
Story by K3 on SoFurry

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She stepped into her hotel room and dropped her stuff by the bed. Sighing heavily, she headed towards the bathroom to take a much needed shower. Today had been stressful. After taking a small plane back to this town, located in Canada, she discovered that her suitcase which held all her clothes and other personal belongings had been held back so there wasn't more weight on the plane than it could handle.

Cassie stepped into the bathroom and turned the water on, watching the water spray powerfully from the showerhead as it warmed up. Stripping off her clothes quickly, she stepped into the stream of steaming water, feeling it work miracles over her aching body. Thoughts of all the wonderful people she had met while on this research trip swam through her head, she couldn't believe that in another day, she wouldn't see them again. These 15 days had passed far too fast.

After rubbing soap into her white belly, she moved her hands over her sides, the fur a soft rusty red. All four of her paws were booted with black, along with her ear tips. Her tail looked like it was dipped in white paint, and the same color was smeared over her muzzle. The vixen rinsed the soap off her body and turned off the water, grabbing a towel, trying to think of something else as the thought of leaving her new friends brought tears to her eyes. No, these people were more than friends. They were family now. It was amazing how close they became in such a short amount of time, but there was no doubt in hers (or any others mind) that they were family.

She rubbed the towel roughly over her fur, sniffing softly as she fought back the tears. Quickly, she put her clothes back on, replacing the jeans with blue striped pajama pants. Leaving the bathroom, she shivered as the cooler air hit her wet body. Picking up her backpack, she unzips one of the pouches and grabs a book out of it, turning and leaving the bedroom. She suspected a few of her buddies would be downstairs in the lobby, showing each other their websites or personal pages, showing photos, or just checking email and chatting with each other. Cassie didn't want to miss a moment.

*Ding Ding*

The elevator came to a stop of her floor, and the doors opened slowly. The vixen stepped in and pushed the "L" button, and the doors shut again, and the elevator moved slowly down the 4 floors to the lobby.

*Ding Ding*

Once again, the elevators soft chiming noises indicated that it had arrived at the lobby floor as the silver doors smoothy slid open. Cassie stepped out, looking around to see if anyone she recognized was here. Dissapointed, she walks a few feet and turned a corner to where the chairs and couches were.

"Cassie!" came a chorus of crys as she was greeted by 6 of the various furs and humans she'd been with the last 15 days. As she thought, most were sitting around chatting, taking turns on the computers to check their emails and let their families, friends, and loved ones know when they would be home. It was apparent that everyone felt miserable, even though there were some that were hiding it better than others. What made Cassie feel worse is that she was the only one who's roommate had left earlier, as she lived in this town. She sat down in a chair, smiling and fighting back the feeling of tears welling up in her eyes again.

For the next hour and a half, she lounged around happily, talking and enjoying her last night with her friends. Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall, the down cast feelings returned as she realized the time. It was 11:30pm, and she could see that a couple of her friends were growing tired. First to go was Beth, a human girl with dark long hair and her roommate, who was a talkative blonde rabbit fur. They both came up and hugged Cassie, knowing that she was the first to leave the next morning (at 5am, to be exact) and they wouldn't be getting up to see her again. Cassie smiled and hugged them tightly, telling them that they had to stay in contact. Beth and the rabbit nodded their heads and headed towards the elevator.

Next, 5 or so minutes later, went Sam and Jake, both ferrets of different colors. The too hugged the vixen tightly and promised to keep in contact. Sam promised to visit, as they didn't live a tremendous distance away from each other, but Cassie still found it unlikely as the there was still quite a bit of distance. As the two ferrets walked to the elevator, the last two of her friends, got up and hugged her.The first, a pretty blonde skunk, hugged her quickly and ran off to the elevator after the ferrets. She wasn't as close to the skunk as the others, so she didn't really mind. The other, a vixen like herself, lived halfway across the world, and would be one of the people that Cassie would miss the most. Cassie hugged the other fox tightly, tears rolling down her cheeks as they said their goodbyes. As the last of her friends turned the corner to the elevator, she plopped miserably down in the chair beside her, calming herself down before she retired to her own room.

After nearly ten minutes, the emotionally exhausted and miserable vixen stood up and slowly walked to the elevator. As she walked, she noticed another of her companions walking out of the diner and rushing towards her. He was technically one of the 'teachers' of the trip, but wasn't much older than herself and fit right in with the 'students'. He was much more fun than any of the other teachers, and definatly helped keep the trip fun with his stories. They had said their goodbyes earlier that night as he didn't think he would see her again, but she was very glad to see him again. Over the past 15 days, the fox had grown to love the human, and she was glad to be near him again. Jack, as was his name, walked at her side, smiling down at her.

"I'm glad we ran into each other again, Cassie!" He said quietly, yet excitedly as he smiled again, his straight teeth a brilliant white. Jack stood near 6 feet, quite a bit taller than the vixen who was a mere 5 foot 5. He was of atheletic build, muscular and toned, but not so muscular that it was intimidating.Just the right amount. She assumed he got this look from his work, where he worked as an animal keeper in a zoo back at his home. His dusty blonde hair was cut short, and the front and part of the middle was put up in a mini "mohawk". He had a small, short beard, not noticable from a long distance, but fit his face perfectally. The sexiest thing about him, she thought, was his accent. He had an accent of some type, but she wasn't sure exactly what. She was far too tired to remember where he was from, all she knew is that the way his the accent was added into English words was music to the vixens ears. She looked up into his green eyes and smiled, blushing softly under her fur.

"So am I," she replied as she pushed the button, calling for the elevator. Despite how happy she was to see him, she wanted to get to her room as fast as she could. The more she talked to him, the more she wanted to stay. She was sure she would never see Jack again, as he too lived across the globe from herself, adding the fact that he is older than herself. Why would he want to see a girl who's barely considered an adult again? Cassie didn't know if he felt as close to anybody on this trip as the students felt with each other. She wished and hoped he did.

They both stepped into the elevator together, and both reached out to push the "4" button. Her paw landed on top of his hand, and she pulled it away quickly, blushing softly under her fur again. He turned and chuckled under his breath, so softly that Cassie couldn't hear it as she leaned agains the wall next to the handsome man. They stood quietly as the elevator moved up, the soft humming like a strange music.

*Ding Ding*

Cassie jumped as the quiet dinging yanked her from her thoughts, and Jack laughed out loud as they stepped out of the elevator. Cassie blushed furiously, so much so that she swear the Jack noticed. He smiled sweetly at her again, and her heart melted. She almost broke down then and there, as the thought of her never seeing him again entered her mind. The man took a step closer to her again and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly and lifting her clear off the ground.

"I'm going to miss you so much, more than you can imagine." The words left the vixens mouth before she could stop them, and she was afraid that Jack might catch a hint of how she felt for him.

"I'll miss you, too, Cassie." Came his reply, whispered softly into her ear. He set her down and the vixen stood unsteadiliy on her feet as she turned, headed towards her own room, ears drooping down as began to softly build up in her eyes again.

"Cassie?" Came Jacks voice, and she turned around to see him still standing where he was. "I wanted to know if you wanted to see a few pictures of some of the animals I work with before you go. I never got the chance to show you." He smiled again and gestured towards his door. Her heart skipped a beat as he pointed towards his room, expecting the offer to take place back on the lobby computers. Turning, she nodded and walked towards him. He grabbed his room card-key out of his pocket and opened the door quickly.

"Ladies first," Jack said, letting the vixen enter. The room was just like her own as could be expected in a hotel. She sat down in one of the chairs as the man grabbed his laptop and booted it up. He sat at the foot of his bed and typed on the computer, loading up the page he wanted. Tapping a spot next to him, he motioned for her to join him. Cassie walked confidently towards him, forcing herself not to look nervous for being in the room of a man she had fallen in love with. He began to show her pictures and tell her about them, as they were all written in his native language. He was pictured in many of them, with various different animals, and he always had a funny story to go with that particular animal.

After a particularly funny story, the vixen layed back on the bed, holding her stomach as she fought to control her laughter, her eyes watering up as the laughter threatened to make her cry. Managing to control herself, Cassie wiped her eyes and looked up at Jack, who was smiling down at her, still chuckling quietly. The vixen continued to watch him as he closed his laptop and set it on the floor by the bed. She began to sit up, getting ready to once again say her goodbyes and head to her room.

"Thanks for showing me the pictures, Jack. I guess this is goodbye th..." She was interrupted as Jack turned and put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her onto her back again. He pressed his mouth to hers and kissed her softly, his tongue moving around hers slowly. He pushed her up towards the head of the bed until her head was on a pillow before he stopped kissing her. He sat over her, chuckling softly again at the look of surprise on her face. Leaning down, he whispered softly in her ear.

"Cassie, I don't know why, but I've grown fond of you. No, thats an understatement. I love you Cassie, and it would have killed me to know that you were leaving without knowing how I felt. I understand if you don't feel the same, this usually doesn't happen to me. And I completely understand if you want to get up and walk out the door right now, but you have to tell me." He smiled again, but the vixen could see the uncertainty behind his eyes. She smiled and laughed, pulling him down as she kissed him softly.

"I'm glad to know you feel the same as I do," she replied after releasing him from her kiss.

Jack continued to kiss the younger vixen. He could feel her heart beat speed up as he ran his hands down her sides, feeling the soft fur through her t-shirt. He stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains. He then switched off the light, letting only the moonlight that flooded through the curtains illuminate the room. He climbed back over his vixen and removed his shirt, throwing it aside and smiling fondly at her.

Cassie pulled him down, kissing the side of his neck softly as she felt his hands pulling up her shirt slowly. Jack moaned softly as the vixen left a trail of warm kisses over his neck and down onto his chest. She then layed her head back and helped him to remove her shirt, leaving her decent sized breasts exposed. It was Cassies turn to moan as she felt her lover take one of them in his hand, taking the nipple into his mouth and sucking softly. He teased the other with the fingers of his other hand, making her gasp quietly and squirm slightly below him. She ran her soft paws down his sides and to his pants, feeling the buldge at the front before she dealt with the button and zipper. Reaching a paw into his pants, the fox ran it over Jacks semi erect cock, drawing a moan out of her lovers mouth. He quickly stood up and pulled the vixens loose pajama pants off, taking her panties with it. Cassie growled playfully as Jack began to remove what was left of his clothing, murring softly as she watched his pants drop. As he worked on his boxers, Cassie stood on all fours on the bed, looking over her shoulder and swishing her tail invitingly. She yipped lustfully as she saw Jack crawling up behind her, his cock bobbing slightly as he moved. He stood on his knees behind the vixen and ran his hands over her thighs, pulling her legs apart more, revealing more of her wet opening as he did. Running a finger over the opening, he listened to the vixens soft moans.

Slowly, he pushed a finger inside of her. Her passage was tight, and he could feel her squeezing her internal muscles around his finger. He moved it around a bit, teasing her, soaking in all of her quiet moans. Quickly, Jack added another finger, moving around a bit more roughly this time inside of her. As a reward, Cassie began to moan louder, While his fingers played in her pussy, Jacks other hand moved to the base of her tail, playing with the fluffy apendage as he pleasured his lover.

He pulled his fingers out of her short of her first orgasm. He smiled, then pulled her legs apart just a litte more, straightening himself up behind her. Cassie gasped as she felt the tip of his cock at her entrance, and she grasped the sheets tightly in her paws in anticipation.

As he put the head of his cock near her entrance, Jack quickly plunged his thumbs into Cassies opening, stretching it open a bit as he pressed his cock to it. He pushed slowly, letting just the head of his cock slip into her. Cassie moaned as she felt him slip inside of her, feeling his thumbs leave her opening as he pushed a little more. His hand came to her shoulder and pulled her back slightly into him as he continued to push, his cock slowly filling her up. After about half of Jacks member was inside of her, he stopped. He pulled about all the way to the head of his member, then slammed all 8" of it deep inside Cassie. The vixen fell forward, her ass still in the air as she moaned. Jack began to pull out slowly and ran his hands over her sides as he slid back in. He continued to thrust in and out of her slowly, wanting this moment to last forever. He felt her beginning to climax as he slammed forcefully into her, feeling her squeeze him tightly as she orgasmed.

He pulled his cock out of her slowly and turned her over onto her back, leaning down and kissing her passionately as he thrust quickly back into her, his thrusting picking up speed as he felt his own climax building. He held her breasts in his hands, massaging them softly as he began to pick up the pace, hearing her moans growing louder. She orgasmed again, tightening around his cock as he pulled out. This pushed him over the edge, and he thrust into her one more time before he came, releasing his seed deep inside her.

Cassie panted, looking lovingly deep into his eyes. Jack sat there for a moment before pulling himself out of the vixen. He slipped beside her and pulled the covers over their bodies. Her turned, her back agains his chest and wrapped an arm around her.

"Don't you worry, Cassie. I will see you again someday, and thats a promise." He sat up and kissed her cheek, settling back down beside her. Cassie nodded, smiling as she rubbed his hand.

" I hope so, because I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jack pulled his lover closer to his body and fell asleep, her soft fur soothing against his belly. Cassie fell asleep pleasently, the promise of seeing her love again pushing all the sadness from her mind. For the first time in the past couple days, she slept peacefully and happily.

Sex Under the Stars

Hi everyone! This is my first story here, and in no way do I expect this to be a great story. Just a little thing that popped into my mind that I thought some would get a kick out of! Enjoy! * * * They ran slowly, their pace had slowed down as the...

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