When The Sheep Comes Riding

Story by The Bloody Seje on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions/Requests

Welcome to the first of the start of various reasons why I suddenly started the random stories of older men getting laid with pussies thicker than your favorite muscle beefcake's bicep. It was also my first commission, so I'm glad that the commissioner liked it enough to where I felt driven to post it.

Commissioned by jizzerman3

Sleep comes scarce when you're somewhat known in a city where sex has to be kept behind locked doors or one faces an automatic twenty years in the slammer. Parker knows that for certain but that doesn't stop him from still heading outside in nothing but his wool to get some mail. His eyes were made to look tired, so when he actually matched up with the expression he looked like a predator out on the hunt for food.

In spite of being one mostly for vegetables like an herbivore would.

"Oi! Put that away, ya hulking fuck pillow! The kids'll be back around soon!" Parker glanced towards the voice's direction and spotted an old billy goat yammering at him with his fist raised into the air like a rude gesture. "Have some damn decency for once, ya ole bat!"

Parker ogled his mail for a few moments before regarding the old goat with his own rude gesture-a middle finger. This of course did not please the old man and he snorted in righteous anger.

"Oh ya done did it now, ya brat! Wait till I get mah hands on you..." Before the goat could even get down from his rocking chair to try coming off the porch with his heavy cane, Parker had already disappeared into his home and shut the door. The billy goat grumbled as he noticed from the top of the stairs and spit at the direction of Parker's yard before going back to take a seat.

Inside, the sheep had gotten himself situated into his kitchen, hunched over to the best of his heavy frame's ability to grab something light to eat. Being fat should be shameful for someone of his origin, but he's grown not to care with how he kept his body. He's been fat for over two decades-52 isn't exactly close to perishing.

He found some lunch meat to go with a sandwich and dumped whatever would fit between the slices of wheat bread before cramming it all into his muzzle and shutting the fridge door. Breakfast had already been eaten, so that will provide him nourishment for a good hour or tw-

The landline began to ring, prompting Parker's rippling fat to shift around against his thighs as he stomped over to the phone to answer it. It wasn't so old that you had to twist any dials to dial in a number but it was old enough to barely show the electronic caller ID flashing on a tiny screen to let Parker know that it was his manager. He flicked the phone off the hook and squatted down so that his reach didn't disturb the landline's resting place.

"Parker speak."

"Hello, uh...." This ...wasn't his manager. Too deep of a voice to try mimicking it at any rate and no falsetto would fool Parker anyhow on account of his relationship with his boss. The stranger on the other line continued. "This is Parker, right?"

"Da. Speak, thief of boss' phone. Explain why you have phone and he does not."

"I didn't take it, just borrowed it. You see ...I needed to ask about one of your movies..."

"Movies get no discount. Price is price."

"Lemme cut to the chase then...." The guy on the other line sighed and Parker remained silent, adjusting his footing so that his ankles wouldn't twist should he need to stand back up. "Okay...So I've had a problem as of late. I can't finish what I start with the ladies and it's hard to finish myself off when they can't. I dunno what's wrong with me or my junk, but unless I dunno what's real and what's not you're the kind of guy built for the kind of problem I have."

Parker looked himself over, reaching below his sagging belly and nudging against his meaty folds for a moment. They were still thick to the touch and didn't twitch upon contact as most weakly-trained vaginas do.

"Da. I take big things. Vhat's it to you, stranger?"

"I know it's sounds kinda weird but...I wanna set up a day for us so I could ...fuck you."

Parker was already quick to deny it. "Net. I don't take house calls unless movie shoot."

"I already approved it, Parker." The cheery voice of Parker's actual employer blasted into his ear to let him know that things were consensual on his end. "I just wanted them to talk to you first so you would get to know each other."

"...Understood." So he was just the plaything here, getting set up for play dates to play with other people who wanted to toy with him like a child's action figure.

"Before I go...I wanted to set this up like a couple weeks from now." A strange request to throw out when Parker was basically informed that he was being forced into doing this, but it at least didn't generate outrage.

"Vhy vait veeks first?" Parker's skepticism brought out the heft of his heraldry in his voice and it showed with the hesitation for the stranger to immediately respond.

"I ...like guys that stink. Not the disease-ridden kind...just the kind that smell like they skip out on showering when it's too hot. You kno-"


"Yeah, that. Just make sure everything else is clean but...take your time with your scent, okay? I know it's weird and I'm making sure I pay big bucks so it's not a waste of time for anybody, so just make sure you have your ears open for a call okay? I'll send you my number."

"Da...." Parker grumbled to himself. Here he was enjoying a day without having to deal with whiny sex partners complaining about the weight of his body and the power of his pussy during film. Makes for quite the array of frustrations for both remaining cast and camera crew.

"Cool, I'll see ya in a couple weeks. 264-9877." The line was cut before Parker could assure the man that any unknown number calling his phone from this day to fourteen or so later would make it obviously him, so he just stood up and let the phone's line propel it back onto the hook while he walked himself to his couch.

So now he had to make himself smell funky...Like a bear trying to sunbathe after having awoken from hibernation. It's not that the task was hard, but rather the outlandish premise. Who allows themselves to go without showering for the sake of sex? The more Parker thought on it, the more it brought his head near a migraine, so he had to conclude that maybe the freaks of this city were also hiding behind closed doors to stay with the law in place.

For now, Parker situated himself into his chair to where his thighs were spread away far enough to let his stomach sag over his crotch entirely but have that swiftly negated by his hands pulling the fat away.

If there's one thing about Parker that puts him above and beyond the realm of basic comprehension, it's that his pussy looked like a living muscle; his clit alone looked like it would cause blunt trauma to an unsuspecting victim to his suffocating face-plants with its fist-sized heft acting as a beacon towards the real deal down below, of which looked like the inside of a bodybuilding veteran's arm with how thick it was and that wasn't counting the wooly hair that kept it all blatant that it was there and not an illusion. To be fairly honest, it looked like an arm or...three would hardly do a number if they pushed inside of it.

As stated, Parker let himself hang out without a shame, snorting out of his nose in a rhythm before it became clear that he was flexing his vagina like one would lift weights as it squelched and left juices to drip out of its dark-colored flesh. He may not exercise his limbs or try to minimize the gut that impeded anyone's view of that treetop of a bush between his legs, but he'll make sure his cunt was ready for any action.

No man can conquer it, no lady can handle it and no one in between the spectrum could ever dream of matching his discipline. So let's step away from the old man keeping his pussy fit for a task before he knocks somebody out cold.

Fourteen days breezed by for Parker before he got the phone call he had marked on the calendar for in case he forgot; needing only to break showering out of his routine was a cake walk in terms of adjusting to a demand so he just spent as much time as he would allow outside in his fenced-off backyard so he would maximize the efficiency of gathering an odor pleasing to one's nose, his neighbor was up the wall in calling out how smelly he was, comically wearing a clothespin over his snout to emphasize that the sheep was pungent, and while it wasn't necessarily a change Parker had to get used to smearing his sweat down under so the odor would build up quite nicely downstairs. His pussy was its own cloud and his ass an even bigger one, so rest assured that he was well prepared for whatever task at hand he had to situate himself with today involving the musk radiating off of his appeal.

The landline rang, a flash of the numbers being ignored for Parker had the phone to his ear and his colossal rear end nearly touching the floor to get comfy. "Parker speak."

"You ready?" It was the stranger alright, and from the sounds of it he was trying to hide the excitement in his voice by trying to act cool about it.

"Da. Vhere is destination?"

"Where's your address?" Red flag rising up like the mast to a ship, but Parker held away from being too unsure of himself before answering back.

"No. I come to you. Vhere is destination?"

"Sheesh, your boss wasn't kidding when he said you were all about privacy...Uh..." Parker got a house address and hung up the phone right then and there. Afterward, he stomped over to his couch to procure a duffel bag filled with god knows what and hauled it over his shoulder before stepping outside to the real world.

As he thought, the kids were outside playing, so he backed himself inside to pull something out of his baggage. Boxers, big enough to withstand his size even with how wide he could stretch the waistband and made of some firm material. The smell radiating off of them should suggest another clean pair to try, but since he was supposed to smell like an obese man trying to work his way down to mobility he carefully stepped his way into the leg holes and held back a burp getting down to pull them up. His beefy cunt made itself obvious to anyone that looked down but at least children won't go telling their sires and dames that they saw him walking around like he were sporting a boner. One would just say he was rocking a hefty sack and leave it at that, so he was satisfied enough to slide his smelly excuse for undercarriage coverage over his ass and head back out.

The sun was not merciful today, beaming down on Parker like it were also helping him keep up his smell while he walked. His destination was a house several blocks east, into a neighborhood he never trekked through before on his morning walks, so he knew he had to keep on guard. Not like he'd ever let go of it but you get the point.

People stared; it took one glance of his stoic face to make them look down in either fear or disdain before passersby would look down and notice the soggy bulge pushing out from his underwear and stare wide-eyed before he went past and let his scent waft into their nose to burn their nostrils or make them cough before moving on with their day. Honestly, it was like they never thought about what skipping out on one shower of their life smelled like. Either way, the transition from familiarity to unknown territory came about and Parker's pussy tensed up in place of one's jawline as he moved down the street.

There was barely a soul outside, parents keen on keeping their children situated inside where air conditioning was present. Cowards, Parker sneered, but he didn't let that irk him for long. The address to where he was going was coming up and one quick adjustment to his footing before he tripped on some uprooted concrete brought him face-to-face with it. And the owner, from the lone figure sitting on his porch.

"Man, you look even better than your movies take you for." It was a deer, antlers standing up as high as his stature and just as firm as the rest of his built musculature barely contained in his black tank top. Though Parker's eyes weren't on that, they were nonchalantly trained on the drum-tight bulge between the cervine's legs-like Parker's own, but more defined and....lumpy?

"Ve start inside." Parker adjusted the strap to his bag before making his way up to the porch, only to be stopped at the top stair by the unnamed deer.

"Hold on there, big an' hefty. I gotta check ya first." A cavity search? Parker didn't know those were existing outside o-Oh wait never mind, it was just a pat-down. The sheep's wool was like beating a duster into old books in the corner, only instead of dust mites and allergy ignitions it was pocket puffs of the musk that Parker was carrying around, which seemed to please the deer's nose as he whiffed it all up.

"Mhm. You're doing me a big favor here. Ladies don't even try being sweaty like this..." The deer's search continued despite already confirming that Parker met his smell standards, the old sheep noticing the lingering at his backside and bringing his foot down from the top stair to keep his legs together.

"You have vhile ve're inside. Let us go."

"Saving the best for last huh? I like that." The deer merely petted those squishy rolls of ass fat before making his way to the front door, which was unlocked as he twisted the knob and invited Parker inside. The sheep was quick to get acquainted with the ventilated interior of the quaint little house, but he took note of the fact that the floorboards beneath his feet groaned in agony as he stood there waiting for his client to shut the door.

"Alright, first things first. Your name is Parker, and mine's Vynny."

"Greetings, Wynny. Ve begin." Parker got himself started with taking off his boxers, but he was halted yet again by the newly named Vynny's strong hands.

"Hold on there, big guy. I wanna at least show you what my problem exactly is. Just to see if you can still be up for it."

That makes sense, somewhat. Gotta make sure this trip wasn't a waste of time even if Parker was already paid to get nasty with this deer. "Da. Continue."

"Good to see you're understanding. People kinda get a bit impatient until I whip them out." Them? Parker finally glanced into Vynny's direction and noticed that not one cock flopped out from the confines of those useless workout shorts he wore, but two. And when he got far enough, a package of loins followed suit and sagged down to the cervine's knees in weight.

"I see vhere problem stems, and I see vhy I vas called." Not one lady that even Parker himself knew by memory would ever try taking even one of those dicks-they were already a foot and a half long flaccid! But the sheep remained unfazed by their reveal, taking the opportunity to join Vynny in stripping naked-or partway as the deer still had a top on-and shed those used boxers off of his log thighs and let them pool onto his ankles so he was hanging out. Those meat curtains called vaginal folds hung low thanks to the heat, juices beginning to pour down from the inside and onto the floor. "Ve begin or no?"

Vynny was just standing there, a bit dumbfounded at how Parker getting aroused in person was a stark contrast to watching those camera closeups of the same thing and his twin towers began to twitch up towards his face. It didn't take long, for it seemed Parker's pussy was intent on keeping the deer's attention so he could watch that thick cunny make a mess on his living room floor.

Remember when Vynny's dicks looked intimidating when they were flaccid? Well now that they were both erect and throbbing, it was even clearer why he'd have a case of bad blue balls-his cocks were literally in his face and blocking his vision. Without those beef logs blocking the way, Parker got a better view of that undercarriage and noted that the deer was packing four nuts instead of the normal two.

So in essence, they were both freaks with organs far from natural.

"Wynny." No answer, just a dazed look that was fixated on the sheep's drooling honey pot. So Parker did the next best thing and slapped the deer on the face. Not only did this work but it got that goofy expression off of his face.

"Thanks for that...but why'd ya hit me so hard...?" Nursing the spot did little, so Vynny left the mark it left behind open for anyone to see.

"I do not repeat self. Nuisance in the making. Let us start already." And since Vynny wasn't going to make his move apparent, Parker decided to get the deer in gear by grabbing him on his stone-hard shoulder and dragging him to the couch. No time for a bedroom. Vynny didn't even fight back the fact that he was being laid out on his own furniture, not until he caught the sight of Parker's flabby form getting ready to take a bone-crunching seat on his lap.

"No foreplay? I wanted a good time, not a quickie I'd milk out in a restaurant's bathroom." Was this guy simpler outside of porn? He looked like a professional that would give tips to novices of dick sucking and teasing with how he can work someone to a stiffness that not even ice cold water can bring down and knowing he wasn't getting any of that was a big letdown.

"Vaste of seed if I make you explode outside. Better to get you in now. Less hassle." That sheep pussy loomed over the undersides of those dicks but Parker was nimble enough to bend down and pluck them off of Vynny's chin. Then it hit the deer that perhaps he might have overlooked if Parker would even fit them both inside of one hole since that was what he was planning.

But all of that changed when both of the tips fit into the sheep like his cunt was a glove.

Vynny gasped as he easily slid through the depths of Parker's pussy, those walls greeting those humongous dicks like old friends thought forgotten on their way to the sheep's core. Those pussy lips didn't even need to stretch out to their limits to fit the rest in, and soon Parker was just about ready to take the full seat. Mind you, he still had cock meat to swallow up into his body, but he knew the effect he was inflicting Vynny with was more than enough to compensate for the inability to sheath it all in one go.

In fact, one glance up towards the deer proved him right, a hot blush marking that beige face and accentuating the state of his arousal better than his huffs of air did. This was enough to get Parker to sit upright and in turn bring more of those hyper dicks into his muscular pussy.

"G-go...easy on me...old timer?" Vynny's seen what Parker does on a good mood for porn, and let's just say he hoped he was fit enough to handle nearly having his pelvis shattered beyond repair.

The sheep's mere nod didn't help Vynny stop worrying, however. "Da. Vill vork until job is done."

Before anymore questions would ruin the mood of this slowly building encounter of endowments, Parker pulled his hips up and let gravity help shove them back down and pin Vynny's legs to the couch cushions, a splash of juices soiling the material as he took every inch of those gut-twisting shafts. They should hurt, but Parker only had a slightly bitten lip to react with as he worked himself to a motion that didn't keep too much inside of his cunt to make things cumbersome but also made sure he didn't exhaust himself keeping things situated for Vynny.

As for Vynny, there was no telling if he was moaning, growling, whimpering or screaming; it was such a garbled concoction of the four noises that it sounded alien to anyone's ears. His dicks has gone so long without the satisfaction of being all the way inside of another's body without needing to immediately pull out or have his cock heads stick out of some unlucky partner's mouth in a painful manner that the sheer fact that Parker was riding him like he just had one giant meat log left the deer in pure bliss. He knew he was going to regret not asking Parker to try taking it easy again, but he was too horny to care. His balls were finally getting up to shoot precum for the first time in weeks and the volume of which they made home inside of Parker showed that he was backed up beyond common belief.

"You must not allow buildup again. Not 'ealthy." It was amazing that Parker could maintain that same cold face in the middle of him bouncing every flabby portion of his body in his efforts to pleasure the deer beneath him. But the response he got was a strong pair of hands manhandling his love handles like life was about to be snuffed out.

"D-don't care! Just let me nut ...! Make me nut...." Vynny could say that now; Parker was more than capable for the job and an orgasm-a real one-was welling up within his party of baby makers currently situated in the heft of those hairy cheeks. Everything was getting hotter, as if they were in a sauna and the washing-away of stress was like polishing a solid surface so it was sleek to make things roll off of it faster, and Parker seemed to get faster in tandem to the temperature. That belly smeared whatever sweat was crawling down that wooly mass of fat and god-knows-what into Vynny's fur and the full brunt of Parker's odor began to smack him harder than the way those turgid hips did.

It was ripe, yes, but it was the kind that one's nose could feel the crisp of a burning sensation yet be greeted with a soothing aroma that not only cleanses worry but instills happiness. Parker's stench was getting Vynny closer and in turn his moaning kicked up a bit.

"Nrrgh...ahh...keep it....rrrrrguh ...keep it coming..." Yeah, he can't go back to regular girls after this experience. This was gonna put murder into his savings account when all was said and done, but it was worth getting your blue balls massaged by some girthy pussy like Parker's. In the height of his seemingly endless pleasure, Vynny felt the crashing departure from the edge and the plummet brought him back to earth to let him feel the twin volcanic eruptions bursting out from his cocks. His balls were on overdrive and wasted no time dumping the pent up pressure of failed loads and fresh ones inside of the sheep's cunny. All of that deer spunk felt right at home inside the old man and it felt like the good old days of unloading into condoms and just letting them balloon out cartoonishly.

Vynny felt like he had been kicked in his solar plexus when he started getting into his afterglow, cocks calming down a minute or so after and allowing him to get a grip on himself. His balls finally felt at peace, having been shrunk down considerably from their watermelon-sized home to something of a pack of oranges in comparison. It felt so ...wonderful to not have that strain on his tanks. The experience was definitely worth the money spent, so Vynny got on his elbows to speak.

"Now that ...is something a wet d-dream can't match ...almost felt like I was sucked dry..."

"Job is not done." In the midst of his goofy behavior, that statement flew past Vynny's head and he merely flopped back as if accepting that Parker wasn't finished with him or his dicks, so it took an understandably long minute before it clicked into the deer's head that the sheep was not removing himself from his lap.

"What...do you mean? You got me off...fixed my buildup...doesn't it just end?"

"Net. You only gave in once. Still able to vork yourself back to problem. I fix to make sure you don't do again."

It appears Vynny made a mistake.

Parker's cunt was more than just hefty and able to sag down like a pair of balls similar to Vynny's when it was full of cum that missed getting into the womb, it was strong enough to squeeze a cock of any size from tip to base with a control like no other. In fact, it was the current strongest vagina in the world. Which would explain why it looked like a gaping muscle as opposed to the cutesy pair of lips people were so used to whilst impaled by two giant dicks like Vynny's.

Those hips seemed to crash down on Vynny's lap harder, further sealing his fate as Parker tormented those cocks with a myriad of massaging pleasure and giving those ebony cheeks a rhythmic *clap clap clap*. With the lack of experience stacking on top of a lackluster stamina from blue balls, the strength of these actions was snapping Vynny's mind into two. He'd scream, but he had been long silenced by a sudden presence into his mouth in the form of Parker settling one of his moobs into the deer's mouth as he leaned down to make all of this happen. This was an ongoing thing with the sheep and there was a good reason why it went quiet that he prowled on young, monster-endowed men and left them out of the count for a while.

Vynny was barely able to enjoy his second load when it was pulled from him by the sheep's dominant folds and yet it still brought him to nirvana and left him breathless. His suckling on that black nipple came to a snail's pace that was left alone from disciplinary action as his spunk was ripped away from his balls like a machine made to do the job and succeeding. Yet, his dicks were still sporting themselves as diamond-hard. The deer mentally cursed his body for being so into this, for his mouth was too busy being full of sheep cleavage as Parker's riding began anew. No matter how absurd it would seem, the old man was going faster with every load that Vynny blew inside of him.

His balls were victim to the most torturous sex he's ever gotten voluntarily, steadily shrinking down fruit-by-fruit with every mind-blowing orgasm that left him nursing on Parker like he were a newborn pup in need of nourishment despite a lack of sweet discharge to accommodate his actions. By the time he was about to be brought down to a tangerine-level size, his loads were growing less and less frequent with diminishing cum to follow up on the throes of climax. And this was not a good find for Parker. It made him bounce harder, to a point where it looked like he was hopping like a bunny onto Vynny's seared lap, just to get those cocks splurting inside of him again. And most of the time, he was rewarded with a pittance followed with a pitiful whine from the deer below as his cunny was given more fuel to continue.

And yet, the sheep had yet to let a single ounce drip out of his pussy.

All that was dirty between that tamed groin of Vynny's and that powerful bush was just precum and arousal from their respective shooters/gushers. They served their purpose of merely making Vynny's house smell like an orgy of all girls and a handful of guys to settle them down from their estrus, long since not needing lubricant in a pussy filled but not completely to the brim. Parker's actions had left his ass with a steady shade of red but he hardly paid his own body's pain any heed. It was fleeting anyhow.

When will it all end?

Vynny lost count past his second dozen of cream fireworks into Parker's vacuum and yet the old sheep was still leaving him immobile to a pleasure that had already crossed the threshold and began to blend into a painful mix. His cocks felt like they were rubbed raw despite the amount of seed, pussy juice and pre coating their full lengths and his balls were slowly starting to match now that they were the size of pitiful golf balls. By now, he was hopeful that he'd cum at least one more time if it meant that he'd get this maniacal, stoic porn star to stop riding him until his nuts were the Sahara. He started thinking about the movies he's seen the sheep in.

The most recent one came to mind, where Parker had indulged into a triple play all in that black hole of a cunt he had. They all varied in size but they were all as thick as arms, yet the old man not only braved them all but he took control of them...with ...ease....

The realization that he had been walking into this hit him too late, for he felt the last, agonizing load leave his dicks and pitifully pool into the ocean that had already left Parker's flabby stomach look twice as big now once the old sheep forced the deer into his womb to make space for it all. Yet he would still carry himself like the weight didn't matter, as seen when he started to go again.

"N-no.... n-no more....it hurts...." Vynny's whining caught the sheep's attention and like a blessing from above Parker's monster pussy halted in the apex of another trembling bounce that'd surely leave the deer more broken than his first day at the gym.

"Job is not done." Parker's voice sounded deeper in their cloud of sheep coochie and deer batter leaving the room stuffed, foreboding in Vynny's ears as those hips slowly brought themselves back down and those hypersensitized dicks trapped inside that soiled honey pot began to pulse in distress as more pressure was applied to their overworked nerves.

"Pl-please ...I can't ...bust another...." But Parker wouldn't hear it. Vynny had to endure yet another ride and the sheep wouldn't give him a break no matter how much he pleaded. Tears began to burn his eyes and leak down the sides of his face as he could make out the sensation of exhausted balls trying to pump out one good load just to prove that there was nothing left. Having had no breathing room to recover from any of the last orgasms, there was no surprise as to when this next one would come out and make itself at home.

Vynny almost felt like he were pissing when he pushed with all of his might into those fat hips, making sure he got one good hump into the swing of things before his scream of suffering pleasure was silenced by sheep breasts. A drop barely oozed out from both aching logs of meat and the afterglow of that brisk dual climax felt like the end of a tasing. Vynny meekly suckled on those nipples again, feeling his consciousness trying to rest at a time like this.

He was saved, for when Parker began to tactlessly lift those hips up, he also started getting onto his feet and pulling more out of his cunt. Vynny's dicks were as soft as clouds before even half of their size were out of those messy confines, painfully flopping into the deer's saliva-covered chest and making him appreciate that he at least had dicks that could still feel. His balls didn't make it in the end, having been reduced to nothing more than a quartet of peas in a furry pod. A pearly white ooze began to fall from inside of Parker's cunny but one flex not only sucked it back in but also shut his passage from view.

"Job is done. Leave pay vith boss." Vynny was able to keep himself up long enough to watch that flabby ass bend down to put those boxers back on, leaving a wedgie that would have the deer hard if he wasn't drained well past his limits in the back and being the last thing he saw before Parker shut the door behind him and left the cervine out cold without even shutting his eyes....

Parker didn't get home until an hour later, his new accommodations making the trip longer and far more cumbersome than the departure trip. His gut was swollen to a point that weight gainers would give him a standing ovation and his ass looked freshly spanked by a studded paddle with its visible peak from behind in his boxers.

The old man didn't even get to sit down and rest from the long walk before his landline started ringing. A quick look at the number revealed it to be his manager and he answered curtly.

"Parker speak."

"I dunno what you did... but whatever it was just funded your next big movie! This is just enough for all the scenes, props and equipment needed to pull off the shots!"

"Good. Vill there be a cut for me personally?"

"Already sent it to your account big guy. Enjoy the rest of your day off, you got work to do tomorrow."

This time Parker was cut off from the line first and he hung up after listening to the dial tone for a good few moments. Good news were definitely uplifting and for a split second it looked like he was gonna smile where he squatted.

All of a sudden, a rock flew in through his cracked window-open not damaged-and it pelted him on the thigh. Though it looked like a brick in size and had a note attached to it. Parker didn't even need to look through the whole thing to know that that billy goat had been the suspect.

"Next time you come back from your dirty dancing, shower where you're at! You're killing my flowers with your stench!"

He stared at the message before balling up the paper it was written on and tossing it to a corner, where others who met the same fate resided. Now he felt like getting up.

A trip to the refrigerator quelled the need for traditional water and he ended up grabbing a quick can of grape soda. He downed it in mere seconds but didn't just crunch it into his hand or against his forehead like most people. No... he brought it into his underwear and against his fat lips.

The steady *crrrrrnnnnch* of metal being crushed flat was muffled by Parker's boxers and only when he reached in to pull it out was it shown to have been properly reduced to a flat, crinkly surface. He tossed it in the aforementioned corner and sighed. Legs spread and body relaxed, he got back to flexing his pussy to keep it fit after spending a good amount of time being invaded by huge dicks.

Just another day for Parker.

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