A New Life - Chapter 1 (Part 1)

Story by KierinHyena on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Life

A New Life



It was about high noon Sunday. The sun was beating down with its burning wrath on the back of Tyson's head as he sat on the steps of his previous house. He took a puff of his cigarette and exhaled slowly. The teen hyena was waiting for his godfather to pick him up because he was moving in with him. His father was recently arrested; sent to prison after the cops busted in and raided the house for Blow, leaving Tyson without a place to stay. His mom had died when he was young, from a garden variety brain tumor.

Tyson was a drop out, and had no job, not fit to continue to pay his own rent. He had planned on staying in the house regardless till the landlord kicked him out, but had received a call earlier that morning from his father in prison saying his 'godfather' was on his way to pick him up. Tyson would be staying with him for the time being.

Tyson yawned and sprawled on the porch taking another drag off his lung bleeder and leaning against his luggage. A suitcase full of clothes and another full of random objects he wanted to take with him: a black light, a few posters, and some CD's.

Tyson scanned his surroundings and pondered what his godfather and his home would be like. The hyena was pessimistic and expected his godfather to be a complete dickfuck and his house shitty as hell, it was a friend of his father's after all. Tyson spaced on his surroundings in thought and continued to puff and think until a classic Mustang, cobalt in color, came speeding down the road and screeching to a stop in front of Tyson's previous home.

'Must be him. Not a bad looking car either,' Tyson thought as he flicked the cherry off his half smoked cig. He put the dog end back in the pack, pocketed the pack, and reluctantly stood up with a sigh. The hyena picked up his luggage and carried it over to the car. The person inside leaned over the passenger seat and opened the passenger door for Tyson. Tyson tossed his luggage into the back seat and hopped into the passenger seat, slamming his door shut with a thud.

The driver of the vehicle appeared to be a large grey wolf dressed in a black-t and baggy jeans. "That's a bad habit you know, makes you smell like ass too." The wolf said, wrinkling his nose at the hyena's stale smokey smell.

Tyson rolled his ashy grey eyes before speaking, his emotions bleeding into his speech. "Sooo... you must be my 'godfather' huh?" The hyena was still pissed at his dad for getting caught dealing, going to prison, and then making him have to live with someone he didn't even know. The raid had scared the piss out of Tyson. He'd luckily smoked the last of his pot the night before, and kept his paraphernalia well concealed in the insulation of the attic above his bedroom doorway.

"Yeppers" The wolf replied, giving the hyena a warm smile as he pulled away from the curb and began to drive down the road.

"How do you know my dad? Must be pretty close with him if he decided to make you my 'godfather'. By the way, what's your name?" Tyson asked headtilting abit, not knowing why he even bothered to ask. If he didn't like it there he wasn't gonna stay. The hyena had lived on the streets before when he'd been kicked out by his father, it wasn't that bad. Tyson peered out the window of the car and watched the trees and houses roll by as he waited for a response.

"We went to college together, shared a dorm the whole time. Partied, studied, met bitches. We developed a real close bond and were like brothers, until he started drinking and flunked out anyways." The wolf replied. "Oh, and you can call me James." He added quickly after.

"Well I guess I'm gonna be living with you for a while, James, what's your place like and stuff? How bout rules and regulations?" Tyson asked, looking James over. 'Parties and bitches? He might be alittle cool.. maybe I'll lighten up abit and talk to him some more.' Tyson thought.

"Well... my place is nice sized, and 'cozy'. Rules and regulations? You sound like a dork, things will be pretty carefree around my place, I'll take care of most stuff. Though I do actually have a -few- rules." James stated.

"Oh? and what are those?" Tyson asked, still gazing out his window in mild thought.

"No smoking in the house. Absolutely no drugs in my house, if I find out you're doing drugs while living with me you're in deep shit. Most importantly, I'll give you a freebie month but after that you need to sort your life out by going back to school and getting a job." James replied.

Tyson rolled his eyes again, he already knew that was something he really needed to do, and even though he acted like he didn't care half the time; It was always in the back of his mind teasing him.

"I think you're really gonna like it at my place though. It'll be a nice change compared to how you've -been- living." James said smiling, coming to a stop at a red light.

Tyson frowned, James didn't know the half of it. His dad was such a worthless bastard.

James frowned back in return. "Touchy subject?" The light changed and the wolf began driving again.

Tyson didn't reply but just kept frowning and thinking about how sick to his stomach his dad made him. 'piece of shit prick' Tyson cursed in his head. He shook the thoughts off and closed his eyes, relaxing, and melting back into the car seat. He was tired, always tired, maybe from the depression. The hyena was always depressed between growing up in a household so violent and ungodly and his mother dying when he was 5, he was -very- depressed.

Tyson often found himself thinking about what kind of a person he'd be now if he had grown up in a better family. Maybe he would of applied himself more if people actually paid atention. Tyson often found himself jealous of other people mentioning all the good times they had with their father, a good time with -his- father consisted of a couple shots of Bourbon and a swatt across the face for accidently spilling your milk, there -were- no good times.

Time ticked by; Tyson stayed trapped deep in thought and relaxation, he hadn't noticed when the car came to a halt in front of a big white house.

"We're here." James stated, nudging the sleepy hyena.

"Oh?" Tyson said, opening a single eye and brushing his black lengthy hair out of his brown spotted, butterscotch furred face. He glanced to his right out the car window and both eyes shot open. "Woah! Nice house!" Tyson blurted in surprise at how big the wolf's house really was. It looked like easily a 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 stories, 3 if you counted the attic. That was nice compared to the two bedroom his dad had, and one bedroom was actually just a walk in closet.

"Wait till you see the inside." James said with a smirk as he nudged Tyson again. "Need any help with your luggage?" He asked curiously.

"Nah its fine." Tyson replied thrusting his car door open and stepping out. He grabbed his two suitcases and began to scurry up the cobblestone path before stopping. He was so enthralled he had almost forgot to shut the car door. Tyson walked back and closed it with his black footpaw and resumed scurrying up the path, past the luscious green yard to the front door. He turned the knob, anxious to see the inside. It was locked and he pouted impatiently.

James hopped out of the car and shut his door, pressing a button on an oval device on his keychain. The car's lights went off and it made a "woop woop" sound. He jingled his keys in his paw and caught up with Tyson, unlocking the door, opening it, and gesturing the hyena inside with a warm smile.

Tyson stepped through the doorway and found himself standing in the living room. He looked around before opening his muzzle in awe. The wolf's house was nice! White shag carpet concealed the hardwood floors beneath, White curtains hung in the windows. The walls were a cream color and there was a black leather L couch placed against the wall on the right of the front door, a glass coffee table in front of it. There were posters strewn about the walls: Metallica, KoRn, The Beatles, and many others which weren't as recognizable. Tyson assumed James liked music as much as he did, which was cool. A huge fucking plasma tv hung on the wall above a large array of DVD's on a black shelf. There was a nice ass stereo system in the under compartment of the shelving unit with loads of speaker wire trailing up the wall and across the ceiling to speakers stuck up on the walls on every side of the room.

"Dude nice pad!" Tyson said excitedly, turning to look at James, who was smiling.

James felt good, he was a kindhearted person who liked to help people out. Moving Tyson from his father's place and into his own place felt like one of the nicest things he could do. The hyena's father wasn't the best influence, or person period, and the hyena really needed someone to be there for him and help motivate him to make something of himself before he ended up just like him.

Tyson walked through the living room to a door less archway and bar top wall that separated the kitchen from the living room. He stepped through the archway and gazed around, the kitchen was even nicer, not nearly as big as the living room but it was really nice. A nice looking black electric stove, black linoleum counter tops, and a sink ran along the right wall. Very elegant wooden cabinets ran over the stove, counters, and sink. A shiny silver fridge with a water and ice dispenser stood guard across from the stove against the left wall. There were 3 wooden stools (maybe made of mahogany) with round black leather seats stuck atop them arranged against the bar top wall. That wood maybe also mahogany. Straight across from the archway against the far front wall was a cabinet full of booze. Tyson winced and thought of his dad, he shook the thought but then another entered his head.

'Do I really deserve to live in such a nice house?'

James saw the sudden look of despair in Tyson's face and walked over. "What's wrong?" he asked in a tone which seemed to almost on its own make Tyson feel a little better. There was something about it... it was caring and concerned, that was it.

"I dunno, just suddenly wondering if I'm even worthy of living in such a nice place..." he replied glumly.

James gave him a clap on the shoulder which made Tyson almost jump out of his fur in surprise. "I don't mind housing ya, I understand how you feel, suddenly being carted from a shitty life into one that seems almost too nice cause you've been so used to the shithole accommodations from before. But really, its okay, I've looked forward to having you around since your dad called." James gave Tyson a reassuring smile. He really had, James may have had a nice house, but he was lonely. The thought of having someone around, someone he even got to look after, made him happy.

Tyson smiled back, maybe the first time in a long time he'd ever smiled. It felt good. "So are you like rich or something? This house must be worth -millions-!" he said.

James laughed. "Nowhere near that much. I'm not rich, what I did was saved up in a savings account all 4 years of college and then some. After college I joined the military for awhile to earn another good bundle of cash. After I left the military I bought this place, bought about half of these nice things, found a well paying job as a supervisor at the Microsoft plant. The rest of the stuff I payed for slowly over the last year."

Tyson nodded as he told his tale and then suddenly "OH"'d at the thought of an idea. "Can I see what room I'll be staying in?!" Tyson asked, smiling brightly as his black tipped butterscotch tail wagged furiously. He blushed abit and pinned his crazy tail to his hip, he wasn't used to that happening.

"Sure!" James replied, grinning yet again as he began leading the hyena back into the living room and up a very creaky set of stairs. The house was nice, but it didn't hide the fact that it was old. They reached the top of the stairs; At the top was a hallway with 4 doors.

Tyson gazed down the hallway, the walls were painted the same cream color as the living room. He glanced at all the doors curiously.

"Two bedrooms, a closet, and a bathroom. One room is yours, one I use as a storage room, my bedroom is back downstairs branched from the living room to the left of the front door by the stairs, I have my own bathroom branched from my room so this one is all yours." James stated as if reading Tyson's curios mind.

They walked past the closet and bathroom towards the last bedroom door on the left of the hall. Tyson stopped to poke his head into the bathroom. He sat one of his suitcases down, which he totally even forgot he was carrying, and fumbled for the light switch. He found it and flipped it on. The light fixture on the ceiling flickered abit before turning on. Again, old house. He looked around, wasn't anything as amazing as the rest of the house, a white porcelain toilet to the right of the door, sink and mirror next to it, and the front wall accommodated the tub which ran the width of the bathroom. A tan shower curtain hung from the shower rod. The walls were light blue, and the floor was a darker blue tiling. There was a dark blue rug in front of the tub for catching your drips after a nice hot shower. He flipped the light back off, picked his suitcase up, and scurried across the hardwood floor of the hallway to catch up to James who was waiting patiently for him in the bedroom.

Tyson entered the room and looked around. It wasn't quite as big as the living room, not nearly, but still bigger than his walk in closet back at his dads. His dad; man did he hate him. He shook the anger off once again and gazed around in a trance. A full sized bed with your normal plain white sheets accommodated the upper right corner by a window. The window had white curtains, like the living room. On the left wall across from the bed was a tall mirror hung on the wall maybe an inch from the hardwood floor. To the left of the mirror was a dresser, looking abit rundown, just a bit, with a TV sitting on top. It wasn't anything like the one downstairs, A simple 20 inch Samsung that looked maybe like it was from 2003. A DVD player sat on top of the TV. Next to the dresser was a desk with a laptop sitting on it, it looked fairly new, 2007 or 2008. He was pretty sure it was a dell, but he couldn't tell 100% just by looking at it. Next to it was a stack of computer games: Fable, Doom 3, The Sims 2, and some others that didn't interest him as much. Then he noticed it, a cable modem with flashing lights. "No way there's internet!?" he asked ecstatic, turning to James googly eyed, once again enthralled with his tail wagging about hyperly.

"There will be" The wolf replied smiling, -still- enjoying the hyena's reactions. "It hasn't been turned on yet, the cable guy is coming over tomorrow sometime to turn it on." He added.

"Bitchin!" Tyson stated as he set his 2 suitcases on the bed. His arms felt dead now, he'd been holding them suitcases since he arrived.

"Well I'll let you unpack and settle in. Sorry to cut our meet and tour short but work wanted me to come in for overtime today for awhile cause my coworker Jeff isn't feeling well and they need one of the other plant supervisors to come in and sub for him, can you believe it? Its fuckin Sunday..." James pouted alittle as he said this. "I'll be back in afew hours though. Make yourself at home, watch some TV, eat if you want. There's plenty of stock in the fridge and freezer but just don't eat me out of house and hold." James laughed, then saluted Tyson and began to leave but stopped. "Oh, remember, no smoking in the house, no drugs." and with that said James left to get ready for his Sunday overtime.

'This doesn't seem like it could be all that bad. I need to start keeping a more positive outlook.' Tyson thought as he opened his suitcases and began unpacking. He pulled out some cloths, mostly tattered and torn baggy jeans. Afew t-shirts with band logos and lewd phrases written across the front. Out next came a thick blue quilt he'd had since as far back as he could remember. The final thing was a big fluffy pillow with a bug pillowcase his long since deceased grandma had sewn for him when he was a wee puppy. He made his bed neatly, tossed the pillow against the headboard and then began unpacking the other suitcase. Tyson pulled out his CD's, black light, and other belongings: posters, lava lamp, and a door sign which read. "If you don't hear anything I'm either sleeping or beating my meat." He chuckled, he always got a kick out of that profane sign. He set the posters and sign on the computer desk, the CD's in the top drawer of the dresser, and gave one more glance into his suitcase. His piece was lying in there, he had forgot he even brought that with him. Picking it up he looked at it closely, thinking. 'I really don't need this anymore.' He glanced over at the waste bucket in the corner of his room, then glanced back at the piece. Tyson gritted his teeth and tossed it over into the wastebasket, it nicked the edge and broke in half as it fell in.

Tyson felt his heart sink. 'Man it took me like a month to save up for that' After awhile he started to smile though. 'Ah well, one step closer to not being like my dad.' he thought, beginning to shovel his mangled and horribly folded cloths into the other drawers. After he finished he put the empty suitcases in the closet, which was at the foot of his bed, hidden by his open door.

Tyson looked back at the posters and decided he'd plaster them all up later. He exited his room, hearing the front door shut as he made his way through the upstairs hallway to the stairs. Suddenly, the hyena wondered what time it was. He began searching for a clock and spotted one on his way down the stairs. It was a Roman Numeral type with three hands hung up on the wall of the stairway and it read... He stared hard for a moment. It was only a quarter to one, the hyena had been there about 15-20 minutes. The car ride was probably about 30 minutes even though it didn't seem it cause of his dozing.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and scratched an itch on his black muzzle. Did he want to watch tv? No, he was hungry, he'd eat -then- watch TV. Tyson didn't eat much back at his dad's so he was really starving, hungry enough he could of ate Mr. Cobbs, the zebra that lived next door to his dad; who was also one of his dad Blow buyers.

Tyson padded into the kitchen and opened both the fridge and freezer. His eyes widened, he'd never seen so much food. He gazed across the wide variety of foods before he shut the fridge door and grabbed a pepperoni pizza out of the freezer. Simple and didn't take long to cook. He shut the freezer door and then ripped a hole in the plastic with one of his claws peeling all of the wrapping off of the pizza before he tossed it into the oven and turned it onto 350. Tyson didn't pre-heat it because he didn't wanna wait an extra 20 minutes before he started cooking it, he was starving.

Tyson went into the living room and flopped onto the black leather L couch. His black ears twitched as it made a rubbery "vvruup" noise. He scanned his surroundings for a remote and found two sitting on the glass coffee table. One big and one small, Tyson figured the small one was for the stereo and snatched up the bigger of the two. He clicked the power button and the TV flicked on. He eyeballed all the remote buttons confused and then hit the "guide" button. A guide of all the channels and what was on popped up. Tyson scrolled through them all and decided on MTV. He clicked the enter button and the channel changed. Music began pumping out of the speakers on the walls, MTV's top 40 rock videos was on, that was good, meant no shitty rap music. The current music video was "The Only" by Static-X, Tyson wasn't sure what number it was. He loved that song though. He sang along word for word and head banged lightly during the guitar solo, his black lengthy hair fluttering about.

After a couple more good jam sessions with KoRn and The Red Hot Chili Peppers Tyson got up to check his pizza. He padded back into the kitchen and popped the oven open, it was done, to his liking anyways. He only waited till the cheese was melted over the sauce. If it began to turn golden, it was burnt to him, and wasn't as good. He shut the oven off, then slid the cardboard under the pizza, pulling it on with a claw. Tyson sat the pizza on the counter and shut the oven. The hyena rummaged through different drawers before finding a large butcher knife. Tyson cut the pizza into 8 slices and rinsed the knife off. The hyena wiped it dry on his pants and stuck it back in the drawer.

Tyson grabbed a small white cylinder off of the stove and salted his pizza lightly before setting it back where he got it. He then carried his pizza over to the bar top wall and seated himself on one of the three leather top stools. Time went by and music continued pumping from the speakers as he crammed the pizza into his muzzle piece by piece, chewed and swallowed. He was done eating within alittle over 10 minutes.

Tyson rubbed his stomach and belched loudly, grinning afterwords. He made into the living room and up the creaky stairs to his room to grab a cigarette. After doing so he made his way back down the creaky stairs and opened the front door, stepping out and shutting the door behind himself.

Tyson stuck the tip of his cigarette into his mouth and leaned back against the front door, sliding down it into a squat. He lit the tip of the cigarette with his cheapie crack lighter, the flame huge. Tyson hated crack lighters, the flames were always either too big or too small even if you played around with the lever thing on the front of them. The hyena took a long drag from the cigarette and blew the smoke slowly out his black nose. He watched it drift away with the wind then repeated the action.

'This isn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be' Tyson thought to himself again. (Puff, exhale) 'James is kinda cool I guess, even if he does seem like someone who's gonna ride my ass about getting my life straight. He's more tolerable than my dad anyways.' Tyson thought as he took another drag off his cig. 'His house is really nice too. Dad's place was a shithole on the verge of being condemned, and my room is cool even if it does look like James had furnished it with random things he could find around the house. Spare bed, old dresser, old TV. Still better than the walk in closet. There'd be internet soon too!'

Tyson took yet another drag and then pouted, his cigarette was almost burned down to the filter, he really hated shorts. He took the last few drags and flicked the butt across the yard onto the sidewalk before heading back inside and flopping onto the black leather L couch. He sprawled out and yawned, the stereo speakers were now playing something by Underoath. Tyson closed his eyes and relaxed, tapping his black footpaw to the beat of the guitaring, and slowly he began to drift off to sleep. His foot eventually stopped moving. Tyson was still very tired, he would of probably slept in late but the call from his dad had woken him up early.

Tyson began to stir. MTV's top 40 rock video's was over cause he could hear Kelly Clarkson's horrid voice echoing into his ears as he slowly regained consciousness from his nap. He hated her and thought her music was ungodly. Tyson squinted his eyes open, the living room was dark now, no more Mr. Sunshine gleaming in through the window. He grumbled groggily as he always did when first waking up.

'Man how long was I sleeping for?' he thought to himself. Then another thought surfaced as the smell of stale piss hit his nose. 'Awww, FUCK!' He slid his black paw down to the crotch of his baggy jeans, it was soaked, -everything- was soaked. "Awww, FUCK!" he repeated again, This time out loud. It had happened again, he pissed himself in his sleep. He's always had this problem and his dad used to ride his ass over it.

"You fuckin baby! Pissing the bed, makin the god damn house smell like fucking piss!" his dad would always shout. "When are you gonna quit boy!? Maybe this'll teach you!" His dad gripped the 16 year old Tyson by his nape shoved him forward with great ease so his face dived into the big smelly wet spot on his bed. "Smell that? Its PISS, god damnit boy!" His breath like always, had reeked of Bourbon, the only booze he could afford. Tyson had actually preferred the pissy smell of his bed over his dad's breath.

Tyson shook the bad memory away and sat up, he was sitting in a lukewarm puddle on- 'Oh SHIT!' he thought, his heart started to race. 'James' nice ass couch. He's gonna kill me!' Tyson sprang up, and in doing so, caused the indent in the couch to go away and the puddle of piss to spill onto the shag carpet. "FUCK!" Tyson yelped, a wet spot (stain) now on the floor in front of the black leather L couch. His heart pounded faster. "I'm dead... I'm fuckin DEAD!" Tyson panicked. He bolted up the creaky stairs to his room and changed, first of all things. Then ran to the bathroom, snagged a towel, and ran back down the noisy stairs. Just as his foot made contact with the soft shag carpet, the front door swung open and James came strolling in, closing it behind himself and hanging his car keys up on a rack hung on the wall next to the door.

'Son of a biiitch!!' Tyson thought as he instantly froze in place, his heart pounding so hard now he could hear it.

James glanced at him quizingly and then wrinkled his nose. "It smells like piss in here." He raised an eyebrow, and then switched eyebrows. "Why does does it smell like piss? and why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"

Tyson didn't speak, he couldn't think of anything to say. His mind raced for what seemed to be an eternity before he managed to squeak out something that was -supposed- to be a reply. "W-w-what? I-I-I don't smell anything." He didn't realize it until James pointed it out but his tail was tucked and his ears were splayed.

"You look so guilty, what's goin on?"

Kelly Clarkson continued to shriek her devil-music. James walked around the L couch and snatched the remote up to mute the TV so he could talk to Tyson in quiet. Suddenly his footpaw landed in something wet, and he wrinkled his nose again. James looked down and saw the wetspot, he then noticed the gleam of wetness of the black leather L couch. "Um..." is all that came out of his muzzle.

Tyson started to cry, his brown spotted butterscotch furred cheeks were flushed with hints of blushage, and his waterworks were most definitely on. The hyena was completely consumed with embarrassment and shame, and he was scared too of what James was gonna do. He was sure he was gonna get kicked out now, like his father had done one morning after another bedwetting incident. Maybe James would even beat him, maybe he was no better than his father, Tyson barely knew him afterall so it was possible. Tyson started to feel sick to his stomach as salty tears streamed down his cheeks.

'What the FUCK?! What IS this!? My nice leather fucking L couch! My shag carpet! Fuck -this- shit. You're not staying here!' The hyena heard James screaming in his head. 'Little SHIT!' Tyson's mind played James swatting him across the face like his father often had. He began to cry out loud now.

James earperked and glanced back up over at Tyson with a frown, he sighed before calmly speaking. "Throw me the towel you've got"

Tyson just stood there crying, ashamed as fuck, as if moving in the slightest way would make it worse, but eventually he did as told and tossed the towel to James.

James caught it and began wiping the couch off. After that he dropped the towel onto the wet spot and stepped around on it trying to soak up as much of the piss from the shag as he could. He then picked up the towel and glanced back at Tyson. "Go up to your room, I'll be up in a second to talk to you."

Tyson nodded slowly and made his way back up the stairs; thud CREAK thud CREAK thud RrrrEAK!

James walked across the room to his bedroom and tossed the pissy towel into his dirty laundry basket before heading up to Tyson's room after him. He found the hyena lying facedown on his bed crying into his pillow. Tyson sat up, brown spotted butterscotch cheekfur soaked with salty tears. "I-I-I'm sorry" he squeaked out in a pitiful tone that made James' heart sink. "Please don't kick me out, I'm really really really sorry."

James' heart sank even further. He padded over and sat down next to Tyson and clapped him on the shoulder again. "Hey now, I'm not mad, I'm not gonna kick you out, stop crying. I'm just... surprised is all." he said, rubbing the sulky teens shoulder.

Tyson sniffled and brought his gaze up from the floor to meet James'. He stopped crying but still looked like an emotional wreck.

James gave him a warm smile and ruffled his headfur. "Fell asleep watchin music videos on the couch? Coulda told me about this." He said softly, again in that caring tone that Tyson liked.

"Don't like talkin about it. Dad used to punish me for it." Tyson said, that glum tone from earlier returning.

"Well your dads just a candy coated piece of shit ain't he? Anyways its fine, it shouldn't be -too- hard to scrub out. Cheer up, nobody likes a Frownie Brownie." James stated before sliding his paw to Tyson's other shoulder and tugging him softly into a one armed affectionate embrace. Tyson blushed, alot, but let himself lean into it. He smiled too at James' silly comment about "Frownie Brownies"; And someone else stating that fact about his dad besides himself for once filled him with such a gleeful feeling.

"Feel better at all?" James asked giving Tyson another warm smile. That smile, it was like a drug, he couldn't look at that smile without feeling all giddy.

Tyson nodded and let a meek "Uh-huh" slip his muzzle before laying his head against James' shoulder.

James blushed abit himself now and smiled wider before patting Tyson's back. "Come on, you're gonna run to the store with me. I gotta pick up afew things." James said as he stood up, giving Tyson one more head ruffle and smile before makin his way out of Tyson's room and back downstairs.

Tyson just sat on his bed for a minute, he felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Nobody ever comforted him like that, his dad didn't care and his mom was always to busy arguing with dad. He was really surprised, it felt really good. Tyson glanced up at his tall mirror and noticed he was smiling again. He wiped his tears away then stood up and made his way downstairs to join James.

James grabbed his keys off the wall and watched Tyson thud down the stairs. James smiled at him again and this time Tyson smiled back. "You okay now?" James asked, wanting to make sure Tyson really -was- alright. He felt like he'd cry if he ever saw the hyena that upset again, he had no idea what his dad had done to make him like that but he didn't like it one bit. Tyson seemed like a really good kid, and he didn't deserve to be shit on. He just needed a little guidance and someone to care is all.

"I'm fine." Tyson replied, giving James a reassuring smile. Tyson thought about telling James he really appreciated what he did upstairs and why but he decided to keep it to himself. The hyena disliked bringing his problems into the open, maybe cause nobody ever gave a shit before, but he thought James would be different. Regardless he still kept to himself and the two exited the house.

James locked the door then they followed the cobblestone path down to the sidewalk. After hopping into the cobalt Mustang James stuck the key into the ignition and turned it. The car started up and then they were off to the store.

James and Tyson walked side by side as they crossed through the parking lot of Wal-mart. They reached the front doors and they slide open. They entered and James stopped, grabbed a cart, then the two continued on and walked through the second pair of Electric, sliding doors.

"Hi, welcome to Wal-mart!" a young female red fox said as they walked in.

Tyson nodded at her and James replied with "Thanks."

James stopped once they walked past all the check out lines and turned to Tyson. "Go look around if ya want, I might be awhile." He told him before turning and heading right, pushing the cart along.

"Alright" Tyson replied, and began to continue going straight towards the electronics section. He was gonna play some PS3.

James walked down the main path pushing his cart, then turned left into one of many isles. It consisted of mainly cleaning products. 'alrighty, I need something to scrub the piss out of my shag. Bleach? Nah too strong, and that smells even worse.' he thought as he scanned through the shelves. 'ah here we go. Oxy-Clean.' He grabbed a bottle of it off the shelf and set it in the shopping cart. He then began to laugh. "Hi, Billy Mayes here!" He spoke a-loud, laughing even harder now. Someone in the next isle down gave him a very strange look and snorted.

James blushed then frowned, poor Billy, it was gonna be different with him not shouting on the TV anymore. He liked his commercials, they were a hoot.

James grabbed a scrubby sponge, then padded around till he came across the shower product isle. He stared at the bottles of shampoo and conditioner. He was gonna get Tyson his own bathroom supplies. 'I wonder what scent he'd like.' James thought before picking one at random. Strawberry sounded fine, he grabbed a bottle of strawberry scented conditioner and a bottle of strawberry scented shampoo and tossed them into the cart with the Oxy-Clean.

James continued down the isle and grabbed a shower scrubby, a bar of soap, and then a stick of cheapie deodorant and tossed those in as well. 'what else?' he thought.

'ah! more laundry soap. Bet I'll be doing laundry quite alot cause of Ty's little problem.' he thought, and then that's when his gaze met the infantile isle and an idea popped into his head. 'Or not' he replied to himself.

James looked around kinda cautiously, then carted off into the isle. He stopped and began scanning the shelves which were stocked with all different kinds of diapers. These were all for cubs. He walked further down and stopped again. "Ah, here we go." he said aloud to himself without noticing. He scanned the shelf again, he didn't know what brand to get, then one caught his eye.

The package was dark blue with a picture of a teenage wolf padded and giving a thumbs up on the front. Above the picture it read the words "Teen Pawpers, extra thick night time protection". 'Hm, that works I guess' he thought before scanning the packages for sizes. He grabbed a pack of Medium 28-42" Teen Pawpers and tossed it into the cart. 'hope that size fits him, I really don't wanna deal with smelly pissy laundry every other day. His room would reek too.' James thought as he began searching for Tyson

"Come on, you've been playing for like 20 minutes now!" a young otter pup whined at Tyson.

"Have patience kid." Tyson replied, ashy eyes glued to the tv stuck up above the display case of the PS3 games. His neck was starting to get stiff.

Just then James came strolling into the isle. He parked his cart next to Tyson and stretched. "Alright, I'm-" His view gazed up to the tv screen. "Top left." He suddenly said.

"Uh huh." Tyson said, changing his view and headshotting a sniper.

"Okay what I was saying, reload!" He interrupted himself again.

"I'm on it" Tyson replied, hitting the reload button.

"I'm ready to go check out." James finally said. Then spoke again "Woah-ho, nice shot!"

"Thanks" Tyson said, another sniper falling off of the roof of a building. He turned around and rubbed his neck. The otter pup instantly pushed him out of the way and began mashing buttons on the ps3 controller mounted to the display case, the sound of gunfire returning. Tyson gave the otter pup a pissed off look. "Watch it!"

The young otter stuck his tongue out at him.

Tyson glared, wanting to smack the otter pup upside the head. He hated kids. Then he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. That was what his dad did to him when -he- was mad, smacked him upside the head.

James noticed the sad spacey look on the hyena's face and patted his head. "Hey, snap out of it." He said.

Tyson shook the thought and smiled at James. It wasn't a fake smile, it felt good to know that James actually cared when he was feeling like that over his father.

James began to push the cart out of the electronics section and down one of the main paths towards the front of the store.

Tyson caught up and began blabbing about how Timesplitters 4 was so awesome. ((Note, Timesplitters 4 isn't really out yet, at least not to my knowing. Should be sometime this year though.))

They reached the front of the store and James went to pick a check out isle. Tyson stopped him and pointed out that there was nobody at the self service machines. James pushed the cart over there instead and began pulling all the stuff he'd grabbed before out of the cart one by one and sliding them across the scanner. The machine beeped every time he slid another item across. Tyson leaned back against a support beam and watched him scan the items. The shampoo, conditioner, Oxy-Clean, deodorant, shower scrubby, sponge scrubby and then the hyena's muzzle dropped open as James scanned the pack of diapers.

"W-what are those for?!" He asked, blushing brightly.

"Obvious isn't it? I really don't think this is a place you wanna discuss it. We'll talk about it in the car." James replied.

Tyson scoffed. He had a point but this sucked, James was gonna make him wear fuckin diapers? No way! Suddenly he almost preferred having his face stuck into his pissy bed.

James swiped his credit card after the total popped up and began bagging the items.

"Thank you for shopping at Wal-mart supercenter!" The machine said.

Tyson was staring at the ground pouting now. James glanced over at him and couldn't help but smile. For an eighteen year old, Tyson's pouty face was too cute.

Tyson looked up and noticed James smiling at him oddly. He raised a brow and spoke in a pissy tone. "What?"

James blushed abit. "You look funny (cute) when you pout. And hey, don't get pissy with me boy. I told you we'll talk about it in the car so butch up and don't be such a baby!" James stated sternly, looking a small bit angry.

'Don't be such a baby? The fuckin irony in that while buying me diapers is killing me.' Tyson thought as he began glaring at James.

James sighed and slipped his credit card back into his wallet before re-pocketing it. He picked the two bags of items up and handed the one with the pack of diapers in it to Tyson. "If you don't wanna cool the attitude you can carry the fuckin things." James snapped at him.

Tyson looked surprised at James' sudden stern streak; it sent a chill down his spine. He ear flattened and tucked his tail. "I'm sorry... we'll talk about it in the car. You carry them." He said apologetically, sucking up as he handed the bag back.

James smiled and gave Tyson another head ruffle. "Get the cart then"

Tyson tried not to but smiled back, he liked it when he did that. 'what a prick, I'm trying to be angry.' Tyson thought as he grabbed the cart and began pushing it. He really didn't like the idea of having to wear diapers to bed but he saved the energy for the discussion in the car as the two began leaving the store.

"Have a nice night!" the young fox said as they passed her again.

"You too!" James replied, giving her a warm smile. She smiled back, looking overly happy.

'Does his smile have that effect on -everyone-?' Tyson thought as he glanced back while they walked through the sliding doors. Tyson put the cart back where James had gotten it from before. They exited through the second sliding doorway and made their way back across the parking lot to James' Mustang.

James clicked the oval device on his keys and the car made that "woop woop" noise again. He opened his door and tossed the bags in the back seat before getting in and shutting the door with a thud.

Tyson followed suit before instantly turning to James. "Diapers?! Come on man, you know how much that sucks?!" Tyson whined.

James sighed and turned the ignition. He turned to Tyson as the car started up. "Relax alright, its only at night, and its not like anyone knows. You're not talking your way out of this." He said as he pulled out of the parking lot and began driving them home.

"When did you become such a hardass? You seemed like the nicest person in the world awhile ago." Tyson pouted again.

"I'm -not- being a hardass, I'm being reasonable. And I -am- nice, I'm just not gonna do your smelly pissy cloths and bedding every other night." James retorted. "So please... if you respect me just drop it and do as told, it wont kill you. Damn..." He added.

Tyson gave him a very queer look. "I can do my own laundry by the way." Tyson stated. 'respect? I haven't even known you for a fuckin day yet.' Tyson thought.

"Don't want your room to smell like piss either. That smell is so hard to get out of the woodwork." James replied.

"But-" Tyson stopped. He knew he wasn't gonna be able to talk his way out of this one. "Fine... only because I don't think I'm gonna win this argument, and for respect I haven't even known you a day yet." He said.

James frowned, the hyena's last statement kinda struck him in an unpleasant way, personally he was already becoming attached to Tyson, probably because he'd always wanted kids.

Tyson saw this look of hurt and kinda felt bad, the truth was he actually did like James alittle already, he'd been really caring, and James had only known him for acouple hours. Tyson was just mad, he said things he really didn't mean when he was mad.

"Okay I lied, you're a pretty cool guy and I guess I do respect you alittle already. I'm just alittle angry." Tyson stated.

James turned his head and grinned. "Bawww! The hyena wikes meee!" James teased.

Tyson's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oy! Don't make me change my mind!" He growled.

James laughed and smiled at the hyena. Tyson pouted for a second but smiled back, he was starting to hate that god damned smile, it was so powerful.

Before they knew it the Mustang was pulling back up in front of James' house. The two hopped out of the car simultaneously and shut their doors. Click, 'woop woop'.

Tyson followed James down the cobblestone path. James handed the grocery bags to Tyson and stuck his key into the knob of the front door, unlocking it. Tyson gazed into the bags, pouting slightly again as James turned the knob and opened the door. They entered the house and James hung his keys back up on the wall as Tyson closed the front door behind them.

"Alright, take that up to your room and Imma start scrubbing the carpet." James said taking one of the bags from Tyson. He pulled out the Oxy-Clean and sponge scrubby then handed the bag back. "Oh and this stuff is for your bathroom upstairs." James added.

Tyson nodded and made his way up the creaky stairs, first depositing the bag of bathroom supplies into the bathroom, then making his way to his room with the stupid diapers. He took the blue pack out of the grocery bag and looked at the front, blushing brightly. 'Man, the padded wolf giving the thumbs up is so cheesy.' He thought to himself before tossing the pack onto the floor at the foot of his bed carelessly. He exited his room and made his way back downstairs.

James was already at work scrubbing at the piss spot on the shag. Tyson walked over and leaned onto the back of the L couch. "I'm still really sorry." Tyson said apologetically.

"I said it's alright. But if it wasn't for me knowing that it wasn't your conscious fault, I'd be making -you- do this." James laughed.

Tyson didn't really find it all that funny, it reminded him of his dad punishing him for his problem.

"Tough crowd" James stated glancing back up at Tyson, his paws still dragging the scrubby sponge back and forth across the white shag in a speedy motion.

"Eh, not the best of jokes." Tyson replied.

James finally stood up and let out a relieved sigh. "There we go, that should do it." He said before turning to Tyson. "You think you might pass out again watching TV, go pad up." He added.

Tyson blushed brightly, and was gonna argue again but he just squeaked out "Okay..." James' face had looked as if he was anticipating the hyena to argue again.

James smiled, the hyena was becoming more obedient -already-. "So whatchya wanna do?" He asked.

Tyson thought hard; He wasn't sure. "What's on the tellie?" He finally asked.

"I down't know, E'll go en check." James said, trying to sound British.

Tyson raised an eyebrow and snorted. "The hell was that?"

"Only British people call it a tellie." James stated.

"Wow that's so stereotypical, lots of people call it a tellie, besides Brits." Tyson replied.

"Your face is stereotypical." James said randomly.

Tyson cackled at James' dorky antics. He didn't understand what brought this sudden mood on but he shrugged and hopped over the back of the L couch, making himself comfy on the wall side of it. James flopped down on the other part and snatched up the remote, clicking the "tellie" on. He brought up the guide and began scrolling through the listings. The two sat and talked, watching TV till about Ten'o'clock when Tyson began to get sleepy. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before getting up.

"Alright, I think I'm gonna head upstairs and pass out now." Tyson said giving James a sleepy look.

"Okay, was thinking about bed myself right soon." James replied. "Oh, don't forget to put one of those things on." He added quickly.

"Yeah yeah..." Tyson blushed as he made his way up the creaky stairs and through the hall to his room. He shut his door and gazed down at the pack of diapers on his floor, and with a reluctant sigh he kneeled onto the floor, pulling the pack to him. He held it up, giving the cheesy padded thumbs up wolf one more glance before tearing the packaging open. The smell of plastic filled his nose. Tyson tugged a single diaper out and stared at it, pouting. 'I really don't wanna do this... man this sucks.' he thought before unfolding it and laying it out on the floor.

Tyson undid his belt and slid his pants and boxers off, tossing them to the side before hovering his butterscotch butt over the seat of the diaper and setting it down. 'I can't believe I'm doing this and wow- this is so soft' He thought as he lied back. He threaded his tail through the tailgaurd of the diaperseat and took the front of the diaper into his paws. He lifted the front of the diaper up between his legs, it was -extremely- thick. 'Christ, this thing is really thick, I don't wet -that- much.' He thought he and tugged it tight against his sheath. 'now how the fuck does this work?' Tyson thought as he looked at the tapes. Instead of just two like on the diapers he's seen cubs wearing, there were four. He started with the bottom two, peeling them open and stretching them as far and tight as he could before sticking them to the bottom of the front wing flaps. He then did the top tapes, first the left then the right while sucking what little gut he had in so it was taped on snug.

Tyson sat up with a crinkle and splayed his ears, blushing brightly. He felt so ashamed, and the worst part was the thing was actually pretty comfy. It was like a pair of breifs but super super soft and cushy. He stood up, almost tumbling over, the bulk between his legs making walking or anything like that awkward and challenging. Glancing into his mirror he blushed brightly again, actually seeing himself in it made him even more ashamed now. The diaper was white with two blue lines running through the middle from front to back. The tapes were the same blue as the lines.

Tyson sighed again and grabbed his pants, slipping them back on and redoing his belt. He looked into the mirror one last time, the crotch of his baggy jeans were puffed out slightly, not too obvious though. Tyson flipped his light off then crawled back into bed, crinkling copiusly. He tugged his blue quilt up over himself and rolled onto his right side, slipping his right arm under his pillow.

Just then James poked his head in and flicked the light on. "Sorry to bug ya, just wanted to pop in and say goodnight." He said, smiling brightly as he noticed the opened diaper pack on the floor.

"s'alright, night." Tyson replied, lifting his head and smiling at James.

James smiled back and was about to flip the light off again and go to bed himself before Tyson sat up and spoke again.


"Yeah Tyson?" James asked, giving the hyena a curios look.

Tyson's ears were splayed and he looked distraught. "Um... I... I really appreciate what you did earlier, yaknow, being really caring and stuff. My parents never did that for me, they just fought. It felt really nice and I was gonna say something earlier but, I don't know I'm not very open about my emotions, nobody ever cared to listen before but you seem different." He said.

James smiled brightly again and stepped into Tyson's room, taking a seat down next to him on the edge of his bed and ruffling his headfur. "Hey, anytime you ever wanna tell me something or feel down, feel free to come talk to me. I'll listen, I don't like seeing you sad and I'll help out any way I can okay?" James stated with a warm smile before giving Tyson a gentle hug and patting his back.

"Okay" Tyson replied, hugging James back almost on the verge of tears.

"Alrighty well I'm really tired, gonna go pass out now. Remember, anytime." James said, getting up and giving Tyson a reassuring smile before walking to the door and flipping the hyena's light off. "Night." He said.

"Night" Tyson replied lying back down.

James exited into the hall and closed the hyena's door behind himself.

Tyson closed his eyes and smiled, tail crinkle thumping under his blankets. 'James is such a nice guy.' Tyson thought; and with that, he slowly drifted off to sleep and entered a vivid dream.

Chapter 2: Orientations And Labels

~Disclaimer~ Follow... BACK!!! Only if ye be men of 18 or older! For sexual material lays beyond this point, so if you do DOUBT your age, turn back now, for explicit material awaits you! This is M/M material so if you don't like this stuff, bye bye,...

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Chapter 1: Strange Feelings

~Disclaimer~ Follow... BACK!!! Only if ye be men of 18 or older! For sexual material lays beyond this point, so if you do DOUBT your age, turn back now, for explicit material awaits you!. This is M/M material so if you don't like this stuff, bye bye,...

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