Clueless Season 2: Homecoming out Part 11

Story by Ellard on SoFurry

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#45 of Clueless

Thank you Arafor for being a great editor despite having shit taste in anime.

Just like 2-3 more chapters and then the Homecoming Out arc is done! Woohoo!

Please leave a comment if you so desire I always appreciate input ^^

Homecoming seemed to turn my world upside down. In the boisterous dark rainbow space of the gymnasium, I witnessed gay couples kissing, drag queen performances, rainbow colors abound, words like 'kaikai' and 'yaaas queen' being thrown around like confetti... In a different setting all these things might have made me feel exposed and terrified; they celebrated everything that for so long I wanted to change about myself... and it made me so happy.

Daren was such a great 'date' to go with, even if he did get a bit more drunk than he said he would. In just the first twenty minutes we watched the drag show together, ate, quietly checked out cute guys together, and I even tried a sip of the spiked punch to see what it was like (I coughed it up). More than anything, dancing with him was exhilarating! He just had so much energy that it rubbed off on me. I didn't have a dancing bone in my body but the whole time dancing I felt like The Little Engine That Could thanks to his lead. And, not that I normally approve of these things, but kissing him to make that anonymous *somebody* jealous was actually kind of hot. (It wasn't Rob was it? No way). On paper, the night was turning out to be everything that I wanted it to be... but there was just this one little thing that bothered me: Scott.

Earlier today Scott had got into an altercation with his girlfriend over his bisexuality, right at the front of the homecoming line for everyone and their moms to see. It was brutal. He ended up leaving the party to have a hard conversation with her about it, after she got kicked out for public displays of biphobia at an LGBT event... the whole scene left me beside myself. I knew I needed to give him some space just as Daren suggested, but I couldn't just do nothing either, not after how upset the usually very peppy Polar Bear had looked. A few minutes into the homecoming dance, I settled with texting him, 'I hope your conversation goes well. Let me know if you want to meet up again when you're done.'

I had received a reply some twenty minutes later, right before Daren offered to dance with me.

Just finished talking. I'm fine

Are you coming back to the dance? I don't want to pressure you but it's really fun and I'd love it if you were here too.

I'm just in my car I dunno. Feeling kinda stressed. I don't really want to go to the dance but I don't want to go home either. Just watching the game on my phone for now

Scott was a surprisingly unemotive texter. Or was he really just that stressed?

Do you want me to come over and talk?

A final, one-word message came at the end of my dance with Daren.


I felt... happy that he accepted my offer, but equally worried. Luckily, a very intoxicated Rob wanted to have a quick chat with Daren about something between dance songs, giving me the perfect chance to break off for a while.

I hurried out of the bouncing gymnasium into the sprawling school parking lot. Slipping out of the gym's cold metal exit, the chilly autumn breeze tenderly lapped at my fur. Several people gathered by the sidewalk, chatting amicably and taking puffs from their e-cigarettes. It was a stark contrast jumping from the raving, sweaty bombast of the gym to the peaceful open outdoor parking lot.

I shyly lowered my head to avoid contact with anyone as I headed toward Scott's car, the carousing of homecoming descending to a distant hum. Walking amid the complex of parked cars, I remembered his parking spot was one of the spots closer to the school by the track and field course, the nice location being a perk of being such a popular athlete at the school.

Before long, my eyes gravitated to a white Lamborghini that seemed to faintly glow in the dusk of night. Inside I saw the snow-white ursine fur pop out in the dark interior of the car, illuminated from the screen of a phone. Silly as it was, I worried that all that screen light had to be straining his beautiful deep ocean blue eyes...

Taking a sobering breath of air, I gingerly knocked on the shotgun window, smiling invitingly. He looked at me sidelong, unlocking the door. "Hey bro," he said to me lethargically as I gingerly sat down in the passenger's seat. His car was kept meticulously clean; it smelled of pine air freshener overlaying new leather. "Hey..." I replied as he continued to stare at his screen, that forlorn sag persisting in his eyes as he watched some old football game on his phone. It was uncanny seeing him so downtrodden like this...

"Are you doing alright after talking to Katie?" I asked nervously fiddling with the fur on my paws.

Scott did not initially reciprocate my attempt at eye contact: his eyes remained glued to the screen. He lightly shrugged his broad shoulders, head tilting to one side as he did so, "I guess..."

Contrary to what he said, a light wince in my gut indicated to me that the conversation likely went south. Craning my head to peek at Scott's screen, I could loosely make out the jersey colors of the players. It seemed to be Miami vs. Baltimore? Was he checking out an old match from last month? He must have really wanted a distraction for him to watch such a whatever game...

I swallowed down on my accumulating spit as I asked my next question; I did not want to sound hopeful that the answer was yes. "Did you guys... break up?" The words came out unevenly.

Awkwardly, it was the sports announcers from the video that broke the waiting silence. "Oooh, and that's another fumble, making it zero to zero as we move to the fourth quarter. Both teams really are not on their A game, wouldn't you say so, Michael?"

"Darn tootin' Jordan. I think I'm going to quit this sports announcer gig to work a minimum wage retail job, that's how fucking awful this match is. Anyone still tuning in to this must be a sad sack piece of shit with nothing better to do. Get a life you fucking losers."

Oh dear...

"...I dunno. Maybe," Scott responded cryptically, still avoiding eye contact.

I found my body halting all movement as I tried to unravel my confusion at the statement, "Maybe? You mean you don't know?"

Scott shifted in his seat, left paw propped up to support the weight of his muzzle, as he disinterestedly continued to watch the sports commentators' oddly vitriolic discussion on his screen.

"We're gonna take a week off and decide what to do."


Scott finally closed the video and stowed away his phone in his pocket. After a sigh and a moment's pause, he reclined his head against the headrest, staring up into the stars from the sun roof. "...She wants me to be a certain way and I want her to stop trying to make me be a certain way," he said in a defeated low tone.

His melancholy sat so strangely with me. He had an upsetting night, beyond a doubt... but this almost seemed like a different person. Oddly enough, in this bleak setting I felt like I could make myself heard, when I was always so bad at that otherwise. "You know, Katie seems kind of mean to me. I never really understood why you two were together," I said quietly, all the while worrying I was stepping on eggshells.

Scott slowly rolled his head side to side, all the while still pressed against the headrest. "She's not a bad person... she just gets really fucking jealous really fast and..." he let out a frustrated huff, slowly tilting his head over to look at me. His beautiful blue irises were obscured by dusk. "She just doesn't have time for obstacles in her life. Like, she's the kind of person who puts recyclables in the trash just to save a few seconds. I guess she felt like I was unnecessarily making an obstacle for her with everything..." There were motes of... ache in his voice.

"Okay, but... why do you like her?" It was one of those questions that had been nagging at me for a while now.

We sat in silence for a moment. Eventually Scott's ebony lips stretched into a faint smile as reminiscence flitted in his eyes. "Well, she's hot for one, but she's also really fun." Scott let out a light chuckle to himself as if the perfect memory had surfaced in his head. In that I could see a bit of the old Scott I wanted so badly to see, "Get this: One time she told me she could beat me at best of 101 games of Smash Brahs. It seemed crazy but I was like, challenge accepted. I didn't figure we'd play all 101 games, but we did! We spent like 8 hours playing, until really late at night, like 4. Even though I had a nine-game lead at one point, she ended up beating me 52 to 49. I'm a bit better than she is, but she brought all these energy drinks and stayed killer focused while I tired out. I tried to keep up, but I couldn't stay focused like she did. It was the most intense experience I had in my life. I never thought I'd meet a girl who was more competitive than me," he said fluently with a nostalgic laugh at the end.

I couldn't help myself smiling warmly at the boyish excitement Scott showed at his story, muted by emotional exhaustion as it was. "So you like how competitive she is?"

He hesitatingly bobbed his head, "Most of the time; it's fun to have somebody who always challenges you... But she takes it too far, like even sex is competitive to her, it's weird. I don't want to feel like I can never be vulnerable around her, you know?" He let out a disgruntled sigh. He began rubbing the backside of his head, his muscles stretching his tight shirt. In the next few minutes the Polar Bear's expression would twist and bend from smile to frown to half-smile to grimace. Almost as if good and bad memories were in a tug of war in his head. I watched the display in rapt silence, before he continued, "But like... she really does like me. And I guess I like her too despite some things because she's always there to spend time. It's like, if my parents are yelling at each other I can just call Katie to go out and do something, and boom, problem solved."

'If my parents are yelling at each other'?

"...Do your parents fight a lot?" I asked uneasily. That one detail really stuck out to me. To say the least, it was an odd statement to find in the calculus of weighing the pros and cons of one's girlfriend.

"It's not that big of a deal," Scott swiftly responded, reflexively almost. He stared at me intently, as if on guard. I blinked and nodded my head, not challenging his statement. The Polar Bear's expression gradually softened. "...But yeah. I just don't like being caught in the middle of it, and I hate it when they keep bringing me up like I'm not there. It's annoying."

"Oh," I responded, uncertain as to what to say. My parents were overbearing but... at least they loved each other. With how happy he usually was, I never had the slightest clue that something like that was weighing on his mind...

The lethargy in Scott's voice was now all but gone. His words came out fast but fluently as if he'd thought them over many times in his head, "And my parents love her too! They never fight when guests are over, but especially not Katie. My mom will get into these big long conversations with her, telling her how bright and mature she is for her age or whatever, and Dad can actually get some time to breathe and relax by himself without mom nagging at him. Having her over makes things so much easier."

Scott began tapping his right foot against the car floor at an incredibly fast tempo that seemed linked to his stream of consciousness, "And I guess that's the thing because Katie and I just make a good couple. We look good together. Post anything with me and Katie together on Instantgram and it's like BOOM, hundreds of likes!" He exclaimed tossing both his paws up into the air with a humorless chuckle. "It's just like, it's nice, you know? I feel like hot shit and just normal when I'm with her. Everything was really... cushy and easy, like I could live life on autopilot."

The Polar Bear's expression began sagging again, a medley of frustration and disgust taking over. "But that was before I thought I could have all that and be bi too... Why did I even bother telling her... Why did I bother trying to make a statement at homecoming... why did I bother telling Rob?! Fuck!" he exclaimed with an expressive jerk of his clenched paws. The vexation in his voice was sharp. He sounded frustrated and... almost disgusted with himself.

I was aching for Scott but... no clever piece of wisdom came to mind. I didn't have any answers. All I could do was add in weak commentary... "Oh yeah, Daren mentioned something about Rob being weird to you when you told him..."

Scott let out a guttural huff, his cheeks expanding from the airflow. The Polar Bear rolled his eyes at himself as if painfully reliving a memory. "I dunno what happened there, man. I casually dropped the ball on him after our match earlier today and he really lost his shit. He had this like, WTF face and said something like 'oh so you wanted to fuck me this whole time then?' or something. And then he started telling off a lot of other people in the locker room about other shit like he just completely lost it. It was freaky..." he said with a disturbed look.

My eyes widened. "But he's good friends with Daren... and Daren's gay. It can't be that he's got a problem with it, right?" I reasoned. Rob always seemed loosely aloof whenever talking LGBT stuff, but he didn't seem to be turned off or disgusted by it...

"See that's what I thought!" Scott added with sudden energy. "Rob suddenly gets a hot gay friend, he's never had a girlfriend and I'm like, ooh I think I'm sensing something here. And on top of that I figured by now he'd at least have a clue about me, considering how much I've been low-key hitting on him. But evidently I misread the situation because he's probably creeped out by me now!"

Hitting on him...?

Scott was a touchy-feely guy, but now that I thought about it, he really took it to the next level with the Panther... "...Do you have a thing for Rob?" I asked curiously.

Scott's eyes widened for a moment. He let out disgusted sigh as his nose starting twitching. He folded his arms together before responding; the question seemed incredibly uncomfortable for him. "...Maybe a little," he mumbled sullenly, as if reluctant to admit it. "Or I used to... guess there's no point in having a thing for him anymore," he finished bitterly.

Scott started frowning deeply, and then the words began pouring out as if they were dying to be released. "Obviously he's a good-looking guy, but he's the only person I feel comfortable talking to about heavy shit. I don't like bumming people out with my baggage... But Rob knows how to make anything funny, I feel like I can talk to him about anything." The next few words were spoken by strained voice overflowing with heartbreak. "Or I did..."

I could faintly make out the white of Scott's eyes glistening with wetness. I stared at the poor Polar Bear with an open mouth, empathy digging at me. Seeing him like this was painful... "I just love being around him... and his parents are great too. I went over to his place for the first time in middle school and I was like... why do his parents actually like each other? Oh man, I used to go over to his place so much, so many of my best memories are with him and... It just fucking backhanded me so hard because he was the one person I thought I could really trust with anything... We've always had each other's backs, and I just..."

An uneasy, angry sniffle met my unexpecting ears. Then a half huff half sniffle... I placed a paw to my chest, vicarious sadness welling up inside as Scott began raking the sides of his head in frustration. "What's the fucking point? What's the fucking point?! If half the people I come out to don't like it or freak out, why even bother? Why should I even bother admitting I actually like guys too if it's just going to make my life harder?! Why don't I just go back to pretending like I'm only into girls like I used to?! What's the fucking point?!" Shaking his head violently, Scott finished with a guttural 'UGH!' as if it had been building pressure in his gut for quite some time.

Rapt silence hit the car after the final word. For a moment Scott's head hung down, cradled above his lap between his two paws. I felt an ache in my own eyes at I looked at this amazing person hurting so bad... Scott let out one last sigh before slowly recomposing himself. He smiled sadly at me. "Sorry, I don't mean to lose my cool and throw all this on you. I probably said too much... "

I found it difficult to form words after his unprecedented emotional display. "No, it's fine... You're having a hard time right now. It's good to vent..." I said unassertively. Of course, I quickly began to feel dissatisfied with my meek response. All I was able to do was be a soundboard for him. It was better than nothing, but... with how strong my feelings were toward him, I knew I had to do more than that. And there was one thing that I really wanted him to know. Something about me... and him. "You know Scott... I can't speak for other people but I'm actually really glad you came out as bi," I said with a smile, trying my best to sound happy with pulled heartstrings.

Scott looked at me with brows arching up curiously, as if that notion had never occurred to him. Remembering my feelings of acceptance and relief at the time, I poured my heart into my smile. "You were so nice and understanding to me when I came out to you. And when you told me that you were bi I really felt like you shared something personal with me and that I could trust you." I giggled and felt my cheeks starting to flush beneath my fur. "And I was so happy to finally meet somebody who also like guys. I might not have had the courage to come to an LGBT homecoming dance if you didn't tell me."

A moment's pause before a trickle of appreciation showed itself on the Polar Bear's face. It wasn't enough to overtake his negative emotions, but it looked like a tiny bit of the heft had been taken from his shoulders. "Well I'm glad I could help you out, man." he said with a mildly pleased shrug. "Thanks, it's good to hear that..."

I couldn't help but feel warm at the response. Looking at him like this... so raw and emotional, I knew I had to make myself vulnerable too if I wanted to truly reach him. I gulped downed. "There's another reason I'm glad you told me."

"Oh yeah?" Scott asked, cocked his head curiously.

Because I want you... And I could never have you if you were straight...

No, don't say it like that, that's too forward! My breathing and finger fidgeting heightened. "It made me happy to hear because..." Mentally grasping for a delivery that was subtle but not too subtle, fragments of different things to say collided in a storm in my mind. My mind was a mess. "If I um... thought you were... good looking or something then... it'd be more awkward if you were straight... and I was attracted to you... or something like that..." I said choppily, embarrassing myself in the process.

"Okay," Scott said with a mildly perplexed laugh. My ears folded down; evidently my confessions erred way too subtle. Or so I thought before the Polar Bear did a double-take, smirking faintly, intrigued... "Wait, lemme clear something up real fast. Aren't you and Daren an item?"

I swiftly shook my head. "No, we were just taking each other out as friends... Daren's in a complicated situation with another guy, and well..."

I looked at him straight in those gorgeous eyes. His face was so beautiful, sturdy and angular, hair and fur trimmed perfectly short... I found myself in a brief moment of clarity staring into the image of perfection. In that moment I found the right words. "The guy I wanted to ask out had a girlfriend."

Scott stared at me for a few moments. A thin grin formed on the Polar Bear's face. his brilliant teeth flashing in the dim light. Even a tiny grin from him was enough to set my heart aflutter.

"That's uh... heh," Scott lead in softly. I tensed up, feeling exposed at the drawn-out response. "So... this guy you wanted to ask out," the Polar Bear continued, speaking with an intrigued cadence to his voice. I felt the hackles on my back raise. "He wouldn't happen to be me, would he?"

Feeling exposed like I had just made vulnerable the softest part of my psyche, all I could muster for a response was "Mhm..." through closed lips.

Scott gave a quick chuckle again, gazing at me quietly, contemplatively. THUD THUD THUD went my heart. The devilishly handsome Polar Bear then started slowly bobbing his head up and down to himself, as if approving the notion. "Hey Toru," he said with a faint hint of trepidation, paw rubbing the back of his head. I gulped down despite my mouth feeling dry like a desert.


"Y-yeah?" I asked nervously, pressing my paw against my fiercely hammering heart, trying to calm it down even the slightest bit.


Scott craned his body toward me, black-tipped muzzle hovering above the center. "You wanna, like... make out maybe? Like for realizes?" He said with a sheepish grin.


I was so sucked into Scott's eyes that I could only respond instinctively. "Yeah, okay," I said, and our muzzles began to slowly gravitate together.

And then just like that, our lips were locked together. I tensed for a moment, before melting into my seat, letting the tingling pleasure wash over me. It felt like his lips lit a fire inside my heart as they pressed against mine. This moment was the universe to me. I stared dreamily into his deep eyes as our lips gently rubbed together before slowly parting.

Scott gazed into my eyes like I was the only other person on the planet. His face was angelic white perfection before me. I gazed back, unable to say or do anything. I was witnessing a miracle...

Our lips merged again, his tongue now meshing against mine. Bliss overtaking me... Then I felt an excepting wave of pleasure. Scott had grabbed my stiffening cock through my pants, erotic pressure seizing my lower body. Sensitive as I was my muzzle jerked to the side, "M-mm!" I blurted into Scott's lips.

Scott's paw parted from my groin, and his lips from mine. "Oh, sorry... kind of a habit..." He said, grimacing slightly as he retracted his paw.

I stared at Scott like in a trance, mind clouded with euphoria. "No, you can uh..." I gulped, wondering just what I was getting myself into. "You can do that... I might make a mess in my pants though..."

"Really? You're that sensitive that you'd jizz your pants?" Scott laughed. An impish gleam shone in his gemlike eyes, "Why don't you just whip it out then, bro? I can take care of that problem for you," he suggested goofily, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

My heart skipped a beat at the notion of this perfect muscular god giving me a blowjob. That image of temptation was all my racing mind could focus on... Feelings of shyness, worries of logistics, and the humorous inflection in Scott's comment weren't even a part of the equation. I had a golden ticket to make real my wildest fantasy. "Alright..." I whispered with a stiff smile, rapture encompassing me.

The humorous flit on Scott's face faded as I gingerly undid my pants, revealing my stiff 6-inch penis. My face began slowly sinking as I noticed the disconnect. "Oh..." he said, as he stared uncertainly at my cock. "You actually whipped it out," he stated flatly.

I felt panic nipping at my back. "W-Wait, were you joking?"

"Uh... I was sort of joking? I didn't expect you'd actually..."

"Oh, um, I'll just put it away then... sorry..." I said, heat blazing at my cheeks. I scrambled to quickly stow away my dick.

Only my paws were halted by one of Scott's. He was smiling awkwardly. "Nah, you don't gotta do that, it's fine. I can uh... I can suck you off bro," he offered almost halfheartedly.

I shook my head, mentally scolding myself for being so dense. "I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to though..."

"Uuuhhh," Scott said in a high-pitched tone, as if weighing his options. "Well I'd kinda feel weird if I didn't, so... I think I actually do want to suck you off now."

My already racing heart picked up to a dangerously rapid pace. "...Okay," I responded blankly, retracting my paws from my crotch, keeping my full erection sticking out.

"Alrighty then," Scott said as he craned his body over the center armrest, his right arm hooked over my lap, paw by my cock. He grabbed at the base of my erection, causing me to shudder at the sensation. A sensation both hot and cold raced through my entire body.

Muzzle now hovering above the tip of my cock, Scott looked back at me, as if waiting for approval. I slowly nodded my head. Scott let in and out a big grounding breath, "Here we go then..." he said as he slowly placed my cock in his mouth.

"Oh, Scott..." I moaned as his wet tongue began sliding up and down my hard shaft. My cock grew harder and harder, wanting more and more, and Scott's mouth delivered, bobbing up and down my cock, tongue snaking up and down my pole.

"Oh Scott!" I all but shouted out as he enclosed his muzzle around the entirety of my cock, sucking it for all that it was worth. His rhythm of his bobbing increased, applying more and more wet hot pressure to my dick. I felt my tongue begin to loll out of my mouth as I started panting.

The arousal spread throughout my entire crotch, my knot beginning to expand as Scott clamped down on the tip of my cock with his tongue and roof of his mouth. He started grinding his tongue against my sensitive tip.

Knowing that my orgasm was close, I placed my paw on Scott's muscular back. "Oh my god Scott, I love you..." I absentmindedly groaned squeakily as the pressure released itself from my cock like molten ambrosia. I reflexively began bucking my hips forward, pumping my cock into Scott's mouth as my seed flowed forth. The please I felt from that orgasm was indescribable. A few more bucks, pumping my seed into the handsome Polar Bear's hungry maw. As I felt the last bit of cum drain from my cock, I let gravity have the better of me, sending me into a state of relaxation as I collapsed against the carseat.

For a few, brief moments I was in heaven, basking in that afterglow, panting in tired pleasure... until I looked at Scott and realized what I had just said.

Scott's wide eyes and arches brows were directed at me, looking up at me hesitatingly. He then started coughing on my ejaculate, returning to his seat, wiping at the semen that found itself by the base of his mouth. "You said you, uh... love me?" he asked after controlling his breathing. He Looked at me uneasily, perturbed even.

Oh shit, what did I just say?!

One moment I was in a pure mellow state, the next I felt like my fur was going to jump off my skin. Everything was going so perfectly, and I managed to fuck it up with just a few words. What was wrong with me?!

I stared at Scott, terrified of what he might say as I restrained my panting. One of those awkward moments where an actor gets askance looks for saying the wrong line in a performance. And I was that actor. "I didn't mean it! I didn't not mean it either, just not like that!" I said in a jumble of panic.

"No, it's fine... don't worry about it, bro," Scott said neutrally, his eyes off to the side. "But, I think I uh... probably should go home now."

My heart sunk. My stomach felt like a toxic swamp. I had completely ruined everything. "Scott, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to make things awkward I just caught up in the moment. I hope I didn't weird you out or anything."

Scott gave me an uneasy smile. "Toru you didn't make things weird. Really, you're fine. I just... have a lot to think about."

I opened my mouth to protest, to reassert what an idiot I was... but my mind was so racked I just didn't have it in me. "O-Okay, sorry..." I said weakly as I exited his car, shaking my head at myself for just how stupid I was to say something like that. My swollen knot tugged against my pants, a shameful reminder of my verbal slip... "Uh, bye then?" I said weakly as I placed my paw on the open car door to close it, reluctant to leave this situation like this.

"Yeah, I'll catch you later bro," Scott said, awkwardly rubbing the backside of his head, eyes trailing off to the side. I closed the door with a hanging sense of shame clawing at my back.

I sighed deeply to myself, whining as I staggered back to the school, too afraid to look back at Scott as he departed. I rolled my paws down my face and moaned. Great job Toru, you just had to ruin your one in a million moment with your stupid feelings. Scott's out of your league: he's handsome, popular, has a perfect body, an amazing football player, and you're just... you. It was a miracle enough that he kissed you and wanted to mess around at all. And you just had to get caught up in your stupid teenage dream... you suck.

A few paces into my dark cloud walk of shame, the honk of a nearby carhorn surged me to attention. I turned around to the source of the noise. It was Scott from inside his car, "Actually Toru. C'mere a sec. I forgot something," he said casually, eagerly beckoning me over through his lowered window in the middle of the parking lot aisle.

I internally sighed to myself, fearing for the worst. Walking over apprehensively, I reached the driver side front window, posture supplicative. "Yeah?" I said sheepishly, keeping a fair distance away from the window.

He beckoned me closer with his index finger. "Come closer."

"Okay..." I slowly shuffled closer. "Closer," he'd insist two or three times more, until my muzzle was close enough that I could faintly feel the tingle of his breath on my fur. Blushing guiltily, I stared quakingly at his beautiful ocean-blue eyes, worried that he might reprimand me. I was incredibly wrong.

Scott leaned his muzzle forward and delivered a gentle peck on my lips. He smiled at my dumbfounded, wide-eyed expression as he retracted his head back into the car. "Have a good night and... thanks for talking to me," he said earnestly as he saluted me farewell, slowly driving away.

"...Bye," I said in a ghostlike tone, waving at the car driving off.

I just... But he, huh? I...

With a shaky bearing on reality I ambled over to the nearby bench and plopped my toosh down. I stared vacantly at the parking lot exit where Scott's car drove out of sight, as if nirvana was to be found somewhere in the vacinity. When no comprehension arose, I started at the faint starlight in the sky, not a thought flowing through my mind. At that moment I just... was. It didn't even occur to me to worry if any of the people gathering by the side entrance of the school saw the kiss, that's how spaced out I was.

Eventually the thoughts started trickling back to my consciousness. Scott had... kissed me goodbye. Did he actually reciprocate some feelings for me then? Or was he just trying to cheer me up? I didn't know, I just hoped that kiss meant at least a fraction of how much it meant to me...

My addled mind clunkily jumped from possibility to possibility of just what that kiss meant: He actually liked me? Another prank? He didn't want to end the conversation on a bummer? No homo? This process looped until I started feeling faint thrums of happiness, carried forth by my heartbeat. The most basic realization had finally started to hit me. Scott kissed me goodbye! And he made out with me before, and -awkward as the 20 seconds leading up to it were- he even sucked my dick! I never would have dreamed that could have happened tonight! I was going to relive that so many times in my head before I went to bed... It'd probably keep me up at night for a while. Maybe... maybe I really was overthinking things. Yeah, I didn't completely fuck it up after all, or he wouldn't have kissed me goodbye! There was clearly something there on Scott's end, and what happened was already way more than I was betting would happen tonight!

Just a few moments ago I had almost given in to my inner-saboteur, over what was probably just a misunderstanding. This wasn't a night for that... this was a night for pride, and I needed to finish this epic night of mine.

Sexually exhausted as I was, I stood up from the bench, straightening out my open purple shirt and looking hopefully at the lively school. My new life as openly gay was just beginning. Let's see this night out to its end!