson from yesterday. Open your books to page 392..." While the class was getting their books out and turning the pages, I heard the door open and saw a grey wolf enter the class. After a word with the teacher she gave him a text book and he turned his face towards my direction. 'Fumari!' At that moment any doubts that I had about what was going to happen later that evening were dissipated as my mind went back to the night in the hospital. I blushed a little as he gave me a warm smile. He sat in the seat that was next to me, not helping my blush go away.

Regaining myself a little I asked him "What are you doing here?" He smiled and said "I needed a reason to get out of my old class, so I switched." Understanding what he meant by it I said "You chose a bad class to join into though. If you thought your other class was boring, you haven't seen anything yet. This guy can speak for a whole period in a monotone. The radical opposite of fun..." Fumari couldn't help but smile at this but he then said "I guess all good things come with a price." I smiled and let that be it for the moment since I still had a big problem to either confront or avoid soon. The rest of the class went by fast since the four of us were quietly talking the whole time while the teacher preached. Matt, Talmari and Fumari seemed to get along well, which made me happy to know there won't be many conflicts later on. Soon enough the bell rang and we four were the last to walk out of the classroom. We all talked and walked in the halls until we in the school's commons area that was about the half way point for all of our respective classes. We all said our goodbyes and headed to our classes.

I expected fourth period to go by fast today, the three guys that attacked me about 3 days ago were still recovering in the hospital. Even though I dreaded what was gonna happen at home I was anxious to hurry out of school and tell them. The anticipation was nerve -racking.

A few hours later...

"What?!" my dad asked trying to keep his voice calm. He tried again and asked "Are you serious?" At this point I was kinda looking down and away from my dad's glare. If there's one thing I know about my dad that I have learned it would be that he hates when whoever he's talking to isn't looking at him. I don't know why but that's just how he is, and it's beginning to show. Now starting to lose his normally calm nature he asked again "Who the hell was it that made my son a cock sucker?! I bet it was that wolf wasn't it. I KNEW there was something I didn't like about him!" My mom was in sitting on the stairs with a disappointed look on her face. My gaze slowly came up to meet hers and I felt tears starting to burn my eyes as I saw nothing compassionate in her eyes. It was a cold and unforgiving stare.

Even though I knew it was pointless I looked at my mom again "H-Help me...please." Just then I saw the expression in my mom's eyes change, not as cold as it was before but now tears starting to form. "DON'T TALK TO HER!!" My body froze as I felt my dad's hands lift me up off my feet. If you looked at my Dad you would not have thought he could pick me up off the floor. He was somewhat tall at 6'4" but his overall frame was smaller than what one would expect. Despite his appearance nothing but terror was instilled within me. Desperate to get out of the situation I was currently in, I bit my bottom lip and punched my Dad in his lower jaw and kicked him in his shins as he yelled and his grip loosened. Taking the advantage, I made a madman's dash to the door. The door was in my reach when I felt something slam against my head. I fell down instantly and screamed as the pain surged through my body. I faintly heard swift footsteps coming closer as a brown-ish blur came and hit me in the stomach. The amount of pain that it caused and the color of the blur told me that it was the steel-toes he had been wearing at his job. I saw my dad hurry up the stairs and back down. I felt someone yank me up by my arm and my backpack was thrown into my head. I faintly saw someone open the door and felt the sudden chill of air that only came from winter evening. Whether it was my Mom or Dad I didn't know but someone pushed me out into the cold. My legs were too weak to hold my body up as I tripped down the stairs and slid onto the ice that's suppose to be our walkway. My brain was running sluggish due to the cold and the pain I was feeling but a thought bounced around in my head and each time it bounced off an inner wall it felt like someone hit my head with a hammer. 'They are kicking me out!'

Somehow I managed to turn around only to meet the cold stare of both my parents. For the first time since this had started my Mom spoke up. "I can't believe that you are my son. I thought that after all these years I finally had done something right when I raised you. Oh... how wrong I was." The harshness of her words stung deeply into my soul. In a way it felt like the sleet that was falling out of the sky except that it didn't hurt me physically but emotionally. Again I felt tears forming in my eyes and as they fell down my cheeks, I kept hearing the words that my Mom said over and over in my mind. With a disgusted snarl my Dad then said "You are no son of mine...get out of my sight! We no longer have any association with you. GO!" With tears still rolling down my face I said "Dad!" But it was as if no one was listening and the door was slammed hard. That gave me a message that wouldn't go away in the bitter cold. I felt the strongest wave of pain as my body gave out. My legs first gave out and then the rest of my body followed. Falling to my side in the snow my only thought was... 'I am alone...' After that I blacked out.

When I woke up, I found that once again I was surrounded by white. 'I am in the hospital... again' There was light coming in the window, telling me that it was daytime. 'I must have been here at least through the night.' I struggled to sit up feeling new waves of pain from my injuries. My stomach was the center of all the pain my body felt. Sure my mouth was hurting, but getting kicked with steel toed boots isn't exactly the best feeling in the world either. Although that wasn't the only reason why I felt pain, my growling stomach also confirmed this. I hadn't eaten since school that day. I was starving. My mind was in a cloud of confusion as it thought about what happened. So many questions came to my mind and the biggest was 'Where am I going to stay? Definitely not the hospital...'

Suddenly there was a knock on my door, breaking me away from all my thoughts. I feebly said "Come in..." as the nurse came in to check up on me. "Its nice to have you back with us Razukai we were worried that...." the nurse's words were cut off as three people rushed in to see me. Those three people as you can guess were Fumari, Talmari, and Matt. I was suddenly overwhelmed as all three tried to hug me and all of them talking in my ear.

"Guys...Guys!! I'm glad to see you all here but it's really hard for...*gasp* breathe!" All of them backed away blushing a bit as I deeply inhaled. "Honestly this question is getting old but how long have I been here?" Matt and Talmari kept quite which left the question up to Fumari. He took a deep breath and started off "About three days. When I found you, your injuries were rather serious." "Wait...found?" I asked him. Then my mind recalled the events that happened, according to Fumari, three days ago. "Last thing I remember," I continued "was passing out in the snow." Fumari nodded then said "I saw what happened between you and your parents..." His voice trailed off as he didn't want to say anything else without hearing exactly how it happened. Understanding this I sighed "Let's just say my parents didn't take to warmly of me being gay." All three gravely nodded, understanding immediately what had happened. There was an awkward silence, and then Fumari said "If I talk it over with my parents, I think they would let you stay with us. We do have an extra bedroom after all." Then Matt added in "If it doesn't work out for him, my parents would love for you to stay here."

The nurse, who had been ever so quiet cleared her throat getting all of our attention, said "As soon as Mr. Flynn eats something he will be able to leave. There is nothing else that we can do here. He will need some rest. I have a note from the doctor that allows you to rest through the weekend." I smiled weakly and said "Thank you." The nurse smiled and said "You're welcome. I have checked everything nothing seems to be out of place thankfully, all your body needs is rest. I trust that you can do that." "Yes ma'am" I responded. "Good. All of you have a nice day." And with that she walked out. I, feeling like I have spent enough time in the hospital, lolled of the side of the bed so that my socks were touching the cold floor, sending a shiver through my body. With a grunt, and the helped of Matt and Fumari stood up. Once I had gained my balanced after being in the bed for so long, we all walked out.

On the way to the parking lot we had decided that it would be best if I stayed with Fumari, which was perfectly fine to me. Talmari and Matt had ridden with Fumari when he drove to the hospital so the ride home was going to be pretty long.

After dropping both Talmari and Matt off to their respective houses, we pulled up in

Fumari's driveway. The house wasn't a mansion or anything; it was a normal two story house. Not really caring about how the house looked I grabbed my backpack which had been lying in the back seat and got out with Fumari. We walked up to the porch and Fumari opened the front door. Fumari called to his parents "I'm back." Shortly, a big grey wolf, taller than Fumari, walked down the stairs. He looked at me, sniffed the air and then asked "What happened to him, and who is he?" "Um, Dad? Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Fumari directed his attention to me and said "Kai, you should probably take a shower. I think I might be able to find some old clothes that will fit." I looked at him and said "Ok. Where is it?" "It is upstairs, first door on the left." "Ok."

As I walked up the stairs I saw Fumari lead his Dad into the kitchen. I made my way to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, stripped my clothes and got in the shower. I turned the water and washed but then just stood in there for a while. A lot was still going through my head but the majority dealt with the relationship between me and Fumari. I never had a relationship with anyone so I was kinda confused on what I should do.

After being in the shower a while, I finally decided it was time to get out. I cut off the water and when I pulled back the curtain I froze. Fumari was there putting the new clothes on the counter. He smiled at me after giving me a once over. Then he said "My Dad wants to see you down stairs when you get the chance." My expression of shock soon changed to expression of worry as I wondered why his dad needed to see me. "Ok..." I replied and with that Fumari left. Still standing there naked, I was a bit surprised that Fumari didn't take me right then and there. 'Guess he doesn't want to do anything that I'm not ready for.' Satisfied with this answer, I dried off and put on the clothes he left for me. They were slightly big for me but I didn't mind too horribly.

After I dressed I went down stairs to find Fumari's Dad, who was sitting in the kitchen reading a newspaper. I was a bit nervous standing before him, although I couldn't figure out why. I shakily said "You...wanted to see me...sir?" He looked up and chuckled at the human wearing the large clothes and then said "Yes for two reasons, the first one is obviously about the clothes and the other..." He paused for a second making sure that his smile was completely gone and continued saying "I think it would be appropriate if you told me the full story about what happened with you and your parents." My body tensed as he mentioned my parents. "You don't have to say anything about it for now, since I'm its still fresh in your mind but I would prefer if you told me before too much time has passed." The big wolf's eyes were fixed directly on my face almost as if they were searching until I finally said "Ok." He dropped his penetrating gaze and then spoke loud enough for Fumari, who had just entered the kitchen, and for me to hear, "Fumari, I want you and Razukai to go to the mall store or whatever so Razukai can have some clothes of his own to wear. It's starting to get cloudy outside and Fumari, you know how much I hate the rain but you love it so I'm sending you in my place." He gave his son some money and Fumari replied "Alright Dad. Ready to go, Kai?" "Yea... Thanks Mr..." I looked at Fumari's Dad not knowing what to call him. "Just call me Ken." "Ok,thanks Ken."

After that we, Fumari and I, left out the front door and hopped in the car. I looked up at the sky, watching it darken with clouds, "We are gonna get it tonight" I stated. Fumari looked up and nodded in agreement. He started the car and we were off. The ride was quiet after I asked "Where are we headed? To the mall?" He nodded and said "Of course, other places just aren't any fun." I smiled at that and was quiet for the rest of the ride there; for some reason the sky seemed to interest me. 'Something freaky is going to happen while we are in the mall...'

After about a 20 minute ride we arrived at the mall, but the mall wasn't the same one I had in mind. We both got out of the car and as I looked around I saw a lot of furs here at the mall. "I'm guessing this is a mall that is more suited to furs, right?" Fumari nodded. I had a lot more questions but I went along with it, sure that at least half of them would get an answer. As we walked in the mall, a great variety of smells attacked my nose a lot of them pleasant individually but all together it made my head hurt a little.

It wasn't soon that we had gone inside when I heard the torrent outside begin. I could tell that outside was the worst place to be at watching the ceiling as it lit up, when lightning struck somewhere that was relatively close to where we were. The amount of furs in the mall was astounding to me since I had never seen so many gathered at one place. Many of them stared as me and Fumari walked along. To me it felt weird to have all the stares and I soon found out why, I had been holding the wolf's paw...or he was holding mine. Either way our hands were joined and it gained a lot of attention since most furs stuck with furs and most humans stuck with humans.

Then it suddenly got dark as every single electronic in the mall went out. Seemingly at that same moment lightning had struck about 2 feet away from where Fumari and I were standing. 'I am glad that no one was standing any closer than we were' I thought to myself. Only a few moments later I felt every muscle in my body twitch involuntarily which made me jump a bit. Then I doubled over in extreme pain. Fumari who had been pretty calm up until now looked with worry as his mate experienced what seemed like a great amount of pain. With worry imbedded in his voice my mind barely registered that he had asked me "What's wrong Kai?" My body was irresponsive as all I could do was yell in pain. Although the feelings were weak I could feel new sensations to my body. After about 5 minutes the pain started to die down a bit and all that could be heard now were gasps, whispers, and now at this point the cackling of electricity. That electricity came from all those electronics that had just been shut down due to the storm, and it had surrounded me in something that seemed like a shell of electricity. At this point all Fumari could do was silently watch in awe as his mate slowly morphed before his eyes. The only question that was in everyone's minds was 'What the heck is that kid turning into?' That thought was quickly shattered as a huge bolt of lightning came through the ceiling in the same spot as before but this time struck me head-on. I barely felt it though it felt more like the shock that you get when you rub your socks into the carpet and then touch something metallic. The electricity shell that had been hiding me from the many looks slowly disappeared from top to bottom. As the shell came down the whispers of the crowd as it became clear what I now was...a dragon.

Fumari was at a loss for words as the shell disappeared. His mate had morphed into a dragon. Under normal circumstances a person morphing usually wasn't too big of a deal. What made this special, however, is that I was the first dragon on the western hemisphere of the world. Finally I regained myself as the rain had stopped and the shell had completely disappeared. Fumari looked relieved that the process was finally over. It hurt him to see his mate in so much pain that he could not do anything about.

I heard a tap on the ground that alerted me I was on my own two feet. By some unknown instinct I snapped my...clawed fingers and everything in the mall was brought back to life. Noticing that I was in front of the store I looked at my reflection amazed at my changed appearance. I was a seven and a half foot dragon; toned muscles all over making me look bigger. My scales were the same color as stainless steel and I had pulsing aqua colored stripes all over. My underbody and the horns on my head were white. My eyes were the same color as the stripes and my wings were the same color as my underbody. There were now spikes in key points on my body; namely on my elbows, knees, my shoulders, and along my back. The spikes on my back were two-toned between white and grey. Most of my clothes were in shreds on the ground except, thankfully, the sweatpants that I was wearing although they had several holes due to the spikes on my knees and my tail, which with every movement moved with me. I looked back at my lover whose mouth, like everyone else's was wide open. I smiled at the sight and winked at him. "How do I look?" We both tensed a little at the sound of my new voice. It was unrecognizable by me and Fumari and would prove to have the same effect on any else who knew me before.

Finally after a full fifteen minutes after the morphing was finished people finally started to go on with their business still whispering among themselves. Glad to have his mate to himself Fumari ran up to me and squeezed me tight and spoke softly so no sensitive ears would pick up what he said. "You look...amazing. I'm glad that we ended up coming to this store instead of the human store. I'm sure news reporters would have been here in a quick moment." I laughed a little and pulled him closer. "I guess now I have a little more to get now, I'm starving right now. I guess with all the new muscles and everything...I also guess it's a good thing I took my father's credit card just in case I had gotten thrown out, especially since I had no other money at the time." "Well I guess we had better get going. I still haven't done what I came here to do. Why don't you go to the food court and find something to eat. I have to go and get something somewhere else." Not really convinced of his words I decided to trust him anyway. "I'm not going directly to the food court but by the time your done I should be there." With that the two parted going there separate ways deeper into the mall...

This is the third installment of my series. I hope you all liked it. It might be possible for me to have the 4th chapter soon but we will soon see. The next chapter will probably introduce a few new themes but that's all I'm gonna say about that. Anyways comment and I should have the next chapter soon.