Special Assignments – Chapter Twenty Seven

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#27 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Twenty Eight to follow soon...

"Up there is Saluza, where the battle got really hairy. The allies came charging up the hill in tanks with aerial bomber escort above."

I followed Lachlan's paw to the ridge above us. There was a town at the top.

"They were trying to capture the town?" I asked.

"Yup, and it got destroyed, but was rebuilt after the war."

I wagged my tail as I listened. The air was warm and the sun was shining down on us.

"I don't know about you, but I could do with a swim," Lachlan said. "Remember the lake I was telling you about? It's close to here."

"Sounds like a great idea," I replied.

Lachlan grinned and took my paw. We were standing on the side of a deserted country trail, with rolling hills covered in trees and vineyards around us.

"I can't imagine this being the site of a fierce battle," I said as we began walking paw in paw.

"It's hard to imagine now," Lachlan nodded. "But in places like this you still have to be a wee bit careful for unexploded ordinance in fields, although it's mostly safe."

We reached the car and Lachlan unlocked it. He had mentioned the possibility of going for a swim as we ate breakfast (some bread and pastries he picked up from a local bakery) and I had put my swimsuit and a towel into the back of the car. I glanced over my shoulder as we climbed in and smiled as I saw my swim stuff sitting next to Lachlan's.

"Ready?" Lachlan asked.

I nodded and we drove off.

Lachlan followed the road as it skirted around the town and descended into a valley. The hills grew steeper and I could see the water of a lake sparkling at the bottom.

"It looks pretty," I mused.

"I know a good secluded spot, or rather I hope it's still secluded as I was a graduate student when I last came here," Lachlan said.

The road levelled off and we were now driving beside the lake. The water did looked very inviting indeed. The shores were also lined with smooth pebbles which gave it the appearance of a beach.

"Ah, here we go," Lachlan said as he turned the car off the main road. We bumped down a small track until Lachlan stopped the car close to the water. "We shouldn't be disturbed around here."

I thumped my tail as I opened the car door and climbed out. Lachlan was retrieving his swimsuit and he wagged his tail as he tossed me mine.

"I'm sure those will look very handsome on you," he said with a wink.

"No pressure then," I chuckled.

"Nonsense, you'll look great," Lachlan replied.

I nodded but I was too distracted by the sight of him easing his shorts and underwear down. I caught a quick sight of his butt before it disappeared into his black speedos. My cock stiffened and I glanced around before shedding my shorts. I tugged my new swim briefs up my legs and eased my semi-erect dick into the front. They were tight-fitting, but the way they hugged against my crotch and rear felt pretty good.

Pretty damn good in fact.

_ _ "See, you look very handsome," Lachlan said, wagging his tail.

I shed my shirt and Lachlan did the same. His muscular chest with the two tattoos was exposed to the sun.

"We'll lay our towels here," he announced, spreading both of our towels side by side.

I reached out and took his paw and we walked to the waterline. The ground was warm under my feet, but that feeling quickly disappeared as we reached the water.

"Fuck, that's cold," I gasped.

"It is, but just walk in and the feeling isn't so bad," Lachlan encouraged. I hesitated but he gave my paw a reassuring squeeze. "Trust me," he said.

"Okay," I said, and I held his paw as we waded into the lake.

The soft lakebed beneath my feet began to slope downwards and the water got deeper.

"Ready to swim?" Lachlan asked.

I nodded and he gave my paw another squeeze before breaking into an elegant swim. I tried following, although my motions caused a lot more splashing. Instead, I tried floating on my back, but I rolled into the water and my hind-paws hit the lake bed. I surfaced coughing and spluttering.

Great, I made a fool of myself.

_ _ "Are you okay?" Lachlan asked, taking my paw.

"Yeah, just drowning," I coughed.

"Here," Lachlan said.

He put a paw under my back and helped up to the surface of the water. I could feel his strong arms holding me as if he was bathing a cub.

"This feels nice," I grinned.

Lachlan smiled down at me.

"Okay, I'm going to let you go, ah there you are, you're drifting now."

I realised I was floating on the surface by myself. I heard a small splash and I turned my head slightly to see Lachlan floating next to me. His furry white and toned chest was reflecting the light of the sun. I could also see the pleasing contour in the front of his speedo. The temptation to grope it entered my mind, but I knew that would mean floundering in the water.

"You make floating look so easy," I sighed.

Lachlan reached out and took my paw and gently pulled me closer to him.

"You're not doing a bad job," he grinned. "I promise I won't let you drift away though."

"Like you said back in England?"


Oh what the hell.

_ _ I reached out and put my paw on the outline of Lachlan's cock. I had no idea if anyone could see us but I continued anyway.

"You're groping and still floating," Lachlan chuckled.

I could feel his dick growing hard through the wet material of his swimsuit. He fixed me a playful grin before putting his feet on the lakebed and put his paws under my butt.

"Woah!" I exclaimed as he lifted me up so our muzzles were facing each other's.

Lachlan kept smiling as I wrapped my hind-paws around his waist and folded them under his tail. His paws maintained their strong but gently grip under my rump.

"My, these do look and feel good on you," he said, gently massaging and caressing my arse through the clingy material of my speedo. "I'm glad you got a pair."

"Same here," I replied.

Our muzzles touched and I closed my eyes as we kissed. My cock was hardened as Lachlan slid his tongue into my muzzle. His paws continued to hold and knead at my butt. He pulled me in closer and the water splashed about as he rubbed his bulge against mine. The tip of my cock was almost poking out of the top of my swim briefs.

"Do you think we're scaring the fish off?" I teased as we broke away.

"Probably," Lachlan laughed. "Shall we go to shore?"

I grinned and nodded. Lachlan chuckled as he threw me over his shoulder and waded back.

"We would have so been thrown out of the pool at the Cygnet club for doing this," I said.

"That we would, but thankfully we have a lake to ourselves," Lachlan replied as we reached the edge of the water.

He set me down on my towel and straddled above me.

"So my dear Shep, we're by the side of the lake in Italy with no one around, what shall we do?" he said.

I opened my mouth to reply, but all I could utter as a soft moan of oh as he began grinding his wet bulge against mine.

"Do whatever the fuck you want," I said through gritted teeth.

Lachlan smiled before giving me another kiss. His claws gently raked down my chest fur as we continued to make out. I closed my eyes and felt Lachlan pull away, but a second later his mouth began kissing down my chest. One of his paws was rubbing the outline of my dick and I could feel pre already leaking from my tip.

"My, I can smell you already," Lachlan said, and I felt his nose press up against my bulge and sniffing deeply.

I looked up to see him easing my wet swimsuit down my hind-paws. My erect cock flopped out and hit my stomach. A glob of pre flicked into my chest fur. Lachlan teased it off with his paw and licked it off his fingers. I closed my eyes again as I felt him sniff and lick at my cock, cleaning the pre off before his my closed around my tip.

His wet tongue lapped against my shaft before he began working his way up and down with his muzzle.

I couldn't help but let out small moans and grip the towel as Lachlan sucked me off. He squeezed my cock, forcing the pre out of the tip so he could lick it up.

"Man, that feels amazing," I breathed.

"Let's try something new," Lachlan whispered.

I watched as he pulled my swim briefs fully off before gripping my hind-paws. He lifted my body slightly and I closed my eyes, wondering whether he was going to try breeding me. Instead, I felt his rough tongue against my tail hole. I gritted my teeth again as Lachlan plastered my hole with wet laps.

Damn, that feels good.

Lachlan moved away from my tail hole and I felt his tongue against my balls. I let out another moan as his paw began jerking at my cock while he simultaneously continued licking and sucking at my balls.

I gripped the towel again as I felt a warm load began to surge through my dick. Lachlan must have known I was going to cum as he placed his mouth back over my tip and stayed in place as I shot my load into his muzzle.

"That was a lot," he eventually coughed.

My cock flopped down and hit my stomach, shooting the last of my load onto my chest fur.

I laid still and panted.

Lachlan flopped down beside me and held my paw. He leaned over and our muzzles met for a kiss.

"Malcolm, may I say something?" Lachlan asked, fixing me a serious expression. "I'm ashamed I haven't said this before."

"Sure?" I replied, feeling concerned.

"Malcolm, I love you."

My muzzle broke into one of the widest smiles I had ever given.

"I love you too," I said, savouring the words in my mouth. "I love you, I love you," I repeated.

Lachlan chuckled and we kissed again, wrapping our arms around each other.

"You know I'm relieved," I admitted.


"I thought you were going to say my seed tasted bad or something."

Lachlan laughed before squeezing me in his arms.

"I'd better put my swimsuit back on," I sighed, realising I was as naked as a baby. "In case anyone comes by."

"Heh, no worries," Lachlan replied as he released me. "Although we're quite secluded here."

I sat up, but turned to fix Lachlan a grin.

"Unless you want me to get you off?" I asked.

"I wouldn't mind," Lachlan said, fixing me a wink. "Only if you want to."

"Sure sexy," I teased. "Would do you want me to do?"

"Here, roll over," Lachlan suggested.

I obliged and a moment later I felt his erect dick press against my butt.

"Are you going to?" I began.

"Not right now, as I didn't bring lube with me, and I want to make sure you're ready, but this is something else I like to do," Lachlan replied.

I felt him ease my tail out the way and press his cock against my butt. He began rubbing his shaft against my tail hole while leaning over to kiss and gently nibble at my neck.

"That feels nice," I panted.

"Good," Lachlan said with a friendly growl in my ear.

He kept pressing a rubbing until I felt the warm stickiness of his cum splashing over my back.

"That always does it for me," Lachlan huffed. "And you have a super cute arse."

"Thanks," I grinned. "I feel pretty messy though."

"Here," Lachlan said.

I felt him dab at my back with his towel.

"Are you sure you wanna use your towel?" I asked.

"Heh, it's okay. The villa has a washing machine," Lachlan chuckled.

He rolled me over and I gazed up into his amber eyes before we shared another kiss.

"I might jump in the lake to clean the rest off," I said.

"Same here."

I retrieved my swim briefs and began sliding them up my hind-paws. My back didn't feel as sticky but I made sure the waistband stayed lower than usual to avoid any lingering flecks of cum. Lachlan had eased his back on and he took my paw to lead me to the lake.

I waded into the water (quicker this time to stop the cold from getting to me) and rolled about in the water before pausing to throw some over my back. I noticed Lachlan had eased his swimsuit down to clean his cock.

"We're lucky this is a secluded spot," I laughed. "What the hell would people think if they walked by, you with your dick in the water and me rolling about."

"They'd probably think two guys having a good time," Lachlan replied. "Before they call the police."

Once I felt clean I took Lachlan's paw and we waded to the edge of the water. Although my dick had gone soft the sight of the wet material of Lachlan's speedo clinging to his muscular butt was enough to cause my swimsuit to tighten again.

Lachlan reached over and gave my bulge a quick grope.

"I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for some lunch," he said.

The thought of food made my stomach rumble.

Maybe I could do with stopping off!

_ _ "I think that's a yes," Lachlan grinned.

"Know of anywhere nice nearby?" I asked.

"No, but part of the fun is exploring."

I nodded as I dried myself off and handed my towel to Lachlan.

"It's still damp, but I figured you'd need it as yours has your seed all over it," I said.

"Heh, I appreciate the thought," he replied as he took it and smoothed his fur down.

I checked around just to make sure no one was watching before I eased my swimsuit off.

Well, you've been sucked off and swam naked, so a naked Shep would look milder by comparison to anyone watching.

_ _ I tugged my briefs and shorts on before my shirt went over my head. I pulled it over just in time to see Lachlan's butt disappear into underwear and shorts.

"We should do more later if you're up for it?" he said, glancing over his shoulder to fix me a wink. "Right now, let's get something to eat."

I wagged my tail as I wrapped my wet swimsuit into my towel and threw it into the back seat of the car. Lachlan climbed into the driver's seat and fixed me a smile.

"Today has been fun," I beamed. "And Lachlan, I wanted to say I love you."

"I love you too," Lachlan replied.

Our muzzles touched again for another kiss but my stomach let out another rumble.

"Smooth," I sighed.

"It happens to the best of us," Lachlan laughed. "Now let's go and find something to eat."

Special Assignments – Chapter Twenty Eight

I couldn't help but wind the window down and stick my paw out as we drove. The cool wind felt refreshing, even though we had just been in cold water. "You need to take me for a ride on your motorbike," I grinned. "I'm imagining the wind in my...

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Help from Cupid (Commission)

_There he is. My crush!_ Crisp gazed at Carl from across the field as he sat on the bleachers. He was captivated by the sight of the black wolf as he chased the soccer ball around the pitch. "He is hot, isn't he?" Crisp almost jumped out of his...

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Special Assignments - Chapter Twenty Six

"Is everything all right?" I turned to Lachlan and smiled. "I feel great," I said, reaching out to take his paw. He responded with one of his smiles, causing the dimples to appear in his muzzle. The sight made a warm feeling gush through me. I...

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