A Doomed Explosion.... (

Story by Asriel Asphodel on SoFurry

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#2 of Lucario x ???

Things get messy when Asriel goes to hang out with Doom, an Absol friend of his...

Asriel yawned as he stretched in his dorm room, his back popping lightly as he did. His stomach rumbled, agreeing with the one thought that was on his mind: BREAKFAST. He got up, throwing the blankets aside with little thought, grunting lightly as he sat up, his usually smooth head fur in a ruffle. Standing, he walked across his room, the thick carpet under his paw the only reason why he didn't wear socks to bed. Opening the bathroom door, he walked into the white tiled room, his paws meeting carpet again.

It only took a few seconds before the jackal was under steaming hot water, his body relaxing under the hot rain. Paws washed his decent body, feeling over his hard-earned muscles with a light touch. 'No gym today... wonder if Doom is available to hang' Asriel thought as he rinsed the fur wash from his body, smelling strongly of Cherry Blossoms when the water shut off with a squeak. Grabbing the towel that hung beside the shower, Asriel began to dry himself off, more thoughts of the Absol entering his mind, more than a few far from innocent. As his mind went further and further into his lustful imaginings, his cock stirred in response, quickly growing outward.

Asriel smirked as his shaft grew larger and larger, knowing full well that if Doom saw what it was he was packing, the dark type would be limping for a week. Grasping his swelling 5" thick shaft, Asriel began to imagine the white-furred Pokemon bending over for him, showing off that rear that had most females jealous, and more than a fair share of guys lusting over.

Right when he would have reached full hardness, his phone went off. Resisting the urge to ignore it, he wandered over to the device and, seeing who it was, smirked. "Yo. You're on speaker, " Asriel said, setting the phone down as he went to his closet, his tail wagging freely behind him. "Morning to ya. How did you sleep?" the voice asked? "Eh. Could be better. How about you Doom?" Asriel asked, shucking on a pair of jeans. "Pretty good. You getting dressed?" Doom asked, hearing the clink of Asriel's belt. "Yep. You caught me right when I was done in the shower, " Asriel replied, a black tank top soon covering his chest, the small bit of pup fur he had just poking over the head hole.

"O-oh... well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to get Breakfast together, " Doom asked, a small stutter in his voice. "Sure thing, " Asriel replied, asking if they were serving pancakes today or not; the 'cario always loved pancakes. "Dunno. If not, I could always make you some..., " Doom offered, catching Asriel off guard. "You cook? Since when?" Asriel asked, a non-existent eyebrow being raised. "Well... I figured I would learn how... not like I have much else to do with my spare time..., " Doom replied, Asriel shrugging in response; he knew the Absol to be in his room 99% of the time anyway. "Alright. Meet you at your room?" Asriel asked. "S-sure! I'll be here!" Doom said, his tone noticeably more energetic. "Alright. See ya in a few, " Asriel replied before hanging up, sighing. Tossing his phone in his pocket, he left his room, door closing and locking behind him on its own.

a few minutes later

Asriel stood in front of Dooms door, knocking. "Yo, Doom?" Asriel called, only for the door to swing open. A pair of amethyst eyes met Asriels Ruby, a beaming smile on the Absols face. "Hey there! Come on in; I was just setting the pancake batter on the stove, " Doom told him, his tail swaying behind him as he leads Asriel into his room. Asriel couldn't help but look at the Disaster Pokemon rear as he walked in front of him, Dooms ass hidden only by... "Dude! You're in your boxers?!?" Asriel asked, astounded by the other male's boldness. "Yeah. It's my room, right?" Doom chuckled, entering the small kitchen his room had, pouring the batter on the pan.

Asriel looked around Dooms living room, not really picking up on anything out of the ordinary; a few systems, a T.V, a shelf of games. "How are your studies going?" Doom asked as Asriel took a seat at the counter. "Alright, I guess. Ancient History is as interesting as ever, but my Archeology class is really heating up; we are going to the Ruins of Alph next week for a dig!" Asriel beamed, getting the Absol to shake his head. "Glad to hear it. Computer science is the same old same old for me, " Doom replied, getting Asriel to laugh. "So THAT is why you always in your room! Your busy watching porn!" Asriel laughed, getting Doom to blush furiously. "SHUT UP!" Doom yelled, getting Asriel to wave his paws. "Dude, I am joking, " Asriel laughed, getting Doom to grumble to himself as he flipped the first pancake.

"But seriously, what do you do in here?" Asriel asked, more interested on Dooms ass than his cooking. "I play Smash online against others, " Doom responded, gesturing to his switch, claiming to be pretty good. "Ah. I play too you know. Maybe we could play a match or two?" Asriel asked, getting Doom to look at him with a laugh. "Fine, but only if you want to lose, " Doom smirked, getting Asriel to grin. "Is that a challenge I hear?" Asriel asked with a growl, the Absol only grinning in response. "Maybe. Maybe not, " he teased.

"Then how about we make things... interesting?" Asriel asked, a smirk on his face as Doom slipped the first pancake on a plate. "Really? What do you have in mind?" Doom asked, turning to the stove? "Loser has to do what the other asks for the day, " Asriel grinned, causing Doom to look at him, eyebrows raised. "Hmmm... interesting, " Doom grinned, agreeing to his terms. "After you eat, let's see just how skilled you are, " Doom replied, turning away from Asriel, the Lucario smirking again. 'Gonna wreck that ass soon enough~, ' Asriel thought, very much unaware that Doom was thinking along the same lines...

---- Two hours later---

"DAMN IT!" Doom yelled as Link was sent flying off the screen, Asriel grinning as Mewtwo was declared the winner of the fight. "Well then, I do believe I have won, " Asriel smirked, leaning back on the sofa, looking over the Absol with a shit-eating grin. "Fine! What do you want, " Doom said, growling lightly as he faced Asriel, eyes flicking down to the fighters spread legs. "Hmmm... let's go to the bedroom first, " Asriel purred, getting up as a noticeable bulge ran along his pants leg, Doom blushing visibly at the sight. "Ummm... can we not?" Doom asked, pleadingly. Asriel only laughed as his paw landed on the doorknob. "Why? You want the neighbors to hear us-, " Asriel began as he opened the door, his eyes going wide at what he saw.

A body pillow was on the bed, one of Asriel posed in a provocative position. Next to it was a dildo with a shape that Asriel knew all too well. When Asriel looked over to Doom, the Absol was hiding his face in a sofa cushion, trembling visibly. "Doom... care to explain?" Asriel asked, leaning against the wall. Doom remained silent for a while, but when he sat up, he looked down. "Remember the request you got for a full body picture?" Doom asked, Asriel's eyes going wide. "YOU requested that?" Asriel asked, disbelief in his voice.

"Yeah... I didn't want to ask you face to face because-, " Doom began, only to be cut off by Asriel. "Dude, I would have done it for free!" Asriel laughed, getting Doom to look at him, blushing hard. "I know you have heard about me from other Pokemon on campus. Flame, the Flareon in your Computer Science class? I was the reason why she was limping for a week, " Asriel told him, getting Doom to blush harder. "Y-yeah... us it true you... inflate your partners?" Doom asked; that was a very popular rumor that floated around from time to time.

Asriel smirked, standing normally. "I'll put it this way, " he responded, undoing his belt. His pants soon fell, his boxers following to reveal a semi-hard cock, a pair of antelope sized balls hanging below. Dooms eyes went wide, his jaw dropping. "Trust me. This size is my smallest yet, due to that Eevee guy across the hall. He... persuaded me to let loose last night, " Asriel smirked, remembering the event, his cock swelling faster at the memory. "And... yes, I can go mega. Only one Pokemon has been able to handle me like that, " Asriel smirked, Doom growling. "Then mind going Mega? I want to see it for myself, " Doom told him, getting Asriel to shake his head. "Alright... but if I do, I am gonna fuck you like that, " Asriel warned, getting Doom to hesitate before nodding.

With a flash of light, Asriel turned into his Mega form, eyes flashing as he grabbed Doom by the head, shoving him down to his now 30", semi-hard cock, grinding against his face, his balls twice as big as the dark type's head. "W-wow.... so big~, " Doom stuttered, his paws feeling Asriels massive sack, astounded by the weight, getting a small purr from Asriel. "Now, how about you open that mouth up for me? First round, I think we are gonna do oral, " Asriel smirked, pulling Doom off of his cock, lining his tip to Dooms lips.

Doom placed his paws on the massive cock before him, just able to wrap around the 9" thick shaft, stroking the growing meat slowly. Opening his mouth, Doom began to take in Asriel's cock, moaning as inch after inch of monster cock entered, the light, skilled tongue wrapping around him as best as it could. Asriel groaned in delight, a strong, firm paw guiding Doom down further and further, holding him in place at the 12" mark. "Can you take more?" Asriel asked him, looking down at Doom with a concerned look; though he did like it rough, he didn't want to hurt him.

In response, Doom rolled his eyes before shooting down another 10", his throat bulging outward, a clear outline of Asriel's cock going deep down his throat visible. The sight made Asriel gasp, paw gripping Dooms head tightly. "Holy fuck... d-damn..., " he panted, the sight so hot h couldn't help but flex his cock, getting a deep groan from Doom. When Asriel placed both paws on his head, Doom looked up at Asriel, who only smirked. "Let's see just how far you can go~, " Asriel grinned before, with a slam, began to face fuck the Absol, doing so nice and slow at first

Doom only moaned and groaned, paws going to Asriel's firm rear, squeezing it lightly, getting Asriel to growl in approval, speeding up his thrusting as a result. "Fucking hell... so fucking tight~... can't wait to feel how that ass feels~, " Asriel smirked, getting Doom to groan louder than before. With one particular slam, Asriel began to force more cock down Dooms throat, the Absols eyes going wide as he hit the 3-foot mark, choking sounds escaping him. "Oh no, you're STAYING down!" Asriel grunted, forcing Doom to stay in place when he tried to pull off, keeping a death grip on his head. Doom choked louder and louder, all but thrashing to get off until, with one particularly hard pull, he shoved himself off, heaving for air and gasping, paw up to his lips, wiping off the pre that was there.

Asriel looked at him, a bit ticked that he didn't stay down, but asked if he were okay. "I didn't mean to do that, honest! I just went a bit-, " Asriel started only for Doom to tear off his boxers. "Dude... shut the hell up and do that again!" Doom moaned, grasping his own 10" cock, stroking rapidly. "Wait- you liked that?" Asriel asked, surprised. "You kidding? That had to be the hottest thing I have ever done!" Doom grinned, moaning lightly. "I love being choked on big, thick cock~... don't let me off till you blow~, " Doom moaned, taking Asriels fully hard cock into his mouth, shooting down the steel-hard shaft with ease. Asriel smirked, paws once again finding the back of his head. "Your wish is my command~, " he purred, slamming Doom down with everything he had, his massive balls slapping violently against his chin, slowly but steadily swelling up.

When Doom began to choke, Asriel didn't let up, groaning as his cock began to gush pre down his throat, the Absol choking more as a result, eyes going wide, clearly not expecting the sheer output; already, a single gush and he SWORE his belly had a small pudge to it. "Fuck... dude, if you keep this up... I don't think... I can hold back!" he groaned, only getting a strangled "Mmmph!" in response, Doom stroking himself faster and faster, his belly slowly inflating outward.

A solid two minutes in, Asriel began to growl louder than before, Dooms eyes going wide again as the base of Asriel's cock began to swell up; already, Asriel's cock was a foot thick! "Shit... hope you're ready... FUCK!" Asriel yelled, roaring as he shoved Doom down with one particularly hard slam, forcing his knot past Dooms lips. Even though his cock was buried deep down Dooms throat, audible gushes could be heard. Asriel smirked when he felt something wet splatter against his legs, seeing that Doom came, easily covering his legs with his thick seed.

Doom felt over his belly, feeling it swell underneath his paws as he grew larger and larger, looking pregnant in no time. "Hope you're ready for the ride~... Not gonna stop any time soon~, " Asriel moaned, Doom whimpering lightly. A solid minute into his orgasm, Doom began to struggle, his belly sloshing loudly as he tried to pull off, but Asriel wasn't having it. "Too bad bitch... let's see if you can handle it... you won't be the first... to explode~, " Asriel grinned, increasing Dooms struggling drastically.

"Oh, you didn't know? When I go Mega, my partners... often end up painting the walls, if you catch my drift~, " Asriel moaned, cock pulsing harder as Dooms belly began to creak lightly, his belly turning a light pink in pressure. Doom began to tap on his thighs, gurgling coming from his throat as cum began to gush around Asriel's knot, his belly steadily increasing in volume, the creaking turning to low groans. "Looks like you can't handle even the opening parts of my release... hope you are ready to burst~... cause my release is gonna... get a hell of... a whole lot...more... INTENSE!" Asriel roared out. Suddenly, Asriel's cock swelled up again, Dooms throat creaking as his belly speed past light link to dark red in no time, the groaning picking up more and more until-.

Doom shoved Asriel back, his belly a dangerous shade of red, his belly easily at twins. Asriels cum blasted over him, soaking him in thick layers of his seemingly never-ending orgasm. It took Asriel a solid ten minutes before his orgasm came to an end, Doom moaning loudly at the sheer amount of how much he was all but bathing in. Asriel collapsed on the cum soaked sofa, cock staying rock hard even after such a release. "Damn... that hit the spot..., " Asriel panted, Doom struggling to get up at that point. "Dude... okay, thanks for all THIS, " Dusk sighed; the entire living room was SOAKED. "Well... I did try to warn you, " Asriel smirked, getting Doom to glare at him.

Before he could ask, Asriel used Psychic, cleaning up the surrounding area, getting Doom to sigh out thanks. When Doom sat down, he looked at Asriel's still hard cock, a tad nervous now, but clearly willing to go again, if his rock hard cock was anything to go by. "Don't think you're done yet~... we still have to destroy that ass~, " Asriel smirked, getting Doom to blush, a look of worry in his eyes, getting Asriel to look at him with a smile. "Don't worry. When you do explode, my mega cum has a healing factor that will regenerate you, " Asriel reassured him, telling him that Flae was an example.

"Fine... I trust you, " Doom murmured, getting in all fours on the sofa, his ass open and exposed to Asriel, his tail hiked up. "I am gonna hate saying this... but don't hold back~, " Doom said over his shoulder, getting Asriel to smirk as he got behind the dark-type. "Didn't plan on it, " Asriel replied, smirking before slamming HARD into Doom, getting him to cry out. Not even half of his cock was buried deep into Doom, yet his belly was tented intensely. "Fucking hell... your HUGE!" Doom groaned, yelping as Asriel continued to thrust, moaning deeply. Asriel could not believe how tight Doom was! "Arceus... not gonna last long... you feel so fucking good!" Asriel moaned, amping up his thrusting rapidly, Doom moaning loudly as he was stretched more and more, cock throbbing visibly through Dooms belly.

With a scream, Doom came again, cock throbbing as he came hard again, gushing a massive load all over the sofa again, gasping for air as Asriel pounded him harder and harder, growling as he gripped Dooms hips, his 18" knot slamming hard against his entrance; it was clear that if Doom was gonna have to take it...

Doom groaned, feeling the knot slam against his ass, demanding entrance. "Fuck... harder... HARDER!" he yelled, back arching as he came again, squeezing Asriel's cock HARD, getting him to growl deeply. In one swift motion, he pulled Dooms arms behind hid back, jackhammering into him, growling deep in his rear. "You like that? Being pounded so fucking hard your neighbors can feel it~?" Asriel growled in his ear, getting Doom to groan in response, all four feet of rock hard cock pounding deep in him, a clear, skin-tight outline visible in Dooms belly. "Well, ANSWER me!" Asriel growled, ramming his knot in before yanking it back out, getting Doom to groan loudly. "FUCKING HELL... YES!" Doom yelled, cock slapping hard against his abdomen.

"Fuck... gonna cum slut~... beg for it like the whore you are~, " Asriel growled, his pleasure reaching his peak. "Fuck... fill me up, make me huge with your cum! Make me get so big I can't take it! MAKE ME FUCKING EXPLODE, !!" Doom screeched, slamming down on Asriel with everything he had, the knot slamming into him one last time before~.

Doom screamed as he felt Asriels cock give onr last throb before he began to inflate, his belly growing larger and larger, AND rapidly too! "Arceus... Dont think your gonna last long!" Asriel groaned, his balls vibrating as gallon after gallon BLASTED into Doom, his belly surging by the second. Groaning began to fill the air, Doom groaning and whining, holding onto Asriel as his belly turned a deep, blood red. "Now..., " Asriel breathed, leaning in. "BURST, " he growled.

A loud SPLAT could be heard down the hall as Doom exploded, letting loose the hundreds of gallons packed inside him, covering the walls and ceiling with a thick, musky layer of seed. Doom went limp, relaxing as his breathing calmed down, his belly reforming before his eyes, relief in them as Asriel collapsed, laying back.

By the time Doom reformed, his belly was packed tight once again, but not quite at his limit. "Holy... hell... that was... amazing, " Doom panted, tired as his paw rubbed his pregnant looking belly, ass skin tight around Asriels cock."Yeah... no kidding..., " Asriel panted, nuzzling Doom gently.

They rested for a few minutes, enjoying each other until Doom said something. "Round three?"

"Fuck yes"


Hey guys and galls, your favorite Lucario here and I have news for y'all! As of today, I am taking requests for you all. Send me a PM with what you want in this format: Name of character(s) Gender(s): Appearnace(s) Kink(s) I do hope to do a good...

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Justin has a very BIG day

A doorway swung open as a Luxray walked into his apartment, the rattle of keys could be heard as he placed them on a small dish by the doorway. "Jace, I am home!" the Luxray called, his tail swaying gently as he took off his jacket, hanging it on the...

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Justin has a very BIG day

A doorway swung open as a Luxray walked into his apartment, the rattle of keys could be heard as he placed them on a small dish by the doorway. "Jace, I am home!" the Luxray called, his tail swaying gently as he took off his jacket, hanging it on the...

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