Sample Collection

Story by FanaticRat on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

Warning: this story contains pokephillia.

In order to continue cloning Mewtwos, the scientists in charge require genetic samples from their first successful line of clones. One good doctor decides to spice the procedure up.

A flash fiction commission through my Ko-Fi. A version with better formatting can be found here:

Delta was always an odd one, but it was rare to see him this nervous as he sat on the examination table. As I entered the the room he didn't so much as meet my gaze, instead focusing on the floor while his tail swished and his face twisted into pale smile of trepidation. 'Poor guy,' I thought. Of all the Mewtwo we've cloned, he's got to be the most bashful.

I put on my best disarming smile as I waved to him. "Relax, Delta. This is only a standard procedure; we're not going to hurt you."

He looked up, finally, and met my gaze. "It's not that, Dr. Beck!" he said, then paused for a few seconds. "Ah! I'm not, um, fearful of being hurt, just I don't know how I'll do with this...collection experiment?"

Dang. He read my mind, as expected of a psychic pokemon. Oh well, it was best not to beat around the bush. I held up my clipboard and looked over my notes, chuckling. "Scared of a little sperm harvesting? I'm told from your host family that you have little problem producing it on your own."

Delta's face flushed red, and he placed his paws over his crotch. Looking away, he said, "They told you! Er, um, nevermind. It's just that..." His voice shriveled to a whisper, like someone confessing an embarrassing secret. "I've never, um, done this in front of anyone before. I mean I know, um, some pokemon do, but..."

I strode over to him and put a finger on his lips. "Well, you'll be happy to know there's a lot of people who 'do that' in front of others! But today, just think of 'this' as a contribution to science." I pulled my hand away and rested it on his arm. "What do you say, Delta? It will be fun for you, and informative for us."

Delta's tail swished back and forth. "I, um, well...I guess so, Dr. Beck. I mean, it's not like I, um..." He pressed his fingers together, revealing the tip of his member peeking out of his slit. "Haven't...thought about it with humans..."

Well, that simplified things. I laid my hand on his shoulder and looked Delta straight in the eyes. What anxious eyes they were, but I could see their excitement and anticipation. I gave a disarming smile as I reached into my labcoat pocket. "Then we have nothing to worry about," I said, producing our Genetic Procurement Device--which was a fancy term for 'fleshlight with a conical tube on the end'.

Delta fidgeted, and his cock peeked out further. "Oh-oh my. I, um, so what do I, um..."

"What you do is relax," I said. I could tell he needed a little 'coaxing'. That's what I call putting both hands on his inner thighs and leaning straight into his crotch. A few smooches on his dick here, a few long, prodding licks into his slit there, and voila, I had fully erect and squirming mewtwo on my hands.

"Dr.--Dr. Beck!" Delta squealed out between his paws. "That's, that's standard procedure?"

I looked up. "Does it bother you?"

He shook his head vigorously. "No, no! I, um, I wouldn't mind if you continued, just..." Delta gulped. He always got like this when it came to rules, but a firm pump of his cock erased any reservations he had. Delta drew a sharp breath before muttering. "Never-nevermind. Keep going, please..."

"We appreciate your cooperation." I licked the tip of his member, getting a high from watching him shiver. I took him into my mouth nice and slow, just to edge him in, but before I knew it he had his paws resting on my head. He mewled and purred and leaked warm pre as I got to work. Before I was even halfway warmed up, I heard a voice in my head.

'Dr. Beck, I don't think I can hold out...'

How considerate of him to account for my mouth being preoccupied! I thought back, 'Alright then. Just lean back and leave the rest to me.' Delta acquiesced--though I could feel his frustration--and leaned back. I pulled myself off of his leaking cock, giving it a kiss for good measure. That confused and frustrated look on his face was just adorable. I sat on the table myself and saddled up to him. I spun the 'GPD' in my hands. "Remember, we need a sizeable sample for our genetic experiments."

"Right, right..." Delta murmured. His tail curled around my torso. "Um, ready when you are, doctor."

What a good boy. I leaned on him as I lined the device up and slowly slipped it on his cock. Delta gasped, and apparently had enough teasing as I felt a telekinetic force pull my hand down to let him hilt it. I tried to jerk the mewtwo off by proxy, but Delta's telekinesis drove my hand harder than my own perversion could overcome.

No more than a minute later, Delta threw his head back with a cross between a gasp and a mewl. He brought my hand down hard as he filled the collection tube with squirt after squirt of rich cum. Overfilled it, in fact; some of his seed leaked out onto his crotch. Poor guy; he was way more pent up than I thought.

When Delta finally shot all the jizz he had in him, he practically collapsed onto me, not realizing he was a foot taller than I. He purred and nuzzled me, and my mind was filled with, 'Oh my gosh. Dr. Beck, that was wonderful...I mean, did you get enough?'

'It was more than enough,' I thought back as I pulled the device off of him. 'Thank you, Delta. You did well.'

Delta beamed, though his blushing returned in full force. "Ah, okay," he said. "Um, I have to get back to my host family soon...but, um..." He pressed his fingers together and looked away. "Don't, um, don't hesitate to, uh, call me if you need more samples..."

I chuckled. "Of course," I said as I removed the collection tube and capped it. Good lord, we would have genetic material for days. "Don't let me stop you; take care!"

With a sheepish smile, Delta floated off of the table and gave a wave before he went out the door. I brought the sample of his semen to our liquid nitrogen tank, snap-froze it, and set it down amidst the thirty other empty tubes in our freezer. It would be a busy month for Delta.

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