Shravasti: Part I

Story by Master Shravasti on SoFurry

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Shravasti: Part I

by Shravasti

Shravasti went about his chores, ensuring the cleanliness of his Mistress's plentiful library with the usual detachedness he always seemed to show. Though the bengal tiger was but 12-years old, Shravasti was already very large, nearly reaching the height of most other males. His size was further punctuated whenever he stood next to his owner, Mistress Cambridge, a lynx who was now chest high to him. Shravasti was a slave, but he was well taken care of, wearing a pair of glasses that offset his farsightedness, and a robe his size where other slaves would walk around naked. His mistress was partially trying to change things when it came to how slaves were treated, making him a living example of what she had in mind.

Not that he minded going about the house naked, and not that she minded taking advantage of his 'services' every now and again. But she didn't keep him merely for his body. He had a collected, calculating mind that, coupled with an aptitude with numbers made him an excellent successor. Time for that later. He paused as his duster passed over 'Prosser's Devices', making a mental note to check that out later when he had the time. He could hear his mistress talking with his keen ears. She had a business associate over and was discussing matters with him. He was sounding a little urgent now.


"You're my best hope here, Mara." the afghan stated, following it up with a sip of his tea.

"How am I your best hope?" the lynx replied. "You can try again in another month."

"It's not that simple." said the canine. "I've got tighter market deadlines than you're used to, and at her age, they're actually a little tough to predict. I'm lucky it happened now."

"Walker, why do you keep putting yourself into these positions?" Mara asked, scratching one of her tufted ears.

"It's par for the course in the breeding market. It's like weather forecasting sometimes." the afghan shrugged. "I've got a client looking for a new purebred bengal tiger, and you've got the only male for miles."

"You're sure they'll even want one from this female you've procured? Besides her age, she's totally feral."

"It's not like the offspring will be living under the same conditions. I'm told they found her in a raid on a breed-farmer's property."

Mara shuddered, hissing slightly. Breed-farmers were the type of slaver she was fighting against, bringing them up like livestock. Breeding this female like this wasn't much better to her, but at least the girl would be living comfortably, in spite of how poorly she had the capacity to percieve it. She'd probably even live to be older than 20. "Alright, but only if Shravasti agrees."

Walker blinked. "He's your servant, you can't command him to do it?"

Mara grumbled slightly into her tea. "He's more than a mere servant, he's my protégé. Even still, in my house what a slave thinks and feels is still important."


"Sit, Shravasti."

The young tiger's ears perked, and on pure reflex he set himself in the nearest chair, setting his hands neatly on his thighs. "How may I be of service, Mistress?"

The lynx chuckled slightly, finding a seat of her own and lounging on it casually. "You're still so tightly wound. Relax. This is business, but we're still at home."

Shravasti did his best to ease down, though he always seemed to have an inborn attentiveness keeping his reflexes constantly aware. He watched her, golden eyes locked on to his mistress as she paced the room. The lynx's tufted ears twitched as she thought about what to say, how to say it. She knew she could take her time, he was patient. Then she stopped.

"I have an assignment for you, one that only you can accomplish. I won't force you to do this if you don't want to. I may have shared you with others before, but this is different, it is of a far more... weighty a decision." The lynx adjusted her glasses, preparing to explain, but the tiger interrupted. "Then I shall do it."

"I haven't even said what it is." she replied.

"But if it is so important, it's important to you, and then to me. I appreciate you affording me a choice in this matter, and this is my choice." the tiger said, his gaze never leaving her. The lynx sighed, crossing her arms and stepping forward. "In that case, you mean that your loyalty is not merely out of servitude, but purely your own?"

"Yes, Mistress." he said, falling back into his role.

"Then you have been paying attention." she grinned. "In any event, what you are about to do goes beyond mere sex for it's own sake. If this works out the way it's meant to, when this is done, you will have sired your first child." she explained.

She noticed that she'd finally broken his usual composure, she could see his eyes widen for but a moment, no doubt his thoughts becoming awash in heady potential. He knew how it worked, he'd had sex before, but now the two were becoming locked in his head. He was only 12, but Mara knew she had the right male for the job. "Master Thoreau has acquired a bengal tigress. A rescue from a breed farm. Her mind is feral, but he has in her, and you, an opportunity to provide a purebred cub to a customer."

"Don't females go into heat all the time?" he asked, a question she knew one of her books made him ask.

"They do, dear. My friend is merely... unsure if he'll be able to find another male of your species in an expedient time." Shravasti nodded, remembering that there weren't a lot of tigers in this country, let alone bengal tigers. There was something in the back of his mind that he should change that, indeed he had the opportunity to start executing that directive. "Then I'd best get started." he said, standing up.

His mistress stepped up to him, looking up his chest at him, adjusting his glasses for him. "That's a good boy, I do really appreciate this. I promise you, it won't be like any run-of-the-mill sexual experience. It's something that will stay with you a long time."

He hoped so, he thought. What he did was out of a reflexive desire to please his mistress, but there was something more tugging at his subconscious. It was true of his pubescent age that the prospect of breeding would draw him in. Fate had brought a wanting female to him, he'd be remiss to ignore the fresh desires that stirred in his young mind. It was meant to be.


Shravasti slipped his robe off as he entered the room, looking over the young, naked tiger woman that inhabited it.

He was slightly perturbed by the surroundings the girl had been given, nothing but stone and hay, but he knew she'd probably shred everything in his ideal of a sexual environment. The girl was crouched in a corner, trembling, but growling, she didn't look much older than him. Shravasti's senses were smacked in the face by her scent, a scent he was drawn to, a tigress's heat. His cock shot up instantly, it seemed to know that this was what it was truly meant for. She saw, and unhunched herself slightly, moving closer, only slightly, getting a fix on his scent but not entirely sure what to do with it. Her body reacted better, though, she was dripping between her legs like a bad pipe.

He took the initiative and stepped closer. She backed up slightly, but was slightly anchored by her sight of the boy's cock. He brought it face to face with her. She tentatively sniffed it, relaxing slightly, then started licking it, perhaps priming the pump slightly. Shravasti murred, and began to move around her. She jumped up and struck out with her hand, scratching his calf. Shravasti broke from his usual collectedness, instincts taking over as he growled, rather loudly. He took hold of her scruff with one hand, and her tail with the other, and she wiggled slightly. He asserted himself, biting down on the back of her neck, causing her to yelp. She froze up right there, save for her backside, which shot upward. He set himself behind her, not bothering to ready her as he usually did. The grip of his teeth tightened on the back of her neck as he entered her, fingers digging into her buttocks.

This was different than the usual way he did this. This was primal, matter-of-fact, purposeful. The way their ancestors did it, to the aim of breeding the female.

Breed the female. Yes, he had a mission to complete. The girl wriggled underneath him, but he only tightened his grip, careful, but still beginning to let a small amount of blood. He pressed his shoulders forward, her arms collapsing in reaction as he began to thrust, not winding up to a pace, simply taking it, his hips slapping against her rear. The girl mrowled, her body radiated heat which excited the young male in a manner he'd never experienced before. The pleasure, the heat, the exhilaration, all flooding his body inch by inch in a fever of stimulation. This only spurred him to continue on, for once casting away the sensuality or romanticism, only interested in putting a cub in this female's belly. He rumbled deeply into the back of her next, but she could only answer back with labored panting. Her insides throbbed, pulsing rhythmically, trying their best to coax the male to give up his bounty, her juices dripped audibly as she came over and over again, too addled to know the significance of it, but loving every second.

It was getting harder and harder to thrust now, the spines on his maleness hardening now, scraping her interior in places, but catching hold in others. This was his own input to the process, the nerves inside reacting to make sure there was an egg waiting there for him. Her cervix had been suckling insistently the entire time, and until now, he had merely been ramming against it, but now he was stuck in there, and now he was jamming his cockhead as far in there as it could go. He could almost swear it was burning hot inside her womb. This was it, he could hold back no longer. Those spines flared out, propelled by the sheer sexual pleasure surging forth within his cock as he released his seed within her, again and again, her cervix insistently gulping it all down like a needy drunk to a bottle. She could only shudder underneath him, reduced to a quivering, twitching mess. Shravasti finally refound his lucidity, relaxing his hold on her hips and sitting up, licking the blood from his teeth. Like one of their ancestors in the wild, she jumped up, snarling as the discomfort of his spines inside her took hold. He growled, insistently, finding himself having to hold her arms back lest she scratch him again. He had been knocked back onto his rear, so now she was sitting atop him.

"Oh, so you want more, is that it?" he teased, though the most she could give back was a pained "Hhhhnngg!!"

He began to thrust again, upward. She struggled against his hold, but with her arms held back awkwardly, that only proved more uncomfortable. He was a little more conscious this time, so he could actually sit back and enjoy this. He gave her a good thrust, and her eyes rolled up into their sockets. That one thrust was all it took to get her motor running again. There was that spike in heat, that insistent pulsing to milk all that he had. He kept hold of her arms as he began to bounce her on his lap, grinning slightly as that thwapping sound began to issue forth again. Her tongue lolled out, head tilted up, not doing much more than pant and snort, as though all but her pleasure centers were turned off in her brain. Her body was on automatic, sensing more seed to fill her and doing it's utmost to get it from him. He wished he had a mirror, he couldn't see too well how he penetrated her, and that would have added to the effect for him. Most certainly, he could tell how wet she was now that she was at this angle, her juices leaking all the way down from her legs to his, reaching the floor. He hugged her close, leaning back, pressing his nose against her wounded scruff. The girl grasped and flailed at the air, fully immersed in the sensations, but not knowing how to react to them. He increased the pace of his thrusting, hands moving down to her sex. It was slick down there, and as wet as the house windows in a rainstorm. The pressure on her juices, combined with the tension of his thrusting, began to make them shoot outward, projecting slightly in front of her. He developed a cunning grin, fingers finding her clitoris, pressing and squeezing carefully. "Nyeee-haaaaahh!!" she moaned, body shooting up in heat as she came, the small squirts becoming one big one. Shravasti reached up to sample the taste of her on his fingers and murred. Her juices were a signal of her need, and she would give it to her. His thrusting hit her hard, lifting her up again and again significantly, and then came the last one, as he felt the familiar greedy gulping of her cervix on his cockhead as it unleashed what he held within her womb.

This time, there was a slight backflow, her orgasmic juices now mixing with white seed, viscously bubbling out from the thin seam between them. She began to wiggle again, grasping forward. He took her meaning and sat up so that she could rest on the floor, mingling her frontside in all the sexual fluids she'd let out. Shravasti relaxed himself, knowing that if he didn't calm down, he'd be stuck inside her all night. It took a few minutes and a couple leftover ejaculations before he was able to pull out of her. He sighed and sat back, watching more of his cum burble out of her. The girl got up on all fours, curling herself around to face him, murring and nuzzling his sides. He held her head up to look her in the eyes, realizing he'd managed to keep his glasses on this entire time.

"That was like nothing I've ever experienced before. I truly wish you could appreciate that as much as I do."

The girl giggled vapidly at him, licking his face. He returned the gesture, then got up and left the mixture within her womb to stew, pausing to look back as she went back to her corner to lift a leg and clean off the cum trailing down it. It was a shame he'd likely never get to see her pregnant, or even know he'd been successful, but he was only 12. His life was still fresh. As he was taken back home and he took the time to clean himself off in the bath, he couldn't help but think more on it. There was a certain appeal to it. To affect such a change in a woman, to influence such an immense process that happened all within her womb. He'd like to do that again sometime, preferably with a woman who could put into words her own feelings on the matter, and whom he could see fully gravid because of him.

When he finished up and dried himself, he noticed he had become erect again. He ignored it as he dried and brushed his fur, letting it go back down. Certainly, sex for it's own sake wouldn't quite be the same for him, but he would not let that detract from it. He retrieved his robe, putting it back on, then dutifully walking to his Mistress's office.

"There you are." she said, folding her arms. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Perhaps, though I wonder what will become of her now." he said, taking a seat, setting his hands on his knees as he always did.

"She's a breed farm rescue. Walker knows a place that can take her for rehabilitation. She'll be comfortable." she answered.

"And the offspring?"

"Oh, Walker didn't say. Though with the kind of clientele he deals with, it's certainly not going to grow up in some slave pit."

"It's an interesting feeling, mistress." he said. "Not the sex, but what it was leading up to. I imagined my seed taking form inside her, and that was what excited me most."

"Well, maybe I can arrange for you to do it again sometime. But for now, I need you take down a letter."

Shravasti stood up, moving to alongside her and picking up a notebook and quill. "As you wish, Mistress."

-To be continued...

Short: Morning Fill

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