Tina's Story Chapter 80- Tapas -A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story Chapter 80 Tapas- A Gray Muzzle story

Tapas (n) A small snack or appetizer in Spanish cuisine. A series of small treats.

Grayson and Gray were playing on the living room floor. Grayson had a fire truck, and was about to rescue Gray from the top of a skyscraper


"Help! Rescue me!"


Grayson pulls the truck up to a tower of blocks. He extends the ladder, and runs the fireman up. The fireman and the 'rescue' tumble down the ladder.

"You saved me! My Hero!'

"Bed time boys..." Nina came in and scooped up Grayson. Grayson immediately turned and extended his little arms to Gray. Mom handed Dad his son, who took him to get ready for bed. A few minutes later, Grayson was tucked in, and Gray and Nina sat down with a cup of coffee....

"He really loves you"

(Gray smiles) "Yeah...."

"Still I wish he'd call you 'Dad' instead of 'Gray'. And I hate to hear him called 'Greg'.

Gray strokes Nina's head

"Hey. He's happy and healthy. He's made it through this all in good shape. With all that, he can call me what he wants, and I'm happy to call him what HE wants....."

Nina smiles.


"I've got something for you. Wait here....."

Gray is gone, and returns in a flash.

"I've got something for you..."

Gray takes Nina's hand. He slips her wedding ring off, and opens a small box. He then puts a diamond ring on her finger.

"Gray! It's BEAUTIFUL! You didn't have to...."

Gray smiles.

"Yeah, I did. I told you I'd get you a real one. It always bothered me. This is the first thing I wanted to do....."

Nina throws her arms around Gray.

"I thought I was the happiest girl in the world. But now I'm even happier!"

Gray and Nina cuddle, lost in the moment, as much in love as two people can be......

Felicia puts the last few touches on her look for the night. It was Felicia's first formal, and the Siamese looked as good as she ever had. She wore a long, blacl, slinky evening gown that showcased her Siamese figure to perfection. The neckline plunged dangerously, the back clung to her tight feline ass perfectly. And she wore heels, which picked up her ass, and her tail even further.

"Not bad, Sis..." Felicity admired "Hope he appreciates it"

"Oh, he will....' Felicia replied, smiling dreamily.....

It wasn't much long before Kendo the wolf appeared to pick up his date. Tonight was a charity ball. This was a big deal locally. All the important people in civic life would be there. Felicia was going to her first formal!

Kendo appeared at the door. Felicia had never seen Kendo look so.....remarkable! He stood there, looking like a Lupine James Bond in a black tuxedo.

"You look INCREDIBLE" Felicia said, breathlessly.

"Here, I have something for you."

Kendo took out a plastic box. He opened it, and pinned a corsage on her.

"I've died and gone to heaven!" Felicia swooned

Felicia arrived to find the ball was in the main room at a large, grand hotel. Everyone was dressed beautifully. There were waiters in black tie offering food, and drinks. Everything was so perfect! Felicia had never seen anything so grand. They were seated at a table, with the president of the city counsel, a member of the charity board, a local TV newsperson and their spouses. Tina was in awe. She had never seen anything quite as grand as this. Still, she felt....out of place.

You see, Felicia knew her limits. She wasn't smart, and she wasn't educated, and she knew it. It usually wasn't an issue, but Kendo brought her into an entirely different world. Felicia did her best to follow Colleen's advice, but that only took her so far. So, when dinner ended, she wanted to escape. When the music started, she asked Kendo to dance.

"Hon, I don't know...." A look of fear was on his face.

"What is it, Baby?" Felicia asked, confused.

"I .....don't dance. I'll just embarrass you" Kendo said, sadly.

Felicia pulled him from his seat.

"Don't be silly. It's easy" she said with supreme confidence. "I'll lead. Just relax, and do what I do. It'll be fun.!"

Though Kendo was still scared, he was willing to humor Felicia. They took the dance floor. Felicia was as good as her word. By following her lead, Kendo could dance!

"Hey, you're pretty good"

"You're not bad yourself. Having fun?"

"Yeah. Yeah I am!" Kendo smiled.

After that, the night seemed to fly by. There were drinks, and laughter, and lots of dancing. Before thy knew it, they were back at Felicia's door.

"I had a wonderful night" Felicia replied, dreamily.

"Me, too."

And then it happened. Before she knew, Kendo took Felicia in his arms, and kissed her passionately. Felicia melted in his arms. The kiss lasted forever. Their tongues met, and Felicia was in heaven. She began to rub suggestively on his leg, when she heard Colleen's voice, talking to her.

"Sorry I can't invite you in tonight...." Felicia paused "But NEXT time, I MIGHT...."

She replied, with a wink.

Koji spent the night with Violet at Peteena's House. Since Violet was still sleeping as they woke, Koji went off in search of coffee. He was first up, so he put a pot on. By the time he brought the coffee back, Violet was up. As he opened the door, he was greeted by quite a sight. There was Violet, Ipod in her ear, rocking out to the GoGo's "We got the beat'. She was wearing a matching lavender panty and camisole set. Koji stood in the doorway, mesmerized, as Violet bumped and shook her booty, singing along.

"We got the BEAAAAAT!

It was then that Koji let out a laugh.


Surprised by Koji, Violet tripped, and fell to the floor. Koji put down the coffee, and went to help her up. Violet turned the tables, and took him down.

"Rat BASTARD! How long were you watching? She huffed

"Long enough to get a raging hard on...."

Violet wrestled him to the floor, pinning him easily. She held him there, giving him one long breathy kiss after another, while her sex bumped his.


"Yes, Goddess?"

"I goota leave"

Koji sat up on his elbows

"Waddaya mean?

Violet smiled

"Not you, silly" she soothed, kissing his head. "Here"

Villet jumped up on the bed, sitting Indian style. With her legs crossed, her pure white fur spilled outside the crotch of her panties. Koji joined her.

"I can't live here in a dormitory any longer. It was OK, until I met you...." She stated

"I'm sorry" Koji apologized

:Don't be. It had to happen. I'm an adult. I'm too old to have people take care of me. My Aunt and Uncle said I could stay with them. That will give me a chance to get a job, and get settled."

"You could move in with me..." Koji offered

"I can't. Not yet, anyway. I've got to learn to take care of myself. You know, job, rent shopping....."

"What do you want?" Koji asked

Violet blushed

"You'll think I'm stupid"

"Try me."

"I want to learn to ride. I want a motorcycle. Not just any motorcycle. A Harley-Davidson. A Black one.

"I don't think that's stupid at all. I think it's pretty cool."

"You don't?

"No, I don't. I could teach you...."

"Really?! You would? But I don't have a motorcycle...."

"But I do...."

"You do?"

"Yeah. Nothing fancy. A Honda 250. But it's a motorcycle. It'll give you the basics.....


Violet knocked Koji over, smothering him in kisses, as happy and in love as she could be.....

Tina's Story -Chapter 81 In the Begining -A Gray Muzzle story

Tina's Story- Chapter 81 - In the Beginning - A Gray Muzzle story (I'd like to thank Spikey Pete, whose idea served as the basis for this story. Beyond this idea though, I'd like to thank Pete for his daily conversation, his ideas, his...

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Marcia's Predicament - A Gray Muzzle story

Marcia's Predicament - A Gray Muzzle story. It crept up on her during her morning routine. A certain tingly feeling. Maybe a little moistness. Her mind starting to wander...... Marcia is a Standard Poodle hybrid. In addition to her...

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Violet in love IV- A Gray Muzzle story (as before, Koji, the character is the property of Koji Haeos, and is used with his permission) Koji woke up slowly. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the wolf/malamute hybrid took inventory....

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