The Employee's Kid
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The Employee's Kid
Jacob's performance had been slipping. He'd been desperately clinging on to his job for months now; his boss had been merciful enough to allow some slip ups, but now that boss, the big, hulking rhino, was getting tired of seeing his lupine worker's constant fuck ups and declining efficiency.
The rhino was sitting idly in his office chair, spinning it left and right a bit, eyes trained on the computer screen which proudly displayed a full-screen porno video where a young, twink fox was getting his ass railed by a big, muscular tiger. He wasn't even jerking off to it, he just nonchalantly had it playing. Hell, it wasn't like he had anything better to do at work than absent-mindedly watch porn. He was still watching it when he heard a knock at his door.
"Come in." he said simply, voice booming around the room. The door opened and in stepped the nervous looking wolf, Jacob. "Siddown." His boss nodded to the chair in front of his desk. Jacob nodded and took a seat, wringing his hands and gulping hard. The rhino didn't even pause or close the video. Jacob couldn't see it from where he was sitting and with the sound off he couldn't hear it either. The rhino wouldn't have even cared if he could hear or see it.
"Is... Is everything alright, Mr Kincaid?" the wolf gulped. Kincaid sat back, a stone cold look on his face.
"Oh come on, you know the answer to that..." he scoffed. "You're... slipping." Jacob's ears drooped at that.
"I... know I haven't been doing that good lately..." he said. "But I haven't messed up t-too bad, I swear!" Kincaid swiftly grabbed a few papers from a pile nearby and tossed them across the desk in Jacob's direction.
"Read those." the rhino grunted. "That advertisement you designed for one of our customers last week? It got them faced with a defamation lawsuit."
"Wha- that- I didn't-" Jacob knew what advertisement he was talking about... He'd designed something for one of their company's customers: just a small ad to advertise their products... while painting their competitors in a bad light. It wasn't Jacob's best idea, but a defamation lawsuit? Jacob couldn't think about it for long before his boss's fists came crashing down on his desk.
"Who the hell is going to hire us if word gets out that we get our customers sued?!" he hissed.
"I-I'm sorry- it won't happen again, I-"
"Yeah, it won't fucking happen again!" Kincaid huffed. "I should fire you for this!"
"N-no, please, I can't lose this job! I'll do anything, just give me a chance- one more chance, please!" Kincaid glared at the wolf, huffing out his nose and preparing to yell the building down over the sheer balls this guy had to beg for another chance after his consistent fuck ups... But he stopped himself, instead sitting back in his chair with a long sigh, glancing at his monitor where that fox was still getting his ass fucked doggystyle. A random thought flashed through the rhino's head: that fox was young going by the looks of him, about eighteen or so... If he recalled right, Jacob had a son around that same age... Kincaid chuckled and smirked.
"Another chance, huh?"
"Y-yeah... Please? I'll... take a pay dock or something... Just don't kick me out..."
"Alright. Alright..." Kincaid said, still smirking wide. "Then we'll arrange something. How old's that kid of yours?"
"Huh? H-he's eighteen, why?"
"Thought as much. It's... Dan, right? His name?" Kincaid cast his memory back to the one time Jacob had invited him over for dinner in a bid to impress him and offset some mistakes he'd made at the time. He'd met the younger wolf then. Cute guy; teenager, fit body, soft-looking fur...
"Y-yes... Why?" Jacob repeated the question.
"Heh, 'cos your Dan is gonna be the one stopping me from firing you." Kincaid chuckled.
"What do you mean?" Jacob gave his boss an odd, confused look.
There was a short, tense silence where Kincaid glared into his employer's eyes before speaking up again.
"Let me put it this way... You watch a lot of porn?"
"Um... no..." Jacob said, cheeks turning pink.
"Sure you don't. Then I guess you've never seen the videos of some whore sucking their boss's dick for a raise or something, right?" Jacob opened his mouth to reply but all that came out was an unsure and confused noise. He eventually managed to force himself to say something.
"What... are you suggesting? I- I can't... I can't do that..."
"Well it's a good thing I'm not interested in you, then." Kincaid said. "I'm more interested in your boy." Jacob gave him a blank stare. "Do I have to spell it out for you?" Jacob's response was just more stunned silent. Apparently the answer was yes. Kincaid leaned forward and told the wolf exactly what he wanted, speaking in a deep and slow voice, "I'm coming to your place tonight, and then I'm going to fuck your son. Then you get to keep your job. That clear enough?"
"You... want to have sex... with my son?"
"That's what I said." Kincaid grinned.
"I... I don't think he likes men..."
"Well you better convince him to or we're gonna have a problem." There was another tense silence. Jacob couldn't even believe he was considering taking the offer... He couldn't just sell out his son's body like that...
"I can't..." Jacob said.
Kincaid just shrugged, "Alright then. Have fun in the unemployment line." Jacob grimaced and cursed under his breath. He lowered his gaze and gave out a long, trembling sigh. Kincaid sat there, waiting patiently, glancing over at the porn still playing on his computer until he finally heard the furry male speak up again.
"What... time are you coming over...?"
"Heh, that's better." Kincaid laughed. "Let's say... Seven-ish?"
"Alright, then! So, here's what's gonna happen." Kincaid shuffled about in his chair, reaching down and tugging at the growing bulge in his suit pants. "I want your boy in his underwear, nothing else, standing in your room, and when I get to your place you're gonna lead me up to him and then I'll get to have my fun." Pure lust dripped from the rhino's voice. His member twitched in his pants, growing harder and stiffer at the mere thought of having that young, supple wolf all to himself...
Jacob gulped and nodded, his lips dry and pangs of nervousness pulsing through his gut.
"M-my room...?"
"I'm gonna fuck him on your bed." Kincaid chuckled. "Yeah... Fucking a guy's son on his own bed..." He growled and gave his rhino cock a hard squeeze through his pants. Jacob gave another nervous gulp.
"O-okay, Sir..."
"Remember: underwear, your room, by seven. Got it?"
"Yessir..." Jacob whined.
"That's good. Now get outta here, I got work to do." That work involved nothing more than sitting at his desk jerking off to the thought of pounding tight wolf ass. Jacob swiftly got up and left, sweat starting to drip down his brow. How the hell was he going to explain this to Dan...?
Jacob kept checking the time from the moment he got home from work. 5 o'clock turned to 6 to 6:30 and he still hadn't told Dan what was expected of him that night... He kept pacing around his room, mumbling to himself, thinking of the best way to explain it to him.
"Dan... I fucked up..." he muttered. "Dan... I need you to do me a solid... No... Dan, are you a virgin? 'Cos I have great news- no, that won't work... Fuuuck..." He jumped when he heard his door creak open.
"Dad? You okay? I can hear you pacing about from downstairs..." Dan stepped in, the young lupine dressed in his usual rock band t-shirt and his faded blue jeans.
"Y-yeah..." Jacob said. "Everything's fine..."
"Well, okay..." Dan shrugged and was about to leave when his father stopped him.
"Wait! I need to talk to you..." Dan turned back to his dad with a curious look on his face.
"So... something is wrong then?" Dan asked, stepping towards the older wolf.
"Y-yeah..." Jacob sighed and sat himself down on the edge of his bed. "I'm... in a bad spot at work." He paused, braced himself and then continued, "My boss was close to firing me today... But he says I can keep my job if... if..."
"If...?" Dan echoed, staring at Jacob with a shocked look on his face. His dad was nearly fired...?
"My boss- you remember him, right? The rhino, Mr Kincaid...?" Dan nodded in reply. "He... wants.... to..." Jacob grimaced and shook his head. "Fuck, I can't do this, this is bullshit...!"
"What? Do what?" Dan asked. "What does he want?" He kept pressing. Jacob kept grimacing and wincing, opening his mouth to answer several times just to immediately clam up. Eventually, after constant pushing from Dan, he caved.
"He wants to have sex with you..." Jacob said, a pained look on his face. Dan instantly went silent. The two stayed staring into each other's eyes for a few moments before the younger wolf managed to talk again.
"S-sex... with me...?" he asked.
"Yeah... He's coming over at seven to... you know..." Jacob gulped.
"Fuck..." Dan glared at his father. "S-so, what, because you fucked up at your job now I have to fuck your fat boss so you don't end up fired?!"
"That's the gist of it..." Jacob couldn't blame Dan for exploding at him. He'd have done the same in his position.
"What the fuck?!" Dan yelled, glaring daggers at his ashamed father who just sat there and listened to his son's yelling.
"I'm... sorry..." was all Jacob could say.
"I'm not doing it." Dan said. "Fuck that."
"Dan, you know I'd never ask you to do this unless I had no other choice... But if you don't go ahead with this then I'll lose my job..."
Dan rubbed his eyes in exasperation and shook his head. He didn't have a job yet, and with Jacob's parents being divorced, Jacob was the only one keeping the household afloat.
"I'll make it up to you." Jacob said. "I don't know how, but... I will..."
"Shit, not like I have a choice, right?" Dan growled. "Fine... Fine... So, what, I just wait 'till he gets here and... bend over?"
"Kinda..." Jacob said, nervousness still dripping from his voice. "He wants it to happen in here, in my room... And he wants you stripped down to your underwear when he gets here..." Dan scowled at that, eyes glancing at the clock next to his father's bed. Kincaid would be there any minute.
"I better get undressed then, huh?" Dan grunted.
"R-right... I'll, um, give you some privacy..." Jake said, swiftly leaving the room, shaking ever so slightly. He cursed to himself, standing outside the closed door to his room as he heard the sounds of his son stripping his clothes from his body and tossing them in a heap on the floor. A few moments later and Jacob heard the harsh, shrill buzzing of the doorbell, making him jump in surprise. Kincaid was there...
Jacob went downstairs to greet his boss with the best friendly smile he could muster in this situation.
"'Evening, Sir..." he said. Kincaid hadn't changed his clothes since work. He was still dressed in his suit pants and his ill-fitting shirt that hugged his chubby, bulky frame tight.
"'Evening. So, where's your boy?" Kincaid wasted no time and pushed his way inside. "You did tell him I was coming, right?"
"Of course, Sir... Um... He's upstairs..."
Jacob turned and hesitantly lead his boss upstairs, the creaking of the steps under them echoing in his ears and making them twitch. He hoped Dan was ready... He didn't want to deal with an angry Kincaid being denied his fuck, and it made Jacob wince to think of his own son in that manner. He brought the rhino to his door and gave it a knock, as if he really needed to.
"Yeah, I'm ready." Dan called out. Jacob looked up at Kincaid who gestured for him to open the door already. Jacob did so with a trembling hand, pushing the door open slowly and letting his boss push his way inside to get a good eyeful of the nearly naked teenage lupine in front of him.
Just as Kincaid wanted, Dan was dressed in nothing but his underwear, standing at the foot of his father's bed, an uncertain and vaguely annoyed look on his face. He still wasn't over his father getting him into this and likely wouldn't be for quite a while... Kincaid looked the boy over, licking his lips and giving a low, aroused growl at the sight of his soft, white-furred body.
He then gave out a hearty laugh and smirked wide.
"Haha! Yeah, you're hotter than I remember!" he chuckled. "You ever consider going into porn, kid? I think you'd make a pretty penny." Dan blushed furiously and looked away. Jacob was about to protest the way he was talking to his son but thought better of it. He imagined he'd be saying much worse things soon enough anyway...
"I'll, uh, leave you two alone, then..." Jacob said, turning to leave, but freezing when Kincaid stopped him.
"Where d'you think you're going?" the rhino glared.
"Um, I- I was going to-"
"You're going to stay and watch." Kincaid ordered. Both wolves' eyes went wide with surprise.
"H-huh?" Dan grunted.
"You heard me. I like having an audience, so your daddy's gonna watch while I wreck your hole."
Jacob whined, "I'm not sure I'm comfortable-"
"I don't give a shit. Get over here and watch what I'm about to do to your boy."
Jacob hesitated, opening his mouth and letting out a stuttering croak in an attempt to protest, but then just shaking his head and giving in, stepping back into the room and standing off to the side, wringing his hand as the bigger, stronger rhino male nodded and closed in on the smaller lupine. He swung his arm around Dan's waist and bared down on him, a lecherous grin on his face.
"Let's get started, yeah, pup?" Kincaid pulled the smaller male close, Dan opening his mouth to say something only to have it suddenly filled with thick, wet rhino tongue.
Kincaid growled in approval, holding Dan tight and keeping him held against Kincaid's big, fat body while that big rhino tongue explored the wolf's maw. Jacob stood nearby, watching as his own boss forced himself on his son, the teenager groaning loudly around the rhino's lips.
Kincaid began rubbing at Dan's body, his hands moving steadily over his furry belly, his chest, stroking at his sides and moving around to caress his back before swiftly moving down and grabbing at both of Dan's cheeks.
"Mrrph!" Dan gasped out at the feel of those strong hands gripping his rump tight, squeezing them to an almost painful extent, making Dan wince and grimace at the rough treatment he was getting. With one had still grabbing a cheek and his tongue still lodged down Dan's throat, Kincaid brought a hand around and suddenly groped at Dan's brief-clad crotch, eliciting more whimpering moans from the teen as he gave his sheath and nuts a good, hard squeeze.
Dan looked at his father out the corner of his eye, their gaze meeting and Dan glaring at his father, a mixed look of "get me out of this" and "this is all your fault". But all Jacob could do was stand there watching while the horny rhino made out with his son, unceremoniously groping and grabbing at his body, giving out heavy breaths through his nose as he continued to explore Dan's mouth. Jacob couldn't help but glance down and notice the growing bulge in Kincaid's pants.
Kincaid pushed his hips forward and pressed his hardening bulge against Dan's body. Dan could feel it throbbing against him and gave out a low, nervous whine while Kincaid ground his hips against him, eventually breaking the kiss and staring down at the teen. A few moments of grinding later and Kincaid took his hands away from Dan's body and began working at his own shirt.
"Whew, getting kinda hot in here, huh?" Kincaid chuckled, stripping his shirt off and dropping it to the floor to reveal his fat, thick-skinned body, covered in dark body hair that trailed down his chest and belly before disappearing into his pants, which he quickly started to pull off.
Dan could only watch as the bigger male yanked his clothes off, his briefs holding an impressive and intimidating package in them before they too were torn from Kincaid's body and tossed aside to reveal the huge, fat and uncut rhino cock standing semi-hard between his thick thighs. Dan gazed at it nervously.
"W-what are you... gonna make me do with that...?" he managed to ask.
"Heh, what do you think?" Kincaid scoffed, drawing close to Dan again. The wolf looked down at the throbbing and still hardening fuckstick presented to him and gave out a soft whimper.
"You'll go easy on him..." Jacob said. "R-right...?" Kincaid glanced over at him, barely acknowledging his presence and replying with a simple shrug.
"Maybe." he said. "Maybe not." The two wolves shared concerned glances.
"Stroke it." Kincaid ordered. "I'm not hard yet, so stroke me off until I get there."
"D...Do I have t-"
"Yes." Kincaid growled. The tone of his voice had Dan thinking better than to try to protest further. He reached out, slowly, reluctantly, gazing down at Kincaid's thick rod. His fingers soon brushed across the twitching, half-mast shaft, rubbing across it slowly.
"You gonna tickle it or stroke it?" Kincaid huffed. Dan was still uncertain, but he went ahead as ordered and finally took the shaft in his hand, gripping it tight and getting an approving moan from Kincaid as he began rubbing up and down it, holding it firmly and jerking the rhino's thick length off, pushing it into hardening further in his hand. He could feel it throbbing and pulsing against his fingers while he steadily worked up and down it, pulling the foreskin back to reveal the thick, pulsing cock head.
"That's it..." Kincaid growled softly. Jacob could only watch, eyes trained on the sight in front of him, his own son stroking his boss's cock off as the hardening rhino meat grew longer and thicker in his grasp until it reached its full nine inch length.
"I... I don't know if I can... fit that..." Dan gulped.
"Well that's a damn shame, 'cos it's going in whether you can fit it or not." Kincaid laughed, his hips working forward and humping into Dan's grip. His tip started to glisten with his pre and he looked down at Dan's crotch, still covered by his underwear.
"Drop 'em." Kincaid ordered simply. Dan looked over at his father who just looked back at him, an apologetic look in his eyes. Dan sighed and finished stripping himself off, the underwear slipping to the floor and leaving him completely naked. Kincaid growled his approval and took Dan's maleness in his hand, squeezing at his sheath and rubbing at it.
"Mmm, the furry kind of dick. I like that." Kincaid smirked, admiring the teen's sheath and licking his lips eagerly, his own cock twitching at the sight of the naked wolf.
Kincaid suddenly swung an arm around Dan's waist and slapped his naked, furry ass hard, getting a yelp from the wolf, his cheek stinging from the blow. Kincaid leaned forward, lowering his voice to an almost whisper.
"Get on your knees." he ordered. Dan hesitated and cursed to himself. "C'mon. You want your daddy to keep his job, yeah?" Dan cursed silently again and gave out a defeated groan, slowly kneeling down in front of Kincaid and coming face-to-cock with the rhino.
Dan watched it twitching in front of him, leaking pre down the fat shaft and impatiently awaiting the wolf's lips to part so Kincaid could finally have his fun.
"Make out with it." Kincaid ordered. "Open up and get the head in your mouth. C'mon, I don't have all night." Dan kept glancing over at his father, whining with nervousness while Jacob shuffled about uncomfortably.
"Just... Just get it over with, Dan..." Jacob said.
"See? Even your daddy wants my dick in your mouth! So open up already!" Kincaid laughed and brought a hand down on Dan's head, holding him firmly and pulling him towards his hairy rhino cock.
With no other option, Dan opened his mouth and leaned forward, groaning as he let the older man push the head of his member inside his maw. The taste flooded across his tongue in an instant: salty and musky... Dan gave a low moan as he reluctantly began suckling on it, getting a loud gasp from Kincaid.
"Mmm! Yeah, suck on my dick, boy!" Kincaid grunted, pushing forward and making the wolf gag a bit as his cock was inched down his throat.
At that point Kincaid looked at Jacob, "Hey, come closer."
"Come closer, I said." Kincaid glared. "I want you to get a good look at this. Come watch your boy sucking dick."
"I- I'm... fine over here..." Jacob said.
"No you fucking aren't." Kincaid growled. "Get your ass over here, now." He pulled Dan onto his cock, thrusting forward hard and making the wolf choke loudly on it. Jacob whined pathetically and did as he was told, approaching the two of them and looking down as the rhino cock was enveloped by his son's mouth, lips closing around its girth.
Dan gave out heavy, deep breaths through his nose as he was made to pleasure the bigger male's cock, painfully aware of his father's presence just inches away from them. Kincaid began humping back and forth, his heavy, low-hanging nuts swaying to and fro along with his movements, slapping against Dan's furry chin as he began pounding away at his face.
Dan could feel that huge thing rubbing up against his tongue, smearing it with his thick pre-cum, the stuff mixing in with his spit and filling his mouth with the salty taste.
"Keep sucking!" Kincaid grunted. "Suck my cock, boy!" He kept pistoning back and forth, working his rod in and out of Dan's maw and forcing almost every inch of his cock down his throat as he rammed forward. Dan would choke and gag on it whenever Kincaid rammed forward, making Dan's throat bulge slightly from the intrusion.
Dan whined loudly through his nose, letting out muffled groans around the girthy shaft, all the while his helpless, pathetic father watched. He watched as Kincaid's thick, powerful hips worked back and forth, his thin rhino tail swishing back and forth idly and his ass cheeks shaking with the power of his thrusting. Jacob's ears twitched, filling with the sound of his boss's panting and grunting.
Dan's mouth was filled with pre at this point and he had no choice but to gulp it down, whimpering loudly as the stuff slid down his throat only to be replaced with even more of the stuff oozing from Kincaid's cock. Kincaid panted loudly. His body was getting ready to unload his nuts down this hot little bitch's throat. The rhino picked up the pace and Dan could hear his breathing intensifying. He braced himself as best he could, ready to take the rhino's load down his throat, though he wasn't prepared for what Kincaid did next.
Grabbing him by the shoulders Kincaid forced Dan down onto the floor, leaping on top of him with his cock still jammed deep down the wolf's throat while Dan lay on his back, eyes wide and crying out around the shaft as Kincaid began viciously face-fucking and deepthroating his bitch, yelling out with pleasure as the first drops of cum splattered across Dan's tongue. Jacob stepped close quickly, reaching out with a nervous hand as if he were about to stop the rhino.
"I- I think that's too rough for him!" he said in shock. "H-he can't handle it-"
"Shut up!" Kincaid yelled, still fucking away at Dan's throat as his orgasm overwhelmed him and he began erupting inside the wolf. "Shut up and let me fuck this little whore's face!"
"Hrrrnph!" Dan cried out around the cock in his mouth, struggling and thrashing about as the rhino bred his face mercilessly, pumping him full of his hot jizz which was now leaking out the sides of Dan's mouth. The wolf was quickly made to guzzle down the stuff despite his best efforts, his eyes beginning to water as he felt the stuff flooding his stomach.
Kincaid huffed and pounded at Dan's face a few more times, his thrusts slowing but still staying hard and deep until Kincaid gave him a couple more shoves and finally came to a stop, his cock leaking excess cum onto Dan's tongue. Dan whined loudly, silently begging for Kincaid to get his cock out of him already. Kincaid took his time in removing his cock, slowly rubbing it against Dan's tongue as he slid it out, the wolf groaning loudly the whole time until the rhino had yanked his twitching and leaking rhino dick out of him. Dan started coughing immediately, spitting out the cum he managed to not swallow, his hand going up to hold his neck.
"F-fucking hell!" he spat, spluttering and gasping while the rhino towered over with with his spent, hairy cock resting between his legs.
"Haha! Come on, you're not as much of a pussy as your daddy, are you?" Kincaid laughed. "It wasn't even that big of a load, sheesh." He watched Dan spluttering on the floor for a few moments before glancing over at Jacob who still had that shocked look on his face. He looked into his boss's eyes and nervously spoke.
"T-that's it... right?" he whined. "Y-you're done?"
"Oh, fuck off." Kincaid scoffed. "You think I came all the way here just to have my dick sucked? No way, your boy's nowhere near done."
"B-but..." Kincaid had already turned away and had started prodding Dan's prone form with his foot.
"Get up." the rhino ordered. With cum still dripping from his mouth Dan managed to force himself to his feet, glaring hatefully at the rhino. "Lean over the bed. Ass out." Dan hesitated but a harsh glare from Kincaid pushed him into action.
Dan nervously bent over the bed, lying on his belly and sticking his furry rump up. Kincaid drew close, hand going down to caress at Dan's rump, his touch making the smaller male squeak.
"Mmm, now this is an ass." Kincaid smirked. "It'd look real nice with a dick in it..." Both wolves gave each other nervous looks at that. "But, eh, I'm an old man; I gotta recharge after fucking your face. Gotta wait for my juices to refill." He gave Dan's ass a hard squeeze and then slapped one of his cheeks, making him gasp at the smack.
"You know what, there's something I want to see..." Kincaid smirked and looked at Jacob. "You know, this kid's got a bit of an attitude. I think he needs it adjusted. When's the last time you spanked this boy?"
"Huh?" Dan looked over his shoulder at the rhino.
"S-spanked? Well... n-never, I don't believe in that stuff..."
"Fuck me..." Kincaid scoffed and shook his head, turning his nose up at the older wolf. "Well, that's gonna change... C'mere." Jacob reluctantly ordered and approached the rhino, standing at his side and behind his son's presented rump. "See that hot little ass your boy's got?" Jacob slowly nodded. "Smack it."
"I... What?" Jacob asked, aghast.
"Y-you can't be serio-"
"Quiet!" Kincaid growled, bringing his hand down across one of Dan's cheeks and making him cry out. He then turned back to Jacob. "Come on, I'm waiting! You know what's at stake here, yeah?"
"T-this wasn't part of the deal..."
"The "deal" is whatever the fuck I say it is!" Kincaid growled. "Now smack this little shit's ass!"
Jacob looked at his son's rump and then into his eyes, gulping nervously.
"I...I'm sorry..." he whined, drawing close and raising his hand. Dan braced himself, closing his eyes and then opening them when he felt a soft pat hit his left cheek. Jacob looked at Kincaid, as if he were expecting that to satisfy the rhino.
"The hell d'you call that?" Kincaid growled. "Smack it properly! Harder!"
Jacob's ears lay flat on his head as he brought his hand up again. Dan looked on, his hands gripping the sheets in preparation before Jacob smacked his hand across his rump, harder this time, enough to get a grunt from the younger wolf.
"Harder, you pussy!" Kincaid ordered, the stern and strict tone to his face coaxing Jacob into action, his hand raising once again before smacking across Dan's furry wolf rump, even harder this time, enough to make Dan cry out.
"Owww!" he grunted into the sheets, body tensing up.
"Keep going! Smack the fuck out of his ass!" Kincaid laughed, watching as the dismayed father brought slap after slap down on his poor, helpless son's exposed ass.
"S-sorry, Dan! Grit your teeth, i-it'll be over soon!"
Kincaid kept him going at it, crossing his arms and grinning wide, his cock starting to grow hard once again as he forced Jacob to slap at his son's ass, a red mark soon appearing on Dan's behind, the younger male crying out with every hard blow to his cheeks, eyes tearing up from the pain.
"Oww! Ow! F-fuck!" Dan cried out, thrashing around and biting into the bedsheets now, his tears staining them and wetting the fur of his cheeks. Jacob gave his ass a few more hard smacks before Kincaid stopped him.
"That's enough." he said, stepping between father and son and looking down at the sore ass. One of the cheeks showed sure signs of redness underneath that grey fur. "Oof, you did a real number on it." Kincaid laughed out. "But, you know, I think I can do better..."
"Wha-?" Jacob winced as Kincaid raised a hand and delivered a smack hard enough to make the watching father grimace and look away, his ears ringing with the sound of hand hitting cheek.
"Arrggghh!" Dan yelled out. "F-fuck, stop, stop, please- it hurts!" Dan whined out, his ass screaming in pain. But Kincaid wasn't done: he began his own barrage of smacks and slaps down onto Dan's ass, listening to the pained cries coming from him while his own cock throbbed to full hardness once again, throbbing and twitching, ready for another hole to fuck.
"Stop, Sir- Mr. Kincaid, please, he can't handle it!"
"Well, tough shit!" Kincaid laughed, bringing his hand down particularly hard on Dan's already immensely sore right cheek. The young wolf whined and whimpered, pained tears streaming down his cheeks as his ass was brutally punished by the older, stronger rhino.
It felt like hours had gone by, but the blows eventually stopped. Dan opened his eyes and pulled away from the bedsheets his head had been buried in and had just looked over his shoulder at the rhino when he felt something hard and wet pressing against his taint.
"Fuck- please, please, man, I'm begging you..." Dan whimpered, looking down at that huge rhino fuckstick. "Please!"
"Please what? Please fuck you 'till you scream? Well, shit, if you want it so bad..."
"No-!" Dan gasped and yelped when he felt his ass being stretched painfully around that big, fat cock, Kincaid grunting loudly as he grabbed Dan's ass cheeks and pushed forward, his fingers gripping the sore rump and making Dan hiss from the pain.
"S-Sir, I think I have some lube in my-"
"Don't need lube." Kincaid grunted. "I go in dry. Always. You think I'm a guy who wastes his time with lube?"
"N-no, Sir..." Jacob submitted, stepping back and watching as his boss began to bury his length deep inside the whimpering teen's tight, virginal ass.
The high-pitched whimpering from Dan mixed in with the low, guttural grunts from Kincaid echoed around the room, the rhino soon managing to hilt inside the wolf before he started fucking, hard. He grabbed onto Dan's ass tight and pistoned his hips back and forth, forcing out more moans and yelps from the teen as he went to town on his tight little ass, Dan's father watching the whole time, wringing his fingers with his ears still splayed. He felt like he should be asking Kincaid to go slower, Dan was clearly having trouble fitting it all in, but he knew better. Kincaid wouldn't listen. He'd just laugh him off, call Dan a pussy and fuck him even harder just to spite them.
The rhino pounded away, a stern look on his face as he railed the young wolf's ass, the bed squeaking and groaning loudly under them as Kincaid ruthlessly fucked him.
"Ahh! Ah! S-s-st...op...!" Dan managed to cry out, voice muffled by the bedsheets. "D-Dad, make him stop!"
"U-um... Sir, please, he can't take it all..." Jacob looked down at his son, Dan yelling and crying out in pain the whole time.
"Like I care...!" Kincaid grunted, raising his hand and smacking it across the side of Dan's ass, getting another cry from him.
"Fuck! It... hurts...!" Dan moaned, gritting his teeth and sweating profusely, his fur matted by sweat and tears.
Kincaid kept slamming away at the boy's fuckhole, smearing his pre-cum across the wolf's walls until, suddenly, without warning, he yanked his cock out, grabbed Dan's body and flipped him over. He then lifted the wolf's legs up and rammed his cock inside him again, Dan whimpering in response while Kincaid, the big, fat, bulky rhino, glared down at him sternly.
"I want to see your face while I breed you." Kincaid growled, staring into Dan's eyes for a moment before looking down at the furry sheath he had between his legs.
"Well, that's no good..." Kincaid smirked sarcastically. "You ain't hard? What, not enjoying my cock up your ass? Hey, pussy." His eyes snapped to Jacob. "C'mere."
"U-um..." Jacob did as he was told.
"Fluff the little bitch for me."
"F...Fluff...?" Jacob asked.
"Yeah: fluff. I want him hard. Get him hard for me."
Jacob looked down at his son, stuttering, confused.
"W-what am I supposed to do...?" he asked.
"Anything. Stroke his dick, suck him off. Just get him hard for me."
"But... T-that's my son..."
"Yeah? And?" Kincaid shot Jacob a piercing glance. The older wolf looked away, caving almost immediately, too defeated to argue any further. He went over to his son's side, climbing onto the bed and looking down at what Dan was packing down there.
"Just... pretend I'm a hot girl or something...?" Jacob told Dan as he forced himself to take his boy's sheath in his hand, his touch making Dan groan softly.
"That's it, stroke it." Kincaid ordered, watching as Jacob's fingers worked up and down the sheath, rubbing and tickling it and getting heavy grunts from Dan who involuntarily bucked his hips up into his father's grip.
Whether Dan wanted to or not, his father's rubbing soon had the desired effect on him and the red tip of his member soon emerged from its furry home. Jacob kept rubbing at it despite himself, taking the shaft in his hand once it had hardened enough and getting more whines from Dan as he began stroking it, his fingers wrapped firmly around the growing wolf cock.
Kincaid didn't let up as he watched the older wolf stroking his son off. He kept pounding away at Dan's ass good and hard and deep, huffing through his gritted teeth as he went. Kincaid reached down once Dan was at full mast and grabbed his cock, knocking Jacob's hand away as his strong hand closed around it, squeezing it painfully and making Dan gasp.
"Ah! S-stop, that hurts!" he moaned as Kincaid began tugging it roughly. He wasn't as much jerking the wolf off as he was just pulling hard on his shaft, enough to cause the younger wolf quite a bit of pain.
"Cute little thing." Kincaid smirked at the teen's six incher. "Am I hurting you, boy?"
"Mmm!" Dan whimpered and nodded furiously.
"Huh, well, I ain't a complete bastard, so... Maybe I'll treat you to something..." Kincaid smirked and held the cock upright, gripping it by the base with one hand and then grabbing the back of Dan's head with the other, forcing him down on his son's shaft and making the older wolf gasp as his mouth was filled with Dan's cock.
"W-what the f-fuck?!" Dan cried out, flailing around in an attempt to get his cock out of his father's maw, but Kincaid just kept Jacob shoved down hard on it.
"Suck your son's cock!" he ordered.
"Mrrph! Mm!" Jacob gave out muffled groans and struggled as hard as he could.
"Stop fucking about and suck him already!" He slammed his entire cock into Dan's ass, making him cry out once again. "You don't want to piss your boss off, do you?"
"Mrrph..." Jacob groaned again and went limp, tongue resting against Dan's shaft.
"Good bitch." Kincaid chuckled. "Now get sucking. Suck it like it's the best fucking lollipop you've ever had." He grabbed Jacob's fur and start moving him up and down his son's cock, watching as the canine member disappeared down Jacob's throat, his hips still working brutally back and forth.
Dan tilted his head up, eyes closed, and gave out a loud moan, the pleasure he was forced to feel from his own dad's mouth battling it out with the pain of having Kincaid's massive cock shoved inside his passage. He could only lie there as he was fucked and sucked off, his body shaking and his cock pulsing against Jacob's tongue.
"N...No... I- I- Fuck...!" Dan whimpered loudly, his hands gripping the sides of the bed and his hips instinctively humping upwards, his balls tensing up as they prepared to unload down Jacob's throat. Dan could only watch as his father continued sucking his cock, pushing him closer and closer to climax until he couldn't hold back any more.
"D-Dad! I'm... so close...!!" Dan's mouth opened wide and he gave out a near deafening howl of pleasure that echoed throughout the house, his cock twitching and firing off his warm lupine load deep down his father's throat, Jacob choking on the stuff while Kincaid kept him held down, forced to take every drop of the stuff inside of him.
Once Dan's thrashing had calmed down Kincaid finally let go of Jacob's cock and let the wolf pull back with a gasp, cursing loudly and wiping the jizz from his lips.
"Haha! How'd it taste?" Kincaid laughed. Jacob didn't answer, instead looking away, ashamed of himself, now standing off to the side while Kincaid continued to breed his son's fuckhole. The rhino grabbed Dan's hips and held him in place, fucking harder; faster. He was close to blowing his second load inside the wolf's body.
Every thrust he gave got another squeak or whimper from Dan, that thick, hairy cock stretching his hole wide and penetrating him deep. Kincaid soon felt his balls tensing up in preparation and pulled Dan close, making sure he could get every inch of his rod inside him before pulling all but the tip out and slamming inside, burying everything he had deep into Dan's ass and erupting inside of him.
A wide, open-mouthed smile spread across Kincaid's face, accompanied with a deep, quivering moan as he blew his load inside his bitch, fingers digging into Dan's body as the older male filled his bowels with his hot, thick seed, cock pulsing inside of him with every rope it shot.
"Oooh fuck!" Kincaid grunted, grinding his hips against Dan's ass, still smiling wide as the last few drops of his cum leaked into his bitch's body.
Dan lay there, looking up at the rhino that stood between his legs, Kincaid slowly coming down from his afterglow and looking down at Dan with a lecherous grin on his face.
"Good boy." he growled, slipping his cock out of Dan's stretched and now leaking ass. He stepped back, letting Dan's legs flop down and then looked around a bit before grabbing the kid's shirt from the floor and starting to wipe his dick clean.
"U-um... Sir...?" Jacob gulped.
"I'm done." Kincaid said simply. "Your boy's got a good ass."
"Thank... you..." Jacob shuffled about nervously. "Um... about...?"
"Huh? Oh, your job, yeah. Yeah, that's safe." Kincaid shrugged and began to dress himself, Dan panting, pained and exhausted, on the bed. Kincaid tucked his cock back into his pants and turned to leave. "I'll be back tomorrow to get another piece of that ass."
"Wha- tomorrow?" Jacob asked.
"Yeah. What, you thought this would be it? Fuck no. Your boy belongs to me now, and I'm gonna fuck him whenever I feel my dick getting too dry."
"Y-yes, Sir..." Jacob whined, shrinking away from his boss.
"Good. I'll see you at work tomorrow." Kincaid then looked over to Dan, "And I'll see you after work." With that, he left, leaving the two humiliated wolves alone with each other. Jacob could hear the heavy, thudding footsteps of the rhino heading down the hallway towards the front door.
Jacob sighed and turned to his son, still leaking his boss's cum. There was not much Jacob could do. He needed this job, and that meant he'd be pimping his son out to his boss whenever the rhino wanted... And there was not much Dan could do other than mentally prepare himself for the next brutal fucking he was going to get from the bigger male...