Box of Change
Alex relaxed back in his deck chair up on the porch of the 2nd floor apartment he shared with his roommate. As Alex was just starting into his book he heard the sound of a car pulling up in front of the building, Issac had come home from hunting...
VooDoo(Part 3)
Yeah i shouldve had this up a week ago, i just couldn't bring myself to sit down and do it, i was to depressed to. but hey im over it and i finished it up today and now its here for your viewing pleasure(well assuming you like it otherwise its kinda...
VooDoo (Part 2)
Yeah i dont feel that this part was as good as the first but im hopeful, lemme know what you think please and thanks for reading ;) Tara woke yawning lightly then snuggling up next to the warm soft fur that lay beside her. She then began to...
This my first time writing and posting it so please critique it be and offer some helpful tips. Sophia sped down the road windows down air flying thru her fur as she drove towards her friend's house for a 3 day weekend with no parents around....