Marcus Lane - Chapter Thirteen

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#13 of Marcus Lane

The British countryside, full of charm and delight... that's until gay celebrity author Marcus Lane arrives back from San Francisco to fix his parents' house up and sell it.

His arrival in the village, combined with that of a famous film star in town to shoot a movie inspires jealously from a bored local teenager with a crush on both of them and the curiosity of Marcus' first ex which leads to a trail of comedic destruction.

Chapter Thirteen


"If I knew this is what your London place looked like, I'd have invited myself around sooner."

Marcus wagged his tail as he sniffed around Ralph's apartment.

Unlike Honeysuckle Lodge, the place was modern. Floor to ceiling windows lined one wall, giving a view of the city lights. The other walls were lined with abstract paintings or framed posters of retro car advertisements. Blue mood lighting was built into the ceiling.

"I'm glad you like it," Ralph replied, flashing Marcus his smile.

"I do, very much so," Marcus replied. "What time was your screen test tomorrow?"

"Two pm."

"Well, then we have all night, and all morning," Marcus teased, walking over to put a paw on Ralph's butt.

"You're incorrigible," Ralph said.

The Doberman let out a playful growl before nibbling at Marcus' neck fluff.

"I need to put a restraining collar on you," Marcus grinned, before he closed his eyes and sighed with contentment as Ralph kissed him on the back of his neck and bit at his fluff again.

"On me?" Ralph growled. "You're the one I'm going to collar."

"I look forward to that," Marcus smirked. "How does a nice dinner sound, I'll get it this time."

"That sounds excellent," Ralph replied, waggling his nub.

"Great! I texted a friend of mine on the way here," Marcus added. "Before I went to San Francisco I shared a flat with him in London."

"Oh?" Ralph replied, looking curious and a little taken aback.

"You'll like him, I'm sure," Marcus grinned. "I figured it was time to show you off to my friends."

"Show me off, huh?" Ralph repeated, fixing Marcus the smile with a cocked head.

"I know what you're thinking," Marcus chuckled. "You'll like Tim Culley. He's a good leopard."

"I was a little surprised we have someone joining us, but I'm game," Ralph shrugged.

"Yeah, I should have told you earlier," Marcus sighed.

Although if I'd told him earlier, he might have said no. I want Ralph to get on with Tim, getting sandwiched between the two of them would be hot. Oh shit, I should probably tell Frank I won't be at the house tomorrow.

"Something on your mind?"

"Eh?" Marcus replied as he was shaken from his thoughts. "Oh, I was thinking I ought to message Frank to say we're not in the house."

"Good idea," Ralph nodded. "Let's put our stuff in the bedroom before we leave. Did you arrange where we are going?"

"Tim recommended an Italian place he likes, I don't think it's too far from here," Marcus explained.

He followed Ralph into the bedroom, which like the rest of the apartment, was very modern.

The bed was spacious and covered with black silk sheets that were similar to the set Marcus had put on the bed in Little Hartbrook.

The room was also lit by the same blue mood lighting.

"What do you think?" Ralph asked, putting an arm around Marcus. "Is it fit for a fox?"

"It certainly is," Marcus grinned.

"I'm glad to hear that."

"The bed especially," Marcus added, winking at Ralph.

"The bed, eh?"

Before Marcus could reply, Ralph picked him up and pinned him down on the bed by his wrists. Their muzzles met and Marcus closed his eyes as they made out. He wriggled one paw free and traced a finger up Ralph's thigh before reaching the outline of the Doberman's sheath, pronounced even through his jeans.

"Careful," Ralph growled. "Save it for after dinner."

"Oh, playing this game again are we?" Marcus smirked as he wriggled under Ralph's muscular body.

Two can play at that one.

"What time did you set up with your friend to meet?" Ralph asked.

Marcus closed his eyes as Ralph kissed him again.

"He suggested seven thirty," he replied in-between kisses.

Ralph broke off to glance at his watch.

"We'd better get ready in that case," he said, sliding off the bed although not before Marcus felt the Doberman's paw grope his sheath through his shorts.

"Shower?" he suggested to Ralph, thumping his tail on the bed. "We've been in a warm car all day."

"I like this idea."

Marcus scooted off the bed, groped Ralph's butt through his jeans and began to lead the Doberman to where he thought the bathroom was.

"Wait, where is your shower?"

"This way," Ralph chuckled.

Marcus followed the Doberman across the bedroom and into a very palatial en-suite bathroom. There was the largest Jacuzzi bathtub in the middle of the room that Marcus had ever seen. It looked like it could easily fit two people.

"Hmm, I now want to take a bath," Marcus grinned.

"If you want to," Ralph replied, moving to turn the taps on.

"Yes, now off with those clothes."

Marcus reached to tug Ralph's shirt off, but owing to the height difference Ralph had to finish the job for him before reaching down to ease Marcus' tank top off.

Both of their underwear hit the floor and they stood watching the bath tub fill - which was taking some time.

Marcus distracted himself with the sight of Ralph's butt. He reached over and groped it, prompting a friendly growl from Ralph. He continued groping and kneading under Ralph's nub but the bath was still taking its time to fill up.

"Um, how long does this usually take?"

"You have to be patient," Ralph sighed.

"Perhaps we should take a shower instead."


Ralph pulled the plug out and what seemed like an inch of water in the vast tub drained away. There was a power shower behind a glass partition and Marcus wagged his tail as Ralph beckoned him to follow.

He stood under the jet and Ralph moved to turn the taps.

"Fuck!" Marcus exclaimed as a jet of water punched into him. "That felt like getting shot, or what getting shot must feel like."

"Sorry, I meant to say it's pretty powerful," Ralph chuckled before he grabbed some conditioner.

Marcus smiled to himself as they spent the next few minutes soaping themselves up before rinsing it off. Through the condensation, Marcus could see the bare pink patch of Ralph's tail hole under his nub as the Doberman bent over slightly.

Now that's a sight I can't resist.

Marcus got to his knees and pressed his muzzle into Ralph's black and tan rear. He heard the Doberman let out a soft growl of surprise as he began plastering wet licks against Ralph's hole. He felt Ralph put a paw on the back of his head and keep him in place as he kept licking.

"Okay, that's enough for now," Ralph chuckled as he gently pushed Marcus away and turned the water off. "Although I like the fact this is becoming a tradition at bath time."

Marcus grinned as he stood up and shook himself dry. His fur puffed out but he smoothed it down.

"You're such a tease, but anything you can do, I'll do better," Marcus grinned.

"We'll see," Ralph laughed.

Marcus remained near the shower until Ralph found towels for both of them and they dried themselves off.

His phone was still on the bed and Marcus picked it up to see a message from Tim.

"Yikes, he's on his way there," Marcus said.

"We'd better get dressed then, cover that cute butt of yours," Ralph replied, fixing Marcus his trademark smile.

"I have a cute butt, I have a cute butt," Marcus said in a tone of mock outrage, putting his paws on his hips. "You're talking about yourself, mister."

"That's a compliment rather than an own," Ralph laughed, picking out a white button up shirt from his walk-in wardrobe. "Is something wrong?"

"Sometimes I can be nice," Marcus smirked.

"I don't doubt that."

Marcus kept grinning as he rummaged in his suitcase. He pulled out a button up Hawaiian style shirt and some grey skinny fit jeans.

"How do I look?" he asked once he had pulled the clothes on.

"Cute," Ralph replied as he finished buttoning his shirt up.

Marcus couldn't help but splay his ears and smile at the comment.

"And you look delightfully handsome."

Ralph waggled his nub as he slid his phone and wallet into his pockets.

"Shall we? I want to drink without getting caught so I'll call us a taxi. You give me the address."

Marcus relayed it from his phone as Ralph called a taxi.

The taxi showed up a minute later outside his apartment building and Marcus followed him outside. A Labrador concierge behind the desk waved to them as they walked by.

"After you," Ralph said, opening the back door of the taxi for Marcus to climb in.

"Such a gentleman," Marcus teased as Ralph climbed in the other side.

His phone buzzed in his pocket again and he slid it out to see a message from Tim.

Really looking forward to seeing you <3

Marcus thumped his tail as he began texting a reply.

Same here, it's been too long!

Tell me all about the US when you get here, I wanna hear your stories

Oh there's a lot to tell

How's Conor. I hope I can meet him soon :)

Um, sadly I need to tell you something about that. We're not together now

Oh god, I'm really sorry D: I need to get you a few drinks to cheer you up

That would be nice

Marcus became faintly aware that Ralph was trying to talk to him.

"What was the address of the restaurant again?"

"16 St Christopher Square, Kensington," Marcus replied, not looking up from his phone as he typed out another message.

So sad to hear that though :(

Maybe it was for the best, I dunno. I do feel sad

"You sure?" Ralph asked, and Marcus couldn't help but sigh as he felt himself pulled away from his phone.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?"

"The taxi driver doesn't know that address."

"Hmm," Marcus replied, wondering why a London taxi driver wouldn't know an address. He scrolled back up the messages. "Ah, it's 16 St Cuthbert Square, Kensington. Not Christopher."

"Gotcha!" the taxi driver called from the front.

As they drove along, Marcus remembered all the times he had had with Tim. The leopard had always been good looking, and Marcus wondered if he was still single.

They reached the restaurant and Ralph paid the driver.

"Shall we?" he said, moving to open the door.

Marcus followed Ralph outside and glanced around, sniffing the air. It felt like a long time since he had been to London and the air seemed different to San Francisco, cleaner somehow which was surprising.

Ralph was walking along and Marcus followed him.

"You're walking quickly stud," Marcus observed with a chuckle.

"Yeah, some guy is taking photos of me behind us," Ralph replied. "I don't mind if they ask, but getting papped is bloody annoying."

"Heh, you don't want to show me off to the world as your new fox?" Marcus teased.

Ralph was about to reply when Marcus looked up and saw Tim outside the restaurant.

The leopard was wearing a shiny shirt with a peacock feather print on it. He waved and grinned from ear to ear.

"Marcus daaaarling, how are you?" he asked, pulling Marcus into a hug and kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm doing great, apart from what I texted you about on the phone, but," Marcus said with a dramatic flourish. "Allow me to introduce my new Doberman, Ralph Rivers."

"My you are a stud," Tim chuckled. "How are you doing?" he asked, holding out his arms to hug Ralph.

The muscular Doberman looked a little amused and taken aback, but he bent down to hug Tim anyway.

"My, you are tall. Marcus picked a good one," Tim giggled.

"Well, I'm pretty hungry, shall we eat and talk?" Marcus said, gesturing for everyone to follow him into the restaurant.

"Let's," Tim nodded. "Follow me, I made a reservation."

Marcus followed Tim inside with Ralph behind him. The leopard went up a spoke to a fox waiter who grabbed three menus and showed them to a table at the side.

The restaurant itself was lit by soft lighting and had bare brick walls. More minimalist and modern compared to the hotel restaurant near Little Hartbrook.

They took to their seats and Marcus opened his menu.

"I know what I'm going to have, clam linguini," he announced.

"Have you been here before?" Tim laughed loudly.

"Nope, I want to see how it compares to my local seafood place in San Fran," Marcus replied.

"So, tell me all about life in America?"

"Oh you'd love it," Marcus sighed wistfully. "I miss it already, I mean it felt so refreshing to get there and have a change of scene."

"But things didn't work out with Conor, your American boyfriend?" Tim asked.

"Sadly not."

"That's a shame, I wanted to meet him," Tim sighed.

"You're not missing much," Marcus replied to which Tim threw back his head and laughed.

"Well, I'll take your word for it."

The fox waiter returned to take their orders. Marcus stuck with clam linguini and Tim opted for the same.

"Snap!" Marcus chuckled.

"I'll have the mushroom risotto," Ralph said.

Marcus realised it was the first time Ralph had spoken since they walked into the restaurant. He wondered if the Doberman was being awkward, or perhaps he was choosing to be quiet to allow him and Tim to catch up.

"And let's get some wine, how about some sparkling white, is that good with everyone?" Tim asked.

"Yup," Marcus grinned.


The waiter took their orders and walked off.

"Well, it looks like you've got yourself a real hunk instead," Tim giggled, eyeing up Ralph.

"I missed it when you giggled like that," Marcus commented.

"I'm glad you do, anyway, Ralph where did you find Marcus? He's never told me himself."

"He almost drove into me," Ralph chuckled, flashing his trademark smile which caused Marcus to relax a little.

"Ha! That sounds like the sort of thing Marcus would do," Tim grinned.

"Hey, don't you knock my driving, I remember when you almost crashed your car into a tree whilst you were getting carried away singing along to a Madonna song."

"I try to forget that," Tim said, throwing his head back and laughing. "So, what do you do Ralph?"

"I'm an actor."

"Oh, in anything good?" Tim asked in a teasing tone.

"I'd hope, as audiences seem to like the films I'm in," Ralph replied with a confused laugh, although his smile seemed to shrink by a couple of fangs.

"Tim likes to needle," Marcus explained. "Don't worry though Tim, Ralph is a big boy, he can put up with our nonsense. He already puts up with my attitude."

"I tolerate it," Ralph replied.

"I can tell, if you're sticking with Marcus," Tim replied with a wink. "Oh, it's so nice to be back together."

"It is," Marcus grinned. "Remember when we both entered the Dolly Parton lookalike contest at that club in Soho, and you came second."

"Yes, I was pretty pissed off I didn't win, after all the effort I put in," Tim laughed as the waiter returned with the wine.

He poured some into each of their glasses.

Marcus took a sip of his and licked his lips.

"So what have you been up to these days?" he asked Tim.

"Still grooming and cutting fur, but I run my own place with a friend," Tim replied. "So if you're in need of a stylist whilst you're in town."

"Perhaps we should take his offer, if you want to look good for your screen test?" Marcus grinned, gently digging Ralph in the ribs.

"Huh?" Ralph replied, looking startled.

Marcus rolled his eyes.

"Would you like to look good for your screen test? Tim offered to help."

"Oh, heh, yes I should take you up on that offer," Ralph said, showing off his white fangs.

Although his smile was confident, Marcus could sense the Doberman seemed withdrawn or anxious, and not in a way that inviting teasing.

Marcus decided to ignore this for the time being and enjoy the company of his old friend.

"You still look as glamorous as ever," Tim said and Marcus could help but smile and preen at the comments. "Although I'd be happy to groom you, and maybe more," he added with a wink.

The leopard looked a lot more muscular than Marcus had recalled, certainly not as big as Ralph, but lean and athletic in a cute way.

I need to get Ralph into him too.

The waiter returned and served their food. They began eating in silence. Marcus' linguini was good, but his eyes kept roving between Ralph and Tim.

The Doberman was sitting in a slightly hunched position and didn't have his usual confident demeanour. Tim had unbuttoned the top part of his shirt, showing off his chest.

"It's warm in here," the leopard grinned.

"It is indeed," Marcus replied as he finished his food. "That was good."

"There's a good bar and club not far from here," Tim said. "Would you like to come along?"

"Sure," Marcus grinned. "What do you think stud?"

"I guess we could," Ralph replied, putting on a grin. "So long as I'm not too hungover for my audition."

"You'll be fiiiine," Marcus said, putting a paw on Ralph's thigh to reassure him. "Tim will make you look beautiful too."

Tim nodded in agreement as he signalled to the waiter to pay.

"Shall we go three ways?" Ralph suggested.

"Yup, threeway is what I'm thinking," Marcus replied, fixing Tim a grin.

"You've gotten worse," Tim laughed as the waiter walked over.

Marcus grinned as he gave his credit card to the waiter, although he couldn't help but notice Ralph had not shot back with a witty remark.

Once they had paid, Marcus allowed Tim to lead the way outside.

"It's this way," the leopard said, gesturing for them to follow him down the street.

The club was housed down a small side street. It was a long, thin space with a bar at one end and lit by neon tubes.

"Ooh, this does look cool," Marcus mused as the sound of pounding disco music hit his ears. "Who wants a drink?"

"Me!" Tim grinned.

Marcus wagged his tail as he led everyone to the bar.

"I'm guessing you'll be wanting a gin and tonic," he teased Ralph.

"I'll take a raspberry clove vodka, if they have it," Ralph replied.

"Hey, are you Ralph Rivers?" a pine marten behind the bar asked.

"I am, yes."

"We actually have a private booth that's free if you want to use it," the marten asked.

Ralph turned to Marcus.

"What do you think?"

"I say work those celebrity privileges," Marcus replied, thinking that the idea of a private booth sounded nice. "See, the other day I was saying you should be a famous author so you don't get recognised as much, but when you're an actor you get offered things like this."

"We'll take the booth," Ralph said, working his charming smile on the marten.

The marten led them through the club, gushing to Ralph about how he loved his films, but Marcus found his eyes wondering over Tim. The leopard was wearing a pair of tight white chino trousers that defined his butt nicely. Marcus was sure Tim was perking his butt out on purpose to give him a better look - not that Marcus wanted to complain.

The booth consisted of a padded sofa at the rear of the club, but it still felt nice to sit down.

"Could I get a vodka and lemonade?" Marcus asked the marten.

"Same for me," Tim added.

The marten nodded and returned a minute later with their drinks.

Marcus took a large gulp of his and along with the wine from the restaurant, he could feel it starting to go to his head.

"I'll be right back," Ralph said, getting to his hind-paws.

"You okay?" Marcus asked, taking another gulp.

"Yup, just need the bathroom."

Marcus watched Ralph as he walked away.

"He is a real stud," Tim mused with a sly and slightly drunken grin.

"He is," Marcus agreed, turning to face the leopard.

Marcus noticed again that Tim's tight white chinos emphasised his butt and crotch really well, and he found himself drawn by the sight. His mind recalled a time when he and Tim would casually play with each other and had a couple of friendly fucks on top of it.

Would Tim be up for that again?

Marcus scooted along the sofa closer to Tim, wondering how to introduce the subject.

"I know that look in your eyes darling, I haven't forgotten, and I was wondering if you were going to ask," Tim purred, rendering the need to introduce the subject redundant.

"And what are your thoughts?" Marcus asked, mustering the most teasing grin he could manage.

"Eh, I remember when you dated that guy, David? He was okay with it."

"Yeah, I remember David," Marcus grinned.

He was starting to feel the buzz of the alcohol in his brain even more intensely.

"Cute guy he was, the only time you've dated another fox, but you're better looking," Tim teased. "Now come closer sexy."

Marcus shuffled closer and put his paw on Tim's thigh. The leopard grinned, leaned in and planted a kiss on Marcus' muzzle.

Marcus closed his eyes and allowed Tim to slide his tongue into his mouth.

Wow, I'd forgotten he was such a good kisser, Marcus thought as the leopard gently caressed his tongue and the roof of his muzzle.

They broke off and Tim grinned.

"Just as I remembered," the leopard smirked.

Marcus grinned back and turned to see Ralph was standing behind them, watching with his mouth open.

Marcus Lane - Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen _Frank_ Frank gritted his fangs as he scraped the paint from the outside wall. The window boxes were in need of painting and he had woken up early to drive to Honeysuckle Lodge to start work on removing the old paint. He had gotten...

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Marcus Lane - Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve _Gareth_ Gareth was eating breakfast alone in the kitchen. His mother had gone to see a friend while not-dad was in his study talking on the phone, his voice was faintly drifting down the hallway. The temperature outside had warmed...

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Marcus Lane - Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven _Frank_ Frank stood in the kitchen, idly clicking the kettle on and off as he wondered what to do. He had thought about doing what he'd done as a cub with his father; taking a thermos, something to eat as a midnight feast going to a...

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