Fattening Up: Meet Mikey

Story by ColtonBunny on SoFurry

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A vore streamer decides he wants a more filling meal than his latest guest is able to provide. The guest is happy to do what he can. This story contains M/M sex, willing permanent oral vore, teasing, feeding, micros, and plenty more. Let me know what you think!

Preview Video

"I've been doing this live-streaming thing for a while now, and don't get me wrong I love it. But I've been thinking, and I decided I want to try and mix it up a bit. Now don't panic, you'll all still be getting your weekly videos, including this Friday, and I'll still be inviting one lucky fan to come join my waist-line."

The video started with a shot of the seated alligator from the waste up, his bare chest and most of his belly, round and smooth. He was absentmindedly rubbing it while he spoke, his claws sinking slightly into the soft pudge as he made lazy circles in his gut.

"But I'm also going to be posting some new videos too, shorter ones mostly. See, I had this idea, and it took me a while to find a guy who was into it, but I did. Come over here Mikey, say hi to the nice people."

A small goat shyly walked into the cameras view. He was blushing and had his arms folded protectively in front of his chest, most of his presumably nude form hidden below the cameras line of sight. Mikey only stood half as tall as the host, the alligator who went by the name Nile on screen. Even seated, the gator dwarfed him.

"Aww, don't be shy sweetie. Come up here." Nile grabbed the goat and gently placed him on top of his belly. The goat was indeed nude, Nile had a strict no clothing on camera policy for any guests on his show. He was also visibly excited, a well sized pink penis standing at full attention as he sunk into the mass of gator gut. Nile pinned him to his belly with one hand, the other reached down and started gently fondling the goat's balls. "Say hi to everyone watching Mikey."

"H..hi" the goat stammered out, letting a small moan escape as the gator squeezed his balls.

"Now, obviously I'm going to eat Mikey here. He's just to cute to let him get away. But as you may have noticed, he's also a bit scrawny, isn't he? Now now, don't pout Mikey, we both know its true."

Mikey was far from pouting, his eyes closed in bliss as the gator uncupped his balls and started stroking his shaft. He moaned, seeming to have forgotten his earlier shyness as his hands wandered and groped the gut he was lying on.

"Now I don't have any problem with small meals, as you all know I like to have second or even third helpings to make up the difference. But lately I've been wanting something a bit... heavier. So Mikey here is gonna stick around for a while, might even be in a few of the more regular shows for a bit. We're gonna work on fattening him up for me, so that I can get a nice filling meal out of him. Every week or so we're gonna have another short video like this one where we show off his progress, weigh him, give you all a nice view, that sort of thing. And then, once I decide he's nice and ready, well I'm sure you can guess." Nile licked Mikey's head, one long slurp just behind his ears, and the goat came, ropes of cum shooting into the air and onto his and Nile's bellies. "We're also gonna have to work on his stamina a bit, I think." Nile laughed. Mikey blushed again and ducked his head, embarrassed.

"Anyway, I think we're done here. The first weigh in will be next week, we won't start fattening him up until then I promise. I just wanted to introduce you all to this little cutie today. And let me know what you think of this idea, if you all like it then I may have to find someone else after I've gurgled little Mikey here into gator pudge."


Video One

"Hello again everyone. We're recording this just a few minutes after the last live-stream stopped, so sorry if I still seem a bit slow." Nile belched, not bothering to cover his mouth and seeming to actually aim it at the camera. "Or gassy. Foxes always give me gas, no idea why. Don't really mind it though, they squirm more than enough to make up for it. Might be related now that I think about it. Anyway, like I said we're gonna be doing a weigh in for our new friend Mikey. Say Hi again Mikey."

The goat waved, a shy smile and a blush on his face. As was a not insignificant amount of gator cum, apparently Nile hadn't let him wash off between the live-stream and this video. His belly was also visibly swollen. "I know I know, I said I'd do this before fattening him up at all, but in my defense his mouth feels just amazing. And I don't usually cum that much unless I shove someone into my balls first. Still, I doubt it'll add more than a few pounds, so it should be OK. Anyway come on, stand on the scale Mikey."

On screen, in the right bottom corner, a box appeared with the words "Pounds of Mutton" and the number 0.0 beneath. As the goat stepped onto the scale, the number rolled quickly before settling in at 98 lbs.

"See, not even enough to make him crack 100. I told you this guy was scrawny, just skin and bone really. But like I said, we'll get him nice and big before too long, don't you worry. Oh and by the way, you guys get to vote on what Mikey here eats, and the more of you that vote the more he'll eat. We're starting with fairly low caps, don't want him getting sick, but they'll go up fast. You can vote every day, and please do so that he can stop eating and start feeding ASAP. I'm already starting to regret not just devouring this cutie immediately, so don't make me wait too long. There'll also be a video of him eating every meal on a new channel, so for those of you that enjoy watching people eat non-squirming food, you'll be able to watch every pound this boy packs on. See ya next time.


Video Two

"Alright, now we finally get to feed this little guy something! You guys voted and Mikey here is gonna eat 3 lbs of spaghetti and sauce before we end this video. We've already made the food, so lets get to it! Oh, and by the way, Mikey doesn't get to know how much or what he's eating until after we start filming" Nile walked into another room and placed the camera on a stand, aimed at Mikey.

The goat was seated at an oversize table, clearly one of Nile's. In front of him was a silver platter with a lid over it. "You ready for the reveal?" The goat nodded eagerly, grabbing a fork and knife. With a flourish, Nile pulled off the lid to reveal a massive pile of pasta, coated with sauce and with one giant meatball right in the center.

Mikey's eyes grew wide. "I have to eat all of this! I 'll explode!"

"Come on Mikey, we promised the viewers a show. Now give it to them!"

"I'll try Nile, but... jeez. If this is low cap then whats it gonna be in a week?" The goat delicately slid his fork into the pasta and twirled it, taking a massive bite of his meal. He chewed quickly and gulped it down, then looked again at the unchanged mass of his dinner. "This is gonna take a while isn't it?"

"Take as long as you need kiddo. After all, the fans never seem to mind when I take my time with a meal, do they?"

"I guess not." He said uncertainly. He plunged his fork back into the mass and took another enormous bite. Nile grabbed the camera again and took it close to Mikey's face, showing him chewing slowly, stifling a grin, then swallowing before the goat opened his mouth. "Ahhh" see, all gone." He took another bite, slurping at a few loose noodles before he started chewing again. This time, when he swallowed, the gator panned the camera down, watching the lump travel down his throat and into the goats belly. The camera also caught a quick view showing just how much Mikey enjoyed eating on camera before Nile panned back up to the goat, already swallowing his next bite.

When the meal was almost two thirds done, the goat groaned and put down his utensils. He'd been eating in near silence for almost 45 minutes, Niles occasionally encouraging him. The only sounds the goat had made were groans as his stomach was stretched, easily visible when the gator panned over his belly. "I don't think I can eat any more." Mikey groaned, laying his head on the table.

"C'mon kiddo, you're almost done. You have to finish."

"Nile I'm gonna be sick. I don't wanna throw up on camera."

"If you do I'll cut it out, I promise. There's a reason we aren't live-streaming these ones, remember." There was genuine concern in the gators voice. His hand squeezed the goats shoulder. "If you can't finish now then we can take a break, you'll come back when you feel up to it. Honestly I'm impressed you made it this far without needing a break. C'mon, I'll turn off the camera and we'll come back and finish later ok?" The goat nodded and the gator walked up to the camera. The video went dark for a second, then came back to the gator pulling away from the camera.

"Ok it's back on. Hey folks, the kid needed a break so we took about..." He looked around to a clock on the wall "2 hours for him to digest some of that. We're back now and he's feeling ready to finish." He walked behind the camera and gave it a good view of the goat again, smiling and seeming much more comfortable now.

"Hi again. Sorry about that, not used to eating that much. But that's what we're here to change right? Make me nice and plump." The pasta was in front of him already, apparently reheated given the steam coming off the plate. "So let's finish this!" The goat dug in, eating quickly at first but slowing down fast as his stomach protested at it's mistreatment. But the goat persevered, and by the time the video ended there wasn't a single noodle left on the plate.

"Impressive isn't it? I knew you had it in you kid." Niles walked up behind the goat and gave him a hug. "You look really delicious right now by the way. Bloated, slow. You couldn't run if you wanted to. Easy prey."

"I'm already easy prey aren't I?" Mikey joked, holding his swollen belly.

"In every sense of the word. I think we're done for today, lets get you into bed to rest. He walked up to the camera again and the screen went dark."


Video Seven

"Ok, to be fair I really should have seen this one coming when I gave you all the write in option. This was, by far, the most requested meal for Mikey yet. But you're not here to see me talk, you're here to watch goat boy eat, so lets get to it!" Nile carried the silver platter into the kitchen once again, placing it in front of the now rather chubby goat and placing the camera back on its pedestal.

The transformation from a few weeks of heavy feeding was impressive, the goat was almost twice his former weight. He sat holding his fork and knife, looking hungrily at the platter. "Cmon Nile, FEED ME!" he said petulantly.

"You asked for it" the gator said, pulling the lid off carefully to reveal an ongoing orgy of micros. They all stopped as the light engulfed them, momentarily blinded. "Oh come on, you guys said you could wait!"

"We lied!" one of the micros shouted at the gator, his voice high. He resumed thrusting into his partner, who moaned loudly and turned to try and see the goat, who was staring at his meal with shock.

"You want me to eat them" he asked Nile.

"Everyone wants you to eat them cutie. Me, the fans, the food." he clapped the goat on the back. "Take your time. Really savor them ok. Oh, I bought some sauces if youd like too! You have to try at least one plain though, trust me." The gator ran off before coming back with a few bottles of various sauces, placing them to the side. He also grabbed the camera, panning over the plate full of micros before getting a close up of Mikeys face. The goat was still looking at his meals in almost horror.

"But I'm prey!" the goat said, aghast. "I get eaten, I don't eat!"

"You're my prey." The gator said, placing a hand on the goats shoulder. "That means you do what I say. And I say eat." he nodded down at the micros, all of whom were now staring at him, most of them still in the throws of passion. "Think about how much you want to be eaten. They want it that bad too, and they want you to eat them! Don't you want to give them what they want?"

The goat gulped, then nodded. "So um, which of you..."

"Me!" Most of the micros called out in unison, a few delayed as they were moaning or grunting as the question was asked.

"You're gonna have to pick one." Nile said gently, bringing the camera in closer.

The goat looked over his plate and slowly reached down, selecting a small white mouse who cheered as he was lifted up. Mikey put the mouse in the palm of his hand, bringing him up to eye level. "Hi!" the mouse said excitedly.

"Hi. I'm Mikey" the goat said, his voice wavering a bit.

"I know! I love your shows. Real excited to be a part of one!"

"I can tell." Mikey said, chuckling a bit as he noticed both the creamy cum matting the mouses fur and his throbbing erection. The mouse blushed, hiding his eyes behind his paws for a moment.

"So uh, bottoms up I guess?" The mouse instantly fell down onto his elbows, sticking his ass in the air and lifting his tail. Mikey laughed, and the mouse fell, grabbing onto one of the goats fingers to keep from plummeting down to the table. The goat leaned down and kissed the mouse gently on the forehead. "It was nice to meet you, umm..."

"Liam." the mouse said, standing up. "You too. Now eat me, and send some of the others down before I digest so we can have some fun!"

Mikey laughed again, then gently pushed the mouse into his open maw. He looked towards Nile, making sure the camera got a good view of Liam happily humping at his tongue. The mouse noticed the camera and waved, still thrusting into that slimy muscle, before Mikey closed his mouth gently and swallowed. He gagged slightly and put his closed hand in front of his mouth, then tried again. This time, a visible lump traveled down his throat and into his gut, which he kneaded gently as he felt the mouse squirming. "Oh that feels weird!" he said in amazement.

"How'd he taste?" Nile asked.

In answer, Mikey just looked down at the plate of micros. He examined them for a bit, trying to find one that wasn't busy either sucking, fucking, being fucked, or some combination thereof, but there wasn't one until a miniature fox pushed his partner off his cock and ran up. Mikey grabbed him and pushed him down before dragging his tongue across the fox's crotch and belly. The small red fluff lay there, panting and looking up in awe at his predator. "And your name?" Mikey asked.

"G... George." The fox managed to get out. Mikey smiled and took the fox's paws into his mouth, licking around them. He slid the fox feet first into his mouth and swallowed as the fox's paws hit the back of his throat. The bulge went smoothly down his neck and ended in his belly, where Nile managed to capture some clearly visible squirming as he and the mouse were reunited.

Mikey rubs his belly gently. "You two play nice now." He looks back at the plate, grabbing one of the several micros now waiting, trying not to seem too busy to be eaten. He glances at it, this one a small feline of some sort.

"Mac" the cat says, unprompted. Mikey smiles at him, then stuffs the cat into his mouth, swallowing him down quickly.

"Wow kid you're a natural!" Nile says as Mikey grabs for another preything, who introduces himself as Alex before being devoured. "Take your time kid, savor them. Trust me, its better that way." Mikey looked at Nile and nodded.

"You guys can fuck if you want to." Mikey said, looking down at the waiting micros. "Ill just grab you when I need you." He grabbed one of the few still trying to make the most of his remaining time outside a goats stomach, pushing a lizard out of him while he did. The lizard looked annoyed until another micro ran up and started sucking his cock, the rest of the micros swiftly resuming their orgy while Mikey got his newest morsel's name ("Jamie") and swallowed him down.

His stomach was starting to bulge already, but he showed no signs of slowing down as he grabbed the lizard, not even waiting for his name before putting him in his waiting maw. He left it open though, and looked into the camera to show Nile and the viewing audience his tongue washing over the lizard, who was moaning and squirming, trying to get some level of balance. Mikey closed his mouth and sucked for a moment, not swallowing the lizard just yet, merely teasing and taunting his meal. After a moment he opened his mouth again, a drained lizard lying on his back, warm cum still dripping from his cock. Mikey waited, and waited, until finally the lizard managed to moan out his name, "Steven", barely audible. Mikey closed his mouth and swallowed, the lizard off to join the growing party in his increasingly full and constantly squirming stomach.

Mikey tried his best to savor the rest of his meal, he really did. But he needed to swallow his food down the second they entered his mouth. Their taste, the way they squirmed against his tongue, all made him feel the need to take them immediately, regardless of how much he wanted to enjoy them. So it wasn't too long before he swallowed the last micro (James), his stomach now constantly squirming as the tightly packed prey struggled, writhed, and shuddered with pleasure within him. He patted his stomach before letting lose a long, loud burp.

Nile squeezed around him, pressing his stomach against the goats. "Feel how happy they are in you?" He whispered. "That'll be you before too much longer."

The goat nuzzled into the gators gut. "Just keep feeding me micros until then. That was incredible."

"Oh after that show I'm sure we'll have to fight off your smaller fans with a stick!" the gator said, reaching a claw down to stroke at Mikey's dripping cock. "Now, lets go get you weighed!" Niles picked up the goat, grunting with the effort, and carried him over to the scale. Numbers spun on screen before settling on 255.7. "Very nice. Wont be much longer now, I think."