Puzzle Heart - Chapter 3

Story by Fere_Ermelis on SoFurry

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Klaus and Scotty continue their rather hectic and stressful lifestyle... time for a change, time to relax, time to f**k that fox every which way from Sunday! ;-)

"OK, who's the joker?"

Klaus was pissed. He'd come out of his office, along the hallway and into the main body of the building where most of the legal team had holed-up, in fits of giggles might I add. I was stood at the photocopier awaiting its tiresome lethargy in spitting out the reams of documents I needed, as I noticed that there were a lot of guilty scents in the room, coupled with inane and cubbish behavior. I buried myself in my work, muzzle going bright red as I realized what my partner had in his paws.

This wasn't good.

He retired back to his haven away from the gossiping muzzles, after dumping the offending article in the waste paper bin by the door that is. I waited until eyes and noses were concentrated on phones, writing or typing, before padding away and heading for the exit.

"Wouldn't a' thought that e' was, you know..."

"Oh I know, but there e' was, screwin' this guy's brains out! And when e' pulled away, you could see why that American lad was so fixated and lost. Fuckin' huge! Couldn't see where the boss began, and where that fox ended. Hollowed 'im out!"

"Heh heh, no more bratwurst at the company picnics now!"

Chatter, chatter, chatter, bitch, bitch, bitch! It's all they ever did. We had just been the unfortunates to give them the ammunition they needed for their unnecessarily graphic water-cooler talk. They all shushed themselves when they saw me walk past and towards the door, giggling under their breaths as I bent over to pick whatever Klaus had thrown away out of the trash.

"It's the fuckin' Mersey tunnel. Might get sucked in and charged a toll!"

I swung around with a snarl as I heard that, tails, ears and heads swinging away from me equally as quick to avoid being caught in their flagrant abuse. I hung my stare over the bull-pens for a few seconds longer, scowling at any slight stare or sly smile, before I straightened my shirt and padded out along the hallway.

I knew they were talkin' shit about me and Klaus. I'm not stupid! Didn't make me any more comfortable with it, realizing that although others thought they were just fuckin' around, ribbin' us for our terribly misplaced love-in, it came across as vicious, homophobic attitude.

Oh yeah, and the thing Klaus had chucked away? It was a porno DVD. Another one! This had been like the third time this week that it had happened. It had been barely a month since our little "celebration" and unexpected, uninvited fanbase, but this didn't fade any memories, especially in the nose. To make us feel all the more "welcome" in our impromptu outing from the closet, some clever fuck thought it'd be funny to bother us by leaving the film cases on Klaus's desk. Such riveting titles as Taillifterz2,For the love of Dog, and friskyfoxes4some were apparently worthy enough to be bought, unwrapped and sneaked into the building and onto the executive desk. How fuckin' cubbish can you get?!

Somethin' had told me that someone else was hiding secret fetishes or urges. I mean, no one would go to these lengths to piss someone off unless they found something titillating about the whole scenario or idea. There were some tinglin' tailholes in the building, methinks! In some ways it made me angrier and feel less safe; but on the other paw it made me feel justified and lucky.

That's right lads, you closeted tailfucks! That body, that dick, that tail and that smile are mine. Come pry him from my cold dead paws, you jealous dickheads!

Anyways, I thought it best to check in on Klaus as I could see and smell how angry he'd become with the latest little prank, however well-meaning it had apparently been.

"Mr Cholomondely? Are you OK sir?" I always addressed him properly when we were at work together.

"Uh, yes. Yes thank you, Scott. Did... did you need me for anything?" There was a brave smile on that muzzle. He hadn't turned to face me, only gazing at my reflection caught in the huge floor to ceiling windows, crying in the January rain.

"Uh, no... no I just thought I'd check in with you."

"Thank you, Scott."

He was awful pensive, the smell of his tail low and sad, paws quietly tucked beneath his jaw almost in prayer. I closed the door slowly, lingering a worried stare at him before making my way down the hallway to the elevator.

Now you would've thought that the DVDs and the little giggles they got from the aforementioned would be enough?! Well apparently you (and I) thought wrong! I don't mean to go into too much detail, but more and more kept being made of our "discovery". Some small things like awestruck office gossip that travelled like wildfire was to be expected I guess, going from legal to corporate to retail to sales to design, and back again. But even the janitors had heard about it. Apparently, security were in on it too, but only to make it worse for us.

"Shit, I saw this stunnin' piece o' tail at 'er desk, late one night right? Just sat there, right? Checkin' araand 'er to make sure she weren't bein watched or any shit, right?"

I just nod my head and suppress a sigh. I'm part of a crowd of three or four by the way, sat in the cafeteria on our break listening to dirty Del, the middle-aged graying Alsatian security guard from reception, tell us about his latest peeping-tom exploits on the CCTV system.

"Gets this photo aat ov 'er bag or laptop shit or sumfink, right? Whips daan 'er skirt, and starts fingerin' 'er snatch like it's goin' aat 'er style!"

"Who was she lookin' at? Wot picture I mean."

Someone asked the bleeding obvious! I knew the answer before Del had even stopped laughing and adjusting himself (eww!).

"Yo'r favorite Doberman. That's 'oo! She din't last ei'ver. Could see 'er reach where she wont'd to be pretty quick, if you know wot I mean!" He chuckles again, a gruff, cruel voice that was spliced only by a smoker's cough and a smell that can only be described as unwashed dick - or worse, hardening, old-dog dick. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy what Alfred had to offer me. It was just that he had some dignity and respect. Del lacked even that!

"I let go too at same time, right? Had to wipe it off all the equipment pretty fast before the ol' boss came back. Totally werf it you know. Only fing woulda made it better is if I'd been between 'er legs munchin' on 'er. Mind you, I keep me' camera trained on 'er booth all day and night na'. Not gonna' miss my show!"

There was that giggle again and a shouldered nudge that I just smiled at. Man, that was just so very honorable. Give the man a medal would ya'?! Sigh!

Filthy office talk aside, I'd kinda had a belly full of the direct and indirect admiration being slung our way from all corners. I know how big and sexy and hung Klaus is, but I didn't like the way that the whole office were sharing stories, secrets or even jacking off in full camera view of perverts to the thoughts and images my dobe conjures, day-in and day-out.

Perhaps me being as sensitive as I am, coupled with my ultimate spilling of these beans to my less-than-impressed mate in the comfort of our own home, lead to what happened next. I had to beg Klaus not to fire anyone or go apeshit; he would've been justified in doing so, but it would've made both of our positions untenable. It was only over one weekend that I learned that it hadn't only been misplaced DVDs, the joking around and the horny, tail-high antics of in-heat females that had been brought to Klaus's attention since the now rather infamous New Years debacle. Far from it! He confided in me that someone had gone as far as switching the CD in the presentation room so that gay porn in all of its glorious, sensory technicolour had been inadvertently played out to a room full of executives; prospective clients at that!

"What could I say?! I was as stunned as everyone else. I think I just kicked the plug out of the wall, and apologized profusely. I don't think they were that impressed, cos' we never did get that contract." Klaus sighed as he leant to his elbow at the kitchen table, fork aimlessly shoveling and fiddling through our weekly chicken curry, "I even had Claire come up to me just the other day, and try and stick 'er tongue down my throat."

"Wait, what?!"

"Yep." Another long, drawn-out sigh was mixed with that wide-eyed look of exhaustion and frustration, "said she'd seen me do you, and now she wanted a turn."

"Wow." It's all I could utter. What a frickin' slut! I always knew she was a ho.

"'My boyfriend turned queer, and I haven't got anyone to push my buttons. Need a hunk of dog to run me through with his big hot bone'. Blah blah blah! On and on she went, pushing 'erself on me." Klaus had got to his paws as he put on her voice, a desperately tired demeanor now rolling through his eyes, body language and scent, "'wanna see how deep you can get your tongue up my...'"

"Whoa, whoa,... T M I, baby! T.M.I!" I had heard enough by that stage, frowning a smile whilst I turned my plate and cutlery away.

"Sorry honey."

He padded away to the sink, tail and ears droopy, and little but the smell of someone so totally defeated wreaking through the rather stuffy night air. I felt so helpless. I mean, Klaus had all the control he needed in the company, and I wasn't sure why he put up with it. Did he actually enjoy the "unwanted" attention? Was he pulling my tail when he told me how fed up he was with all the females coming on to him?

There was just something about it all that, well... it didn't not make sense; it was just silly for him to think that he had to withstand the jibes and the abuse, to ride over it all and let it wash off. He was a stubborn one, that was for sure. Too used to dealing with things, withstanding the pressure and getting on with it like a "proper male". Bullshit! I have always been a firm believer in self-determination, esteem and standing up for yourself; because for as sure as shoot, as much as Klaus looked imposing and big and handsome and all that, he was shit at just dealing with things. Honestly he was.

I had told him as much, however the response may have been. I wasn't afraid to tell him what I thought about the situation, especially since it now seemed like a competition for his affections and bodily prowess between myself and every single female tail in the building. This was certainly news to me. The odd lonely young Alsatian or vixen fingerin' herself to oblivion to pictures of my mate was one thing. Having them queuing up to procure Klaus's "services" was another!

I didn't know what he had planned, if anything. In fact, scratch that! I was pretty damned sure that we'd just have to put up with the filthy talk and the rumours bouncing around inside the gherkin every single fucking day of the week. What could I do? I just had to sit back, get on with my work and hope that Klaus would make some kind of proactive move to better the work atmosphere; make changes to the staff, reschedule, reassign, fire, demote, promote... just fucking do something! It was very frustrating.

But I tell you what, as much as I hid my growing hatred of the atmosphere at work, Klaus seemed to launch into beautifully explicit shoot-downs of jokes and slurs slung at him. He'd started to take tails down a peg, invited the legal team to work on projects where he had full control, and he'd expanded the community focus of the entire company to join forces with the LGBT section of the city. I think Gay Day and Designs on a Rainbow are work outings I'll never forget! I think you can probably picture the look on some of the muzzles in the office; it was so fucking hilarious! That's my Klaus!

He'd finally come out of himself and turned the tables on plenty of doubters, haters and pranksters. It garnered not only respect and better business in the city, but the offices smelled so much more content, safer and free. I guess everyone was waiting for their boss to wake up and stop sulking. They wanted a reaction, and the response was one that only served to bring us all closer together.

"And now that I've done all that, I have another surprise. And you my darling, are the only one in the entire company yet to hear about it." Klaus snuggled closer to me on the sofa, putting down his mug of tea and staring me right in the eyes with the broadest smile.

"Wh... I am? What did I miss?"


"Oh I didn't miss another Gay Day did I?"

"No" Klaus giggled, leaning away to pluck something from the back pocket of his jeans.

"Um... oh man, did Rupert bring in another box of those nommy scones with his homemade cream? Man I love those!"



"Here, I tell you what..." Klaus got to his feet and ushered me to my paws. I'd just got out of the shower and was wearing only my very tight, very skimpy briefs; we were heading to bed soon, and I needed to cool off after the hot water across my fur, so I saw no need to dress up.

And now my naughty, secretive Doberman got down on his knees... hoo boy, here we go! I closed my eyes, my muzzle all crumpled as I waited to feel his paws slip my underwear down and take my aching cock into his wet, delicious, skilled maw and....


And fuck me, he got back to his feet already! Damn it all, I was banking on a blowjob to finish off the night. So I have this sheepish, embarrassed and rather disappointed mix of emotion splashed across my muzzle as I look about myself, and catch sight of a slip of rectangular paper tucked under the waistband of my undies.

"What... what's this?" I slipped it out and turned it over, "if you wanted me to put on a show, you only needed to...."

I stopped.

"Well? What do you think?" A hopeful, painfully cub-like voice hit me as I read what was in my paws.

"Uh... I.... I..." I could barely utter a word, having to sit myself down on the sofa and take in what was staring me in the muzzle.

"Careful babe, you'll sit on your tail and bend it again." Klaus was the only one paying attention, saving my appendage from being crushed under the deadweight of my astonishment.

"I... I've never seen so many zeroes."

"You know what this means right?"

"You've... is this your severance? I mean, ... you've quit the company?"

"Damn straight, my naughty little American fox."

"But I... I... really? This is .... this is soooooo cool!" I put the check down and launched towards my mate in a surprise cuddle, knocking him backward onto the length of the sofa.

"Whoa, easy there bouncy boy! I thought you m..."

I just snogged his muzzle off. Cut into his sentence and kissed the living daylights out of him.

"Mmmm, I gather that means you approve." He giggled as we broke, my furious nodding and tailwagging giving him as much of an endorsement as any fox could possibly give.

"Did you have any plans?" I was so giddy now it was untrue.

"Well actually, now you mention it." Klaus leant me back onto the sofa cushions and got back to his feet padding away towards the walk-in store cupboard by the door.

He was back within seconds, a pile of what looked like magazines or catalogs in his strong paws. Thud they went, down onto the coffee table in our midst.

"Why don't we dig in?!" He grinned, snuggling back up to me as my nose caught the smell of sandy footpaws, alcohol and dried seawater.

They were holiday brochures. Fucking score!

"I want to fuck you in every possible way, on every continent, in every time zone."

Oh my! Well I guess I knew exactly what I was to expect on our most unexpected of adventures! Klaus had whispered this to me as we were lugging our luggage through Heathrow departures, our exhaustive dragging of what felt like tons of clothes and goodies eventually ending at the business class check-in desk. Let me fill you in, before that is I get filled in.

We had spent hours - and I mean, hours - in the city looking for the best itinerary of things to see and do. Klaus was sparing no expense, but also allowing me full rein to decide how long we were in each place and what we got to experience. I was overwhelmed to be honest, bouncing around London for days afterwards, unbelievably excited at the prospect of heading on our trip abroad. You have to remember, I'm a small town fox from the US with little more than a single stamp in my amazingly crisp, almost unused passport; this compared to Klaus's, a little red notebook of sorts that looks less a passport than a tatty, moth-eaten tome of stories and secrets.

It was certainly an ambition of mine to travel. I guess I just figured, when I was younger, that when the time came, I'd be doing it all alone. It was just the best feeling to have Klaus at my left paw every pawstep of the way; and I just knew that the suitcases weren't all full of clothes either! I reckoned that there might be some naughty nighttime toys tucked in there somewhere. I wasn't gonna' spoil the fun. I could wait; just! You really mustn't blame me for that feeling. The dobe at my side was the most attractive hunk of fur I had ever laid eyes (or nose) on, and the temptation to rip open his shirt and pants and lick him from muzzle to bollocks was a constant lip-biter.

Getting' a bit distracted here! Anyways, so we were gonna' go for about a year, and take in as much of the planet as we could; and we were doing it in style! Not that I'll bore you with the travel details or anything in between. I've left the juiciest bits for everyone's delectation! Juicy, sticky, sultry travel-tired tails, are mixed with a surprising level of humility and pensiveness. You wouldn't believe me at first, but it's true. Our journey around the globe was fantastic for its go-go-go action and sights; but it also allowed me to get to know Klaus all the better. There were subtle nuances that I had never seen, and the experiences we had abroad would end up forever shaping our future lives together. Not in a bad way; I don't want you to get the idea that this was a break-up trip. Hoo no! I knew which side my tail was buttered, but I'm not a user either. And I know Klaus is long past that stage of his life. No, I was in for the long haul... get it? Ah I'm such a silly fox.

I can feel myself start to tingle and twitch with readiness at hearing our exploits reminisced, so it's enough with the suspense already and onto our journeying.

We flew into New Delhi, scraping the landing gear on these massive billboards as we came into land. Wow, that was quite some introduction! I never knew India was so in-your-muzzle. Everything was so alien to me; the stuffy, polluted air, the smells, the state of the buildings. It was shocking as it was fascinating. And everybody at the airport wanted to help us. Klaus held my paw tight as we came through and connected onto our next flight, pushing his way through in no-nonsense fashion whilst hiding his eyes behind those posh shades I'd got him for Christmas last. The next plane took us out to Agra where we could finally chill in our hotel room. I was frickin' exhausted.

"You OK babe? You've gone awful quiet." Klaus was relaxing on the big double bed as I leant out the balcony window into the early afternoon haze.

"Yeah, I'm cool. Just fuckin' tired 's 'all." I puffed out my cheeks as I padded back to the bed and flopped down next to my dobe, muffling and mewing comfortably much to Klaus's amusement. My nose was full of fresh bedsheets, dobie sweat and faint but almost-sweet river water, closing in on being stagnant under the merciless mugginess of day.

Our room overlooked the Yamuna River and was just east of downtown Agra; but the bustling nature of Indian life was something that you couldn't escape. The noise, heat and torrid smells of dust, dirt and market spices got onto every inch of your fur. I spent a while in our spacious shower room, rinsing off in the cool water, scrubbing myself up for dinner. Klaus had promised me something relaxing and none-too-stressful; thank paws for that! I was lovin' it, but my goodness, the travel time was screwing with my internals.

All was forgotten once I had delved my muzzle into a traditional Indian curry; mild of course! I'm not that adventurous. Soaked up with paw-made Naan bread fresh from the ovens that sat in open-eyed glory along the street, it was the most curious, softly-welcoming little hideaway I could ever remember visiting. I had got out of my travel clothes and stuck to shorts and a shirt, my footpaws glad for the sandals I'd brought with me. It was like eight at night and 105 degrees!

"How do these guys stand it?" I sat back in my chair, downing another tall glass of ice water whilst my tail did exhausted wafts out the back to cool me - and others - down. Used my old plane ticket as a makeshift fan.

Klaus just smiled and drank his own fast disappearing beverage, sitting back, cross-pawed and gazing out into the sunset. The sky was a swathe of orange, of pure caramels, zests and heavenly pith, glancing off my handsome dog's chiseled features as he stared with a deep, satisfied sigh into the dying warmth of the day. His shades reflected the trees away in the park, the veranda above us and the ongoing movement of conveyor belt tarmac, that seemed perpetual in its constant companions. Footpaws that is! Nothing ever seemed to stop. It was great to sit, relax and tail-watch. Such curious characters, with glorious coloured fur, pierced ears, tattooed muzzles, and the traditional Bindi painted onto the forehead. There was I thinking that the States was busy!

I think once we had seen the glow of the sun fading and the swiped stains of nommy masala streaked by equally delicious breads, we agreed that enough was enough for one day and we retired to bed. I was so thankful for that beautifully deep mattress and cool atmosphere. We were both zonked and out for the count once our naked fur hit the bed; not that this prepared me for what happened a matter of hours later.

"Mornin' sleepy!"

"Ughhhh. Hmm?" I rolled over onto my side, my tail flopping with me as I saw this faint black outline standing over by our window.

"Come on you! Time to explore!"

And with that, he flipped the curtains open as wide as they would go.

"Aghh, Klaus! Klaus honey, I'm tryin' to sleep!"

"No time for that mate." Over he comes, already fully washed and dressed and ready for the off, and whips the sheets away from my head and body leaving me there whimpering tiredly, "we'll miss it."

"Ugh, what... what time is it?" I reluctantly sat up in bed, shielding my eyes from the piercing bright sun, my nose starting to twitch with the scents of Klaus's travel deodorant, diesel, green-leaf and the remnants of my own curry breath from the night before.

"It's... five thirty." Klaus checks his watch before smiling wryly down at me, "and there's something I wanna show you before we have to fly on tomorrow."

I sit there for a second or two, still trying to contemplate what would be so amazing as to wake me up in the middle of the paws damn night! But hey, I'm game. My very early-bird mate helps me out of bed; or should I say, he pulls me over his left shoulder like a bag of rice and carries me to the bathroom.

"Aren't you gonna' join me?" I play a paw up his open-shirted chest, grinning as I stand in the shower basin.

Klaus just launches into a deep kiss, before pushing me gently back and closing the glass screen door.

"Hey, what are yooooooooo Agggggggggghhhh that's cold! Fuck!"

The head coughs and splutters for but a second or two before this huge, freezing cold gush comes out, striking me with icy droplets from tail to ears. Klaus just stood outside, buckled over in laughter as I tiptoed around the cubicle in vain attempts to escape the monsoon shower stream, my tail slunk between my legs as I realized I had been 'had'.

"I l..l...love y...you t..t.. t..too!" I grumbled as he caught me in a lush, warm towel, lingering his nose to mine. Prick!

"You look adorable! All wrapped up and wet and floofy." He giggled as he padded on out, with me in tow.

Now to be fair, as rotten a trick as it was and as jarred-off with him as I felt, it actually worked. The decidedly chilly shower of a morning cooled off your fur nicely and made the Indian heat a lot more bearable. It was like a subconscious barrier, a dried, fresh-washed pelt that could withstand so much more of the sun without ending up panting like a starving dog; and that was kinda frowned upon, especially in India. I guess that's why we're tourists, and they're natives; I honestly loved it, but could never get used to it as an everyday life.

There was, of course, something a lot more interesting and romantic to Klaus's alarm-clock-beating insomnia; and again, it stunned me. What the hell was I thinkin?! Lying in bed, rolling over to face my tail to the aircon to get the best relief, and faint smells of pastries and breakfast cooking downstairs, were just pure extras to what I was setting eyes on.

"It's.... it's amazing." My vision was full, coloured out and sky-dived with just the most incredible dawn I think I have ever witnessed; and probably will ever witness at that!

"You like it?"

"It's so pretty. I never knew that it would be this incredible." I wasn't looking at Klaus. I just stared headlong into the rich peach sun, swashed with azures, purples, reds and ochre, like a watercolour cup with but the sleepy cypress trees to our right and left as the paintbrushes.

Klaus had taken me to see the Taj Mahal at sunrise, away from the bustle of the city and before the throngs of tails started their adventures in India. It was like the palace was built just for us. The reflection pool was so beautifully calm, and the temperature a lot milder than to which we he had quickly been acclimatized. It was still warm, facing our muzzles into the sun and eventually reaching for the shades as we sat, peddling our footpaws on the red and white brick Jilaukhana. You could smell the clean, dew-soaked air, the water of the pool, the chill needles and leaves of bushes all about; and then there was another scent, so comforting and familiar, way above the spice, the dirt, the stone and the inherent aroma of the sun's rays. Klaus.

I turned to him as I was sat on his left, placing a paw gently over his jeans-clad thigh, squeezing him gently and loving how his nubby tail wagged whenever I did so.

His eyes were lost again, far out into the distance; the dying shadows, the watermark moon and the pristine shell-like quality of the Taj Mahal's dome.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I'm... I'm sorry I was such a jerk this morning." My ears drooped as I admitted that I had been cubbish and all rather lazy, especially when adventure called.

"Hey now, no droopy ears!" He tilted my muzzle upwards, the smell of fresh minty dog breath and the feel of his smooth wet nose refreshing everything in my head; all the doubts, the sadness and the guilt, "I was just chuffed you wanted to come. I figured you might like it."

"I love it. It's beautiful."

"Ahh I dunno." Klaus shrugged and got to his feet, paws in his pockets, still gazing away with some kind of skepticism towards the monument caught in the early morning haze.

"Well... what do you mean?" I cup my paw over my eyes, shielding myself from the glare, staring up at my mate who had reacted all rather coldly to the wonders in our midst.

"The view's good...." He squatted down, touching noses with me again, his tail ticking slowly in contentment, "... but it's the company that's beautiful."

Oh my gosh! Melty fox alert!

Puzzle Heart - Chapter 4

We padded away for a mid-morning stroll before quickly nipping to the hotel to change, then heading straight back out for lunch. I was intent on trying something stronger, curry-wise, much to Klaus's amusement. We actually came across a sandwich/pita...

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Rough Housing - Chapter 3

The following day was a quiet Sunday... or at least it _was_to begin with! For Dean, Anthony, Lee and Ryan, plans were most certainly afoot... and they weren't about to give anything away to another duo of companions who'd been intrigued by that phone...

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Puzzle Heart - Chapter 2

The closer we got to Christmas, the more things started to go downhill. I don't want you to think that we fell out of love or anything, far from it. It's just that it was obvious that something was bugging the hell out of Klaus, and the stubborn...

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