Scout’s Honor V2, Part7

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#35 of Scout's Honor

Bleh I hate college so much...making me miss my deadline... Thanks for tuning in! I wonder who that guy is

Over the next couple weeks I got off work a few hours early to go to school to finalize everything. Since it was so late in the year (to schedule classes, the weather finally turned warm a few days ago) I had to take a few extra curricula's than I would have liked. But that's what happens when you change your major and skip a semester with no real intentions of coming back for a few years. I was starting to get excited, I was going to be dong something I loved, working towards something I'm actually passionate about. It was weird. I'd gone through my childhood putting effort into things that don't matter or will have no impact on my life.

Before Brent and Justin, it was going on Humpr for hours, edging with random strangers. Whenever my parents would try and force me to do something, I lost the drive to do it. And later regretted it. Now, I have the opportunity to finally move my life in the right directions. I can make a life for myself and Justin, I can make an impact in the environment. Maybe I can even travel and research fish species.

Moving day was tough but my father came down and rented an SUV to help us move. He was going to have my stuff and drive it home while we were going to drive Justin's stuff to his place. He lives in Ft. Pearce, which is about three hours from here and about an hour from where my parents live. It wasn't bad but we both knew it was going to be weird adjusting to not being able to see each other every day or whenever we wanted. But I feel like it will be good for us. It will give us time apart, time to chill out and then whenever we come back together, we should be even happier to see each other.

That was my plan at least. I think Justin feels the same way but while we were moving I wasn't doing exactly what Justin was telling me to do so we were riding silently for about half the time we were in the car going towards his place in Ft. Pearce. Eventually, he came around and we listened to our favorite wrestling podcast about the latest episode of Monday Night Raw that we missed.

We pulled into his parents driveway, waiting we're two small tiger cubs and his teenage sister. The two cubs ran to Justin and gave him a big hug, his sister, Alexis, bound up to me and gave hugged me. I reciprocated and the two cubs came up to get their hugs from me. They helped us carry Justin's stuff inside where we dropped it in the living room. The surround sound from his parents large flat screen TV echoed throughout the cream painted walls. There were a few painting up, but there were more wall patches from the kids play-fighting. The kitchen connected to the living room to where you could see the TV while cooking. His parents had a nice, two-story house, a little disheveled because of the kids. Justin's mom always apologizes for the mess but I'm always understanding, she does her best caring for Alexis, her own daughter, on top of the cubs, who were her grandchildren. His dad, a chubby guy who never really smiled much, was lounging in his favorite recliner and watching a football game. I remember getting him to laugh for the first time and even Justin said no one else he had brought home got him to do that. His mom walked up to hug me, kitchen towel draped over her dirty, throw-away t-shirt. She ended up begging me to stay for dinner so I did and we all ate on the couch, next to Justin's dad, watching the game.

"So," Mrs. Maggie, Justin's mom, broke the silence during a movie trailer, "how long you stayin' here?"

It was directed at me. I covered my muzzle politely and answered, "I think tomorrow. I'm pretty sure my mother and father are going to want to have a talk about school."

"You switched your major already?" she asked.

"Yup. I think I'll do better this time around. Actually doing something I like and find interesting."

"You need to hang on to that," his father said.

I chuckled. "I will."

We finished eating and she took our plates back to the kitchen to wash. Justin motioned for me to follow him so I did; we met at the last of his bags the kids didn't bring upstairs. I hefted one and he got the other two. I followed him to his room and dropped the bags on the floor. He dropped his bags and walked behind me and closed the door. I yelped when his big arms wrapped around me while I was typing on my phone. I thankfully threw it on the bed when I realized what was happening and twisted to hug him back.

He nuzzled my cheek. "I'm gonna miss you."

We locked lips and he started walking me towards the bed. I could feel and smell both of our arousal as he landed on top of me on his bed. I stuck my paw up under his shirt to feel his chest while he tore my shirt off completely. I took his off and we continued our kiss, my legs wrapping around his waist his paws clawing at my rear.

A knock at his door shook us from each other.

"What?" Justin yelled.

"Momma says y'all better not be doing nasty things up here," Alexis said.

"Tell Ma we ain't doin' nothin'," he yelled back. He plopped down next to me on the bed, our legs still intertwined.

"You always y'all different when you're around your family," I said, running a claw through his chest fur.

"No I don't," he said, pinching me thigh.

I laughed and pushed his hand away. "Yeah. You kind of do."


"'We ain't doin' nothin'," I replied in the tone he used.

He didn't say anything but he tried to push me off the bed, the whole time he was smiling. Eventually, he got me to the edge and I grabbed on to him like a cat to his scratching post. We both tumbled to the floor and laid there laughing like two idiots. His sister came knocking again, saying that his mom said to keep it down. We agreed and just watched TV till Justin fell asleep, back to me. I couldn't fall asleep, my thoughts were whirling with everything that was about to happen. I was going to go back to school and better myself but Justin will be here. Sure it's a couple hour drive but still we're not living together anymore. Whatever he wanted to do now he could, he could hang out with someone and I wouldn't even know. It would be going back to the time before he came up with me and I thought he had been cheating on me from texts I read from his phone. He assured me nothing happened and it wasn't concrete proof anything did happen. But my heart told me something did. And ever since then, we'd been having problems. It got good for a while but recently it was starting to devolve back to where we just wanted to end it, but our history kept us from doing that. There was genuine love between us, but it didn't always show. Most time, the hate showed more than the love.

My eyes drifted to Justin's phone, sitting between him and myself. I knew his password to get in; he didn't know I knew, but I'd seen him do it one time. I cupped both of my ears towards Justin's still unconscious body and punched in the six-digit code. In a second his home screen flashed to life. My body started shaking slightly from nerves, as my finger swiped through his apps, until it found the Humpr app.

My heart stopped and my whole body tensed, my stomach started to churn. I hesitated before clicking. This was an invasion of privacy. I didn't want the same thing that happened the last time he caught me snooping on his phone. I shivered at the thought, but nonetheless, my curiosity piqued me. Why was it still on his phone? I'd told him almost five times to get rid of it but he still didn't. I wonder if he's still talking to-

Don't think that, I reprimanded myself. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. If I'm going to do it then I need to do it now and just be as quick as possible.

I clicked the app and the loading screen of an orange outlined "incognito" fox popped up. A moment later, after the outline finished radiating its orange glow, a box appeared in the upper left that had the headline that simply said "hey". Another moment later, the other profiles of other gays flooded the screen, the message indicator was blinking. I ignored it for right now and clicked on his favorite list.

There had to be about twenty guys on it, each from where we used to live. I kept up my deep breathing as I swiped over to the messages. My heart just about sunk. I couldn't even count how many messages there were. Even from just the other day, when I thought we were fine, he was messaging guys asking if he could give them blowjobs or fuck them, sending dick, ass, body and face pictures. There were pictures on here I'd never even seen. One of the messages said something about hooking up where Justin responded he's love to and gave him his Snapchat to message him more. I scrolled through more messages, tears unable to form. Another guy, from a couple months ago, met up and one of the messages from Justin to the guy after the "meetup" was Justin saying "Wow that was amazing".

My stomach didn't know what to do as I closed that app and moved over to Snapchat. There I cried a little. I couldn't help the tears then, when I saw a video he took of another fox and himself...fucking. All you see is Justin's dick slamming into the big, white ass of an arctic fox. I gripped my stomach, feeling as if it wanted to empty itself on the floor. I closed out of the apps and returned the phone to where I found it quickly and jumped out of bed. I threw my head into his waste bin near his desk and stayed there, kneeling on the floor, crying and feeling like shit because I don't have the balls to leave. Why do I feel like this towards someone who doesn't give a fuck about me?

Over the next couple days, I thought about that question a lot. To the point where Justin knew what was wrong but I made up a vague excuse that he bought, or pretended to buy and dropped the subject. After my stomach settled down the other night I went to his camera roll and found more pictures and videos of other guys. I wanted to confront him on it but...I couldn't. Whenever I would work up the courage I'd end up backing out, not wanting to start a fight. Or admit I went through his phone. Because then he'd get mad at me for going through his phone and completely avoid the fact that he cheated on me.

On the bright side, my parents were thrilled to have me back. They could tell I was in a mood, but they didn't approach me. I think they thought it was because I lost the apartment. It's probably better that way, anyways, they never really liked him that much. It was nice to be back, too. Meals whenever I wanted. No questions about being on my phone, or who I was texting. I wish I could be able to walk around naked and not have to put on clothes to go to the bathroom, but that was what I was working towards, I told myself.

I tried to push Justin out of my head as much as possible, but the images and videos I saw shook me. Questions I didn't want answers to swirled in my mind, to the point where I downloaded the Humpr app and made my own profile. I made it and then didn't go back to it for a couple days, but as I sat on my bed, naked, half-erect, I thought to myself that if Justin can do it, then why the fuck can't I? My parents were out at a dinner with their friends, and they have another one tomorrow night, I had the house to myself for a few hours and maybe I'd invite someone over.

I started scrolling through the profiles, there were a lot of hot guys. A few messaged me, and I messaged a few; most just wanted sex, a few were just genuinely wanting to talk to others. Two really caught my interest: one was a horse. He was a Frisian horse, with a white splotch on his muzzle and a large white splotch on his chest and waist/ass. He was powerfully built, seemed nice, and went to my school. That's actually how he started talking to me, he said I looked familiar and thought we had a class together. The other guy was a husky. Very muscular, his profile picture was of his body, chiseled muscles with defined legs. Definitely athletic. He had black fur to match the white, I could see from the shoulders and a little on the thigh and waist.

You're really cute =) what're you doing rn?

Just in bed. Might be dressed, might not be, I responded. I took a few breath. I shouldn't be doing this. But it felt right.

Oh yea? Lemme see

I strayed myself on my bed so my rear stuck in the air and I contorted a picture and sent it. I also took one off my camera roll from a few months ago and sent that as well. He responded with pictures of his own, a well endowed cock, a bright red against the white and black. He sent me three, all with his dick in his paw. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want it.


Damn yourself, he responded. We should hang sometime, you got any of your face?

Yea, do you?

Yea, hold on.

He sent the picture. He had beautiful, green eyes, and his smile was so infectious. He sent a couple more, all from different angles and locales. I studied the pictures carefully, for some reason, this dog looked so familiar. It took me a lot longer than I expected it for realization to hit; when it did, all arousal left my body and my jaw dropped open.

Scout’s Honor V2, Part 6

I got a call from Justin. He sounded defeated- I don't know how else to put it. His voice lacked the usually light tone, replaced by a low, almost monotone, depressing sound. When he said "Hi" I could hear him trying to make himself sound happier than...

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Beach Day

I stuck my head out the passenger side window and inhaled. The cool, salty air invaded my nostrils. A few cars riding along with us honked for me to stick my head back in. I chuckled to myself, I never knew why my species did it. Well, I know the...

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Volume 2, Part 5

Everything was going good between Justin and I. We obviously had our hiccups from time to time. But what is a relationship without fighting? Non-physical fighting, might I add. Just mostly arguing about how I don't respond when I get home from work, to...

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