Real Business Starting

Story by JoshDan on SoFurry

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#11 of Husbando

Nothing to add, the title says it all...

Characters and story © Me

All comments are welcome.

"Yes, it's always a pleasure doing business with you, Mrs. Simmons. Goodbye."

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "Yes, get in!"

_ Door opens and Maximiliano gets in. _

"Ah, Mr. Furo, it's nice to see you again."

"Yes, indeed mister."

"Come on, sit on."

_ If she's not feeling on the same way, excitement was tangible on both sides. _

"So, how do you feel?"

"Bloated." Max let out, tight.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Don't worry, Mr. Furo, the first time is always the most stressful."

"Yeah, if you say it."

_**On this, the boss gives to his employee, a jacket containing the first customer's profile. By receiving the file, Max feels like a secret agent receiving news about target to protect or shoot. But here, it's not the subject.

Let's talk at the first client: Gillian Watson is a 22-year-old young weasel. She's a student at the Minnesota University, and live in Minneapolis. That's it, nothing more, nothing less.**_

"And... what does she want that I do?" Max let out, confused.

"Sorry, but it's all she gave me. Nevertheless, she clarified when you'll get the file, calling her as soon as possible."

"Very well, duty noted. However, I had time to reflect while I took my decision. And I have one question which bugs me."

"I'm listening you."

"If I had inappropriate words, should I have had the post?"

"No, in any case. You can have all criteria, but I require some respect towards staff and clients. Or else, we will switch to the next candidates." The bird asserted, strict.


_ By arranging the jacket on his suitcase, Max realizes he was right to hold his tongue. _

"Listen, if you have anything to ask me, don't hesitate to call."

"I wouldn't miss it. On this, I'll go. Goodbye mister."

"Goodbye. And good luck."


"I'll remember that... I thank you... Goodbye."

_ The porcupine hangs up and continues his work, before being interrupted by our protagonist: _ "Hi!"

"Err... hello. How can I help you?" The rodent asked, surprised.

"Well, we passed each other rather quickly last time. So, I want to thank you for guiding me in the office."

"It's nothing. I just do my work." The rodent replied, flattered.

"As a result, I'd like to know your name."

"And why me?"

"I hope others aren't going to take it the wrong way, but you seem to be the friendliest here."

_ Following this compliment, the rodent blushed of embarrassment. Few people had told him this kind of remark, but he took his courage in both hands to respond: _ "Well... my name is Odwin, but everyone nicknames me Oddie."

"And then, nice to meet you."

"Indeed, err... And you, what's your name?"

"Oh yes, silly me. It's Maximiliano but you can call me Max."

"Alright, Max."

"Well, I've to go to work. We'll see each other next time. See you, Odwin."


_ And caught on his collar, the ferret leaves, watched by Odwin's kindly smile. _

Hit the Gym

_\<Push it to the limit / Walk along the razor's edge / But don't look back, just keep you head / Or you'll be finished \> I don't know about you but, you wouldn't believe it how this song's getting me pumped! It's amazing! And here, I'm going to...

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Well, the last time, we left off with kisses. You suspect something else happened after this. _And you are absolutely right._ Further to this, we began to kiss more frequently, then show us more and more tactile, but it stayed very nice little... Even...

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Sooner or later, our circle had finished to know the real nature of our relationship. Some were happy for us, others were totally disgusting. In short, everyone had an opinion on our couple. Luckily for us, all this attention was the least of our...

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