Kobold Village

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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An outcast kobold runs away from his village and is rescued by others like him and discovered a place that is welcoming of his type.

The sky was dark and rain was falling heavy on the forest floor as the sounds of footsteps were splashing on the wet ground. They were fast and darting through the trees while someone was panting. Sounds of tree branches and leaves crunching sounded as a small figure was covered by water and small twigs on his body.

He was panting and nearly tripping all over stuff while looking over his shoulder. He doesn't see any pursuers, which was a given since he ran away when no one was looking. He started to slow down into a hoarse panting as he walks. When he stopped he leaned against a tree and gasped for air. The lightning shot though the sky as it revealed to be a young kobold with light blue scales and a white underbelly.

"I...should be...safe...here." he panted between breaths as he sat down near the tree and decided to rest for a while. He put his head against the tree and slowly shut his eyes."I'm alone... and I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life." he said as he started to sniffle and whimpered a bit. 'I didn't ask to be this way, it's not my fault.' he said looking over his form. 'Why did I have to be lean and slim?'


He touched his belly and clenched his hand while feeling tears in his eyes. He looked up at the sky, his yellow eyes glowing through the night as he got up. "Can't go back home... gotta... find shelter." he said starting to walk down somewhere at random. 'I just hope I don't catch pneumonia.'

He shivered and wrapped his arms around himself as he tried to endure the wind. He stumbled through some mud while trying to find any place he could stop at. "Wh-where's a cave? I need a cave!" he said vision starting to blur a little. He groaned and kept pushing himself further before tripping over a rock and fell in the mud.

He tried to get up, but was unable to. Tired, with no will to go on, he is unaware he just laid there in the mud with a groan. 'I'm so pathetic.' he moans

He slowly felt this eyes closing and felt his mind drifting away. 'Just make this quick for me.' he thought as he closes his eyes and lost consciousness. The last thing he heard was footsteps before everything went black.


The blue Kobold opened his eyes and noticed that he still feel things around and this doesn't feel like the afterlife. In fact, he actually felt like he was on something soft and warm. "Mmmhh... What? Where am I?" he muttered as he sat up looking around dazed and confused. He saw he was in some kind of hut with torches lit and laying on a fur bed.

He looks surprised as he got up and looked around. It wasn't any hut that looked like one from his home, and he remembered being in a puddle of mud last night. "How did I get here?" he looked and saw that he was wearing a leather headpiece that covered the top of his nose and head, a sleeveless vest that is connected by straps that still show his chest, and the bottoms are just a thin leather rope with some sleeves at the side, but still leaving his crotch and bottom exposed. "And what am I wearing?"

"Ah, I see that you are awake." a voice spoke out and what appeared to be a bright red kobold dressed in the same outfit he was wearing. "For a moment I thought you wouldn't make it."

"Wh-what happened, wh-where am I?" he asked while covering himself in embarrassment.

"You're in our village, you almost came down with a bad fever had we not found you."

"Um... Thank you." he said as he entered and brought him a tray of food.

"I don't know if you're hungry, but feel free to eat to regain your strength."

The kobold looked at the tray of food and felt his stomach grumble. "Um... what's the catch? This feels too easy."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been saved, gave some clothing, and now I'm being fed? There's no way this is normal." he stated confused.

"Of course it's normal, why wouldn't it be?"

The blue scaled kobold was confused as he sees the red one so happy and carefree. "Cause... I'm a pathetic kobold."

"What makes you say that?"

"I'm not strong, I'm not big, I can't lift heavy things... I've.." he let his head go down in melancholy. "I've been cursed."

"No you're not."

"My tribes have males that are supposed to be strong and ready to defend their home from any kind of trouble. How can I do that looking like a wimp?" he said looking at his slim forms.

"That's silly. What about the females?"

"They help take care of the tribe's well being. Making sure there's enough food, the area around them is clear and gather food from the area." he answered.

"Then what does it matter if one male isn't like the others?"

"That's how our tribe works. If a male looks like this, it's a sign of weakness. It's a sign that they can't support their tribe and the only way to get rid of the curse is... e-execution." he stuttered while looking scared. "That's why I ran from my village. I didn't want to die." he said. "But now I have no place to go, no place to stay."

"Well if you feel good enough to walk, I can show you to the chief." he said patting his back and holding out his hand to the Kobold. "Just let me know if you need help standing."

He thought about it for a moment before he got up and took his hand. "Thank you, umm..."

"You can call me Alasia."

"My name's Gabitu." the Blue kobold introduced himself. "It's nice to meet you."

"Just stay close or you might be mistaken as one of the others." Alasia said going to hold him in his hand.

"Okay." he said thinking about his name. 'Alasia... that's a feminine name for him.' "Did your parents name you that?"

"Of course, who else?"

"I'm just thinking. Your name.. And don't take it the wrong way, it sounds like a girl's name." he said honestly.

"Why thank you."

Gabitu looks surprised at the answer. He didn't expect him to be fine with those words. He doesn't say anything as they walked towards the center of the village. All around he saw numerous huts with a big bonfire burning and numerous muscular kobolds moving around. He stared in awe at the sight of the strong looking Kobolds as he walked past them. "What do your type do?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are you and the other slim male Kobolds jobs. I mean, males and females have different tasks at my village, so I want to know what your jobs are different as male or females."

"Oh, we don't have females here, we're all males." Alasia said making Gabitu confused.

"Wait, all males here? No females? But why?" he asked so confused.

"The chief can explain everything." he chuckled while they walked as Gabitu saw other kobolds, skinny like them. They smile at him as they greeted them with a friendly tone. "Wow, it's...new to see others like me."

"It's not that rare to see others like you. Though from your perspective, it must be rare to see others being happy."

"Yeah, my old village was all about hunting and serious stuff. Not much time to smile unless it was after a big hunt." he said looking downward. "Even less so with a slender male in their village..."

"Well no need to feel sad, we're here."

Gabitu looked and saw a large spot within the path, seems like a large waterfall with a pool in the center of the rocks. "But where's the chief?"

Alasia went and arrived at the base of the waterfall, seeing a cave behind the waterfall. "Come right on inside here."

Gabitu took a deep breath as he started to enter the cave alongside him. He looked around at the walls while the only sound was that of the rushing water.

They saw what appeared to be a light coming from the corner of the cave as the red Kobold bowed his head.

"Chief, I have come here with our guest." He said as Gabitu shuddered and sweat a bit in nervousness, worried about what will happen.

"Excellent." came a booming voice from the light. "He may approach me."

"Go ahead." whispered Alasia nodding to the light.

The blue Kobold gulped from the words he heard, but he slowly approached the area and turned to see where the source of the light was coming from. "U-Uh, chief?"

"Speak." boomed the voice as the light was shining from the fire as it shown a large Kobold standing in a ring, larger than the other muscular males. His body was covered in various scars from battle as well as he was adorned with furs from various animal pelts and scars.

"I-I-I just wanted...to say thank you, for saving my life." he said going onto one knee and bowing his head. "I wouldn't be h-here if you weren't there when you were."

"Well it's good to see you're awake, Alasia here thought you may have been too late when we found you."

"I see. But sir, I must ask." he looked up at him. "Why did you save me back there?"

"Because it was the right thing to do of course." The large Kobold got up from his throne.

"W-Wow, I... I don't know what to say about that. I'm nothing special after all."

"What makes you say that?"

"I look like this." Gabitu said mentioning his form. "Back in my village, if a Kobold looks nearly identical to a female Kobold, they are considered cursed and would bring misfortune to the village. That's why I ran away before they would prepare the execution ritual."

"Bah, ridiculous. Here we do not care if a kobold is skinny, big, short, or portly. If they can pull their weight around, they are useful."

"So, you want me to stay? What would slender males do for you? And why you don't have females here?"

"They serve the bigger ones." he replied like it was obvious.

"Ah, I see." he said thinking that they work and do tasks like females. "Well, thank you for taking me in your village."

"No problem, but if you wish to stay, that means you must respect our village rules and traditions."

"Right, can you tell me what are they?" he asked them.

"You will do the role as other skinny kobolds before you, meaning if a larger one needs something, you will help them get it."

"I see, makes sense. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"You will show the larger one's respect since they are the ones who do the hunting and food gathering."

"Do slender males do anything to support the village in any way? Cooking, lookouts? Etc?"

"Of course, any heavy work is taken care of by the larger ones, but other work is done by the skinny ones."

He nods his head as he looks at him. "Is that everything?"

"Yes, any of the skinny ones that are taken have a specially made necklace around their necks."

"Taken?" he asked confused at what he meant.

"Certain kobolds are...reserved shall we say to others." he said, "But that'll have to wait for another time. Why don't you go explore our village?"

"Of course, thank you for speaking to me chief." He said getting up and starting to turn back, the chief staring at him for a moment.

'What a lovely scale color.' he thought.

Gabitu headed back to the spot he was with Alasia, but notices he's not here. 'He must have gone off to take care of something.' He thought as he started to go out the way he came out of. 'Maybe I can help out some of the other kobolds with something to go through the day.'

He exited the cave and looked at himself in the lake, examining the outfit he's wearing. "I should've asked about the outfit, it's... very bare." He thought about going back to ask him about it, but decides not to. "I'll find someone and ask them."

He went back to the village while spotting some skinny kobolds hefting baskets of fruit while some big kobolds were sharpening blades. He sees that this village acts similar to his own village. 'Wow, other than no females, this actually looks like a normal village.'

He saw some of the skinny kobolds hand fruit to the big ones and getting nods of thanks, but one of them seemed to wink at one while giving him a pat on the rear making him jump and giggle. Gabitu blushes a little at the sight. 'Whoa, did I actually see that right?'

"Hey, what are you doing just standing there?" asked a skinny kobold walking by him. "If you don't get to work the chief might get upset."

He jolted at the kobold speaking to him and nods his head. "R-Right." he said, "Where do I get a carrying basket?"

"By the hut over there." the orange lizard said pointing to it and Gabitu thanks him as he headed off to it.

"Hello? I was wondering do you have any spare baskets?"

"Nope, the baskets are taken." spoke the bigger kobold shaking his head. "Besides, right now we could use some help in the kitchen since most of the usual kobolds are picking fruits and berries or hunting."

"Oh, well I can help with cooking, though I haven't done so much." Gabitu stated.

"Rookie huh? Well the girls in the back can show you what to do."

"Girls?" he asked confused as he heard there are no females here as he started walking around the stall. He saw an area that had numerous skinny kobolds cooking wearing nothing but aprons, leaving everything else bare. The blue kobold blushes at the sight. "Um... for the record, do you know why do we wear outfits like these?" he asked the big kobold.

"To stay nice and cool. It gets warm back there." He said as he introduced him. "This one here is helping you out. Show him the ropes."

"Right away sir." They said as the blue one waved at them.

"Um.. hello there." he said feeling a little uncomfortable going to the practically nude kobolds. "Sorry if I might be trouble, I just never learned how to cook."

"No worries, we'll be there to help you out." one of them, a pink scaled kobold lead him to the table. "Do you know anything on chopping potatoes at the very least?"

"Well I know about getting the skin off without getting too much of the insides and chopping them." Gabitu said.

"Well that's what you could do for the time being. After they're peeled just put them in the tub here and I'll work on cutting them down."

"Thanks, my name's Gabitu." he introduced himself.

"You can call me Cassandra." the pink one said with a smile.

"Another girl name? Why?" he asked confused as he started to peel the potatoes.

"Because I'm one of the girls of course."

"But you're a boy." he pointed out.

"Oh! Well you see, kobolds like us who are skinny and look like this have the nickname 'Girls' considering it's easier to see us as the females of the village."

"I suppose that makes sense, it's kinda embarrassing if they call me that though." Gabitu said. "And this outfit of mine?"

"So we don't get overheated. It actually gets hot here and outside." Cassandra said with a smile, peeling carrots.

"But it shows off...my butt." he whispered with a blush. "Like if anyone wanted to take a glance, I have no way of stopping them. It kinda feels like there's more to it than that."

"Nonsense, no ones gonna stare." Cassandra stated, but Gabitu isn't at all convinced as he just continues working.

'I can still feel a breeze.' he thought blushing as he kept on peeling the skin off the potatoes as he also felt happy at the friendly kobolds around here. 'Maybe I shouldn't worry too much if they're not.'

Soon he finishes the task and they started to prepare the meal for the tribe. Said meal involved what looked like a stew with the cut up potatoes, carrots, and onions.

"You're doing very well Gabitu. And you said you didn't do much cooking." the green scaled kobold said with a smile.

"I guess it's just natural." Gabitu said as he helped light the firewood which was under the large hand-crafted steel pot. He tossed wood under it and blew on it to try and add air to the flame. He smiles as he saw the flame spreading around, but keeping contain of the stones they sat around. "Is this good enough?"

"It's fine, good job Gabitu." Cassandra stated with a smile. "You can help me stir it up to keep the veggies from getting burned." he and Gabitu then got up to the opening to the pot and started to stir the stew together so to keep the veggies moving and not sticking to the bottom of the pot.

As this happened a group of bigger kobold came over to sit down at some nearby seats. "Looks like dinner's almost ready." one of them spoke.

"Thank gods, I was starving."

"For food or something else?" joked another one.

"The girls around here are cute." One spoke out. "Especially the new one."

"You gonna make a move?"

Gabitu was hearing this and was blushing. `I knew there was more to these outfits than just keeping our bodies cool.' he thought as he looked at how Cassandra is taking this.

"Wow, you're getting attention already, lucky." he remarked casually with a giggle.

"Uh, y-yeah, it seems I did.." he said, "It also sounds like you got some admirers as well..."

"Well I am unclaimed, and lots of them have been trying hard to 'convince' me." he blushed with his tail swaying.

"Y-Yeah..." he said blushing in embarrassment. 'He's clearly not bothered, in fact he's enjoying the attention...'

"In fact, why don't you help and bring them some of the stew? I'll bet they'd really like that." Cassandra said handing him a trey which has 6 wooden bowl full of stew

"But...I'm not so sure, I feel like they're staring." he whispered nervously.

"That's good. Just relax and pass a bowl to them." he said, "But if you can't, I can do it and you continue stirring."

"I'll try." he gulped before walking over to the table. He gave the four a bowl of stew for each of them. "Here's your soup."

"Thanks beautiful." winked one making him blush. "What's your name?"

"It's Gabitu... Nice to meet you." he said finishing passing the food bowls. "Hope you enjoy it."

"You're the newcomer I heard about, your name is not like the others." the other larger kobold stated.

"Yeah, it's not a feminine name like the others I know." he said to them.

"Well you sure do look it, yum." growled another looking Gabitu over.

The blue kobold blushes as he started to hand more bowls down before he ran out, so he went back to the pot to get more. "D-Does this happen for all the other girls?"

"Yeah, some teasing words, and even an occasional slap and rub of one's butt or hips."

"How often does that happen?"

"Daily usually." he answered him.

"This is kinda weird though. There's no females, don't you need to reproduce? Or do you rely on looking for runaway kobolds?"

Cassandra looked at him confused before he started snickering. "Wait...you weren't told?"

"What are you talking about?" Gabitu asked wondering about the snicker.

"We make more to the village." he replied pointing to himself.

"Make more to the village?" he repeats to Cassandra. "I don't get it."

"Duh, we 'Girls' give birth." Cassandra said. "Feminine kobolds are capable of producing offspring just like normal females."

Gabitu stares at him in shock. "Wh-Wha? H-How do you know that? How long have you been here?"

"My whole life of course." he said starting to pour the stew into more bowls. "My parents told me about how I was made."

"But...but...how is that possible?!"

"It turns out we have a special compartment within ourselves that the masculine kobolds don't have. They eventually discovered that its where eggs are developed and can be fertilized to make eggs." he smiled. "It's how the village has survived without the need for any females."

"Whoa..." Gabitu stares at him completely shocked at what he heard about. "But...I've never heard of that." 'Though considering how my village operates, they wouldn't tell that to us.'

"Well there is one way for sure to find out, if you know what I mean~" Cassandra stated with a wink.

"Uhh, n-no thanks.." he said as he got the bowls and started to pass the other bowls to the kobolds. He blushed when he felt some of them grab his rear, but tried to ignore it, even if his face turned purple. He kept passing bowls down the table, trying to ignore their gaze.

"So cutie, are you claimed?" asked one.

"Huh? Oh, uh, n-no, I'm not." Gabitu stated as he tries to stay calm and mature about this.

"Well if you ever feel like you'd like the idea, you just give me a call." growled one while his tail rubbed across Gabitu's own tail making him shiver.

The blue kobold blushes at the tail rubbing, "I'll keep that in mind." he said as he finishes passing the bowls out to the table. He hurried back over to Cassandra and sighed in relief. "These guys are very touchy too!"

"Relax, you'll get used to it in no time."

He looked at the crowd and back at Cassandra. "To tell you the truth, their teasing and rubbing... actually felt nice and flattering."

"Oh? Then why don't you sit on their lap while they eat? I'll bet they'd really like that~"

"I... I don't know, won't that lead to... a certain situation if I do that?" he asked blushing a little.

"Of course, that's the fun part." Cassandra said with a smile.

"I mean, this is nice and all, but... I don't think the guys here are right." he said, "They have to have consent before that happens right?"

"Of course, we're not animals." he said to the blue one and Gabitu looks back at him.

"Have they ever...done it...in...public?"

"Occasionally, but we usually find places where no one will be able to see us mate. Though handjob, blowjob, etc is fine in public."

Gabitu blushed at the images. 'It's weird, I don't feel weirded out or disturbed by those things. I never considered myself gay though...'

"Now that they're fed, we can get our own bowls now."Cassandra said handing a bowl for Gabitu and one for himself full of stew.

"Is there one that you're trying to be with?" Gabitu asked Cassandra.

"One? You imply that I'd limit myself to just that." he giggled.

"Wait, we can be claimed by multiple males?" He asked trying to see if he got it right.

"No, I just like to keep myself open for any of them who are daring enough to really show me I should pick them." Cassandra said getting down from the pot, "Well pick a seat and enjoy yourself." He said heading off.

Gabitu followed Cassandra who was walking over to a crowded table of numerous skinny kobolds. He sat down next to the pink one and he waved at the other's. "H-Hello."

The other slender kobolds smiled at him friendly. "Hi." they said to him.

"So...is it like this all the time?" he asked them looking them over and at their table. "I... never felt this kind of hospitality before."

"Really? Why?" asked one.

"Well I've always thought being a slender kobold is considered a curse. I was hated, mocked and bullied back at my village and even though I tried to get stronger, I didn't look any much stronger than anywhere the big kobolds are."

"That's awful!" gasped one of them. "Here we're treated just fine."

"Yeah, everyone is kind and is willing to help us whenever we needed." another one stated.

"Plus, in a way, we kinda play a huge role." smiled one. "We ARE needed to help keep the numbers up."

"So is any of you claimed? Can you tell me how that came to be? In... every detail?" the blue kobold asked blushing a little.

"Oh? In EVERY detail?" smirked one.

Gabitu blushes even deepers as he nods. "Every detail."

"Well with me, I was claimed right away when I became eligible." spoke a green one. "I was taken out on a hunting party with this one guy who had been eyeing me for years, and when it rained, we had to sleep in a cave, and let me tell you, he didn't wait before pouncing on me." he said giggling cutely, holding his necklace. "I found myself on my back as he caressed me softly as he slid his forearm thick member in my butt."

Gabitu gulped at the image while blushing. "Wh-what else happened? Or do others want to add their story?"

"Well for me, it was more romantic." smirked with pride. "I was claimed years ago, when I was just tiny."

"Tiny?" Gabitu asked confused.

"Yup, my mate's been with me since we were tiny hatchlings. We hung out all the time, played, and he went ahead and claimed me early on. We only got around to actually making it official just last week."

"Whoa... that's a shocking discovery."

"But before he kissed me and stuffed my butt, he took me out on a midnight walk with a cooked meal. I couldn't stop saying his name even when we fell asleep."

Gabitu blushed with a shudder, his tail twitching from the story as his own member hardens. "That sounds... really sweet."

"And then he even talked about having kids already, so I've been working on names."

Gabitu then started looking at the tables where the big kobolds are gathered and wondered if he'll ever be claimed as a mate.

"Looks like the rookie here is already wanting one." chuckled one.

"That's cute. Well if you want, you can go on over to the big kobold side and find one to hang out with." One said giving Gabitu a kiss on the cheek. "One thing that'll get their attention is if you 'accidentally' drop something and bend over, that'll give them a clear look at what you got."

Gabitu blushes from the kiss and the suggestion. He got up and started to head off to the large kobold side. 'Oh crap, why am I doing this? I mean, if I get claimed, does that mean I'll be someone's property?' he looked downward a little, then looked back at the other slender kobolds. 'But they look so happy, and they never sound or spoke like they're owned or anything, plus the way they told those experience feels like lovers actually.'

The skinny ones gave thumbs up with one of them moving his head back and forth while making a circle making Gabitu turn bright red. He decides to walk through the hallway with some large kobolds staring at him with interest.

"Mmm, nice ass." one stated with a growl.

Gabitu blushes as he takes a chance, faking a trip and falling on his front, hands and kees on the floor. "Oogghh, what tripped me?"

The larger kobolds looked at Gabitu's rear in the air and grinned while whistling.

'Oh geez, this is so embarrassing, but it's so exciting as well. I never felt this kind of excitement before! It's... very nice.' he thought moving his tail around a little.

"Wow, you sure are clumsy." teased one of them.

"It makes him very cute though. And he's unclaimed either." another teased as well.

"What? You wanting to claim him?"

"Well if no one else is gonna.." one said as the large kobold was gonna get up.

"Sorry, but I'm gonna disappoint you." A voice said sounding in front of Gabitu.

'Wait, that voice is familiar, I heard that voice!' he thought as he looked upwards. He saw it was the chief that towered over him making him stand up quickly. "C-Chief!"

"Good to see that you're quickly getting used to our village." he said with a smile. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Uh, Um... w-well I was, uh..." he stuttered as he had no clue how to explain himself. "I hope you're enjoying the night."

"Of course, every night is a breath of fresh air." the chief said as he went and sat at a table.

"W-well... I hope you enjoy your night." Gabitu said as he was preparing to head back.

"Why don't you join me?" The chief said patting his lap. "Don't worry, I won't bite."

Gabitu got more whistles hearing that and blushed. 'Why does it have to be a big deal?' He asked himself as he went and sat on the chief's lap. "Like this?"

"That's right, you're doing well." he said patting the blue kobold's back. "Get into any trouble while helping the others?"

"No, I've just been getting to know things and why there are no females here at all." he stated rubbing the back of his head. "Why do you use the term 'claim' around with slender kobolds?"

"To show which ones are together and which ones aren't." the Kobold chief said. "I know it can mean other things, but it's nothing horrible I assure you."

"What other things could it mean?"

"Slavery, ownership, agression. I'm sure you know stuff like that." he said to Gabitu. "All of which we do our best NOT to allow here."

"I see, that's good to hear. Hey, do you... have you claim someone for your own?" he asked curious.

"Nope, not yet at least."

Gabitu nod his head as he started to eat his food and enjoying his meal. All the while feeling eyes on him due to where he sat.

"Wow, the new guy's a lot bolder then I gave him credit for." One of the slender kobolds whispered to the others.

"I know, who knew he'd go for the chief on his first day."

"Speaking of the chief, he seems happy with the kobold with him. Maybe he has a thing for blue skinned kobolds."

"Wow, I never saw the chief show interest before, not even when I tried."

Gabitu was eating when he felt a large hand caressing his side softly. He shivered and saw the chief giving him a smile. That made the blue scaled kobold smile as well with a blush as he looks away.

"Your scales are very smooth to the touch." The chief stated moving to rub his back.

"Thank you, I don't hear those say that about me."

"How do you keep them so smooth?"

"I.. I really don't do anything about that, I guess it's just natural." he said, his tail twitching from the chief's rubbing.

"Mmm, usually the others have to use special smooth stones to make theirs this smooth."

"Really? Would you like me to use them?" Gabitu asked feeling flattered.

"No, this is the kinda smoothness that can't be improved."

"U-uhh... thank you." he said trying to get back to eating. 'Sitting here is better than I expected.' he looks at the chief and felt like it would be nice to get to know him better. "How long have you been a chief?"

"Ever since I turned 15."

"You've been a chief since 15? Wow, I'm shocked the last chief would allow that." he said scratching his head.

"Well it wasn't exactly his choice. My father passed away when I was young."

Gabitu looks at him shocked at the answer. "Oh... I-I see.. I'm sorry that happened to you. That couldn't have been easy."

"It wasn't, but I knew that letting it make me feel depressed for so long wouldn't be good for the village." the chief said moving to rub on Gabitu's white belly, caressing him softly..

Gabitu blushed while jumping a little and shivering. "You're very.. Strong willed, I've not known 15 year olds at my village who would handle this pressure."

"Oh you'd be surprised what I'm known for." he chuckled.

Gabitu's tail twitches and wags a little from his belly rub, blushing a bright red. "Oh, really?"

"Care to find out?" He said moving his face near is face, showing his toothy grin.

Gabitu blushed more while looking away nervously. 'I feel like I know what that'll mean, but is it right to just go for it?' he thought quivering a little as he looked around. 'I could say not right now and he can't force me to do anything I don't want to do.'

"So? What do you say?" he said giving him a smile. "I won't hurt you in any way."

"Well...maybe another time." He said giving him a smile, placing his hand on his own. "I am interested in learning what else you're known for."

"I can understand that." he said nodding his head, placing his other hand on his own. "Let me know whenever you're ready."

"Thank you." He said finishing his meal.

"One more thing, slender kobolds can 'experiment' on each other freely." The chief spoke to Gabitu as he got off his lap.

Gabitu's mouth dropped open and glanced at the others. They nod at him with a wink as he stutters. "I... I-I see. T-Thanks for the info."

"Just something to keep in mind." The chief said seeing the blue kobold heading back to join the other slender kobolds. 'I wonder if he'll try that.'

Gabitu joined his fellow kobolds and sat down. 'I still can't believe the village chief made a move on me. I'd just joined and he already seemed to show an interest in me!' he said blushing bright red.

"So Gabitu, what did the chief say?" One of them, a purple one said, leaning on the table with his elbows with his head on the hands, looking at him interestingly.

"N-Nothing really big, just wanted to see how I was adjusting."

"Really, I noticed the way he caressed your form and allowed you to sit on his lap. Believe it or not, but the chief is actually really picky." he said to him. "Like, really picky. Numerous of us have tried getting with him, but none of us landed a hit."

Gabitu looked at the others who all nod their heads in agreement. "Yeah, the best we get from him is a glance, but nothing more. Maybe it's your sky blue scales."

"Which look really really smooth." An orange one stated as he started to rub and caress Gabitu's thighs. "What's your secret?"

He blushes as he saw the kobold rubbing him, but doesn't stop him. "I don't have a secret. I guess it's just natural."

"Well did the chief tell you what we like to do from time to time?"

"You like to.. experiment on each other." he said to them going a little pink.

"Bingo~" The orange one said. "Personally, I like to get to know you a little better. Maybe join me to bed tonight?"


"Come now, don't make me beg for it." he said with a giggle. "Well in case you're curious, my hut is near the tower with a blue flag outside."

"Don't make too much noise you two." chuckled a red one.

"We won't. Oh, I almost forgot. My name's Shasta." the orange one introduced himself.

"And you already got my name, right? It's Gabitu." He said. "Fyi, will I be getting an feminine name eventually?"

"Why? Your name is just fine as is, unless you don't like it." Shasta stated.

"I just thought since all of you have feminine names, I thought it was tradition."

"That's because we were given them at birth. If you wanna change your name, you're free too, no one will stop you."

"Thanks for the info." he said as he got up and stretched his form. "So you said the hut near the blue flag?"

"Mmhmm, go ahead and go there anytime." Shasta said. "I can invite a couple more to make it a little party~."

Gabitu blushed hearing that before walking away. "S-Sure, just two more." he called out.

"It's a party then!" he called out while making the others cheer out.

Gabitu blushed deeply as he chuckled, 'If this is to be my new home, might wanna get used to and try out new things. Plus, they actually make this place feel like home compared to my old one.'


Gabitu was approaching the hut with the blue flag on top which the orange one Shasta said it would have. "This must be it." he tried to keep from chickening out and walked up to the door before knocking on it. "Hello, it's me Gabitu." he called out to within.

The door opened up with it looking dark inside. Gabitu slowly stepped inside looking around. 'Weird, I thought something was set up. Maybe they cancelled it?'

That's when the door slammed shut and it became pitch black. 'Uh oh...' he looked around, noticing the windows were covered to make it dark. "Hello?"

"Guess you finally showed up, good~" A voice spoke up belonging to Shasta as he heard 2 more giggles within the dark. "Now we can have some fun~"

"U-mm.. Maybe a little light would be nice." Gabitu said trying to move within the dark.

"But then you might back away."

"Why would I?" he asked looking around seeing nothing.

"Because of this." spoke the kobold before the torches lit up showing him and two other kobolds, each holding whips, candles, and a few other things that made Gabitu blush and go wide eyed.

"Holy heck!" he got out looking at all that is there within the huts. "W-W-What's all that?"

"Well we don't know you, so we need to experiment what are your likes and dislikes of things." Shasta said patting the bed for him to lay on it. "Go ahead and sit down and we can get started."

Gabitu gulped as he's starting to have second thoughts about this, but sat down on the bed as requested. He saw them move over to him with glints in their eyes.

"Now don't worry, we won't continue to do things you like, just say no to things okay."

"O-Ok." he said laying down. "No whips for start please." he said and the whip was taken away immediately.

"Ok, let's try out the candles then." Shasta said as the two Kobolds approached them with some.

"What are the candles for?" Gabitu said confused.

"The wax of course." The yellow one stated as they showed them. "You'll feel a burning sensation, but some can take it as pleasure too." he said motioning Gabitu to roll onto his back.

"It'll only burn for a little bit." The yellow one said as he started to slowly pour the candle wax on his back, moving it around as it drips.

Gabitu shivered and winced from the hot spots where the wax landed. It was very hot and felt it tingle on his back as he trembled a little.

"How's it feel?"

"Aahh, it burns..." He stuttered as his body shuddered a little, feeling some splash on his legs.

"Want us to stop?" one of the other voices spoke, but the blue scaled kobold shakes his head.

"N-no, it tingles too." he groaned feeling more wax dripped down his butt. He felt his member starting to harden from the stimulation.

"Then we'll make sure you're covered all over." chuckled one.

Gabitu winced, but moans out as he felt hot wax dripped all over his body. His dick grew harder with each drip while his tail swished a little. "K-Keep it up."

The Kobolds smiled as while one continued to apply the hot wax carefully, another one started to spank his butt.

"Eep!" squeaked Gabitu with a blush.

"Ooh, guess you're a bit into getting spanked as well." Shasta said. "Good to know, the chief will like to hear about this." Gabitu's momentarily widened before yelping again when they slapped his ass again.

"Y-you wouldn't really right?" He stuttered while panting.

"Maybe, maybe not~" One said teasingly.

"Why would you be embarrassed for him to know?" Another asked.

"Maybe he's just really shy."

He felt numerous hands rubbing and caressing his body.

"Well we can fix that~"

He then found himself being moved onto his back and seeing the kobolds gathered around. "W-What are you gonna do?"

"Well we'll save your first time to the chief, we can still play around with you." he said rubbing and caressing his chest.

"Ah!" the blue kobold murred out.

"Like these nipples here~" Shasta said playing with them a little bit before placing his mouth on one of them, licking it gently. He heard Gabitu moan out making him grin and reach over to touch and rub the other one. He quivers and groans from the feeling as he felt them starting to cover his front side with hot wax.

"Want me to suck him off?" asked one of the kobolds.

"Go for it, I want to see if he has a cute moan when he gets a blowjob!" Another stated.

The kobold grinned and moved in between Gabitu's legs before grabbing his dick and started to rub it while licking the tip.

He gasped from the feeling of the male's tongue as he felt another started to caress and massage his face. "A-Ahhh!"

"Ooohh, he does have a cute moan. Everything about you is so cute~. I would love to keep you as a little pet." The red kobold stated with a giggle.

"I can only imagine what the chief might do with him. Maybe have him wear a custom collar to show his claim."

"He already has a special necklace, at that point he'll be showing him off! So unfair, I wish I had sky blue scales!"

Gabitu moaned louder when he felt the kobold licking his penis started to slide more of it in her mouth. "Ooohh my. It's so hot, but so good!" he said cooing from the pleasure, getting close to his climax.

"Of course, this is what happens when you have fun with other guys." Shasta said. "Even claimed, we can still have fun with each other, just no going after other large kobolds and no anal penetration."

"I-I understand!" he moaned out feeling Shasta lightly nibble on his nipple. He gasped and cried out as he cums in the sucking kobold's mouth. "Ahhhh!"

They giggled cutely as they helped cleaned him off of the wax and then started to climb on the bed with him and caress his form. Gabitu panted while blushing at having them so close. He slowly and carefully wrapped an arm around one and stroke their back.

"How did that feel?"

"Mind-blowing!" Gabitu stated. "I've never felt like this before."

"Like we said, we're happy here." Shasta said patting his head. "And you'll be happy too."

"Especially if you can get the chief to claim you~"

Gabitu blushes at the last part. "You really think he wants me?"

"Trust us, it's clear in his eyes he wants you badly."

Gabitu looks outside for a moment as he thought about it. He felt his dick stay hard while briefly imagining him and the chief like this. "Do you know how big he is.. down there?"

"Oh big time." chuckled one. "We snuck a few peeks when he was bathing, you won't be disappointed."

Gabitu chuckled a little embarrassed as he felt tired and closed his eyes to sleep.

"Get some rest Gabitu, night night." they said as the blue kobold felt them snuggling with him.

"Night." he said before falling into a deep sleep.

(Next day)

He was busy cleaning some of the villager's weapons, making sure no dirt or grime are still on it. When he was done with one he'd put them on a weapon's rack or barrel. When he was finished, he looked at the chief's hut and thought about what they said. "He seems like a nice guy, despite his firm, intimidating gaze."

As he cleaned the swords and spears, he got a few catcalls from some of the larger kobolds who walked by. He blushed and giggled from the attention. He put them up and looked at the blacksmith large kobold. "Is that everything?"

"Yup, thanks for your help." He said to him, "Take care of yourself."

"Can do." nodded Gabitu as he made his way away and looked around. 'Alright, now who else needs help?' His gaze goes once again to the chief's hut and blushes a little. "I guess I can see if the chief needs anything." he made his way over while any of the slimmer kobolds giggled seeing where he was going.

"Oooohh, he's going for it~!" One whispered to the other.

"Invite us to the wedding!" called out one.

"Can I be your best man?" another one asked

Gabitu blushes heavily, 'You nosy guys!' he thought as he arrives at the hut and knocked at the door. 'Assuming that is just silly, he's probably not here.' he thought waiting at the door looking at the mask and various furs lining the outside wall. "Chief, Gabitu here. Wondering if you need any help with anything."

It was silent before the door slowly opened. Gabitu shudders a little as he looked at the crack a little, but doesn't enter without permission. "Uh, chief? It's me Gabitu."

"Come in." the voice spoke from within. The kobold then opened the door and entered it. "I'm in my bedroom."

"Okay." He said looking and seeing impressive weapons like a large stone sword, various mask and furs lying his wall. "So is there anything you need help with?"

"Yes, I need help dusting out from under my bed." he spoke out from within the bedroom.

"Okay then." he said finding a handmade duster and entered the bedroom. He moved to the bed and crouched down before reaching under with the duster. He started moving the duster around, trying to move the dust from under the bed while also being careful not to breathe it in and cough.

"Thank you, I've been so busy that I've been unable to clean there."

"It's fine, you have a big job. It's no surprise you can't do everything you plan on doing." Gabitu said with a smile. He heard a chuckle while coughing a little.

"You sure have become part of this village quite fast. To be honest I was worried you'd have some difficulty."

"I guess it's because everyone around here has been so supportive and friendly towards me. I've felt and been alone ever since I was a child back at my village. I had no friends, had to practically get fed by my parents in secret, and was looked down upon by pretty much everyone, even females."

"Well I hope it's been good enough to where the village can be called home."

"You serious, this place had felt like a home in two days then back where I lived in years!" he spoke up immediately. "I wish I had been born here in the first place."

"Well I guess it's settled then. Welcome to our village." The chief said happily. "Oh, you could try and reach a bit farther back under there?"

"Oh, okay." Gabitu then crawled in a little bit, coughing a little from the dust build up as he started to brush the deeper part of the bed. "About this far?"

"Yes." nodded the chief while getting a clear view of Gabitu's ass shaking from side to side. `I've never thought I see another one like you again so soon...'

"Wow, this dust gets more and more dirty." Gabitu stated. "Must've been a couple of weeks since it was cleaned." he said having to move side to side a bit more, making him shake his rear unknowingly.

The chief smiled and enjoyed the free show while licking his lips. He then moved and started to rub the upper part of Gabitu's tail.

"Eep!" squeaked Gabitu from the sudden rub. "Ch-Chief?" he stuttered blushing a little from the rubbing.

"Your tail is still so smooth." He stated gently stroking it up and down. "Have you done anything different to clean the scales?"

"U-uhh..No, other than washing in the stream, nothing." he said to him, shuddering softly, feeling his heart beat faster.

"These are the kinds of scales someone could rest against and have a pleasant sleep."

"Uuhh, t-thank you?" he stated flustered as he gets a little more done. "I-I'm almost done."

"Please, take your time." he said as he started to move lower. "Need to do a good job right?"

"I-I-I suppose." gulped Gabitu. He resumed cleaning some more areas, getting more dirt and dust from under the chiefs bed while murring from the rubbing. 'Oh no, what do I do? Should I keep quiet or say something?' He felt the large kobold started to rub his backside softly, making him flustered. 'I'm actually curious about something.' "C-Chief, something's been on my mind lately."

"Oh? Well pray tell me what it is."

"Well I've noticed that you... pay a lot of attention to me, and the other slender kobolds told me that you don't show that much to others, even assuming you have a thing for sky blue kobolds... why is that?"

"Well I guess you could say blue is rather rare and it's very....exotic to me~" He said and then he also put on a sad smile. "And... you remind me of my past mate."

"I do?"

"Come out and sit with me. I'll tell you." He said as he sat down on the bed and saw Gabitu come out and sit next to him. "A few years ago, a year after I became a chief, I was actually thinking on some ways to expand the village, extending the range of food gathering, more huts, etc. And usually I have slender kobolds offering some help with things while I work."

Gabitu nodded as a way to let the chief know he could go on.

"I was looking over them, but none really stroke my fancy, but then I noticed one of them. A kobold with scales the same color as yours. They're quite uncommon where I lived, and there was something about that one that was special." he continued while holding his hands. "When I talked to him, he felt like a rare gem that seemed to speak to me from the heart. It was on that day we spent so much time together we were practically inseparable."

Gabitu was invested in the story. "Wh-what happened to him?"

"One day, he caught a bad cold. I tried everything I could to help him get back to health, but he got worse and worse by the day." he closes his eyes. "He didn't make it. It was the day I would've asked if he would be my mate."

Gabitu looked at the chief in silence horror while the chief gripped his hands together.

"I should have asked him sooner. I should have done it sooner." He said looking down at his hand, then saw a blue paw planted on top of it.

"It's not your fault, you did all you could, but that was tragic. I'm sorry." spoke Gabitu closing his eyes while the chief gripped the paw.

"I'd tried to move on and get an interest with others, and while they are hard-working and committed, they were... plain, ordinary." he sighed. "None of them felt right, no matter how hard they tried."

"I see, when you heard of the scout rescuing a sky-blue kobold, you had to know if it was true right?"

"Yes, with my own two eyes." he nods his head. "I never thought it would be possible, but here you are, with the scales they described."

"Do I...look like him? Other than my scales I mean." He asked looking at himself briefly. "Just curious about that."

"No, but you do feel as kind and gentle as him." He said smiling, placing his paw on Gabitu's back.

Gabitu blushed while glancing away. "I'm... very flattered you think so. No one's ever complimented me about my appearance or personality."

"Both of which are truly amazing." He said as he soon embrace the young kobold into his arms, lifting him up and bringing him close.

"C-Chief." muttered Gabitu staring into his eyes. "Y-You're arms are very big."

"All the better to carry you with."

He shudders from the hold the chief had on him, resting his form on his. "Carry me where?"

As to answer him, the chief got up and headed out of the hut, carrying Gabitu with him. Gabitu held on to the large kobold with a blush, and confusion. "Ch-Chief, everyone is going to stare at us if I remain held on to you like this..." he said blushing deeper.

"Exactly." He said with a smile as he saw some kobolds, big and small staring at them as he carries them towards the platform in the middle of the town. "Just watch and don't be scared."

Gabitu nods his head. 'I'm not scared of what might happen, I'm just very embarrassed about what might happen.'

"Attention!" yelled out the chief as every kobold gathered around the platform. "I have a declaration!"

The kobolds who haven't seen the scene before had exited their huts and joined the group of kobolds who are gathered around the platform.

"Gabitu! The newest addition to our village! I hereby lay claim to him for myself!" he announces out loud and the crowd cheered in a frenzy.

"Woohoo!" The kobolds group cheered and whistled loudly at the two of them.

Gabitu couldn't do nothing but wave at them, having a stupid grin on his face out of embarrassment. "Uh, thanks everyone." He stated looking over them and he looked back at the chief. "Okay, I guess that's it right?"

"If you mean that's the end, nope." The chief said with a grin. "There's more to it than just the announcement."

"Really? What else is there?" the blue kobold said confused about the customs.

"The mating portion."

"Mating portion?" Gabitu repeated back to the chief.

"Of course. It's to cement the fact we're serious about it." The chief spoke to him. "It takes place here so that they all know that you're mine and that no large Kobold is allowed to claim you."

"You mean...everyone...is going to watch?" blushed Gabitu crimson. "I-Isn't that a bit much? I thought there was a special necklace I have to wear?"

"Yes, but that comes after the public mating." He said as he started to maneuver Gabitu so that he's facing the group of Kobolds while the chief was still in a standing position, his front pressing against Gabitu's back.

"Y-You sure?" He said looking and blushing at the sight of the chief's large, long and hard member. "I-It looks so big..."

"Not to worry, you merely need to help wet it up so it'll go inside easier."

"U.. uhhh..." he blushes at the movement of his hands around his form. "I...I don't know if I can..."

"Relax, you may not admit it, but I can smell your arousal building as well." he said gently moving his form so he's upside down now. "And it's making it hard for me NOT to go wild."

The Kobold blushes at the sight of the chief's hard member directly at his face, feeling it poke his nose and get his scent in it. He shivered and felt his dick growing harder in response while gulping and feeling his mouth open without realizing.

The chief took that as a sign and slowly slid his shaft into Gabitu's mouth, growling lustfully from the warm, wet entrance. "Ahhh, yes."

Gabitu blushes back to crimson as he felt his long, thick shaft in his mouth and he started to lick all around it slowly, but thoroughly. He tried to stretch his mouth out to take just the tip in while the chief groaned while the crowd cheered. 'This is completely embarrassing and I can't believe I'm doing this, but... my body just feels hot and something's.. compelling me!'

"That's it, use your tongue all over." the chief said encouragingly as he took a look at his small tailhole. 'Clearly this will be his first as well. I should help him as well.' he reached out with his hand and touched the spot making Gabitu jump.

"Mmmffhh!" He yelped and coughed a little on the member trying to catch his breath.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to help loosen this spot." he started to slowly lick at the entrance.

"Mmmmm!" he muffled from the licking at that spot, and moaned out as he licked more and more of the chief's cock. 'Oh gods, my mind is going blank.'

'He's getting into this more than I expect. He's stronger than I thought.' he thought starting to lick at his tailole more, going inside it gently. He got a moan in response and swirled it around.

Gabitu held the chief's hips as he started to lick and suck on the member as much as he can. This making numerous kobolds as they watched growing hard at the show. 'I... I need this! I can't help myself anymore... I need to do more of this...' that's when he began to bob his head back and forth over the dick, murring and sucking loudly.

The chief smiled with a toothy grin as he placed a finger inside Gabitu's ass. This got the kobold to shiver before he began to move it back and forth while licking all around the hole.

The slim kobolds giggled and whistled at how eager the new kobold is getting to this.

"Man, this is getting me in the mood." growled a large kobold in the crowd with a large bulge under his loincloth.

"Well this is a special occasion, maybe we can see if we can claim a kobold of our own." another spoke out, stroking a butt of a white slim kobold.

"Mmm, I wouldn't mind." hummed the kobold with a shiver. "My brother's been looking for someone himself, think your friend might be interested?"

"Point my friend to him and he won't mind at all~." he said moving to caress all over his body.

The kobold gasped while Gabitu himself moaned from feeling his ass played with while taking more of the dick into his mouth. He was like that for a few minutes before slipping out, panting to catch his breath.

"How did it taste?"

"Bitter..." he said panting, his mouth drooling a little.

"Well your ass says otherwise, it's twitching around my finger."

"I said bitter, but I never said I hated it though." Gabitu said with a giggle.

"Good." grinned the kobold before he added a second finger and moved them in and out faster making Gabitu yelp with a loud moan with the kobolds in the crowd starting to get frisky with each other. "Whoa, everyone's getting really into it now."

"S-Should we...you know." asked Gabitu with a moan. "If you want to, you can."

"Oh believe me, I will." He then adjusted Gabitu to where he was right side up again, facing the crowd like before. The chief moved his dick over and prodded the tip against the anus.

The sky-blue Kobold shuddered as he felt the prodding and felt his body shivering a little.

"I'm going to make you scream." the chief growled lustfully in Gabitu's ear before he started to push his dick in with a grunt.

He grunted and gritted his teeth as he felt the tip pressed against his small tailhole. "A-Ahhh!" He soon felt his ass spreading wide as the tip entered slowly along with the rest of the length.

"Oooh." the chief growled feeling his dick going in. "What a tight hole, riped for the taking."

"S-So big!" Gabitu gasped out while seeing numerous other kobolds in the middle of either making out, sucking each other off, or outright fucking. He panted and grunt from the soreness of the large dick in his ass, but it set his blood on fire.

"Oh this ass is perfect for my cock." The chief stated, moving up to caress Gabitu's belly, rubbing it softly and making Gabitu murred. "Once I start moving, I won't stop."

"Ah.. I.. I won't t- Ooohh.. tell you to stop." Gabitu stated, face as red as a tomato.

"Good." the chief gave a feral smirk and grabbed Gabitu's hips before he started to pull back, only to slam right back inside.

"Aaahhh!" he cried out loud as he felt him go in deep inside him, spreading his ass wide. 'I'll be gaping by the time he's done with me.'

The chief growled out, while the kobolds in the crowd were pretty much in their own little orgy. Sounds of moans, pants and the smacking of skin had filled the area. "You hear them? They're getting hot and bothered from seeing you get claimed."

"They... all are.. so happy.." he moaned out feeling his cheek against his own.

"And you will too, after you are officially filled with my seed." The chief stated, licking the teen's cheek with his tongue. He reached up to rub and tweak Gabitu's nipples making him let out a high pitched moan.

"Ch-Chief, don't tweak them like that!" he gasped, his tail spasming from the pleasured jolt.

"Oh? Why? Is someone feeling really good?" He asked teasingly, rubbing them slowly feeling him squirm in his hold.

"A-Ahhhh!" moaned Gabitu while spotting two larger kobolds fucking two slimmer ones face to face while holding their arms behind them.

"Fuck! I've waited too long to claim this tight ass!"

"Aaahh, you're so thick!" one of the slim kobolds stated.

"Come on, we have your asses claimed, you better help each other with those sweet mouths." grunted the other larger kobold.

"Oh? How so exactly?" another slim one asked, playing dumb.

"Like this." the other slim one said before claiming his lips in a kiss while Gabitu gasped and felt his dick flop with each thrust from the chief.

"Ever had been kissed by anyone yet?" The chief asked while groaning from the feeling of his muscles, his precum easing the entrance and making it easier.

"N-N-No!" he got out hastily as his own shaft leaked pre from the arousal.

"Then let's fix that." He said taking a hold of his face and gently moved it to see his. Then the chief went and gently placed his lips on Gabitu's.

Said kobold hummed and tried kissing back while trying not to moan too loud as the dick went in and out of his ass faster. He coos softly at the pleasure, going to rub the chief's chest.

The chief grinned and could feel the ass getting tighter as his dick started to twitch.

Gabitu can feel it too as he separated his mouth for a moment. "Ch..Chief.." he muttered with a soft gaze in his eyes.


"A-Are you.. About to.."

"Absolutely." he grinned as he thrust faster and harder, kissing Gabitu again.

"Mmmm." Gabitu moaned before he felt the dick twitch faster and cried out into the kiss as he felt something warm shoot inside him. His ass squeezes around the member tightly as he climaxes into the air. His sperm landed on the platform while the chief buried his whole dick inside. He let out a loud roar when the slim kobold started to feel thick loads spilling inside him.

As this happened, the crowd cheered out while moaning themselves. Whistles and giggles filled the air as they see the chief cumming into Gabitu. This making said kobold pant with a glazed look in his eyes.

'So warm... how much will he give me?' he thought drooling a little.

The chief panted himself and stayed inside until his dick slowly stopped twitching. He started caressing his belly as it was round and full of the chief's sperm. "How does it feel?"

"It's so warm and thick chief." he said panting a little from the afterglow.

"Oh that's to be expected, but what I meant is how does it feel to be officially claimed?"

"I... don't really know what to expect. I mean, I'm not actually from this village. Like what's gonna happen now?" Gabitu asked shrugging.

"You'll be recognized as my wife of course." He said holding him in his arms. "You'll usually stay with me for most of the time, though if you want to go someplace on your own, you can just say so. No other large kobold has the right to claim you and if they try they'll be expelled."

"Do I have to do anything like the skinny kobolds?"

"You can still have fun with them. Just be careful about anal sex if you're not carrying." he spoke to him.

"I was actually curious about the cooking and foraging part. Do I still have to do that?"

"We all do have to do our parts. You can't shirk work that way." the chief stated.

"I wasn't, I just wanted to be sure."Gabitu stated as he looked at the others and hearing them cheer and clap at them. "So is that everything to the mating ritual?"

"Yes, the ritual is complete." He said as he signalled the others to resume their activities and they have done so. "The only thing left is to rest in bed as mates."

The sky-blue kobold blushes as they entered the chief's hut once again as he was sat down on the bed for a moment as the chief went to get something. "What are you doing?"

He returns and Gabitu saw the chief put a necklace around his neck and fast them together. "Giving you your very own necklace of course."

He looks it over and notices various small stones and wooden carvings on it. "Wow, it's amazing."

"And it suits you perfect."

He blushes at him as he went and hugged him, feeling his chest against his own. "I love it, thank you."

The chief smiled as he laid Gabitu on his back and on top of him gently, to make sure he's on top, but not hurting him. "Get some rest my love."

Gabitu blushes at the warm hold as he felt his eyes closing and he fell asleep.

(Months later.)

Said kobold rubbed his belly while looking out at the village with a serene smile. He was carrying some fruits and vegetables in a basket as he delivered them to the kitchen area. "Here's fresh gathered fruits and vegetables for you."

"Thanks Gabitu." The head cook said taking the basket from him. "So how you holding up? How many are you expecting?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm hoping for twins." He said patting his round belly a bit. "How about you? Found one for yourself?"

"Sadly not yet, but I am trying out a new dish to try and get someone's attention. If they go nuts over my cooking, maybe they'll go nuts over my rear."

"I'll be waiting for that. Well I better get going, more work to do." he said as he hugs the kobold before turning around. As he walked away he looked down at his belly and couldn't hide a chuckle. "I wonder if they'll take after me or the chief."

As he wonders what to do next, he saw the chief coming towards him. "Hello there chief, do you need something?"

"Yes, I wanted to let you know that later tonight, I thought we could test out this one new potion I discovered." he smirked with a glint in his eyes.

"Potion, what did you hear about it?" he asked giggling at the glint in his eyes.

"Apparently it can help with fertility, and I want to see if it can help increase the numbers while pregnant." he grinned while rubbing Gabitu's belly.

He giggled as he spoke to him. "You mean for everyone here? We're already expecting and you want us to have more?"

"Well I figured you could test it out, you know, purely for testing." spoke the chief innocently with Gabitu seeing a bulge growing under the loincloth.

"Chief everyone's working and outside. They could see us here." he said in a teasing tone, playfully backing away.

"Good, I want them to see." he growled lustfully pulling Gabitu against him.

"Oh, you're incorrigible. Well I can't let you walk around like that." he said pressing on him. "I better do my duties as your wife and take care of it~"

"Good to hear." he said as he proceeded to turn him around and lay him on the floor. He flipped Gabitu's loincloth off and saw the ass before moving his own to the side and prodded at the hole. "Go ahead and drink this potion before we get started."

"If I can't move if this works, you're taking over my responsibilities." he stated before he drinks it.

"You have yourself a deal." grinned the chief before he started to push into the snug hole.

The slimmer kobold murred as he closes his eyes, enjoying the pleasure as well as the blueberry tasting fluid. He felt his body shiver and grow hot, but hotter than usual. "Aahh~... hahh..." he panted from the heat and felt sensitive.

"Maybe we can even make enough children for the next three generations." teased the chief.

The kobold under him blushed deeply. "Y-You don't mean now right?"

"Of course I do." grinned the chief burying his dick all the way in making Gabitu moan.

"B-But chief, I don't think even I can hold that much!" He exclaimed as he let out a loud squeal.

"That's what we're going to find out!" he said as he started to move back and forth in Gabitu, making sure that he's gentle as to not damage the eggs within.

"Ahh~...oooh~...ahhh~!" Gabitu moaned constantly, in bliss of ecstatic pleasure. "It's so good!"

"That's good to hear, you're still as tight as you were the first time." The chief grinned, moving to lick the teen's neck. "Almost like your rear is eager to milk my cock for all it's worth."

"Th-that's silly." He stated gasping from the ridges rubbing the prostate. "Y-Y-You make me sound, ah! L-Like a slut!"

"What? Of course not. Though I can't help but notice your body's eagerness." The chief said as they noticed some onlookers approaching and caressing the sky-blue kobold's body. "Let's show them your expression after I impregnate you again."

"Wh-wait...!" He stuttered as the chief gently lifted him into a sitting position and bounced him up and down. "Ahhh!" he moaned out feeling the dick push in deeper with his own flopping from the movement which everyone could see.

A couple slender kobolds approached and started to hug and massage his body, making him moan out in embarrassment.

"See? Your anus just got even tighter. You WANT to bare my children more than you say."

"Y-you guys!" He cried out in mix of embarrassment and pure happiness as he hugged the ones who are hugging him in return. He moaned feeling them rub their dicks against his own with the chief grunting. "A-Almost there chief~!"

"Take in my sperm!" he growled out before slamming Gabitu on his cock and roared before his dick twitched and started filling Gabitu on the inside. With said kobold crying out loud as his climax made him climax as well, covering the ones hugging him with his own seed.

The ones watching cheered while enjoying the sight as the chief and Gabitu panted.

"Ahh....hahhh.. oohhh... feel better?" Gabitu panted still feeling him releasing more seed inside him.

"Very ...much so." the chief stated as he finishes climaxing and helped him off the shaft. Gabitu's asshole was gaping and dripping his sperm to the ground. "Now this is something we should do more often."

"Don't kid yourself. If we do this too much, I'll be too loose to squeeze around you." He stated being forced to sit down from his new size.

"Fair point, but you sure seemed to enjoy everyone's attention." teased the chief.

He blushes at the words as he looked around. "Well.. I don't hate it." He said trying to lift himself upwards to see if he can stand. But his legs were wobbly and he found himself falling back down, but onto the chief's dick making himself yelp and moan while he groaned. "This is your fault chief."

"Look on the bright side, the children you give birth to will be quite happy." he joked.

He chuckled as he went and kissed the chief, humming happily. 'He's not wrong.' he thought to himself. 'This is my new life now, and I couldn't be any happier.'

Birth of a Mother Goddess

(The Blood, Gore, And Death only show once where she's hunting. It doesn't show again, but I wanted you to know.) There is a large room in an underground room as it was filled with large machines, glowing lights and sound of wrench tightening bolts...

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A electrifying reaction

.We look at a largish looking ship on a rocky looking landscape with a greenish, yellowish sky above it. Inside through the windows showed a figure looking around at the area with interest. The figure was a grey squirrel wearing a labcoat who was...

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The Fox's Den

It was late at night as a female fox was driving down the street trying to get home. She wore a blue blouse with black pants and had a necklace on and currently trying to keep from making any wrong turns. "God... Why did the meeting had to be so...

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