Hotel sunbloom 2/2

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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2nd part of the story. It was written 5 years ago.

WARNING: Contains a lot of vore. If you don't like don't read it.

Preys remaining: 20

Predators: 14

Returning with Halibell and Zero, in the bedroom 472, Diamond and her friends had finished their meal. All were full and satisfied, were sitting on the sofa stroking happy their huge bellies. Diamond kept looking the huge tray with the huge cap, to know that have inside and her friends began to talk.

"This menu was delicious" says Glaceon.

"I have really wanted to taste the special dessert" says Vaporeon licking her lips.

"If I eat something else, I'll explode" says Leafeon with a paw on her bloated stomach.

"Espeon, you could use your psychic powers to bring special dessert to the table of the dinning room?" says Glaceon looking the lazy Espeon laying on the sofa.

"*yawn*... I get lazy and my psychic power becomes weak when I'm full" says Espeon yawning a bit.

"Don't sleep you now, Espeon!" says Diamond to her friend.

"But I want to take a nap ..." says Espeon complaining.

"Come on, please ..." says Diamond looking her with a puppy eyes.

Diamond knew his friends could not withstand that look. In few minutes Espeon she gave up. Espeon is rose up, sits properly and sighed.

"Ooook..., just that, no?" says Espeon looking to Diamond.

"Yes, thank you" says Diamond smiling ear to ear.

Espeon looked at the large tray and starts to elevate with his psychic powers. Espeon began panting by the enormous weight of the tray and his psychic powers began to decrease rapidly shaking the big tray. Halibell became alarmed at what was happening but quickly calmed, as Espeon controls again the tray. Espeon leaves the tray on the dinning room table doing a great noise, shaking violently the table.

"Espeon, watch out!" says Diamond and the rest of her friends alarmed.

"I can't more, I'm exhausted. Sorry I could not endure my powers, that tray weighs a ton," says Espeon.

"I hope that the dessert is intact ..." says Glaceon worried.

"Well, good night" yawned Espeon. In a few of seconds, she stayed asleep.

Diamond and her friends went to the dining room to eat your dessert special. Halibell was hearing laughs and voices of their prey as they approached their trap. The voices of their prey were very close: Diamond and her friends were sitting at the table.

"Lift the cover to see the suprise!" says Vaporeon a bit impatient.

"I hope there's a huge ice cream" drools Glaceon.

Diamond with her paws, began slowly lifting the cover of the tray and saw inside a few luminous eyes. Suddenly a huge claw, grabbed to Diamond and introduced her inside of the tray and the poor Eevee starts to scream. Her friends are frightened, and looked how the cover of the tray is moved violently until suddenly, heard laughs in the tray. Her friends were confused and Halibell starts to raising the cover of the tray, as it was on all fours. Halibell removed the tray for her head and hugged her friend Diamond.

"Surprise! Are you happy to see me?" says Halibell hugging to Diamond with her claws.

"Are you are the special dessert?" says Vaporeon and Glaceon surprised.

"No, I just wanted to say hello to my friend" says Halibell.

"I present to you Vaporeon, Leafeon, Glaceon and ... Espeon that is asleep." says Diamond pointing to the sleeping pokemon.

"Nice to meet you" says Halibell.

Her friends told hello to Halibell and suddenly her stomach growled very loudly.

"Excuse me, you have something for eat? I have not eaten anything all day ..." says Halibell.

"No, I'm sorry." says Diamond a bit.

"Really?" says Halibell looking to Diamond.

"Halibell? You're not thinking ..." says Diamond a Halibell a bit nervous.

She nodded and opened her big mouth. Her tongue licked Diamond's body completely filling her whole body with her saliva. Her friends were stunned seeing her friend Halibell devouring her friend, looking a bulge to her throat and finally reached to her stomach.

"Who's next?" says Halibell looking to the friends of Diamond.

"Her!" pointing with her paw Leafeon to Vaporeon.

"What?! No, no, no. Glaceon is better. She's more tastier than me. Glaceon's taste is how a ice cream." says Vaporeon to Halibell.

"Huh? Why me? I don't have this type of taste!" shouted Glaceon to Vaporeon.

"Come on girls! Don't be shy you three." says Halibell grabbing to Glaceon and Leafeon with each claw.

"Halibell, what's going on out there? Get me out of here!" shouted Diamond inside of her stomach.

"Do not worry about them, I go to send your friends with you soon " says Halibell licking her lips.

"Wait, why are you doing this?" asked Vaporeon

"I'm doing a competition and wins who devours more preys." says Halibell.

"Wait, in the other tray, who's inside?" says Leafeon

"A friend of mine. Now you go with Diamond. Don't worry you will be fine comfortable inside me." says Halibell.

Halibell started licking to Glaceon and opened her big mouth. Glaceon made a small cry and half of his body was devoured by the hungry dragon. Halibell with Glaceon in the mouth grabbed to Vaporeon by her tail. Glaceon was covered with saliva and Halibell was devouring all the rest of your body making a bulge in her neck. Glaceon was inside his mouth and started to get nervous with so much darkness. Halibell sip her first prey and throws into the air to Leafeon, surprising her prey completely. Leafeon looked how Halibell was raising her head and opened her hungry mouth. Leafeon in an instant, fell into the mouth of the predator and Halibell smiles happily. Vaporeon looks how her predator licking her lips by her second snack and stared at him. Halibell opened her mouth and slurped on her tail. Vaporeon was relaxing by Halibell's tongue and she seemed to like. Halibell raised his head and slurped the whole body of Vaporeon and locked her in her mouth. Vaporeon was relaxed as Halibell's saliva is covering her body. She stroked the inside, signal that likes the sensation. Halibell purred by the caress and swallowed her third prey. Halibell looked at her stomach and was quite swollen but she wants a dessert and looked to the asleep Espeon. Halibell approaches to the Espeon and sat on the sofa while she heard laughs in her stomach. Espeon yawned and looked to Halibell . The Espeon has took a fright to see Halibell and fell to the ground.

"Don't panic, I'm a friend of Diamond" says Halibell.

"Where are my friends?" asked Espeon looking around.

"Here. They have fun inside me, " says Halibell giving small pats on her swollen stomach.

"Wow, what envy..." says Espeon. Halibell was suprised.

"Do you want to sleep on my stomach and relax?" asked Halibell

"Yes, open your mouth" says Espeon with a smile.

Halibell grabbed to Espeon and swallowed slowly to enjoy her taste. In a few minutes, Halibell ended with Espeon, lifting her head and pushed her with a strong gulp with her friends. Now he had to wait for Zero to continue hunting together while Halibell is waiting, she looked at the walkie-talkie. She flashed a big smile and thought it was a good idea to wait for her next prey.

Meanwhile in the next room, Zero is still in his hiding. Their preys are laughing and talked nonstop.

"UURRP! I can't eat more" says Flareon leaving the pokecola bottle on the table and caressing his huge stomach.

"hahahaha, You are fatter than the three of us together!" says Umbreon mocking for his giant stomach.

"I'm not fat, I'm satisfied!" shouted Flareon to his friends while they not stop laughing.

"We may use your belly how a pillow" says Eevee laughing.

"hahahaha, and me too to you three!" says Flareon laughing and accepting the joke

"Who wants the special dessert?" shouted Jolteon to his friends.

"We want dessert!" shouted Umbreon y Eevee.

"And you Flareon?" asked Jolteon to Flareon

"I'm going to take a break. My belly weighs a lot, I want some dessert when I recover." says Flareon satisfied as he enters the room.

"Would like devour me, after digesting all this food?" says Eevee to Umbreon.

"Of course, but later. I'll get the dessert, you two, wait here." says Umbreon.

"Ok" says Eevee and Jolteon.

Umbreon addressed to the special dessert with a smile on his face. Zero felt how Umbreon's steps approached to him and he smiled slightly. Umbreon looked back if anyone is following him and eat the dessert only for him. With their paws lifts the cover on the tray and put his head inside. Zero felt a Umbreon and he smelled if he found something to eat before his friends but he found nothing. Umbreon as it was dark, uses their rings to illuminate the interior. Umbreon was afraid of what he saw: A Zoroark staring at him and licking his lips. Umbreon pulled out his head quickly from there but Zero caught him by grasping his swollen stomach with both claws and introduced him into his hiding. The fight lasted a few seconds and Zero belched slightly. Zero came out of hiding and turned into Umbreon, hiding his swollen stomach with the true Umbreon within it. Jolteon and Eevee were waiting to Umbreon anticipating the special dessert, but it was strange that it took so long.

"I'll go to his search , you will surely have difficulty to lifting the special dessert." says Jolteon.

"Ok, I stay here" says Eevee

Jolteon went to the kitchen where Druddigon left the special dessert and saw no one. Suddenly his friend Umbreon appearing behind him.

"Hey, Jolteon! " shouted Umbreon to Jolteon scaring him.

"What are you doing? You scared me! Why you not come to ask for help?" says Jolteon

"Because I'm was lazy and did not want" says Umbreon

"Err ... Umbreon. How could you digest the food so fast?" asked Jolteon a bit confused.

"Is that I have a fast digestion" says Umbreon with a naughty smile.

"This is very strange... are you ok?" suspect Jolteon to his friend.

Umbreon licked his face. Jolteon looks more puzzled by the behavior of his friend.

"You have a nice taste, Jolteon." says Umbreon.

"But you not promised devour to Eevee?" asked Jolteon to Umbreon.

Zero was surprised by the question and chose not to answer and take action.

"Umbreon?" says Jolteon worried.

Zero changed to his real form and grabs Jolteon by his waist. Zero stared into Jolteon's eyes.

"Don't worry, you'll soon be with your friend." says Zero with a little smile on his face.

Jolteon tried to scream but quickly, Zero with its claw, shut his mouth to his prey and began to devour it by his legs. Jolteon is kept squirming to escape, but it was useless. Zero enjoyed how his prey tries out and lifted his prey to hinder his escape. Jolteon Zero stopped moving and devoured in a moment. When he starts to swallow his prey to his stomach, Jolteon with strength that he remained into his body, detains his body, putting their feet on the walls of his predator's throat and began to climb Zero's throat. Zero was surprised by the enormous resistance, seeing as the bulge of his neck is going up slowly and began gulping harder to push his prey to his stomach but Jolteon didn't surrender to easily.

"Don't climb my throat, damn it!" growled Zero to his prey making strong gulps for push him into his stomach.

Jolteon was pushed down but Jolteon tried again to get out here. Zero swallowed as hard as I could and slowly his prey was going to his stomach.

"A bit more!" growled Zero as his prey loses strength .

Jolteon couldn't no more and went to his stomach with Umbreon. Zero sighed relieved to have that persistent prey inside your stomach but suddenly, he starts to have hiccup. Zero tries to stop his hiccuping and held his breath for a few minutes but to no avail.

"*hiccup* This is nothing. *hiccup*" says Zero hiccuping again.

Zero again changed to Umbreon and went searching for Eevee. Eevee starts to be worried for his friends and he kept thinking that they two had eaten all the special dessert. Zero saw his prey waiting their friends but also he hoped that his hiccups will not cause problems on his illusions.

"Hey, Eevee!" says Umbreon approaching to his friend.

"Dónde estabas? Jolteon is not with you?" says Eevee

"Trying to open the lid *hiccup* tand Jolteon is in the kitchen" hicupped Umbreon.

Zero stayed rigid for a few seconds if Eevee had seen something different but there was no alteration in his illusion.

"Umbreon, you have an empty stomach,Can I sleep inside you?" asked Eevee.

"Sure. *hiccup* " Umbreon hiccuped again.

His illusion was altered a bit, making to appear his tail and sat down quickly to hide it.

"Want a glass of water? You eaten really fast the special dessert. " says Eevee without realizing Zero's tail.

"*hipo* Yes *hiccup* thanks... *hiccup* Could you bring water from our bedroom? Next to the bed there is a small closet. It is a small fridge with drinks." says Umbreon hiccuping more.

"Ok, I return in a moment! " says Eevee.

Eevee went to the bedroom where he slept deeply Flareon, to catch a water bottle while Zero's illusions got worse. His stomach returned to normal, swollen and bigger. His illusion looked like an Umbreon with overweight because his belly arrives to the ground. He tried to concentrate on breathing deeply to remove the hiccups but another hiccup, changes Umbreon's right paw by a Zoroark's claw.

"Damn ... if this continues, he will discover me." thinks Zero

Another hiccup did appear his mane of his back and another hiccup makes his face returns to his original form. Zero tried again for a few stressful minutes, breathes deeply until the hiccups disappears and the alterations start to dissapear, returning to control his illusion.

"Finally ... now time to wait." says Zero relieved.

Eevee return with a bottle of water in his mouth and put it in front of Umbreon. Eevee saw that Umbreon had no hiccups.

"Wow, you not have hiccups now" says Eevee

"I was breathing slowly and deep, and I've been able to remove the hiccup." says Umbreon.

"Where's Jolteon" asked Eevee.

"He's eating a little piece for special dessert. Don't worry about him." says Umbreon smiling a bit.

"Okay, Can I go too?" says Eevee.

"You not have promised you wanted to stay my stomach?" says Umbreon approaching to Eevee licking his face.

"Yes, there be dessert for me and Flareon?" asked Eevee.

"Yes, all dessert that you want" says Umbreon licking his lips by his friend taste.

Zero swallows the half of his body and bit a bit was disappearing his illusion until it returned to his original forrm. Eevee was glad that his friend "Umbreon" devours him. Zero raised his head, stood up and finish his prey, stroking his stomach increasingly bloated. Eevee when he reached his stomach, he saw a Umbreon. Umbreon was asleep and Jolteon tells to Eevee that he fallen into an illusion of a Zoroark, one of the hotel workers. Eevee did not care because his stomach was very comfortable and he knew he would not hurt.

"This Eevee was delicious. Now by the Flareon asleep" says Zero looking at the bedroom door.

His costume was very swollen and parts of his suit were ripped by the size of his stomach and some buttons of his suit had fallen, without him even noticing showing her swollen stomach.

Zero came into his original form and saw the Flareon asleep in bed, lying up, snoring slightly. Zero smiled at this pokemon was fatter than the previous three. How more fatter and squishy, better. Slowly, Zero climbed in bed and when I was in front of his prey, he took of his hind paws carefully so you will not wake up from his deep sleep. Zero joined his hind paws and opened his hungry mouth, sucking his tail and then his hind paws. Flareon still asleep, while Zero had eaten half of his body and began to lick his huge stomach. Flareon yawned and noticed that half his body was wet and hot. Flareon rubbed his eyes and looked like a Zoroark pushed his stomach into his mouth. Flareon was not scared, gave a friendly smile.

"I have good taste?" asked Flareon to the hungry Zoroark.

Zero purr in response and devours his huge stomach.

"My friends are inside you?" asked Flareon while Zoroark got up from the bed and raised his head, caressing his huge bulge of his neck.

"I hope that you have good luck" says Flareon stroking the snout of Zoroark with his paw.

Zero purred much and pushed with his prey claws gently into his mouth. With a huge gulp, Flareon went to his stomach and his suit was ripped, making the buttons fall to the ground and showing his huge and round stomach.

"Thank you, for me this has been a great start" says Zero caressing his stomach.

"I hope you have room for more preys, because there are many of them" says Flareon inside of Zero's stomach.

"hehe, I will strive to the maximum" says Zero.

Flareon fell asleep right away by the beats of his heart and Zero left the room where Halibell is waiting him. Halibell's stomach looked bigger than his stomach.

"Well, how was your hunt, Zero?" says Halibell with a smile on her face.

"Great, I see that Diamond is already inside you" says Zero looking how his stomach is moving a bit.

Halibell smiled slightly and walked over to his friend. Zero stared at her and her stomach growled very loudly. Halibell grabbed him by his waist with his claws and raised him, licking his lips.

"What are you doing?" asked Zero to Halibell trying to escape by her claws.

"Nothing. Just I want that Diamond and her friends have company." says Halibell to Zero.

"Wait Ha-" but Halibell swallows his head before that Zero finish.

Zero squirms to try get out but Halibell had incredible strength and could not escape. Halibell devours his torso at a time, leaving his legs still in his mouth. Zero was covered by her saliva and tried to leave but could not. Halibell ended with his friend, sucking his legs and sent him with a big gulp with Diamond. Diamond when to see that Zero had fallen into his stomach hugged him happy to see him. Diamond presented him to her friends and Zero smiled slightly. Her friends asked about their mates and he replied that they are inside with him. Espeon wanted to be with your partner and Zero devours her. Then the rest of her friends envious, wanted their new friend do the same with them. Zero enchanted, devours them and his belly swelled even more. Zero belched very loudly and he pats his stomach, happy to have the group together. Diamond climbed on top of her stomach and fell asleep. Zero had a small space but wanted to wait until his next prey. Zero decided to rest with his customers and Diamond, until that their next victim to fall into the stomach of her friend.

Preys remaining 11

Predators: 12

Erika, the Emolga, was eating the last apple. The employees had left some fruit in small trays if they were hungry while their clients are relaxing. The three pokemon ate fruit while the jacuzzi bubbles are relaxing his clients. Aqueus entered the jacuzzi and saw his three "customers" totally relaxed in the jacuzzi. His costume was pretty ripped and some of the buttons had disappeared showing a bit his swollen stomach. Aqueus entered the jacuzzi and dived with them. His suit disappeared and the jacuzzi's bubbles was hiding his swollen stomach. The three pokemon were amazed by the huge Floatzel and came to talk with him.

"Hello, my name is Dewy" says the Oshawott to Aqueus.

"I'm Erika, nice to meet you" says the Emolga to Aqueus.

"I'm Faze, nice to meet you, big friend" says Faze giving his paw in friendship.

"I'm Aqueus, your protector" says Aqueus givis his paw to Faze and smiling to their "clients".

"The fruit was very tasty, especially the apples" says Erika

"You swallowed all the fruit. Faze and I, we have not eaten much of anything. Me with the desire that I had to have a full tummy and a that predator gives me a warm place to sleep..." says Dewy a bit sad y surprising to Erika by that response.

Aqueus had an idea while was listening to the conversation of their customers.

"I really do not care, now Erika is fatter than a Miltank." says Faze angry. His eyes was red

"Me? Fatter how a Miltank? I'll show you I can fly even with some weight" says Erika says Erika while she gets out of the jacuzzi.

Faze looked at Erika and her eyes change to yellow. His stomach growled slightly and wanted to that delicious prey inside him.

"Are you sure? Is not better..." asked Aqueus.

"No, Aqueus, no." says Erika preparing to fly.

Erika stepped back and gave a little jump, taking flight to your destination. Daze was looking her as his prey was flying and followed her. Erika was losing height by her heavy stomach . Daze raised his head and licked his lips as he walked. Dewy and Aqueus were looking how Erika is losing height slowly and Aqueus smiled slightly, as it was a good show. Erika could not fly more and Daze ran drooling saliva seeing that her prey was falling. Erika thought it that she was going to fall into the waters of the jacuzzi but saw Faze's maw and fell into his mouth screaming and writhing in his mouth. Faze pushes his prey with their paws and with a big gulp, pushed Erika in his small and tight stomach. Faze returned to normal with his black eyes, running to Dewy and Aqueus after doing a good hunting.

"Good show" says Aqueus clapping to Faze.

"Thank you!" says Faze very energetic.

"Do you would like to have a full stomach, Dewy?" asked Aqueus

"Yes, I'm hungry" says Dewy caressing his stomach.

"Close your eyes. You too, Daze" says Aqueus.

"Good, I'm hungry!" says Faze.

Aqueus with a snap of his fingers, makes to disappear a big dish of sandwiches from the kitchen and made that the dish, appears on his paw with his psychic powers.

"Open your eyes, here you go." says Aqueus with a smile

"Yay, food!" says Dewy when he opened his eyes. "You want a sandwich?" asked to Daze.

"No thank you, I'm full" says Faze toDewy.

Dewy grabbed a sandwich and he loved the taste. Dewy ate all the sandwiches and he was completely relaxed with his stomach really full. Aqueus smiled slightly and looked to Faze.

"You want a relaxed place, comfortable and warm?" asked Aqueus to their clients.

"Yes, I would like it." says Dewy.

"where it is?" asked Faze.

"Now I show my warm place." says Aqueus

Aqueus grabbed the satisfied Dewy, opened his mouth and swallowed him completely, covering his body with his saliva into his mouth. Dewy laughed as his tongue tickled all over his body. With a strong gulp, swallows his client and sent it to his stomach.

"Your turn..." says Aqueus looking thunderstruck Faze.

"Wait... What?" says Faze still suprised.

"Come here, nothing will happen..." says Aqueus grabbing by his waist.

Faze watched as his protector opens his mouth and swallowed it in one bite. Aqueus likes his taste and kept it in his mouth for a few minutes, covering it with his saliva. Faze laughed by the tickles that makes the Aqueus's tongue, but also he was afraid. Aqueus swallowed Daze, sending him to his stomach. After Aqueus left the Jacuzzi and he looks at the pools to see how she was his partner with his hunting.

Preys remaining: 8

Predadors: 13

Floatzel after a few hours looking at the dark pool, finally captures to Politoed and devours him voraciously as he climbed to the surface of the pool. Floatzel surfaced enjoying the prey, making a strong gulp and sending it to his stomach. Aqueus saw him floating on the surface, stroking her swollen stomach and using his float for not sink by his weight. Suddenly a big shadow appeared under the relaxed Floatzel. The shadow was becoming more visible and appears in front of Floatzel surprising him. It was a huge Milotic with her friend Crystal over him.

"Hi, guys! Are you ready for that my friend devours you?" says Crystal atop of her friend.

"Spit our friends!" says Milotic.

"We can't, form part of our game." says Aqueus.

"Is true, we can't" says Floatzel.

Milotic was lunged to Floatzel but he dodged her attack narrowly, almost she catch him. Aqueus was enjoying, watching as his friend swims fast for not to be devoured. Aqueus had an idea and began to draw attention to the enormous Milotic.

"Hey, here! Over here!" shouted Aqueus to draw the attention.

"Milotic, let's devour the other Floatzel" says Crystal.

Her friend nodded and quickly swam towards him. Aqueus watched Milotic came to him and smiled slightly. Milotic raised her long body, opening her mouth to devour the huge Floatzel. Floatzel was help him but at the last moment was mysteriously transported by a strange energy in front of Crystal. Without thinking twice pushes to Crystal, she let go of Milotic and falls to the pool, with Floatzel behind him, really hungrier. Milotic had closed her mouth thinking that she had in her mouth her prey but she heard a voice in her mind.

"It can know where you attack? I'm behind you" says Aqueus by telepathy.

Milotic looked back and Aqueus had eaten the tail. Milotic is trying to free himself and used his most powerful attacks but Aqueus stops her attacks with his psychic powers or dodges . Aqueus began to slurp Milotic like a spaghetti as she tried to escape his mouth. His neck swelled quickly while he devoured his prey and took a big gulp for continue to devour his prey. Milotic cannot escape, his head was all that was left out and Aqueus's stomach had swollen enormously by his huge prey. Aqueus finishes her prey, pushing with his tongue down his throat and with strong gulp, pushes the rest of his body causing that his stomach to expand even more. Milotic was moving inside of his stomach while Aqueus is going out of the pool with a huge stomach well filled, but he has difficulties for walk by his enormous weight. After a few minutes, his friend goes out of the pool with the tails of his prey in the mouth.

"Well, we've cleaned up that place." says Aqueus patting his belly.

"SYeah, how many pokemon remains in the hotel?" asked Floatzel after slurped the tails of his prey.

"I don't know, let's go to the restaurant to ask." says Aqueus heading for the exit of the pools.

Preys remaining 5

Predators: 12

While Floatzel and Aqueus headed to the restaurant, in a secret room of the hotel, Virizion watched their employees how they "serves" their "customers."

"Director, there are only 5 clients in hotel" says a Zangoose looking a huge a monitor with a lot of screens.

"hehe, well... my employees are really voracious ... " laughed Virizion. "We will reduce the number of predators. This is going to get interesting" says Virizion grabbing her walkie-talkie and a small device.

Virizion contacted all employees on the walkie-talkie individually for that the rest of their friends, no knowing anything about that, and Virizion pressed the button on the device. The walkie-talkies of many employees changed to blue.

"I'm the director. Everyone. Go to the entrance of the restaurant and make a plan to devour the last remaining customers, when you finish, go back to the reunion room, that's all..." says Virizion ending the conversation.

Everyone nodded and they were all way to the restaurant. Floatzel and Aqueus were stroking their swollen bellies, walking to where Virizion had said.

"I'm still hungry..." says Aqueus making that Floatzel was surprised.

"You want more?You leave me impressed. You can walk with that huge tummy?" says Floatzel looking his huge stomach.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I have more space for another prey." says Aqueus while he heard Milotic shouting and kicking his stomach.

Suddenly, they heard a big and loud growl. Floatzel reacted to his uncontrolled hunger, jumped to Aqueus's head and opened his mouth all that he could and swallows his head. Aqueus was surprised because it was not expected and lost his balance, falling to the ground with his friend slowly devouring him. Floatzel licked all over her face and pushed her body slightly to his narrow throat, swallowing his massive shoulders. Not far from there, Ty was walking and licking his lips, looking for his friends to "remove" his rivals, placing first and winning this game. Ty turned to the next corner and was surprised. Two Floatzel only for him.Ty smiled slightly when he heard his stomach growling very loudly and the walkie-talkie's screen was blue. He went to his friends to "talk".

"Well, well... What have we here?" says Ty with a naughty smile.

"Floatzel, when I escaped of here, I'll devouring you in one bite!" says Aqueus really angry inside of his mouth.

"I see that you have difficulties to devour your prey ..." says Ty looking to Floatzel.

Ty smiled slightly while Floatzel was looking him .

"Maybe you need a little help..." says Ty looking his huge "friend" trying to escape for Floatzel's mouth while he walking to their legs.

Floatzel growls angry to Ty, warning that Aqueus is his prey.

"C'mon, only a" dijo Ty agarrando y uniendo las enormes piernas de Aqueus babeando saliva.

Floatzel could not see anything by Aqueus's gigantic stomach and suddenly heard a very loud roar by the Ty's stomach. Ty could not more, he slurps the Aqueus's tails quickly and opened his mouth voraciously gobbling his legs. Ty licked her legs and pushed his huge stomach to his mouth. Floatzel was in trouble and tried to spit Aqueus but his head was in his throat and could not spit the head how big it was, so he waited licked his chest and devours him slowly. Ty grabbed his huge stomach with his paws and with a loud growl raised to Aqueus and Floatzel by elevating them by the air.

"What strength that he have! I hope my plan works!" thought Floatzel

"hehehe, come to my belly, delicious Floatzel..." thought evilly Ty licking the huge stomach of the first Floatzel, waiting to swallow the second Floatzel and raising his head.

Floatzel heard the strong gulps of Ty, while that Aqueus stomach was gradually disappearing, Floatzel saw it was getting closer to the mouth of Ty. Ty listened to his suit was ripped completely showing his stomach bloated and with each gulp that made, his stomach swelled more and more by huge Floatzel. Ty ended his stomach and his face was in front of Floatzel. Floatzel and Ty widened their mouths to try to catch his prey and devour it but Ty was more agile and devours the entire head filling it with saliva. Floatzel tried to spitting Aqueus while he tries to escape for his predator. Ty grabbed his legs and pinned him completely. Ty noticed that his stomach was heavy and sat to end as quickly as possible with Floatzel as he had to join the others in the restaurant. Floatzel entered to his throat and went to his stomach with the head of Aqueus still in his mouth. For Floatzel now was easier with the help Ty's saliva, devours Aqueus smoothly and patted his huge stomach. Aqueus devours Crystal and some more into Floatzel's stomach as they slept. Ty and Floatzel belched loudly for their huge success and Ty got up with all his might and headed to the meeting point, shaking the ground with every step he made.

Preys remaining: 5

Predators: 10

Halibell was found with Blaze along the way and were talking happily. Halibell was looking at Blaze surprised by his stomach.

"Wow, you have a big stomach!" says Halibell surprised.

"Is nothing. Your stomach is more bigger than my stomach" says Blaze a bit blushed looking her stomach.

"One question, is it true that you can adapt your body how you want?" asked Halibell a bit curious.

"Yes, I can become very small" says Blaze.

"I do not think so. You're a Salamence and you can't be small because we have evolved" says Halibell smiling a bit.

"I'm going to show you" says Blaze.

Blaze stopped and began to make small up, until a Pichu's size closing his eyes. Halibell took the small Salamence with his claw and opened his mouth. He opens his eyes and see the huge maw of Halibell approaching to him.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" says Blaze shouting.

Halibell ignores him and devours him in one bite. Blaze fell in to his stomach with Zero and Diamond. Halibell licked her lips and suddenly Blaze grew to his normal state causing that her stomach grows even more. Blaze had space in his stomach and decided devours to Zero and Diamond for to satisfy his hungry stomach. Halibell stroked her stomach and continues going to the meeting point. Later, met with Clair, became good friends and they continue talking all the way.

Preys remaining: 5

Predators: 9

Meanwhile Snow, Shiver and Connor they decided to leave the reception room and headed to the restaurant. Snow is was forgetting something important. When her friends were gone, took a shorter route and remembered throughout because she know all the hotel. Snow arrived first at the rendezvous point where the three Zoroark were talking of the strategy for devour their last clients.

"Hey, what's wrong, guys?" says Snow.

"We have many strategies but do not know which to choose." says Dre

"Oh, interesting. Explain your plans" says Snow.

"Well, my plan is: change my form in the Pokémon were missing, bring them to the restaurant and then devour them." says Drew.

"I don't think so." says Abbey

"Remember that there is a Gallade that can read our minds and a powerful Riolu that can detect our authentic aura." says Dre.

"Come on, explain your versions!" says Drew enfadado.

The two Zoroark they explain their plans and Snow was listening to them carefully. But their strategies have drawbacks and the three Zoroark began to argue among themselves. Snow turns around a moment for look at his walkie-talkie and the screen was blue. Her face completely change a evil smile. Snow unbuttoned her suit and turned back to them with a smile on her face.

"Come on, guys! Calm down you three, this should be done as a team!" says Snow hugging the three Zoroark with her claws.

"It is true, we should not fight among ourselves." says Dre.

"That's ... don't fighting, relax in my wings ..." says Snow with a kind voice.

"Drew ... Snow is acting weird..." says Abbey to Drew.

"Wait! Your claw!" shouted Drew to Abbey

"What the? Drew, help me! Snow is absorbing me!" shouted Abbey to Drew.

"Snow, Stop! Dre do something!" shouted Drew as he grabbed Abbey's claw for that not to be absorbed by Snow.

"What can I do?! I can't move!" shouted Dre trying to escape for Sonw's claws.

The two Zoroark they explain their plans and Snow was listening to them carefully. But their strategies have drawbacks and the three Zoroark began to argue among themselves. Snow turns around a moment for look at his walkie-talkie and the screen was blue. Her face completely change a evil smile. Snow unbuttoned her suit and turned back to them with a smile on her face.

Snow pushed Abbey with her claws in her stomach and starts to absorb her body more inside. Dre broke free from her claws but Snow caught him with her mouth. Dre was in trouble, trying to get out of her hungry mouth. Abbey's body, only was her claw, where Drew tried to rescue her, but to no avail, in the end was completely absorbed by Snow's stomach. Drew watched how Reshiram devours voraciously to Dre and heard help shouts from Abbey inside her stomach . Dre falls inside the stomach of Snow and Drew was alone. Snow looked to Drew eyes of wanting that he goes to her stomach now but Drew got escape.

"Spits my mate, NOW!" shouted Drew showing his sharp teeth with rage.

"Sorry, Drew. But Abbey is mine now and you're next" says Snow stroking her bloated stomach.

Drew ran to Reshiram really angry and made a big jump, opening his mouth for devour the Reshiram. Snow stopped him with her claw taking his neck and hugged him tightly to her stomach.

"Don't resist, Drew. Soon you will meet Abbey and Dre." says Snow while her stomach starts to absorb his body.

In just minutes, Drew was absorbed to her stomach, trying to break free. Dre was completely asleep but Dre's stomach had grown and Abbey hugged him. Abbey smiled slightly and devours him voraciously completely and Drew was surprised. The three Zoroark. were slept deeply for the beating of her heart. Snow rubbed her swollen stomach until the others came. 10 minutes later, Connor and Shiver arrived, accompanied by Clair and Halibell, they had met along the way. And after a few minutes came Ty. Ty looked the stomachs of Halibell and Snow that were much bigger than his stomach and growled slightly. After talking and discussing the strategy to devour the last preys they decided to prepare for the ambush.

Preys remaining: 5

Predators: 6

Meanwhile in the training room, all Pokémon, after practicing their physical attacks with punching bags, with virtual pokemon or destroying targets, they're going to drink energy drinks in a small vending where only paid using Fighting type attacks. Bryce and Ranae rested quietly in comfortable chairs to relax your body after a hard workout. Suddenly, the speakers they heard a female voice:

"Attention dearest clients, now the restaurant service, all menus and desserts are free to date of closing. Thank you for your attention." says the female voice.

Everyone was hungry but Bryce and Gallade suspected something strange is happening in this hotel.

"Something wrong, Bryce?" asked Ranae.

"No, is nothing..." says Bryce thoughtfully .

"C'mon, Gallade! I'm hungry." says Breloom opening the door.

"Wait, let's go toge-" but Breloom had closed the door.

"Is a impatient..." says Absol

"Gallade, you had not come with Scrafty and Marowak when we entered the hotel?" asked Bryce to Gallade.

"Yes, but it is strange that they did not appear..." says Gallade

"Surely, they were have distracted with something, how always" says Absol.

"Let's find them" says Ranae.

"Surely they are in the restaurant" says Absol.

Bryce, Ranae and the others were on their way to the restaurant while the rest of predators were hidden in the corridors of the hotel to catch them. In the reception room, Snow uses the computer and with some codes, she could contact with the hotel hidden cameras to find out where their customers while Clair looked at what she was doing.

"Here Snow, the clients are coming. Everyone are ready for ambush?" asked Snow

"Team one, we are ready" says Connor by the walkie-talkie accompanied by Ty

"Team two, ready!" says Halibell by the walkie-talkie accompanied by Shiver

"It comes a Breloom. Get ready." says Snow while was looking the computer screen.

Breloom was walking towards the restaurant and his stomach kept growling. Ty and Connor were spying from their hiding waiting for their chance. Snow looks out her computer screen how their friends would approach its prey until Breloom was caught and shouted for help but Connor, devours him quickly. There was a small fight before Breloom was devoured. Not very close. Bryce, Ranae and the others heard the scream and they ran to find out what was happened, but when they arrived, there was no sign of him.

"I had heard the shout here ..." says Gallade.

"This place is very quiet, do not you think?" asked Ranae. "At first, there was a lot of noise ..."

"You're right" says Bryce.

Suddenly they heard noises around. In the shadows appeared one Typhlosion and a Grovyle with huge stomachs and with a evilly smile. Gallade saw Grovyle's stomach was moving and decided to rescue him.

"Well, if we have the full menu ..." says Connor licking his lips.

"I'll stay with the Riolu hybrid. I'm sure to have good taste.." says Ty

"If you think I'm gonna be your snack, I'm not easy to catch." says Bryce

"I will try to help where I can" says Ranae supporting to Bryce.

In the reception room Snow saw by the computer screen that Connor and Ty blocked the passage.

"Wow, this has been very easy but these pokemon are very agile. Maybe they need reinforcements." says Snow grabbing the walkie-talkie and disconnecting the computer. "Here, Snow. Team 2, give up your positions and go where Ty and Connor are, I'm coming with Clair" says Snow by the walkie-talkie.

"Alright" says Shiver.

"See you" says Halibell by her walkie-talkie.

Meanwhile the two predators were trying to catch their preys but were very agile and their heavy stomachs caused them some trouble to try to capture them. Bryce and Ranae noticed that other auras approaching towards them so they alerted their friends. They noted that three pokemon approaching from the same direction. Snow, Halibell and Shiver appeared, where Ty and Connor had appeared before. Now every predator was trying to catch their own prey but the six predators want to catch Bryce but Shiver caught Gallade with her wing and devoured his head. Bryce and Absol tried to help him but Snow grabs Absol with her claws and began to devour, while Bryce dodged the huge mouth of Halibell trying to devour him in one bite. Gallade and Absol tried to escape but it was useless. Their predators were licking their bodies and pushing their preys into their mouths. Ranae dodged all attempts to be captured by Ty and Connor but eventually was surrounded by them. Bryce appearing in front of her at a high speed and Bryce goes to rescue her, but suddenly a Salamence appeared before him. Bryce grabs her paw and rescued her friend fast, avoiding the Clair's mouth.

"I have not noticed his aura" thought Bryce suprised.

"Thank you" says Ranae.

The two Riolu were continuing dodging their attempts until Ranae was caught by Clair. Bryce tried to save her, but Ty grabbed his neck. Clair opened her mouth and swallowed the half of her body making her shout and ask for help to Bryce nonstop while the Clair's tongue covered her body with her saliva. Bryce took a bite on his paw to Ty trying to escape but Ty ignored the pain and devoured Bryce's head. He removes his paw from his mouth with which Bryce had caught and starts swallowing him. Ranae was trying to get out of her mouth but Clair raised her head and with a big gulp swallowed the rest of her body and her tail, making it that no longer had escape. Clair gulped really hard and shoved her prey to her stomach. Bryce was trying to get out of the mouth of his predator but Ty pushed his body to his mouth decreasing their chances of escape. Ty raised his prey and woth a voracious gulp, devours to Bryce. But Bryce was not so hard to defeat. Bryce with his paws and feet, stopped for not going to his stomach and began climbing his throat to see the light again. Ty began to swallow stronger for make to fall his prey to his stomach. Bryce continued to rise but Ty pushed the bulge of his neck blocking your way to Bryce. Bryce tried to climb again but Ty's paws was pushing him down and was sliding faster and faster through the walls of his throat. Ty stopped to push the bulge and a strong gulp he could send his prey to his warm stomach with the other clients.

"Finally..." says Ty caressing his belly.

"Let us return to the meeting room" says Snow

"I want to sleep in my bedroom" yawned Shiver.

"First, you we have to go where Virizion said, Shiver" says Clair.

The six predators went on their way to the reunion room but some of them were not satisfied with their stomachs. Snow and Halibell chatted while Ty isn't stop licking his lips by Bryce's taste. Clair kept looking at Connor and Shiver. She was really hungry. Her stomach did a big growl alerting some of them. Halibell and Snow are continuing talking and Ty totally ignore the growl and continues walking patting his huge and bloated stomach. Shiver and Connor ignored the noise and continued watching the stomachs of their rivals and were jealous. Clair grabs with her claws to Shiver and Connor for their necks and looked at her walkie-talkie. It was blue and her smile widened enormously.

"Is menu special time!" says Clair while her preys are trying to escape of her claws.

Clair opened her mouth and devour in two bites to Shiver, swallowing voraciously the huge Articuno. Shiver slid down her warm throat and fell to her stomach. Shiver how he knew Connor also enters her stomach after, opened his beak awaiting his arrival. Also looked at his walkie-talkie if it was in blue and smiled slightly. Clair licked the fat Grovyle and devoured him voraciously, swallowing her prey quickly to her stomach. Connor was for her warm throat and went into another mouth, the Shiver's mouth. Connor can't escape and Shiver devours him quickly, sending him to her warm stomach with the help of Clair's saliva. Now everyone was satisfied, although Connor devoured all Shiver's clients, their costumes were completely ripped and they belched slightly for their food. Clair returns with their friends and Ty looked at her a quizzical look at what had happened to Connor and Shiver. When they arrived, Virizion congratulate them on his great effort and in another room, Virizion writes the scores of all employees. A few minutes later, its 4 employees spit their partners after and their clients to their respective rooms. The next day, while the customers are lunching and buying souvenirs in the hotel, all the employees gathered for the last time to the reunion room to see who was the winner.

"Ok, I have the results. Now I show the classification" sats Virizion to their employeers.

Virizion touches a button on the table and pulse the botton. Some screens appeared in front of everyone with the following results:


1.195.000 (Clair)

1.113.000 (Ty)

1.095.000 (Snow)

1.025.000 (Halibell)

670000 (Connor)

528750 (Floatzel)

461250 (Blaze)

453750 (Abbey)

363750 (Shiver)

215000 (Aqueus)

147500 (Zero)

135000 (Drew)

112,500 (Dre)

70000 (Crunchy)

Some employees were shocked by the low scores, especially from Connor until Crunchy. Clair looks to Crunchy licking her lips but Virizion watched the results and was confused.

"Guys, I think that I have the wrong results ... " says Virizion

"What?!" says all the employeers

"Uffff... what a relief" says Crunchy that she was the last position of the ranking.

"Maybe that you are in the wrong file, Director?" asked Drew to Virizion.

"I think not." says Snow

"Those were the Virizion's rules, you not remember?" says Halibell to their friends.

"Wait a moment, let me search the document." says Virizion grabbing her little laptop of her briefcase.

Virizion opened the laptop and within a few minutes found the authentic document and sends to the screens of their employees. Some of his employees were sure that were these rules. The director may have a hidden surprise for them and she want to surprise them.

Definitive results:

Ty (1572200)

Clair (1204500)

Snow (1105500)

Halibell (1025500)

Connor (856250)

Shiver (814000)

Dre (812600)

Drew (776800)

Floatzel (775250)

Abbey (753675)

Aqueus (744000)

Blaze (737675)

Zero (723600)

Crunchy (715000)

All employees stared at their screens and were happy except Crunchy and some employees more.

"Even with this result I have not been able to avoid being eaten ..." says Crunchy

"I've never eaten a Mawile, I wonder what flavor you'll have ..." says Ty looking to Crunchy.

"oh, what a shame" says Clair looking that she was in the second position.

"Director, is very rare these scores. Have gone up dramatically when the results were the first scores. Celebi has told to you her secret room to look us while we hunted, isn't it? Because I have all the keys to the cameras, she gave to me the codes personally." says Snow looking to her.

Everyone were looking to Virizion. Virizion smiled slightly and starts giggling.

"Celebi seems that you forgot to tell me that you had the codes. How is my first day as director of this famous hotel, i want to give to all some extra points. I enjoyed a lot while everyone are devouring to your clients. You gave me a lot of envy, I'm a predator too and I try to control my wild part." says Virizion.

"Can I devour Crunchy, already?" says Ty ignoring the Virizion's conversation.

"Yes, you can do it, but be more respect for your director, Ty." says Virizion a bit angry.

"Ok" nodded Ty.

Ty grabbed to Crunchy and devours her in three voracious swallows..

"Next time I will better. I increase the scores and the points of the preys. Everyone may retire and say farewell to our customers." says Virizion rising from his chair.

All employees left the meeting room and said goodbye to their customers. Some clients having fun, even a lot of them wanted to take them back inside their bellies to send them home. And so ended the Hunter's day with great success and the popularity increased throughout the forest.


Hotel Sunbloom 1/2

This story was written 5 years ago. WARNING: Contains a lot of vore. If you don't like don't read it. Today is a special day at the Hotel Sunbloom. Each month was celebrated on the Hunter's day, one of the most important services in this hotel....


The twelve preys of new year

WARNING: Contains vore and low digestion. If you don't like this, don't read it. It was a winter day, sunny and calm. A group of pidove flew through the quiet Unova snowy forests and other Pokémon roamed for the white forest being caressed by the...

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Merry Xmas and a happy full belly

WARNING: Contains a lot of vore. If you don't like it, don't read it. In a large forest far from human presence, had a big pokémon town . Christmas came and all pokémon prepared for this special day. There were many pokémon buying food, toys for...

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