Gone With the Wind - Spooktober Horror Story

Story by Valcyrie on SoFurry

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#8 of Stories

As promised in this upload, I was going to release a new horror story with a specific theme every week, and this is the first one of them. This story is a collaboration with Jarren Ironclaw where I give a writing prompt and he gives 3-5 keywords. Then we both interpret these in our own ways to write a individual story about them.

You can find my good friend here, and his story here. (Link to his story coming soon!)

This story is a short story (2500 words) created by me, Valcyrie.WARNING: This is a horror story, and revolves around psychological horror, non-explicit male-on-male action and BDSM. If this is not your thing, do not read further.

Warning: Psychological horror, non-explicit M/M, BDSM.

[Disclaimer: Any names portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblances with actual people or characters are completely coincidental.]


James was not a normal young man, at least not in his own eyes. While he seemed like just any guy to most people - no specific style or dress code - James did hold dark secrets. He was an active member of the furry fandom subculture and had developed a sincere and vast interest for BDSM and tons of different kinks. Of course, this was something he kept well hidden from his parents whom he still lived with. He was 17 years old and had - much to his own surprise - managed to reach senior year in high-school. His education had been really tough on him since he suffered from both ADHD and Asperger's syndrome.

He really did not need to keep his interests secret from his friends, because he did not have any. Not in real life, anyway. But that did not matter to James. Online interaction was much easier on his part, where he could hide behind his stud of a fursona, a grey and purple wolf with silver tattoos called Lunarbane. He spent most of his birthday gift money on games and art, and what art he could not afford he tried to beg friends to gift him. His art and his sona meant the world to him; it was his life, more real to him than his actual life. Online was where he felt alive... and wanted. He was very active, spanning over dozens of Discord servers. It took 3-4 scrolls just to roll through the server list.

But despite all this, James was not happy with his life. His classmates had girlfriends, most other furries he met online had their loved ones plastered loudly and flashy right atop their profile pages, always writing cutesie-wutesie shouts and hearts to each other. Did they not understand that seeing them interact like that hurt so much? James smashed his fist into his desk and then rubbed his face. It was late at night again, his parents were asleep but he was up, chatting, sharing pictues and cracking open another energy drink.

Despite being popular online, the loneliness really struck hard at his feelings. The online interaction felt good, but also created an insane longing to feel the same thing in real life. But who would ever love him? He was no one, he didn't look good, he had no style. Instead he was slightly pudgy with a round flat hair that made him look even more round than he was. But no one liked him anyway, so why should he care? He had his sona.

Life had been going like this since he was 14, when he first had discovered the furry fandom by accident. Eventually he had made a few accounts and created a character for himself and now considered himself to be a steady part of the fandom. He had been so lonely and frustrated for so long, and being an outcast at school had just made him feel more isolated from the real world. Everything was easier online. Especially since the day he met Zek.

Zek was another furry, another wolf with dark grey and red fur. A scary looking brute but who had been very kind to James. They had started talking after finding they shared several Discord servers and interests, and it had only taken moments before they shared Steam ID's and started gaming. They hit ofreally well, laughing and enjoying the time they had together. Not long after that had Zek inquired if James was interested in E-RP. Erotic roleplay. James had confirmed that he was, eager to find a new friend to spend intimate time with. He did prefer females, but there was almost none that he knew of, and if there was one, it was just another guy but with a female character. But he still found anthro wolves pretty hot, so at least online, males had to do. In the earlier years it had led to James being curious and he had tried playing with some vegetables they had at home. While it was uncomfortable at first, he had soon taking a liking to it. Perhaps males weren't that bad after all~

After several weeks of talking, gaming and roleplaying with each other, Zek hit James up one evening soon before bedtime. He wanted to talk about something serious. Turned out that Zek had found feelings for James, and wanted to be boyfriends. Zek was 22 and lived in a different state, but promised they could do things over cam and such, and maybe they could meet up at some point? Maybe go to a furcon together? James did not think that was a good idea since his parents would never let him go to one, not to mention all the people? Just the thought of it gave James nightmares. But... being boyfriends? That would be nice. Finally, someone to call his own. Someone who liked him. Then, Zek asked for pictures of him, wondering how he looked. James was very nervous to be rejected, but at the same time, the thought of sending them was thrilling. And when Zek's reply came, James' heart skipped a beat. "heheh, hi there cutie~" "u rly think im cute?" "i do. handsome too. very lovely."

James wasn't sure what to say but he felt himself blush. Soon, Zek sent back. He was a very handsome guy; slim, muscly, alluring... and so, James fell in love.

Several weeks later they were a happy couple. Both had each other listed on their profile pages with hearts and dates, just like everyone else. James' heart swelled as he saw that. Finally, he was not alone anymore. Finally, he had someone too. Finally, he was someone to someone else. Their online contact had increased significantly and they often spent their evenings roleplaying and then sharing pics of the results with each other. The more he did it, the better he felt and soon when Zek brought up the thought of meeting up again, James agreed. At the next school break he would go and visit Zek. James would be 18 by then and could go wherever he wanted. For all his parents knew, he would visit a book fair over the weekend and then come back, something he had done plenty of times before since he loved reading, and had met his first favourite author together with his dad when he was 8. Zek had even promised to pay for the tickets, so that James wouldn't be forced to strain his economy or beg his parents for extra money.

School break came and James was soon on the plane, eager to -- for the first time in his life--meet someone to be intimate with. Someone to kiss and snuggle and... to lose his virginity to. The thought made him blush and made his stomach twitch and turn in nervousness. The more time elapsed, the more nervous he gotand when the plane touched down in Seattle, he almost didn't dare to step off. He was literally shaking now, only mere minutes away from actually meeting Zek. After getting through security he almost wanted to throw up. His stomach was twisting and turning so badly as he walked towards the parking lot while chatting with Zek over text to find out exactly where he was waiting. And soon, he stared in through the passenger window and saw Zek - the actual Zek - smile back at him. He just stood there for a while, and it took him several seconds to realize he had stopped breathing. With a gulp and a deep breath he started again and opened the door. "H-hi..." James said nervously. "Hey bud." Zek replied with a mild smile. "Take a seat." James sat down, more nervous than ever. He didn't speak much at first, but after a while as they rolled down the highway, it felt like just any conversation they had while gaming, and James started to warm up a bit. Soon, they were chatting away like good old friends again, laughing and talking about everything, until Zek suddenly put his hand on James' lap. James fell silent and just looked at him and the hand. "Don't worry." Zek smiled at him. "I love you, James." James felt himself blushing again but did not remove Zek's hand. Zek smiled wider and slowly started to stroke his handup and down James' thigh. The touch felt very good and in seconds, James was rock hard. Zek smiled even wider and soon touched James' bulge as well. James heart skipped a beat again and he could barely breath. Finally, it was about to happen. Finally, he would have had sex too. He would no longer be a lonely loser, he would be just like everyone else. He closed his eyes and let Zek touch him. He couldn't wait.

Some time later they arrived at Zek's apartment. James looked around when he came in. It was simple, but nice and clean. The afternoon sun shining in made the entire room shine with a warm glow. Zek flopped down on the bed and stretched out with a little yawn and started talking games. It made James relax and he soon flopped down next to Zek, eagerly babbling away. When it came to games, James could talk for hours. They talked and laughed for a long time and slowly, Zek came a little closer until his hand was on James thigh again. James fell silent with a staggering gasp. "So... wanna play a different game..?" Zek said with a smirk on his lips.

James nodded, nervous but more than eager to finally try how it actually would be. He still could barely believe that this was happening, that he had a boyfriend, that he was getting laid. So many thoughts spun around in his head.

"Why don't you turn around... on your belly, please." James wasn't sure how to do this, he had never done anything like it. Would Zek just stick it in? Maybe it wouldn't hurt anymore after the carrots James had tried when he was home alone.

"Would you mind some ropes?" Zek asked.

James turned his head to look at Zek.

"Bondage?" he asked. "Bondage." Zek replied. "Splayed out like a big cross in bed, just as you like." "Sure." James blushed and turned his head back, nodding for Zek to continue.

Soon, he felt Zek tie ropes around his arms and legs, spreading him out in bed like a big X. James' heart kept pounding insanely hard. It was happening, it was finally happening.AnRP session turned reality. He swallowed hard and was just about to ask how everything would work when he suddenly felt Zek sit down on his lower back, straddling him. The words got stuck in James throat as he inhaled deeply. Zek leaned in over him and whispered in his ear: "I know this isn't completely your thing, but... after I paid for your tickets and will pay for your living here during the weekend... maybe you can do something for me..?" James tried to look back over his shoulder up at Zek.

"W-what did you have in mind?" Zek did not reply immediately. But a second later he was suddenly pulling a latex mask over James' head.

"No, wait! What are you d-oomph-"

James' protest was silenced as the mask slid over his mouth. And as it reached down around his chin, he realized he couldn't breathe - there were no airholes in it. James started to throw himself around, violently thrashing in the bed and screaming that he couldn't breathe. But the mask was so tight that he could barely move his jaws, and after the first words, the air in his lungs were out and his vocal cords could no longer form sounds. All James could do was to thrash more, but that wasn't very effective either due to the ropes. He could barely move, especially not with Zek on top. He tried to buck his hips and throw Zek off, but he sat there heavily, as if he had done this before. Soon he laid in over James again, pinning him down.

"I'm sorry, Lunarbane. But I paid good money for this, and I want value for what I paid for. By the way, I'm 27, not 22. And it will be a big..."

Zek had to gasp for a moment as if he barely could hold himself back and he was almost shaking with excitement.

"... a big pleasure for me to break you in. There's nothing better than tight virgin asses." James was still thrashing, trying to get away, struggling to get free but he was hopelessly stuck as Zek pulled his pants down. James felt himself cry and his ears started to buzz from the lack of oxygen. This was not what he wanted. Everything he had dreamed of, the new life he had imagined together with Zek was suddenly being pulled away underneath his feet and he was nowstruggling to even stay alive.

James was conscious for about another minute, enough to feel Zek forcefully enter him. He tried to scream, but not a single noise came from the lack of air. The buzzing in his ears rose to a thunder and confusion started to set in as he was losingconsciousness. 30 minutes later, Jame's body stiffened where it was tied up in bed, and it was that tightness that Zek loved so much. It was worth every penny and every hour, just to experience this again. When he was done, he slowly slipped off to the side of James, panting and petting the young boy on the back.

"Good boy, Lunarbane. Good boy." Zek then chuckled for himself, leaned in over James and slowly rolled the mask off of him. Tears, snot and saliva dripped out of it. He would have to clean and powder it again before he could use it again. Grabbing James' phone he logged into his account and edited the profile to remove himself from James' page. He also posted a journal that the relationship hadn't worked out, and that'd he'd be offline for a few days to repair his broken heart. Zek smiled to himself and stuffed the phone back into James' pocket. It would take a good while before someone came looking for a emotionally troubled young teen with mental illnesses. His disappearance would not be taken seriously until several days had passed, maybe even a week if Zek was lucky. Plenty of time to ditch both body and phone. Already the same night, with James' body still tied to the bed, Zek was back online. He hovered the mouse over a new username. Leviathan the Fox. Right click. Message.

[Disclaimer: Any names portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblances with actual people or characters are completely coincidental.]

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