COQ I: A Coon's Caper

Story by Lemuel on SoFurry

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In the dusty urban sprawl of Lubia, dusk was fast approaching. The town had been buzzing with rumors of enigmatic thief who had recently made off with the cherished valuables of a few pompous nobles. Many suspected magic to be involved with the heists, as entire storerooms full of valuables had disappeared without a trace, those who guarded them unaware of any entry. The accounts of the robberies were recorded in the fanatic tabloids, the very papers that a raccoon was reading by candle light, smirking as raucous laughter consumed the dank tavern.

"It seems that sneak's gotten away again" he said aloud to no one in particular. "A real shame nobody's got the wits to catch him." He said, garnering the attention of a nearby panther.

"The enigma?" the panther asked, letting down his stein of ale and turning to the raccoon. "I tell you one thing, if he ever tries to steal from the palace, we'll have his head on a platter in no time."

"Oh?" asked the raccoon inquisitively, moving down a few chairs to sit next to the panther. "They say he uses magic, ya'know. And even a big, strong guard like yourself might be outwitted by that stuff." He said, baiting the water.

"Feh, magic's just a street performer's trick, it doesn't have the potency to fool none of us." the panther retorted, emptying his stein.

"Another round over here!" the raccoon called out to the barkeep, paying for a drink for the already inebriated panther.

The panther smiled, already taking a liking to this 'coon. "You're my kind of guy, you are." he slurred, patting the raccoon on the back.

"The feeling's mutual." the raccoon responded, rubbing the panther's paw.

Hours later, the two left the bar, the panther severely intoxicated, leaning on the raccoon for support. "This here's the room." the panther said as they arrived at his house, hiccoughing softly as the raccoon opened the door. "You're a real pretty boy, ya'know that?" he said, shutting the door behind him as he pawed at the raccoon's chest.

"What are you implying?" the raccoon asked, feigning innocence as the panther started to remove his garments.

"I mean you's look like you'd make a good fuck, boy." he stuttered, revealing his rock-hard erection beneath his pantaloons.

"Oh my!" exclaimed the 'coon, acting incredulous to the situation. He let the panther take him, pushing him down on the bed and turning him onto his stomach, ripping away his clothing. The panther, blinded by lust and liquor, pounded into him, penetrating the raccoon's firm tailhole with his meaty cock. Moaning, the raccoon, squeezed at the invading member, milking it as it thrust into him repeatedly. Lost in a state of bliss, the panther didn't notice when the raccoon pocketed his keys, moaning softly as he was taken by the larger male. The raccoon's own member met arousal from the insertion, dripping precum onto the bedsheets. It was simple to trick the panther, he could just knock him out now and be on his way, but something inside of him loved this feeling; the feeling of being taken by another male, being taken hard. Moaning louder than before, the raccoon released his load, spraying across his belly as the panther continued to ravage his backside. With a bellowing roar, the feline emptied his load, spraying his fresh cat-seed into the raccoon, ample amounts of cum flowing out of his tailhole. With that last strain, the panther passed out, slumping over the raccoon as his cock began to soften, having already fulfilled its duty.

Grinning, the raccoon pockets the few gold pieces the panther had stashed on him, and made his way home, leaving the panther slumped on the ground. This stage of the plan was complete, now he just needed to wait for the proper time to strike.

Cog was his name, and he was the enigma that the entire city was buzzing about. He was the thief who worked over the most impenetrable of strongholds. And he was the one who would clean out the royal treasury the very next night. Jingling his newly acquired keys, he giggled to himself, plotting out his heist.

Nobody in the metropolis had a clue as to how the enigma made off with so much without being detected. He often took more than could be carried by forty men, his prowess at theft unquestionable. But the truth to his technique was a scar bestowed upon him by his first, and only failed, theft.

Years ago, when Cog was but a lowly street-rat, he heard of a famous mage who was visiting the city. Upon seeing the decrepit looking wolf, he grinned, surmizing that he was an easy mark. He hid in the shadows, waiting for the mage to pass by. As the footfalls came closer he darted out into the street, crashing headfirst into the wolf.

"Oh, very sorry sir!" he exclaimed, helping the wolf to his feet after the crash and dusting himself off. "Sorry about that, i'll be more careful from now on!" he said, dashing off into the opposite alleyway. The mage nodded and kept walking, seemingly unaware of the theft. Cog looked over the ring he had just purloined with great scrutiny, trying to determine if it had any magical properties. It was simple slieght of hand to remove it as he reached for the mage's paw, yet few would be able to detect the trick even if informed beforehand. Eldrich runes were inscribed on the ring, which appeared to be made of gold.

"That was a good trick, boy" a voice rang out through the back alley, the mage tapping his footpaw against the ground. "Who exactly do you think i am anyway?" he asked rhetorically, grinning as he encroached upon the adolecent raccoon. Cog grimaced in horror, caught by his mark on his first attempt.

"Normally I'd turn you over to the authorities." The mage spoke, waving his hand to cancel an illusion, his old, decrepit looks replaced with the facade of a middle-aged wolf of muscular stature. "But if you wanted the ring THAT badly" he said, casting his hand forward, sending the raccoon falling backwards. "Then I guess I'll have to give it to you" he finished, smirking as he waved his hands once more, ripping the very clothing off of the young 'coon. The mage's own clothing vanished, cast away with another flick of his wrist. He growled menacingly, drawing the ring from the raccoon, back to his palm. Slowly from his sheath emerged a long red canid prick, a knot already forming at its base. The wolf slid the reclaimed ring upon his cocktip, lowering himself ontop of the raccoon.

Cog's legs were lifted into the air by an unknown force, his virgin tailhole left exposed. He whimpered, held to the ground as the wolf gingerly placed his cocktip at the raccoon's tailbase, grinning all the while. He thrust into the raccoon with great force, causing him to cry out in pain as his anus was filled with the wolf's meat. Cackling, the wolf thrust in and out of the tight hole, grunting occasionally as he forced himself on the young raccoon. With each thrust the raccoon's hole was stretched wider, the pain being relieved by intense pleasure as the sensitive flesh was violated. He moaned, his own member starting to stiffen as the wolf pumped in and out of him, precum beginning to lubricate the passage. Fully hard at last, the raccoon continued to moan, beginning to enjoy being taken as the mage neared orgasm. "Oh yes, boy. I could tell you were a slut" he uttered, howling as he erupted in climax, filling the raccoon with his musky seed. Just as he finished, he raised his paw, bringing it down to the raccoon's tailhole and causing it to glow, withdrawing his member as he bound the ring in place, forever binding it to the raccoon's tailhole. He grinned, snapping his fingers as clothes and old age once again reappeared upon him. He left chuckling as the raccoon lay in the alley, panting uncontrollably.

His first heit was a miserable failure, but his second, merely seconds later, was a total success. He had managed to pocket the mage's other ring during the encounter, and despite the brutal rape, he felt he had come out ahead.

Several days after the run-in with the panther, cog was looking over the ring that had served him well throughout the years. He chuckled to himself. His botched heist had rewarded him with a ring of invisibility, quite the rare find indeed. Slipping on the ring, he vanished from sight, his presence removed from the dark hallway. With a few well placed leaps he made his way off of the balcony and onto a nearby rooftop. Looking over the dusty city, he could see the palace in the distance, dim torchlight in the streets giving the city a calm glow at night. Smiling, he made his way from rooftop to rooftop, bounding from shingle to stone with the greatest of ease. His lithe form, unburdened by clothing moved with great dexterity through the night.

That was the one drawback of the ring, which is probably why the mage hadn't tracked him down after he stole it. It was able to completely conceal the wearer, but not his clothing. Completely naked was the only way to use the ring to its full effect.

In the distance sat the magnificent palace, inhabited by the most opulent of nobles, and the royalty of the city itself. Smiling as he quickly approached the monument in testament to the separation of the rich and poor, the raccoon stopped for a moment, perching on the building just infront of his mark. He could see many guards making the rounds all throughout the streets near the palace. They had been on high alert ever since his string of thefts began. Watching intently, Cog managed to plan out their movements in his head, descending down the building and into the street, narrowly passing between guards as they moved about.

The palace doors were closed, so he waited until a guard entered, and quickly, but quietly slipped in just behind him, dropping down on all fours to dodge the guard's arm as it reached out to close the door. He crept along the floor, glad that it wasn't clad in dust for him to leave tracks in. Down the corridor he spotted a few guards chatting. Behind them lie the door to vault, untold goodies locked deep inside.

After a few moments, one of the guards began to speak of matters of actual importance, "Well Five minutes left until our shift is over." he said to the other guard, who nodded before responding. "But the captain's going to be taking our spot next, so look sharp when we take leave."

Chuckling, the first guard inquired, "What's he got up his ass anyway?" After a moment of hesitation, "I wouldn't be surprised if he was, you know, one of -them-." Confused for a moment, the first guard asked. "You mean, he takes it from other males?" The second guard nodded, confirming his suspicions. "Unholy bastard..."

Just as the guards stopped gossiping, Cog heard footfalls coming from down the hall. Turning the corner was the Guard Captain of the palace, a panther clad in a shiny suit of platemail, pointy shortswords equipped on both sides. Grimacing as he recognized the panther from the night before, he hoped to the Gods that he wouldn't recognize the scent. Hugging closer to the wall as the feline passed, Cog held his breath, the other guards taking their leave, trying to act dignified in the presence of their superior.

The panther sighed as he leaned against the large iron-wrought doors, waiting a few moments after the guards had left, the panther began whistling, his gaze darting around as a small bulge formed under his leather pantaloons. He moved aside the plate that covered it, rubbing his paws at the erection softly, purring a bit as he did so.

Surprised at this development, Cog felt his own member begin to harden, his musk seeping out into the room. The panther sniffed at the air, recognizing the scent after a few seconds. He stops pawing at himself, walking down the corridor to see if anyone was around. As he approached the still invisible raccoon, he stoped, the musk seeming to emanate from the wall.

Cog panicked, his heart throbbing within his chest as the panther stared right through him, reaching out a paw to touch the wall. In a flash, the raccoon shot his paws out, wrapping them around the panther's neck in a sleeper hold. His veil of invisibility vanished as the confused feline fell to the floor, K.O.'d from the vicious assault.

Panting from the intense moment, Cog became worried. They would be sure to notice an unconscious guard in the middle of the hallway, and what more, one who could positively identify him as the thief! Thinking about what to do, the 'coon sighed, realizing he would have to hide the panther for the time being.

That fateful day when Cog was raped by the archmage, he received a gift in the form of a ring. The Wolf had bound a magical ring to Cog's tailhole when he raped him, imbuing the orifice with a certain power. The ring had been a Ring of Storage, which opened a portal to a pocket dimension in which one could store assets. But in its current state, it was always active, making the Raccoon's anus into a gateway to another dimension.

Sighing as he looked over the panther, removing all of his armor and equipment, Cog slowly turned around. His tailhole itself looked normal, except that inside was a pure-white space, void of everything but one impenetrable surface, which the hole served as a breech in. Taking the hilt of one of the Panther's swords, the raccoon slowly positioned it at the base of his tailhole, which stretched to accomodate the huge girth. He slowly fed the sword into himself, feeling every bit of the length as it entered. This part always made him hard, as he naturally enjoyed being penetrated in such a manner. Careful not to cut himself with the blade, he forced the sword the rest of the way in, the weapon soon gone from this realm. The next sword followed in suit, and as Cog began to take in the armor, the runes around his tailbase lit up softly, allowing the orifice to stretch a great deal more than what should be physically possible.

Once all the evidence was removed, Cog looked over the naked panther. He looked peaceful on the ground, like a fallen solider, nearly untouched by the dogs of war. He looked so beautiful, Cog couldn't help but touch himself. He crouched down, rubbing softly at the unconscious feline's genitals. He was rewarded with the rise of the deep pink cocktip, emerging slowly from the furry black sheath.

Murring at the sight, Cog pawed at his own member with one paw, while wrapping the other around the panther. He rationalized it as a form of apology within his mind, his way of making reparations with the cat for his misgivings. Slowly both of the cocks came to orgasm, Cog's first, unloading a great deal of pent up semen. As he moaned softly, not wanting to attract the attention of more guards, Cog aimed his cock at the panther, showering him in glorious 'coon cum as the panther joined in orgasm shortly after, his unconscious form spasming as he was relieved.

As both males finished cumming, Cog began rubbing the fresh cum into the panther's fur, lubing him up for the journey he would soon undertake. The fresh smell of cum hung heavily in the air, and Cog smiled, enjoying the scent. As soon as he had finished working the cum into the beautiful black fur, he turned around once more, and positioned himself over the panther's head. He crouched down, slowly feeding the feline into himself, his hips widening to accomodate the entry as he groaned lovingly with every push, his sensitive ring generating ample pleasure from the feline's insertion. Within moments, all that remained was the panther's tail, hanging freely a few feet from the 'coon's tailhole.

Cog giggled at the situation, deciding to leave the tail be for now, fancying the appearance it bestowed upon him. As a plus, it would also alert him to when the panther awakens. Coming back to his wits at last, Cog pushed passed the iron doors, marveling at the hordes of treasure that presented themselves before him.

Dawn arrived, the Sun rising over the sleepy city. The sly thief, now invisible once more, made his way out of the palace, strolling calmly back to his abode, his tailhole packed with untold treasures. Despite his fatigue, he was incredibly excited with this particular heist. He and Nebiru would be living well with the funds from this haul. Ah Nebiru, the raccoon reminisced for a long while about the fox as he made his way through the city streets.

For the last decade, the old fox has served as a father figure to Cog, thanks to the advent of his own parents' deaths while he was just a kit. Ever since then, he'd look to Nebiru for guidance. As a retired adventurer, the old vulpine was full of stories, from epic tales of heroic might, to the wittiest of anecdotes. Over the years Cog developed a bond with the fox that surpassed the common father son relationship; he truly felt as if he was in love.

Amazingly, Nebiru was quite open to this affection. He taught the young 'coon in the ways of sexuality, schooling him in the erotic arts since he had shown absolutely no talent as a mage. Ecstatic that the vulpine returned the adoration he felt for him, Cog came to copulate with him. Often. Nebiru told the young raccoon that foxes had a much greater need for sex than most intelligent creatures, and Cog was more than happy to oblige.

Sneaking quietly into the upper floor's window, Cog returned home, finding his mate and mentor fast asleep in bed. Giggling to himself quietly, he crept up upon the vulpine, then pounced into the bed, wrapping his arms around the fox, still concealed by the ring's magic. Awaking with a start, the fox bolted upright, the covers flung off of him by the raccoon as he observed the naked male.

"So you're back, kit." the fox chuckled, sighing as the raccoon worked his way down to the older fox's groin, eliciting a deep murr from the vulpine. "Mmm, you know just what an old man wants when he wakes up." commented Nebiru, his knotted foxcock already hard and dripping precum. The raccoon quickly went to work, wrapping his tongue around the good-sized shaft. Looking down at the male he had raised, the vulpine smiled, watching his cock as it was sucked by an invisible entity.

Cog moaned as he suckled gently on his mentor's meat, savoring the rich flavor of the taut cockflesh. He loved every aspect of the cock; the flavor, the shape, even the undulating throbbing it produced. Even greater than his love of cock was his love for the old Mage. He could never put into words the way he felt for him. And luckily, the fox understood without the triviality of speech.

Nearer and nearer, orgasm crept up upon the vulpine. He yipped and howled in delight as he finally came, the raccoon greedily gobbling up the semen as quickly as he could. Smiling, Nebiru watched as his cum seemed to flow up into the air, then down into the belly of his invisisble lover, his cock visibly spasming all the while.

Afterwords the two cuddled closely together, the young raccoon lovestruck, and the old fox just happy to have company. Sadly this romatnic scene was not to last for long, as the tail hanging from the raccoon's hole suddenly drew up into him, causing him to gasp in surprise. "He's awake..."

Filled with an unnatural fury, the panther stormed about, confused as to what on earth had happened to him. All he could see was endless white in every direction. The ground beneath him was solid white as well, and while his footpaws were supported upon it, he could feel neither texture nor temperature of the substance. His chest and stomach were coated in cum. Looking down to sniff at the dried seed, he could smell his own scent, but there was another there as well, and it seemed all too familiar. Unable to match a face with that scent, the panther looked around further, noticing that he was surrounded by a gigantic stash of valuables. Most of it seemed to be from the Royal Depository. He smacked his paw against his forehead. Whatever was going on, he felt sure he would be blamed for it.

While pacing around the assorted treasure, the enraged panther happened to notice a hole in the ground. He crept down closer to the floor, examining it. It looked almost like a tight tailhole, drawn shut tightly. Probing it with a pawdigit, he was rewarded with the enclosure clenching down hard. He removed the digit and thought for a moment.

"Big mistake, kid." the old fox said as he observed the latest tabloid, glancing at the raccoon across the room. "The Guard Captain's gone missing. I'll assume he's the one up inside ya?" Cog nodded, ashamed that he had left such a startling clue. "Lets see here. It says that Guard Captain Rifter is to be killed on sight, for betrayal of the royal guard. Seems they think he was your accomplice in this matter." The fox bit his lip, formulating a plan. "We've got to do something with him. But you know my policy against killing." The raccoon nodded once more, trying to think of another solution. "I know a guy who could get us a horse and supplies to get out of town in no time flat, but it's gonna cost us to keep it quiet. If we send him off to Honcho he'll be able to escape his fate."

"But Nebiru." The 'coon interrupted. "He's definitely the vengeful type. Will he really let us go after what's happened?"

"He won't have a choice. If he doesn't take our aid, he'll be dead by sundown." The fox returned, pacing around the room. "Go ahead and bend over, it's time we let him out of there." Nodding, Cog turned around and turned up his rump, the fox quickly approaching. Taking a breath, secretly enjoying the smaller male's scent, Nebiru pressed his snout against the firm tailhole, the raccoon moaning softly as his hole was parted, the fox quickly pushing his entire head inside.

His head emerging within the white space, Nebiru sighed, never having gotten over the bizarre amusement of doing this. He spotted the panther just infront of him, who had yet to notice the seemingly disembodied head poking out of the hole in the ground. Clearing his throat loudly, the fox announced. "Hey, cat!" This grabbed the panther's attention, causing him to jump backwards as he noticed the fox head. Chuckling, the fox continued, "Calm down, pussy. Time for your briefing." The panther, starting to grasp the situation, asked. "Where am I?"

Sighing, Nebiru continued. "You're in a pocket dimension inside of a raccoon's anus. Strange, yes, but thats your situation. Anyway, the Guard's got it in for you since you 'abandoned' your post last night, and you're to be killed on sight. If you cooperate, we can sneak you out of town safely."

"And if I don't?" He responded, probing the fox's disposition.

"If you don't cooperate, there will be nothing between you and the bloodthirsty guards of this city, comprehend?" The fox returned, smug in his response. "I take it you'll cooperate?"

Nodding, the panther shuffled in his place, calming himself as the fox continued. "Good, I shall return when preparations are ready."

Later that night, the moon shone brilliantly over the desert's gem of a city. The sparkling plains could be seen just a few miles away, a bustling forest just beyond them. Two cloaked figures drew a horse from the city's limits, making their way to a large outcropping of granite, far away from the prying eyes of the city dwellers. Once safely out of visual range, the two hooded furs halted in their tracks, sliding down the intircate fabric that painted the stealthy facade over them. Slowly, the raccoon drew up the back of his robes as the fox reached out his paw, preparing himself to retrieve the feline that lie concealed within his partner's anus. He burshed against the bare rump, taking his paw and pushing it into the depths of his assistant's tailhole. Disregarding the moans his companion emitted, the vulpine continued driving his arm into the tight hole, resting as his elbow hilted within it. Feeling his paw grasped by another, the fox started to withdraw, slowly pulling the panther's arm from the raccoon's rump.

Groaning as the length of panther slowly emerged from his nether region, the raccoon bore with the amazing pleasure he was receiving, trying despite himself not to clamp down upon the feline. Rounded ears followed by a black-furred head popped through the opening audibly, the panther gasping loudly as the rest of his body was soon free of the raccoon's hole. As the panther rose to his feet wearily, the fox handed him a cloak similar to the ones he and the 'coon were wearing. "The horse is already loaded with your supplies, and I assume you already have knowledge of how to get to Honcho. Now then, get a move on, we can't stand around out here all night.

Grudgingly, the panther nodded, climbing into his saddle. As he set off into the night, he turned, casting off one final farewell, staring wistfully in the racoon's direction, "By the way, you were a great fuck after all."

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