Raisng Sugar - Chapter Six - Preparations

Story by Ruby on SoFurry

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Marko murred happily as he woke up, a soft warm body curled up in the curve of his own. He nuzzled at the soft hair as he slowly came fully awake, lifting his head to look down as Sugar's sleeping face. She looked so innocent and young as she slept and he could not resist kissing her cheek softly, careful not to wake her up even as he breathed in her fresh clean scent. He could easily get used to this. He smiled down at her. He was planning on getting used to this if things went right and she was the kind of girl he hoped she was.

It was tempting to just lie in bed with her until she woke up or to even nuzzle her awake so maybe they could play. Unfortunately, he had some things he needed to prepare before she woke up and he better get started. He slowly slid out of the bed, careful not to wake her but pausing long enough to draw the blankets over her nude body, tucking her in so she wouldn't get cold. Then, padding silently across the room, he reached up to pull down the keys and let himself out of the room, carefully locking it behind him.

Next, he made a quick trip down to his office to get his mobile computer pad. It was about the size of a notepad but, with it, he could control all the electronics in his house. Hitting the right icons, he brought up the feed from the security camera in his bedroom and turned on the sound so he could keep tabs on the sleeping female while he worked. Slipping into the kitchen, he set some coffee to brew and then carried the pad back upstairs, unlocking the room next to his own bedroom.

Switching on the light, he looked around it, a few bittersweet memories coming back. He had first started working on this room a long time ago, hoping to share it with the right woman. However, he had not found that woman yet. He thought he had once. She had been willing to join in the play, to dress up for him sometimes. Unfortunately, it had not been something she had enjoyed and their playtimes in this room grew farther and farther apart until they had grown far enough apart that they both knew, it was time to separate.

His paws traced the pink and white lace and heart patterned wallpaper he had put in after she had left. Marko had brought some other females in here since then, hoping to find the one that matched his desires, still collecting the things for the play he liked. Walking over to the closet, he pulled out a pair of panties with a duck design on it and a set of pajamas with the feet attached and snaps along the inner legs and crotch. He lay those out on a large changing table then dug through the drawers to bring out a set of bindings and such, checking them over carefully to make sure they were in proper condition, no rust or tangles. He lay them all out next to the pajamas, satisfied that those were ready to go.

Marko looked over at the pad and smiled to find Sugar still sleeping, curled up and cute in the middle of the bed, hugging a pillow to her chest. He still had time. He quickly went to the garage and brought up a furniture box. He had bought it while dating his last girlfriend. She had seemed so sweet and had liked to go to the carnival and collect stuffed animals. He had been so sure he had found his right mate this time but, as soon as he had shown her his play room, she had turned away from him in disgust so he had never bothered to put it together.

Now, though, he was ready to try again. Setting the box on the floor, he fetched his tools and began to build the crib, checking on Sugar periodically. Positioning the newly made crib in the corner of the room, he pulled out sheets and pillow cases and made the bed, carefully tucking in each corner. A teddy bear was tucked into a corner with care and he folded a soft blanket at the foot of it, ready to be pulled up and tucked in.

As he smoothed it down, he suddenly realized the pink in the blanket was a perfect match for Sugar's fur. He smiled to himself, hoping it was a sign as he stood back and surveyed the room. It was prepared as he could make it.

Picking up the pad, Marko frowned as he saw Sugar was still asleep. Obviously, she had not been getting enough sleep for her to be so exhausted. He was going to have to make sure that changed in the future. For now, though, he would let her sleep as long as she wanted...or at least until breakfast was done. With a content smile, he closed and locked the nursery door and walked down to the kitchen. Setting the pad to the side where it was safe but easily monitored, he began breakfast.


Sugar woke up slowly, blinking a few times before stretching with a yawn. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept so well. Murring softly, she luxuriated in the incredibly soft bed for several moments.

She froze.

Soft bed? Her bed really wasn't soft at all and it wasn't big and her apartment was never this quiet. Suddenly, all the events of the previous night came flooding back to her and she sat up looking around the room.

It was empty except for her and the keys were missing from the hook high on the wall. Feeling vulnerable and self conscious, Sugar scooted off the bed and moved around to gather up her clothing, wrinkling her nose. They smelled of the smoke from the club, sweat and dried sex. She didn't want to put them back on but she didn't have any other clothes with her so she forced herself to don them again.

Dressed again, she checked the door and sighed as she found it locked. Well, it wasn't unexpected and wasn't a large problem. There were a few advantages to being a thief.

She slipped a paw into one of the hidden pockets on her skirt where she also kept the money she had made last night. Sugar was not stupid enough to leave money unattended anywhere in that club so she had figured out how to make the hiding places in her clothes a long time ago and they had always been very useful for carrying emergency items such as her money, apartment key and a small set of lock picks.

Slipping them out, she went to work on the door and quickly had it unlocked. Pausing, she slipped the lock picks back into the hidden pocket and put her ear to the door, listening carefully. There was nothing. Carefully turning the knob, she cracked the door open silently, listening again. She could hear some small sounds of metal on metal downstairs and the air was filled with the scent of cooking food. Her stomach rumbled but she ignored it. She was used to hunger. Mentally picturing what she had seen last night, she slipped into the hallway careful to silently close the door behind her.

She listened again but there was no change in the sounds from what she assumed was the kitchen. Confident she had not been found out, Sugar quietly padded down the stairs, listening for any change in the noises Marko was making. Scanning the living room to make sure it was empty, she began to slowly make her way along the wall towards the front door. She came to the edge of the archway leading into the kitchen and carefully peaked around the edge. He was facing away from her using a spatula to move something around in the skillet. He was bare from the waist up and she couldn't resist taking a few moments to study him, strong muscles moving under dark blue and black fur reminding her of the previous night. She could already feel her body responding to the thoughts and part of her told her to stay, see if she could get a repeat performance and maybe get the money he owed her for the night.

However, her logical side said she needed to get out of here fast so she could get to her apartment, get changed and find herself a new job fast. She believed that Marko was a cop. He wouldn't have made her promise to rat last night if he wasn't. However, ratting was a dangerous thing for her especially with only one more day to pay her rent and, considering the way they had left the club last night and the fact that she didn't get money from him, she couldn't go back to her current employer and she didn't believe he'd take care of her forever. As soon as he put her employers in jail, she was out on the street. That's how snitching worked but it'd been hard enough for her to get the job she had and the apartment the first time. She didn't want to do it again with the snitch reputation hanging over her head. So, she needed to get out of here, get a new job arranged, get her rent paid and then, she could come back and fulfill her promise, after she had everything arranged.

This reminded her, she didn't have the time to dally here. Any moment now, he was going to finish with breakfast. Turning away from the sight of him, she moved quickly toward the door. It was had a deadbolt same as the door above but this one didn't have to be unlocked with a key from this side. So, a quick run there, twist the tab on the deadbolt and the doorknob and she'd be out. He wouldn't risk chasing her down the street, not when he lived here.

She had just passed the kitchen entryway when a strong arm wrapped around her waist from behind. She felt herself lifted up and held against a wide chest as Marko's low voice growled in her ear. "And just where do you think you're going, baby girl?"

Sugar struggled against his hold but he had already wrapped his other arm around her, pinning her arms to her side and her paws could not reach the floor. Realizing she was caught, she went limp. Maybe she'd get a chance to escape later but she didn't have one now.

His teeth nipped into her ear, just hard enough to make her yip. "I asked you a question, Sugar. Where did you think you were going?"

She bit her lip, considering her reply but decided truth was the easiest. "I was leaving. I have rent due tomorrow and since you didn't pay me and since I can't go back to the club, I gotta find a new place to earn enough to pay off my rent tomorrow."

He didn't rise to the accusation in her voice as he calmly replied. "I thought you said you didn't have anything really important to you at your place. Did you lie to me?"

"Nothing really special but it's a decent roof over my head. You don't know how hard it is for someone like me to get that." Her frustration overflowed into her words. "You don't know how hard everything is for someone like me. I get robbed and almost raped every night and I can't go to cops or complain or nothin' 'cause everyone thinks I deserve it for what I do but what else am I supposed to do? I didn't finish school. No one will give me a better job than this and now you didn't even pay me for being a snitch and you want me to snitch more but what happens to me when you're all done and you made your arrest. If I don't pay my rent tomorrow, I'm gonna be on the streets and then what'll happen to me? You'll have your gold star for bringing in my boss but I won't have anything cause you can't get a job without an address...not a legit job at least...and I won't have one!"

One of his arms had shifted during her rant. He still held her against his chest but one paw was petting her hair soothingly. His muzzle nuzzled against her ear and his voice was soft and reassuring. "You're not going to be homeless, baby. I'm gonna take care of you from here on out. You're never going to have to go back to that place again, never going to have to deal with those asses. I know you don't believe me right now." It was almost like he had read her thoughts because she didn't believe him. "But I'm gonna take care of you. Though, I'm going to have to deal with you trying to sneak out. That was very very naughty of you and I'm going to have to teach you a lesson before you get your breakfast."

Sugar froze, torn between fear and wonder. "You...you were making breakfast for me?"

"Yes, I was planning a nice leisurely breakfast for us. We were going to discuss your boss and then your future but, now, I'm going to have to deal with this first."

His words and touch were still gentle but Sugar's imagination was running wild with what he might mean to do to her fueled by things that had been done to her before and things she had seen done. "Don't....don't hurt me....please." Her voice was small and pleading.

Marko cooed softly in her ear. "Shhhh, you're safe with me. But I do have to teach you to be a good girl because it doesn't seem anyone else did before."

He carried her over to the couch and pulled out a drawer on the end table. She didn't see what he was pulling out but she heard a soft clink as he murmured. "I'd been hoping not to have to use these but I can't have you running away either." His teeth bit gently at her ear. "Now, be a good girl and don't move until I tell you. I don't want to have to punish you for further disobedience."

Sugar held still even after he set her paws back onto the floor, shivering in trepidation and hope. Maybe he was telling the truth and wouldn't hurt her. But he had said she had to be taught a lesson and, at the club, that meant at the least a hard slap. She hoped he was as kind as he seemed because, with his size and strength, he could seriously hurt her.

She felt a collar wrap around her neck and lock then heard a metallic click and a soft tug that told her he'd attached a leash. His paw stroked down her spine as he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "Someone didn't raise you right. I'm going to fix that. Now, get down on your hands and knees."

Sugar hesitated and his paw landed on her rear in a loud smack. It didn't hurt but it did surprise and eep from her.

"Be a good girl and get on your hands and knees or you'll get a spanking." His voice was firmer and a little harder.

She went to all fours not wanting to test his patience.

His paw reached down and petted her top fur. "That's a good girl. Now follow me, crawling."

Marko set off at a slow pace, leading her around the edge of the room and Sugar obediently crawled after him. She didn't see any advantage to resisting and if she made him happy, maybe she could still get breakfast and maybe he would relax enough to listen to her, let her go or give her money or something. The crawling became easier on their second trip around their room as she adjusted to his speed, falling into a rhythm of movement. On the fourth circuit, he stopped and took off the leash. Leaning his back against the front door, he smiled knowingly at her. "Do three more laps on your own and then we'll go eat breakfast."

Her stomach rumbled hungrily at the word breakfast and he smiled in understanding even as she blushed. Resigned, she hurried through the required circuits of the room. It wasn't as bad as it could be. In fact it wasn't bad at all and she would get to eat afterwards.

Once she was again even with his feet, Marko reached down and ran his paw over her hair before urging her to kneel up. "Mmmmm, such a pretty little baby girl. So cute." He leaned down and picked her, carrying her into the kitchen and Sugar gave into the temptation of his touch, snuggling into his touch. He set her down on a chair and tucked a napkin into her shirt before walking over to the counter and returning with two plates.

Placing one in front of her, he leaned in to lick along her cheek. "Mmmmmm eat up, baby, and afterwards you're going to tell me all about your boss. Then you'll get lunch and then we'll have some fun and I'll take very good care of you. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Sugar's only answer was to immediately dig into the eggs and sausage, still warm and not burnt.

Raising Sugar - Chapter Five - Clean Up

Sugar didn't look up as they drove through the city of Homeburrow. Instead, she watched her toes curling against the floorboard as she felt the seed and juices drain out of her body into the blanket beneath her. She did not know what to...

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Raising Sugar - Chapter Four - Homeward Bound

It took awhile for the knot to shrink enough to pull out of Sugar without harming her but she didn't mind at all. Her arms were still locked behind her back but that didn't bother her either. The male above her was softly grooming her cheek...

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Raising Sugar - Chapter Three - Confessions

Sugar let her eyes roam down the german shepherd's large body. He was muscled yet still lean His broad blue and black chest was shown off perfectly by the white tank top stretched tight over the muscled and his dark hazel eyes were intense as...

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