Baby Mama

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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The recently wed Alex Fletcher and Minerva Stryker decide they want children. With Minerva being a dickgirl, though, this means they'll need a surrogate.

This being an Alex and Minerva story it means cruelty and perversion, so beware.


The wedding had gone smoothly. Alex's brother Lance Fletcher had gotten married to an employee of his, a buxom rabbit girl named Alyssa. It wasn't long after that that baby Leslie had been born. A cute little thing currently burbling away in his crib at the Fletcher mansion, where Lance and Alyssa were staying for the time being. Ostensibly it was because Alex intended to help them buy their own home. And he did. However, he and Minerva also had other plans for Alyssa.

"Big Ben" Fletcher was fully aware that one of his sons had recently been married. What he didn't know was that Alyssa and Lance weren't the only ones who'd tied the knot. Ever since he'd met her, Alex had been head over heels for the mammoth clydesdale assassin and he had finally proposed to her. She'd said yes. Both agreed however that Alex's father could never know about it. They'd made this decision based on Ben's behavior towards them the day he paid a surprise visit to his son's office and had treated Minerva with no respect whatsoever, and had acted possessive towards Alex. Neither of them wished to involve Ben in this until they were ready.

And a grandson might soften the blow. Not that either of them was doing it just for Ben. Minerva desperately wanted a child, and Alex had been brought 'round to her way of thinking after seeing baby Leslie for the first time. A child, someone to carry on his side of the Fletcher family, appealed to him. There was just one problem. Minerva could not have children. She had never fully been turned into a woman, although Alex now and forever considered her female, despite her rather sizable maleness. Lack of a womb prevented her from being able to bear children. That was where Alyssa came in. It had been Minerva's idea to use Alex's brother's wife, his sister-in-law, as a surrogate mother.

Which was going to be news to Alyssa when they finally told her. And today was that day. At the moment, Alex Fletcher was standing with Minerva as they looked into baby Leslie's crib, the cuddly little infant bunny as he burbled softly and wiggled about. Alex beamed over his nephew, and tickled him with a finger. He giggled and grabbed his uncle's finger. Standing beside her husband, Minerva watched the baby.

"Oh, too cute," she cooed. "Just wait, though. We will have one soon, too." She kissed Alex's cheek.

"I hope so," Alex mused. "I suspect Leslie here is going to take after his father, in more ways than one." He snuggled up to Minerva and continued to stroke his nephew's head softly and adoringly with hands that had killed so many grownups. He was insinuating of course that Leslie would end up possessing the same mental problems that Lance, the youngest of the Fletcher sons, had.

"Oh, I don't know," Minerva said, chuckling but inwardly seething that she couldn't do it herself. "His mother is normal so I suppose that he will be fairly smart. Not as smart as yours, of course."

Alex, who knew full well his wife's anxiety over lacking the reproductive organs to have children of her own, turned and slipped his arms around Minerva's waist and leaned his head against her breast in an affectionate gesture. "It'll be your child as much as mine, in name if not in genes," he told her. "Genes don't mean everything."

Minerva paused for a moment at that and smiled, kissing the top of his head. "You're right, hun. But first, to make the baby." A cruel smirk played upon her lips.

"Mmm, right now?" Alex asked, feeling suddenly needy. He slid a hand over Minerva's butt, wishing he could impregnate her and not his bubbleheaded sister-in-law, but know that such a thing was impossible. Nevertheless, he behaved as if it were Minerva he were about to bed, and not Alyssa, arousal stirring within him and tenting his pants.

Minerva giggled and moved her knee, rocking it against the erection growing in his pants, making Alex grit his teeth and growl lustily. "Mmm, yes now. Why not now? It's been long enough for her to get over the first pregnancy."

The rabbit nodded and reluctantly pulled away from his wife. "Let me go get her, then," Minerva said. "And you, bedroom." She smacked his ass and then headed off to the kitchen where Alyssa was doing laundry elsewhere in the house.

Alex turned and limped to the bedroom down the hall from the baby's room. Along the way he passed the den where Biff, Fabian and Marty were all sitting around a low coffee table. Although the TV was on the three were playing Monopoly. Biff was being his usual goof-off self. The blonde rabbit rolled the dice and to the groaning annoyance of the other two, yelled, "Yahtzee! I win!"

Ideal godfathers for his son and nephew, Alex decided, and continued on his way. The bedroom was the only door at the end of a narrow high-ceiling hallway off the den at the back of the house. It was a guest bedroom, kept prepared for this very purpose, in a somewhat ritualistic manner, Alex had to confess. It was spacious and comfortable but dimly lit. Alex began undressing himself slowly. He felt no rush. In fact, he hoped Alyssa would walk in on him as he was stripping instead of after.

Lance in the meantime was upstairs sleeping, oblivious to anything as Minerva gently ushered the slightly confused Alyssa along down the hall, helping the young woman take off her shirt. "Come along now, sweetie," she said, "this is part of your obligation."

Alyssa wasn't entirely certain what she was talking about. Minerva had instructed their lawyer, Clint Killingsworth, to insert a clause in her prenup to Lance stating she would be obliged to become surrogate mother to any of her brother-in-law's children, but she was unaware of exactly what it said. She knew there was an obligation but not exactly what it was. She blushed at the sudden lack of clothing as Minerva got her naked before they'd even reached the bedroom, stammering, "Ah, b-but..."

"It's all right, sweetie, your husband knows," Minerva lied. "He said it was fine."

When they reached the door, she pushed Alyssa inside. Alex, who was almost done undressing, turned and looked over his shoulder at his sister-in-law through narrow, lidded eyes, in a dangerous and seductive manner. That one look chilled Alyssa to the bone and told her she had better do as he said. Soon Alex was naked save his socks, sock-suspenders and black briefs. A smirk spread across his face. "Ah," he said. "Alyssa, do come in."

Alyssa stopped short at the sight of her brother-in-law in this state of undress. "Wh-What on Earth is going on here?" she asked meekly.

"You're going to give birth to our baby, too," Minerva told her, giggling and kissing her cheek. "You have yours and now it's our turn."

"Lance did say he was okay with it," Alex said and turned fully. His briefs bulged with his manhood as he stood with his hands on his hips looking Alyssa up and down. Although she was pretty, he was admiring her only insomuch as what a perfect breeder she'd make. "And even if he didn't, the prenup you signed is quite explicit about this particular term of your marriage to my brother."

His brows furrowed and he suddenly looked threatening. "And if you refuse I just have to give Clint Killingsworth a call and you'll be in court like that," he added, snapping his fingers for emphasis.

With a callous shove, Minerva sent the female rabbit stumbling forwards past Alex to the bed, where she sprawled. "Bon appetite, my love," she told him. Alex turned and licked his lips as he devoured Alyssa with his eyes. He had not borne witness to her and Lance's wedding night. He'd given his idiot brother that much respect and dignity, so this was the first time he had beheld his sister-in-law nude, and she was such a sight Alex knew it would take all his self-control from ending their lovemaking session the way he usually ended it with pretty young things.

He walked around Alyssa, looking her up and down, as though inspecting her, and thoroughly enjoying making her feel as uncomfortable as possible. Sadist that he was, he ate up her fear and shyness.

Minerva quietly shut and locked the bedroom door, then began undressing herself. Her muscular form was soon bare for all to see. Her large horsecock was limp at the moment, hanging heavy between her toned thighs, but it was beginning to stiffen as she observed her husband doing his work. Stroking herself softly, she found a large, solidly built chair placed against the far wall across from the bed, which afforded a perfect view, and settled down to watch, crossing her legs over her balls as she watched the other two, her thickening arousal laying nestled between her thighs.

Alyssa lay on the bed, whimpering a little bit, shivering and gulping. She still wasn't entirely convinced that they had told her the truth about her husband's complicity in this, and she was scared of what Lance would do if he found out about what was going here. But she was even more scared of what it was that Alex had planned for her. Still, she didn't dare resist him. Or Minerva.

Alex stood behind her at the foot of the bed and his hands creeped possessively up her bare back to her shoulders as he smelled her neck and then slowly licked it, causing Alyssa to tense instantly and whimper a little bit, looking over her shoulder at him and covering her still milk-filled breasts with her arms. "You'll do nicely, my dear, sweet little sister-in-law..."

"Do I really have to...?" she asked softly.

"Let me put it like this, Alyssa," he responded. "You may have married my brother and had his son, but from now on you may as well have married me. You're mine from now until you have my child." Turning, he winked over at Minerva, and then moved forwards so Alyssa could feel his cockbulge rubbing between her asscheeks, and then suddenly he shoved her down onto the mattress.

The chair creaked noisily as Minerva rose and came over, laying on her stomach on the bed alongside them, watching intently. As sinously as his leg brace would allow, Alex crawled up onto the bed himself to join them. Alyssa squeaked and turned over, scooting back a bit. She shivered and whimpered some more before relenting finally. "All right, but please make it fast," she whispered. "I don't want Lance walking in."

Alex let out an annoyed sigh. "He's upstairs sleeping and besides, we've locked the door. I can see Minerva chose you for your looks and not your brains." He shook his head. "Pull them down," he ordered, indicating his underwear as he knelt there on the bed before her.

Alyssa gulped a bit and quivered some, shyly reaching out her hand and hooking her finger under the lining of his underwear. She eased them down slowly, prompting Minerva to point out, "She's smart, honey. You are just intimidating."

Alex looked over at Minerva. He was intent on putting on a show for her, while at the same time trying to make it clear, without words, that if she were fully female, and fertile, and in Alyssa's place, things would be proceeding quite differently than they were now. Alex was mistreating Alyssa both due to her being a woman, and due to her explicitly not being Minerva. Minerva crossed her arms a bit and set her chin against her forearm as she watched, winking at Alex as he continued. She understood.

Alex smirked and looked back down at Alyssa, black pubes being slowly revealed followed by his thick, hard cock flopping out as she pulled his briefs down. Alyssa chewed hard at her lower lip as she looked at the hard erection, her ears quivering and lowering down as she slowly lifted her eyes back up to his face. She was greeted by a cold and mirthless smirk.

"First..." he said, trailing off slowly and letting her hang in suspense for a moment, "...lick it and lube it up." He stroked his hand through her hair. "And act like you love it. I don't care if you do or don't. Just make lots of yummy sounds and make me believe you love it."

She whimpered a little bit at this before hurriedly nodding her head as she scooted over, doing her best to make it seem like she was enjoying herself as she shyly licked his cock. Alex leaned his head back and moaned aloud, letting it be known that few things pleased him more than having his cock in someone's mouth. "Christ, man, you must make Lance feel good all the time with that lovely mouth of yours, Alyssa."

At this, she flushed deeply and glanced back up at him, licking him a bit more before slowly taking him into her mouth and sucking on him. Alex reached over and stroked Minerva's face as she lay nearby observing them, reserving his affectionate gestures for her and not the baby making machine currently readying his cock for herself. The horse smiled up at him lovingly, nuzzling in against his hand, nipping gently at the finger with their wedding ring on it as Alyssa gulped around Alex's rod, working him down her throat and moaning softly around him. Alex growled and waggled his tongue at Minerva before pulling his cock out of Alyssa's mouth.

"There we go. That'll do. Now then, let's get you positioned shall we?" He grinned and started pushing her back further on the bed, as he climbed up himself and with some pain, due to his knee, knelt and scooted after her, laying her out with her head on the pillows as he got between her legs. She gulped a little as she watched him, taking in a shaky breath and chewing at her claws nervously.

Minerva decided it was time she joined in. She smirked to herself as she moved up alongside Alyssa, licking softly at one of the rabbit woman's full breasts and clamping her lips down around her nipples. She was rewarded with milk. Alex blinked at this display, cocking his head a bit in a bemused expression, that thought never having occurred to him. Resisting the urge to make a cow joke, he shrugged and stooped down and nuzzled the other breats. His tongue flicked across the nipple. Slowly, he slid his lips over it and sucked. Minerva moved her land, sliding it over Alex's as they lapped up the milk.

Alyssa squeaked a little bit at this, shaking and shivering as they slurped the milk out of her breasts. "Ah," she gasped. "Th-That's for Leslie!" Unable to keep from being turned on by this, she moaned.

Alex briefly took his mouth off the nipple. "So buy him store brand," he grumbled. He then latched on again and slurped gently, squeezing Minerva's large hand with his smaller one as they suckled from Alyssa together. After a while, Minerva pulled back her lips, smiling a little bit as she sat back, still holding onto Alex's hand. Alex smirked and took his mouth off her breast, licking his lips contentedly, but not quite done with those lovely cow udders just yet. He let go of Minerva's hand and stroked her cheek.

He took a nipple in between the thumb and forefinger of each hand and squeezed. His sister-in-law squeaked softly at the feeling, clamping her eyes shut as small spouts of milk sprayed forth with the pinch. "Mmm, it's like working the farm!" Alex giggled.

He laughed and milked her slowly until it was all gone, the milk running down the breast. Alex then lined up his dripping, eager cock to her pussy which had earlier birthed his nephew, and was soon pushing into her, groaning deeply around the nipple as he mounted her. The female rabbit gasped in surprise, arching her back clear up off of the bed and crying out softly. "Ah! Oh, God, A-Alex!" She gripped the sheets tightly.

Minerva watched as the two of them began to have sex, her thick fingers sliding over her even thicker cock. Alex grunted and started thrusting his hips. Each time he pulled out his ass hiked into the hair, rabbit tail lifting and showing off himself quite nicely. One might even suggest intentionally. He prayed Minerva would take his unspoken invitation. It was the only way to, in a sense, have them both impregnate Alyssa and make the child all three's instead of only his and Alyssa's. He wanted deeply for Minerva to feel like it would be her baby, too.

Minerva noticed and chuckled at her husband's not entirely subtle invitation. She had other ideas however. Something a little more symbolic. Carefully moving, she smacked his ass, earning a cry of "Ooo!" from the male rabbit before she carefully helped the two sit up, scooting underneath Alyssa. "I think I might get my licks in here," she explained, leaning over the rabbit girl's shoulder and kissing her husband.

Alex beamed broadly loving this idea more than the one he had planned, and after kissing Minevera he also kissed Alyssa. In a way this made everything complete. Simply fucking his brother's wife was one thing but locking lips with her seemed a further transgression. And if there was one thing Alex Fletcher adored it was to transgress.

Alyssa blushed deeply at this and stared at him, then gasped in surprise into the probing mouth as she felt Minerva shoved a finger into her without warning, a little warning not to get too used to kissing her husband. Minerva smirked down at the smaller female, inclining her head some as she wriggled the finger around; her way of telling the woman to stop blushing and concentrate on getting pregnant.

Observing this, Alex was amused, enjoying the idea for for his own transgressions it was Alyssa who was punished, and kissed her more deeply, with tongue this time, before finally pulling away, slurping his tongue lewdly over her lips, chin and across her cheek before finding Minerva's own lips again over Alyssa's shoulder and kissed his wife with a fiery passion to reassure her it was she he loved and not the baby machine currently sandwiched between them and getting penetrated by his throbbing rod. In fact, making love to Alyssa this way, with Minerva situated behind her, was allowing Alex to close his eyes and pretend it was Minerva he was fucking and soon to impregnate, if only briefly, and he hoped his wife didn't find this a terribly offensive fantasy.

Minerva smiled against his lips, sliding her arm around his shoulders - and Alyssa consequently - and kissing him back harder, gripping at his shoulder. "I love you, Alex," she whispered during a brief instant when their lips were apart.

"I love you, too, Minerva," Alex managed to get out, making sure Alyssa heard it.

She did, and whimpered, moaning as another finger was added to her ass, chewing at her lower lip and hiccuping softly as they were removed and Minerva's huge cock was slammed into her. She cried out suddenly in pain and shameful pleasure. Alex grunted in response to Minerva plowing it home into Alyssa which broke the illusion briefly but he had only to close his eyes again and resume swapping spit with the horse to revive his mid-sex fantasy. He felt as if were indeed fucking Minerva, through Alyssa, using Alyssa in the same way two lesbians would use a dildo. Alyssa, the living fake vagina sex toy. The thought made him loose a hysterical giggle.

For her part his sister-in-law picked up what was going on and scrunched down between them a little bit so the two of them could have their moment, doing her best to imagine the other brother on top of her. Minerva moaned louder as she rolled her hips against Alyssa's ass, completely forgetting about the little rabbit between them and focusing completely on her husband.

Alex, too, started to forget there was even someone else between them and seemed convinced that Minerva had somehow morphed into a full woman he could have children with, a far-fetched notion even for him, but his love for her and his desire to make babies with the big-cocked horse woman, however improbable, drove his usually reality-driven mind to entertain the fantastic. Love gives you wings and all that. In the meantime, his sister-in-law was unceremoniously and comicaly squished between the married couple as they both fucked her brains out, Alex feeling his impending orgasm drawing close.

Minerva smiled against his lips, panting a bit as she rocked her hips harder. Alyssa panted and whimpered softly, shaking and chewing hard at her lower lip, tilting her head back, body tightening around them both as she got closer to orgasming. Alex panted into Minerva's mouth as he fucked the little rabbit girl, and, briefly, his hands flew to Alyssa's throat but it was about here that he came back to reality and realized what he's doing, and stopped. Instead he lowered his hands and groped those swollen, milk-filled breasts as he fucked Alyssa harder, his cock itching and already beginning to squirt some cum into her as she whined.

Alyssa cried out and finally came between the pair, her body clamped down like a vice, the first of the evening to cum. Minerva was second. "F-Fuck!" she yelled out, throwing her head back. She slammed a few more times into the little cunt toy between them and filled her body up with spurt after spurt of her hot cum. Alex came third, and his was the most powerful. A case of saving the best for last.

This was likely the most important orgasm of Alex's life, as the blast he fired into Alyssa as his body locked up and he gritted his teeth and stared down at her with the most frighteningly endearing rape-face ever, was the cum that would father his child. For the first time he wasn't spewing into some random whore he'd strangle in a minute. Although he still did regard Alyssa lowly, he appreciated the importance of the fact he was getting her pregnant with his and Minerva's unborn child.

As befitting the importance of the situation Alex came long, slow and hard. It was one of those wonderfully tortuous orgasm where despite the forcefulness of the cum shooting forth it still felt like he had to squeeze and flex his dick to force every last drop out, and just when he thought he was done, another thick wad came up. Each time he came he bucked his hips powerfully, making his leg hurt from the strain of his knees pushing into the matress. He slid his arms around both the rabbit woman and the massive clydesdale behind her, holding his wife and his sister-in-law tightly as he slowly filled the latter.

Looking severely worn out, Alex pulled himself free, a final spurt splattering a last little trick of cum into Alyssa's pubes before the panting and exhausted male rabbit leaned against the female one, both of them supported by the gigantic horse. Alyssa tensed at first before relaxing and sighing as she closed her eyes and kind of enjoyed the moment of tenderness between the two of them. It didn't last long.

After a moment of sweaty panting, he recovered and scooted away so he could swing his aching leg out and lay it straight, and act which made him wince in agony, but he didn't cry out and sighed contendedly, slicking his hair back, and looking for all the world like he's going to light a cigarette.

And, unsurprisingly, he did exactly that, fishing a packet of an Egyptian brand from the pocket of his pants which had lain on the mattress the entire time. He offered one to Minerva, but not to Alyssa, and not out of thought for her health, either. He just seemed to be deliberately ignoring her. Minerva accepted the cancer stick and took it from her husband, leaning over to kiss him. Alex grinned and kissed back gently, producing a silver cigarette lighter and using it to fire up his cigarette. Taking a puff, he offered the ornate, engraved silver lighter to his wife as she scooted over to him and snuggled against him, taking slow drags off of the cancer stick as Minerva lit her own up.

Alyssa gulped a little and moved away from them as they snuggled and smoked in the afterglow. After a moment he noticed Alyssa there and smirks. "Oh, you can go now," he said smartly. "Get dressed and get out. Also, no more breast milk for Leslie. You save that for my kid, got it? Leslie gets the store-brand in bottles... but my kids gets it all natural straight from your tits. Now get out."

Alyssa blushed hotly at this decree. It was one she intended to obey, as well. Having seen how serious Alex was about using her as a breeding ground, she didn't want to know to what lengths he'd go if she ever angered him. "Fine," she said.

"We should invest in getting her a breast pump then for later," Minerva said. "If we make her save it all up now, then she'll pop."

"Fine," Alex said, drunk on sexual power. He'd just fucked his brother's wife and at the moment felt as if he could do anything. "But when you need release you come and ask me, all right, Alyssa? 'Cause I wanna watch you do it. " He licked his lips slowly, making Alyssa shudder with revulsion.

Minerva chuckled. She humored her husband but secretly planned to help Alyssa and Leslie get natural breast milk behind his back later, knowing that later on he wouldn't give a shit. She kissed the top of his head. They both watched intently as Alyssa dressed herself, unlocked the door and left, slamming it behind her. When she was gone, they both burst into giggles.

"Wow, is she cowed," Alex observed, then realized what he'd said and laughed harder. "Moo. I'll bet if I told her to pour it down the sink rather than give it to Leslie, she'd do it just to please me..." He turned and kissed Minerva softly. "Not that I would. But don't tell her that. As you've no doubt noticed, I like having her go in absolute terror of me. It's a real perk."

"Still," Minerva said, stubbing her cigarette out in an ashtray on the night stand. "Subjecting your nephew to store bought milk? That's harsh. Think of poor little Leslie."

"I only want the best for our baby," Alex said, nuzzling her softly. "I think we both deserve a rest, and an expensive night out all to ourselves later." He took a slow drag and flicked the cigarette ashes away from them.

Minerva, who was getting aroused again, said, "For now, I'll make do with filling your tight little bunnyhole!" The two softly kissed and fell back on the mattress, and made love, the cigarette dangling between Alex's fingers, neither of them caring at all when Biff, Fabian and Marty, attracted by the noise from the open door, appeared and looked in, and watched them until they finished...

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