Little Red Riding Wood

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions





Little Red Riding Wood


STORY CONTENTS: Vaginal, Oral, Wet & Messy, Bestiality, GiLF, Condoms, Mild Domination

COPYRIGHTS: All characters are © Nursery Rhymes

Story is © Allester E. Darkflame & Nursery Rhymes

NOTE: Commission story for Rajan Wolffang


"Red, Honey." A woman's voice called from down stairs, her mother's voice.

"I know Momma; I need to go to Grandma's house with her treats." Red called back down the stairs.

With a loud 'ok' shouted back up the stairs, Red drew up her common red silk V cut panties and snugged them to her full rump. Her leg legs held her tall and proud at five feet and six inches of full figured woman. Her bra restrained her breasts, red and silk just like her panties. For a brief moment, she eyed herself in the mirror and smiled at the way her milky white skin glistened in the pale candle light. A red dress swept over her head and swallowed up her torso like a hungry worm. The soft velvet fabric gripped her sweet curves and snuggled her in to the warmth of her outfit. The dress ended only five inches bellow her knees, billowing out around her hips to create a bell shape around her legs and thighs.

With her dress on her body, she pulled up a pair of red wool socks that only covered half of her shins, followed by a pair of ruby red four inch heels. The shoes weren't meant for hiking in the woods, but the small dusty trail leading to her grandma's house was level enough to enjoy the walk in them. As her thin fingers fixed her shoes to her feet, she looked in the mirror once more and smiled at her blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires and the mane of cherry red hair so vibrant it looked like flames of war. Standing up once more, Red smiled and performed a little twirl that sent her shoulder blade length hair fluttering around her upper body until she stopped the spin. She thought to herself and then decided to pull on her red cape with its hood.

The cape only fell to her rump; just bellow the curved slices of watermelon cheeks. The hood itself held all of her red locks in place, primed and preened for the curls of a pure bred woman. Her hands reached up to brush a finger long her smoother then silk skin and smiled a moment before she put on some rose pulp lipstick. As her lips pressed together to press the lipstick between them, she curled her lips up in a smile and kissed her mirror saucily. As she pulled back she felt the line of her C cup breasts spilling from her dress' low cut top. The V formation of her dress' front dipped past her breasts and tickled its tip against her belly buttons lower curve. Leaving laces of red to hold the V shut.

Finally, Red turned and walked from her room, down the stairs her heels carried her until she looked over the den of her family's abode. Her mother stood with a basket of food and treats in her hands. "Here you go dear, now remember, stay off that forest trail. There's a ton of evil creatures out there just looking for a pretty young virgin like yourself honey."

"Yes mother, I'll stay on the trail." Red smiled, taking the basket from her mother and slipping it up to her elbow on one arm. "See you later mom." Red called over her shoulder as she walked through the door.

Walking at a steady pace, Red's eyes skimmed the long dirt trail that lead from her little village home towards her grandmother's forest domain. It was a forty minute walk that she made every day to bring food to her Granny and learn new things about the world. She could see in the distance that her home was growing smaller and smaller as the forest edge grew larger to her. It wouldn't be long until the forest enveloped her in to the darkness of the dense trees. The trail was always safe, patrolled by woodsman constantly to keep the dangerous animals from getting to close.

The sound of thunder rumbled in the air and Red ground her pearly white teeth together. "If it rains I'll get stuck and drenched." She pouted to herself, looking to her left at the edge of the forest. She knew if she cut through it, she could be at her Granny's house in only ten minutes... but then there were the animals that could hurt her if she was caught. Shaking her head, she refused to take the forest route and stuck to the trail. A sudden crack in the distance turned her head and she peered at the amber eyes of a large wolf.

His body towered over her own, six feet and four inches of height and bulky muscles. His dark furred body was a sheer contrast to her own milk white flesh, and he nearly blended in against the back drop of black forest behind him, all but his eyes. He wore no clothing and she could see his sheath and heavy nuts swinging between his legs bellow the sick pack of muscles on his belly. His sheath was enormous, as long as her pinky finger and as thick as three of her fingers. Those nuts between his thighs rivaled that of her palm and she couldn't tare her gaze from his crotch.

"Well, Well, Well, what have we here?" The wolf said in a deep baritone voice that rumbled in his powerful barrel of a chest. His muzzle lined with numerous sharp white fangs as he spoke.

"W... Well good Wolf, I'm heading to my Grandma's house just up on the ridge." Red replied.

The wolf appraised her and sniffed with his dark nose, scenting the air. "Smells like you've got some treats in there sugar." He said, pointing at her crotch which happened to have the basket over it.

"Y-Yes sir. They're for my grandma." She reiterated.

Nodding his large head, ears perched foreword, the wolf smiled "Well then, why not come through the forest? It's faster, and Rain is a coming." He spoke in a sly manner like a fox.

She was about to reply when a new rustling came up the trail and the wolf darted back in to the forest. A grizzly of a man marched up with his muscles swelling from days of working timber and on the hunt. His grey bearded and hair swimming in the high wind. "Good day Miss Red." He called out, waving his free hand since his other arm carried a massive two headed axe.

"Good day Sir Woodsman." She called back, continuing up the road way.

As she passed the man, he smiled "Do remember to stay out of the forest Dear lady, there's been sightings of a black wolf nearby, doing nasty things to young women." He said, continuing on his trail after she nodded her head.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she smiled inwardly. "Perhaps... perhaps not." She murmured to herself.

The wolf however, was not amused at the Woodsman's appearance, but an idea crept in to his head. He turned and rushed through the forest, heading up the quickest route to the cliffs. Once he arrived there, he looked at the small cottage that graced the cliffs top and looked over the ocean bellow it. He was a good half an hour ahead of Red, and he quickly darted in to the domain of her Grandmothers home. "Little Hen, Little Hen. Come from that corner to let me gobble your sin." He called out.

He rounded one corner and nothing was there, a rustling in another room drew his attention and he darted in. What he found in there surprised even him, an older woman sat lying on her bed. Her body sprawled out along the soft mattress, at least five feet and seven inches of unadulterated woman. Her entire body was cloaked in a see through blue linen nighty with a feathery frill around her large and ripe breasts. Despite the grey hair on her head, it swept down across her shoulders like fresh snow on a mountain top, tipping the tops of her breasts as well. Her glasses hid behind them a pair of emerald eyes that sparkled with youthful lust.

As the wolfs eyes roamed down the smooth skin of her body and thighs, he could see a jungle of grey hair gulping up the lips of her puffy pussy mound. She smiled coyly at the wolf and growled like a bitch in heat "Little wolf, little wolf, and come eat this pie of sin." She commented, spreading her old legs wide and letting the fragrance of her womanhood intoxicate the wolfs strong sense of smell. His sheath pulsated, swelled up fatter then it was and soon his pink canine dick slid from his protective sheath and he started to move foreword quickly. He wasted no time in burying his face between the grandmother's thighs. His tapered muzzle fit perfectly against her crotch as he swept his tongue through the jungle of her folds.

Her echoed moans of bliss rose up in the air, one hand reaching down to grab the wolfs furry head and grinding his cold wet muzzle against her clit. She could hear him gasping for breath, panting heated air against her labia lips as she groaned in to the air with bliss on her lips. His tongue rasped along her puffy lips and rolled the nectar drooling from her passage along her folds and his taste buds. His hips humped at mid air while his feral cock jiggled and pulsated from his lap, drooling pre cum along the blankets of Granny's bed. Both of his hands gripped at her thighs, squeezing down on the soft flesh as he tried to pry her legs further apart, but found her strength stunningly holding him back.

Granny smiled as she fought him off, clamping her legs around his head and holding him there with a moan of delight. Her fingers ran through his fur, enjoying the silky smooth feel of it as she ground her twat to his face and forced him to lick and suck from her heated pussy mound. "Good boy, Ohh good boy!" she moaned out, treating him like a common dog and making him growl in rage from it. But even still, her flavor and scent was to strong for him to resist, he continued to lick the salty fluids dripping from her honey hole and soaking his lips and nose in her scent. He couldn't escape her, he was trapped by instinct. Her grinding hips dragged his nose pad along her clit, forcing his tongue to swirl against her pussy passage before her thighs dropped down slowly and allowed him a brief moment to breath.

The wolfs sharp teeth soon came in to play, nibbling along her folds firmly and lightly in intermixed movements that made Granny squirm with glee and pleasure filling her shuddering figure. "Ohh naughty doggy. You best behave." She hissed, suddenly yanking away from him and rolling on the bed. She lifted her ass in to the air, her forearms pressed to her bedding with her sagging tits rubbing against the bed sheets through her nighty. The wolf needed no further invitation, he climbed up on to the bed and wrapped his arms around her wide hips and smeared his crotch to her ass cheeks. His cock head pressed to her cunt lips and he pushed in hard, but missed her core and slide up along her ass crack.

His second attempt slid his dick over her mons and against her right ass cheek, coaxing her right hand to drop between her legs and grasp his cock. "Steady boy, steady... now!" she barked out the order the moment his dick head kissed her cunt lips and pussy passage just right. His next shove was accompanied by a loud moaning howl of lust as his bare pink dick forced its way up the snug chute of Granny's pussy mound. Her labia lips splitting open around his prick, parting the forest of grey hairs apart. Her own moan joined his as she felt his large shaft grinding along her insides, stroking her fleshy walls with his own naked cock flesh. Her hand stayed on his dick until his sheath rubbed against her pussy lips and his nuts ground against her thighs.

With their bodies joined so tightly, the Wolf pulled his dick back and set about a wild thrusting pace like a feral animal. His thighs pounded Granny's ass cheeks with muffled slapping sounds echoing from where his groin fur and crotch slammed in to her round ass cheeks and made the loose flesh jiggle from the impact. His arms held fast to her hips, using his grip to pull her body back towards his in a rocking motion that jerked her body enough to make her breasts wobble and sway bellow her body. His cock slid through her folds with ease, juiced up by the brief foreplay he had with her, along with his own saliva.

Each and every drive his hips made against her rump, sent his balls slapping against her pussy lips for a brief moment before he drew his hips back in an upward angle and drove back in to her once more. The pushing motions he made caused several squelching noises to spit from Granny's cunt as it gulped up his dick like a rapid and hungry wolf eating a mouse. He was in heaven, pounding an easy woman with his meaty prick and feeling his crotch grinding briefly with a soft ass made it all the more pleasant. But for Granny, that dick felt godly to her aged twat, added to the sinfully delightful feel of soft fur brushing along her naked flesh. Her hands gripped at the sheets as she moaned in to a pillow, jiggling in every possible place on her body as this wild wolf pounded her like a feral animal.

The sounds filling the air went unnoticed by any but themselves, but their own bliss blinded them to the time and it wasn't long before Granny's peak hit hard with the force of gale winds striking the coast. Her body shook and quaked as an orgasm ripped through her body, it's power so high she fainted from the intense pleasure, only briefly able to hear the wolfs dominating howl of pleasure echoing in the air as his cum sprayed in to her waiting womb, soaking her inner folds with a thin and watery spilling of wolf sperm.

By the time the wolf realized Granny was asleep bellow him, he realized that Red would arrive soon. He quickly pulled his dick from Granny's drooling twat, noticing how sore and needy his cock still was as his knot was left dry as his bone was hard. Frantically, the Wolf looked for a way to hide this scene, but the only thing he could think of, was to drop Granny in a closet. Her body was light weight and easy to carry for a male of his size and structure, she even fit easily in to her closet, resting in a sitting position to nap in the closet. At the same time, he noticed an old night gown and cap that would help to disguise his body.

The clothes were uncomfortable, too tight on his form and they itched against his fur. But there was no time to complain as a rapping on the door filled his sharp ears. He rushed in to the bed and threw up the covers over his body, snuggling down in to the bedding and growling at his foul luck to land his butt in some of his own fluids. He cleared his voice and called out "Come in dear." He said in an effeminate manner.

Red walked through the door and peered around the house. "Granny, I've come with treats." She said, smiling as she rounded a corner in to her grandma's bedroom. She froze in the door way and looked at the thing in her Granny's bed.

"Come in, Come in Little Red." The wolf said, trying to hide his face a little.

"Thank you Granny," Red said, pausing as she stepped beside the bed. "My Grandma, what big ears you have."

The wolf panicked as if discovered, but then he though up a lie, "The better to hear you with deary."

"My what big eyes you have Granny."

"The better to see you with Child." The wolf once more lied.

"Grandma, what big teeth you have!"

"The better to chew up treats honey."

Red smiled some, noticing something else. "Granny, My what a big dick you have!" she exclaimed, pointing at the tent in the bed covers.

The wolf growled under his breath, trying to quickly think of a lie. Then it hit him "It's just one of granny's to-" the wolf gulped as he felt a hand under the bed covers and the nightgown, this fingers teasing along his pink engorged cock and feeling so good.

"This is your toy Granny? My it's so big!" Red exclaimed.

All the wolf could do was moan in bliss as those skilled fingers cranked his cock up and down, rolling between her fingers with a firm grip and then released from her hand. Suddenly, the covers flew up and Red's ruby red lips dropped around the wolfs dick. "My nut mig mutz nou mav." Red said with her mouth full of cock. The wolf was whimpering as her head bobbed up and down, swiftly moving in a wild paced pumping motion much like the one he used on Granny just minutes ago. Her tongue felt so good on his dick as she slurped up the mixed juices of her grandma's cunt and his own seed from that rod. Her hand once more went to his crotch, beginning to roll his nuts along her soft fingers as her nose crushed against the base of his sack, actually handling his entire knot in her mouth.

Her breath washed along his ball sacks fur, teasing his sensitive parts as her head moved up and down with a loud slobbering noise that just made him melt at the pleasure. The wolf could hardly contain his pleasure; he began panting with his tongue held out of his muzzle, dangling around like a wet rag hanging from the sink. His ass cheeks flexed and his tail wagged between his legs while he watched the fiery red hair of Red's head cover up her work on his prick. She bobbed and sucked, slobbered and slurped like a trained cock sucker, working his eager dick completely and swallowing his knot every time, forcing the head of his dick down her throat. He couldn't stand it any more, his hips began to buck and thrust until an explosion of cum escaped his body and flooded Red's lips.

She nursed on his dick hungrily, swallowing his seed as it flooded her cheeks, and dragging her head slowly back up along his rod so that streaks of her lip stick remained on his cock flesh while it pulsated with his release. Her eyes were on that large knot the entire time, she could feel how wet her panties were as she sucked the flesh of this animal. His taste was strong, bitter and salty along her tongue, but with a tangy flavor added to his watery and smooth seed. When his nut finished, she slid her lips off of the head of his dick and pulled her cape and dress off.

Her body glistened in the rooms candle light and the Wolf's eyes bulged at the sight of her hefty tits bouncing in a high and perky fashion on her chest the moment her bra was removed. She teased him further by turning so that he could see her ass and bent foreword as her fingers hooked in to her panties, sliding them down her hips and along her thighs. His eyes lit up at the sight of a matching firebrand of pussy hair covering her horny and needy pussy mound. His nose twitched and scented the air, able to smell his previous rutting and now this new needy bitch in heat.

She remained bent over, rummaging through the basket before she pulled out a condom and smiled. "You have to wear this rubber wolfy, I'm no bitch for you to knock up." She spoke, tearing open the package and sliding the pink condom down the wolfs cock.

He was irritated by the latex feel surrounding his meat, but as Red mounted his hips and straddled him, the feel hr warm fingers wrapped around his dick soothed his urges. The thin head of his cock pressed to her outer labia lips and split them open as she descended along his flesh, the inner heat of her wet snatch engulfing his dick was still strong through the latex material, and it felt oddly good. His hands reached up and gripped her breasts, those thick fingers pushing in to her soft flesh with his claws barely making dents in her skin. She slowly moved her hips up, shivering at the feel of his cock grinding against her inner walls.

The wolfs body rolled a little, lifting his hips to bury his cock once more in to her liquid heat, but instead she just lifted her hips higher and smiled. "Bad dog, behave." She ordered, flicking his nose with her fingers. He responded by relaxing his own muscles, letting her do the work while his fingers rolled along her breasts flesh in the same paced manner her hips lifted and fell from his lap. It was an agonizingly slow pace that irritated his instincts and urges to rut like a wild beast. Soon enough, Red began to buck her hips, lifting her creamy smooth thighs from his thick furred lap, only to drop her hips hard against his groin and grind her pussy mound to his knot. Her muscles denied his bulbous flesh passage, requiring work to push between her snug lips.

Her movements were calculated and skilled; she was no virgin like her mother thought. Her round rump teased by his nuts soft fur made her body lift fast and drop hard to grind that sinful feeling fur against her naked flesh. The latex condoms material left no feeling of denial for either of them, she felt his cock filling her completely and he felt her liquid heat suckling his rod so hungrily. But the condom ended at the top of his knot, leaving that flesh bare to the feel of her hairy snatch rubbing his naked flesh teasingly along with the heated jelly of her juices drooling out around his cock and down from her folds.

Both of her hands finally pinned themselves to his chest, grinding in to his powerful pecks as her hips began to lift and fall faster and harder. Her pace couldn't rival his own eager motions, but it came close, close enough that he began to really enjoy her movements. Everything about her figure rolled and moved against his hips, grinding her naked flesh against his soft fur like a shag rug and a dildo. She curled her fingers in his thick fur, feeling his hips once more begin to buck in tandem with her own movements. Sweat began to bead on her flesh, rolling down her silky smooth arms and tits, enjoying the feel of his cock inside of her and his strong paws molesting her breasts.

The bed creaked and jerked with their hungry movements, the headboard beating the wall behind it with a loud cracking sound. A sudden scream filled the air as the wolf sank his knot in to her hungry cunt flesh, filling her insides up and stretching her passage around his bulbous meat. Her body shook with pleasure and pain, but she continued to ride his cock "Ohh fuck, you bad bad doggy, such a big stick of wood you have!" she screamed in pleasure, as her hips ground against his crotch firmly, rubbing her clit in to his thick fur and his nuts along her soft ass cheeks. Her cheeks burned red with blush as she listened to a loud swampy noise filling the air that came from her pussy mound.

His figure bucked harder with his knot in her passage, their movements limited from the tie, all he could do was wildly pound her pussy pudding in an urge to empty his balls in to her and his condom. With a smile on her lips, Red lifted her hips up high, letting his knot lift his hips as well before gravity forced his cock to be spit out of her folds. It hurt and made her winch, but she drove her hips down on his knot once more and screamed in pleasure along with the wolfs startled yelping of bliss. Once more she lifted her hips up and let his knot fall from her cunt with a loud popping slurp. She smiled as this felt deliciously good for her, but the poor wolf was on edge and whimpering for his release.

As she slid down his rod once more, she halted her hips from taking his note. "Beg for it puppy dog." She whispered in his ear, leaning foreword so her breasts smothered his muzzle in her sweat soaked cleavage.

She could hear him whining as his hands grasped her ass cheeks firmly and squeezed to try and force her hips down against his. She hissed through her teeth and bit his ear, making him yelp a little, but soon she heard his voice. "Please, let me cum!" he whimpered in to her breasts, licking along the sweat covered orbs to suckle up the salty honey that he lusted for.

Hearing his words, she drove her hips down once more, taking his knot in to her body and feeling her core echoing his need with her own. Lifting her hips up and down his tool, she bounced in his lap, letting the slapping sound of their hips meeting one another's fill the air. Her cunt walls shuddered and suddenly she quaked all the harder as her orgasm peaked. Her inner muscles slurped hard along his cock and knot, making him whimper as his own pleasure rose to high and his balls began to drain in to her core, blocked by that damnable condom on his cock!

She could feel his release inside her walls, the pulsing feeling his dick gave as it jumped and wiggled inside of her passage. The added heat of his nut filling the condom made her shiver in delight, and soon enough she could feel the over filled latex bag leaking seed in to the wolfs crotch and against her own hairy twat. She ground against him harder, lying over his body, smearing her breasts against his furry chest and feeling his heavy breathing slow as he fell asleep. Her hips tilted foreword as she snuggled in to his frame, giving a view of his condom covered dick forcing its way in to her over stretched pussy walls.

Neither of them had noticed Granny peeking out of the closet with a smile on her face. When the two of them had fallen asleep, she climbed from her hide away and walked over to them. Her hands covered the two lovers up with the blankets, but not before giving red a firm smack to her naked ass. She walked around the bed and found the basket, and with a smile she opened up the note inside. It read:

"Dear mother, please use what's inside to keep yourself protected. I know you love fucking your wild animals stupid, but I don't want any siblings. Take good care of my Daughter red, and don't let her cherry go to one of those beasts of yours. Thanks and love you, Silver."

Granny just smiled and took the basket in to the next room, just as a knock on the door made her walk to it. As she opened the door, she looked over the strapping form of the Woodsman and smiled "Hello George, find that wolf I lost?"

"No ma'am. I'm sorry, does this mean I can't play with your vixen?" he asked.

"Not at all sweety. She's twenty meters north of hear near the falls. Have fun with her." Granny smiled, closing the door slowly.

She walked back to her basket and pulled out some fruit, she smiled some what to herself. "Sorry Silver dear, seems your daughter used my protection before I could... not that I'd have used that nasty thing myself." She chuckled wickedly, biting in to the apple as she looked at the two lovers lumps in the bed. "Suppose it would look adorable if they had some pups." She teased.

~~ The End.

~ Allester E. Darkflame


**DARKFLAME STUDIO PRODUCTIONS Presents:** Wanted: MiLFs Ch. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Vaginal, M/F, Nudity, Spooge, Big-Gal, Voyeur, Condom, Oral, Gagging COPY-RIGHTS: All characters...

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**Darkflame Studios Productions Presents** Wanted: MiLFs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: MiLF, Vaginal, Oral, M/F, M/M/F, Pregnancy, Porno, Cheating Wife, Nudity, Spooge, Big-Gal, Voyeur,...

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