Gifts of Life - Chapter 1 (draft)

Story by Lady Languish on SoFurry

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#1 of Gifts of Life

A young man flees home with only thoughts of that which he wishes to avoid. He gives up his life and loses much more, whilst silent eyes observe.

/// Contains graphic scenes of rape and death. ///

I highly recommend having the font 'Goudy Bookletter 1911' installed. It is free in its entirety. Hopefully my formatting displays it correctly, but I've had no end of trouble with the text editor here.

Chapter 2 coming very soon.

Hello. Thank you for checking out my filthy story. I do not usually share what I write, I hope perhaps others can find enjoyment herein. Please be warned that this story contains extremely graphic scenes of rape and death. I am not entirely certain where this story is going, but thus far it has been fun to pursue. I would enjoy hearing your thoughts and feedback, as I'm unaccustomed to publishing my works.


The draft was coming. There was the temptation to wait and verify the news, but he'd delayed long enough. Soon it would become public knowledge and the city watch would be on alert for deserters. The only thing worse than disgracing his father by fleeing the city would be getting caught trying to flee the city. His father would probably execute him himself. He had kept a satchel under his bed for the last two years, the prospect of running away from home never far from his thoughts. The draft coming made the decision easy, but Chiro couldn't help but hesitate as he held the door handle.

From his father he welcomed the desertion; Lord Neseas Hegemot was an old soldier turned politician who had never failed to take an opportunity to express his disappointment in Chiro. His growing importance on the City Council of Cark only seemed to deepen the dissatisfaction he held for his only son. His mother and sister, however, they were special women. Chiro sighed. He had no other options. Either he left of his own accord and never saw them again, or he was drafted into the army and never saw them again. Maybe a war against men he could've stood a chance at returning, but - no, he'd probably die then, too. The only saving grace of this war was that giants unavoidably granted swift deaths in battle. You didn't bleed a slow death in a ditch fighting giants. You were either alive or smeared across the battlefield like a toddler's latest art project. He'd rather be disgraced and alive than join the honourable thousands now fertilising the southern battlefields.

He would miss his mother most of all. Elynne was short, kind, and with Chiro's limited experience with women, had the body of old fertility goddesses. It made him sick to think of her with his father. He'd never appreciate her like Chiro did. And his sister, well, half the house guard appreciated her regularly. She was of a more perky beauty that men appreciated. She could tell how badly Chiro wanted her, he knew it. Hemylle had never advertised Chiro's perversion to anyone else, thankfully, but she revelled in making him squirm. Always catching him looking, making sure he saw more than a brother ever should see of his sister, and giving him knowing smiles when he emerged from his room in the morning. It was as if she knew completely of his shame, beginning each day unable think of anything else until he stroked himself off thinking about her or his mother. He loved his sister, but hated her power over him. She seemed able to wordlessly convey her awareness of his desires while she flaunted her regular encounters with the guards at him. Chiro would miss her, but part of him would be glad to be away from her oppressive sexuality.

He closed the door quietly behind him and navigated through his family's estate. It was no longer a challenge to evade the guards and house staff; he regularly snuck out to the stables at night to be with the horses. He made his way there now, and said his goodbyes to the few dozen prize horses belonging to his parents. He didn't own his own horse yet; mother kept trying but his father forbade it, claiming he'd not waste good livestock on such a poor rider. Chiro made his way along to Elise's stable. She was his father's least favourite horse, since she was neither fast enough to race, large enough to support an armoured soldier, or pure enough of blood to be worth breeding. But Elise was Chiro's favourite; a gentle mare, graceful and calm, who in spite of his father's opinion looked beautiful to Chiro. He'd ridden her around the grounds last summer while father was away. He found out, of course, but the enjoyment of trotting so easily with Elise over the grounds for a whole afternoon was worth the whipping.

He heaved the saddle and tack off the wall. It didn't matter that it belonged to his father. Elise did as well. Chiro was about to break the law and disgrace his family's name; it was hardly going to make his father any angrier that he stole a horse and saddle as well. It was the death penalty either way. It took him a while to get Elise ready. He had a small amount of food and money in his satchel, and a dagger tucked in its sheath under the saddle. All he had to do was make it north to one of the small villages, find work as a stable hand or tavern staff, then figure out what to do after that.

He led Elise from the stables out to the fenced perimeter of the estate, and followed the border to the front gates. Their home was situated close to one of the city gates, so he only had to make it a hundred feet and he was free. He took a deep breath and led her toward the front gates of the Hegemot Estate, digging in his pocket for a coin purse.

"Good evening, young lord," said a raspy voice. Sengwick, one of the gate guards, stood leaning against the brick gate post with a soft smirk. "Finally made the leap, eh?"

"Quiet," Chiro whispered, hurrying up to him and proffering the coin purse as he looked over his shoulder.

"How kind you are, young lord," Sengwick chuckled, theatrically making an effort to hush his voice. "On you go then, and safe travels to you. I'll say goodbye to your sister for you."

"Th-thanks," Chiro huffed, avoiding the guard's gaze as he mounted Elise. He pressed his heels and she walked forward, stopping in front of Sengwick. He peered up at Chiro for a long moment. Chiro began to worry whether he would actually let him through before the guard smiled broadly.

"Best be on your way, then." He stepped aside and opened the large iron gates. They swung easily and noiselessly, and Chiro tried not to look at Sengwick as Elise walked through. His heart was hammering in his chest and he cursed the sweat beading on his forehead, but the city gate was in sight. Just calmly ride out of Cark and he'd be gone, free. His hands gripped the reins, trying to stop them from shaking. He'd never done anything like this before. The most rebellious act he'd ever performed was pretending to be sick one day to avoid yet another embarrassing session with the fencing instructor. More embarrassing were his attempts at magic, but those were his mother's idea; at least father never whipped him for doing poorly at those. Chiro looked up at the walls as he approached. The gates were closed, but as a noble's son he was allowed to pass freely. Calm breaths. Just keep--

"Young lord!" Sengwick's voice called out from across the street. Chiro turned his head so fast he nearly sprained his neck. "I'd give that nag a kick, if I were you! Thirty gold coins won't buy you a pardon for desertion." The last word dripped with malice, and Chiro's heart hammered against his ribs. He could see Sengwick's grin in the moonlight, and the shine of the coins spilling as he tossed the purse to the ground. Chiro kicked hard into Elise's sides and she broke into a gallop as Sengwick called out "Deserter! DESERTER!"

The bastard was ringing the alarm bell as Elise carried him at haste through the city gates, shouting guards growing louder around him. He barreled along the north road through the city's outer farmlands, orchards and cornfields whipping past. The night was clear and the moon bright, making navigation easy enough without a lantern, but he felt like the light was making him shine like a beacon to his pursuers. He spurred Elise on, past another orchard until the road dipped into dense woods. He couldn't tell if the sound of hooves behind him were imaginary or not, but he dared not look back. The road soon broke out of the trees into a slow left curve as it descended down the side of the White Cliffs. From here it was possible to see for miles and miles to the northern mountains, their snowy caps picked out by the moonlight. Before them lay a vast expanse of highlands, hills and rocky outcrops, and the great Blue Woods that hugged the cliffs' base and curved around to the east.

The road down the cliffs was curved and treacherous in places. He had to fight the impulse to slow down. Had he not been on Elise he might have, but she carried him easily even at speed. Finally he reached the base of the cliffs, and pulled Elise to a slow, leading her off the road into the woods on his right. Elise was breathing raggedly, snorting huge breaths. He patted the side of her neck, steering her around behind a thicket providing good cover from the road. Somewhere to watch and wait. For a while all he could hear was the blood thumping in his ears and Elise trying to catch her breath, shaking her head as the sweat made her itch. Eventually, silence. No hooves or shouts. The cliffs were five hundred feet high, he peered up at them through the canopy and knew if a mounted party was on its way down the cliffs meant he'd be able to hear them from a mile away. Still, he had to tell himself a few times before he trusted that.

Shakily he dismounted, carefully sliding off the saddle. His knees buckled momentarily under him, the adrenaline still fresh. He stood by Elise and stroked her neck, quietly thanking her. He'd done it. He was a wanted man, now. He stroked under the mare's chin as he thought about that. Was he? Technically the draft hadn't come into effect yet, so there was naught to desert. But technicalities wouldn't save him, not from his father. This would not be allowed to stand. In fact he could easily imagine his father wearing the execution of his deserter son as a badge of pride, leveraging the act of executing Chiro as a testament to his devotion to the law. Chiro sighed. He had not trusted Sengwick, but he had put faith in the man's distaste for him. None of the guards much liked Chiro; he couldn't fight, he wasn't strong enough to use a bow, and as much as most fighting men hated magic, he couldn't manage that either. Some of them liked to hold out their hands as they passed him in the house, guffawing to eachother about how his sister's cunt was still fresh on their fingers. If Sengwick had cared even in the slightest about Chiro he wouldn't have let him leave at all, but he had hoped he could get clear of the city before Sengwick informed his father. It didn't matter now. He'd let Elise rest for a while, water her, then continue on his way north.

He sat on the grass by Elise's hoof, taking a long swig from his father's stolen waterskin. He began to wonder in the hum of waning adrenaline what the future held for him now. He didn't want much from life, just to be allowed to do as he wished. He wasn't a son that craved his father's approval. The night he'd seen him backhand his mother to the ground had shattered any hope of that. A man who could strike a woman like Elynne had no respect in Chiro's eyes. No, he'd be quite happy mucking out stables for a living, working as a scribe, serving drinks to interesting travellers in taverns. Perhaps save up enough to one day own his own tavern. Or mayhap just travel, see how the world turns far from wars with giants.

He sat leaning against Elise's hind leg. She didn't mind, and all the summer afternoons he'd spent like this with her, hiding in the trees of the estate grounds from more swordplay or archery lessons with her, she'd never so much as twitched a leg in his direction. He rubbed his face, trying not to dwell on the fact she was his only friend.

Chiro was a short, tubby young man. He didn't ooze authority like his father or radiate warmth like his mother. He certainly had none of the sex appeal his sister enjoyed. He had shoulder length blonde hair, blueish, greyish eyes, and pallid skin. He couldn't fight, he couldn't understand law enough to debate, and he couldn't cast even basic spells. The latter hurt the most. His mother bought him books on magic, stories about great wizards and textbooks on magical principles, and paid for tutors to try and teach him. He'd loved magic since he was a boy, but no matter how hard he studied or tried, all his tutors agreed: he just didn't have the touch of it in him. About the only thing Chiro was good at was looking after the horses, and he went to bed happy whenever he saw how angry it made his father to see the son of the lord doing servant's work.

Elise's flanks were twitching so he stood up, stowing the waterskin and taking out the brush from the saddlebag. He hummed to her as he brushed her down, the drying sweat and dust flowing off her coat in satisfying clouds. She had a lustrous, golden coat, and long mane and tail of deep black, with black hooves and socks that came halfway up her legs. Just over fifteen hands, a hair taller than Chiro at her withers, and built strong. No hulking warhorse, but her body curved with thick, rounded muscle. She was supposed to be of a noble breed but had some imperfection that rendered her worthless, though Chiro had no idea what it was. To him she was perfect, and he smiled as she nickered happily at the brushing.

The heavy thwack of the arrow barely registered, at first. Chiro started and gawked at it as it stuck out of Elise's neck. He held the brush in his hand as she stumbled and fell away from him, her choked equine screams dying out quickly. He couldn't hear them. He stared in freezing horror at his horse as she writhed on the ground.

"You fucking idiot! You're supposed to be a fucking archer, you blind twat!"

"He moved!"

"For fuck's sake. Come on."

The brush dropped from Chiro's hand and he fell to his knees, hands shaking as he touched Elise's body. She was no longer moving. Tears flooded from his eyes, but no sound escaped him. He kept staring at her even as hands grabbed him and dragged him away from her, and only when bushes occluded her from view did panic begin to set in. He began to scream and kick and struggle, before he tasted the metallic tang of a hard blow to the head.

"Oy! Wake up!"

Chiro was being shaken awake and he blinked blearily before alarm set in again.

"I asked what family you are!"

Chiro coughed once and tried to swallow, tasting blood in his mouth. His jaw hurt and for a moment he thought it was another of his father's deafening backhands that had laid him out, but the face he was confronted with was far from the groomed and pointed features of his father. This man had a thick brow, shorn hair, and squinted eyes. He was filthy and his breath stank of ale. Chiro stammered at him, and began to register that this man and the three others stood around him all wore armour of the Cark army. Deserters. "H-Hegemot!" he squeaked, trying to wriggle out of the large hands gripping his shirt.

"Hegemot," the man repeated, turning back to his friends. They looked at eachother blankly.

"I d-deserted, like you!" Chiro stammered on, "There's a draft coming!"

"Hah!" the man barked a laugh and dropped him. Chiro yelped as he hit his head on the ground and curled up. "A fellow deserter, boys! Aren't we blessed this night?"

There was a slow murmuring of approval as the realisation began to spread amongst them. They were in a small camp, further east into the forest by the direction they'd dragged him. Chiro looked up and saw the face of the White Cliffs towering above the black leaves, the rocky faces glowing in the moonlight. He knew where he was, at least. His mind began to work on ways of escape when the memory of Elise's dead body surfaced.

"Y-you killed her!" he shouted, sitting up. "Why? Why did you kill her? She was just a horse! She'd never do anyth--"

The man spun and punched into Chiro's curled body, winding him. "Yeah, well. That was Morbing's fault. He was aiming for you. Supposed to be, anyway."

"Alright mate, I fucking tried alright? It's dark, and he moved!"

"Doesn't matter now," the apparent leader snapped, "We was gonna steal the horse, but as it turns out, you're the real prize, mate."

"Me?" Chiro wheezed.

"That's right. See, judgin' by your most forthcoming admission of your desertion," he explained theatrically as he stepped around Chiro, "You are mayhap unawares of a certain law regarding said desertion." There were chuckles all around. Chiro looked around at them in growing panic. They were all large men, all looking at him like hungry animals in the light of the campfire.

"M-My father is Lord Neseas Hegemot--"

"Quiet!" the leader shouted. "It matters not who your daddy is or isn't," he went on, "A deserter is just that. We should know." There was another murmur of chuckles. "See, when a man gains full rein of 'is faculties and is granted the epiphany that fightin' giants is, after all, fucking suicide, he deserts. His life is forfeit, but as long as he keeps his wits he can survive quite satisfactorily with a few choice comrades of similar philosophy." The men were laughing now. Apparently a few extra syllables was the height of humour to these men. "But," the man stopped, his arms behind his back as if presenting his case to a judge, "In the ongoing effort to dissuade such enlightened behaviour, Cark law says that if one of aforementioned comrades should kill another of his deserter allies, he is granted clemency." He peered down at Chiro, letting it sink in. "We'd be allowed back to our families. Allowed back into the city to drink and whore again, and all we'd have to do is prove we killed a deserter." Chiro's eyes were wide, darting around, looking for a means of escape. There was a gap behind him. "And given that elegant crest on your shirt," he grinned, "We wouldn't even need to bring your body."

Chiro scrambled to get up and flee. "Hold him," the leader said, simply. From his right, the one who responded as Morbing lunged and tackled him to the ground. He had long black hair and a beard, which Chiro saw only briefly before he was shoved onto his front and pinned down. He began to scream, and Morbing's hand slapped around his mouth. He bit the fingers, Morbing cursed, grabbing Chiro's head and slamming his face into the dirt, breaking his nose.

"No ideas, Morbing," the leader said, "You go last for the horse."

Chiro heard the clink of buckles and shuffling of fabric. He managed to turn his head just enough to see the leader's feet and his breeches fall to the ground around them. He screamed into the dirt and grass, beginning to thrash under Morbing's weight, cold realisation solidifying like a brick in his stomach. The man's elbow lodged behind his skull, and Chiro wailed in pain as his broken nose was jammed into the ground. Tears streamed as pain burned and the tang of copper filled his mouth, but terror overshadowed it as hands gripped his ankles. He could hear them all moving as hands tore at his trousers. He bucked and struggled, kicking back at them blindly, but the pressure on the back of his neck felt like it could break it.

"No! No, please," he began to wail into the dirt, muffled and sobbing, "Pleeeaase! Don't do this!"

"Want me to gag 'im?" one of them grunted.

"Nah," the leader sneered, "Nobody's gonna hear him here. I like it when they scream. Get off, I got him."

With a hard yank that burned his skin from the friction, Chiro's trousers were pulled down to his knees. The cool night air on his skin had never been so utterly unwelcome.

"Stop! Stop, please!" he sobbed, blood and tears starting to cake his face as he clawed at the grass, trying to get away. He let out a pitched scream as his underwear was torn down his legs. He kicked back at his attacker and there was a solid connection. The leader swore and hands grabbed Chiro's hips, wrenching him back. He knelt on Chiro's half-stripped trousers, pinning his knees down. Chiro clawed at the grass and thrashed, crying uncontrollably, but the man's grip on his hips was like iron. Then, coldness spread across his backside. The sensation was so alarming he had to look back, and saw one of them emptying a jug of oil onto him. Chiro shook his head, seeing in horror what was behind him. All the men had disrobed enough to bare their pricks, and all of them were staring fixedly at his exposed and now oil-doused ass.

Then, pain like any other. A sudden jerk made his teeth clack together as the man speared himself into Chiro's clenched backside. The scream caught in his throat, so intense was the burning, searing pain. His eyes were wide, then scrunched tight. He didn't have time to process it before he began to thrust, desperate and wild. Chiro's whole body was jerked and wracked by the force. His screams came out jagged and only advertised the rhythm with which the man was raping him. He tried to twist, to throw punches back at him, but the pain was too much. Even when he connected, the man only sneered. His gloved hands gripped cruelly into his bare flesh, yanking his body backward as he thrust forward.

"P-please," Chiro sobbed, bloodied snot hanging from his chin, "Stop, please...!" He could feel the man's cock inside him, punching at his insides, ramming them out of the way to make room. He had no idea anything could hurt so much. It felt immense, like it could tear him open at any moment. The thrusting only grew more rapid and vicious, Chiro's whole body being shaken from the impacts. The man pushed his stance wider, spreading Chiro's knees farther and cinching the leather of his trousers around his legs where the man knelt.

"Arch your fucking back," he growled, and a fist slammed into Chiro's back. The second hit knocked him flat, face into the dirt again, and the fist ground into his spine. He wailed, cheek against the earth, his backside now pointed upward and knees spread.

"Fuckin' hells," another voice said, "He's got an arse like a prize whore!"

"Tighter than any whore," the leader grunted, leaning over Chiro with his fist in his back. His thrusting grew more and more desperate. Chiro cried choked screams as he felt his balls being slapped over and over. He couldn't register what it was at first, but then realised it was his attackers own sack colliding with them. They felt huge, loudly and painfully beating at his balls amidst the rhythmic claps of his thrusts.

"Fuck!" the leader snarled, and Chiro gasped as he slammed his hips down into him, crushing him flat into the ground. Heat spread in his guts, and he felt for certain he'd been impaled or ruptured. The man thrust again, and again, harder and more deliberate as the heat grew. Chiro's face was contorted into an expression of distilled agony and anguish, open mouth curved like a horror mask as he cried, with mud, tears, blood, snot, and saliva hanging from his features. A vein wormed down his forehead, his face red and strained.

Then the weight on him increased as the man heaved himself off him. Chiro now knew what had happened, and desperately tried to think of anything else but the man's seed now caking his insides. But the thought couldn't be ignored. Languidly he dragged himself from Chiro's aching backside, and he would never forget the wet, sucking noise it made. The men laughed, and Chiro felt the hot semen spill from his rear and run down his balls.

"Let me go," Chiro sobbed, his voice broken and small.

"On you go, boys," the leader said, "Put that mouth to better use, eh?" There was a loud murmur of approval. Chiro sobbed raggedly, looking back at them. He saw the leader standing and grinning at him as he wiped his cock with a rag. His heart sank as he saw it; it wasn't big at all. His own prick was bigger, but it had felt like a tree trunk. Then he saw the man taking up the same position behind him.

"Please, no, no," he sputtered, "Please, just kill me." The man behind him was bigger, thicker by far.

"I hear that a lot," the next rapist chuckled smugly. With viciousness borne of eagerness watching his comrade at work, he dropped his knees onto Chiro's trousers again and snatched up his hips, hauling his backside up to him. Chiro found more screams in him as he felt it poking at his red-raw anus, and he was rammed once again into shattering silence. He couldn't hold himself up on his arms anymore, or summon the strength to throw his fists and elbows back. "Tight is right, fuck me," the man said, and quickly began to rut Chiro's quivering body.

"'Ere, pay attention," another voice said above him, "It's me you want to worry about."

Chiro could only whimper into the dirt as he was brutalised again, unable to discern whether the liquid running down his balls and thighs was semen or blood. Then a hand grabbed a handful of his hair, and pulled his upper body up by the scalp alone. Chiro yelped and flinched away as his face made contact with something. His red and puffy eyes tried to focus while he was jerked back and forth by the thrusting of the man behind him, and his expression fell into confused horror at what he saw. The man in front of him was skinnier than the others, but his member was enormous. Chiro had no idea men could have such things between their legs. He began to sob again dejectedly, shutting his eyes to block it out as the man held his head up by the hair. But he couldn't get away from it; the thrusting of his current rapist kept causing his face to butt into this newcomer's balls and the side of that length.

"Now remember, little bitch," he snarled, jerking Chiro's head to get his attention, "Things can still get a lot worse for you yet. If I feel teeth, it'll be a week before we're done with you, understand?"

Chiro tried to nod, but only managed to spurt blood and snot from his mouth as he whimpered: "Please, no."

The man drew a knife and pressed the blade to Chiro's cheek. "If I feel teeth, I'll cut that mouth open so wide a horse could facefuck you, understand?"

"A horse is gonna facefuck 'im," the leader chuckled from somewhere behind him. Chiro saw this endowed man grin before he re-positioned himself. He was looking down the length, trying to focus on it while his entire body was shunted over and over. It had a loose foreskin draped over the bulbous end of it, fluid already oozing from the tip. The loud and increasingly wet slaps of flesh echoed in the woods, mingling with the man's grunts of pleasure, with Chiro's pathetic sobbing serving as the melody for this song.

"Open your fucking mouth!" the man bellowed at him. Chiro hesitated, and began to beg him not to again, but that was all the opening he needed. The man's foreskin was mashed against his lips, his hair pulled forward while the man behind him pulled backward on his hips. Chiro gave in, and tried. He opened his mouth wide, but the girth of it pried his jaw open too far. His ears popped and he choked as it was rammed into the back of his throat. Worse, the man rutting him from behind pushed him forward into it. "Same goes if you throw up," the man said, "I'll slice your fuckin' jaw off." Chiro's tongue was flattened utterly by the cock shoved into his mouth. He tried desperately to open wider, terrified of grazing it with his teeth as the man kept the blade in his eye line. He began to rock back and forth, then thrust, only marginally more gentle than the man behind him. Chiro could taste his own blood and snot on it as it was dragged from his lips onto that cock. He screwed his eyes shut, trying to suppress his sobs and focus on not gagging and dragging air through his clogged nose whenever the man's prick allowed. It was an almost welcome distraction from the pain in his backside. Tears streaked his cheeks as the half-horse man raped his mouth. It was difficult enough to time his breathing, let alone fight the urge to vomit. Worse, his cock tasted foul. It was impossible to say how often these monsters bathed.

Every thrust forcibly opened his throat wider. Snot and drool dangled from Chiro's chin as he coughed and spluttered, hating himself for trying to satisfy this man out of fear of what he'd do if he failed. Then the man behind him began to grunt and moan, and Chiro tried to steady himself for the final strokes so that he wasn't choked to death on this man's dick.

"He's getting it now," the oral rapist laughed. Chiro felt the new wash of heat flood his insides, more than before. It spilled down his balls before he was even finished. He choked a cry around that huge dick as the other was pulled out of him. He felt the tide of more semen spill from his rear, and the cold air inside his ass. His anus was gaping wide now, he could feel it, alien as the sensation was.

"Finally," someone else said, and the cool air was replaced by the sharp, searing pain of another man forcing himself inside him. His gut felt like it had seen the bad end half a dozen arrows, the heat of the men's seed roiling around stabbing and aching pains. The man in front of him used his hair to rock his head back and forth, like the others had done with his hips. His throat felt numb, only the constant pain of being reamed and battered present now. As if he knew, suddenly the hand yanked hard on his hair, and Chiro's scream of pain was cut short. All at once the man's length was driven down his throat and his broken nose slammed into his crotch. Chiro began to struggle again, hands slapping and swatting at the man's legs. He couldn't breathe. Even if he could, his broken nose was buried in his dense, sweaty pubic hair. Chiro's body convulsed in reflexive alarm. The cartilage of his throat was pushed wide, bulging outward past his adam's apple. The man held him there, groaning with affectatious satisfaction, obviously wanting the others to see. Chiro's red and puffy eyes bulged, and he thought about hitting him in he sack, but the presence of the knife erased that idea.

Then it was dragged from his throat again. In one motion the man pulled himself free of Chiro's mouth, his taut lips being dragged along with it. He gagged and retched, sucking in sickly lungfuls of breath as best he could between the urge to throw up and the pounding of his rear. Still holding his hair, the man peered down at him.

"You could teach the whores of Cark a thing or two. Open up again, now."

Chiro coughed and tried to spit the sour taste of musk and sweat from his mouth, but it only left a gob of drool to join the others hanging from his chin. He did as he was told. The man smiled and shoved his cock into his mouth, then slammed it down his throat again.

There was no pinning hold this time. Chiro's shaking body tried to remain upright as he was savagely raped from both ends. His nose was driven into the man's crotch, his cock speared down his throat again and again. It was only then he realised he had the sack to match as his heavy balls slapped heavily under his chin. The man behind him seemed to enjoy the display, if not Chiro's desperate, choking gurgles, as his pace redoubled.

Chiro lost track of time. As one man finished with his rear and pumped their seed into his guts, another took his place. He was of age, but had never been with anyone sexually. He had mistakenly been holding on to the idea that once a man was finished, he was satisfied. He thought perhaps more men had joined, but it was the same grunts and jeering voices behind him. He descended farther into despair, unknowing of how many times he would be raped tonight. And all the while, the man violating his mouth stayed constant.

Until he didn't. He tossed the knife away and both hands grabbed hold of Chiro's hair. He'd been growing numb to the pain, the humiliation, his sobs and choked weeping long fallen silent save for involuntary gagging. But his head was smashed into the man's groin, his broken nose broken further against his pelvic bone. He couldn't scream, his throat packed and bloated with the man's cock. Then he felt the heat there too, pumping down his gullet. His stomach tried to reject it, but there was nowhere else for it to go. He scratched, slapped, and punched at the man's thighs, trying to push himself away, but his grip was too strong. Chiro could feel his seed being pushed down into his stomach, what felt like a gallon of it.

So overwhelmed by the alarm, he scarcely realised the man behind him had finished again until the cold air met his semen-painted backside and gaped hole. Chiro looked up at the man, begging with his eyes to stop, but he had his head held skyward, groaning with pleasure.

"Alright, we're done," he heard the leader say. Chiro began to feel the emergency of airlessness cause his limbs to kick and thrash. "Hold him, lads." With renewed energy Chiro began to struggle against his aggressors, now fighting for his life. He realised too late that it didn't matter now if he hit this one in the sack, as hands grabbed his arms and legs and held them down. He could only squirm, eyes streaming tears, staring up at the man as he finally finished emptying his balls down his throat. He tried to plead with his eyes, shake his head, do anything that might dissuade them from murdering him while he waited to feel the sword in his back.

But it didn't come. The man above him nodded with an evil grin at someone behind him, and before Chiro could bite through his cock, two hands clamped around his head from behind. The hands were too strong, used to wielding heavy weapons, and they held his jaw open.

"Only fitting a whore as good as you dies choking on cock," the leader's voice breathed into his ear. Chiro's desperate sobs and anguished crying were muted by the hefty meat lodged in his throat. He struggled and bucked, but his hands were held down and it felt like a man was standing on the backs of his knees. His eyes began to bulge and his cheeks burn red. His stomach spasmed, trying to vomit the seed filling it, but only a fraction made it past the invader. Streams of semen spurted from his nose and the corners of his lips as they began to turn blue.

He felt heat again, and a different taste. His stomach was retching hard now, fighting against the flow of liquid. Chiro realised from the man's evil sigh that he was pissing down his throat. Chiro choked, gagged, spluttered, piss and cum spurting from his nose as his vision darkened. He convulsed, and died.

Gifts of Life - Chapters 2 & 3 (draft)

Hello. Thank you for checking out my filthy story. I do not usually share what I write, I hope perhaps others can find enjoyment herein. Please be warned that this story contains extremely graphic scenes of rape and death. I am not entirely certain...

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