Hunters Moon - Chapter Two

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Hunters Moon

Hunter's Moon - Chapter Two - Lesson's Learned

Hunters Moon

Chapter Two - Lessons Learned

© Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

May, 2010

All Rights Reserved.

Palenore groaned and grit his teeth, trying desperately to resist the sexual pleasure that this strange Whitetail Doe was bringing him, especially when she looked down at his face, then squeezed her muscles tighter and tighter, her hips slapping down harder with each almost bestial thrust. Her paws grasped his shoulders, as she arched her hips forwards and down, then began really rocking against him, her panting breaking into short, sharp gurgles as her arousal finally reached a soul-crushing peak.

With a piercing squeal, she thrust her hips downwards and squeezed her vaginal muscles with everything she had - as her body shivered with released sexual tension. Unable to hold himself any longer, Pelenore bucked against her - and he began to ejaculate deep within her, not knowing or caring any-more, if he angered this Doe, who brought him this mixture of torture and pleasure. His testicles, finally finding release from the agony, sent one surge of his semen after another, deep into her dark depths, and as his seed flooded her body, she tightened her grasp along his invading member, then she looked down at him and as he weakly opened his eyes, she sat astride him - then raised a paw and waggled a finger at him, before gently petting his cheek.

"You were...most pleasurable...for a human..." She gasped, then tilted back her head and slowly rocked against him, keeping her muscles firmly pressed against his length.

Palenore was helpless - bound wrist and ankle to the table, and for a few moments, he lost his mind in the pleasure that this Doe had brought - before she reached down and laid both paws on his chest, and warningly pricked the flesh of his chest with her sharp hooflets - quickly bringing him back to the terrifying reality, of his predicament. Her muscles twitched and she groaned softly, as she smiled down at him and began lightly caressing his chest muscles, still continuing her gentle rocking against him. His body was soaked with sweat, and by the feel of it, yet she did not seem to care for his well-being, as she wriggled and pushed her hips down again.

"No...please mistress...I...I can't..." Pelenore gurgled.

"No?" Growled the Doe, her voice almost instantly going from sweet and gentle, to cruel and vicious, like a switch being flicked. "What did I tell you, about disobeying...."

"Please...." Palenore begged her, his body exhausted from their mating, yet somehow, she kept his member as hard as a rock within her body.

She glared down at him, then her paws flashed up under his chin and she gripped his throat with a crushing grasp. He began to buck and writhe helplessly beneath her, as she strangled him, and each violent convulsion made her moan and nod eagerly. For nearly four minutes, she kept her vice-like grasp around his throat, until he began to truly thrash and writhe - and just before he lost consciousness, his hips slammed upwards against hers, and another explosive orgasm erupted within her - and his body collapsed to the cold table - even as she milked the last of his seed with her strong pelvic contractions, then slipped her paws from his neck and idly noted the long, dark finger marks her grip had left.

With a snort, she slipped off him, then stretched and ran her fingers down her throat and over her firm, erect nipples, moaning in pleasure, before she glanced back at him, and checked to see if he was still breathing. He was, but only just - and she was sure her new pet wouldn't just up and die on her - at least - not yet.....

She unclasped him and tied his ankles with thick rope, then looped it around his wrists, finally making it into a hangman's noose, which she affixed around his throat and threw the end of the rope up over the ceiling beam, and tied it so his feet only just touched the floor - effortlessly lifting his limp body, before rechecking her knots - just like her father had shown her. Satisfied both with his sexual stamina, and his obedience, which she thought could use some work, she stepped out of the cellar and closed, then locked and bolted the door behind her.


Several hours later, Pelenore screamed as something grabbed him by the throat, then yanked him savagely forwards. A hot, fetid breath washed over him, as his eyes snapped open and he stared into the bloodied and very angry, muzzle of another one of these creatures - this one - judging from the size and the antlers, must be the young Doe's sire.

"Give me one reason - " He snarled, squeezing tighter and tighter. "What I shouldn't tear your throat out here and bastard... You've got a lot of nerve - hunting in our wood, human. This is our territory, not your kind - and you'd have done well, if you'd stayed away. Now, you've invaded our woodlands, hunted our food sources, and breed my daughter - like she was some common whore!"

Pelenore struggled, then realised this buck held him at least a foot off the floor - by his throat, his neck vertebrae creaking as the Buck snarled and squeezed tighter. If Pelenore had been able, he would have clawed at the paw that encircled his throat. All he could do, was make weak gasping sounds as the Buck snorted, then released him. Pelenore gurgled and retched, as the Buck turned away, then sighed, before looking back over his shoulder.

Standing six feet nine, from hooves to ear tips, the buck was dressed in a camouflaging suit, yet his darkly coloured neck, ears and antlers were left uncovered. As he slowly turned about, Pelenore sized him up, and realised that appearances were more than deceptive with these strange human/animal cross-breeds - as the Buck's daughter had proven with frightening efficiency. His hands were as darkly furred as his neck, and as the buck growled dangerously and began to disrobe himself, Pelenore felt both disgust and amazement, at this enigmatic creature. As it peeled away the insulated clothes, the pale greyish white of its chest was revealed, and Pelenore saw the tense muscles that rippled and ran like wax beneath the fur.

Finally, the Buck stepped out of his trousers, then stretched his paws up over his head and arched his hips forwards - and to Pelenore's horror, he saw this half-human, half-deer creature - was more animal - in a sexual way - than human. Catching Pelenore's nervous glance, the Buck grinned at him, then lightly ran a furred hand along his sheath and sighed in pleasure. Without warning, the Buck lunged, then his pawed fist slammed into Pelenore's unprotected stomach, driving the air from his lungs with a piercing shriek. Gagging and retching, Pelenore hung like a limp rag in the ropes, feeling the painful strike to his defenceless stomach and gasping for breath. As suddenly as the violent assault started, the Buck merely snorted in disgust, then grasped Pelenore by the throat and forced his head up, then twisted his head from side to side.

"Well - got any last words..." Growled the Buck, his eyes narrowing into a look of pure hatred.

"I...please - " Pelenore gurgled, then wept as his bladder let go and he pissed himself, the urine streaming down his thighs.

"Gah, filthy animal - " Snarled the Buck, then a predatory smile touched his lips, as he leaned in close, then grasped Pelenore's testicles in his paw and squeezed painfully tight.

" like Doe' you...." Murmured the Buck, as he squeezed tighter, making Pelenore begin convulsing against him. "Well then - let's see, just how you like...being a Doe yourself - shall we?"

"Master...please..." Pelenore begged piteously.

"Oh," Smirked the Buck, as he released Pelenore then looked into the terrified humans eyes. "So, its alright to screw my daughter in almost every way possible...and now its your turn - you suddenly get cold feet - and get all...pah...too late I'm afraid."

Walking behind Pelenore, the Buck grasped him cruelly by the hips, sinking his hooflets into the flesh and nearly drawing blood - before he leaned in close and breathed into Pelenore's right ear.

"A young, soon to be...Doe - don't try to resist - it'll only make it worse for you...."

Pelenore whimpered and hung in the tight ropes, then began sobbing helplessly, as the Buck rubbed his rapidly firming sheath against Pelenore's buttocks - groaning softly in pleasure. Pelenore flinched instinctively, trying to pull away, but the Buck merely grunted and held Pelenore tightly by the hips - before he shivered - then pulled Pelenore back - and began forcing himself into the humans tight sphincter. At first, Pelenore couldn't believe he was about to be sodomised by this...this beast - and it wasn't too painful at first - but the sensation of this warm, slippery penis sliding into his body - made him feel queasy and he retched violently, his sphincter contracting against the invading deer penis that was being steadily forced deeper.

"Oh...that's it my little Doe - yes...mmm" Grunted the Buck, as he pulled Pelenore back. "Good boy - don't resist now..."

"Please...please - stop...oh my - please master...please...don't...I beg you...don't do..."

With a grunt, the Buck suddenly squeezed Pelenore's hips, then with a sickening thrust - drove the entire eleven inches into Pelenore's tightening anus. Pelenore threw back his head and screamed in pain, as the Buck arched his hips upwards, then began brutally thrusting. Pelenore had never experienced such pain in his life, as the Buck thrust against him harder and harder, his paws squeezing Pelenore's hips with painful intensity Each thrust from the Buck made Pelenore scream, until his throat was ragged and only choking sobs escaped him, then the Buck reached around and grasped Pelenore's rising erection.

"My my little Doe - " Panted the buck in his ear, then thrust savagely back inside Pelenore. "I think you like this...."

"Please!" Pelenore screamed, bucking against the painfully forceful Buck. "Stop..oh"

Harder and harder, the dominant Buck mounted Pelenore, savouring each and every movement as Pelenore tried his best, to escape this unnatural torture - yet there was no resisting the pressure that was being exerted against his prostate - and against his wishes, his penis was soon painfully erect and throbbing in time with each frenzied thrust from the stronger male who so cruelly sodomised him.

For nearly two hours, the Buck raped Pelenore, until at last - he pulled him tight and gave two short, sharp thrusts - before he buried himself as deeply as he could, and his semen flooded into Pelenore's tortured anal passage. Pelenore was beyond screaming any-more, he could just hang limply in the tight ropes, then as the buck began ejaculating inside him, Pelenore thrust against the Buck's paw around his own length - and his orgasm exploded from his body, sending thick, ropey strings of semen spattering onto the floor, as the Buck grinned and panted heavily into his ear. Adrenaline flooded Pelenore's stomach, making him want to vomit, as again and again, the Buck ejaculated inside Pelenore, holding him in an agonising grip with his forearms, his hot, steamy breathing thundering in Pelenore's ears.

"Oh, you good little Doe..." Gurgled the Buck, as he stroked Pelenore and slowly released him, but still remained deep within him. "Now...that wasn' bad - was it?"

Pelenore gurgled and went limp, all fight draining from his tortured body, as the Buck gripped him by the hips again, then savoured the warmth of Pelenore's violated anal passage.

" more - " Pelenore wept, his self-control and self-worth, washed away with his tears.

"No?" laughed the buck contemptuously, as he moaned and thrust himself back into Pelenore, with a sickening slap of furred hips against human, and feeling Pelenore buck. "Oh, my sweet, young little're mine now - and I'll mate with you, whenever - and however...I want. Be good, and you'll find I can be quite...gentle...with my new mating partners."

" fucking bastard!" Pelenore screamed suddenly, then began wildly thrashing and convulsing, trying desperately to escape. "I'll fucking kill you - you hear me...I'll tear your god damned head off...."

Holding the human effortlessly, the Buck grunted and chuckled to himself, feeling each frenzied motion of Pelenore forcing the Buck's penis up and down inside him, shivered then sighed in lust and licked Pelenore's carotid artery - and Pelenore froze, right before he felt the razor sharp teeth grazing the main vein in his throat. Holding the human tight, the Buck applied gentle pressure, just piercing the skin, then licking away the hot, adrenaline-filled trickle of blood, before he thrust again and again, then ejaculated again - before he gurgled and held Pelenore still, savouring the sensations once again.

"Oh, my dear, misguided little fool..." Rasped the Buck, as he squirmed, overcome with the sexual pleasure he had derived from his most unwilling partner. "Let a warning for you - I find you...and that sweet, formerly virgin...ass-hole of yours, so wonderfully tight and delicious - indeed, you're a good mating partner...but if you...ever...speak like that again - or even think about it - I will tear your tongue out by the roots, and feed it to you. I am, as you're well aware, much stronger than you - and unlike you - I know these woods like the back of my furred paw. Oh, don't worry - if you even did manage to escape - how far do you think you would get? I've got all sorts of traps, be good, my sweet, lovely little human - and you might...learn to appreciate your new life - make me angry -'ve got the taste of what I can do to, that was only a gentle nibble, compared to what I really could do...."

Pulling himself free, the Buck moaned and Pelenore wept in shame and agony, as he felt inch by inch, the buck dismounting, then rubbing his swollen penis against Pelenore's tortured buttocks.

"Remember, little Doe..." Smirked the buck as he pulled Pelenore close, rubbing his 12" long penis between Pelenore's buttocks and squeezing them firmly. "Be obedient, do as you're told - and learn to accept your new life here...resist - and I promise you...what I done with you...will seem pleasurable, compared to what I'll do - if you upset me."

Chuckling, the Buck retrieved his discarded clothing, then his hooves clicked against the dirt packed floor, then echoing hollowly as he climbed the narrow staircase, closing the cellar door behind him, leaving Pelenore to just hang helplessly, then begin crying hysterically - overcome wit the agony of the brutal sodomisation, and above all, the sickening humiliation, of being made this strange Buck's, unwilling Doe - and knowing - that it was liable to happen again and again....

To Be Continued...