Lunch Break

Story by Russell_Rottie on SoFurry

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During his lunch break, Owen a sabrecat enjoys the midday sun and strong Summer's breeze. It isn't until another car joins him at his secluded, happy-space, that he finds out just how happy of a place it can be.

Summer sweat dribbles

Hardened men come out to play

Pleasures of the youth

Birds sung in the trees while feathers danced on the invisible streams of wind. The same wisps of fresh air pushed through a cracked window and tickled the whiskers of a cat. Not just any cat, one whose feral counterparts have long since moved along. A sabercat was reclined in the seat of his car while fresh cut grass mingled with the scent of his sandwich. The meaty and thick lunch long since devoured lingered in his nose. Deep orange brows rested while deeper gold eyes stared out across the empty field. Football goals sat with a fresh coat of white paint to match the new sets of nets that hung within the frames.

Clouds lazily rolled across a sapphire sky and allowed patches of shade to wash the parking lot. There weren't any cars in the lot when he arrived, but now there sat another, a beater like his. Owen looked over and saw the rottweiler. The dog didn't seem to pay him any mind and even began to munch on his own packed lunch. Both in their own little bubbles of comfort, the saber relaxed back and even began to doze. Pink nose flared when a gust of wind tickled the nostrils with an unusual scent.

Curiosity got the better of him and he glanced over at the rottweiler's car. He could see that the dog's windows were cracked and that he was reclined as well. However, that dog's jaws were open while a look of bliss was plastered across his stout snout. Owen was shocked. Head jerked away from the rottweiler and to his steering wheel. His fur hid the blush well, though he knew it was there; the warmth stifled and insulated by his fur.

The unmistakable musk of aroused canine continued to fill the cabin and send his mind into a hole he wasn't sure he wanted to explore. What did the rottweiler look like, stroking his meat and tugging on that knot; questions that his mind answered for him. The sound of the rottweiler's pants, the smell of that watery pre as it pulsed and stained his black and brown belly. Owen's hand reached down to adjust himself. Whiskers perked to attention when he noticed movement and couldn't help but glance over.

The rottweiler had sat up and looked over at Owen. A curious look in the dog's eyes dissolved into playful giddiness. Owen wasn't sure what had made the expression change until he realized the position of his arm; hand tucked between his legs in a universal posture of jerking one out. Owen's whiskers exploded from his face while he rushed to move his hand away. The damage had been done and it came in the form of the stranger who stepped out of his vehicle. Owen panicked internally and froze up. He looked over and could see the dog in full under the harsh light of the sun.

Unlike himself, Owen deduced by the rottweiler's dress that the dog hadn't come from a place of work. A pair of jersey shorts hung loosely from his hips and seemed to accentuate the dog's subtle, a-frame build. But Owen also took notice of the swinging schlong just behind the black material. A plain, white, shirt was snuggled over a subtle pudge in the rottweiler's belly; it only added to the daddy persona the dog projected.

Owen watched the rottweiler, like an owl, as the dog circled around to the driver side window. Fingers gripped the steering wheel firmer while his eyes studied his keys. At that moment the familiar instruments were as foreign as the developing situation. Something in the back of his mind told him to relax and enjoy but the other part of his brain wanted nothing more than to curl up and vanish. The conflict and war within his mind would be suddenly veiled in shadow as the rottweiler settled at his window.

Owen's wide eyes faced the rottweiler and found the dog wore a warm and comforting smile. "Nice weather today, calm and not too humid," the stranger said.

"Yeah," Owen said and surprised himself, "should be like this all week."

"Mm-hmm," the rottweiler hummed with that rich, baritone, tone, "should be good weather to watch some of the games this weekend."

Owen's body acted as if possessed by another entity; a hand began to roll down his window fully. The constant breeze shifted direction and allowed the sabrecat an undiluted breath of rottweiler musk.

"He didn't finish," Owen thought.

"Should be a fun game too--"

"You can touch it if you'd like," the rottweiler interrupted.

The dog's face vanished from Owen's line of sight while he looked around. It was as if the invitation was a trigger for some sort of teleportation ability. Owen eyed his palm in disbelief as it cradled that satiny fabric feeling a pair of hefty balls hidden beneath. Fingers curled and massaged the rottweiler before he explored north and felt the dog's solid shaft. He could hear the rottweiler grunt and felt his hips push forward in subtle encouragement of the blatant act. Emboldened, Owen began to tug the dog's elastic shorts down just enough to expose that thick canine length. It throbbed and leaked pre along the interior side of his car door.

"Ya like what you see? It is really pent up," the dog said. "You're a cute young dude, I'm sure you can figure something out to help out."

Owen heard the growl in the rottweiler's voice and it made him throb a wet spot into his pants. His hand lifted the knotted length from his door before his nose moved to nuzzle the base of the dog's balls. Bits of grey fur peppered among the black, dull fur and contrasted the smooth glimmer of his own. Despite their gap in age, they shared the same masculine and thick scent of virility. An intoxicating scent made more irresistible when a pink tongue swiped out and licked the sweat-soaked fur.

The rottweiler tried to look composed while that tongue lashed across his body; his cock throbbed and made a mess of Owen's head. The uncertain demeanor Owen presented faded with every lick to the older man's nuts. A quick click unbuckled his seatbelt and allowed him to turn over and tuck his legs onto his seat. Orange ears flicked as he gave that cock a quick and final lick. Tongue oiled with the salty sweetness of doggy pre while he cleaned his lips. The rottweiler rumbled with a confused growl as he felt his shorts pulled back over his crotch. The bulge behind the shiny surface twitched and even grew damp with need.

"What's up?" the rottie asked when he brought his head to look at Owen. "Not interested? It's okay if you aren't--"

"Turn around," Owen growled lustfully and cut off the worried line of blubbering.

"S'cuse me?" the rottie looked taken aback by the shift in attitude.

"Gimme your ass," Owen said more directly.

The rottweiler's worried look softened as his mind connected dots. He turned and took a moment to double check the empty lot before settling the back of his thighs against Owen's car. Golden hands swiftly cradled the rottweiler's cheeks, palming and kneading them like mounds of dough. He heard the dog rumble in approval as that band was slid over his cheeks. The dog's nub flicked excitedly while being bathed in the hot, humid breath.

"Te voy a desturir y amarte duro, mi culito precioso," Owen said under his breath.

Ther rottie hummed and heard Owen before he felt that soft tongue part his cheeks. The front of the dog's shorts was stretched tight while a patch of viscous pre glimmered in the sun's light. Shoes shifted over the asphalt while the older rottie pushed his ass further into Owen's car. The sabrecat reached his hands to the bubble bottom and spread them wide. Like a cat pouncing their prey, Owen dove between those cheeks and began to attack a hidden pucker. He loved the way the older daddy-type attempted to hide his moans. The dog's pucker twitched and flicked while Owen's tongue pushed and prodded at it.

"Shit," the dog's composure broke with the piercing of his bud.

Owen's mouth was treated with a rich explosion of flavor that instantly hooked him; he needed more. Deeper his tongue squelched until lips were kissed against the dog's ass. He no longer had to keep those cheeks parted muzzle planted against the rottweiler's cleft. Instead, orange, youthful fur pushed beneath the rottweiler's shirt and hooked his hips. Arms flexed and shoved the dog backward, tongue fucking the dog with sloppy schlurps and hungry gasps. The cat's chin began to grow damp with a mix of musk and saliva. His tongue became slower and more calculated while Owen gathered saliva at the tip of his tongue before forcing the puddle into the dog. The sabrecat knew what he wanted of the older man and the way the dog's ass loosened for him told him the stranger wanted the same thing.

The orange snout slid from between the dog's cheeks; the pert globes smacked together. Owen could see that pink star remain slightly parted for him, ready to be taken. The sabrecat pushed the dog out of his window and opened his car door and joined the rottweiler beneath the sun. The dog's floppy ears were laid back as he looked up at Owen and could see that desire burning in his eye.

"We can hit up a bathroom--"

"No," Owen interrupted and pushed the rottweiler against the back passenger door. He used his body to pin the rottweiler in place while he busily fished out his cock and tucked it between the dog's sloppy cheeks. "Dale papi coge eso."

The rottweiler remained in place, eyes wide while he looked around. They were faced toward the road off in the distance cars passed by on the raised highway. Yet that didn't stop Owen from tilting his head down and adding another glob of spit to his steel-firm, uncut length. The thick cock pulled through the crotch of his pants began to press at the rottweiler's entrance until it spread and took the sheathed tip. Foreskin rolled back and exposed glossy glands that rubbed against the slickened flesh. The dog's breath was puffed over the car's roof when he fell forward. Arms stretched over the hot surface only to grip the opposite side of the car as Owen unceremoniously split the dog's ass wide.

Heat-loosened balls tapped against one another as Owen bottomed out in one smooth motion. He didn't have time to savor the hot tightness wrapped around his cock and began to thrust at a shallow, steady pace. It was only a few centimeters that drew back and forth but it was enough to make the dog squeeze and milk that fat cock. Hot pre began to lubricate the tunnel as Owen's thrusts became longer and more car rocking forceful. The rottweiler's feet began to arch as he pushed back to meet Owen's thrusts. The rottie's drool dribbled along the cabin roof and matched the slowly forming puddle on heated tar. The dog's shaft leaked through his shorts and saturated the nylon fabric with arousal.

Owen could smell their combined scents and it drove him wild, "Tragate mi bicho, maricon."

The saber's purrs turned to growls while claws raked against the dog's coarse fur. His digits pulled the back of the dog's shirt up and exposed the black and brown back to him. The heat of the sun soaked into the fur and caused the dog's scent to be heightened. A mature, masculine scent spurred the boy on. One hand reached around the dog's chest while the other moved to press against the dog's tent. This caused that tunnel to squeeze all the more firmly as balls began to draw up tighter to their respective bodies.

"Fuck," the rottweiler growled.

Owen felt the dog's hidden length begin to swell and pulse. The added weight of the knot forced the dog's tent to slump against the nylon. The tip of the cock clear as day before a belch of sticky cum forced its way through mesh fabric. The heavy dribble of doggy cum splattered to the ground when a powerful jet of the milky spray painted Owen's car. Each throb and shot of the dog's seed clenched Owen's cock until it sent him over the edge.

"Ugh, so tight, I'm gonna fill you," Owen grunts out between heavy breaths.

His hips were pulled tight to the rottie's exposed ass while his cock continued to shoot kitty cream into the dog. Both basked in the glow of it until simultaneously their ears perked. The sound of rubber rolling over gravel in the distance was distinct and could only mean one thing. Owen pulled free of the dog with a sloppy pop, his uncut shaft still throbbed and hung between his legs. A glossy glaze of his seed coated his uncut and softening length. The rottie's ass remained gaped, the shock of an oncoming car forced a stream of cum from his gaped pucker. Half of that ass cum was caught by the rottweiler's shorts when he pulled the back up and turned to lean against the car. His head rested on his hand, half concealing his flustered face and also to take a full, studious, look at Owen.

Owen took up a similar position just as a car appeared at the mouth of the parking lot. It was a van that parked some distance away, thankfully upwind to the pair. When the van parked, the doors flung open and a family of five rabbits spilled out and headed for the open field.

"Tsk, leave it to rabbits to have large families," the older dog chuckled.

"That was fucking wild," Owen said and stepped closer.

The dog watched as Owen reached a hand down to tuck himself behind his own pants only after milking one last dollop of seed from the tip. The rottweiler's ears folded back as that sloppy hand moved to shove itself against the dog's snout.

"Para que te acuerdes de mi," Owen teased.

The dog rumbled and clandestinely licked Owen's hand clean of seed and ass musk, rumbling as he tasted the combination. The rottweiler swiped the tip of his snout with his tongue when Owen pulled his hand away. The rottie had a look on his face before he reached into one of his pockets and produced a receipt along with a small, golf-pencil. He scrawled some information before he handed the paper to Owen.

"Muchachito, si me quieres coger de nuevo y hacerme tu marica, llámame, estaré aquí y aquí en estos dias," the rottweiler winked and grinned at the mild surprise on the cat's face. "Catch you later boy."

The rottie said before he half waddled and walked back to his vehicle. Owen watched as the dog limped back to his own car. He chuckled to himself when the dog paused and reached into the back seat to grab a towel before placing it on the car's seat. The dog soon left and Owen slipped back into his car. First, he glanced at the clock before he turned his attention to the piece of paper.

He began to type in the cell's number before he texted, "I can help clean that mess." He was surprised to get a response as quick as he did. It simply gave an address to an upscale side of town.

The saber turned on his car and called his work office, "hey Herb? I'm not gonna make it back in today. I think I ate some old dog meat or something, my stomach is turning." There was a momentary pause before he added, "uh huh, it was a tight roll for some sausage, I need to clean the mess on aisle five. Yes, yes I know I owe you when I get back tomorrow, thanks for covering my ass. Okay! I'll take pictures, pushy hyena, talk to you later."

Owen grinned to himself before saying, "it's gonna be a good night."

His car's tires began to roll while the vehicle shifted backward. The scent of sex soaked the interior of his car and kept his cock hard. He glanced down and could see his cum begin to soak through a pant leg, and it only made him feel all the more invigorated. The twin puddles of seed had already begun to dry on the asphalt when Owen's car vanished over the horizon; a marking of a young man's game.

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