VooDoo(Part 3)

Story by Azuralshadow on SoFurry

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Yeah i shouldve had this up a week ago, i just couldn't bring myself to sit down and do it, i was to depressed to. but hey im over it and i finished it up today and now its here for your viewing pleasure(well assuming you like it otherwise its kinda like me trying to pleasure you and failing and oh sorry ramblings...anyway). this will be the last part of this story i may do a couple short side storys of things that happen after this but not anytime soon. thanks for reading, no really thanks for reading i really do appreciate it and any comments good or bad.

Tara woke early the next morning around 5 am to the sound of analogous beeping. She attempted to ignore it for several minutes while still huddled up with warmly with both Jessie and Sophia she dragged herself out of bed careful not to wake the others and searched for the source of the noise. After fumbling in the dark for a couple minutes she found the source of the noise to be a phone with several missed calls on it. She took the phone and shut it off and went and put it onto her dresser when she spotted her VooDoo dolls atop it with pins inside them.

"She didn't use them on us did she?" Tara said to herself picking them both up and finding it to be true that she had in fact done so. "That jerk, I told her not to do anything with these except on herself" Tara said to herself pulling the pins out of both dolls. "Well 2 can play it this game." She said with a grin and taking one of the pins and holding it. "You will be very submissive and obedient to me and Jessie" She whispered as she took the pin and buried it into the doll so that you couldn't see it. She then grabbed another pin and readied it as she whispered "You will slowly become more incontinent as the day progresses and if you should happen to cum you will have an accident every time." She smiled to herself and hid the doll out of sight then looked over at the wolf curled up on her bed and wondered if he would freak out when he woke up or not. "Maybe I should use the doll on him to make sure he doesn't run before I can explain what happened" Tara though to herself. With that she took the other doll and make it so that he couldn't walk when is she had said crawler. She then took the doll and hid it and then crawled back into bed up against the warm fur of the wolf.

It was about 9 am when Sophia began to stir from the sunlight crashing around her face. She slide out of bed and stretched out as a sudden need to pee came and she ran into the bathroom to relieve herself. Sophia just barely made it as she started to go pee as she sat down over the toilet. "Opps, I guess I should've gone before I went to bed last night." Sophia said to herself. Meanwhile Jessie began to stir from sleep from Sophia's commotion to get to the bathroom.

"Man that was a crazy dream, it felt so real, I swear if I didn't know better I'd say I was still in a used diap..."Jessie said as his paw drifted down and confirmed that it did in fact happen and that he was in a used diaper. "NO WAY!" Jessie nearly yelled out waking Tara.

"Oh you're awake." Tara said groggily still waking. Jessie just look back and saw the vixen he had met the other day lying behind him also in a used diaper.

"What's going on here? Why are you and me in diapers and what happened yesterday?" Jessie asked confused to why he was in such a state.

Sophia re-entered the room and saw the two of them awake and smiled. "Oh you're awake, that explains all the noise. So what's with the yelling anyway?" Sophia inquired.

Tara spoke up and said."Okay lemme explain things." Tara got up and pullout of the doll that was used on Jessie. "This doll is magic, you see you use these pins and say something and it changes the person in some way you describe depending on the pin you use. And it seems that my friend over there used them on both of us yesterday." Tara explains to Jessie as Sophia stood by the doorway.

"Wait you knew?" Sophia inquired curiously walking towards the two of them.

"No I found out this morning and I wasn't very happy about now sit down on the ground and be quite till I say you can get back up." Sophia immediately popped onto the ground and went silent as Jessie sat there.

"That's impossible, magic isn't real. This is all some weird date rape or something. You had to of slipped me something." Jessie said getting up and walking around.

Tara sighed a bit and then said. "You proof?" Jessie just stood for a second and looked at her. "Crawler" Tara said then suddenly Jessie threw he's arms out to try and catch his balance but failed and fell down onto Sophia who was still sitting on the floor quietly.

"Ow! What the hell!" Jessie exclaimed rolling off of Sophia who sat there and rubbed herself where Jessie had landed on her quietly. Jessie then carefully tried to stand up on his feet and was able to stand a bit wobbling side to side. He then tried to take a step and fell back down. "Ow, why can't I walk damnit!?" He exclaimed.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't bolt before I could explain myself so I used this pin to make it so you couldn't walk when I said crawler "Tara explain calmly sitting on the edge of her bed. Jessie just sat there a moment letting everything sink in before saying.

"Wait, so that things magic?" he ask curiously with no hint of anger in his voice but rather curiosity.

"Mmhmm. I made them on Friday and we've been having fun with them as you can see "Tara pulled the pin from the doll."You can get up now Jessie." Jessie then stood up wiggling his legs.

"Thanks, that was the weirdest feeling ever" Jessie said as he walked over to Tara and taking a seat next to her as Sophia sat on the floor rocking back and forth in place. "What's wrong with her? Why doesn't he move or say anything?"

Tara giggled and replied. "Because I made it so she is very submissive and obeys the both of us. Oh and I think she's rocking because she has to go to the bathroom. Is that it Sophie? Do you gotta go potty?" Tara cooed to Sophia as if to a small child that needs to go to the bathroom. Sophia nodded up and down quickly. "Aww well go put on some panties and sit back down where you are and hold it for me." Sophia quickly got up and pulled a pair of panties on and sat back down and started to whimper.

Jessie looks over at Sophia then back over at Tara and asked. "Why are you doing that to her?"

Tara replied back saying "because this way we can get back at her for forcing us to do what she wanted, now we both can do what we want with her." Jessie sat there a moment as a smile spread across his muzzle."So she'll listen to anything we say?" Jessie asked. Tara nodded as Sophia's face started to turn red from straining holding it in.

"You can go potty right where you are if you want to now Sophie." Tara said as Sophia almost instantly let a warm mess fill the back of the panties she put on and spread all over her bottom. Sophia face relaxed then turned red again this time from embarrassment. Both Jessie and Tara began giggling as Sophia sat in her mess. "Hey Jessie go grab one of the diapers that Sophia bought and bring it here."Tara got up and walked over to Sophia. "Sophie baby, lay down on your back and stay there while I change you. Oh you can speak now." With that Sophia laid back and said whimpering.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked as Jessie came back with a diaper and some wipes. "I didn't do anything that bad to you or Jessie. Tara just places a finger over Sophia's muzzle to hush her as she worked off the messy panties from the feline.

"Because you were a naughty kitten and are going to be punished" Tara said giggling and wiping down her friend and finding the she wasn't only messy but wet only not from going pee. "Awwwwww, Jessie the baby's getting turned on by this." Tara said mockingly as Jessie chuckled. Sophia turned away blushing heavily. "Okay lift up your butt and hold it there a sec." Sophia did so as Tara slipped the diaper underneath her. Before Tara could tell Sophia to lay back down Jessie interjected saying.

"Hold up a sec Tara I got an idea." Jessie looked around and found the vibrator that Sophia had used on Tara then walked back to Tara and handed it to her and whispered to her as a big grin came across her muzzle. Tara took the vibrator from Jessie and held it in front of Sophia.

"Jessie had a great idea Sophie." Tara said swinging the vibrator a bit in front of Sophia before taking it underneath Sophia and tried to push it into the tail hole of Sophia who grunted and moan as Tara tried to push it into her.

"Oww, that won't fit. It's too big for me Tara" Sophia whimpered out as Tara pulled it away.

"Hmm well that is a problem then isn't it?" Tara sat there a moment and thought to herself before Jessie had an idea.

"Tara it's not too big it's just getting stuck because there's no lubrication, slip it up her cunt and then try again." Jessie chimed in. Tara grinned and took the vibrator and slipped it right into Sophia's cunt and worked it around a little bit.

"Well the front is certainly loose enough isn't it?" Tara said as Sophia moaned a bit from the vibrator being working inside her cunt. Tara then took out the vibrator that was not covered in Sophia's juice's and pressed it up against her tail hole again. This time as she pushed it slowly slid into her hold electing a moan from her as it was pushed all the way up into her. "There now back down Sophie." Sophia complied and sat down on the vibrator and diaper. Tara then took the little wire that was attached to the vibrator and placed it up next to her clit and pulled the diaper closed and taped it up tightly. "There you can get back up now but you may not take the diaper off without permission from either of us."Tara said standing up. Sophia then sat up her legs bowed out slightly from the diaper and looked up at her 2 captors then hung her head down.

"Isn't this unfair guy's?" Sophia said no making eye contact with either.

"No unfair is using the doll on someone who doesn't know it for your own pleasure." Tara replied dismissively.

"Now get dressed and go wait in the living room while I go take a shower, and you may not take off that diaper." Tara commanded as she went into the bathroom soon followed by Jessie.

"So what do you have in mind for her?" Jessie inquired as Tara prepped herself for a shower.

"I'm not entirely sure yet. Got any ideas?" She asked back.

Jessie just stood there gently eying over the beautiful vixen the stood before him. "She's so beautiful." he thought to himself not noticing just how beautiful she was till now. "Hmm? Oh sorry." He said blushing a bit. "Umm we could take her out in her diaper to the playground and tease her."

Not missing the blush I Jessie's face Tara smiled a smile that would steal any heart and look over his body naked except for the diaper that still hung around his waist. "Sounds fun. But you may want to clean yourself up first." She said pointing down to the diaper. Jessie blushed but then grabbed at the tapes on the diaper and let it fall to the ground with a loud plop and revealed a rock hard cock that was hidden behind it. Tara's eye fixed themselves to the cock that was now out on display. "Oh...that's impressive." Tara said finding herself increasing horny.

"Yeah sorry about that, it tends to do that around beautiful vixens like you." Jessie replied back stammering a bit near the end. Tara padded closer to the naked wolf.

"Would you like to clean up out here ... or go into the shower with me?" Tara asked nervously. Jessie nodded blushing a bit.

"I'd like that." The wolf replied feeling more turned on by the minute. Tara wrapped her paw around his member and pulled him along towards the shower. Tara then reached into shower and flipped the water on and set the temperature to a comfortable temperature then stepped into the shower guiding Jessie in by his cock. Shutting the curtain behind them they warm water fell over the both of them as they stared at each other neither of them wanting to say a word. Then Jessie leaned into Tara's muzzle and planted a long kisses on her. Tara being taken off guard by this pulled away slightly but then pushed back into it. Jessie continued to kisses the vixen pushing into her and pressing her up against the back of the shower as their paws works over the fur of each other. Then Tara's paw found its way down onto Jessie's cock and grabbed hold of it and felt it hard, pulsing, and needing. So Tara gave the wolf one last kisses on his muzzle and began kissing him down his neck and his tummy down to his cock and gave a long slow lick up it causing him to shutter and moan. She then took him into her mouth and bobbed up and down making sure to press down with her tongue and lips. All of this driving the wolf closer to an orgasm as he moan and press Tara's head into him. Before he was able to cum Tara pull off of him and stood up and turns her back to him lift her tail while leaning up against the walk of the shower and looked back at him. Jessie realizing in an instance what she wanted moved his cock of close to her tail hole and pressed up against it electing a soft moan from her.

"Mmmmm, don't stop!" Tara rasped out. Jessie complied and pushed himself into her hole moan a bit himself as the shower ran over the both of them. Then Jessie reached around used one of his paws to tease her nipples and another down her front to tease her clit. Tara moaned and shutter as Jessie pumped into her and teased her to no end. Soon Jessie's motions got faster and harder as Tara moaned louder and reached down with her own paw and started to rub herself. Then Jessie moaned loud and pushed into Tara so hard it lifted her up in the air as hot cum shot inside her. This strong reaction sent Tara into frenzy as she started to buck and orgasm. Tara lid up against the wall over the shower panting and jerking every now and then while Jessie had his arms around her. The of them lay together for awhile before Jessie pulled away from Tara and they both washed each other's bodies and finished their shower. The both of them got out of the shower dry off and walked out of the shower to find Sophia digging through the drawers throwing things out as she did trying to find the dolls. "Sophie! Sit!" She instantly did so as a pair of panties fell on her head from her throwing things in the air.

"Tara this isn't fair, stop using the doll on me!" Sophia whined. Jessie and Tara both smiled at each other then walked toward Sophia as she started to feel nervous as they got closer. "What are you doing..?" She asked nervously.

"Sophia you've been a very naughty kitten." Tara said as she bent down to the same eye level as Sophia. "And naughty kittens get there spankings don't they?" Tara said grinning up at Jessie.

"Of course" Jessie walked over and sat down on the side of the bed and patted his lap. "Come here little kitten and lay yourself over my lap." Sophia did so whimpering the whole time as she put herself into position on Jessie's lap and her butt up in the air. Jessie re-position her a little so that the button to the vibrator was on his knee then he took his paw back and came down right on the vibrator pushing it in. This caused Sophia to push forward onto the button flipping it on making it turn on while deep up her ass causing her to moan.

"Oooo, my turn!" Tara said excitedly and padded over to Sophia and took her paw back and brought it down in a similar fashion as Jessie had and Sophia whimper and moaned as the vibrator was once again pushed into her and turned on for moment.

"Please stop you guys." Sophia pleaded. However her pleads were left unheard as Jessie brought his paw down on rear again. "Mmmmm." Sophia moaned out. Then Tara brought her paw down onto Sophia again only this time when the vibrator was pushed into her Sophia let out a wet fart and moaned. "Ooohh." was Sophia's only response as she began pushing the front of the diaper into Jessie's knee.

"Hmmm I think somebody likes it" Jessie said planted another swat on her butt and receiving another moan from the feline. Sophia continued to rub her diapered front into the knee causing the vibrator to keep slipping on and off causing her to purr and moan and she rubbed faster and faster. Tara took one last swing at Sophia's rear and Sophia's began to rub very fast against the knee as just moaned loud and almost screamed.

"OOOHHHH YYEESSSS!" as she continued to hump into the knee. As she continued to hump into the knee of the wolf the sound of crinkling humping changed to that of a loud squishing sloshing sound as Sophia slowed down and just lay over Jessie's knee panting. Tara padded over and sat on her knees next to Sophia petting her head.

"You really liked that huh?" Sophia asked nicely. Sophia just lifted her head and with a blush nodded then let her head fall back down. Tara giggled and said to Jessie "Lay her on the bed Jess and you and me can put some clothes on." He did so as Tara began to pick up her clothes that Sophia and toss out and put them away. Then the both of them got dress when Jessie picked up his cell-phone and turned it on.

"Oh shit." Jessie exclaimed looking over his phone. "I gotta go, my parents are pissed that I didn't come home last night."

"Oh shit I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you in trouble." Tara said apologetically.

"It's okay I had a great time. We should do it again soon time real soon" Jessie replied with a smile. Tara smiled and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Any time! Now get going before you get in any more trouble." Tara said as the wolf put the phone to his ear and started to leave waving goodbye. And soon it was just Sophia and Tara alone in the bedroom. Tara padded over to her bed and then crawl next to Sophia and looked at her with a smile. "So did you have fun this weekend?" she asked running her paw over the feline's tummy.

"That was the most intense thing I've had yet, so yes I'd say so" Sophia said smiling back. Tara planted a small kiss on the cheek of Sophia and curled up to her.

"You should really change out of that diaper unless you want to smell or get a rash." Tara said nuzzling up to her friend.

"I will later, I'm too tired to right now." Sophia whined a bit. "So does this mean my punishment is over?" Tara nodded and got up and grabbed the dolls out from the spot where Sophia hadn't checked earlier and pulled the pins out and put them back away.

"Yeah all done, and we should really clean up, my parents will be soon pretty soon." Tara said her stomach grumbling a bit. "And I need some food." she said with a giggle. Sophia giggled a bit and sat up with a squish. She then went to the bathroom and cleaned up pulling out the vibrator and cleaning it off and putting it all away.

"I've got to say this was the best weekend ever." Sophia said with a smile as she zipped up her bag.

"Uh huh, and I'm sure we'll have plenty more after this, after all with those dolls, the possibilities are endless."

VooDoo (Part 2)

Yeah i dont feel that this part was as good as the first but im hopeful, lemme know what you think please and thanks for reading ;) Tara woke yawning lightly then snuggling up next to the warm soft fur that lay beside her. She then began to...

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This my first time writing and posting it so please critique it be and offer some helpful tips. Sophia sped down the road windows down air flying thru her fur as she drove towards her friend's house for a 3 day weekend with no parents around....

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