Freedom in a Cage - Chapter 4

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#4 of Freedom in a Cage

Warning: This chapter also contains rape+sex. If this does not interest you, please stop reading now, or forever hold thy tongue!

Jonas felt used...there was no other way to put it. Four days and eight different rapes, all since that second encounter with the furry...thing, that had been so interested in him until his head was bitten off by a dragon. The meat was good, though, so Jonas could only complain so much.

He was currently being railed into by some worm-type creature. He hadn't gotten a good look at it before it was on top of him, with its metaphorical battering ram already knocking down his gate. Unfortunately, the 'battering ram' was quite long, prehensile, and was currently occupied with running itself over the interior walls of his colon.

He didn't know how long that particular area had been assailed, but he soon began to squirm and grit his teeth as he felt the slender cock squirm its way up through his intestine, and explore the small volume of his appendix. Jonas had never known exactly where his appendix had been until now, when he could feel it very clearly as the head wiggled its way to and fro. Then, as if satisfied with that area, pulled out and began further up and into his small intestine. Jonas gave a shuddered groan as it popped up into his stomach, which was currently empty and unimposing, and began to squirm and wiggle in there, as if the acids didn't bother it.

"Alright, leave the kid alone." Viridan said, and Jonas felt the weight lift off his back as the dragon pulled the worm-thing off of him. He squawked a little, oddly reminiscent of a crow, as the long appendage was drawn from his body. "Wow, he's really in there." Viridan commented, and with a final tug, the creature came loose, writhing violently in his grasp. With a mighty heave, he through the creature away into the underbrush, and listened as it slithered back into the bushes, making an odd bubbling/scratching noise that only a worm of that size could produce.

"Where have you been?" Jonas asked, picking himself up and setting himself back down on a log. He made sure to check that it wasn't actually another strange creature before he sat, since the last time he tried to sit on what he thought was a log, it turned out to be a log-shaped animal, and another rape soon followed.

"I was out hunting." Viridan replied simply.

"Well did you find anything? That thing squirming in my stomach reminded me of how hungry I am." He said irritably.

"No, but I found something even better." Viridan said with what was a dragon's equivalent to a smile. It was more like baring his teeth in a seemingly non-threatening way.

"Is it an open bank machine and a McDonald's" Jonas said sarcastically, though he was more than half wishing that it was.

"No, though I wonder why you'd even want to eat that sad excuse for a meal. You should try the meats on my planet. Now those are things to wish for?"

"You've had McDonald's before?" Jonas asked. "I thought you said you were just a civilian."

"I am, I took my family on a tourist cruise around your solar system." He replied. "It's a surprisingly popular site, though the tour of human food has always been the worst part."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a family..." Jonas said, almost completely forgetting the insult made to the most successful restaurant chain on the Earth.

"Yeah, I have a mate and four broods." Viridan sighed. "I miss them terribly."

"hmm...lucky." Jonas said simply, a hint of jealousy in half-hidden in his voice.

"Did something happen to your family?" Viridan asked with genuine concern.

"My father left the house when I was six." Jonas said. "And my mother is in the navy. There is a big war going on at home, and she's been gone for eight months now. They keep trying to send her back, but they keep running into problems. I'm beginning to doubt she'll ever make it home, though if she turned up and I was still in here...then I don't know what she'd do."

"So you're on your own all of the time?" Viridan asked.

"I go to a school almost every day. I have some friends there, but I sort-of always felt detached." He replied. "But other than that, yeah, I'm all alone."

"Hmm, poor kid." Viridan said in a sympathetic voice. "Don't worry, I'll be here for you. Just stick with me and everything will turn out all right."

Jonas smiled, and to his own surprise, he walked over and wrapped his arms around the dragon's leg in an affectionate embrace. "Thank you, Viridan." He said.

The dragon simply chuckled and then dropped to his stomach, so that his neck was about at Jonas' waist. "Climb onto my shoulders, I want to show you something."

Jonas complied, hoisting himself onto the dragon's neck and sitting somewhat unsteadily in space between his shoulder blades. When he was leaning over and had his hands firmly wrapped around most of the dragon's neck, Viridan rose to his feet and walked to the opposite side of the long clearing they were in. It gave him plenty of space, and he took off at a sprint down the stretch of open ground. When he had gathered enough speed, he crouched and leapt, shooting high into the air. His mighty wings unfurled on either side, angling to allow him to soar up higher, using the thermals that rose off of the hot ground to rise high above the tree tops. And about two miles ahead of them, a great blue ocean spread out as far as the eye can see.

"Wow...I've never seen a bluer ocean before." Jonas commented, mesmerized by the shimmering blue water.

"It's fake, so of course it would be perfect." Viridan replied. "But yes, it is a beautiful spot. I come out here every once and a while. This is also where they keep a whole other plain, where all of their amphibious and fish species can fight each other."

"So, it's just like up here then?" Jonas asked.

"As far as I know." The dragon said, and made a wide turn to angle themselves along the beach. It was a beautiful beach too, with bleached white sand, and almost no plant life. There was a giant crab pinning a salamander-like creature and making all sorts of mating sounds, but Jonas made an attempt to ignore it.

"I wish I could stare out there forever." Jonas said idly, adding a bit of a sigh.

"I know what you mean," Viridan agreed. "It helps you forget what a terrible place this is."

They continued along the beach, doing lazy circles around a half-mile strip of sand. Jonas thought that he could hear a faint whistle nearby, but decided that it was merely the wind in his ears and choose to ignore it. The next several seconds went by peacefully, but then Jonas gave a startled yelp as a cold claw grasped around his torso and yanked him upwards, straight off of Viridan's back. The dragon gave a surprised roar and flipped in mid-air, flapping madly to catch up with the rapidly ascending claw.

"Get this thing off of me." Jonas shouted, struggling against the claw's grip. It was, he noticed, made of a shiny and quite solid metal, making it impossible to budge. At that moment, Viridan finally caught up with him, and literally through himself at the claw, grabbing hold of it and the tether that pulled it upwards. Viridan's eyes followed the tether up to where it disappeared into a hole in the yellow sun high above them, and gave a strange yip of half-glee and half-fear.

"They've chosen us." He shouted. "They're putting us in the arena."

Jonas wasn't sure how he felt about that. On one hand, he had the possibility of escape now, if what Viridan had told him was true. But that also meant that not only would he be raped, but he would be raped in front of a cheering crowd of countless strange life forms. He turned his head, and looked up into the hole in the sun that was rapidly getting larger. He was now beginning to see a wide red laser that ran up and down the hole. The sun itself had been dimmed, allowing them to watch their own progress towards it, and within a matter of seconds, the hole hung not a hundred feet before them. They rose up to meet the laser as it made its pass, and as Jonas' body broke the beam, he felt something numb in his brain, and his vision began to quickly fade. He tried to call out to the dragon that was wrapped around him, but he saw that he was already unconscious, with two new claws supporting him. The last thing he saw was the hole sealing itself up before he blacked out comepletely.