A mother Love

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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A loving mother

You ever get that feeling that no one other then your family loves you? Or even care who you are for that matter? Do you feel that you're out of place that everyone looks at you with hate and distaste? How about a whole school and half of town doing that to you? My name is Brandon, my mother a dragoness; father dragon. You would think that I would be a dragon also right? Wrong. I'm a six foot tan skin with brown and yellow tip green eye seventeen year old human, living in a world of furs' and scales'. My mother, my adopted mother, told me when I was old enough to understand, that she found me one day in front of their door step. Nothing holding me but the clothes I wore. Thank god if there really is one somewhere that she always wanted a son; even if I was a human. My father told me that he was a little...worried about having me in the family at first, but after the first day with him; he said that he pushed that away. I grew up mostly in out two stories home; mom always told me that she feared I would be taken away because of what I was. I took me a few years of begging to let me go to school, I was lonely and I wanted friends. Luckily dad was a principle at a high school that I now go to, so I was able to get in. You see, I was able to get into high school just like that because I was very smart, dad and mom homeschooled me so I could be ready for the outside world one day. I remember mom hugging me so very tightly the day I want with day to school for the first time. "Mom," I told her, my voice becoming deep from aging, "I'm going to be back, don't worry." She held me out so I could see her blue eyes; they were filled with tears as she kissed my forehead for the millionth time.

"Just be careful." At the time I didn't understand why she said that, but I now know. The school was filled with kids, many furs, some scales. When dad took me out of the car and made his way up the walk with me beside him, I could already hear the mutters.

"A human?" one said,

"What's a freak like that doing here?" another said. I ducked my head. My dad saw my face and asked me if I wanted to go home. I shook my head, I wanted this, and so I was going to go though with it.

All this happened about two years ago when I was only fifteen. I remember on the first day was the worst. The teachers called me "Human" and not by my name, when my father learned of this he made sure they would call me by my name, or last name; they thought Phoenix was better off. At lunch no one sat next to me, one kid; a brown fur fox wearing light blue shorts and tee-shirt, stole my food and said if I told my father he would beat the plumb out of me; I went hungry that day. One girl, a Naga tripped me with her tail and told our teacher that I stepped on her tail, I had to say sorry in front of the whole class. Then end of the day came very slowly, dad took me home and I didn't say anything; I didn't even feel like having pizza that night. I cried myself to sleep. But after years of putting up with it, I learned to just tune it out, I did fight back when I was bother; I always won. Even though I don't know how to fight, I'm one of those few persons that if ticked off enough; I can't lose. The younger kids that came every year feared me; one kid even called me "Demon". Demon that has a nice ring to it doesn't it. Dad had to be fair with everyone at the school, so I got sent home; a lot but I didn't care. He understood and so did my mother. At last another day ended, another day of hiss and growls from the student body, but hey; who cares anymore. Taking my bag around my shoulders, I went toward my locker and unlocked it. I never really did trust anyone when it came to my stuff, so I got a locker by my father office.

"Hello there son, better day today?" I turned around and smiled as I saw my dad. He was a normal size for a hind walking dragon, seven foot tall. He wore a grey suit like he was going to a wake then school, the only way for you to know he had deep red scales was from his face. Two horns were pushed back behind his head as one lone horn was stuck on his snout.

"Hey dad," I answered him slipping the bag in, "yeah it was good, how you know?" he rolled his huge red eyes.

"The fact that you weren't in my office is a dead give away." This time I rolled my green eyes."

"Yeah yeah I know. You going to grandpa wake today?" about a week back my grandfather on dad side passed away. He was very nice to me, always taking me out to see the world as if I was really his grandson. When he was dyeing I went to see him, he brought my hand in his claws and told me to lean down to him and told me something I would never forget.

"You are a dragon by heart Brandon," he said almost in a whisper, "Don't listen to what any of those bastards tell you do you understand me?" I was told I didn't have to go, mom wasn't going but dad was; and I didn't feel like leaving her alone.

"Yeah," answered my father, "I understand why you're not going, I know you don't like seeing family like this, and your mother staying." I gave a slight nod, "You need a ride?" I shook my head,

"Nah, you know me; the wind in my hair crap." We both laughed as he pulled me to a hug, I tried pushing him away but he held me there.

"Your growing so much my son." he answered as he pulled me away, "I'm pride of you." I blushed as I slipped past him,

"See you in a few weeks dad!" I waved to him as he waved back as I ran down the street.

Later that night I was on our home computer looking though old photos we had over the years, mom who's scales shone a bright blue holding me tightly as she taught me how to swim for the first time. A video was clipped on as I clicked it to watch. I was laughing a screaming a bit as I kicked and trashed in the water. Mom held me close to her as my head pressed on to her breast. I chuckled to myself, my first breast touch and it was my mother of all peoples. I clicked though a few more photos when something caught my eye. A video I've never seen mark "Us". Now I knew my mom, when she wrote something on a tape or something it had, "Brandon and Mom," or "All of us," but this one had only "Us". Know being with my mother I became very nosey, so I turned the volume down a bit as I clicked it, waiting for the video to load. Mom sat on the edge of her bed wearing only her panties and bra, now in our home when no one was around, dad would wear his boxers and mom what she was wearing now, the same with me so this didn't bother me.

"Is it ready yet?" she asked moving her bra a bit up, the angle changed a bit as dad came in with his boxers on.

"Yeah, are you sure you want to do this?" mom nodded as he sat next to her,

"I want to see how we look when we do it." Do it? Wait were they going to... I stopped as I saw them kiss hungrily, dad brought his claw up to mom chest as he rubbed and pinched at her nipples making her arch her back in bliss. I could hear the sound of growling and groaning as dad pushed her onto her back licking and kissing her neck. I turned down the volume because mom was in the other room making food for us. I wanted to turn it off, believe me I did; but it was just so good. Dad brought his claw up to her bra and ripped it off. Mom gave him a growl but stopped when he began to lick her breast. I was getting a hard on just watching, I was begging for them to get it on already. Mom pushed dad under her as she lowered herself to the floor, are claws brushing over dad now tent boxers. She licked her lips as she pulled them down, showing dad twelve inch black member. She moved closer kissing the tip as he shuddered, holding the bed sheet tight as she kissed her way down to his hairless balls. She then took her long tongue and licked him from the base to the tip.

"God yes!"

She then took the whole thing into her mouth, sucking and slurping, this was driving dad crazy, and he brought his claw on her head pushing her down; deep throating her. I began to breathe hard; my own dick was hurting so much. I wanted to whack myself off then and there, but mom being in the other room stopped me.

"That right," dad gasped as he looked down, "Suck all around there, yes there hrmmm." He laid his head back as mom went t on with her job. I began to rub my pants closing my eyes a bit now when a felt something on my shoulders.

"You like our video?" I stopped, I turned slowly turned around to see my mom with her hands on my shoulders looking at me.

"Mom...I...I..." I quickly turned off the computer main power, not caring about what happen to the computer. "Please don't be mad! Please!" I closed my eyes waiting for her to yell, anything, but I felt something else. Soft lips touched mine, my eyes shot open to see her kissing me! I didn't know what to do, part of me was screaming to stop, but the other part loved this. She pulled away from me with a soft smile as I say what she was wearing; only a pink panties and bra held onto her body as my member responded with want. She gave a slight smile as she turned her back to me.

"Come up to my room sweetie," she said with a wink. "I want to show u something."

Taking a little breat from Dragon heart, this had been on my mind for soooo long, since there not a lot of human/dragon incest out there i thought i make my own. tell me if i should make a another chapter for this. and this is for any drawers out there, if u can make a picture of any sex sceen from any of my two stroies i wil make u a sex story of what ever u like, or with any of my dragoness dragons that i made. anyone can ask but i must see simple of art.

Dragon Heart 5

**Chapter Five: New life, Old life** "Come on I just want to catch you!" a small blue dragon with yellow spicks going down his back to the tip of his tail ran after a much...

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Dragon Heart 4

**Chapter Four: Love doesn't hurt** "Any questions so far?" Brandon wore his old clothes of blue and white as he sat at his old desk, looking at his old teacher. Some of the...

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DRagon Heart 3

**Chapter Three: A story of Love** "Brandon!" Saira made her way though their cave looking for her human husband with worry, he somehow made his way out of her gasp without...

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