VooDoo (Part 2)

Story by Azuralshadow on SoFurry

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Yeah i dont feel that this part was as good as the first but im hopeful, lemme know what you think please and thanks for reading ;)

Tara woke yawning lightly then snuggling up next to the warm soft fur that lay beside her. She then began to think of the night previous that she had spent with the feline that she now lay closely up against. She began to gently rub the silky black fur of her friend Sophia erecting a soft purr from her snoozing friend. "Time to get up you lazy cat." Tara coo gently causing Sophia to groan slightly and turn away covering her head.

"No, it's not time to get up. I need my beauty sleep." She whined.

"Hey it's not my fault you wanted to have another go at it in the middle of the night. Now time to get up." Tara said reaching under the covers and tickling the sides of Sophia causing her wiggling around and flailing about. "Come on sleepy head up up up" Tara chimed happily. Sophia then rolled off the bed with a loud thump onto the floor.

"Oww" Sophia exclaimed as she rolled onto her knees and sat up. "Geeze you could've at least given me another 5 minute Tara its only 10 am." She whined getting up as an obviously soaked pull-up hung around her waist.

"We'll you can't sit around in that all day anyway." Tara said pointing to the pull-up.

"Oh can't I?" Sophia said swaying her hips then striking a pose."I'll bet that I could get any guy I wanted wearing one of these." Tara just giggled at her friend.

"Well you could get me but I doubt that most people find that sexy, though you seem to have taken a liking to them." Tara said smiling.

"So what if I have?" Sophia said blowing a raspberry. "I'm not the only one sitting in a one pull-up." She said back at Tara.

"That's because when I woke up last night my paw were bound up by your panties and you slipped my panties of and pulled a pull-up on me and you teasing me into wetting it." Tara said grinning remembering it. "Your very dominating you know that?"

"Hey I didn't hear you complaining about it. All I remember hearing out of you is moaning murring and begging for more." Sophia said grinning back. "Anyway now that I'm up let's get dress and get out to the mall and find our prey." With that Sophia grabbed her bag of things and when to the bathroom to clean up and change out of the wet pull-up she had on as Tara did the same. Not Long later Sophia emerged from the bathroom a while later dressed in a revealing lacy green top and a pair of low cut jeans from which you could see a pair of green panties slightly sticking out from. "I'm ready to turn some heads" Sophia said with a smile. "How bout you?" She said looking over at Tara who was dressed in a simple black dress. "You're not seriously gonna wear that and expect to get a guy are you? Here." Sophia said as she dug around in her bag then handed Tara some clothes. "Take these and put them on."

"Pushy" is all Tara said as she went into the bathroom to change into what Sophia had given her. A few minutes later Tara came out in a black mini skirt which showed off her pink panties in the back some and a matching low cut shirt which place both her pink bra and breast out on display.

"Much Better" Sophia said giving a nod of approval. "Now let's get going it's already noon." The 2 of them hopped into Sophia's car and began their drive to the mall.

"I feel like a hooker dressed like this." Tara said after they had been driving for awhile.

"Well for today you're going to be one." Sophia replied chuckling while Tara just rolled her eyes then asked. "So how exactly are we going to pick up some guys?" Sophia grinned at Tara and replied. "The quickest way to do it is to go lingerie shopping and a couple guys will come our way, unless you wanna pick who you want that'll take a little longer but we can do it. Really with how sexy your looking right now you could pick up any guy you wanted" Sophia replied with a smile. "Or any girl." she added. Tara smiled at that as they pulled into the mall parking lot not long after that.

"Okay so do you wanna find just the right one or just grab the first 2 that try to grab us?" Sophia asked.

"Let's choose who we do this too. I wanna find someone cute." Tara said with a giggle. With that they both entered the mall and began looking around through all the fur's milling about through the mall. "Where should we look first? Tara asked as they walked.

"Well I'm gonna look in the Stores over there we can meet up later."

"Wait were not gonna do this together?"Tara asked.

"We could put I'm looking for a sexy guy not a cute on so you won't find anyone with where I'm headed so it'd be pointless." Sophia explain. Tara just let out a small sound of acknowledgement. "Fine I'll meet up with you in a couple hours. With that they went there separate ways.

Tara walked through the mall not really looking anything in the stores but rather all the different furs walking around, looking for anyone that looked like they'd even talk to her. After walking through the mall for about an hour Tara had given up looking for anyone to have fun with later on and decided to walk to the food court and grab a bite to eat. "Maybe me and Sophie and whoever she brings over can all have fun together." She thought getting in line for food. After a few minutes she got her food and then went to take a seat in the crowded sitting area, when shimming to get to a table she bump into another fur. "Oh excuse me I wa..." She stopped mid-sentence seeing an Arctic wolf roughly the same size as her wearing a black hoodie and jeans looking back at her with deep blue eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry I was just trying to sit down here you can have this table I'll find another." The said politely.

"No" Tara practically blurted out. "You can sit here, we can share the table." Tara said trying to keep from blushing in front of him.

"Oh, thanks." He replied taking a seat at the opposite side of the table. "My names Jessie what's yours?

Tara took a seat at the table and replied shyly. "Tara"

"Cute name, so what brings you to the mall today?" Jessie as with a smile.

"Shit what am I suppose to tell him." she thought to herself. "Um nothing just looking around with my friend, she's off looking around somewhere right now." She half lied smoothly. "What about you? What are you doing at the mall?" she asked as she started to eat some of her food.

"Brought my younger brother here to pick up some video game" Jessie said back. "He wouldn't stop yelping about it till I took him."

This was Tara chance; she tried to calm her nerves as she asked "So what do you have going on after this?"

"Oh not much, just take my brother home then nothing." He replied.

"Would you like to come over to my house and hang out later on? My parents are gone for the weekend so it's just me and my friend there." She asked as her heart beat fast in her chest but kept her composure as she continued to eat.

"Sure. I can come over after I take my brother home and grab some food." Jessie said back with a smile. Tara then gave Jessie her number and address and they sat there and talked to each other for awhile before Jessie's brother came by holding his new game and they left. Tara finished eating and decided to track down Sophia. Tara found Sophia not long after walking toward her holding a bag and wave to her and asked. "Any luck Sophie?"

Sophia grumbled. "None what's so ever how about you?" Tara just smiled and giggled nodding. "What? That's no fair what am I gonna do now?

"I dunno, not my fault you couldn't find anyone." Tara replied.

"Will you at least share?" Sophia pleaded.

"No way he's all mine. But don't worry later on me and you can still have some fun." Sophia just hung her head low for a minute before she started to have an idea form in her head.

"Say did you make another doll like I asked you too?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Just in case I wanted to use one on myself while you 2 have your fun. Come on let's get home I got some new things I wanted to pamper myself with." Sophia said. Then the both of them hopped into Sophia's car and drove back to Tara's house. When they arrived at home both Sophia and Tara went inside. Sophia went upstairs as Tara went into the living room and waited for Jessie to arrive.

"Hey Tara where are the dolls at?" Sophia called for upstairs.

"There in my top drawer." Tara called back feeling anxious. Tara stared at the clock waiting and wondering when Jessie would come. 3 O'clock, 4 O'clock, 5 O'clock and then finally 6 O'clock rolled around when suddenly Tara jumped up feeling a vibration in her small pocket realizing that it was a text on her phone. She pulled out the phone and looked at the text she'd received. Jessie had texted her saying he would be there soon and was sorry for taking for so long. Tara's anxiousness and now excitement rose as more time pasted. Soon there was a knock on the door and Tara jumped and bolted to the door and when she did she took a moment to make sure see looked good before opening the door. Tara opened the door and let the wolf inside. Just then Sophia walked down the stairs and looked down seeing the 2 of them at the door.

"Oh what a hottie." Sophia thought peering down. "Hello there you must be Tara's friend, I'm Sophie and you are?" Sophia said smiling.

"Names Jessie, nice to meet you Sophie." He replied.

"Likewise, here lemme take you hoodie it's kinda warm in here" Sophia walked over and guided the hoodie off him and placed it on a nearby hook.

"Oh thanks" Jessie replied allowing her to do so.

"Well you two enjoy yourself, I'm gonna be upstairs if you need anything" Sophia replied grinning then going back upstairs.

"Well that was weird." Tara said then looking over at Jessie said. "Hi Jessie what took so long?"

"My mom was being a pain and wanted me to do something's before I left." He explained.

"Oh, so do you wanna watch a movie?" Tara asked. Jessie nodded and they both walked into the living room and flipped on a move and began to watch it. Unbeknownst to them Sophia was sneaking down stairs and clipping some material off of it and sneaking back up to Tara's room.

"Won't share with me huh, well you're going to be sharing like a good little girl weather you want to or not" With that she pulled out a couple dolls from Tara's drawer and some pins out and prepared to put her plan into action.

Meanwhile Tara and Jessie were sitting down on the couch watching a movie chatting about this and that for awhile which both of them largely ignored as they started making out on the couch. After making out and grinding against each other in arousement a smell hit Tara nose and she asked. "Did you fart or something Jessie cause it really stinks in here." Jessie just laid there and blushed. "You did didn't you." Jessie shook his head no. "Then what is it?"

"I think I had an accident" He said blushing. Tara just sat there confused for a moment till it clicked in her head what he meant. "You pooped your pants?" She asked feeling very confused. Jessie nodded sorrowfully and softly weep. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just didn't want to stop so I thought I could hold it in." Tara just bent down and planted kiss on his muzzle. "Well I guess I can understand that I mean I kinda have to go to but I don't wanna stop either." Jessie grinned a little "Would you just let it go then so we can keep kissin then we can go change later? It'd make me feel better if you did too." With that Jessie pulled Tara back down into a long kiss slipping his tongue into her muzzle making her quiver as she pulled herself into it. Tara felt the growing need to go to poop but couldn't bring herself to stop to do it as Jessie continued to kiss her and hump up against her. Then something in the back of her head just let go as she felt the need to poop go away, as that happened she started to hump into Jessie more panting. Then as Jessie was rubbing Tara's breast through her clothes with his paw Sophia walked in sniffing the air.

"Whoa what stinks in here?" She asked already knowing the answer. Both Tara and Jessie shot up and looked at Sophia blushing as the mess pressed more into their rears. "Did you 2 have accidents?" She said mockingly and grinning. They both hung there head low and nodded. "Do you know what that means?" She said uncurling her paw. They looked at each other and looked back up at Sophia shaking their heads. "You're going to be spanked for being naughty and put into something more appropriate in case you have another accident." She then sat on the couch and pulled a whimpering Tara over her lap.

"Please don't I promise I be good. I won't have any more accidents please just don't spank me" Tara pleaded. Sophia just ignored her pleas and gave her bottom a good swat. Tara whimpered as Sophia swatted her bottom but after she had been spanked a few times she began to get aroused and her whimper turned so soft moans. After Sophia had spanked her a good amount she let Tara back onto her feet and commanded her to stay there and watch her spank Jessie. With that Sophia pulled Jessie over her lap who didn't try to resist what was about to happen. With that Sophia began to spank Jessie who just panted and moaned softly while Tara stood there watching squeezing her legs together feeling aroused by what was happening. After spanking Jessie an equal amount as Tara Sophia stood Jessie next to Tara and said. "Alright you 2 go up to the bathroom and clean yourselves up and meet me in Tara's room." The 2 of them ran like to excited children up to the bathroom as Sophia followed behind grinning at what she had in store. Tara and Jessie both went into the bathroom and locked the door not caring that the other was in the room and striped off their pants and underwear as leaving them staring at each other naked from the waist down. Without hesitation the grab hold of each other and started to kisses and rub each others body's, Tara's paw reaching down to rub his cock and Jessie's paw reaching up into her shirt and rubbing her breast. The both of them continued kissing madly and moaning when a few minutes later Sophia knocked on the door causing them to jump. "What are you too doing in there? Do I have to come in and help?" Sophia chimed. "Nooo" They both replied. "Well hurry up or I'm coming in." Tara and Jessie whined a bit but then helped each other wipe clean as the both exited the bathroom and went to Tara's room.

"It's about time now both of you get down on the bed" Sophia said standing by the door way now dressed in a red lacy corset and leggings. Both Tara and Jessie hopped onto the bed and lay back as told. Sophia then pulled out 2 large diapers and set them between the 2 of them. "Now diaper each other." Sophia said grinning. Tara quickly grabbed the diaper from the bed she slid it under Jessie and pushed down his large sized cock erecting a moan from him as she pulled the diaper forward and taped it up snuggly and laid back for her turn. Before Jessie could begin diapering Tara Sophia pulled out a vibrator with a wire that came off it with a button attached to it and slipped it into Tara's little cunt placing the button for it just about her slit. Once Sophia was finished Jessie grabbed the diaper and slipped it under Tara and pulled it forward placing his paw right on the button causing the vibrator to turn on making Tara squirm around and moan. Jessie giggled at the reacted and started letting go of the spot and going back down on it several times before Sophia intervened. "Now now now, they'll be plenty of time for that later, let get her padded up" Sophia said taping up Tara's diaper as she lay there panting vibrating attack she had just undergone.

Sophia then went over to the dress and grabs the 2 dolls she had there. "Now what to do, what to do." She said to herself thinking. That's when Tara noticed that the dolls were set to be used on both her and Jessie. "Hey! What have you been doing with tho...?" She was cut off as Jessie pushed down on the front off her diaper sending waves of pleasure though her. "Oh I know" Sophia had said with a snap of her fingers. She then pulled out a couple pins and whispered to them. "You will give up all control and be submissive to me and do all that I say." With that she stuck a pin into each of the dolls. Sophia then set the dolls on the dresser and walked over to bed grinning as she lay atop the bed.

"Now Jessie come here and undress me and Tara you wait on the floor. Tara did as she was told getting on the floor as Jessie crawled over to Sophia and carefully pulled over each of her leggings from her slender black silky fur covered legs. Then Jessie began to undo the lacing on the back of the corset and putting it away from her equally slender frame letting her breast free then he tossed it. "Good now you and Tara will each suck on one of my nipples." Sophia commanded as she laid in the middle of the bed on her back waiting. Tara climbed up onto the bed and laid against her friend up able to stop herself from doing so and her muzzle inched itself close to the nipple like a magnet and then latched itself to her nipple sucking gently as Jessie did the same on the other side of Sophia's breast and sucked on it. Sophia purred as the two suckled on her breast. Sophia then reached down and with one paw groped the front of Jessie's diaper and also doing the same to Tara's diaper groping hers pressing on the vibrator button and saying "Mmmm Wet for mommy baby's". Jessie's diaper began to grow warm in Sophia's hand as he soaked the diaper pushing his crouch into the groping paw. However Tara resisted as best she could continuing to suck on Sophia's breast. "Come on baby wet for mommy." Sophia enticed. Tara just shook her head keeping her mouth on the breast. "Well if you're gonna be difficult then I guess ill hafta make you wet then." With that she gently pushed Jessie and Tara away from her breast and laid them on their back's then looked at Jessie and said " Jessie climb on top of little Tara's here and hump into her lil button until she wets". Jessie nodded and did so climbing onto Tara and started to hump into her crouch with his cock encased by a soggy diaper that caused him to moan as he humped. The vibrator in Tara began to turn on and off causing Tara to buck and moan pressing into Jessie. Soon it got to be too much and Tara let loose into her diaper and flooded it panting and moaning as Jessie continued to hump her pressing the warmth into her cunt.

Sophia just stood over the two watching as they humped into each other. Sophia then went over to her bag and pulled out a double dildo grininng got up behind Jessie. "Okay you two hold still for a moment" they both did so clinging to each other and panting as Sophia pulled down the back of the wolf's diaper and guided the dildo into her and lubing it up. "Okay you two time to hump till we all cum" Sophia said guiding the dildo in the tail hole of the wolf whom moaned softly as it was inserted. Then Sophia started to hump the wolf's virgin hole causing him to moan and hump into Tara whom humped back moaning. Sophia moaned humping faster as Jessie lapped at Tara's nipples. Soon Tara start to buck hard into Jessie moaning loud cumming into the diaper. As Tara did so her bucking caused Jessie to start to cum into his diaper with a large howl as soon Sophia humping his tail hole buck hard and came hard bucking. They all fell atop each other and curled up near each other enjoying the feeling of pleasure and warmth. Soon both Tara and Jessie fell asleep as Sophia just laid next to them wondering what the final day of there weekend would bring falling asleep not long after.

VooDoo(Part 3)

Yeah i shouldve had this up a week ago, i just couldn't bring myself to sit down and do it, i was to depressed to. but hey im over it and i finished it up today and now its here for your viewing pleasure(well assuming you like it otherwise its kinda...

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This my first time writing and posting it so please critique it be and offer some helpful tips. Sophia sped down the road windows down air flying thru her fur as she drove towards her friend's house for a 3 day weekend with no parents around....

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