Nova Wars 4: Training

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of Nova Wars

Now that they have a bit of work done on the ship, they can start working on training the mammals to impersonate slaves. Unfortunately, there's a few that are not taking too well to it, and Klim has to step in before it gets worse.

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? Nova Wars Chapter 4: Training By Draconicon

The work on the Thousand Claws was proceeding at a good pace, though not quite as fast as he'd hoped. Commodore Klim Hexclaw had been hoping to have it all sorted out within a couple of days, at most, but in addition to the battle damage that the ship had taken, there was one other thing taking up their time, something that was utterly crucial for the second part of their mission, and requiring a great deal of attention from both him and Communications Officer Dresnath.

Obedience Training.

Klim looked down from the catwalk as he watched the blue dragon walk their pilot through some of the rituals, including keeping a few steps behind him at all times and making sure that she didn't wince as she was walked barefoot over the grated floor down below. He knew how hard it could be for mammals to get used to the feeling of walking without clothes, particularly on flooring that was made for better gripping shoes or more solid scaly feet, but it was part of the deal. They'd need to be ready for that when they arrived at Starwing Station, considering the rules of slaves being kept without clothing.

But in comparison to some of the training he had to do with Ryker, Ailsa's training was coming along swimmingly.

"I'm telling you, Captain, I'm not bending over."

"For the love of space..."

The velociraptor had to count to ten before he could bring himself to turn around and face the folf behind him. His security officer had been a pain in his tail ever since this training was brought up, and this was no exception. The smaller male hadn't even stripped his clothes off yet, and just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You realize that this is going to blow the whole operation?"

"Yeah, well, maybe I wouldn't have taken the operation and the contract if I knew just how far this was supposed to go."

"Seriously? I've seen you sucking dick before. Hell, I've seen you with your muzzle rammed right between a pair of ass cheeks before."

"Yeah, because I'm getting someone warmed up for me, not because I'm serving them. The fucking hell do you think you are, telling me that I'm going to have to act like that at the station?"

"Well, the way I see it, you have three choices. You can find some way to turn yourself into a reptile in the next couple of days, which is very unlikely, unless you know some sort of gene modder that can do a rush job?"

The folf glared, which he took to mean that Ryker didn't.

"Two, you can find yourself some way of keeping all the other scalies on the station from trying to claim you as a slave. And that means finding a way to do it without having to fight them, because the minute you throw a punch at them is the minute that they know that you're free to kill, and you're not going to have a weapon."

"Wanna bet?"

"Want to not?"

"Hey, I'm the one with the code to the armory."

"Yes, and I've already changed it."


The folf grabbed him by the chest, and Klim had to restrain himself as he was pulled back and slammed against the wall of the hangar. The sound was drowned out by all the drone repair work going on down on the bottom floor, and he sighed as he was held against the metal plating as the folf glared at him.

Ryker leaned in, narrowing his eyes as Klim let himself go limp. It forced the folf to hold him a bit more firmly, pushing harder to keep him from sliding down the wall. The constant shifting kept interrupting his security officer as the folf kept complaining, saying that he was being an obstruction, saying that he had misrepresented the contract, saying that -

And I've had just about enough of this.

As Ryker was forced to adjust his grip again to keep the velociraptor from falling, Klim twisted to the side. The move dragged him out of the folf's other hand, putting them side to side on the walkway again. His rigid tail spun with him, clapping the security officer on the cheek and throwing him to the side.

And almost off the walkway, for that matter. Ryker hung by one hand from the railing, barely keeping his grip as he fumbled with his other hand. Klim stood over him, shaking his head as he looked down at his officer.

"Do you really want to keep arguing?"

"I want you to stop dicking me around."

"I haven't even started dicking you, let alone dicking you around," the velociraptor said with a chuckle. "But while you're just hanging there, let me remind you of something.

"I'm the captain here. By all rights, I should have been a commodore with all those operations to build up a little fleet, but that's neither here nor there. I'm the captain, I told you exactly what you were getting into, and whether you weren't listening or just thought I was exaggerating, you still signed the contract. That means that you're legally bound by the Federation, and not-so-legally bound by me, to see this through.

"Now, you could challenge me for captaincy, as that's always been an option..."

The velociraptor raised one of his feet from the walkway, putting his clawed sole right on top of the folf's fist, keeping it pinned to the railing even as he curled his toes and dug the tip of his talon right against the wrist. He ground his foot from side to side as he did, making sure that the point was well-made.

"But I wouldn't suggest it. You're a good fighter. But you're not as good as me."

"Yeah, says the raptor with a gun pointed right at his dick."

Klim arched an eyebrow, glancing down. Ryker's other hand had managed to make good on that threat, with the folf's gun pointed right up between his legs. The captain chuckled.

"Well, that's one way to make a point. But, really, that's replaceable."

"You'd want a robo-dick?"

"I'd take that over having you as captain, particularly when you're acting this much like a dick."

He shook his head, pulling his clawed foot back.

"Come here."

Dragging his security officer back up from the brink, he brushed Ryker off a few times before looking him in the eye. The folf met his gaze, still angry, but not quite as angry as he had been. Maybe it was the whole getting knocked off the walkway, maybe it was the fact that he'd gotten to make a point of his own, but it wasn't so bad as it had been. Klim sighed.

"Look, I know you're pissed at this, but that's something you're going to have to get over. I don't know what your issue is -"

"Yeah, I bet you don't," Ryker muttered.

"Alright, out with it. What is it?"

"Why can't you just do this?" the folf asked. "I mean, fucking hell, why do I gotta be the one to bend over?"

"A, because the Hierarchy isn't going to take a furred creature dominating a scaled one. You're just not going to be that lucky. B, because even if I did, it wouldn't accomplish anything. C, who says I'm not going to end up bending over anyway?"


"Yeah, that's part of it, too. Certain ranks can demand certain favors of the lower ones," the velociraptor said. "But that's just part of how it goes. It's just a thing that goes up your ass for a bit, and then you're done."


Ryker cursed under his breath, stomping off, and the raptor let him go. He knew when it was time to let someone have a minute to cool down, and in all honesty, he'd pushed Ryker further than he had really intended. It was time to let him have some time off and focus on someone else.

Maggie would probably be a good candidate, in all honesty. He leaned over the walkway, banging a hand on the railing a few times to get Dresnath's attention.

"Do you know where Maggie is?" he shouted down.

"She's probably down in the infirmary. She wanted to get an inventory of the medical supplies on the vessel," the blue dragon shouted back.


The infirmary wasn't far, just a deck down and a few hundred feet in another direction. He found the door open, every single storage unit thrown wide open, and whistled under his breath.

It was organized chaos taken to an extreme. There was no organization to the different things that the mare had ripped out of the closets and containers and fridges. They weren't arrayed by size or by what was in them, as far as he could tell, nor were they put out there with any sort of recognition of what they could be do. It just was like with like, and it formed a series of shelf-like structures with several canyons of walkways between them.

The mare herself was tapping a stylus down a series of boxes, muttering a silent count as she went. He waited until she was writing down the number on the little pad that she was carrying around with her before walking up behind her and tapping her shoulder.

"Yes, Captain?" she asked distractedly.

"Commodore. What's the count so far?"

"More than triple our medical supplies. Which is good, because we were damn near out," she muttered. "And more NervMed than we've ever had."

He whistled. NervMed was one of those medications that was hard to lay hands on, though it was slightly more common among the Hierarchy of Scales than it was in other parts of the galaxy. It treated several different things, but one of its most common applications was in the treatment of addictions, essentially setting nerve cells and learned neural patterns back to a neutral position. It was basically an addiction killer, when used like that, and considering the slightly hedonistic lifestyle that the top brass of the Hierarchy lived...

Well, it made sense that they kept it around.

That would sell for at least a couple hundred thousand on the black market, he thought, thinking about the different possibilities of the sales. Klim could imagine that there would be a number of distributors that would be very happy to get their hands on a big shipment of that, whether legitimate or otherwise.

The happy thoughts dropped away quickly, though, as a different thought came to him.

"Um, how much is there, in total?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Proportional to the other goods?"

"Probably about fifty, maybe sixty percent of the total medical supplies? Why?"

"Damn it..."

He shook his head.

"Well, no profit from that. Sounds like they were stocking up extra so that they could refill whatever the officers at this Starwing Base have been using."

The mare groaned.

"Great. And here I thought we found a way to make up for your screw-up down on the planet."

"My screw-up? Who was the one that used all that treasure as bait?"

"Hey, hey, don't you put that on me," she said, finally rounding on him. "You told me to do that."

"I told you to use bait. I didn't tell you to use the whole thing."

"You listen here, mister."


"I'll call you 'mister,' and you're gonna -"

He growled in his throat, and the mare finally stopped. She took a step back, her cheeks turning a little red a second later.

"Sorry. Was going a little far there, huh?"

"Just a little. Let's not do that again."

"Sorry, Captain."

"...Fine, I'll let that be a compromise. Do you have a moment?"

"Yeah, I think so. There's not much else I can do in here."

He nodded, gesturing for her to follow him. They stepped out of the infirmary and back into the emptier hallways that lined the ship. The Hierarchy method of constructing ships was very much built around the idea of hallways that ran straight until they needed to intersect at odd diagonals, leading to different little bumps and twists here and there, with all the rooms on the sides of the hallways rather than at the ends. The only room that ended a hallway was the bridge, and that was a special case.

They walked down the hall to some of the living quarters, and as soon as they arrived, Klim snapped his fingers. Maggie jumped, the mare's rather prodigious assets jumping with her after she came back down to the deck.



"What?! This isn't -"

"It's time for your turn at training," the raptor said, smiling over his shoulder. "And that means, get naked."

"...Fine. Dick."

He smiled as the quartermaster started stripping down just as she'd been ordered, slowly dragging her shirt off and then her bra. With both items of clothing thrown to the deck, her breasts were free to lay over her chest, rather heavy and large. Affected by space the way that they were, they tended to float a little anyway, but he smiled at the way that her nipples remained up and hard in the cooler air of the spaceship.

As she pulled off her pants, dragging them down to her boots, she worked herself back and forth to get out of her footwear.

"I still don't get why we have to be naked. It's kinda silly, isn't it?"

"It is, in a way, but the Hierarchy loves everyone it sees as lesser to be marked that way."

"Uh-huh. But is it really lesser if you don't feel like you have to wear clothes to hide things?"

He blinked.

"That's...a different way to look at it."

"Heh, heard it from this otter pilot a few systems back. He was going on about philosophy all the time when he wasn't hooting and hollering about how fast he'd gotten their ship," she said with a chuckle.

It didn't take long for the mare to slide out of her clothes, standing completely naked with her hands behind her back. Thankful that at least some of his crew were willing to go along with the training, Klim turned around the rest of the way, putting his hands behind his back as if he was conducting a military inspection.

It was coming back to him quickly. His time among the Soaring Fleet had been marked with several rather difficult moments, but it had been a significant part of his life, regardless of the bad things that he'd done. The raptor looked down his snout at her, despite her standing a bit taller than him, and reached up and grabbed her by one of the nipples. She hissed, and he pinched.

"Ah. No reaction when a superior officer grabs you. You do not show pain."

"Mmmph...It's not exactly...pain...captain."

He sniffed the air, then nodded.

"Hmm, a gasp of pleasure is acceptable," he said. "But keep them to a minimum if you can. The whole thing needs to be focused more on being as invisible as you can, more 'thing'-like, if you can manage it."

"I'll see what I can - mmph - do. Watch the tits."

She grunted here and there as he lifted and lowered her breasts, though she took the advice to heart when he tugged on her other nipple, not letting out any more gasps or groans. He worked her down the other side, feeling her up, stroking his hand along her curvy sides. It was quite the chance to play with her, but he resisted the temptations to get too into it. The last thing he needed was to waste time.

"Now," he instructed. "Any officer among the Soaring Fleet has the right to 'inspect' you at a moment's notice. That means you're probably going to get a lot of scaly hands on you, but you don't have to submit to any more than a fingering from someone else, as long as they know that you're owned by either me or Dresnath. Is that going to be a problem?"

"Considering how much you guys all end up groping me, I don't think so."

"You know that you aren't going to be able to punch them, right?"


"So, problem?"

"...Eh, not as much as you'd think. I'm used to it, and hey, someone new. Might find someone better than you, captain."

He rolled his eyes, giving her pussy a gentle slap. She gasped again, jumping upwards, and he made sure that she landed right on one of his fingers as she came back down.

"Let's not get sassy, hmm? That'll get you into trouble with them."

"Mmmph...better keep me close and quiet, then...Because I don't think I can stop that."

"Great, a sassy quartermaster and an impossible security officer. This isn't doomed to failure yet, noooo."

He rolled his eyes, pulling his finger back and wiping it gently on her muzzle. She licked it off a moment later as he turned around.

"The other thing you'll need to be ready for is the fact that I can order you to please me at any time."

"You mean that's different from now?"

"It means that I'll probably end up doing it more, since I'll need to keep up appearances with the other officers."

"So, what, should I be ready to kiss your ass?"

"Literally, yes."

"...Really? I'm really hoping that's sarcasm, captain, because if you're serious -"

"Don't worry. I keep myself very clean."

The raptor chuckled to himself, shaking his head. It was going to be an interesting time, for sure, particularly as he was remembering how things had gone in the Soaring Fleet during his time there. Most officers ranked Commander and higher were more than happy to use their privileges for fun at any time, and he remembered a couple of missions where slaves were on the bridge, sucking off the gunners or otherwise pleasuring them during a low-risk assignment, giving the crew members things to bet on and enjoy.

It was hardly something that he expected in a more hostile environment like the station, but he knew that there was the possibility of some public use like that, and he needed the crew ready for it.

Other memories were creeping back, as well. Times when he had gone through the Soaring Fleet and attended to other matters besides being a simple soldier. Times where he had been assigned to handle rather more sensitive assignments, things involving the slaves of other officers, or sometimes, the officers themselves.

He was out of that, now, well out of that, but there had been quite a few scars left on his memory from it. He just hoped that nobody from his past would be there.

Turning, he found that Maggie had gone down to her knees, her eyes up on him. He cocked his head to the side, and she chuckled.

"Well, it sounds like I should get into this little 'role-play' here. What else do slaves need to be good at?"


Klim smiled as he walked over to her, starting to unbutton his pants.

"They have to..."


"Well, you probably should have told me that you didn't want to roleplay a slave trying to fight back," Maggie said as she rustled through the supplies.

"I was trying to show you how to treat people well without needing to like it. You didn't have to try and bite my dick off..."

Klim groaned as he laid down on the table in the medical bay, biting his lips as he kept the pressure on the wound. It was still bleeding gently, but not too bad. She hadn't bitten him that hard, but the fact that he'd been erect at the time meant that there had been plenty of blood for any sort of hole to empty out.

He groaned as he leaned back a bit further, waiting for her to get the medi-gel and everything else that she needed. It didn't take the mare long to find it, thankfully, and she started applying it to the base of his shaft.

As the holes in his scales started closing, he took a few deep breaths and looked her in the eye.

"Any reason you wanted to take my dick off?"

"Mostly just to teach you a lesson."

"And that lesson is?"

"...Honestly, I forgot."

"Yeah, well...maybe you should take a lesson and keep a butt plug up that ass of yours for the next few days...Get it nice and ready for someone to rut."

He groaned again as he slowly shifted to the side, having to take a few deep breaths to keep from being overwhelmed by the pain. Yes, it was going down, but it still hurt like hell. He wasn't going to be able to do much training for the next few days, that was for sure. Even with the holes patched up, he doubted that it was going to be easy for him to fuck anybody. Tearing was more of a possibility than he really wanted to admit.

And that means that I'm going to have to make sure that Dresnath knows everything that needs to be covered. The etiquette rituals, the stances, the gestures, everything that a slave needs to know to be accepted as a real one, he thought. Sollon might be able to help a bit with that, but...

Well, it couldn't be helped. He'd just have to make sure that they learned what they needed to learn, and fast.

"_ Attention, everyone. _"

Ailsa's voice came over the intercom, rough and a bit mechanical as ever, and only enhanced by its method of delivery.

"_ I'm going to be attempting a test connection between our ship and this one. Everyone hold onto something. _"

He managed to grab hold of the table. Maggie didn't manage to grab hold of anything. And as the horse went flying backwards, her big round rump landing right on his injured dick, the captain screamed.

The End

Nova Wars 5: Starwing Station

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