RotH – Chapter 9: Happiness

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#9 of Rules of the Herd

Sorry for the delay. I am currenlty ill and had a lot of pain in the last days which prevented me from concentrating and finishing the story up.

I am still not feeling good, but I managed to sum this chapter up for you. I hope that my illness did not affect the story negatively too much.

Originally I wanted to sum the story up with this chapter, but there will be another one, because so many plot came into my mind while writing it, that one chapter was too short to cover it.

I hope you like it.


This story is about anthro horses in a different dimension and world.

The story follows the summer trip of young anthro horses and their adventures.

This story is purely for entertainment and does not reflect the opinion or likes of the writer. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult. It plays in a parralel world without humans.

Adult notice: This story series is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro furry species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the main characters is 9 - 16 (at start of story) but might include younger and older characters through the series. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account settings.

RotH - Chapter 9: Happiness

"I'm home!" Jack called into the house when he closed the door. He heard the cheers of the foals from the yard.

They now lived in a much bigger house at the roots of the mountain close to the edge of the forest.

Mr. Arlington had helped them to find this new house, when the foals had been born and the house they rented became too crowded.

Since the birth of his first born, the daughter of Lyra that she named Tikki, five years had passed already.

Jack was finished with school and completed his apprentice years and now worked as an accountant. Even though he was still young and fresh in the job, he earned enough to support his big herd, with a little help from their parents.

Lyra, Penny and Tina also finished school already. While Lyra already finished her apprenticeship and got a job at a bank in the city, Penny still was in her last year to become an accountant as well, dreaming of getting into the same company as Jack. Tina just started at university to become a teacher.

Having learned about contraception, all mares prevented further pregnancies, except for Sophie, who decided to get another foal, that also already was 1 years old by now.

A door to the entrance hall opened and Jack could smell herbs and spices from the preparations of the meals. Petra stepped out and smiled at him, on her arm a 3 years young mule filly.

"Welcome home!" she greeted him and the girl on her arms hopped down from her arm to run towards Jack, who bowed down to pick her up.

"Daddy!" the girl shouted and jumped into his arms, before he pulled her up and threw her in the air, making sure to not toss her too far, so she would not hit the ceiling.

The girl laughed. "Hello Olga, were you nice for mommy?" he asked, smiling and the girl cheered and ensured him that she had been a good girl.

It had been a surprise for Jack, when Petra suddenly got pregnant. She later told him, that she stopped taking the contraception, because she wanted to have a foal with him as well like every other mare and after a first shock, Jack was happy for her decision.

A lot of changed over the years. With a full-time job Jack now could not spend so much time at home and with the foals, the intimate moments with his mares also got less, but as a compensation he now got 8 little bundles of joy, that kept him, and their mothers, active all the time.

Jack dropped his jacked by the wardrobe before picking up Olga and carrying her to her mother. He greeted Petra with a kiss on her muzzle.

"How have you been doing today?" he asked and put an arm around her hip while following her into the kitchen.

"Welcome home!" the voice of Penny greeted him. The young mare was busy preparing the dinner. Every day two of the mares were responsible for the dinner and this day it was Penny and Petra.

"I am back!" he greeted her and bowed down to give her a kiss on her muzzle as well before taking one of the spoons and trying to steel some soup. The mare gave him a slap on his hands. "No snacking!" she chuckled, and he grinned to her sheepishly.

"Can you take Olga with you?" Petra asked and joined Penny at the stove. "I need to help Penny so we can soon eat."

"Sure, do you want to go with daddy?" he asked Olga and the girl cheered and hugged his neck.

Jack advanced toward the dining room, closing the door to the kitchen behind them, and carried the filly through the room to the back door that led into the big yard, where he already saw all his foals play.

On a few chairs, Marie, Lyra, Sophie, Nina and Tina sat, watching the kids play and talking with each other. Sophie had her youngest foal, a colt named Liam, on her lap and let him suckle milk from her utters. Even though he started to eat normal food as well, she still nursed him.

"Good evening ladies?" Jack said with charm in his voice and while the mares stopped their chatter and joined in a choir of welcomes, the kids also turned and with loud cheering raced to him.

He kneeled, letting Olga down and shielding her a bit from the hyperactive greeting he received from his other children that hugged him and greeted him with loud voices.

Including Olga, there were 4 mare fillies. Tikky, his oldest daughter, with the same golden fur than her mother Lyra, the pitch-black Lucy, Sophie's daughter and Jenny, the white girl of Tina.

Then there were 4 colts, including Liam, the youngest black foal of Sophie. Thomas, a gold furred colt with black mane and son of Marie, Gregory, the spotted son of Penny, who took a lot after Jack from build and size, not loosing to his brothers and Shawn, the black and white son of Nina who was also the biggest of them.

Jack had hard time to get to the chairs, with Olga and Jenny on his arms and the other foals clinging to his legs. When he finally sat down, four of them directly climbed on his lap and snuggled up with him.

Olga always had been very clingy to her mother and Jack, but recently all his kids seemed to compete over getting close to Jack, but he also enjoyed being close to his foals and did not mind of them hogging around him all the time.

The mares chuckled and Sophie said: "Be sure to not crush your father." While Liam suckled milk in long gulps from her teats.

Jack leaned back and let out a long sigh. He was happy that it was Friday and he would have two days with his loved mares and all his equally loved kids. This big family was his herd and he never regretted a moment with them.

He listened to the story of each of his foals, who wanted to tell him how their day went. They told him about the kindergarten, that they went together, and how they drew pictures today. He promised them to later look at each of their pictures.

Even though Petra stayed home so the other mares could go to school, or work, they decided to enroll the foals to the kindergarten. They also all were to be enrolled to the elementary school close by soon, and Olga would go to the kindergarten.

The parents wanted their kids to spend time with other kids their age and they enjoyed the time they spent there, and it also gave Petra, and the other mares, a break to keep up with the house work, doing their homework and have some time for themselves.

It took half an hour more until Penny and Petra called for dinner and they made sure that all the kids washed their hands. Dinner was again the same chaos as every day. While Olga and Liam were in their seats at the table of their parents, the older kids had their own table, in sight of their parents, and soon they started to play with the food and Shawn and Thomas started a fight so that Penny had to step in and clear it before returning to her own food.

While the kids ate the dinner together and Sophie offered Liam a bit of the soup while Petra made sure that more of the soup ended up inside of Olga than on her clothes, Jack had a talk with his mares.

His day had not been very eventful, but he still talked about the meetings he had and that he got praised by his boss. The mares equally talked about their day.

Marie had had issues with her math homework and Jack promised to help her later, while Nina told him that half of their classes had been cancelled today because one of their teachers got ill.

For Jack this dinner always was the highlight of every workday and he enjoyed hearing their stories and seeing his lively kids at the table next to them.

Jack had brought all foals to bed with his wives and also the mares had returned to their room. Because it was far too stuffed if all would sleep with Jack all the time, they had an agreement that only one mare would sleep together with him and today it was Sophie.

The black Friesian horse with the white blace lay next to Jack and giggled when he ran his fingers around her arm and her flank and traced the fur towards her utters.

Sophie yipped when his finger softly glided over the filled utters and caressed her erect teats. With his finger tips he ran back and forth over them, stimulating the mare with each flip of her teats.

"How is my black beauty feeling today?" Jack whispered into the ear of Sophie and she giggled again. "Good, how are you my big strong stallion?" she asked and he chuckled: "I am feeling great." He answered and licked her cheek while his hands played softly with her teats.

His one hand traced over her belly. "You know, I really like you when you have a big belly." He complaint and the girl giggled again.

"But I also like your big utters." He went back to fondling the soft big bulge under her belly. "I can't believe that Lucy is 5 already and that we got a second foal together." He mumbled and continued to lick her cheek.

"You are a great mother; do you know that?" he continued and Sophie started to moan from his caressing.

Jack liked to sweet talk with his wives. He knew that they loved it when he overloaded them with compliments. Especially Sophie was very soft for him praising her motherhood because it had been her own wish to get a second foal and he complied with it and she was proud to be a double mother at her age of 16.

Jack caressed her jiggling utters for a few more minutes and his other hand caressed her tights and traced the outside of her pussy, making the girl moan and slowly getting wet.

The man took his time to stimulate his loved wife and make her squirm in pleasure in his arms. Not only was he trained with having so many wives in his herd, but he knew every favorite spot of his girls and he knew how to get them to cum.

Sophie was slowly placed on the bed while Jack roamed over her body and kissed her lips to move lower to her shoulders and chest and finally, he reached her utters.

When his tongue flicked over her teats and licked around the utters Sophie moaned loud and he could see drops of milk building at her teats. He knew that she had a small orgasm because she always leaked a bit when she did during her nursing time.

Jack took the nipple between his lips and softly started to suckle, while he caressed her utters with his hands. After a few seconds he was rewarded with a stream of warm milk and a heavy breathing of the girl that moaned with each suckle.

He drank a few gulps before he changed the teat to also drink from the other one. "Make sure to leave some for Liam." Sophie huffed and held his mane in her hands when she suddenly came down with a strong orgasm that slashed her girl juices onto his throat.

"Your milk tastes so good." He moaned and let go of the nipple, that sprinkled a bit of milk all over her belly fur. "But I also like your nectar." And he moved his muzzle lower and licked over her fold and then took her clit between his lips and suckled on it as well.

He was rewarded with a mouth full of her girl juices, that he drank like the milk before and then he sighed when he pushed himself up.

His member was already at full attention and he ran it along her wet legs and the full length over her clit which made her moan again.

He then put his slick rod on her utter and it rested between the bulges right and left where the teats were. Slowly he began to rub his rod back and forth along her utters. His member was so big, that the sides caressed her nipples and made her whimper in pleasure.

A bit of her milk leaked and mixed in with his slick member, making it even wetter. Jack adapted a fast pace rubbing his member over the utters of his loved cousin and both moaned in unison from the pleasure of his hot member sliding over her filled utters.

He had done this game with all his mares, when they were still nursing and with this being her second foal, Sophie was used to it, but the utters were kind of her weak spot and she moaned strongly, and her body shuddered under the ongoing orgasm because of the stimulation.

It also did not take Jack long to reach his peek and he pushed one last time forward, until his balls nestled against her utters and his dong was on the chest of the girl. Then he let go of his spunk and splash after splash landed on the chest and the face of Sophie. A bit even landed in the open muzzle of the girl.

Jack rested a minute like this, feeling the hot utters sandwich his still slightly pumping dick and looked down at his wife with a smile that she returned after she gulped down what entered her muzzle.

Then Jack slowly glided back and ran the full length of his big rod against her utters, until his softening flare rested against her teats and he was face to face with her.

"You are wonderful." He just whispered before he descended his muzzle on her and kissed her. She returned the kiss and closed her eyes and he slowly let his body sink down on her as well, sandwiching his member and her utters between them.

Their fur was sticky and wet, but both did not mind. Sophie threw her arms around his upper body and pulled him deeper into the kiss and they stayed connected like that for fifteen minutes before Jack rolled to the side and Sophie opened her eyes.

No further word was shared between them. They looked each other into the eyes and caressed the mane of each other. Jacks member had gone soft and lay on her utters half way out. None of both regarded that they were still slimy from their intimate game.

Sophie turned around and snuggled her back against his sticky chest and belly fur and he felt his balls touching tights. His member shrank more and slipped first over her tail base, then into her butt crack and finally it vanished in his sheath.

By this time however both were already fast asleep, Sophie in the arms of Jack. The last think he did was pulling the cover over them.

It had been a long day and Jack was a bit exhausted when he opened the door. The house was silent, but he did not expect anything different. It was Friday and even though there was a bank holiday, he had to work the full day.

His wives were on a trip with the kids and would only come back on Tuesday, because they took some days off and the school of the kids was closed until Wednesday.

Years had passed and even his youngest son Liam was 6 already and went to school. Jack told his wives to go without him on the camping trip with their parents while he would guard the house and get some rest.

He lost his jacket and the shoes and wanted to get into the living room to sit on the couch when he heard some noises from upstairs.

Surprised Jack stopped and turned towards the stairs and climbed up. He heard a moan and followed it to the room of his oldest daughter Tikki.

Slowly he opened the door, wondering why the girl would be home alone when everyone else was clearly gone.

A wave of a spicy scent greeted him, when he stepped through the door and he found his daughter on the bed on her back, naked. Her hands were over her own pussy and Jack could see that the fingers and the fur around it were soaked in juices.

"Tikki?" he asked and the girl, that had been totally absorbed in her masturbating, opened her eyes and looked towards the door where her father stood and looked with big eyes on his girl.

"Dad!" she greeted him. He could see that she was a bit embarrassed, but she looked far less flustered than she should be. Not that it did not happen before that he walked into their room when they were masturbating. With the growing girls that got shown the ways to deal with their heat from so many capable females this was not avoidable.

But There was only a small shy look in her eyes, and they sparkled showing that she was very happy to see her dad.

"What is going on here? Why aren't you with the others?" Jack could not take his eyes from the girl. She had grown in the last years. She was only ten but already nearly as big as Lyra had been when he met her. His influence on her genes was clearly showing.

The wet mount, that she still hid with her now resting hand, and the cute utters that peeked under her arm, the slender curves of her body and the sparkling eyes reminded him a lot of her mother.

"Well, you see this morning..." the girl started, and her sweet voice showed her nervousness and shyness about this topic. "... my heat started, and I did not feel like running around a lot and asked if I could stay here and rest."

"Why didn't your mother tell me?" he asked, surprised that he had to learn this from his daughter. "She wrote you a note. She said your phone was turned off."

Jack remembered, that he turned off his phone in the meeting he had today and forgot to turn it on afterwards.

"Well, that is a surprise." Jack admitted and took a step into the room. His nostrils were vibrating from him sucking in the heat filled air. He did not do it consciously but just on instinct.

"Dad?" the girl looked up to him and her eyes clearly showed nervousness now. "I wanted to ask you something." She nearly whispered.

"What is it Tikki? You know I would do anything for you if I can." The girl giggled a bit but seemed to be reluctant to voice the question.

"I... I was wondering... if you could mate with me." The girl asked and pulled her hands up to hold them in front of her face. Jack had a full view on her black pussy that winked and emitted a strong scent and the slightly juggling utters with the pointy teats above it.

"Wait... What?" he asked, totally surprised by this question. "Tikki, no. You are still far too young to..." his daughter interrupted him. "I am much older than Nina when she got pregnant with Shawn." She shot back.

They have told the kids the story of how they met and how the herd was formed, and in addition they could do this simple math already.

"But baby... this is something..." she interrupted him again. "Wasn't it you who said, that it is the job of the lead stallion to mate with the mares when they are in heat?" she asked.

"Yes, this is true for your mothers..." - "Don't you like me then?" she asked and her eyes showed a bit of anger.

"It is not that sweety. You know, I am your father. How could I mate with you? You know that this would mean you would become a foal, right?"

His daughter was not letting him make this argument. "You know that I take contraception since the day of my first heat." It was true, that they had taught the kids about contraception to ensure that they would not have the same pregnancy by mistake if they would to be playing with a boy like Jack did with their mothers.

"Well, that is true, but still, I am your father. You should rather do this with a boy you like, you know..." Jack felt that he was not the best to talk about mating with his daughter, even more because his breath became heavier and he sucked in her heat scent with deep inhales.

"There is no boy in our school or around that I would be interested in. I want to learn this from you." She shot back.

Jack sighed. The eyes of his girl showed him, that she was serious. He started to understand that she planned to be alone with him for this reason when she told her mother that she wanted to stay home because of her heat.

"Baby, I can't mate with you. Your mother would skin me alive." - "Then don't tell her." Shot the girl back. She was not genuinely angry at him for refusing her.

"See, lets make a compromise. I will not tell your mother and to help you I will help you with your heat, but not with mating, okay? Your old dad knows a few techniques that should make you feel quite good. But only if you also do not tell anyone about this."

"Okay..." the voice of the girl showed that she was disappointed but also a bit excited about what she would learn.

Jack had not been prepared to be the one to teach his girls about sex and even less to perform stimulations on them, but he was at a loss. He always had a week spot for his foals and could rarely say no to their demands and at least he avoided making her sad for not complying to her original demand.

With a gulp he approached his daughter and his nostrils were quivering in her alluring scent. Even without wanting it, the scent did influence his body, and he felt his member creeping out of his sheath making the pants feel tight.

"Lay back for me." He asked Tikki and the girl, clearly with confusing thoughts about excitement and nervousness, complied, laying there a bit stiff.

Jack started with a kiss on her cheek and forehead before he softly started to caress first her chest and then move down to her utters. He only circled around the outer edges of her utters but the girl directly began to moan and the scent in the room intensified.

Jack tried to avoid looking at her pussy, that winked strongly and produces so much juice that it dripped on the sheets and concentrated on stimulating the outer edges of her utters, leaving the teats totally ignored for the moment.

Tikki closed her eyes and moaned much stronger than what Jack heard before he entered the room. Maybe it was because she knew it was her father or because of Jacks well trained skills in pleasing a girl, but the young filly clearly already felt more stimulated than she managed herself before.

Jack continued like this for a few minutes, already feeling her body heat up and the scent in the room being intoxicating. His pants got really tight and he groaned a bit from the pressure.

Finally, he could not endure the pain of his extending, and already half erect, penis pressing against the tight pants and he opened the griddle and dropped his pants, only leaving his shirt and his underpants on. The big member pitched a big tent in his underpants, that barely were able to contain it.

While undressing his pants, he continued to caress the girl with his other hand, so she did not notice his actions because she still had her eyes closed.

Jack now started to move a bit on the utters and circle around her teats without touching them or the immediate area around them. His other hand moved south, and he caressed the outer edges of her pussy, that were soaked in juices so that his hand soon was wet as well.

Tikki yipped when he touched her pussy and the winking increased, spraying juices over his hand and the bed. She clearly already got a very small orgasm.

"Feeling good hun?" he asked Tikke who just moaned stronger as an answer and nodded her head without opening her eyes. Jack smirked pleased by the fact that his girl felt great from his skills.

Jack was prepared to make his daughter orgasm for real and with his one hand he started to softly touch her teats, which made the girl nearly jump in pleasure and puck her lower half against his hands demanding.

With his other hand, Jack slowly spread the winking lips and started to caress her clit with his soaked fingers. He could feel the heat inside her rising and the hot juices that now gushed over his hand.

Tikki was in heaven, moaning, whimpering, neighing and mewling in turns from the massive stimulations she received. Her young mind had not yet felt such pleasure and deep inside she was happy that she brought up the courage to ask her father for this.

After a few minutes, Jack lowered his muzzle down to her teats, started to lightly suckle on them, while his fingers of the other hand caressed around her maiden head and carefully inched a finger in the opening under it.

Jack knew the spot by heart, that made all his mares orgasm on the spot and he was careful to not break the hymen of his daughter while creeping towards this spot.

Finally he fount it and he pressed the rough spot inside her tunnel which made the girl emit a high pitched squeal of pleasure and a lout neigh when her tunnel clamped hard around his finger and the gushed hot juices over his hand while her pussy was convulsing.

Jack smiled at the strongly huffing girl, that now stopped pushing against him and lay back exhausted from the good feeling on the soaked sheet. He backed off a bit, to have her cool off, and licked his hand while watching the twitching young body under him.

The potent taste of heat of his daughter made his member pop out of the waistband of his underwear and he now had his full member erect standing in front of his belly, pushed up by the fabrics that he still wore.

He pulled off his shirt to not make it dirty and planned to leave the room, when a movement caught his eye. His daughter had rolled on her belly and raised her haunches, presenting her twitching and winking pussy that overflew from juices with her tail held high.

"More please..." the girl moaned, without opening her eyes. Jack stopped and fixed on the opening and closing lips of Tikki. The scent was overpowering, and he still had the taste of her on his tongue.

"But only once..." he replied before gulping again. He would quickly make her orgasm again and then leave.

He approached the bed again, from behind the girl, and started to caress around her soaked legs and her utters. He then moved his mouth towards the winking cunt in front of him and extended it to reach the lips.

The taste was even stronger directly from the source and he could feel the radiating heat with his tongue even more than with his hand before. He plunged his tongue inside her snatch and played with her clit.

Jack suckled lightly on her clit and let his tongue explore her vagina to the fullest, brushing over all flesh, her clit, her hymen and the labia. Jack did not notice himself that he started to moan from the taste and that his lip rolled up to flehm from the scent of the girl.

His free hand that did not caress her utters, soaked from her juices, ran back and forth over his own shaft, wetting it with her juices. All this aroused him much more than he wanted but his mind already was not thinking clearly.

It happened before his intoxicated mind could process it. A loud groan of the girl under him, fur in his muzzle and he suddenly found himself on top of his daughter with his big member pushed past her hymen, deflowering her in the process, and one third of his length pushed inside the tight tunnel.

She felt super incredible tight. Even though she was bigger than even Marie had been, her tightness compared to the first time Jack mated with Penny.

It was not only that she was tight, but Jack had grown since then as well and with it his member. He was now a full-grown Frisian horse and his member was massive in thickness and length.

Jack pumped slowly in and out of the groaning girl. Even though his mind slowly processed, that he really did jump his daughter, his body did not react in any way to this knowledge but continued to push and pull, trying to cram more of himself into the tight mare.

Tikki continued to groan but her struggles were weak and could not overpower the lock Jack put on her by biting her scruff. All the girl could do was enduring the overstretching of her just deflowered love canal by his massive dick.

Jack increased the pace a bit, when her insides started to get accustomed with his size at least as far as he could reach. He managed to push up to her cervix now with each push, but it still were a bit to his ridge and only a bit over half of his length was inside the girl.

The stimulations of her insides and his hands, that caressed her utters and played with her teats, started to make the girl mix moans into the groans and the heat inside her adjusted to the intruder by producing more juice and have him slip in and out easily, now that her pussy got used to the heavy stretching.

Finally, Jack could not hold in anymore with the tight grip around his member shivering and twitching and he came to a rest with his tip kissing her cervix.

Hi tip flared and made the girl groan loud when it spread her tunnel so hard that even the cervix opened a bit from the stretching of the tunnel before it.

Then the balls of Jack contracted and pushed heavy spurts into the girl and the seal of the cervix, already weakened by the stretching, could not contain the massive amount of spunk. The first spurt already leaked a bit inside her womb and with the second spurt adding to the pressure, the cervix gave in and opened to let it gush inside her womb and fill it up with his semen.

Tikki's overstretched inside shuddered and the twitching of her muscles got stronger when the spunk, that gushed into her womb, triggered her heat into a small orgasm that made her pussy clamp around his shaft.

Jack enjoyed a minute of her clamping pussy and tunnel, that made sure that his member would not go soft after he ended his spurts, and then started to move again.

The massive amount of spunk inside her womb and at the end of her tunnel and the cervix, that opened a bit to let in the semen and relieve the pressure, helped him to slip further.

It took him a few pushed until he spread the cervix open and pushed first his softening flare and then his rod into her waiting womb, making the girl mewl in a mix of pain and pleasure.

Jack rested a bit when he first pushed his rod inside and his flare was in the middle of her womb. His mind was clear at this moment and he got control over his body back, even though the intoxicating scent was still all around him.

"I am sorry baby. I don't know how it came to this." He chuckled. "In the end you got your wish of me mating you, right?" he let go of her scruff and Tikki, with eyes showing still the massive discomfort, returned a forced smile. Happiness and pain seemed to fight within her.

"Now that you got me to do this with your taunting, I will show you the full power of a lead stallion." He whispered. "Be sure to get used to it, because now that we went so far, I will not stop." And with this he started to push and pull again.

He needed a few tries until her already overstretched pussy let his ridge slip in under groans of the girl and the thickest part of his member stretched the girl even further.

He bottomed out in her womb, hitting the back wall, with his balls still a few centimeters to her pussy, so he could not completely push in to the base, but they swung forward with each push and clashed against her wet clit, making the girl neigh in pleasure.

His pace increased again. He only pulled back until his tip was barely inside her womb, not pulling it back past her cervix, before he pushed in again.

The second time he flared inside her and new semen was pushed inside her womb, he ran his hand over her belly and utters, feeling how her belly bulged forward from the massive amount of spunk he put into her.

Jack pulled the girl into a tight hug and rolled around, before he pulled himself up into a sitting positing, having the girl now sit on his fully erect member that was nearly all the way inside the girl.

Gravity was pushing Tikki even a bit more on his member, leaving only a few centimeters left to the base.

"Are you okay, Tikki?" he asked, gaining full control now that he got the first horniness over with his second release. The room reeked of her heat and their combined scents.

The girl was huffing hard and trying to catch her breath, groaning and moaning every few exhales.

"You are... so big..." was the first thing she said. Her pussy was convulsing around his shaft and her insides twitched in her orgasm, that sprayed girl juices over his balls.

"It hurts... but it feels to good." She continued, and a look into her blue eyes showed Jack that the girl was confused if the pain or the pleasure was more powerful.

"It always hurts a bit at first." Jack explained, caressing over her belly and utters and making his girl moan. "But once you got used to the stretching, it will only feel good."

He continued to caress her a bit in thoughts and the girl slowly breathed slower while she slipped more on his rod every minute and soon sat on his base with his tip poking hard into the walls of her overfilled womb. A bit of spunk already pushed past the super tight grip of her tunnel and a few drops pushed out of the seal of her pussy onto his balls.

"I am sorry for taking you like that." Jack finally said and the girl looked up to him with a soft surprised gaze.

"I should not have mated with you, but now that I already did this, I will not stop. We got 4 days until the others are back. I will show you the full power of a lead stallion. Better be prepared."

He ran his wet fingers over her nose and nostrils and then pushed his head down while he pulled her muzzle in position to give her a loving kiss.

"This will be a one-time thing, okay? Don't tell anyone. The next days will be a trial of endurance for you but I am sure you can manage."

Jack caressed her belly, that was bulged quite a bit and round. "You look a bit like your mother in the first months when she was pregnant with you." He told her and the girl, even though she was groaning a bit from the pressure, smiled up to her father.

"Ready for another round?" he asked but he did not wait for the response. Without waiting her put his hands under her tights and pulled the girl up his shaft, which had more of his spunk leak from her pussy, and let gravity push her back on his rod.

He started slow and the girl groaned and moaned instantly, but the pace increased each minute and he let the girl impale on his shaft to the base every few descends.

It took him a lot longer this way to reach his climax, but the girl orgasmed half way through and her groans got less, and the moans were in the majority now that she slowly got used to the stretching and the size of her father.

She closed her eyes and let her father do what he wanted, just concentrating on the feeling inside her and her mind spun from the mix of pain and pleasure, the nagging feeling of her heat that was satisfied and lit at the same time and the feeling of his spunk moving around in her womb.

When Jack came for the third time, he filled her like a balloon, bulging her belly out even more than before and he rested with her sitting on his base and groaning softly.

"I think we should let you empty in the shower." He remarked after a few minutes of rest and he moved to the edge of the bed and stood up, holding his girl in a tight embrace in front of him, still impaled on his rod.

Tikki did not reply. She only groaned and moaned with each step until they reached the shower and there, he pulled her up carefully until a waterfall of spunk gushed over his member and balls and he slowly sat her on the cum filled ground of the shower.

"I will teach you everything that there is about mating, now that we are already on it. The next thing you will learn is oral." He explained the girl, that still huffed but slowly caught her breath.

"Start by licking my member and balls." He requested and because the girl was on all fours from her exhaustion, he crouched down and pushed his member into her face and smeared a bit of the spunk all over her nose.

Tikki was reluctant, but after he nudged her muzzle a few times with his softening member, she finally complied to his request and started to lick over the half erect shaft and the round orbs.

The girl did not like the taste but Jack urged her every time she pulled back by pushing his member just at her lips.

"Good girl." He praised her. "Now open your muzzle wide and take it into your mouth. Suckle on it like on a lollipop."

Tikki looked at her father with eyes that showed her discontent but after he pushed his member a few times against her muzzle, she opened it and let him slip in.

She suckled a bit on his member, that slowly grew, and after a while even started to flick her tongue around it.

"You are doing great." He encouraged her and caressed her ears. Her paws and hooves were all covered in the puddle of semen under her.

After a few minutes, he slowly pulled her head forward and backwards, showing her the bobbing movement that he wanted her to do and after another minute she did it without his encouragement. His tip slipped nearly up to her throat, but after gagging a few times, she did not pull it that far anymore.

"The next step is deep throat." He explained, holding her head with both hands. "This will be hard at first but make sure to open your throat wide and fight the gagging reflex. You will manage with a few tries." And with this he slowly pulled her head towards his balls and felt how his tip went into her gullet.

She gaged and he pulled back. She coughed and he let her recover for a minute before he gave it another try.

This time she still gagged, but she did not struggle as much as before and after some rest it did it a third and a fourth time.

At the fifth time he managed to push his tip into her throat without her gagging. Her throat only quivered around his shaft.

"Good girl, you are doing so good." He praised her and caressed her ears. Her hot breath out of her nostrils tickled on his full erect shaft.

"Now we will test how far you can take it, okay?" he asked, but he did not wait for an answer. With his member in her throat she could not speak anyways.

Jack slowly pulled the girl towards him will pushing and inched more of his member down her throat.

Her throat opened and reluctantly let him in centimeter after centimeter with each slow push and he was careful to not overdo it and push in fast, even though the tightness of her throat was extremely stimulating for him.

When he got half of his member inside her, the tight gullet could not go any further and he stopped there and even pulled a bit back to ease on the stretching.

"You are doing wonderful for your first time." She said, but the girl did not react to his words but just had her eyes shot tight and tried her best to endure him in her throat.

Jack caressed her head and throat, feeling his member through her fur, and made very slow movements back and forth, brining himself closer to his climax.

Before his tip would flare, he pulled out of her throat and she coughed a few times with his tip still in her muzzle.

"Finish it with suckling." He told her and even though she looked exhausted, she complied and suckled on his member, that soon after started to flare.

"Ready for a meal?" he asked and felt his balls contracting. "Try to drink it all." And with this he let go of his spunk.

Naturally the girl could not take it all. She gulped hard but her breath became haze and she got it into the wrong channel and coughed and sneezed cum out of her nostrils a few times until his spurts subsided and he pulled out to let the last two spurts splash on her nose.

"Here is your reward for being such a good girl. You really remind me of your mother." He smiled and picked up the girl, holding her in font of his muzzle and started to eat the moaning girl out and make her climax with his tongue.

Afterwards Jack turned on the water and helped his exhausted daughter to shampoo her fur and clean it, while cleaning himself as well.

When they dried their fur, the scent of her increased again and his member, that shrunk down during the shower, was at full mast when they finished drying off.

"Ready for another round?" he asked and Tikki looked at his member with a bit frightened and tired gaze.

"I am tired dad. I can't ..." but he put his finger on her muzzle.

"Shhhhh my girl. I know you are tired. Don't worry, you will gain more endurance over the next days." And with this he picked her up and carried her to his room.

"You will sleep with me tonight, right?" he asked and placed her on her back on his bed before he descended on her, already caressing her utters and winking pussy, that revived under his touch.

"Dad?" she asked but he silenced her with a kiss, when he descended over her body and aimed his erect member at her entrance. He heard a muffled groan when he pushed his member in, but after a few pushed, when her tightening inside got used to the stretching again, she only emitted weak muffled moans into his muzzle and he felt her body heating up again.

Half way through his mating, when he broke their kiss, she burst out in a neigh and her body contracted around him, wetting his sheets with her juices. Her half-opened eyes closed after the orgasm winded down and her body became limb while he still pushed into her.

Exhaustion had caught up with her and she was drifting off to sleep but Jack still pushed inside her a few times until he sank in to the base and his nuts pumped fresh cum into her empty womb.

Jack rolled to the side, pulling Tikki into a tight embrace and felt his own pumping dick through her fur and skin. Her soft teats and utters were pressed against his fur.

"Good night my big girl." Jack whispered and then he also closed his eyes, still spurting a few loads of his spunk into her womb and fell asleep next to his daughter.

RotH – Chapter 10: Curiosity

# RotH - Chapter 10: Curiosity Jack needed a few minutes to remember why he lay naked with his daughter in a tight embrace in his bed the next morning. When her heat scent waved to his nostrils from under the cover and his dick, that slipped out and...

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RotH – Chapter 8: Protection

# RotH - Chapter 8: Protection A few weeks had past since everything came out and Jack slowly got used to his new live. He started to be more awake at school as well. In the last weeks, he had been so tired every morning, that he had been scolded by...

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RotH – Chapter 7: Busted

# RotH - Chapter 7: Busted When the heat of Tina declined, both cooled down a bit as well. Jack and Tina still ran around holding hands and kissed a lot when they were alone, but they only engaged in sex around once a week. Jack and Tina were now a...

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