Hero Worship

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#4 of 101 Dalmatians

This story was compiled and edited from two RP sessions with IB: CaptainAmazing

Likely the final story in this series, Patch returns to Thunderbolt's trailer one week after that stormy night.

Out the window of his trailer, Thunderbolt stared at the scenery, still trying to get used to the change. He would definitely stay in Little Titchfield, though. If nothing else, he'd stay for Patch, the one-of-a-kind wonderpup he'd grown so fond of since their days in London. Patch had become rather attached to Thunder as well. He supposed it made perfect sense. Ninety-eight brothers and sisters... Being one of a hundred and one would probably mean not getting enough individual attention from his parents. Did he see him as a father figure? Thunderbolt was already trotting on thin ice with Patch. Did he really want that kind of responsibility? As Patch came bouncing down the sunlit path to his trailer, one look at that cute, excited little face began to sway his answer.

Patch was so happy, he could barely keep from running. Thunderbolt was unlike any other dog, even his dad. He was a grownup, but he was a real friend, too. And not in the lame, condescending way that lots of grownups wanted to be friends. Being with him always made Patch feel grown up as well. He saw Thunderbolt sitting at the window, waiting for him, and his tail began to wag all the harder as he trotted up to the door.

As Patch disappeared from Thunder's sight, he called out towards the doggy door. "Door's open, little buddy! Come on in!"

The little Dalmatian poked his head through. "Hi, Thunder!" he said, hopping inside. As always, he was deliriously happy, yet also a bit nervous whenever he got to hang out with Thunderbolt. It was really fun, of course, but he always wanted to make a good impression. If Thunder thought he was too much of a puppy...well, Patch would be mortified.

Thunder lay down on the couch where he had been perched to make sure his sheath wasn't exposed just yet. It was over a week since that rainy night, but to Thunderbolt, it felt like three minutes ago. A confusing mix of pride and shame welled up in his chest, with a bit of childish excitement to top it off. Had Patch come back because he wanted more? If that was indeed why the pup was standing in his trailer again, Thunder didn't know if he could go through with it. He wanted to make sure Patch enjoyed himself, but if they did something sexual, would it be the same as their first time together? Would it be awkward? For the first time since he started acting, Thunderbolt was having performance anxiety, and there wasn't a camera within miles. He was able to shake off his moral dilemma long enough to actually greet his little friend. "How ya doin' kid?"

Patch froze. Seeing his friend and mentor lying on the couch seemed to bring it all back at once. That rainy night a week ago. Everything they'd done. It was almost as though he could smell it in the air of the trailer, although surely that was silly. His stomach did a little anxious flip. Did Thunder want to do that sort of thing again? The Shepherd had been on his mind a lot, especially at night when he was trying to sleep. "I'm doing really good, Thunder," he said. "How're you?" It wasn't a particularly interesting question, but it was all he could come up with in his jumbled mind.

"Fantastic," Thunder replied with a smile. He was convinced he'd never get enough of that adorable accent. Looking down at him now, Thunder suddenly wanted to tackle the pup, flip him over, and have his way with him. He was easily able to resist, though. In fact, the Shep had a test. He decided he wouldn't make a move on Patch just yet, or even mention anything about sex or last week's events. Instead, he'd let Patch take control. If the pup wanted to talk about sex or initiate some naughty play, he'd leave that completely up to him. Still hiding his belly, the caring Shep wanted to make absolutely certain that he wasn't forcing himself on Patch.

Patch felt uncharacteristically shy as the silence spun out. Thunder was just...lying there. The memories were flooding back clear as day, and it made Patch feel small and squashable. He wanted to talk about it...but this was Thunderbolt, his adult friend and idol, not his brother. Patch knew what he wanted, but didn't know how to ask for it...or if he should ask at all. Was last week a fluke? Did it even happen? It seemed so long ago. His sheath stirred underneath him just a little bit. He couldn't help it. The whole room smelled like Thunderbolt. Hopefully, he wasn't showing pink. He looked up and said something just to break the silence. "So, Thunder... What do you want to do?"

A feeling of near disappointment sent Thunder's heart sinking. So Patch probably didn't want to do anything naughty after all. That's alright, he told himself. Patch was fun before we did that, and he'll still be fun now. Thunder took a quick glance out the window. It was a clear, cloudless day and warm enough for a nice swim. He was about to suggest that very thing, but as he looked back down at his young friend, he noticed the tiniest speck of pink between his legs. The Shep couldn't suppress a grin and he did his best to look away. He cleared his throat. "Well, uhh..." He couldn't even speak now and his attempts to keep from grinning ear to ear were failing, as were his efforts to avert his eyes.

As soon as he noticed where Thunderbolt was looking, Patch blushed deeply, but eventually returned Thunder's grin. So Thunder did want to continue their little tryst from the week before, or at least talk about it. It made Patch a bit more comfortable, and also rather proud. To imagine that a puppy like him could do something so intimate and incredibly grown up with his movie star idol and even make an impression! "I was just thinking about...last week." Patch felt just a little more of his puppyhood slip out of its sheath. He giggled and looked for Thunder's but since the Shepherd was on his belly, Patch couldn't see anything just yet.

Patch's semi-embarrassed little giggle was enough to break through some of Thunder's inhibitions. "Been thinking about it a lot?" He kept it as innocent as he could, still not revealing himself or saying anything explicit about what they had actually done.

Patch kept his grin. "Well, yeah..." he said shyly. "It was lots of fun...even more than when me and Lucky did it!"

Thunder laughed. Sometimes Patch could be so innocent and so naughty at the same time. "You sure did enjoy yourself. I figured you'd be back for more." The Shep didn't leave the couch just yet, instead giving the kid a sly grin from where he lay.

Patch's eyes fell sheepishly to floor of the trailer. His tail-wagging betrayed how pleased he was that Thunderbolt approved. "Does that mean...we can do it again?" he asked, looking back up with a hopeful smile on his face. This whole venue of playtime was so new and different, he couldn't wait to try it some more, especially with someone who had Thunderbolt's experience.

That was the signal Thunderbolt had been waiting for. "Preeecisely!" His excitement now outweighed both his shame and his pride by a long margin. He finally hopped down from the couch and stripped off his collar. He flung it carelessly to the side and sat just inches away from Patch, where he placed a gentle paw on his back. "I had a lot of fun last week, too," he said softly. "Even though it was...kind of an accident."

Patch couldn't help but nuzzle against Thunder's side as he came and sat down next to him. He copied what Thunder had done with his collar, taking it off and throwing it next to his. "You really want to do that stuff with me?" Patch still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Thunder wanted to do naughty things with him rather than a female...or anyone his own age for that matter.

"Sure I do. But remember, we don't have to. If you wanna do something else, we can do that instead. Chase squirrels, go swimming... It's up to you, little buddy." Thunder thought for a moment, petting the puppy's back. "Say...have you done anything by yourself yet? I mean, have you found yourself a good hiding spot on that old farm?" He tipped Patch a wink, assuming the pup would know what he meant.

Late the other night, Patch had heard Lucky sneaking back to bed. If Patch hadn't been half-asleep, he might have given it some thought, but now that Thunder brought it up, he wondered if maybe his brother had found a place to hide, which was more than Patch could say for himself. "Not yet," he said. "I've tried, but it's hard with everyone around all the time." The most Patch had managed this week was to rub himself to a pretty good erection up in the barn loft, but he'd been interrupted. He'd managed to roll away from the intruding party and pretend that he'd dozed off.

"Yeah, I guess privacy is in short supply at the Dearly Farm. Just keep looking. You'll find something. It's an old place. There's gotta be a few nooks nobody knows about." Thunder considered for a moment. "And of course you know you can always come here. My door's always open." He smiled sweetly. "Speaking of which..." He trotted over and slid the latch in place, locking the doggy door. "Juuuust incase. We don't want anyone barging in while we're playing around."

Patch, who could only imagine the problems he'd have if someone should catch him doing this, nodded softly. He felt extra naughty now, like Thunder latching the door had made it official. Still half-hard inside his sheath, he put a casual paw on it and gave himself a little rub. He wasn't ready to take it out just yet, but he was close to being ready. He looked at his friend with his eyebrows raised, almost as if asking permission.

"So, no hiding spot, huh? I wonder if there's a place your parents go for some time alone. I guess you've never caught 'em in the act..." As Thunder turned back from the door, he saw Patch's little problem. He shot the pup a grin. "If you're getting hard, feel free to pull it out. No need for you to be uncomfortable."

Patch let out a shy but relieved grin as he slid his puppyhood free. It really felt good to have it out again, and not only because he'd been half-hard for a while. He blushed a little when Thunder mentioned his parents. "Mum and Dad? No. If they do...that...then they're great at hiding it." He covered up a little grin with his paw. "Or they do it late at night when we're asleep."

For a few brief moments, Thunder tried politely not to stare between Patch's legs. "I'm sure they do, but they have to be really careful not to get caught with all you puppies running around." Finally, his eyes just wouldn't obey anymore and helped themselves to a big long look at Patch's little cock. "How about kissing? I'm sure you've seen them kiss," he said, unsure why he cared.

The only thing Patch felt as Thunder stared between his legs was pride. To have his idol looking so shamelessly was exhilarating! "Well, yeah. They kiss a lot, but not the really good kissing. I've only seen them do that when they don't know I'm watching." He snuck a glance at Thunder's sheath, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. "That kind of kissing looks...hard to do."

"Grownup kissing? Nah, it's easy." Thunder caught Patch looking at his sheath and it threatened to make him hard. Then a naughty thought occurred to him that did make his sheath swell a bit. He couldn't believe he was even going to ask... "You wanna try it? With me?" What was he even thinking? He wasn't sure exactly why he wanted to kiss Patch, or why Patch would want to kiss him either.

Patch's eyes grew a little wider. Kiss Thunderbolt? And not like a little kiss, but a big, grownup kiss? Tongue and everything? Patch felt himself harden at the thought. He couldn't restrain an eager little smile as he said, "Sure, I...I guess. But you'll have to show me how to do all that weird stuff with my tongue."

That was easier than expected... Thunder chuckled as he rolled over onto the pillows that had been the site for last week's activities. "No problem, little buddy. Why don't you hop up on my chest and I'll show you how grownups kiss."

Patch climbed up onto his hero. Thunderbolt's fur was really warm and fluffy. If Patch hadn't been wide-awake with interest at what they were about to do, he'd have been content to curl up on the big dog and go to sleep. He sat on Thunder's big strong chest, sort of straddling it so that he and Thunder were face-to-face. Although he'd been close to the big dog the week before, he hadn't been quite this close and it was exciting. He was vaguely aware that his little puppyhood was resting against Thunderbolt's chest as it moved gently up and down. "Ok, so...what now?" he asked.

Thunder licked his lips, eagerly awaiting his first kiss with someone so young, and also getting an eyeful of his little puppyhood. But, as with so many things today, he wanted Patch to have control, so he eased him into the idea. "You want to try just a little peck first?" Somehow, Patch was light as a feather and Thunderbolt found it almost too cute.

Patch nodded and gave Thunderbolt a little lick on the nose. He giggled softly, knowing that wasn't really what Thunder had in mind. He pressed his muzzle against the bigger dog's and just had time to think, this is my first kiss ever! before the deed was done. He'd actually kissed Thunderbolt on the mouth!

The Shep felt a powerful surge between his legs as the puppy gave him an innocent (or perhaps not so innocent) kiss. "Okay, now bring your muzzle back down to mine. But this time, open it and...kinda push into mine a little bit. Then I guess just...do whatever your dad does when he kisses your mom. You don't have to go too deep at first...but if you want to, you're certainly welcome."

Patch's heart was racing and his cock was rock hard. Here he was, on top of Thunderbolt, about to give him a real kiss! He followed his mentor's instruction, opening his mouth. He tilted his head so it would fit better, then moved in until their muzzles were together. He whimpered just a little as he shared a kiss with the Shepherd.

Thunderbolt returned that whimper in his own deeper note. He wanted to grab the kid by his neck and shove their faces together, but he restrained himself. Instead, he placed his paws behind his own head, using that as an excuse to press his muzzle a bit further into the kiss. Patch's tongue was unbelievably fun to play around with and very easy to manipulate. He wanted so, so badly to take over, but he let the kid work and discover at his own pace.

Getting the hang of this wasn't hard after all. Patch shut his eyes and dared to go deeper. It was so much fun that he had to wonder why he'd never done something like this before. Thunderbolt's tongue was so big and so much fun! With abandon, he threw his paws around Thunder's neck and pressed himself against the big dog, kissing him as though he'd never get enough of it.

Thunderbolt took one of the white Dalmatian paws on his neck and held it in his own while they kissed. Patch's precious youthful eagerness more than made up for his lack of size and experience. In fact, quite a few of Thunderbolt's regular girls didn't kiss as well at this puppy on his chest. His other paw slipped out from behind his head to peel himself free of his sheath. The kissing had made him hard so fast he'd barely noticed. Even now, he still couldn't believe he was making out with a puppy.

Patch could feel his own little cock leaking against Thunderbolt's fur as they slid their tongues slowly in and out of each other's mouths. His worry that he might not be very skilled at it seemed to be dispelled safely. Thunder certainly seemed to be enjoying himself and Patch was so pleased he could hardly stand it!

Thunder never thought in a million years he'd enjoy surrendering control like this. Especially to Patch. In fact, he almost preferred it. He'd be pleased enough just to lie there and let Patch kiss him until the end of time, but he needed to breathe. He turned his head to the side a bit, finally breaking it off. "Whoo... You're incorrigible, kid." He licked his lips, savoring the aftertaste of the kiss. "That was very good."

Patch smiled and wagged his tail. "You mean I'm good at it?"

"You're actually better than some girls I've kissed. That was really sexy."

"Wow! Really?"

Thunderbolt nodded. "You're a natural, kid."

The kiss was over, but Patch was more than happy to stay perched atop the Shepherd until he was told to get down. He glanced over his shoulder to look at Thunderbolt's crotch and wasn't a bit surprised to see that his sheath had been totally replaced by a very ample doghood. He grinned at the Shep, obviously pleased that his kiss had actually achieved so much.

A big grin crossed Thunder's muzzle. "Yup, you did that, little buddy." Thunder shifted and put his paws back behind his head. "If you want to, you can go look at it. You got a decent look last week, but now that we have daylight...you can see it better."

Patch didn't need to be told twice. He was fascinated by Thunderbolt's penis, so much bigger than his own. He scooted carefully down Thunderbolt's belly until he was just above the big dog's eight-inch erection. It was much easier to see in the daylight and Patch looked it over eagerly. He reached a gentle paw out and touched it, looking up to see if Thunderbolt would mind.

Thunderbolt was almost dizzy at the thought of what Patch was doing. He'd just reached right out and touched his cock for the first time! When the pup looked back as if asking for permission, Thunder grinned and nodded. "You can touch it. It's okay." It was funny how his little friend made him feel so uninhibited and so exposed at the same time.

Patch marveled at how different in size they were. The knot was especially impressive. He put his paw on his own cock, then back on Thunder's. "Wow, you're big, Thunder," he said, running his paw up and down the big dog's shaft. "I need two paws for you!" He put his other paw on the big cock and continued his exploratory stroking, his own cock bobbing underneath him as he did so.

Thunder heard those words often, but he never imagined hearing them from a puppy. He relaxed again and let the kid continue exploring. Those adorable little paws roamed up and down the big thing so innocently. He loved having his penis admired. His girls did it a lot, but this was certainly different. It twitched as Patch brushed the tip. "That tickles."

With a shy little grin, Patch hopped down and wandered around to Thunder's back end, where he could reach the knot more easily. The curious pup didn't know quite why these big bulbs at the base of Thunder's cock were suddenly so interesting. He sat on his haunches and grasped his hero's knot with both paws, squeezing and stroking. He had no real idea if Thunder liked having this part touched as much as he did, so he glanced up the big dog's body to see Thunder's reaction. He didn't know what it would be, but he knew Thunder would never make him feel dumb or inexperienced and Patch loved him for it.

Thunder almost moaned. He hadn't expected Patch to go straight for the knot so soon and hardly believed it when it happened. He raised an eyebrow at him, trying to keep his desires from spinning out of control. As he throbbed in those puppy paws, he chuckled. "That's a good spot." He knew that if the kid went any further with this, he was in danger of blowing his load everywhere, so he thought of an easy way to distract him. He looked down his body at the cute puppy touching his penis and smiled. "So, little buddy... You've been out of your sheath this whole time and I haven't touched it at all. You want me to?"

Patch looked up with excited eyes and wagged his tail. He'd been having fun exploring things, but his own cock had been sticking out like a pole almost since he walked in, and he was getting needy. "Sure!" He finally let go of the big red thing and bounded back up towards Thunderbolt's side.

Thunder sighed in relief. The exploratory touch had been heavenly, but it had been in a place that threatened to make a mess of his young friend. The Shep was enjoying himself far too much to let this end so soon. "Alright," said Thunder as he rolled over and got to his feet. "Lie on your back for me." He could feel his cock dangling with need between his legs now, but he tried to ignore it and focus on Patch instead.

Before following his instruction, Patch couldn't help but stare up at Thunderbolt's cock, which hung like a slab of meat in a butcher shop window. Somehow, it looked even bigger just hanging there between his legs like that. Patch flopped down on his back in the warm spot where Thunder had just been, his smaller puppyhood laying against his belly. His stomach fluttered with butterflies as he imagined what Thunderbolt was about to do to him.

Lying down carefully at Patch's back end, Thunder grinned at the view. The little cock there was just begging to be touched. He reached forward with the same confidence he had last week and took it in his paw. "Want me to go ahead and make you squirt? You've gotta be itching for it," he said, not waiting for an answer before starting a gentle stroking rhythm. "All week without getting off once... I know I'd be going crazy."

Patch nodded, wriggling a little with pleasure as Thunderbolt started pawing him off. "Yeah, I'd like that. I really wanted to all week, but I couldn't."

"I bet. I know how much you miss that feeling."

"Mhm," said Patch as he was being stroked.

"I can't go a day without having at least one orgasm."

Patch looked up and smirked. "At least one?"

"Well..." Thunder smiled almost bashfully. "I usually do it two or three times a day."

"Wow. Wish I could find a place to do it that often."

"I know, little buddy." Thunder stroked a bit faster. "So, let's go ahead and relieve some of that pressure," he said. "No foreplay. No teasing." He concentrated mostly on the tip, having done just the knot last time. He watched for different reactions, trying to gauge how best to go about this. "You like it better up at the tip," Thunder let his paw drift downward, "or down on your knot like I did before?"

They both felt incredibly good to Patch, but he knew which one he liked better. "Down by my knot feels best," he whimpered. "It makes my tummy tingle." He was getting that very sensation now, not only in his tummy, but through his balls as well. He couldn't wait to unload a week's worth of sperm and he'd been dying to relive the feeling of orgasm all week.

Thunder happily complied, keeping his paw down there to squeeze and massage Patch's little knot. "I thought so. You went off like a squirt gun last week." He wasted no time in finding the kid's favorite spots again and exploiting them. It was amusing to watch the little penis throb and feel that knot expand to his touch. "Feel good?"

Patch nodded softly. "I think I'm gonna squirt soon..."

"Already? Getting nice and tingly down there, huh?"

Patch nodded again. "Mhm..."

"Alright, buddy. Just enjoy your orgasm and I'll take care of everything."

Patch couldn't help but whimper and moan at the treatment he was getting down there. He managed to say, "Thanks," just before his little puppy cock erupted with a week's worth of hot cream. He threw his head back and moaned lewdly, enjoying the feeling that was rushing through him. He couldn't believe he'd waited a week to feel this. He'd have to get to work finding a good hiding place at home, because this was a feeling he knew he'd want again.

Seeing Patch like this made Thunder press his own cock against the floor a few times. "Good boy," he cooed. He watched the pup writhe and moan in total bliss, both dogs loving every single second. Thunder found himself gazing at Patch's priceless expressions more than the squirting thing in his paw. He was so cute with his adorable half-lidded eyes and muzzle hanging open lazily. Thunder kept squeezing his knot, trying to coax every last inch of orgasm out of him. "The only good thing about waiting so long is how it feels when you finally do cum. Wouldn't you say?" he asked playfully.

"Unnnngg," was all Patch could utter as he painted his chest with ribbons of puppy cum. This orgasm was more productive than the last time he'd been with Thunderbolt and Patch knew it. Eventually the shooting slowed to a trickle and he was able to speak coherently again. "That was champion, Thunder!"

Thunder stopped pawing the little pup and just held it in place, feeling it throb and watching it continue make a mess of his paw. It was just an ooze at this point, but the kid's face was still priceless. "You've got the cutest little smile after you cum," Thunder said almost to himself. He peeled his paw off and surveyed the scene below him. "You sure make an awful mess."

Patch looked lazily down his own body and noted the numerous ropes he'd been saving until now. "Looks like I'll have to have that swim before I go home, after all." He was a little proud of himself for being so productive. He made no move to get up, content just to relax under his hero's gaze.

"I just love how easy it is to make you cum. I noticed you didn't have any problem doing two in a row last week," Thunder said, lowering his muzzle a bit closer to Patch's crotch. "Think you can do that again? 'Cause there's something else I want to show you..." He licked his lips mischievously.

Patch's heart skipped a beat when he realized what Thunder was about to do. If a paw felt so good then a mouth would probably feel unbelievable! The very idea of it caused his little penis to twitch. He couldn't respond with much more than a soft nod.

Grinning like a devil, Thunder inched closer. The smell was driving him bonkers. "Alright. You ready?"

The pup nodded again, cracking a nervous smile.

As soon as Patch gave him the green light, Thunder tasted his penis for the first time. The young flesh was wonderful on his tongue, small as it was. There was the taste of cum, too. Faint, but it was there. That hint of semen lingered to add a kick to the flavor. Thunder began a slow rhythm, his paw lightly brushing Patch's belly, and it was official: he was sucking a puppy's cock.

Patch had had no idea that anything could feel so much better than pawing off, but this was like night and day! It was so wet and warm and Thunder's muzzle seemed to be able to hit every good part of his penis at once. Patch moaned loudly as Thunder began to suck on him. "Oh, Thunder!" he whimpered almost by accident.

When Patch moaned his name, Thunder's brain stalled for a moment. He had to use every ounce of willpower to take it easy on him. He hadn't practiced using his mouth very often, but this was the kid's first time ever having his cock sucked. Patch was young and sensitive, so Thunder tried not to set him off too fast. Now and then, he'd take his mouth away for a moment to let the pup cool down and also to survey his victim. If their eyes happened to meet, he'd tip the kid a wink before diving back down. Patch was making his cute little noises again. It was just adorable! Thunder couldn't help but stop once more to tickle the kid's balls. This time, he took a longer pause. Under broad daylight, he was getting a nice close look at Patch's cock.

Thunder was doing, in Patch's young and humble opinion, a stellar job. He felt as though he'd died and gone to heaven. Thunder was managing to keep him nice and tingly without making him squirt. It felt so amazing, he hardly even noticed the big Shepherd studying his cock while he fondled his little balls.

The sight of Patch enjoying himself so much was enough to make Thunder harder than he ever thought he could stand, so he adjusted himself a bit before going back to work on Patch, wrapping his big tongue around the twitching puppy cock. He still took it slow, almost painfully slow, really getting the whole thing with each stroke. The poor Shep was conflicted. He was enjoying this quite a bit, but then again, he was eager to get a warm mouthful of young sperm. He allowed himself to drool excessively at the thought, still restraining his motions. His sluggishness was nearly teasing, but he wouldn't let himself speed up at all. Instead, he backed off again and went for the balls, drawing slow licks upward that began all the way from Patch's perineum. As he realized he was now tasting puppy nuts for the first time as well, he smiled and licked down there some more.

Patch rolled his eyes, practically wriggling with pleasure. The sensation of being licked below his balls was overwhelming, and Thunder wasn't even trying! Patch couldn't help moaning aloud as he was teased. His back feet pedaled softly at the air as he moaned. The fluttery butterflies through his middle reminded him of the throbbing in his cock, which was aching for some attention.

Thunder's timing was perfect as he suckled on the little penis a bit more. He wanted Patch's first time to be memorable, and his pride told him he was probably doing a very good job. "You enjoying yourself? Sure sounds like you are." Thunder went back to work on the kid's sack, being careful not to lick the sensitive orbs too hard. He took one of Patch's cute little legs by the ankle and held it there while he tongue-bathed his thigh, using all his tricks to make the puppy feel good without risking an orgasm.

Patch whimpered in response while his cock bounced untouched between his legs again. He gripped the floor as best he could while the big Shep worked his tongue over his leg. This was all so very new; no one had ever been so interested in him down there. The very fact that Thunder wanted him to feel this good was encouraging, even comforting. He could see fluid glistening at the tip of his cock, leaking out onto his crotch while Thunderbolt teased him. So far, it'd been the most incredible thing ever, and Patch was sure it was only going to get better yet.

Thunder gave Patch's cock a few direct licks to further him along. As much as he wanted this to go on forever, he knew he should let the poor kid cum soon. He definitely wanted to see Patch orgasm again, but most of all, he wanted to taste him. He hadn't done so yet, and what better way than fresh and hot, straight from the source? He lapped at the tip, greedily slurping up what little precum there was. Then he backed off a bit, gently massaging the little thing. Not yet, he thought. Soon.

Patch didn't know how much more he'd be able to take. If Thunder didn't hurry up, he'd explode, or go crazy, or something! The tingling was running all up and down his thighs and tail, and his nuts felt so achingly full, he could've sworn they were double their normal size. It was amazing, but he also wanted release. He whined aloud, making the same pitiful noise he used to get table scraps.

Thunder looked down and smiled as Patch begged. He could almost feel his need. Thunder took one more moment to talk to his tingling puppy, still massaging and keeping him right on the edge. "You know you make the cutest little noises when you're about to cum?" He'd never had anyone beg for it before. Not even the ladies. This was as much a new experience for Thunder as it was for Patch. "Betcha can't wait to feel that tingle again."

Patch whimpered. "It's tingling already...all over!" he managed to say, trying not to touch himself as Thunder teased him a little. "I need it really, really bad!" The desire was beyond a physical need by now.

Thunder realized at this point he was probably just teasing the poor kid. "Okay, buddy. Here we go," he said, almost like they were about to take a plunge on a roller coaster. He went back down and suckled the precious little thing like it was made of candy, showing the pup just how good he could make him feel. He gazed up Patch's body at his face, watching his expressions and listening to his adorable moans while he sucked. This was definitely the most fun Thunderbolt had ever had with another male, and he could recall some amazing nights. He didn't hold back, waiting eagerly for the kid to finally explode.

Patch knew it wouldn't take long for Thunder to get him off. When the Shepherd's muzzle engulfed his little cock, an enormous wave of pleasure went through him. "Here...here it comes... Unnnngghh!" he whimpered as he felt himself unleash a gush of cum into Thunderbolt's mouth.

The Shep was probably just as excited as Patch when it happened. The little puppy body tensed up and Thunder almost tensed up with him. Then he tasted it... A warm blast of puppy cum in his mouth made Thunder moan right along with his young friend. It was so sudden, he had to pause for a moment to taste it.

I can't believe I'm actually squirting in his mouth! Patch just had time to wonder briefly how many fans had dreamt of doing exactly this. Then those naughty thoughts were swept away by pleasure and he moaned ever louder. The orgasm deepened. Patch shut his eyes and saw colors he'd never seen before.

Thunderbolt never stopped sucking, making sure Patch's orgasm was as long and intense as he could make it. The thick stuff collected in his mouth and he swished it around. He sealed his lips, letting it pool below his tongue. The warmth kept coming, but Thunder refused to swallow. Definitely the best I've ever tasted, he thought, not that Thunderbolt fancied himself a semen connoisseur. It was just such a pleasant flavor - clean and healthy and...fresh. It was the taste of a pup who was only recently able to produce sperm.

Patch felt like he could keep shooting forever. It just felt so good, and Thunder's muzzle was even wetter and hotter now that he had a healthy dose of Patch's cream in there. His hips were still moving as if they had a motor attached. A few more streams burst out of him before he finally started to slow. The throbbing ebbed out, and the streams went with it as he started to wind down.

When Thunder noticed the boy's orgasm was nearly over, he took a moment to suckle the last drops of cum from the little penis in his mouth. He drew back, keeping his lips sealed with the pup's whole load inside. He wanted just a few more seconds to enjoy that taste. After carefully removing Patch from his mouth, taking care not to spill a drop, he sat up and looked down at the spent puppy. As Patch looked back up at him, he gave the kid a smirk. Thunder slowly and calmly began to drink his cum gulp by gulp.

Patch's mouth nearly dropped open. He blushed a little; it seemed like an awful lot and it had all gone in Thunder's muzzle! He realized that was the point, but still...so much of it! What if it tasted bad? That was possible. Patch had never tasted it, although Thunder sure didn't seem to mind. He was swallowing it so easily. Patch ventured a breathless little question. "Is that... Is it okay?"

As Thunderbolt casually swallowed the last of Patch's semen, his only answer was to lick his lips and sigh like he'd just had a long drink of water on a hot day. Patch had watched the whole thing, and Thunder never felt so naughty. He nearly blushed himself. "That was a heck of a mouthful," said the Shep. "Almost couldn't keep it all in."

Ever humble, Patch wagged his tail. "It just felt so good...I didn't think I'd ever stop! That was brilliant!" He looked down between Thunder's legs, realizing the big Shepherd hadn't squirted yet. "Gee, Thunder, I'm sorry. You haven't had a turn."

Thunder gave Patch an endearing laugh. "You don't have to be sorry. I like paying lots of attention to you."

"Did you want me to...um..." Patch gulped. "You want me to that for you?" He cocked his head softly to the right.

Thunder looked underneath himself, having forgotten how unbelievably rock-hard he was. He noted his size, then the size of his puppy friend. "I'm not even sure you could do that for me," he said, smiling sweetly. "But if you really want to...you're welcome to give it a try."

Patch got to his feet and watched Thunder's huge penis flopping about as the Shep got comfortable beside him. "It's...big," the puppy said, looking gamely at his idol. He wouldn't be able to do much, but he figured he could at least get the tip into his muzzle.

"It is big," Thunder said proudly.

"But I'll try!"

"If you can't, it's okay," Thunder reassured him. "Don't hurt yourself."

Patch tried to think back to the way Thunder had suckled him, but all he could see in his head was the big Shep gulping down his sperm. It made him giggle.

"What's up?" Thunder asked.

"I still can't believe I squirted like that." Patch looked down at his little white balls, wondering how they had produced a load big enough to fill Thunderbolt's mouth. "Glad I don't do it all the time, though. I'd have to clean it up!"

"You know, as you get older, squirting so much might seem a little...inconvenient sometimes, but take it from me: it's a gift." Thunder gave Patch a quick scratch behind the ear. "My girlfriends actually like it when I make a mess." He thought for a moment, staring off into space. "Well, sometimes. Sometimes they just wanna sneak behind a bush for a quickie." He adjusted his balls, remembering several sessions hidden just a few feet away from unsuspecting passersby. "But when I've got 'em alone with time to clean up...look out!" he said with a chuckle.

Patch listened as Thunder talked about his own exploits. He couldn't help but ask as he hopped up onto Thunder's chest and made his way down his belly, "You think you'll squirt like you did last time?"

"Yeah, that's normal for me," he said, almost embarrassed. "Sometimes I squirt even more during sex, and using your muzzle is...kinda what sex is like. Or...it's closer to the real thing than using your paw, anyway." He licked his lips, still tasting a hint of Patch on them. "Still ends in a big mess," he chuckled, "but getting there feels different. You feel big and dominant. Mounting a bitch and slamming your hips into her is a very...male...feeling. You're in charge and the only thing that matters is how good it feels. Gets a little crazy sometimes. I don't really know how else to describe it." Thunder realized he was rambling.

Patch listened closely as his hero went on and on about what real sex felt like. He knew that if it was anything like what Thunder had just done to him, it must be the best thing ever! "I...I'd like to see you make a big mess," he said shyly. He scooted down Thunder's belly to where his cock was jutting up and sat next to it. "We have time to clean up."

Thunder nearly shivered. The pup's adorable London accent got to him again. "We'll see what happens."

"What if you do?"

"Guess we'd both have to have a little swim, then," Thunder said with a mischievous grin.

Patch turned back to face his challenge, and a serious look came over his face as he worked out how to go about it.

"It's okay, little buddy. Take your time."

Patch put one cautious paw on it, nearly forgetting that he'd already touched it just a few minutes ago. "It's really hard."

"Yeah, it's definitely ready to go."

Patch gave the smooth shaft a single lick, putting both paws on it now. He stared down for a moment, as if studying the shiny red thing, then just went for it. Getting the tip of it into his mouth was easier than he thought it would be. He worried about his teeth, but they weren't much of a problem, even as he slid down as far as he could go. Being his first time, he just mimicked Thunder's technique, going up and down as much as his small muzzle would allow. For something that didn't taste much like anything at all, Thunder's penis was fun to suckle.

When Patch put his mouth on him, Thunderbolt stopped breathing for a moment. He watched the puppy play around with his cock. He was doing well considering the immense size difference. "Look at you! Can't believe you can get the whole tip in." Thunder relaxed a bit as he realized Patch might actually be able to do a decent job. He let him work a bit, trying to get used to that little tongue. "That feels nice."

Patch grinned, taking his mouth away for a moment. "So...I'm doing good?"

"More than good. I almost feel guilty letting you do this." Thunder paused. "Almost," he said with a wink.

Patch giggled wickedly and started drawing long licks up either side of Thunder's cock, using his little tongue in ways he never dreamed. He fondled Thunder's knot with his paws, trying to touch as much of the big Shepherd has he could, given that his mouth was too small to get all the way around him. He went back to the tip and started sucking the same way it had been done to him.

Mesmerized, Thunder's eyes began to glaze over as the pup doubled his efforts. In no time, the big Shep was simply melting. Patch had surprised him. He was certain he'd be too big for the kid's muzzle, but that energetic little tongue was working wonders. Sure, Patch could only do the tip, but that was more than enough for Thunderbolt. He began to wonder how long he would last. His girlfriends could do much more for him, but there was something about the pup's eagerness to please... He couldn't take his eyes off him as the tip of his cock disappeared. It was so cute and it felt...incredible.

Patch figured when Thunder stopped talking and started concentrating on what was going on between his legs that he was doing well, so he decided to try some of the other things Thunder had done. He hopped down off the Shep's belly and got a great view of Thunder's big nuts. He hadn't tasted them yet, and he was eager to return the favor. He licked the orbs gently, but he didn't stay there for long. He licked just below them as well, reaching up to play with Thunderbolt's knot as he did so.

When his little buddy took the initiative to go down and have fun with his balls, Thunder nearly jumped. "Wow," he said without realizing. That little tongue had just skirted below his sack and made him shiver. Patch was actually doing such a good job that Thunder realized it had been some time since he'd given the kid any encouragement. He wanted to say something to motivate the pup, but he didn't want Patch to stop licking to talk, either.

Both dogs were quiet, but Thunder's exclamation and shiver was all the encouragement Patch needed. He licked his idol like crazy, wanting desperately to give the big dog the pleasure he'd received. He quickly climbed back up onto the bigger dog and slipped his mouth back over his tool, stuffing as much into his muzzle as he could hold. He gripped it with both paws and nursed on it like he'd never get enough.

Thunder was starting to lose himself. Patch was working wonders down there. Perhaps he had taken a cue from the way Thunder had done things. Now the pup was sucking on his tip with his cute little muzzle again, and... Wait... Thunderbolt shook his head as he realized he was actually in danger of erupting. He tried to hold himself back. "You keep going like that and I might squirt." It took him a moment to realize how that sounded. Like he was dropping a hint. He hadn't meant it that way...but he certainly wouldn't be disappointed if Patch did keep going.

Patch stopped for just a moment, his face adopting a devilish expression as he looked over his shoulder. "Oh, really? Well, you know what I'm gonna do, then?"

Thunder gulped, suddenly feeling like the only puppy in the room was himself. "You're gonna make me cum?"

"Preeecisely." Patch sucked on Thunder like he had something to prove, trying extra hard to drive the dog over the edge. He realized he would be right in the line of fire when the time came, but he didn't mind a bit. In fact, he was mostly curious. Thunder had implied that sex made him squirt a lot - enough to require cleaning time afterwards. Patch wanted to be a part of that.

Thunder's belly tightened as he realized what was going to happen in a moment. Patch's little mouth fit so well around the tip of his cock, he realized he'd almost forgotten to warn him. "Look out, kid," he uttered frantically. He looked down his body, wondering if Patch even intended to get out of the way. In any case, there was nothing he could do to stop it. It was already welling up and preparing to exit his body.

Patch was about to get an extremely up close and personal view of Thunderbolt's orgasm. He pulled his mouth off and crouched down on the Shep's lower belly, his paws working at the throbbing cock. He lapped frantically up and down the shaft, but his eyes were looking directly up at the tip, watching and waiting.

Thunder began ejaculating almost immediately after he declared it. After being hard for so long, he knew he'd be shooting like crazy...and was he ever right! The feeling was very strong and Thunder made sure Patch knew it. After the first squirt, he threw his head back against the pillows and let himself moan like the females he liked so much. He had no idea how hard he was squirting or where it was all going. He felt a few hit his chest, but he really didn't care where the rest of it went, though he had a feeling he was making a mess of his young friend. He didn't even have the will to touch himself. He just lay there and let it all happen.

Finally, Patch was able to see the results of his handiwork. Thunder was shooting copious streams far into the air, which splattered down heavily onto his chest and up and down Patch's back. Right away, he smelled that strong, robust scent he'd sampled last week. He came up to have a go at the tip again and got a big squirt under the chin, which splattered all over his neck and chest. He put his paws on either side, trying to hold him in place so he could coax him into shooting even more.

Thunderbolt tried to concentrate on his breathing. He couldn't believe the powerful feelings swirling around between his legs. Whatever Patch was doing...it was working. He grasped at his pillows, desperately trying not to roll around and knock the pup to the floor. "Uhhhgsssshhht," he exclaimed as his cock transformed wave after wave of pleasure into stream after stream of hot Shepherd sperm.

Patch was panting, pawing the Shepherd still. He was not ignoring, but rather enjoying the cum dripping from his arms, from his ears, down his chin, and running off his sides as he experienced his grownup friend's orgasm up close. He almost wanted to moan right along with Thunderbolt! This was so amazing and erotic that he was doing this. Patch never thought he was capable of causing the Shepherd so much pleasure that he would make those noises. He looked behind him, at Thunder's increasingly white chest, at his expression of bliss, then back at his cock, which was still fountaining heavy ribbons of cum like it would never stop. Those big Shepherd balls had tightened up and were now within reach, so Patch hugged himself to the giant cock with one paw and fondled those balls with the other. He was absolutely loving this, even though streamers of semen were raining down on him almost constantly as Thunder's orgasm continued.

When Thunder's body finally calmed itself, he stared up at the ceiling with a stupid grin stuck on his face. Thunder knew he'd just had an orgasm in front of a puppy - because of a puppy - and a great orgasm at that, but he didn't feel a shred of embarrassment. In fact, he was somewhat proud. "Geez, kid. You're...really, really good at that." A naughty thought crossed his mind and he looked down his messy body at Patch. "You sure you've never done that before?" Thunder snickered. "You haven't been practicing on your brother or anything?" he teased.

Patch looked back up Thunder's body, his own dripping with his idol's sperm. He blushed, although it was hard to tell under the coating of white. "No...I haven't been... Just that one time when we pawed each other off. I just did what you did to me." He looked at himself. "Jeez, Thunder...when you said you shoot a lot, you really meant it!"

"Yeah, no kidding." Thunder couldn't help but laugh at Patch's state. He never thought he'd ever call anyone cute after they were covered in cum. "Even I don't usually squirt that much." Even though he wasn't, Thunder felt out of breath. "I swear kid, that was the best one since I skipped the pond!"

Patch cocked his head. "What pond?"

"What?" Thunder adjusted his sheath as he began to slide back into it. "Oh! 'The pond' is the Atlantic Ocean."

Patch just tilted his head the other way.

Thunder laughed. "Basically, little buddy, you just gave me the best orgasm I've had since I got to England." He ruffled the pup's sticky headfur, making it spike up.

Patch gasped. "Really!?" The pup hid his face behind his ears a little, suddenly very bashful, but so happy about the results he'd achieved that he felt like he might float around the room! "I actually didn't mind getting this messy..." He quickly fixed his headfur and took one last look at Thunder's shrinking cock before crawling up to snuggle underneath the big Shep's muzzle. "I can see why some of your girlfriends like it."

For the moment, Thunderbolt ignored the mess they had made of each other as Patch curled up on his chest. The pup really was just...so precious. His mere presence was very comforting. Thunder felt like he could drift right off to sleep, but he kept his eyes open, finding a dry spot on Patch's hindquarters and gently petting it. He'd never given any thought to having pups before, but...

"Thunder... Earlier when we were talking about me finding a hiding spot to...you know..."

"Mhm," Thunder nodded. He loved how the pup censored himself even while covered in semen.

"You said I can come here any time."

"I sure did."

"So...what did you mean?"

"Well," Thunder grinned down at him, "what do you think I meant?"

"You're saying...we can keep doing this?" Patch wagged his tail.


Lucky & Pongo

Lucky carefully slid the magazine out from underneath the old chair. He had been looking at it for a few days now, and it was the reason he'd been losing so much sleep this week. After getting the first pieces of the puzzle from his father and the rest...

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"Thunder...?" Patch rolled over onto his back, lying in the soft grass next to his new best friend. Cool night air made for a pleasant evening under the stars. It was late, but his parents knew where he was and as long as Thunderbolt didn't shoo him...

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Truth or Dare

A midnight breeze came though the lonely, moonlit barn. The wisps of cool air swept through like ghosts, rustling bales of hay and blowing a few stray leaves in through the open doors. It was empty...except for the two Dalmatian pups high up in the...

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