RotH – Chapter 8: Protection

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#8 of Rules of the Herd

Happy 1st May to everyone.

I managed to finish the chapter in time and I hope you like it. There will be (at least) one more chapter.


This story is about anthro horses in a different dimension and world.

The story follows the summer trip of young anthro horses and their adventures.

This story is purely for entertainment and does not reflect the opinion or likes of the writer. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult. It plays in a parralel world without humans.

Adult notice: This story series is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro furry species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the main characters is 9 - 16 (at start of story) but might include younger and older characters through the series. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account settings.

RotH - Chapter 8: Protection

A few weeks had past since everything came out and Jack slowly got used to his new live. He started to be more awake at school as well.

In the last weeks, he had been so tired every morning, that he had been scolded by his teachers a few times for falling asleep in class, but now he at least managed to get through the class and only take a small nap in the breaks.

His daily routine had a lot in for the boy. In the morning, he was woken up, mostly tired, and had breakfast, that one of the girls was preparing. Tina still accompanied him to school, even though her belly slowly grew, and she would soon stay home as well.

The hard work started, when he came home from school. He had to do the laundry, bring out the trash, clean the floor and be there for each girl at the same time.

Sure, the girls helped him with this, but the parents had decided that he had to help in the household as well.

If there was something to repair, he also would fix it and then he helped the girls with their homework, while doing his own.

It did not look too much but with 6 girls, the time flew by and often he got to bed late.

When one of the girls had some extra wish, like something special they wanted to eat, he had to go out and get it.

Every second day, he got a list for shopping with him and went into the store to get it after school.

The girls were sweet, and he enjoyed living with them. They helped where they could, even did a bit of the work he was still supposed to do and cuddled with him when he sat on the sofa exhausted in the evening.

Jack felt the bond between them grow and he started to feel more and more confident as the lead stallion.

Mrs. Dunningham, or Petra, how she told the kids to call her, was a nice lady of 34 years. She sometimes spent the evenings with the kids and talked with them, or helped Jack, when he was tired, with his tasks together with the girls.

She even overlooked the times, when Jack and one of the girls vanished in his room to have some intimate time and did not call it out.

These days, it was always the girls requesting some intimate moments. Jack was so tired, that his mind did not think about having sex with them, until they brought it up.

Even though it spent more of his precious energy, he still complied every time, because this was part of making sure that the girls were sound and happy.

He still enjoyed the encounters with the girls as long as it lasted, but often fell asleep right after cumming inside them and with his rod deep in their pussies.

The girls did not complain and did all to make it as easy and comfortable for Jack as possible. When they saw, that he was super tired, they just cuddled up with him and let him rest.

It all became more stressful when Tina also was excused from school and stayed home, because her belly showed clearly now.

At some days, the parents of the girls (or Jack's parents) paid a visit and because they did not visit together every time, nearly every day there was one adult with them.

Over the weeks, Jack got more and more used to the new life. The adults visited them mostly on the weekends now, because they noticed, that Jack had everything in control, and the girls started to show big bulges.

Jack loved to caress the big bellies of the girls, and sometimes even spared a few gropes at their utters, that became bigger with each week, as if to prepare for the nursing already.

Not being too tired anymore, Jack was able to enjoy every day. He actively offered intimate time to the girls, even though with the big bellies the girls did not take him up on the offer every day, because they also started to feel tired at some days.

At the weekends, they spend the time together. Sometimes, Petra joined them even though it was her free time.

They went to the cinema together or just lay in the sun, on a small clearing near their house.

Jack was very excited for the foals already, that presented themselves as big round bellies now, and he loved to place his ear on the bellies to listen if he could pick up something from inside.

A few times, he felt one of the foals kicking against the belly and he then would talk to them and kiss the belly as if he was having a conversation with the foal, until the girl that belonged to the belly giggled and pushed him away, because he was tickling her.

Jack started to get used to his job and position as "the stallion" in the house and started to get more sensible to every demand of his girls. He knew what they wanted from a look or a groan and was eager to assist them.

A few times, Petra pulled him to the side, after he massaged the hooves of Sophie or fed Nina some fruits. She reminded him to not spoil them too much or they would get used to always get this treatment, but Jack insisted on doing everything to make the pregnancy of the girls amazing.

What Jack did not know was, that Petra also talked to the girls, when he was in school, telling them to not abuse Jack's goodwill too much, because they needed to be independent as mothers as well.

"It is okay to have him pamper you a bit, but make sure to not get lazy. When the foals are born, he will not be able to do everything, as much as he pledged it and said he would." She reminded them. "You also need to take responsibility for yourself and for the foals in your bellies."

"I know it is asking a lot." She continued and caressed the head of Nina, who giggled. "Even more because you are so young. I know that you did not chose this, but you need to make the best out of it."

"Jack did not choose it. He did not know!" Lyra shot back. She felt like the middle-aged teacher was badmouthing Jack.

"I know." She replied, sighing. She had tried to argue a lot, but she knew by now how much the girls loved Jack. She could not blame them for it. Jack was a very handsome boy, that cared a lot for each of them and even though he had to take care of six girls, he managed it perfectly.

'I wish, I would find such a fine man.' She thought to herself, while smiling to the girls. She had looked for a man for years now, but never got closer to any stallion. When they were getting closer, they always creeped her out with their tries to get her into the bed and she blocked them.

She had to admit, that in intimate experience, the girls were far ahead of her, who was despite her age still a virgin.

It was Saturday and Petra had spent the day with a trip for a friend of her and just returned to the house. Jack took care of the girls and when she returned, she saw them cuddled up in the living room, talking about something.

Petra smiled, after greeting them, and got back to her room. She was a bit exhausted from the long drive. In addition to the long drive, this morning her heat kicked in. It had been extra unbearable, because at her friend's house or on the drive, she had no opportunity to masturbate and her body was shaking from the need of a release.

She took a shower and lay on her bed naked, groaning from the hot and tingling feeling. Her hand moved towards her utters and she moaned while fondling them and brushing over her erect teats.

She closed her eyes and continued to fondle her utters while moaning softly, totally giving herself to the feeling.

After a while, one of her hands moved towards her snatch, while the other continued to fondle the utters.

She brushed over her clit and the burst of pleasure made her moan loud and started to play with the clit and her utters more heavily, huffing and moaning without holding back.

She was so into it, that she did not notice the steps in front of her door. She also did not hear the knock and was not imagining that her outcry "Yes" at this moment, because she hit a spot inside her snatch that made her tingle even more, would be understood as an agreement to enter.

"Petra, do you want to join us for dinner?" Jack asked but then stopped with the door half open, staring at the naked mare in heat on her bed, masturbating and dripping her juices all over the bed.

"I..." he started, and Petra heard him taking in the air with a loud snort. When she opened the eyes and looked at him in shock, he stared right between her open legs, where her fingers still were between her folds, and his lip rolled up in flehming.

Petra was as shocked as the boy seemed to be and could not utter a single word. She did not even close her legs or pull out her hand but just froze.

"Do... do you need help with that?" the boy offered, clearly embarrassed. Petra understood that he genuinely wanted to help, and the bulge in his pants showed that he was also considerably aroused, but in this moment, she snapped out of the shock.

"No.... out!" was all she managed to say, still not closing her legs or covering herself. The boy followed her request directly and closed the door. She heard a muffled "Sorry." From the outside while his steps left.

The heart of Petra raced fast and the tingling in her snatch increased. For some reason, it aroused her body and mind that the boy saw her and his reaction. It made her feel wanted and as a beautiful mare that he got aroused and even flehmed.

She was a bit angry for him to get into her room, even though she realized that he meant no harm and she had said "Yes" when he probably knocked. But at the same time she felt hot and aroused by the thought of him seeing her and she imagines what would have happened, if she would have taken his offer.

She fantasized about the boy getting naked, eating her out and then pushing his big rod, or at least she imagined It to be big, as she had not seen him naked yet, into her snatch.

She pumped her fingers in and out in a fast pace, imagining that Jack was hammering her, but even though she reached a small climax a few minutes later, it left her in need and unsatisfied. Her actions could not keep up with the fantasy.

She lay there, still feeling a tingling deep inside her and doze off to a short sleep, as the exhaustion of her drive came down on her.

When she woke up hours later, the house was silent, and the window showed that the sky outside was dark.

Jack lay in his bed and could not sleep. The encounter with Petra did not go out of his head.

He had been very embarrassed when he entered her room, after she clearly answered his knocks with a "yes" and found the woman naked and masturbating on her bed.

She had thrown him out and during dinner, that he took with the girls, he wondered if the woman was angry at him and if she would tell their parents.

No matter how he looked at it, he could not see anything he did wrong. Maybe he should not have let his arousal, that he felt after he smelled the heat of the woman, take over and offer her to help.

Jack did not even know why he did that. Sure, she had become somewhat like a close friend to him and the girls, but she was much older, and he understood that it came across very creepy and inappropriate for him to enter her room while she was naked, let alone offer her to mate while she was in heat.

His wives, how he often referred to the girls, were in their full pregnancy, showing their big bellies and only rarely got intimidate with him now.

Not that Jack was impatient or longed for sexual activity. He enjoyed just to cuddle with them, and his libido had been vastly reduced with them not being in heat and not requesting it too much.

On the other side, seeing and even more smelling, the donkey mare in heat peeked his arousal and a drive he had not felt for weeks grew in him.

For the first time in a month, he lay naked on his bed, unable to sleep, and masturbated. The girls all had their own rooms and this night none of them was with him.

Jack smelled his own arousal from his half erect dick that lay on his belly and he had his eyes closed, thinking about the view he had on the teacher of his herd.

"Hey!" Jack winced. He did not notice, that someone entered his room and he looked in shock up to the donkey mare, that stood at the end of his bed, looking down on his half erect member in a mint green nightdress.

"You know, I think this is the right time to teach you about contraception." She mare said, as if this situation was not totally embarrassing.

Jack stared up to her and watched her pulling something out of a small box and throw the box on the bed afterwards.

"I figured, that I made you quite uncomfortable with my display. I should have locked my door, so should have you, but I am willing to help you with this." Jack still did not reply.

Petra unpacked something and approached him. Her scent of heat hovered over the bed into the nostrils of Jack and he began to flehm and suck the air in through his nostrils.

His rod started to harden and stand up straight. He noticed Petra eying it with interest. She showed much less shyness, than she had when he watched her naked. For Jack it was normal that the girls saw him naked, but he still felt a bit embarrassed to get an erection in front of Petra.

"This is a condom." She explained and put something over his erect dick. She rolled it down and Jack moaned softly from the subtle pleasure her fingers on his rod caused.

"This prevents a mare from getting pregnant. I figured you should learn how to use it. It is important, that you get used to them for the future, because you do not want to have a full city of kids, do you?" she chuckled, but Jack noticed a bit of nervousness or uncertainty in her voice.

When the layer on his dick went all down to his base, she crawled on the bed next to him and started to caress his rod with her hands.

"Don't worry, I will help you." She replied and to his surprise she started to lick his covered meat with her tongue and made him moan.

After a few minutes, she got up from his dick and started to disrobe her night dress. Jack noticed that she did not wear any underwear and the scent of her heat made him groan in sexual arousal and frustration.

"Want to return the favor?" she asked and threw her leg over his chest, facing his nostrils with her winking puffed pussy and then Jack felt how she pushed her mouth over his rod, taking it all the way in to her throat and with small bobbing movements made him moan and huff.

It took him half a minute before he returned the favor for her and started to lick over her snatch. At first, she yipped and winced, followed by a long moan but soon she even pushed her snatch against his snout and encouraged him to lick deep inside her pussy.

Jack felt her maidenhead with his tongue and realized, that the woman was a virgin. Based on her reaction, it was also the first time, that she got licked by someone, but the skill she showed with licking his rod, he bet that she at least gave a muzzlejob before.

Jack got her to a climax long before he was ready to blow a load into her muzzle, or into the protective layer.

The taste and smell of her girl juices together with his arousal clouded his head but he was not the only one totally in his pleasure.

Petra had stopped to suck him off, when she climaxed and collapsed over his rod. Her spade winked and twitched, and Jack saw it wide open, clearly seeing her hymen and the pink color of her pussy.

He got into a sitting position, pushed the mare a bit further to the end of the bed, and looked at her face. She had her eyes half closed and her nostrils were sucking in his musk while she huffed and moaned softly.

Her upper body was pushed into the cover of his bed, close to the edge, and her hind legs kneeled over him, pushing her hind high as well as her tail. It was a position, Jack had seen many times before from his herd and one that suggested but one thing for the boy.

Jack crawled out under the female and got himself into position. There was no protest from Petra when he pulled her legs into a bit wider stance on the bed and licked her ass and back, slowly getting over her.

A long groan emitted from the woman, and her eyes shot open, making her get clear in a second, when Jack pushed forward and felt her hymen rip under his powerful thrust.

It was as if the mare wanted to say something. She opened her muzzle, but at his second thrust she just emitted a loud groan that turned into a moan and her eyes fluttered.

Jack did not care about the reaction of the mare. His instinct was set awake and he pushed in and out of the snatch of Petra, who slowly came around and started to huff and moan all the time. A few whinnies mixed into it, when she came a second time around his big rod, that reached all the way to her cervix and after a few jabs, and her relaxing muscles from her climax, finally breached her sacred chamber and flared.

Jack could feel his spurts entering the layer over his dick and filling it up. If felt like a balloon of cum over his tip and he filled it good until the spurts subsided.

After the second climax, Petra came too a bit and huffed strongly, while looking up to Jack over her shoulder, until he finally pulled out and sat back, panting and huffing as well.

"Wow." Petra said. "This was much more intense and pleasurable than I imagined." And with these words, she started to pull off the condom, make a knot into it at the end, leaving a cum filled balloon, and placed it next to the bed.

Then she pulled out another one from the box on the bed and started to put it on the dick of Jack.

"We got some more to fill to train you in using them." She commented and started to push her wet pussy, that showed a bit of blood from her defloration, into his face while making his softening rod hard again with her tongue and hands.

Jack was not tricked. He noticed, that Petra just could not bear it and now, that she tested how a real stallion felt, she longed for his dick. In this moment he did not mind though.

He licked Petra, while she prepared him and when he was hard again, he put her into position and rammed into her harder than before.

They filled one more condom, and then another one. Petra let Jack put on the condom himself, saying that he needed to learn how to do it, but with each condom he filled, her eyes looked more blurred and she seemed to get less reasonable.

Jack saw that she was getting consumed by the pleasure and entered a love daze, presenting for him and whining when he took to long to change the condom for her needs.

Jack did not know how long they had been at it, but he himself was only half conscious and followed his instinct to ram himself into the willing mare, that moaned and nickered under him.

Then came the time, when he pulled out the last condom in the box and filled it inside of Petra but the mare, who was on top of him, already bounced up and down on his rod, while he was still spurting, leaving him hard and aroused under her.

He prepared for a second load, even though the balloon in her womb was filled to the brim already, and then it happened.

Jack felt the pressure suddenly let up and he imagined hearing a pop and he knew directly, that the balloon on his tip was gone and bursted. He felt the womb of Petra directly with his flesh and knew, that the protective layer was not around his dick anymore and he directly spurted his last spurts inside the womb of the mare.

When he came down a bit from his climax and pulled out, he saw the white semen gush out of her snatch and the broken condom around his tip.

"I am sorry, I..." he stammered but Petra, who came to when the condom popped, just put a finger on his mouth.

"Don't worry. Actually, I am on the pill." "What is that?" Jack did not hear this before.

"This is a way to prevent a pregnancy, even during heat and without a condom, by taking some medicine." She explained and Jack looked at her snatch and then the broken condom.

"Why did you have me wear a condom then?" he asked but Petra laughed. "For training. I told you this is to teach you how to use protection. But I have to say, your cum inside me feels much better than I imagined." And she moaned while playing a bit with the leaking cum.

"Up for another round?" she taunted him and when he looked up, she had turned around and sway her hind back and forth, while her pussy winked.

Jack pulled the rest of the condom of his dick and lined it up with Petra's snatch.

"You just wanted me to take you through your heat, right?" he chuckled and pushed in, making the mare moan in pleasure.

"I will allow you only this one..." She managed to say, before her moans erased all words from her muzzle.

Jack hammered Petra hard and with all the climaxes they had before, the mare soon was overwhelmed again and her energy depleted fast.

The boy was trained with six mares and the virgin donkey had no way to outperform the steeled stallion. He started to let loose of his reigns and pumped into her without a break.

When he came, he just rested a bit inside her and listened to her moans and nickers, and then he started to push and pull again, until the softening of his rod stopped and he prepared for the next climax.

Petra lost control and Jack took over. The mare soon could do nothing more than moan, whimper, huff, nicker and whine under him.

Deep inside her, she realized that she came more than she had done in all the times she masturbated together already and with the virile stallion on top of her, she did not know how much more he would take her.

The donkey mare faded off into love daze and fell asleep in the middle of the night, but she woke up an hour later feeling his dick still, or again, pumping into her.

Only in the early morning, Jack finally exhausted his energy and came to a rest, still deep in the womb of the female, her belly bulged out as if she was pregnant like the girls, and the sheets under them wet from their combined juices that leaked out of the woman when he pulled out in between.

With his arms around the mare, he fell asleep and joined her, who slept as well in this moment, into slumber.

When his wives came to wake him up, Jack and Petra had a lot to explain them.

Petra started to try to make them understand that this was just to teach him how to retrain himself and use protection to avoid the girls getting pregnant again, but the girls looked at the couple with raised eyebrows. The vision of her filled to the brim did not support the story.

Jack finally just said. "She is part of the herd now." Which was enough for the girls to accept the new mare, and the donkey, again a bit clouded by the pleasure of him softly rubbing his dick inside her, nodded and agreed, without realizing that she just agreed to this not being the one-time-thing she mentioned.

Jack slowly rocked the reason out of her body on this Sunday, taking the mare on many more adventures of orgasm and in many different positions.

At the start, Petra still felt a bit embarrassed, when Jack showed the sticky mare off in front of his wives with a hard fuck during breakfast, but after a few hours, she even presented to him voluntarily even though some of the girls were watching.

Her heat took over. It never had felt this strong and her urges had never overpowered her mind like this in the past.

She could do nothing more than moan when he was on top of her and whine and whimper when he took a break and her heat was nagging for some attention of the stallion.

She experienced first hand a fully lit heat that made her think of nothing than Jack, or even more precise of nothing but his penis.

Luckily for her, taking the pill had been so much of a routine for her, that even with her mind clouded she reminded to take it during the morning, but the rest of the day she just let Jack take her on a journey of pleasure and sexual desire.

Her heat bloomed and was as strong as she never had felt it before. It was unbearable and only his long rod, that pierced through her folds and rubbed her cervix and then sprayed the wonderful warm goo into her, was able to satisfy it and take away the itch.

She had never allowed any stallion before to fondle her utters but now she shivered and longed for the touch of his hands, when he caressed and massaged the utters and teats.

No male had ever seen her naked before, but now she posed her winking pussy in front of the nose of Jack whenever she felt the itch getting to strong.

In his arms and grasp the mare became a little girl again, unable to fight against the feeling inside her and against the strong stallion, taking her as he pleased.

But even if she could have, she wouldn't have fought it. The pleasure coursing through her body was like a dream she wished for since she was a maiden.

It was like the fantasies while masturbating in all her live came true and all the princes she kissed in her dreams were united in Jack, who massaged his overflowing cum into her fur, utters and teats.

Only on Monday morning, when Jack left for school after filling her one more time and taking a shower, her body slowly cooled down.

The first hour had been very bad, as he body longed for the dick to be pushed in, but being denied the pleasure, it slowly calmed down.

She managed to hold a short lecture with the girls after taking a shower herself but then left them for self-study because her body started to heat up again and tingle.

She drew a bath and massaged the dried cum, that she missed during the shower, out of her fur and relaxed for an hour, slowly calming down with her constant tingling body.

But her body could not rest for long. When Jack came back in the afternoon, Jack directly went to her and sniffed at her mid section.

"You are still in heat, right?" he asked and the donkey, having cooled off, looked at him surprised.

"Yes, but I told you that it was just a one-time-thing..." she yipped when he disrobed, and his erect member sprung out of his pants.

"You joined the herd yesterday, remember?" he just replied and pushed her back against the table so that she sat on the edge.

"And you know the rules!" he closed in and lifted her dress to pull her panties to the side and line up his dick.

Petra saw that he was hard in need from her scent, but she also noticed that her own snatch heated up and the arousal had her drenched in a second. Her body wanted it just as much.

She knew it was wrong and she knew that she should not let him take her again. She should not have jumped him in the first place.

But she did not fight it. She even opened her legs wide to give him more access and her lips quivered in anticipation when he pushed in.

She took the excuse of being tricked, how she justified it inside her head, into the herd and having to obey the rules. She tried to make it right by her just following these imaginary rules of the household.

But she knew deep inside, that this was just was her body wanted and even her mind asked for. Having tasted sex for the first time, during her heat, and still being deep in her heat, she just had no will to refuse him and she even starved for him to cum inside her again.

Her minds clouded during her moans, whimpers and nickers while Jack took her multiple times in different positions and disrobed her after the second go.

She felt contend with just being a breeding stock for the young stallion, even though she knew he could not knock her up right now.

But something inside her even wondered if it would not be a good plan to just 'forget' to take the pill during one of her future heats and get pregnant with his foals.

She realized, that she loved Jack. She always felt deeply for his caring side and she liked the way he cared for his herd. She had fantasized about him and wished to get a stallion like him someday, but now she had him.

She never imagined it to be like this, but the rest of her heat, she presented to him when he came home and drew all his attention to her and her heated snatch.

She did only realize after her heat went down, how grown up Jack was already and how bound to his duty he was. She heard, that even when he was, in her memory constantly, mating with her, he did not neglect the tasks around the house and he still found time for his other mares.

Even though she still played the teacher and guardian of them when the parents came and kept her distance from Jack, her live changed.

When they were alone, she got as intimate with him as the other girls, cuddled with him, let him hold her and even gave him a muzzlejob now and then.

She started to love the life together in the herd with the girls and Jack. She felt a strong bond to everyone in the house and she knew, that even when the foals were born and the girls could go to school again, she would still stay here with them.

RotH – Chapter 9: Happiness

# RotH - Chapter 9: Happiness "I'm home!" Jack called into the house when he closed the door. He heard the cheers of the foals from the yard. They now lived in a much bigger house at the roots of the mountain close to the edge of the forest. Mr....

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RotH – Chapter 7: Busted

# RotH - Chapter 7: Busted When the heat of Tina declined, both cooled down a bit as well. Jack and Tina still ran around holding hands and kissed a lot when they were alone, but they only engaged in sex around once a week. Jack and Tina were now a...

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RotH – Chapter 6: Protector

# RotH - Chapter 6: Protector School started again, and all was back to normal for Jack. He still texted with the girls weekly, but his attention was drawn back to the classes and his sport activities. Even though he acted like normal towards the...

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