Danny's Autos: Part Two
contraceptive diaphragm." he's staring at her. she's seen faces less blank on clothes store mannequins. "okay, never mind - you can just watch once i've peed." she hands him her bag, amused, and disappears into the bathroom. sweet, sweet moronic chip.
A Diplomatic Introduction
As a result, the initial contraceptive plan was quickly abandoned, leading back to the original problem.
Neberum: the "Bitter-Sweet" Contraceptive
It has been noted that only the bird-like peryava can ingest neberum raw and benefit from its contraceptive properties. no other race or breed of beast folk seems to share this ability.
Wt: hmm, well lets see...fluke claimed contraception can cost a woman up to three grand a year, which in her words was the equivalent of an entire summer salary, to which rush responds, "how much sex is she having where her contraceptive costs are $3000?"
Polar Bear Brother's Cubs
I am now using contraceptive foam to protect my womb as i am fucking a couple of other guys. a huge grizzly bear on the football team and a spectacled bear professor who's unmarried.
Falco, I Understand Why You've Done that (StarFox Fanfiction)
"just use a contraceptive; i still want this sex life," she said. falco groaned as katt presented contraceptives to choose from. "rawkin' hawk's my favorite," she said.
Sheepish Behavior
We fought bad as he wanted me to stop using contraception and let him knock me up and put his kittens in my belly not caring if i was ready to have kittens yet. he actually told me it was his right to decide when we would breed.
Finale of the Taboo Market Industry's Fall, Part 2 - A Turn to a Happier Setting
"did you hear the contraceptive break, gin," asked mark. ginger awkwardly looked at mark as he pulled out of her ass. "let me guess; the contraceptive went bad," she asked. mark washed off his manhood and its broken condom.
Whoa, What a Tiger Mom!
Fiona blushed a little more as she got done with the contraceptive. "now you should be set to go," she said. geno ignored this and continued worshiping his aunt's feet. fiona panted as his tongue kept stimulating intense arousal.
Stollen Heat
It sucks i didn't get the contraceptives to you in time but hey we have three very good pups with 2 more on the way.
Publication 323B
The promiscuity also led to overpopulation in the species' earlier years, which was eventually combated by the enforced regime of contraceptives given to the majority of females during estrus; several permutations were attempted before a contraceptive
Revelations - Chapter 24: Life Lessons
That in and of itself poses no problem, but it_does_pose problems with regards to contraceptives. i assume by contraceptives, you're referring to the pill?" raenne nodded.