Joy ride

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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Fucking with an employee at work could be fun.

I've had some time to write and this was stuck in my mind for quite a long while. Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did!

Joy ride

"This one's hot," he muttered to himself, phone in paw while swiping through various guys on the gay app. "Oh, this guy's got really good pecs. Bet it feels nice pec fucking those two buns."

With his tail swished back and forth, he was happy to look at all of the hot guys around the vicinity. Black stripes donned all over his body, the said tiger was busy with his job and yet, bored at the same time. He had so many things to do that he didn't know where to even begin with. Working at an office job with a hippo as the company's CEO wasn't exactly a walk in the park.

"Steve!" The tiger jolted from that and looked up. His supervisor handed over a pile of files that needed checking. "You're free to look at guys but not motivated enough to work on this?" Pointed at the stacks of paper.

"Oh come on, give me a break. I mean this is ridiculous. You and I know that this is too much." Steve said with utmost disdain but not towards his immediate superior. The tigress knew all about his personal life but she didn't care much for it unless it had an immediate effect on his work.

The tigress sighed and rubbed both paws together, slightly edgy from all the pile of work that had accumulated throughout the week. "I know but we really need to get this done. Especially this," she handed over a brown folder that was listed as 'To courier out'.

Great, he knew what this meant. The company's errand boy was playing hooky again and left this important document out. Now that means someone else has to take the initiative to bring it over. "Seriously? I've got better things to do than play gopher for other employees. Can't you get someone else?"

"If I had someone else that's reliable, I wouldn't have called on you, would I?"

Now that's a good and bad thing. Steve was responsible and he had a bit of an OCD issue with himself. He just needed to get things done and when it doesn't go as planned, he was edgy and frustrated. That's one of the main reasons why his superior looked up to him but that meant he was trustworthy enough to perform such menial jobs for this.

The tiger got up and looked at the address. Lo and behold, it was a place that had terrible traffic and it was impossible to get a parking space. "Really? Here? You do know that this will take me hours, right?"

"Not if you have a driver." She grinned from ear to ear and walked off.

"Wait, seriously?" Steve tried to catch up with her. "Oh come on! You're pulling my leg!"

She turned and handed a pair of keys to him. "No, I'm not. This document is really important and needed to be handed out by today. I've gotten the CEO's personal driver to escort you over. I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that you'll be back soon enough."

Steve looked at the keys in paw and it suddenly hit him hard. The company's personal driver is also the CEO's bodyguard. He was that Doberman guy that you saw every now and then within the company, following his boss everywhere he went. That guy was a stud! He always wore a suit that fitted him perfectly and an earpiece over his head that made him look like an FBI. Not to mention the size of his body. Boulder like shoulders, strong and massive and even with his suit on, you could clearly see the line that formed his muscular pecs. If that wasn't enough, sometimes his arms strained from moving too much and everyone could see those bulging biceps, ready to shred through his uniform.

He gulped and shifted his hardening cock. Shit, this is going to be a journey he'll never forget. Once the feline was down in the basement, the stud of a Doberman waited for him patiently, looked around for any suspicious person and when he set eyes on him, he took off his sunglasses.

"Steve, I presume?" Oh god, his voice was just so manly. Steve's legs practically shook when he called out his name. He had never known who he was but right now, at this very moment, he'd want the stud to remember him.

The tiger handed the keys over and when his fingers brushed against his calloused paws, Steve held his breath, chest puffed out and waited for the canine to walk over to the driver seat. When he exhaled, it felt like an eternity. This man was to die for. He failed in comparison with him, being sturdy and large, Steve was rather the complete opposite. Slightly shorter in height and his body size wasn't in any way muscular. Not that he was fat but all the days sitting on his ass made it difficult to work out.

Meanwhile, the Doberman was handsome in all ways possible. Pointy ears that were perfect to pick up any unidentified sound, jet black fur that raced along his body. From just his chin alone, you figured out that he had brown underside and possibly in between them, hard cobblestone abs that he wished to rub his face in.

The car started up and they were on their way. Not a word was said between them throughout the journey but Steve kept stealing little glances towards him. He just couldn't help himself. There was a pure man of a stud sitting right next to him and he did nothing. If only he could just rub his paws all over his chest and biceps, that would be a dream come true.

The feline rubbed his eyes and opened up the gay app once more. Scrolled over to the guys around him and he saw a picture that caught his eye. The more he looked into it, he was intrigued by him. Opened up his profile and it revealed a handsome Doberman. Shirtless with both arms flexed out, showed off his amazing body. Despite all that, something else caught his attention. This man was actually zero meters away. No one was ever that close to him.

Unless...he looked at the picture even closer and then turned around to the driver. Is that him? He needed to be sure... but how? Bit the bottom of his lips, he tried to figure something out. He had to admit, this man looked pretty much identical with the stud next to him but he had occasionally recognized the wrong guy.

The car stopped and both of them were stuck in long traffic. Great, just great. This is what he's afraid off. Well, at least he's not the one driving.

"This is the only road that leads to the place. Might take a while." The Doberman said casually while he picked up his phone.

"Heh... it's okay. At least we'll get the document out," he's sweating bullets now. "Um... m-may I know your name? It's kinda awkward."

He stopped looking at his phone and back at him. "The name's Ash." One word, period.

"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you, Ash. I'm Steve." He held out his paw for a paw shake.

Without a second too soon, Ash gripped at his paw and shook. "Nice to meet you. I've seen you around in the office. Working pretty late, huh?"

He even knows his working hours. "Yeah... sometimes."

The canine smirked and stopped talking. There was a moment of awkward silence but Ash picked it up while looking at his phone. "You know why they call me Ash?"

"Cause your fur is black like ashes?"

Ash looked at him and winked. "That and when I beat crooks up, they'll be nothing more than ashes."

If he thought that the first awkward silence was bad, this was just cringy. Ash burst out in laughter and smirked right at him. "Not my best joke around but it breaks the ice."

Everything that he knew about this stud of a Doberman came crashing down. That hard demeanour, someone that you shouldn't mess with, the guy that everyone wants to be and just be cool, all of it was taken down a notch. Ash was just a down to earth kind of guy. He may look intimidating but underneath that hard exterior was just a guy, that's it.

"Wow... I just didn't know that about you."

"What? That I'm just a dumb jock and knows nothing but brute strength?"

"Kinda but that's not a bad thing. It's okay."

Ash wasn't even taken aback by what he said. "Don't worry, I know what I am and I'm proud of it. You should relax a little and not take things too seriously. Besides, it's not everyday that you sit right next to a hot stud like me, bottomtiger69."

Steve held his breath and looked at the canine, eyes wide open while both paws clutched at his phone. Guess that's one way to find out the truth.

Ash revved the car up just as the traffic started to clear off and while he drove down the lane, nothing was said between the two. Steve didn't even know what to say about him. At least now you knew that he was gay. Perhaps a chance with this male.

The car slowed to a stop and there was another round of traffic. At this rate, you'll be late for lunch. Meanwhile, Ash turned towards the tiger and as he did, curled his biceps while smiling towards him. "Think I wouldn't catch up with the other gay guy around the office?"

Oh shit, this guy went incognito. The app had a special feature to make yourself unknown to others and it seemed that this canine was a stalker, just like him. Steve just didn't know what to do. He stammered a bit and bit his lips, couldn't move a muscle but Ash made his first contact. Paw over the driver's seat and clutched at him, gripped hard and placed around his arm. On instinct, he curled his fingers around that bicep and sighed. His fingers barely touched against one another, the thickness underneath that suit was just magnificent.

Bolder, Steve had his other paw around this shoulder and fondled against it, caressed and smoothed out the suit to properly feel the hard interior that was hidden underneath. The Doberman growled heavily, gave off a wink while licking his lips. "It's about time we got a bit more acquainted, don't you think?"

Steve nodded.

Ash didn't even peel his eyes off from him. A pop of his suit and a button came off, another followed and by then, his black uniform had loosened up, thrown to the back of the car and all that's left was his white office collared shirt. If he thought the canine looked amazing under all that ensemble, he was godly right about now. The shirt strained as he flexed, his chest wide and perfect. A pec bounce or two later, he popped a button off and this to reveal his brown underside. He saw a perfect pec line that divided his chest in two and it took every willpower to stop himself from tackling this man.

The teasing continued despite having half of his shirt off. Steve saw everything. His hard and barreled chest, abs carved perfectly in his mid-torso and it didn't help his situation when the Doberman rubbed his sausage like fingers all over his own body. Not only did he growl deeply and lets off a soft and audible moan, one that practically made Steve's cock to bounce inside of its cage.

The tiger whined and gingerly fondled his body. Thankfully, Ash allowed him to do so despite their circumstances. The drive continued at a snail's pace and it was just the right moment. Seatbelt off, Steve tried to clamor over, wanting to feast on this man's body. However, he stopped midway when the Doberman pulled out a burgeoning cock.

Large and thick, impressive in all manners and it slowly hardened up. Being trapped in his pants and now out in the open, Ash wanted a warm and wet cavern to take him up. Not even a word, all he did was nudged his head over to his cock and down Steve went. Drooling uncontrollably, he opened up and took in the length.

The instant he had it inside, lips pursed around the cock head and lowered gently, afraid that he might jolt the Doberman as he drove on. Ash stepped on the accelerator while having his cock sucked, cooed slowly as one of his paws rubbed and played around with the tiger's ears. It started off slow and steady but quickly replaced with loud slurps of his fat cock. Muzzle popped off for a second to admire the massive length that was presented to him. That bulbous cock head looked thick from where the tiger stood and he wanted more of it. Licked over his lips, he was back to work.

For a brief moment, he forgot about everything else but the canine. He just wanted to taste every delicious piece of morsel that made this Doberman a manly stud. A squeeze down the base and pre drizzled off from the tip, slurped it up hungrily and moaned. His taste was absolutely divine. Somewhat sweet but deliciously thick in terms of texture. Now that he's gotten a good look and feel of him, the tiger knew what he was working on. At least 10 inches in length, he was massive. The thickness complimented him generously. Not only was his body large and in charge but so was his delectable shaft.

Up and down his muzzle went and the striped feline didn't even stop for a brief moment. His breathing was slightly harder but it was all worth it. Whatever meat that his muzzle couldn't take in was replaced by his paw, stroked all the way up and down, trying to coax his delicious cum off. Unfortunately, his pants were too tight that he couldn't pick his balls out. That didn't matter. As much as he loved to manhandle those sweet jewels, the hungry tiger was eager for Doberman meat.

Ash grunted and moaned, teeth gritted as he drove on. Thankfully he hasn't crashed the car yet but judging from the way he was driving, he may be losing concentration. Both of them didn't know how long this went on but one thing for sure, his intense cock was about to blow. Sweat formed around his chest, matted on his fur and the entire vehicle started smelling of sex and sweet musk.

Meanwhile, Steve's cock was trapped in his pants, wanting to be set free and jerked but he was in no position to do so. He felt a slight cramp around his arm, getting difficult to work that shaft up and down but nevertheless, he made it work. Ash clamped his fingers around the wheel, his beautiful chest puffed in and out, his voice inaudible and that cock shook violently.

This is it, he was near the edge and not a moment to lose, Steve wrapped his entire muzzle down his length and that gave the final push. Ash had to slow down and a car honked right over them. "Fuck! I'm cumming!"

Those were a few simple words but it prepared the stripped feline. His knot is now visible, fingers held him down to a tie and the first gush of cum blasted off within seconds. Powerful jets invaded his gullet, swallowed down immediately as he took everything up. The taste was exquisite, something that he quickly accepted. Ash flooded his muzzle and Steve gagged a little bit but through experience, he got it down as much as possible.

The Doberman groaned loudly, his eyes still fixated on the road but suddenly came to a stop. That sweet tiger muzzle was still locked to his crotch and it took every willpower to pull him off. The cumming had stopped and it felt like his balls were drained out of every drop. Steve was satisfied with his work and got up, lips creamed with spunk and he licked it off, giving a stupid grin that was cute and alluring.

"And here I thought I was the tensed one," Steve said.

Ash sighed loudly, squeezed his canine shaft to release the final drop of cum, scooped it up and tasted his own essence. "I cum a lot if you know what I mean."

"Oh yes I do, most definitely do." The tiger couldn't believe it. He just sucked the man of his wet dreams whenever he's in the office.

"Besides, we're here," he pointed towards the tower in front of them. "I'll be here waiting for you. Now get that ass out of my car before I fuck it."

Steve opened the door and stopped, showed his ass for the canine and rubbed against them. "Maybe you will?"

The teasing was real and the Doberman was more than eager to take up on the offer. When he walked up to the stairs, he wiggled that ass like a slut, a whore in the making and he loved it. His cock is still out in the open but thanks to the dark-tinted glass of the vehicle, he was in private.

It only took at least half an hour before the tiger employee was back in the car, irritated and fumed furiously. Ash didn't know what went on in there but the tiger was definitely not in the mood for small talk. He started the engine and speed off to the office.

"Hello?" Steve was on his phone throughout the entire drive, explaining his current situation and judging from the sound of his voice and yelling in the background, both sides aren't happy. "How the fuck should I know it was supposed to be delivered two days ago. I'm just the messenger. It's not like I fucked it up. Just -"

Interrupted mid-conversation, he shut his phone off, arms akimbo and looked out the window.

"Something wrong?" Ash said after a minute of silence. He didn't want to push it but if its company's business, it's his business.

"The document was supposed to be handed in two days earlier but someone forgot about it and now the bank wouldn't give us a loan that we were agreed upon. Now the application's closed and we have to start all over. Meanwhile, the CEO needed the money ASAP or we wouldn't get one of the bigger projects."

Well,that's definitely going to affect the company's performance.

"You need me to beat someone up?"

Steve looked at him in horror but quickly turned to a chuckle, which tipped over to laughter. "Seriously? Beat someone up? Is that all you think about?"

"No, but it's my job. Sometimes I think about finances but other times I think about how to fuck a guy," Ash said casually. "Especially when there's a guy that's willing to offer his ass up."

"Is that a proposal?"

The Doberman shrugged. "Depends on how you look at it. Do you think it's a proposal?"

"A proposal to use my ass, yes." The tiger couldn't keep his paws off the canine. He was back in his suit. So all he felt was the outer layer of his thick body.

"I think it's time for you to know what it feels like to be fucked by a bodyguard," Ash made a quick turn and revved the car up. "We'll be back in the office in a few minutes. Meanwhile, why don't you get me wet and ready."

That wasn't a question but a statement, a statement that made the tiger's cock jump. Everything about his work was thrown out the window, replaced with the anticipation of getting fucked, no less in the office! Drooling over his cock once again, he admired and worshiped his thick canine cock. Even after getting off prior, he was back in action.

This time, Ash got back in record time. The car parked in the basement, Steve made his call to inform about the bad traffic that still lingered on the road and the tigress acknowledged him, stating him to be back safe. Just as he ended the call, that huge bodyguard slammed his body back towards the bathroom wall and assaulted his maw. This time, there was no hindrance between them. Free as a bird, the horny tiger wrapped his arms around those huge muscles and tried to claw through his suit.

Mouth wide open, closed into his lips, they kissed like starved animals, ravaging each other with bated breaths. Their loins tented obscenely while their paws took the liberty of trying to undress each other. Steve was the first to be free while the canine had to pull himself off quickly. The suit thrown aside, their shirts were crumpled up in a corner. Both men cramped up in a large cubicle, they had their very own private room but that wouldn't be for long.

As far as the Doberman is concerned, he needed to be back as soon as possible because no matter his circumstances, he was still the company's bodyguard. Ash got everything off, both male naked from top to bottom and the tiger willingly showed himself. There was nothing between them, not a single awkward moment any longer, the walls broke down and all there's left were an abundance of sexual gratification.

Paws held against the stronger male's body, groped and drew lines across his taut muscles. His shoulders were massive and what came along them were wide and extremely powerful pectorals. He even flexed it out for the feline's enjoyment. Steve swoon once again and wrapped his weaker arms around him.

"Since you've tried how thick it felt inside of your muzzle, let's see how good this tight ass is," Ash grinned maliciously, his eyes locked with the tiger.

Preparation is essential and thankfully, the canine always came prepared. Dug into his crumpled up pants, he got out a pair of traveling condom and lube. Teeth pierce through the wrapper and spat lube against his paw. A generous amount lathered around his cock while the balance found its way into the tiger. Steve gasped and arched his back even more, clawed against the tiled walls and the most he could grip on was the toilet handle.

Ash growled even harder and the tiger felt that deep rumble behind his back. The canine was clearly trying to gain his dominance and it worked. Now that he's fully prepared and opened up, Steve sighed and tried to relax, thought about the times he had trained himself with several varieties of dildos.

He thought that the penetration would be slow and steady but for the muscled bodyguard, none of that was in mind. He rammed every nook and cranny of his meat through, a loud cry of moan echoed in the bathroom. This place was secluded enough and just perfect for raunchy activities, which both males were more than happy to entertain.

Arms wrapped around the tiger, Ash smelt the male's perfume, "It's okay. Things will go smoothly. Think about all those other cocks you've taken."

Initially,Steve was lost for words but he managed to find his voice. "B-But none of them were as large and hefty as you. Ahh!! Y-You're really big... f-fuck... t-that's t-t-the spot... Deeper... please."

Once again, Ash inhaled his manly musk and cupped the smaller feline's chest. "Deeper you say? I think I can do that."

And rammed right through. Steve's eyes bulged wide open and had to clamp a paw over his muzzle. Eyes slowed to a close and a small drop of tear trickled down his cheek. He was big, too big! He bit off more than he could chew and he paid the price. The thickness of that shaft slammed again and again and felt every inch of it lodged deep within. Ass muscles clenched and grip at that monster but no matter what he did, he wasn't prepared for every single thrust.

Hips met against his and each powerful thrust was an agonizing mix of pain and pleasure. Steve's cock hadn't flagged but instead stood straight up, hard as a rock. Both paws against the wall, desperately trying to hold onto something but only the smooth surface of tiles. Meanwhile, for the big Doberman, he had every advantage of holding him up. An arm coiled around his neck and pulled him upwards, back arched over and embedded his cock inside. Not moving, that shaft pulsed and smeared another drop of pre.

Hot breath puffed over the tiger's right ears and heard the soft whisper of lust from that bigger male, the man that had total control of his body. Another strong arm gripped at his mid-torso and pushed him back. This resulted in an uncontrollable moan from Steve. His entire body shook like a leaf and he just couldn't hold himself back any longer. Ash licked his ears, nibbled around his neck and down to the nape.

The presence of teeth was felt and the exhilaration and thrill quickly surged through both males. Hips slammed forward and the canine was back in action. Powerful thrust and followed by amazing slams, he rammed like a fuck machine. Heavy growls and moans mixed together and formed into a melodious echo of carnal instinct.

Steve couldn't keep himself quiet, constantly moaning and calling out for the Doberman. His name echoed in the bathroom while his cock slapped against his mid-torso, spreading sweet sticky pre all over the floor. By now the pain was no longer present; all that's left was pleasure. He screamed for more, begged to be fucked, his mind clouded by the lust of the Doberman and Ash delivered with every command.

Claws scrapped around his sweaty fur, musk wafted in the air and every time they inhaled for oxygen, it was mixed with the scent of sex. Steve cried out in abandonment, held onto the Doberman's strong arm, willfully submitted himself like the slut that he was. Ash fucked like it was his last day on earth, his balls pulled up and by now, his knot had formed.

"I'm going to tie you, bitch."

"Ahh! A-Ash! No! We can't!"

"Shut the fuck up!" And the deed was done. The canine's knot slammed right in and it stretched that ass to its limits. It popped inside and they were knotted together. "I want everyone in the office to know who you belong to, what kind of bitch you are. You're mine, pretty tiger. You're fucking mine!"

His thrust finally ended and he gave in one final slam. With his knot stuck inside, both of them had nowhere else to go. A large amount of cum flooded in and Steve actually felt the first hot wave of spunk. His body quivered and without even touching himself, he came handsfree. That giant cock had battered his prostrate button senseless and this pushed him off the edge. There was no turning back and he knew how embarrassing this was. He practically cummed from having that giant knot inside of him and he had to go back to work.

At least the guys that he had sex with was during the weekends but now, right here in the company's bathroom, he could get fired. The thought definitely lingered but quickly wiped off with the presence of pleasure. A canine paw over his muzzle, he was pulled back and his moans were muffled out.

"Shh... quiet..." Ash licked his ears and both of them stood still.

The door clicked open and someone walked right in. "Please, this isn't child's play." The sound of zipper opened up and a few seconds later, the male had started pissing. "Tell me what? Hello? Fuck! Hello? Mr. Barnes?"

His phone shut off and the new occupant cursed loudly. That important call must have gotten cut mid-conversation. The sound of running water and a few tears of tissues, he walked out.

Both males continued to stay in place, afraid that someone else might have entered in. All the while the canine's cock continued to throb and gave one final spurt. Steve shuddered and moaned softly, his cock finally flagged after such an intense orgasm. Every part of his body was exhausted from his fucking. Ash finally let go of his strong grip. "That was close."

Steve gasped and took a moment to glare daggers towards the Doberman. "Are you fucking kidding me? Knotting during work? This is unacceptable and that guy that just pissed here was my senior manager. From the sound of his voice, he isn't exactly happy right now."

Ash clicked his tongue and looked at him with disdain. "Shut up. We had sex, that's what mattered. Don't fucking tell me that you've not dreamt of getting fucked by a man like me. I've seen your eyes before and now that your fantasy is fulfilled, you dare talk back to me?"

"This isn't about sex or anything. This is work and I'm late! If my - " His phone started ringing.

Steve scrambled for his pants, the Doberman's cock still stuck in him, and dug out his phone, quickly answered it. "Yes, I know. I'm on my way back. Don't worry, I'll handle it. No, please, just give me five minutes, I'll be back. The driver?" The tiger looked at the canine. "Yeah, he'll return the keys once he'd parked the car. Yes, I'm sure. Alright, got it." Clicked the phone off.

Ash didn't even have the time to berate or argue with the tiger. All he needed to do was told him to shut up and both of them kept quiet for a few minutes. There was tension in the air and he definitely felt the burning anger from the tiger. Thankfully he was able to unlodge his knot off in time. As he did so, a river of cum oozed from his ass.

Steve groaned as he fingered his messy tail hole. "Fine, I admit that that was amazing sex but really, you shouldn't have knotted."

The Doberman rolled his eyes and didn't even mutter a breath towards him. Both of them wiped themselves clean and got back out decently, at least to the eyes of the public. Ash handed the car keys over and this was the end of their meeting. Steve bit the bottom of his lips and knew very well that they will be back to being the 'hi bye' kind of acquaintance.

Ash bowed respectfully. "It was a pleasure to be at your service, Mr.Steve. I bid you a good day." Tipped his sunglasses and turned around.

He cleared his throat and looked forward, nothing else to see here but work, this was what this place is. The elevator door opened up but before it could close shut, it opened back up, stopped by a familiar feline. Steve took the man's paw and handed a small piece of paper, and ran off immediately.

The elevator closed and it took Ash at least a full two seconds to realize what had happened. Opened up his paw, he saw the paper and read what was written. He grinned from ear to ear. "Well, this is going to be a fun weekend."