Should've Invited Me

Story by SabertoothAssassin on SoFurry

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#7 of Scrolls for a Lifetime

Please no downloads, enjoy only as is :3

Quick intro: Khaliset lusts for attention in this downright pleasure-filled peice, seeking out an unusual source. They're interrupted, some for better or worse.

My second long story submission on SF!! I'm so happy, I've been wanting to write this forever! I hope this helps me achieve a few subscribers, shouts, friends, comments, whatever. Please offer any kind critiques or comments, this is only my second adult story to ever write

Characters are Khaliset, Kayne, and Rahotep, I do not yet have them all uploaded to the site though you may view them at the links below:

NSFW of Kayne here:

No images of Rahotep yet! :(

Sorry for the dozens of tags! I tagged everything I could, I may edit it down at a later date. Needing critiques, and the tags help get views for that! This story actually covers several different types of interaction, all tags are relevant and mentioned in the story.

I'd appreciate any feedback! 3,855 words 21,387 characters

Another long, restless time had worn away at the young goddess. Time in the afterlife was different than that of earth, to say the least. The land of A'aru never slept, stuck in constant high noon. The Duat on the other hand, was always awash in moonlight. Sleep was one thing that was clearly different between the demigod and her full blooded counterparts. She, from time to time, needed to allow her body a moment of rest. Many of the other skeptic gods saw this as weakness, but Khaliset loved to recharge after days, weeks, even months of being awake. Even if it was an occasional inconvenience, it was satisfying.

The jackal had probably been awake for more than a week in human terms. Her home in the Duat was her favorite place of rest, the constant cool night air, the darkness easy to sleep in. Entering her home, Khaliset greeted her many human servants, waving them off for a night of peace. Going to her main room in solitude, the goddess set about lighting many of thge candles in the ancient style ornate room. Taking a knee, Khaliset lied her furred body down upon the silken floor, lush with fine cloth, pillows, and even the hide of wild beast. Closing her eyes, the goddess drifted away into a vulnerable sleep.

A movement from her side awoke the female, her eyes fluttering awake. Only one God was allowed to join her in her bed, and even with her eyes blurry the canine could smell Kayne's clean, nearly odorless body. A purr like hum rumbled in her chest as the crocodile inched closer, carressing between her tall ears with a scaled hand. It was then she was met with a stronger smell and a prod to the chest, fully opening her neon eyes to see a huge, arm sized cock pulsing inches from her face. *"What's gotten into you?" * she asked, looking up at the piebald croc as she awaited a reply. He said nothing, a huge smile on his face as he reached out and pushed her snout down to touch his member. This wasn't unusual per se, but he'd been told not to wake the goddess unless it was an emergency. Nevertheless, not even she would pass this up. Extending a purple tongue from her maw, Khaliset flattened her tongue against his green, black, gold, pinks and white speckled dick. Trailing her tongue from head to base, she took the moment to suck in on of his large, soft hairless testicles into her wet mouth. It provoked sounds of pleasure from both, Kayne reclining back as she began her magic. It was then the goddess heard a voice, a familiar one, calling to her urgently. The crocodile was oblivious, seemingly not heard a thing, only taking note when her mouth left his genitals. They sounded so close! But yet they were alone in the room. What was going on-

*"Khaliset!" * Startled and jumping upright, the goddess awoke from her lusty dream to see another jackal standing at her door. Rahotep, her accident, her main servant, her friend and confidant. His black and gold face was covered by his own paw, head barely poking through thge curtain of beads adorning the entrance her her room. His ears and nose twitched wildly, breath in a rasp. **"My goddess! I am sorry for intrusion, I could hear you making noise from outside. Are you well? Are you hurt? Are you-"

"Rahotep! Move your hand and come in. I'm fine, I was dreaming." **

Once having been a human, Rahotep was basically the only god-like figure who understood what sleep actually was. Removing his hand, the tall and slender male shyly stepped in, fingers interlaced as his gold eyes inspected the room. Khaliset could see the tension leave his body in seeing th at his creator was just fine. "I'm sorry my Lord, I was worried." ** Running a hand through her messy hair, there was no telling how long she had been asleep. **"I'm fine dear. Now that I'm awake, do you think you can help me draw a warm bath? I'll meet you there."

The jackal was quick to nod and disappeared out the door, the beaded strings chiming together as he left. What a dream that could have been! Kayne was so busy these days, Khaliset was almost never able to indulge herself anymore. She was a horny mess now, rubbing her eyes as she sat looking at her lap. Well. What could she do. He had a busy life and so did she.

After waiting around a bit, Khaliset made her way through her dark, candle lit home, able to hear Rahotep knocking about loudly. The smell of scented smoke filled her nostrils, and the goddess knew the male had probably poured the boiling water into her half filled tub to heat the water for her. The stone floor tub was too easy to chill, and the warmer the bath started out the longer she could stay and relax. Stepping into the isolated bathouse, Rahotep worked with speed to prepare her bath. "Easy, I am in no rush." She said quietly, once again lighting more candles as she entered the room. The male acknowledged her, though he never slowed. After every candle in the room was lit, the goddess began to help prepare.

Khaliset loved a good bath. Together the pair cracked coconuts in silence, pouring the water from the fruit into the bath, scraping some of the meat from the shells for good measure. Flowers, petals and leaves were tossed in with abandoned, swirling the surface with color. A bit of scented oil was added, and Khaliset even grabbed a fistfull of charcoal from the fire and tossed it into the water. "One thing is missing." Khaliset said quietly as they neared being complete. *"Go fetch a small jar of milk from the Mare of Death." * she instructed, churning the water with a paddle. The female horse wouldn't mind, though the stallion could become ornery or aggressive when his mate or foal were approached. Rahotep was smart and possessed a few powers, the tame horses would be no problem to him.

The jackal was quick to leave, Khaliset now alone in the room. Her mind was still fogged by the dream, eyes fixated on the water as her thoughts rolled in lusty esctacy. How she wanted to be full, feeling that power dragged in and out of her crevas. An idea came to mind, so lust ridden and terrible it brought a smile to her face. Removing her clothes, Khaliset didn't wait for Rahotep. Her elegant paws descended the stairs into the water, warm and inviting. Swishing the water about with her body, Khaliset crossed to the far side, jumping atop the ledge and sitting. Water dripped from her fur, petals stuck to her neon pelt. Spreading her legs wide, she didn't care that she faced thge door naked in all her glory. With one hand she reached down, beginning to slide a finger along her water and juice soaked clit. The other gripped her breast, rising and falling with each staggered breath.

Up the hallway somewhere, the goddess could hear the male jackal approaching. The sound of a heavy door closing soon followed. *"Somehow the stallion was the unhappy one, but I got-" * as he cut his sentence short here was a gasp, followed by a small yelp and repeted apologies. **"I am so sorry m'lady I'm so sorry please forgive-"

"Rahotep... pour the milk in the tub." **

Only now did Khaliset cease, letting her hands rest in her lap. Onbe stray finger continued to slide up and down the wet crease, visible to the male though he was to dumbstruck to look. Her eyes watched him, face blank as he starred on. He held the jar with tight clutched hands, shaking as his eyes were peeled from the floor. He looked upon her unclothed body his the first time, eyes wide and body unmoving. "Pour the milk."

After the second prompt, only then did the male demigod move, he tore his line of sight from her, looking at only the water as he poured the small amount of golden milk into the water. "Rahotep... Join me. Get in and stir the milk into the water."

There was an audible gulp as the male set down the jar, not being told to remove his clothes. He walked to the steps, Khaliset tossing up her hand. *"Free yourself." * It was obvious Khaliset's struck some nerve, as the black and gold male didn't take heed of her command at first. After cocking an eyebrow at him, Rahotep quickly pulled everything from his body. It revealed a tall, lean figure, muscled beyond compare. His body was beautiful, the golden markings mimicking the veins inside. At his groin was a dark sheath, and try as he might a blisteringly bright gold head was beginning to emerge from the growing pocket. On quivering paws the male descended, the look of fear beginning to be replaced by an expression of disbelief and lust.

Now in the pool, the dark furred god submerged himself, swishing about to store the water. "Rahotep. Be at ease. Come closer..." ** With less reluctance he approached, starting at her paws below water, moving up till he reached her eyes. Once close enough the goddess took her wet palm, carressing beneath his ridged cheek. She was gentle as she bent down, connecting their muzzles for a soft kiss. He returned the action with pleasure, honest as his lips worked against hers. The moved their lips together for a time, tongues touching, teeth bumping. Eventually she pulled back, a smile on both their faces. **"My goddess..."

*"Rahotep. * _ *Worship me." * _She commanded, pressing a finger to his lips. Spreading her thighs wide, the female jackal reclined back, resting on her palms. The God's jaw dropped, eyes darting from her face to her pelvic. Putting a hand on each thigh the male dropped slightly in the water, his tongue escaping his maw to glide over her lower lips. His eyes were closed, though it seemed he liked what he tasted.

It didn't take long for Rahotep to work up a rhythm. Khaliset was groaning in pleasure as his tongue slid up and down her soaked hole. Golden juice dripped from her loin, to which the male hungrily sucked and swallowed. A loud gasp echoed in the room, Khaliset's white toes curling as a finger was plunged into her pussy. With his index Rahotep explored her depths, while his lips sucked ravenously on her inflamed clit, tongue greedily licking the moisture draining from her. Another moan escaped as the finger was removed, only to be followed by Rahotep's long tongue tickling far inside her hole.

Khaliset pushed the male away as his tongue left her body, greedily licking his own maw. *"I need more." * She demanded, slipping off the side of the pool and into the water with him. She held eye contact as she reached below the surface, her hand going straight for his throbbing cock. A groan was suppressed from his chest as she took him into her hand below the water, carressing his golden member. The shaft wasn't as long or thick as Kayne's, but upon sliding down to his base revealed even a shock to her. A huge, huge knot, even larger than the thickest part of her other lovers member. He must have been so riled up, he couldn't hold back the knot from forming.

Dropping into the water, the sunset hued goddess relaxed for a moment, enjoying the warmth. Rahotep did the same, eyeing her as he awaited his next command eagerly. The color of his throbbing cock could be seen even thought the petals, begging for attention. "Goddess please..."

With a chuckle Khaliset approached, going face to face with her slave. Pulling him in she wrapped her arms around his neck, licking his ear tenderly. *"Fuck me, fill me, pour your body into mine." * The words barely left her maw when the demigod grabbed hold, hoisting her legs up around his hips. Dragging them both from the water the male layed her down on her back on the stone floor, shoving her legs apart with force. He wasted no time as his body lowered onto hers, prick immediately searching for the entrance. Claws grabbed her shoulder as the male shoved in almost without warning, even exciting a pained cry from the goddess. His huge knot slammed into her with vengeance, even her body accustomed to such girth not budging for the male. He began to pump in and out with the ferocity of a feral, grunting all the while.

Khaliset was in some state of pained bliss as the ravenous male slid in and out, their wet bodies even having moved from their original location with his crazy hard thrusting. *"Is.. this your... hnngg... first time?" * She asked between thrust, to which the male grunted some form of 'yes'. *"Flip me over Rahotep, I want you to tear apart my ass next." *

The next command was followed by no hesitation, Khaliset immediately being flipped over, her breasts smushing into the cold stone floor. There was a growl like laugh from the male, apparently in some type of haze. Though she didn't turn to see him, the goddess could hear him panting. A visible quiver ran down her spine as the flared head connected with her tailhole, Rahotep preparing to pry her apart. A series of grunts filled the room as he pushed, this opening not as easy to claim as the last. Again and again he pushed, one rough thrust finally shoving the head in. A drawn out moan came in harmony from both jackals as the male slowly sunk deeper, tongue lollying from his dark maw as he reached his base and began to rock. Back and forth in her ass, pulling the pink skin in and out with each slow thrust.

*"Tie me with that huge knot. Plug me." * This would be the goddesses final command. Leaning over and pressing against her, the demigod male pulled her tight and sunk deep. Close as two bodies could be, Rahotep began trying to work his huge plug into her small opening. No pulling back now, the male pressed forward relentlessly, grinding into the female. Had Khaliset not taken Kanye into her body on previous occasions, her asshole would likely be on fire. There was so much pleasure as he ground into her, his dick persistently jabbing one spot deep within over and over again.

The grinding was slowly paying off as Rahotep pushed harder, his rear claws scraping the floor loudly as he tried to get in. His knot was slowly being worked inside, Khaliset grimacing as her hole began to spread. Her body was giving up, the vein filled red mass pushed in deeper by the millimeter. Her breath was ragged, as was his, when one large pushed had him stop at the widest point. Khaliset screamed in agony, body pressed against the floor unable to move. The scream only startled Rahotep, prolonging the pain as her asshole was held open at his dicks widest point. Now beyond the threshold, a few more thrusts was all it took to burry his cock fully inside her rectum.

They both lie panting, a golden tear dropping from the goddesses eye. *"You asked for it." * The male said with a grunt, beginning to thrust against her. Her checks were visably wider, her hole so stretched and worn. Past the pain both were in pure bliss, Rahoteps speed beginning to grow. It was only seconds before he groaned louder and shoved as deep as he could, his deep burried cock exploding his seed deep into her bowels. The goddess was almost sure she could feel the power of his squirts filling her, giving her a feeling of warmth and fullness.

Now limp on her body, not a single drop of cum escaped past his plug. Gathering his strength he didn't say a word as he picked the both of them up, bodies still connected as he brought them back to the tub. There was a shrill yip from Khaliset as he sat, his fat knot pulling at her nearly worn out sphincter *. * Both exhausted, the sat silently in the water, embracing each other with closed eyes.

The sudden sound of clapping startled both of them, eyes popping open as the searched for the sound. A figure emerged from the shadowed doorways, slitted eyes gleaming. *"Well that was quite a sight." * said a familiar voice, a crocodile snout becoming visible in the candle lit room. **"I believe it's my turn to have fun."

"Kayne I can explain-" **

both jackaks were suddenly rigid, a fullblood God now in their presence. The son of Sobek lifted a webbed hand, a smile on his face as he quieted them. "No hard feelings... in fact you should have invited me."

This caught Khaliset off guard, but not so much as hers and Rahoteps connected boddies began to rise from the water. Kayne's hands were outstreatched, using his power to lift them both. From the water they arose, a fat canine cock still tied within the goddess anus. Water dripped everywhere from a mass of wet fur, Rahotep clinging to the demigod in fear. Kayne gently dropped both of them on a edge of a nearby table, the male on his back beneath the goddess.

In one swift movement the crocodile was bare of clothes, his cock hanging limply from it's skinlike sheath. He began to jerk off as the canines watched, a mix of fear and excitement washing over both the tied demigods. Stepping closer to them, his hardening member twitched out, Kayne taking the female by the head and pushing her nose against the still semi-flaccid tip. Licking where she could the crocodile continued, eventually growing to his full size. The massive appendage was a little bit smaller than thickness of Khalisets forearm, and as long as her arm from an inch or so below the wrist down to the elbow. The head was some smaller than a fist, and the shaft was throbing with veins. The base had a few backward facing barbs red with lust. It was beautiful and startling, Rahotep turning away with embarrassment.

*"Oh don't look away, you're going to be punished as well." * Kayne's voice was different than Khaliset had ever heard, as he circled around to the edge of the table where their rumps rested on the edge. *"Demigod slave, do as Khaliset asks, but never cause her pain. This punishment is for hurting her!" *

With no lube, no cum, only water and the miniscule amount of pre the God had began to dribble, Kayne squared up his massive nearly flat tip against the jackal males tailhole. *"No no no, please no!" * Rahotep begged, still tied but kicking out at the crocodile. His attemps were futile, the stronger god pinning him. He began to press against the smaller male, no care if it hurt. There was another scream in agony that nearly burst Khaliset's ear drums as the huge male shoved dry, so hard it rammed both of them further up the table.

Kayne quickly drug them back, grabbing the servants maw to silence him. Now back on the edge of the table Kayne rammed his arm sized cock balls deep into the jackal, who's whines were now muffled. With absolute power the crocodile nearly pulled out, only to shove his full length back into the virgin in one hard movement. Then jackals knot had begun to shrink, but as the larger male dominated the once humble stud, his knot filled once more, Khaliset feeling the aftermath pressure from each thrust. Khaliset knew what those first time barbs felt like, she didn't blame the male for screaming through the pain.

Letting his muzzle go, Kayne pulled out with a suction _shlop _sound after a few solid hits. Waking around the table, the crocodile grinned down at the pair. "That wasn't that bad now right?" ** He asked, his toothy smile fearsome. *"It wouldn't have been half bad if you'd been easy." * Rahotep groaned, obviously in pain but not daring admit it. **"Oh there will be more time to go easy another day. Now clean me."

A snarl grimaced Rahoteps face as he reluctantly did as he was told, putting forth no effort to clean the brute who had just plunged himself into his bowels. Not getting the pleasure he seeked, Kayne turned away and stood at the end of the table once more.

*"Khaliset you should have invited me." * The crocodiles voice was softer now as he looked down at his length, squaring up to the goddesses hole. Both of them?! At once! The smallest of the trio began to squirm, worried the two males might quite litterally tear her apart. *"I'll remember next time. If you're really about to do this, be gentle." *

Kayne looked sincere as he nodded, beginning to press into the already full fae. Still worn from their previous encounter, Kayne slipped his huge cock into the goddess with ease. Her mind was suddenly nummed of anything but pleasure, with a canine tied in her ass and a huge crocodile in her pussy. As he gently slid in and out, coating his speckled dick in her juice, the goddess lost control. She moaned without filter, pleaded with the two for all they had. Rahotep had begun to thrust again, his tongue lapping her ear. Kayne filled her with long strokes, her belly distending with each balls deep thrust.

Doubling over, the crocodile pressed his tongue to Khaliset's nipple, licking one and massaging the other. Her breath grew ragged as each male wrecked her holes, unable to conjure a solid thought aside from the men inside her. She was almost to her peak, no idea in how she lasted so long. Rahotep clenched up again as Khaliset cried out in esctacy, golden juice squirting all over Kayne and dribbling onto the bottom most jackal as she came. The crocodile began to thrust hard, soon following the fae in climax. Hitting home as deep as he could, Kayne released his fertile sperm into the jackal goddess, his own head thrown back in pleasure.

Suddenly there was a yell. _A real yell. _Khaliset awoke from her dream, still in bed. The first thing she noticed through blurry eyes was that her groin was absolutely _SOAKED. _Drenched wet in golden goddess juice. Another yell brought her to, mind foggy from the surrealness of the sex laiden dream. *"KHALISET ARE YOU OKAY?! I KNOW that i heard you scream!" * Rahotep was at the door frantic again, his paws covering his eyes. He seemed like he was ready to barge in, welcomed or not. *"I'm fine hold on!" * She called out, covering herself in silk. What a dream, she wished it had never ended! Her wet thighs agreed, an uncontrollable heat pulsating in her genitals.

"Im fine Rahotep... Can you go get me a bath started?