Thursday Writing Prompt: Scuffle and Blue

Story by Reogold on SoFurry

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#4 of Stories from the City of Chuxsas

Bradyn acknowledged it and they went down to 33 and Brokebrook Avenue. The fox was out and hunched over on the curb, a pool of blood from a wound in his torso and leg. The car had taken out a mailbox and was stopped from hitting the building by the bus stop sign. The front end was messed up by that.

Bradyn got the kit and the bystander a ferret went aside as he patched the fox up as best he could talking to the fox, "What's your name? Do you know where you are?"

"Kurt. Next to my wrecked car."

This week's prompt is given to us by a random word generator: mumble

Scuffle and Blue

"And that's when I caught my uncle doing my mom in our parents bedroom, She~" and the manatee's flipper came down smacking the snooze button.

He turned around in bed.

"What are you doing?" The she sea lion's mumbles came at him.

Bradyn didn't open his eyes. He drifted off back to sleep until he heard "and next, to the news. The mayor is going to bring his budget proposal to the council. Proponents point out the key points about the school budget and council member Wulf s~"

The flipper came up and shut off the alarm. The manatee slumped out of bed quickly but too quickly because he felt the blood rush through his bulk and made him dizzy. He stood there for a moment and turned around to see Morgan his wife in bed turn around asleep. He grinned and sidled back in there with her and slipped flippers around her bottom.

"Nuuuu tooo early~ one more hour~," she mumbled.

He pulled back and went quickly to shower to cool off from the morning love attempt. He buttoned up his uniform and polished his buttons and badge.

"The respect comes with the badge but from attitude and a clean serious neat appearance," He remembered the speech from the major at the academy.

The morning commute was already congested as usual at six am. He had to stop at an intersection to let an ambulance by. He didn't have his radio with him or he would've tuned it to see what was going on. He mentally let it go as they would handle it.

The station was as busy as ever. One perp led in in handcuffs, a witness giving a statement, and a lieutenant haughtily arguing with another beat officer. He went to get coffee and talk with his fellow uniformed.

"Ready, Bray," The brown and gray furred lion said. He filled his suit snugly as usual.

They went to their cruiser and out onto the beat. They weren't out for very long when dispatch went on.

"We got a possible hit and run. Five six."

Bradyn acknowledged it and they went down to 33 and Brokebrook Avenue. The fox was out and hunched over on the curb, a pool of blood from a wound in his torso and leg. The car had taken out a mailbox and was stopped from hitting the building by the bus stop sign. The front end was messed up by that.

Bradyn got the kit and the bystander a ferret went aside as he patched the fox up as best he could talking to the fox, "What's your name? Do you know where you are?"

"Kurt. Next to my wrecked car."

He looked at the ferret who guiltily looked away.

"Did you see what happened?"

He raised his paws, "Only got here after, officer."

Bradyn turned back to the fox, "Try to keep still as you can, paras are on the way."

He moved back to Perce who was questioning the rest of the bystanders, "What you got?"

"Not much. Young buck, probably in his 20s. Sheeps wagon 1994, not much else but a nub on his antler. He'll get away from this."

"Damn," the manatee looked up toward the clouds and sun peeking through there. He hoped the intersections cameras caught anything but it was very close to the edge of their field of view. They helped warden off the area. The ambulance arrive and carried off Kurt. The wrecker arrive soon after and took away Kurt's car. They sat in the cruiser finishing their cold coffee and filling out the report. It was close to noon when they were finished. Bradyn's phone had buzzed. He was sure it was Morgan, wanting to meet for lunch. They usually did when they could but he was often on a call longer than he could help.

Dispatch came over again, "Five and Six, Purse snatch, at 8th and Oak Avenue."

Bradyn scoffed and mumbled.

"I wish you wouldn't do that," the lion spoke but chuckled.

"Oh it just makes me think about a comic book purse snatcher every time. Some helpless old lady."

They drove onward to the scene and it wasn't an old lady but a young hourglass figure bison.

She was well dressed but didn't seem as interested in her purse when the police officers arrived and instead asked Bradyn at length "You seeing anyone?"

"Yep. Married." Bradyn smiled as courteously as he could keeping his thoughts away from her with difficulty.

"Aww too late." She said then went for Perce.

They filled out the short report feeling much better about the day.

"Potential Riot. Five Six. At 12th and Fine Avenue."

Bradyn started to mumble but stopped himself looking out of the side of his eye at the Lion.

"Damn," the lion said not noticing his mumble.

They had riot gear in the trunk ever since last summer when the riot started at the Pharmaceutical downtown. They turned the sirens on and blasted over to the location. It was a dive bar about several blocks from downtown. The crowd was packed and extended out onto the street.

The way the crowd was writhing made Bradyn want to go for the gear but the wave seemed to calm down. He pictured with the booze and the crowd car tipping and stone and bottle throwing was coming up.

They got out and pushed through the crowd announcing:


"Go home."

"Going to be shut down."

They reached entrance and a few of the crowd was inside that they promptly made leave. This left the place opened up before them. The tables and chairs were strewn about. The bar had bottles, and food stuffs splashed about. The stage at the back had the band, packing up their instruments. At the bar, employees were cleaning up and the gray rhino manager was propped up on the bar shaking his head and staring off into space.

Bradyn oriented on the band, getting out the ol' paper and pen while Perce went to the manager.

"Who did what to what?" He spoke poising his pen and stopping in front of the stage.

The calico cat stopped packing up her guitar. The manatee could see the logo on it and some of the equipment was a cat's paw and the words catpause in front of it.

"What~ oh~" she started and a wave of recognition went across her.

She kept silent looking at the other band members.

"I just~ a bunch of claws and punches and fur~" the spotted rag doll remarked.

"Just a big bunch of~ a big brawl~" the black Bombay cat added.

"What's your names?"

"Oh the calico there is Marissa," and the rag doll went on with the rest of the names.

He joined back up with the lion and they dispersed the crowd. Perce was the one that was doing the muttering now.

Thursday Prompt: Oily

Oily The elephant stripped off his shirt letting his bulk hang out for the audience to see. Marissa the calico turned away from the Tv. She didn't want to see that. Why on those daytime talk shows did some fat fur decide to talk off their shirt. ...

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Writer's Live Twice Distance She buried her snout into his fuzzy chest. She felt her tears getting his chest fur wet. "I just don't want to go. I don't want to leave you again. I want to stay with you," her speech broke between each sob. ...

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The inside of the snakes mouth countoured away from the bunny's eyes. He saw the snake's gullet flex and continued to look into it. "Now, you satisfied," The snake mouthed around him. As boa constrictor as he was he was used to keeping his mouth...

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