Latexed Lugia 3: Darkness Falls

Story by shadowlugia249 on SoFurry

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Latexed Lugia 3: Darkness Falls

By shadowlugia249

Author's Note: I have nothing to say. Enjoy!

Deep within the Twilight Realm, the malevolent being known as Black Shiron was observing one of his prized specimens as it breathed deeply with its legs spread and a vacant look on its face. Shiron was proud of this specimen; after countless tries, he had finally managed to cast a submission spell strong enough to wipe the creature's memory and limit its purpose to little more than its slave. There was no hope for this creature to ever break the spell that had been placed upon it and it would never see the light of the real world ever again. It now existed only to serve its master and endure countless experiments that he had in store for it. It was a shame to see such a magnificent creature be reduced to little more than a whore, but Black Shiron's heart was so black that he cared little for the well-being of his specimens. As long as they were healthy enough to endure the experiments and breeding exercises that he placed upon them, he was just fine with that.

And today, Black Shiron was more excited than usual with what he saw before him. He had been waiting so long for this particular experiment to produce results that he feared what might happen if it were to fail yet again. He had successfully bred a Synthetic creature with an "Organic" specimen to produce a hybrid creature with which he could use to destroy the world he so greatly despised. Normally, the results were either too weak to survive or they would come out horribly mutilated or even their personalities were not what he expected, all of which had resulted in them being destroyed. But Black Shiron had continued his trials until he had developed a specimen that could meet his needs. And now, he felt certain that the fruits of his labor (or at least the creature's) would bloom forth and give him something to work with.

The creature began to pant heavily as it stared blankly with its pure-white eyes. It was about to lay and Black Shiron was actually chewing on his gauntlets with anxiety. It made a sharp hissing noise and houghed (a cross between a grunt and a cough) as it started to push. Black Shiron watched and waited as the creature's loins quivered and flexed violently before a large black object began to slide out of it, pooling on the cell floor in a puddle of black latex-smelling birth fluids. The creature let out an ungodly shriek of relief and collapsed on its side, panting and gasping for breath.

Feeling that it was safe to enter, Black Shiron waved a gauntleted paw in front of the lock on the cell door and it magically slid open to allow him to gain access to the cell. He walked over to the creature and without even checking to make sure that it was all right, he picked up the object, which looked a lot like a small black beach ball in size. The with a sneering glance over his shoulder at the winded creature, he flicked his tail at it and exited the cell, making sure to lock it again as he carried the ball out of his dungeons back up to his laboratory on the main floor. On the way, he passed by the cell of the creature's forced mate, stopping to look at it for a moment. It might not have looked it, but the creature, which looked a lot like a black rubber lizard, was very dangerous and needed to be restrained when it wasn't serving its purpose. The creature's eyes were basically part of the rubber, which had no heart or soul behind them. Its paws were all sealed over so that it didn't have any digits or claws to speak of. Its mouth and crotch were both sealed shut with a metal golden zipper, which could only be opened by a separate party. However, Black Shiron kept it restrained with iron bands against the cell wall because the rubber it was made out of was very firm and could be wielded with dangerous force if it were to get loose. Like the creature it had mated with, there was no trace of a soul or a conscious mind within the lizard, which itself was little more than a hollow shell, but when it was released, its actions, both physical and sexual, were extremely violent, which Black Shiron made sure to harness at the appropriate times.

As the dragon stood there, the rubber creature turned its head to look towards the only conscious mind in the area. Black Shiron smiled and stroked the egg before speaking to the creature.

"...well done... you continue... to impress me..."

The creature's head was held in place by one of the metal bands that surrounded its neck, so its actions were somewhat limited. However, that didn't stop the corners of its zippered mouth from twitching into a sick, sadistic smile. It had obviously gotten a compliment, which was far more than its previous mate had gotten.

Black Shiron nodded and flipped a switch that was attached to a timer and a pump, the latter of which was piped directly into the only open vent the rubber lizard had on it. The machine pumped a kind of latex fluid into the lizard through its tail hole, which was the only safe way of feeding it without unzipping its mouth. The lizard bucked and flailed fruitlessly as fluids were pumped into it, but this was normal for any creature that was in that situation. It was technically a kind of reward for the creature to be fed outside of its schedule since it had helped produce such an exceptional egg from its less-than-fortunate mate.

"...there you go... you did well... have as much as you like... the pump will turn off... when you've had enough..."

The lizard made a guttural growling and hissing in its throat as more fluids were pumped through its rubbery rectum. Black Shiron left it to its resources and continued up to his lab where he would get to work on the egg he held in his arms.

When he got there, he set it on a stone dais directly below a large hatch hanging from the ceiling, behind which held a supply of Pure Twilight. He planned on bathing the egg in the Twilight and turning the creature inside into a pure sex slave, but he had a few more adjustments to make before he could open the hatch. He left the room for a moment to fetch a spellbook that had the correct incantation that he needed.

He wasn't gone for more than 30 seconds when he came back and found an alarming sight. The egg was gone! it had been stolen from almost right under his nose! Panicking noticeably, Black Shiron looked around the room for some kind of clue as to who the thief was or where he or she had gone. It wasn't fair! He had been so close to perfecting his first naturally-born Synthetic sex slave and it had just been yanked out from beneath him.

However, his mood did not increase when he noticed a card on the dais that bore an oddly familiar symbol. It was a picture of a helmeted head where one eye was concealed by the helm and a large, tentacle-like hand grew from the head's hair. Black Shiron stared at the card in his paw with disbelief before his anger started to build. He had suspected that there was a spy within the Twilight Realm that was working for the forces of Good out in the Real World, and this was not the first time that his property had gone missing. He had not yet discovered who the spy was, but he was now more determined than ever to find this thief and make him or her pay for their treachery.

The card crumpled in Black Shiron's fist as he bared his fangs, pure anger and rage building within him. Finally, it reached the point where he spread his arms and wings, threw back his head and let out a roar so powerful and brutal that the entire Twilight Realm quaked with his rage. There was a traitor in his world and when he found them, there would be no force in existence that would save them from his rage.

I looked out the window at the snowy street that passed in front of my house. It was a sunny day, but the temperature was a bit chilly today. It was about 22 degrees, which was rather nice for a winter's day, which made me debate whether it was a good idea to go for a walk today. I had been locked up in my house for the past week because of how cold it had been during that time. And since I had a rule that I did not leave the house for anything under zero degrees Fahrenheit, it had been rather dull just sitting around and doing nothing. (Technically, playing video games and watching TV and movies wasn't "nothing", but you get the idea.) Now after a solid week of being frozen in, I was trying to figure out if it was a good idea to go for a walk. The temperature was higher than it had been for a while, but it was still cold enough to bother me a little. Still, I had a feeling that I was going to go crazy if I had to spend much longer in here.

Making up my mind, I grabbed my winter coat, slipped on my boots and fetched my MP3 player. I then locked the door and decided to go for a walk. It wasn't as bad as it had been for the past week. Granted, it was still a little nippy, but it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle. I wasn't going to be outside long; just long enough to stretch out and enjoy the outside world again. A quick walk around the park and then I would head straight home.

But that simple walk would turn out to be far more important than I had given it credit for.

As I reached the park, I looked up into the sky at the sun, listening to "The Bombshell Stomp" on my MP3 player. I was walking in pace with the beat of the song, which was rather quick. It seemed perfectly beautiful out today and I didn't see what could possibly ruin this day.

However, I had just rounded the first corner when I saw something that looked a little out of place. A large patch of black had appeared high in the sky above the park with a pattern that looked like it was made of hundreds of black squares. The squares formed a rough diamond pattern and as I watched, a kind of "spiral" of neon-blue rings appeared on the field. The rings then seemed to "lean into" the field so that it looked a lot deeper than it first appeared. Numerous lines of similar light stretched and wove themselves around the field until it looked like there was a "portal" hovering over the park. And as I watched, a number of smaller black squares were ejected from the portal and sped down to the ground before they seemed to take the shape of something no bigger than a basketball. It was hard to tell what the object was since it was just as black as the squares that had formed it, but when I looked back up at the portal, I noticed that the lines were disappearing until all that was left was the original field of black. Then the field itself seemed to dissolve into thin air, leaving the air and sky around it as bright as it had ever been.

Still unsure of what I had just seen, I looked towards the object that had "fallen" from the portal, wondering if it was going to do anything else. When it didn't, curiosity got the best of me and I started trudging through the snow until I reached the object.

The object in question appeared to be a basketball-sized black sphere. There were no other colors on it and it had a rather reflective surface to it. Bending down, I lifted the object up and noticed that it was a lot lighter than it should have been. It also appeared to be made of some kind of tough, glossy rubber, which explained why its surface was reflective. It seemed to be a ball of some kind, but why a ball would literally fall from the sky was beyond me. Oddly enough, it was as warm as though it had been sitting in the sun for hours. It wasn't enough to burn my hands, but it was certainly warmer than it should have been after falling from the sky.

The presence of the ball mystified me, but I figured that if no one in the area was claiming it, then I guessed it was all mine. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with it, but I guessed I would figure that out once I got it home. Tucking the ball under my arm, I walked through the previously untouched snow and got back onto the sidewalk before walking a block back to my house.

When I got back home and had shed my winter things, I brought the ball into my kitchen, which was the only area in the house with a hard, flat surface. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but Common Sense told me that balls should bounce, so I decided to see if that was true. I held the ball over the linoleum floor and simply dropped it from my chest level.


That was it. There was absolutely no bounce to this ball. It had simply fallen like a rock and hit the floor with enough force to rattle everything around it. Wondering if I even did it right, I picked it up again and held it out in front of me again. This time, I threw it to the ground with enough force to (hopefully) make it bounce. However, all that happened was that the ball hit the floor with an even harder THUD!!! It hit hard enough to make the items in the cupboards around me rattle, yet it didn't even pit the floor.

This was odd. The rubber ball hardly weighed a thing and yet it didn't even bounce like it was supposed to. It was rubbery enough to have a slight give to it when I pushed my thumb into it, but yet it hit hard enough to make everything around it shake violently. It seemed like a portable neutron star in shape and color, but it could be weighed in ounces instead of billions of tons. Just what was I dealing with here?"

As I looked down at the ball, I noticed that it had suddenly quivered ever so slightly. It didn't roll or have anything touch it; it just... quivered. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I wasn't seeing things and when I looked back at it, I noticed that it had shuddered again. Now fully curious, I knelt down and looked at the ball without touching it, hoping that it would move again. For a few moments, nothing happened, but sure enough, it shook again without me touching it. There was something moving in there.

Curious, I held out a hand and placed it on the ball's surface, hoping that I could feel something inside it. This time, the ball not only shook, but it stretched out ever so slightly to touch my hand from within it. Oddly enough, it felt like a hand, but I couldn't count how many fingers were on it. It was a lot wider than even a baby human's hand would be, so it kind of ruled out that there was one of those inside it.

Lifting my hand from the surface, I watched the ball for a few moments. It had stopped moving as though it had lost its enthusiasm. After a few moments of stillness, I sighed and carefully leaned my head towards it to place an ear on its surface. Unbelievably, I could hear something moving around inside with some sick sloshing and squelching noises. There was something alive in there! That led me to believe that this was more than just a ball; this had to be some kind of egg! However, I had never seen an egg made out of rubber before, which led me to wonder just what I was dealing with here.

As I listened, I suddenly heard a small, nearly-inaudible squeak come from within the "egg". It seemed that it was getting ready to hatch, but I was worried about how it was going to get out with the egg's firm surface tension. It squeaked again and shook a little more firmly this time. Whatever was inside it wanted out, but I wasn't quite sure how it was going to do that.

I lifted my head up off the egg's surface and placed my hand on it again. However, this time the surface of the egg seemed to have softened up substantially because it suddenly gave in a lot more than it did before. It had suddenly softened up and whatever was inside it was starting to warp the egg as it struggled to get out. By now, it was stretching and pushing out as though it was little more than a skin. Yet somehow, it would not tear or break. I was starting to get worried about what was inside it and was debating whether or not I should help it get out.

But as I watched, the egg seemed to do more than just rip open. In fact, it seemed to be growing and stretching out so that it was starting to take the form of the creature within it. I could see two small, digitigrade legs forming beneath it and part of it seemed to stretch out into a long, thick, flexible tail. It was almost as if the egg was taking the form of the creature inside without fully breaking open. It reminded me of a balloon with liquid inside it that was manipulating the skin into a kind of shell-like structure, which was almost like a suit of some kind.

Soon, the creature... uh... egg's... well... both seemed to stretch out and I could make out two large, broad, flat "wings" growing from its sides, a long, thick, flexible tail stretching out from its backside, a long, slightly serpentine neck and head forming out of the top and a number of other "finer details" popping up around it. Not once did the surface of the egg break or tear and before I knew it, it had formed even more detailed features like flat, rectangular "feathers" growing from its wings, three rounded toes on its feet, a pair of spikes on its tail, ten flat, rectangular "plates" sticking up out of its back and even a faint outline of what I assumed was a "crest" of some kind on its rounded torso.

But what alarmed me the most was what formed in-between its legs. A deep, three-inch crack had appeared directly under its belly and a slight bump had formed just above that, both of which looked as though they belonged on a... oh, boy...

Just then, I heard a muffled squealing coming from its head area, which seemed to be from its mouth area. However, it didn't seem to be able to get its mouth open from the seamless skin that still covered it. I was worried that it was going to suffocate when I suddenly heard a sharp tearing sound coming from its mouth followed by what sounded like a gasp for breath. A fresh hole had appeared where I assumed its mouth was and the creature suddenly started to fumble around blindly as though it couldn't see. It seemed that there was something under that shell that had finally broken out through a hole in its mouth. It was now trying to shed the skin-like shell but was at a slight disadvantage.

Feeling helpless, I decided to help it out as best as I could. I carefully stuck a finger into the lip of its beak-like mouth and seized a flap of black rubber that was no thicker than a balloon and carefully peeled it away. The creature tried to fight me, but I quickly pinned its wings to its sides with my free arm and began to help it shed its "egg skin". However, it was hard to tell where the shell started and the creature began since the latter was the exact same color as the former. It squealed uncomfortably and tried to wriggle out of my grip, but I continued to peel the skin away until I felt that it had been shed correctly.

Once the skin was off, I was able to see its eyes, which was pretty much the only part of it that wasn't black. Its eyes were a fierce, ruby-red that were slit-like and narrow but yet were soft and kind to my untrained eyes. And when I finally let it go, it suddenly rounded on me and stared me down with those eyes as though I was an enemy.

It was then that I realized what this was and wondered why I hadn't noticed it earlier. Years of dabbling in video games told me that this was a Pokémon, namely the Legendary Beast of the Sea, Lugia. However, there were several facts about this one that seemed to conflict with what Lugia was known for. For one thing, it seemed to be made of solid rubber, both inside and out whereas the Pokémon was supposed to be flesh-and-blood. It was also a deep, dark, obsidian-black over practically every square-inch of its body. The real Lugia was colored with a combination of silver-white skin and navy-blue parts that included its pointed eye masks, the ten plates on its back and the twin spikes on its tail. This one was one solid shade of black and if it wasn't for a faint crease in its torso, I wouldn't have been able to see the crest on its belly.

But what bothered me the most was the split and the bump that I had noticed between its legs. The bump had turned out to be a tiny, flexible hole that looked as though it had a male penis hiding inside it. The split was a no-brainer, which suggested that it had a female vagina embedded within it. The fact that both of these reproductive organs were on a Lugia in the first place seemed to conflict with the face that Lugia were supposed to be genderless. Then again, it could have been one of those alleged "sex toys" that I had read about on the Internet. I had heard of these kinds of "living toys", but I had never expected that I would get one. And as a kind of final irony, why couldn't it have been one of those "tame toys" that were far more common and acceptable in society?

Just then, as if it had read my mind, the rubber Lugia suddenly lost its fierce demeanor and hung its head with a whimper and a dejected look on its face. Realizing that it was just as psychic as the real Lugia, I sighed and held out my hand to stroke the Lugia behind its eye masks.

"Hey... I'm sorry you heard that," I said in an honest tone. "I just wasn't expecting to have something like... well, you come into my life is all."

The Lugia still looked hurt, but it allowed me to tickle it behind its mask as it made a soft purring noise in its throat. It seemed to believe me that I didn't mean to offend it. This was just a little awkward since even though I had secretly wanted to meet a Lugia for myself, I hadn't counted on seeing an "adult" one before. I figured that I would have to learn to accept its "disabilities" if it was to have a chance at survival. Sex toy or not, this was obviously a living creature, whether it was supposed to be inanimate or flesh-and-blood. The very fact that it could move and think for itself told me that it needed more than a little TLC if it was to survive.

Incredibly, the Lugia seemed to be listening in on every word that floated through my mind. It reacted in various ways as I thought of different things and ultimately walked up to me and rubbed its head up against my leg, cooing contently.

I couldn't help but smile at the little toy. "You're really something else, you know that?" The Lugia looked up at me and let out a small "Yaa!" as though I had just given it a compliment.

Chuckling, I stroked the back of its neck, which was rather unique since rubber naturally had a bit of resistance to it. However, despite the friction I was building up at times, I didn't appear to be hurting it, which made me feel better about having it.

"I thought so. Well..." I said, placing a finger under its chin so I could get it to look up at me with its unusual red eyes. "I think you should have a name, don't you think?"

Incredibly, the Lugia responded by nodding its head before rubbing up against my hand again, purring intently. This was just a taste of how intelligent Lugia were, even as babies. Smiling pleasantly, I looked at it from different angles and it seemed to be one step ahead of me as it turned and flexed different parts of its body for me to get a better look at. It held out one wing for me to run my fingers over, then the other, then both. It tilted its head back with incredible flexibility and flexed its tail as I felt around it. It didn't even seem to mind when I touched its rubber sheath and slit, the latter of which produced a drop of black fluid that smelled more like rubber than the Lugia itself did. It even twittered playfully when I touched it there and gave my hand and wrist a lick with a smooth, moist tongue, which confirmed that it was somehow generating its own bodily fluids, or at least producing them on command.

When I had gotten a good look at all of its visible areas, I just had one more question to ask it before I made up my mind. "Say... uh... "Lugia"... could you tell me what gender you are?" When the Lugia looked blank at me, I elaborated. "Are you a male, a female, both or neither?"

When the Lugia responded, it was in a way that I hadn't counted on by a long shot. It let out a small coo and a field of white appeared above its head in the shape of what I assumed was a "thought bubble" that you normally saw in comic books. Inside the thought bubble was a picture of a black gender symbol, but it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The central circle was there, but it also had an arrow pointing out of the upper-right-hand corner as well as a small cross sticking out of the bottom of it. Since those parts were normal for male or female symbols, I assumed that since it was putting them together that it was likely to be both genders.

This led me to believe that the Lugia was likely to be a "hermaphrodite", which was a creature that possessed both male and female genitals, but not exactly both personalities. I had heard of them, but I also knew that despite the plumbing being there, the owner of them usually had male or female traits, which made it easier to refer to them by their gender.

"Oh... kay..." I said slowly. "That's good to know... but what should I call you? Are you really a male or a female?"

I half-expected it to tell me the same thing and insist on the matter, but instead, the picture in the bubble above its head adjusted itself so that the arrow in the corner simply vanished, leaving just the cross below the circle as clear as day.

This made a little more sense, but I wanted to make absolutely sure. "You're a hermaphrodite, but I can call you a female, yes?"

The picture in the bubble changed into little more than a green circle as the Lugia nodded. Since I knew "X's" to stand for an incorrect answer, I assumed that it was answering my question with a positive outcome.

That clinched it. I had a hermaphrodite Lugia, but "it" preferred to be called a "she". Now that that was taken care of, I had to decide what to call "her". Believe it or not, I had just the right name for her; I just hope she liked it.

"How about the name "Si-ann"? It's pronounced "Cy-an", but it's spelled S-I-(dash)-A-N-N. What do you think of that?"

The Lugia smiled and started yipping and trilling both in pride and what I assumed was an attempt to say her own name. "Si! Si! Si-i-i-i!" (Author's Note: Remember, it's pronounced "SIGH-ann" and not "SEE-ann"!)

I was amazed that "Si-ann" was only several minutes old and was already trying to talk vocally. That alone was an accomplishment in itself since the Lugia that I knew spoke mentally, not verbally. She was obviously a very capable and intelligent creature, so I felt that I should give her the benefit of the doubt and view her as such.

The newly-named "Si-ann" felt that she had gotten what she wanted from me and looked up at me with that unusual smile of hers. She seemed to be thinking positive thoughts, some of which she seemed to be picking up from me. For a while, man and beast looked at each other on the floor, wondering what to do next.

But before I could make the first move, another thought bubble appeared above Si-ann's head. This time, it had a few "Z's" in it and her eyes were drooping slightly. And when she opened her mouth wide and yawned noticeably, I had a pretty good feeling that she needed a nap.

Looking up at the clock, I saw that it was only 3:15, which meant that I still had several hours until my own bedtime. Still, babies needed their sleep, so I turned to Si-ann with a smile.

"Tired, girl?"

Si-ann looked at me with her eyes half-closed and yawned again, more "Z's" filling her thought bubble.

Taking the hint, I nodded and stood up, groaning a little since I had been crouching for quite a while by now. "Okay, then... let's find you somewhere to sleep."

I bent down and scooped up the 14-inch-tall Lugia and carried her out of the kitchen to my room. I would get back to the discarded egg skin later once I had gotten her situated. Si-ann purred and nuzzled her head in my arms as I stroked her. She was rather cute and didn't seem like the kind of sex-driven creatures that I had heard about in those stories. I was sure that those traits were just something that she couldn't help and felt that she was just as gentle as the baby Lugia from the Pokémon TV series.

Once we reached my room, I set Si-ann down on my bed and allowed her to look it over. She bounced on the balls of her feet a few times, feeling the unstable surface of the mattress before walking up and down the length of it and then curling up next to one of my pillows. She yawned again and closed her eyes, asleep within seconds.

Fighting back a yawn of my own, I grabbed one of my blankets from the unmade mess on the rest of the bed and then pulled it up to the snoozing Lugia, making sure that she had enough room to breathe. She shifted herself in her sleep when the blanket touched her rubbery skin but slept on. Once I was sure she was comfortable, I smiled and then kissed the tips of my fingers before lightly touching them to the Lugia's forehead. She smiled dreamily and shifted herself again before another thought bubble appeared above her head. This time, it was a smiley face with the eyes closed and more "Z's" coming from it. As I watched, the letters drifted up and turned into little black hearts that surrounded the face in a circle of affection before the bubble popped and Si-ann continued to slumber. I had to admit, she was rather sweet once you looked past her obvious "deformities". Her obvious genitals and the fact that she was made of black rubber did nothing to take away her natural charming personality. I had a feeling that she and I were going to be rather close friends.

Getting up slowly, I turned off the light and quietly closed the door enough for me to look in her direction and whisper, "Good night... my sweet little Lugia."

As I closed the door, I missed another thought bubble appearing above Si-ann's head that had a picture of two heart halves coming together to form one complete heart. A keyhole then appeared on the heart and a key turned in it, locking the two halves together forever. I didn't know it, but with that one little statement, I had sealed my fate and had taken my relationship with Si-ann to a whole new level.

But since I missed it, I was still in the dark with what was going through Si-ann's head until the time was right. At the moment, I simply went out into the living room and went about the rest of my afternoon and evening in peace, knowing that that mysterious "fallen angel" was sleeping peacefully in my room, dreaming sweet somethings with whatever Lugia dreamed about.

I slept out in the living room that night. I could have easily woken up Si-ann in my room just to make myself comfortable, but that would have been rude for the sleeping dragon and I probably would have regretted it later. So for the night, I gave her some privacy and slept out in the living room on the couch, looking forward to when Si-ann and I would see each other again.

That morning, I woke up and found that there was a new odor in the air that hadn't been there the previous night. After thinking it over for a brief moment, I recognized it as hot latex mixed with some kind of sweet animal musk. It didn't take long for me to realize that the source of the smell was obviously Si-ann, but it bothered me that it was this strong when Si-ann was sleeping behind a closed door. The smell was rather enticing and I soon felt a rather uncomfortable bulge in my pants as a result of it. Even worse, I appeared to have had another "wet dream" where I had inadvertently ejaculated during the night, turning my boxers into a slimy mess. I didn't realize it then, but it was something that was in the smell that had triggered that release that night.

Still, I needed to clean myself up, and my clean clothes were in my room where Si-ann was still sleeping. I couldn't walk around with slimy boxers on, so I decided to take a chance and opened the door to see what kind of chaos Si-ann had caused overnight.

The hot latex smell hit me like a tidal wave the moment I opened the door, indicating that it had originated in here. Apparently, Si-ann must have either been sweating something fierce (which was odd for a rubber toy with no known pores) or she was up to something much more mysterious (maybe). However, I didn't have to look far to find out what it was.

Before I could turn on the light, I was stopped when a soft, sultry and oddly seductive voice spoke to me. "Wait... don't turn that light on yet."

My hand froze and I realized that there was something very large and very powerful standing in front of me. I could see part of it from the light reflecting off of its skin, but it was still dark enough that I couldn't make out much else.

I gulped hard, slowly drawing my hand away from the light switch. "S... S... Si? Is that y-y-you?" I said, shaking visibly.

At this, I heard a soft, comforting "mmm" that seemed to be coming from the presence in front of me. "It is. I've been waiting for you to get up. I could sense that you were sleeping so peacefully, so I didn't want to wake you."

Now that I was certain that it was Si-ann, I felt somewhat better about the presence looming over me. One thing still bothered me. "W-Why are you... talking? You could barely s-s-say your name y-yesterday."

Si-ann sighed pleasantly and I could kind of sense a smile on her face. "You could say that I've gone through a bit of a growth spurt in the night. I wasn't exactly bred to remain infantile for very long. In a way, I've grown up, but I haven't reached my full potential yet."

I was trying to keep my cool as those glowing red eyes looked down at me from the other end of the room. "You're g-going to get b-bigger?"

"No... I'm pretty much staying the same, size-wise, but I've got one more growth spurt to go through before I'll be fully developed. That's where you come in."

I gulped hard again. "M-M-Me? How?"

Si-ann sighed in a more relaxed version this time. "You'll see in time. But for now, I believe that you would like to see what I've become, am I right?"

I nodded shakily. "Yes, p-please. Just d-d-don't hurt me."

This seemed to slightly humor Si-ann because she chuckled coyly but she did it in a way that made me feel less threatened. "Silly human. I won't hurt you. I may get rough at times, but I would never do anything to endanger your safety in any way. Now... why don't you close that door and then turn on the light when you're ready? I'll be waiting here for as long as you need, so take your time. Here, I'll help you get started."

The next thing I knew, my legs were moving without me commanding them and the door slowly closed behind me, making the darkness complete except for the glow of Si-ann's eyes, which were a lot closer now. I felt as if I was going to fall to pieces under Si-ann's gaze, but she seemed to sense my fear and chuckled playfully.

"Do I intimidate you, Alex?" It was an honest question that deserved an honest answer.

"Y-Y-Y-Y..." I couldn't spit it out and simply nodding, hoping that she could see me in the dark.

Si-ann seemed to understand. "I'm sorry. Why don't I help you get a better look at me? Close your eyes, please."

I was still scared stupid and didn't trust myself to make the darkness complete. Fortunately, Si-ann read me like a book. "Here... let me help you." For a moment, her glowing red eyes seemed to intensify and I felt my eyes close by themselves. She was obviously using her psychic powers on me, but somehow, I felt I could trust her.

"Now... open them whenever you are ready."

While I had my eyes closed, I was suddenly aware of the lights turning themselves on due to the glare behind my eyelids. Realizing that Si-ann wasn't going to pull any punches, I took a deep breath, slowly counted to three and then opened my eyes to see what kind of entity Si-ann had become...


... know... it wasn't as bad as I had expected. In fact, the only real thing that had changed about Si-ann was that she had grown to well over five times her size so that her head now reached up to over seven feet. Her body mass had increased and some of her... "finer" features had gotten a bit more detail, but she was technically still the same black goddess that had hatched from that egg last night. Her body was just as black as ever and was made up of solid rubber. Her feminine slit had increased from two inches long to over six, her male sheath was now about the size of my fist and the rest of her had been scaled up in size, but otherwise, she was still technically the same as when she had been just 14 inches high. I could see her tail resting on my low mattress, and her maximum width was roughly three to four feet from how thick her wings and her torso were. But other than all that, she was still the lovely Lugia that had just appeared in my life just yesterday.

"Wow, Si..." I said in disbelief. "This is... well... different."

Si-ann chuckled coyly again. "It shouldn't be. I'm sure you were aware of how big Lugia are supposed to get." Realizing this, I blanched nervously. "But you can relax. Apart from one more physical change, I'm not going to get any bigger than this."

I guessed that was a good thing. I didn't want to have Si-ann stay inside at a potential jumbo size if it meant she would be uncomfortable. The fact that she wasn't going to get taller and/or wider made me feel somewhat better about sharing my home with her.

But suddenly, I had a question about what she had said. "What do you mean, "one more physical change"?" I asked her.

Si-ann merely grinned smugly and turned her head to look at me with a mischievous look. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."


"Sorry, love," she said in a final sort of way as if that settled the matter. "I'm not talking. Just wait and see."

Realizing that I wasn't going to get anything else out of her, I sighed and sat down on an office chair that I had had converted into a mobile, spinning stool. "So, now what? How am I supposed to feed you, much less take care of you? You probably eat over 20 times what I do and my cupboards aren't exactly full these days."

Si-ann looked down at me again with those fierce yet gentle red eyes. "That's one of the wonders of being a Synthetic, love. I don't eat mortal food and what I do eat, I can ration for myself." When I continued to look blank, she added, "Let me put it this way: I may look alive, but I am actually classified as an "animate inanimate object". Technically, I'm not alive, but I'm not lifeless, either; I'm just an inanimate object that was given the powers of motion, thought, heart and the like." I still didn't get it. Sensing this, Si-ann looked away for a moment, thinking. "Hmm... how should I put this in a way you would understand?" It took a few moments before her face lit up with a smile. "Let's just say I'm magic."

It took me a moment to dial in what she was saying, but when it hit me, it only made sense that she was magic. If she was an inanimate object that had been given the gift of life, I figured that the only thing that would make sense would be that she was magic. There was no other explanation for her presence and abilities and with magic, virtually anything was possible.

"Magic, huh?" I said with a smile of my own. "Well, I guess I should feel blessed knowing that you're here."

Si-ann smiled, knowing that she had gotten through to me. "You see? I knew you would understand."

Just then, there was a loud, obnoxious gurgle coming from Si-ann that was loud enough to make her look down at her belly and blush as well as she could without changing her black coloring.

"Excuse me. I haven't had anything to eat since I hatched."

I gulped. If she still needed some kind of food to keep her "alive", I was out of luck if she needed something that I could not produce. "What exactly do you eat?"

Si-ann shrugged her massive shoulders. "Well, I'm made of rubber, which has traces of oil, latex and petroleum in it, so I guess I can handle anything that has one or more of those properties in it."

At first, I thought Si-ann was going to be extremely expensive to keep considering how much oil, rubber and gas went for these days, but once I stopped to think about it, I had a simple solution for her. "Can you have any kind of oil? Cooking oil, for instance?"

Si-ann blinked. "Yes, I believe so. I just need to..." she broke off, thinking.


Si-ann shook her head. "Nothing. I'm sure it's just a rumor."

Still uncertain about what I was going to do with her, I thought about a few more things that I had around the house that I could feed her. "I think I have some plastic bags and a couple jars of rubber cement in the house. I'm pretty sure that they use petroleum and/or oil in the bags, but the cement I'm not certain of."

Si-ann smiled pleasantly. "Those both sound tasty. I think I'll have to try them all. That is... as long as you don't mind."

I shrugged. "Not at all. Why don't we go try some out right now?" I got up and headed for the door when I spotted a potential problem. "Uh... will you be able to fit through here?"

Si-ann looked at the door and then over at her own furled wingspan before shrugging. "I think so. As long as I don't spread my wings, I think I should fit just fine. Besides, I'm flexible in more ways than one..." She shot me a mischievous look, which startled me for a moment. " I think it'll work."

"I guess we'll see about that." I opened the door and stepped out into the laundry room, which was to the immediate left of my room from this direction. Si-ann then approached the door, paused for a moment to look at the wooden door frame, nodded, ducked her head down and stepped through the doorway. She was just wide enough to slip through the door without catching herself on the frame, but I had an odd feeling that she was squeezing her wings so close to her body that for a moment, her wings and sides became one. She then entered the hallway and allowed her rubbery tail to spring out into the space behind her just inches from whipping into me. The hallways seemed to allow her more room at her sides, but she was so massive that she couldn't turn around once she got into it. However, she was able to curl her head around with impressive dexterity to look back at me.

"Well, I haven't broken anything yet. However, it's kind of tight in here, but I think I can get to the living room without making the walls cave in."

I nodded. "Go right ahead, then. I'll follow after you."

Si-ann nodded and curled her head back in front of her before walking carefully through the narrow hallway before reaching the living room where she had far more room to move freely. She shook herself out, making sure she didn't collide with the entertainment center before walking over to the far side of the living room where there was enough room for her to actually turn all the way around and sit down.

I was so impressed with her efforts that I had to applaud her for managing a confined space so well. Si-ann chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head with her wing.

"Gee, thanks, love. I guess I'm more flexible than I thought I was; physically at least. So..." she added with a purr. "Do I get to order my food or are you going to let me pick from several options?"

I suddenly remembered that the Lugia was hungry and slapped a hand to the side of my head. "Oh! I almost forgot! I'll go get you some plastic bags that you can snack on until I can find something else. Wait there."

Si-ann waited as I doubled back through the hallway to the laundry room closet where I had plastic bags filled with even more plastic bags that had accumulated after shopping from various locations while I had been living here. I grabbed a large bag that probably held 20 or so crumpled up bags and went back to the living room where Si-ann was patiently waiting for me. I walked up to her and grabbed a fistful of bags before spreading them out in front of her.

"Here you go, girl. Help yourself."

Si-ann looked at me with a funny look at my choice of words but then lowered her head down to look over the bags in front of her. Most of them were white with various logos on them, but there were also a couple of brown bags and a yellow bag from Best Buy. She looked them over, sniffing each one as though testing them for some kind of flavor. She finally settled on a Wal-mart bag and slurped it up with a thin, rubbery tongue that was just as black as she was. The crumpled bag was about the size of a grapefruit and she slurped it up whole before chewing it up a few times and then swallowing it.

I waited for a few moments in anxiety before Si-ann gave me her analysis. "You know... plastic and rubber seem to co-exist rather well, because they're both rather tasty to me. And everything that was carried in that bag along with human skin oils seems to give it a unique flavor every time." She then looked up at me with a sweet smile. "Thank you, Alex. You certainly know how to pick 'em."

I wasn't quite sure what to say, so I didn't as Si-ann chose another bag and slurped it up just as easily as the last one. She seemed to like the "unique flavors" of the bags and certainly didn't seem to mind the color or the logos printed on them.

When I noticed that there were only two bags left and that Si-ann was still going at it, I realized that she was hungrier than I had realized. I wasn't quite sure how filling plastic bags were to a rubber Lugia, but I felt obligated to feed her until she was full.

"Can I get you anything else?" I asked her when she was down to one bag.

Si-ann looked up at me with her mouth full. She took the time to swallow before speaking to me. "Yes. I'd like to try that rubber cement and the cooking oil now. You can give me them in whichever order you want, but I'm still a little hungry."

I gulped when she confirmed this. "Yikes. I hope you aren't this hungry all of the time."

Si-ann shook her head as she downed the last bag with no effort at all. "I won't be. This is just my first meal and later on, I'll have other ways of getting nutrition into my body."

I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that, but judging by the smug smile she flashed at me, it probably had something to do with me. I had heard of many cases of human-to-animal vore and I hoped that I could keep her sated enough to avoid getting to that extreme. (But what she was really thinking was something a bit simpler and more extreme than that.)

I swiftly fled to the spare bedroom where there was a file cabinet full of office supplies that had been left behind from the previous owners of this house. I was sure that there were a couple of jars of rubber cement in there that I had seen before. It didn't take long to find them, which was a mixed blessing since both of them appeared to be full and unused.

Carrying the bottles out of the room, I set them on the low barrier between the entryway and the main living room before heading into the kitchen to find a bottle of cooking oil to please Si-ann's palate. I found a bottle that was half-full and brought it back into the living room before carrying the whole mess of items over to the waiting Lugia and setting them down in front of her.

But when Si-ann didn't dive into the food, I became curious. "Is something wrong?"

Si-ann looked plainly at me and asked me a simple question. "Would you like to feed me?" When I drew a blank at this, she lowered her head and nudged one of the bottles of rubber cement with her beak. "You wanted to take care of me, so here's your chance. I'd like you to feed me, and you can start by painting my tongue with this rubber cement."

Now that she said it, I did say that I would take care of her when she had hatched, so I guessed I had to honor my word by hand-feeding her. This would be awkward since she was more than twice my size, but I was confident that she wasn't going to pull anything on me... at least not yet.

Sighing, I picked up the bottle she had selected and unscrewed the cap, pulling out the brush attached to it and causing the cement to ooze off of it. The smell of the glue was unique and startled me a little, but I soon grew used to it and held out the brush to "feed" Si-ann. She politely opened her beak and stuck out her tongue for me to paint the glue onto it. I half-expected to see some kind of throat or passage in the back of her mouth, but to my surprise, she looked a lot like a toy where the back of her mouth was little more than a dead end. I didn't argue the point, though, since I had clearly seen her eat 20 plastic bags without complaining and carefully brought the brush to the rubbery surface of her tongue.

The moment the glue touched Si-ann's unseen taste buds, she shivered with a giggle but kept her mouth open so that she didn't bite off my hand. I painted the length of her tongue with two passes before stepping back and allowing Si-ann to smack her lips as she "tasted" the rubber cement.

She seemed to like what she tasted because she smiled genuinely and looked at me with a pleased look. "That stuff is actually a lot sweeter than I first thought. Apparently, it's supposed to be more of a dessert or a treat than an actual food item. I guess that's why they call it "Rubber candy". I think I'll have a bit more, please." She opened her mouth again and I smiled as I dipped the brush in the goo before painting the length of her tongue again. Oddly enough, she didn't seem to be generating any saliva, but how she produced other bodily fluids on command was a mystery to me.

After she had savored the "sweet" paste, Si-ann did not ask for any more when I tried to offer her another go. "That stuff is pretty potent, even for a Rubber, much less a Lugia. Two tastes are all I can handle at a time before I start puckering up from the intense flavor. You can put that away."

I shrugged and screwed the cap back on the bottle before setting it aside. While I was at it, I grabbed the bottle of cooking oil that Si-ann had also requested and unscrewed the cap of that before offering it to her.

Si-ann eyed the bottle suspiciously before giving me an odd request. "Just give me a capful of that for now. I'm not exactly sure if I'm supposed to drink it or something else."

I had no idea what she was up to, but I did as she said and carefully poured a capful of the yellowish liquid before holding it out to the Lugia and carefully pouring it into her mouth. Si-ann smacked her lips a few times, trying to get a lock on the oil's flavor, but she seemed to be having trouble judging from the uncertain look on her face.

"I can't taste anything. It's like my mouth doesn't have the ability to translate the oil correctly." For some reason, she looked down in-between her legs at the six-inch split that was resting on the floor and she had an idea. "Why don't you put the bottle down here?" She gestured with a wing to her slit, which made my heart freeze up. Sensing this, she looked me in the eyes with a reassuring look. "I promise I won't touch you. Just stick the neck of the bottle in there and let gravity do the rest. You have my word, Alex; I will not touch you."

She hadn't given me a reason not to trust her yet, so I sucked up my courage and crouched down with the bottle of oil in my shaking hands. Si-ann adjusted her position so that her slit was just barely elevated off the floor. However, it didn't seem to have the elevation for me to safely stick the bottle inside it. That and the fact that my courage went out on me when I saw those rubbery lips flex on their own. I became so distraught that I quickly backed off and shook my head nervously.

"I... I can't do it. I'm too scared."

Si-ann seemed bothered that I felt this way, but she knew that she couldn't force me to do anything... right? But since I wasn't going to do it, she seemed to relent and offered to do it herself. "It's okay, Alex. You can stand down. I'll do it myself."

Her eyes glowed a bright red again and I felt the bottle leave my hands as a thin aura of red telekinetic energy seized it and levitated it over to Si-ann. To make things a bit more convenient, she shifted her position so that she was lying on her back with her feet in the air and her tail sliding out under her back. She then directed the bottle over to the slit in-between her legs and turned it upside-down, still keeping the oil inside from falling out. She then gave her head a sudden jerk and the bottle rammed itself neck first into her slit. The sudden movement caused her to squeal shrilly and then sigh with a content "mmm". She then released her hold on the oil and it began to flow freely into her, doing whatever it was that she had intended it to do. Apparently, Si-ann seemed to be able to "taste" it now, but why she was smacking her lips when there was nothing in them was beyond me. I could hear the oil gurgling as it entered Si-ann through her only other visible port, yet after what I saw with her mouth and throat, I wasn't quite sure where that oil was going. Then again, Si-ann had said herself that she was magic, so I believed that it was being put to good use.

Si-ann seemed to be enjoying the oil the same way that anyone would enjoy some otherwise normal fluids. She was breathing deeply and her tongue was sticking out of the side of her mouth as I felt she was in quite an erotic state. Yet despite what I was sure was enjoyable for her, I was in fear of my safety and sanity. If she got this much of a kick out of this kind of activity, then I could only image what she could and probably would do to me as time went on. If she was this "hungry" for sexual experiences as it appeared, I could only imagine what she was likely to do to me when material substances failed to satisfy her. I knew that one way or another, it was unlikely that I was going to get out of this relationship with my virginity and (less likely) my humanity intact.

When Si-ann had fully drained the bottle of oil, She finally grabbed it with her wing and pulled it out before setting it aside. As she did this, I heard an odd sound coming from her "pussy" that sounded kind of like a "burp", which both startled me and alarmed me. Si-ann then let out another burp from a more appropriate area and appeared to blush again, although it was hard to tell.

"Excuse me... twice," she said politely. When I didn't say anything, she lifted her head up to look at me from between her legs with a curious look. "Is something wrong, Alex?"

I was so scared of what I had seen Si-ann do to herself and what inevitably awaited me that I was completely frozen to the spot. I didn't dare move or even blink in case I totally broke down on the spot and cried. Almost everything that Si-ann had done... almost everything that she was... the graphic level of her actions... they all went against everything I knew, admired and respected about Lugia. This couldn't be happening. Lugia were supposed to be kind yet powerful god-like creatures that ruled over the sea and lived to protect any and every living thing in the world. The Lugia that I saw was everything that was supposed to be frowned upon in the world. Si-ann might be kind and powerful, but it was in all the wrong ways. She was dark, mysterious and had a hunger for sex unlike anything I had ever seen or heard of in the world. This wasn't right and I was stuck with her. This very fact alone scared me to death and I began to question her promise that she wouldn't hurt me. I knew Lugia couldn't lie, but apart from her body and abilities in general, there really wasn't a lot about her that could be related to Lugia. She was just a demon in a Lugia's skin as far as I was concerned.

At this thought, Si-ann suddenly looked shocked and before I knew it, she had rolled herself onto her feet again and was looking at me with a hurt look on her face. "Alex... how could you think that? Have I given you a reason not to trust me yet? What have I ever done to you that would betray your trust in me? Have I not kept my word and promised that I would not harm you? Have I not been able to restrain my sexual urges until you feel comfortable enough to accept them? Tell me the truth, Alex. You need only nod or shake your head and I will understand."

At first, I thought she was leading me on, but when I slowed way down and thought about it, I realized that she had a very good point. She might have been a shadowy, sex-driven version of what I had expected her to be, but she was honest and loyal enough to give me my own space and back up every word and action she spoke and made. To date, she hadn't forced me to do anything against my will. She had been polite and always asked me what she wanted before I did them. She had not invaded my personal space and when she did want me to get in hers, she was considerate enough to let me be when I felt uncomfortable. She was basically everything that a Lugia should be, except that her standards were a little different than what was usually the norm for her species.

I was still shaky, but I sucked up what little courage I could to slowly shake my head from side to side, confirming that everything she spoke was the truth. At this, Si-ann's expression softened and she smiled in a soft and soothing way.

"There... you see? You can trust me. Now... would you like... to..."

She suddenly looked weary and wobbled on the spot as though she had gotten lightheaded. She teetered dangerously on the spot for a moment before she seemed to steady herself without falling over.

Suddenly concerned for her well-being, I stepped forward and placed a hand on the side of her neck. "Si? Are you okay?"

Si-ann put a wing to the side of her head and looked uneasy for a moment. "I'm... I'm not sure. There's something funny going on in my head. It's like some kind of power is being rattled in my subconscious but can't quite get to the surface. I think..." She looked up at me with a frightened look. "I think something inside me might hurt you if I let it."

I gulped. "But... you said you wouldn't hurt me. You gave me your word. You... you aren't even supposed to touch me unless I let you."

Si-ann looked scared. "I know that, but you have to understand, Alex, I was bred to be a mindless, sex-driven rubber demon. I don't want to hurt you, but I just might if I let my dark powers conquer me. Please... you have to... you have to stay away from me." She suddenly backed up against the wall as far as she could go. "I'm not safe to be around right now. You have to keep away from me because if you touch me the wrong way... I might lose control. I... urk... I..."

Si-ann suddenly looked like she was going to be physically ill. Her face contorted in pain and she clenched her wings to her stomach as though she was going to throw up.

"Si-ann...? What...?"

But before I could react, Si-ann suddenly lost control of her insides and she lurched her head forward to expel a stream of thick, vile, slimy black goo all over me. I had been hit by something that had been festering within her and had just gotten drenched with it. The goo was so thick that it was hard to wipe away. To make matters worse, it stunk of rubber with a chemical so foul-smelling that I thought I was going to be sick myself.

I managed to clear my eyes and tried to wipe the slime off of me when I was met by a horrible sight. Si-ann was doubled over in pain and was continuing to vomit more of the black rubber bile out onto the floor. She seemed to have enough sense not to shoot it at me again, but the amount of sludge that was pouring out of her was alarming. Gallons upon gallons of goo were heaved out of the Lugia until I was standing ankle-deep in the stuff. It was too thick to travel very far, but it was close enough to the stairwell to the basement that it had started to trickle down the first couple of steps. To make matters worse, the goo Si-ann had hit me with was starting to harden, slowing down my movements and sealing me in a kind of rough cocoon of the stuff. I wasn't quite sure what it was going to do to me, but I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be something that I liked.

Si-ann finally seemed to run out of goo to throw up and stood over the mess she had made, panting and gasping for breath. I tried to beg for her help, but the goo had sealed over my mouth, silencing me on the spot. It seemed that I was going to be stuck in here until this stuff somehow came off, but then I remembered that Si-ann could hear my thoughts and began screaming in my head for her to help me.

It took her a moment to register what she was hearing, but she soon had enough sense to look up at me with a horrified look. She appeared to be saying something, but my ears were blocked with the goo as well and all I could hear was silence. Fortunately, my eyes were still clear and I saw that she was looking around for some way to help me. Finding nothing, she looked at me with a frightened look. I then heard her voice speaking to me in my head as though I could hear her loud and clear.

Alex... I can't get you out of there without causing your body great pain. The slime has already adhered to your skin and if I tried to remove it at the moment, it would damage your flesh and body beyond recognition. I'm so sorry.

I was now more scared than ever before as I thought back to her. But... you can't just leave me here! You're supposed to be a Guardian! HELP ME!!!

For the first time, I could see tears welling up in Si-ann's eyes, which told me that she was experiencing pure sorrow. I'm so sorry, Alex. The goo won't come off until it's served its purpose. But... She looked away anxiously.

I was desperate for help. But?! But what?!

Si-ann looked back at me. I can keep your human form intact and get you out before something bad happens to you, but there will be... side effects.

Right now, I was willing to try anything. Do something! I'm begging you!

Si-ann sighed regretfully. Very well. I will use my psychic powers to put you to sleep so that you will feel no pain. When you wake up, you should be free and still human, but your flesh won't be the same. It will feel like a moment, but hours will have passed. Do you understand, my love?

I whimpered from behind the goo. Yes! I do! Just do something!

Si-ann nodded and her eyes glowed red for a moment. When I locked eyes with her, my mind suddenly blanked out for what felt like a few moments, but the next thing I knew, I was laying on my bed in my own room with the lights out in complete darkness. How I had gotten there and what had happened between those times remained a mystery.

I groaned and tried to sit up, but I was restrained by a large weight that had suddenly appeared on my chest.

"Shh... don't move, Alex. Your body chemistry is not yet stable." It was Si-ann. She was standing over me and I assumed that she had placed her wing on top of me to keep me from moving.

"Si... what happened to me?" I said softly. "What did you do to me?"

"Shh..." she whispered again. "I will explain things soon. But right now, you need your sleep. Just lie back and relax."

But oddly enough, I didn't feel like sleeping. My body seemed to be suddenly full of energy that wasn't easily calmed. "But... Si-ann... I'm not tired."

The red lights in the darkness went out for a split-second as Si-ann blinked. "Really? Hold still for a moment and let me check."

I did so and the Lugia lightly placed her wing on my head. I felt an odd tingle in my head and I assumed that she was listening to my thoughts again. However, this time was a bit more intense because my head soon started hurting and I felt as though I was being jabbed with numerous needles all over my body.

"Si... you're... hurting me..." I said weakly.

Realizing this, Si-ann removed her presence from my mind, which felt like having a thorn removed from your finger.

"I'm sorry, love. I had to look a little deeper than normal, which normally causes some kind of discomfort compared to reading just what's on the top of your mind."

I sighed with relief and shifted my position slightly. "So... what did you see?"

"Well... it seems that I was right about your body changing while under that sludge shell." I gulped, wondering what she had done to me. "Don't panic; your body shape and color is still the same. You're just a bit more... "flexible" than you were before."

This didn't make any sense at all. What did she mean that I was more "flexible"? "I don't follow you."

Si-ann looked down at me for a moment before she shook her head and then looked over at the light switch. "We need a little more light to show you that. Hang on."

She then used her powers to switch on the light from across the room, which caused me to squint for a moment before everything became clear again. When I looked down at my body, which was still clothed and seemingly unharmed, I had to wonder what Si-ann was up to. The black goddess was standing over me at the side of my bed, waiting for me to recover from the sudden blinding light. Behind her, my alarm clock said that it was 9:25, which was a little past my usual bedtime, but I obviously was far from tired.

Once she was sure that I was okay, Si-ann adjusted her position so that she was looking at me as squarely as she could without standing on the mattress itself.

"Are you ready, Alex?" she said in a carefully calm voice. "This may be a little alarming to you at first."

Feeling that I could handle anything that she threw at me by now, I nodded. Si-ann then leaned her head down and carefully took my left arm in her beak, which alarmed me slightly. Before she began, she looked me in the eyes and I heard her voice in my head since her mouth was "full".

Do you trust me?

She hadn't given me a reason not to, so I nodded. But what she did next all but made me faint. She began to pull my arm away from me, but as she did so, I watched in shock as it began to stretch!!! I couldn't feel anything, but my arm was easily stretching well beyond its normal boundaries. It was as if I had suddenly become Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four! However, my body didn't thin out when it stretched. It was bizarre, and as I watched, Si-ann stretched my arm out to about five feet, which was normally about three feet long without the hand. But when she removed her beak from my wrist, I expected it to snap back painfully. However, it seemed to "slide" back to its original size and length without even a prickle of pain.

Once it was back its former shape, size and length, I tested the arm out by holding it out in front of me and flexing my fingers experimentally while also pushing on different parts of it with my other hand. Everything felt normal and nothing appeared to be broken. However, when I tried to stretch it out by myself by holding my arm out as far as I could, I found that I couldn't get it to stretch out, at least on my command.

"What's going on?" I said in amazement. "How did you do that?"

Si-ann lowered her head and allowed me to pet her on the head and behind her masks just like when she was a newborn. "Remember those black fluids I threw up all over you?" I nodded. "Well, my body is built in a special way where anywhere my fluids touch you, you'll grow more elastic. However, unless I say otherwise, only I can mess with you. That way, you won't stick out in public and I can play with you however I see fit. Who knows?" she added with a rather curious glance down at my pants. "I just might get creative as time goes on."

I gulped and slapped a hand to my groin, realizing just what she had in mind. "But... Si-ann..."

The Lugia looked up at me, smiled and cooed as she gave my cheek a soft lick. I could smell hot latex on her "breath" as she blew lightly on the spot afterwards. "I know I promised. You just take your time and I'll be ready when you are."

I sighed and leaned back in my bed. Si-ann gently took the covers in her beak and pulled then up to me so that I was comfortable.

"Now why don't you go to sleep for tonight? I'll go clean up in the living room and when you wake up, we can try this again."

As Si-ann began to head towards the door, I felt a piece of my heart go with her and felt left out. "Si-ann..."

Sensing this, Si-ann looked around her shoulder and smiled. "I won't be going anywhere. I'll be right out here if you need me. I promise. Now... sleep."

As she said this, her eyes glowed a bright red again and I felt suddenly more tired than I had previously been. However, Si-ann wasn't forcing me to sleep; she was just making it easier for me to sleep. And sure enough, it worked. I lied down on my mattress, curled up and went to sleep as she turned off the lights and squeezed her way out into the living room. As I slept, I could feel her presence in my mind as well as in my house, which made me feel better knowing that she would always be here for me.


In the Twilight Realm, Black Shiron's anger at being robbed of his pride and joy had not subsided in the slightest. Storms of Twilight and Chaos raged all around the world immediately following the incident and they had yet to let up as the Twilit Windragon was hard at work in his laboratory, whipping up something especially powerful and malevolent.

He didn't have any spells that could track down the lost Rubber Lugia egg, but he had the next best thing: one of the creatures that had created it. Yes, the rubber lizard that had mated with the Lugia slave in his dungeons had plenty of uses both sexual and practical. And it was for that reason that Black Shiron risked his life and limb to escort the soulless creature up to his lab where he began turning it from a sexual monster into far more than that. While the lizard was restrained, Black Shiron was in the process of casting powerful morphing spells on it and filling it with sinister chemicals to render it far much more than a lethal weapon.

The Twilight Realm was soon filled with the lizard's shrieks of pain and rage as it underwent numerous painful conversions, slowly turning it from an anthropomorphic lizard into a much larger and far deadlier "natural" dragon. Black Shiron gave it powerful muscles and claws, a tail that could kill a person with one hard flick, jaws that could rend human flesh without any trouble at all and as a grand finale, he gave it wings that would give it the power of flight so it could search both land and air for its prey. This dragon was going to be the most powerful and demonic beast that Black Shiron had ever created. And when it got back, he was going to see what he could do with its sexual abilities as well.

Yes, the dragon, whom he had finally given a name for - Black Daemon - was far more than just a physical monstrosity. In fact, that was only half of its true potential. He had given it extraordinary sexual abilities as well. He had upgraded its limp, finger-like cock into a thick, stiff, demonic rod with enough power to make even the most resistant creatures buckle under its power. He had also enhanced its rubbery seed so that it contained a chemical powerful enough to enslave the mind of any creature that happened to fall victim to it. He made it particularly powerful just for the occasion where he intended to get back the Rubber Lugia that was stolen from him. And if anyone else got in its way... well, he decided to let it use what little imagination it had on that matter.

As a finishing touch, Black Shiron "antagonized" Black Daemon with the smell of a Rubber Lugia in heat. It was only a matter of time before the Lugia inevitably engaged in sexual intimacy; it was in its nature. When it did, it would generate a smell that would draw any potential mates to it like flies to honey. And when it did, Black Daemon would pick it up and track it down before beginning the process of bringing it back to its rightful owner. It might be a few hours or a couple of days, but it would happen one way or another, so he was bound to get results before too long. And when it did, he would have his property back in a probably less-than-pristine condition than when it had been born. Regardless, he wanted it back alive and kicking and he didn't care what happened to it in the process.

When Black Daemon was perfected, Black Shiron brought it over to the Portal of Twilight and finally unchained it, nearly being overcome by it in the process. With a simple warding spell to protect himself, Black Daemon finally took flight through the Portal and was unleashed on the world. He didn't care what it did or how many humans it destroyed in the process; as long as the Rubber Lugia was returned to him, that was all he needed from it. Once it was gone, Black Shiron jerked his neck from side to side, cracking it audibly before heading back to his castle to take a nap. The day had worn him out and he needed his rest. Besides, it was just a matter of time before both Rubbers returned to him.

I slept rather soundly through the night, knowing that Si-ann was still in the house waiting for me. The very fact that she was here for me and that she would not abandon me made me feel safer than I had ever been in my life. And even though her sexual lusts were powerful enough to potentially destroy me, the fact that she had been able to control them to date made me feel even safer around her. I knew that sooner or later, I would have to give into her and allow her to sexually engage with me, but at the moment, the choice was still up to me, which was just fine with both of us.

However, when I woke up that morning, I felt something in my mind that seemed a little... out of place. There was an air of sorrow and concern in the air that seemed to be coming from out in the living room. This was odd since the only being in the area that could generate that kind of emotion was Si-ann, and she had been feeling just fine last night. What could possibly be wrong with her today? Feeling that I was about to get in over my head, I slid out of bed and went out into the living room to see what was up.

When I left my room, I was greeted by the unmistakable smell of rubber hormones in the air, which told me that Si-ann was getting herself worked up again. However, the sound that greeted me was that of sorrow and fear. It sounded like... crying? Why was Si-ann crying? As far as I was concerned, life was just fine for the both of us. Still, hearing the unmistakable sound of a Lugia crying was enough to break a man's heart, so I did whatever I could to help her feel better.

"What's wrong, Si?" I said, walking up to her. She was standing in front of the porch door, rubber-smelling tears dripping onto the floor from her crimson eyes. "Why are you crying?"

Si-ann sniffled and continued to weep for a moment before looking at me with teary eyes. "Alex... I'm so... empty."

This didn't exactly register with me. "I don't... understand."

Si-ann sniffled again and looked down at her belly area. "Look at me..." I did so and I noticed that the lips of her slit were stretched out a bit wider than normal. "There's nothing inside me but empty space. I've gone so long without sex or sexual stimulation that I'm falling apart emotionally. I have nothing to fill the empty space within me, either liquid or solid."

It suddenly hit me that Si-ann had been bred to be a sex-hungry demoness. And since she hadn't hand one bit of proper intimacy since she had been born, she was starting to go through withdrawals. I realized then that I had an obligation to go through if Si-ann and I were to live together. One way or another, Si-ann needed more than just oil, latex and petroleum if she was to remain safe and sane. She needed my physical love and I was defiantly "starving" her just to keep my own safety in check.

"Si-ann... I... I didn't mean..."

However, Si-ann shook her head. "I understand that you are not ready to commit, but I cannot go much longer without something living within me or I might go insane. Alex Schaefer..." She turned around and looked at me with a look that told me that she meant business. I gulped and looked up at the intimidating figure before me. "I must unbirth you."

All the color in my face went out, leaving me as white as a ghost. I knew it wasn't a question and that Si-ann had made up her mind. However, that didn't stop me from trying to bargain with her.

"Are you sure it has to come to that? I'll give up my virginity if you'll be willing to do it."

Si-ann, however, shook her head. "No. That will not satisfy me any longer. My hunger is to great for that anymore. I must have more than just male seed inside me. I must have a full male inside me or else..." She bowed her head down and looked at me with a grave look. "I will have to resort to more drastic measures. Now... will you satisfy me or must I take matters into my own hands?"

Realizing that there was no getting out of this, I finally gave in and hung my head in front of her. "Fine. Do what you want to me. I won't fight you anymore. Just... don't hurt me... you promised."

Si-ann nodded. "I did and I won't. Now... come with me." She walked past me and sat down in the middle of the living room with her legs spread and a sullen look on her face. When I remained rooted to the spot, she spoke again. "Come, my human... or else."

I realized that this was really going to happen and forced my legs to move until I was standing in front of the black demoness.

Si-ann looked me in the eyes for a moment before gesturing with a wing to the floor. "Sit."

I sat, not wasting any time. I faced Si-ann as she looked down at me with a wry look on her face. "Lie down and face me."

I didn't dare disobey her. I lied myself down on the floor with my face just mere inches from her slit, which hadn't yet regained its normal appearance. It was easily as wide as my head and looked like it could swallow me whole in a moment. And sure enough, that seemed to be what Si-ann had in mind. She looked down at me and lowered her head down far enough to whisper in my ear. "Tease me. You may keep your maleness to yourself. I just want to be full."

If I had any sense left in me, I would have realized that I could bail out of this at any time, but I didn't even attempt it in the event that Si-ann did something to me that I would regret. I had never done this before, but I had read plenty of furry stories involving it, so I was kind of winging it here.

I gulped and brought one of my hands in front of me before sticking it in-between the glistening lips that quivered before me. I expected it to be soft, fleshy and slimy, but the truth was only part of that. It was rather firm and bouncy, but the slimy part was there. As I stimulated her, Si-ann's sex began to dribble out a thick, black, rubber-smelling honey that smelled strong enough to caused my cock to push uncomfortably against my pants and the floor.

Shuddering slightly, I shoved my hand even further into Si-ann until she began to gasp and pant heavily. "More, love... I need more! I need more!!!"

I needed to do better than this if I wanted to keep her in a decent mood, so on an impulse, I clenched my hand into a fist and rammed it into her as far and as hard as I could. This seemed to send Si-ann into a fit of squeals and trills and pound her wings hardly against the floor. I knew she was trying not to move her legs in case she kicked my head off (and I knew she was certainly powerful enough to do that).

Feeling adventurous, I balled up my other fist and rammed it into Si-ann's waiting sex. This sent the Lugia into a fit of even higher-pitched shrills and trills that made my ears ring painfully. However, I shook it off and continued to probe deeper into the waiting Rubber. She seemed to be all but insatiable as I shoved my arms in as far as they would go. She was making enough of a racket that it was amazing that my neighbors weren't breaking down my door. What was also incredible was that I was getting further into Si-ann than what should have been allowed. On the outside, her sex appeared to be only a couple inches deep, but on the inside, there seemed to be no limit to how far into her I could go. It was almost as if I was pushing myself into a bottomless portal of pure bliss and beauty.

Just when I was about to begin to pull myself out, I felt something move within her that told me that this was only the beginning. All of a sudden, I felt a long, thick, slimy tentacle shoot out from deep within the Lugia and wrap itself around my left wrist. Its hold was solid and I knew that I was about to get even more acquainted with Si-ann's sex. Before I could do anything, a second tentacle had ensnared my right wrist as well and the next thing I knew, they were starting to pull me even further into her.

Panicking slightly, I tried to plead my case with the ecstatic Lugia. "Si! What are you doing?! Let me go!"

Si-ann recovered enough to look down at me with a drunken smile on her face. She was obviously in a state pure emotion that I could not talk her out of. "I am sorry, my love. You gave me your word and now, I will give you a new place to enjoy me." She then lowered her wings down and took me lightly on the sides. She then used a thumb feather to duck my head down so that I was looking right at those bizarre petals before she began to pull me into her. I knew that there was no way out of it and finally gave in to accept my fate.

As soon as my head entered Si-ann's drooling sex, the sudden intrusion caused her to buck violently and nearly break my neck in half. She managed to restrain herself and she continued to pull me inside her. My vision was now completely black as I felt firm, powerful, rubber muscles tugging at my head as more and more fluids flowed past me. I soon became overwhelmed and some of the fluid spilled into my mouth, causing me to gag and splutter on the rubber-tasting slime. However, the rubbery taste was only the surface of the honey's flavor. As more spilled into my mouth and my shoulders were engulfed in Si-ann's sex, a second, much more enjoyable flavor washed over my senses. It tasted oddly of something sweet and fruity, almost like a rich, dark wine. It seemed to quell my panicking nerves and I was able to finally enjoy this experience for the first time. I realized for the first time that I was doing this to keep Si-ann both happy and sane and I figured that I should be enjoying this as well. Si-ann's sole purpose in life as a "Synthetic" was to fulfill the dreams and wishes of her owner and deliver unending happiness to him or her. And finally, I realized that I wanted this just as much as she did. Si-ann had something to give me that I needed in order to be happy in life that only she could give me and finally, I understood what that was. It was her physical love, her true love and her spirit, all of which I needed in order to complete myself. Finally, I had what I needed and from then on, the sky was the limit.

Smiling in the dark passage, I finally relaxed myself and allowed Si-ann to push my body even further into her passage. Somehow, I knew she felt that she had gotten through to me and she smiled, knowing that life between us would be so much easier. With a solid grip on me, Si-ann rubbed the small of my back in a reassuring way before it, too, disappeared into her hungry sex. I felt the affectionate rub and smiles as I felt my hands bump against a firm wall deep within her. I was pressed against it for a moment before it finally split open and I was pushed/pulled into a pitch-black, moist chamber that I didn't doubt was Si-ann's version of a womb. And as my waist vanished into her, I felt my head and shoulders enter the chamber, shortly followed by my torso just as my legs disappeared into her. Si-ann paused for a moment to "torture" my feet by leaning over and licking them. I couldn't stop myself and soon broke out laughing while kicking my feet in mirth. I might have been eaten alive, but I would never be impervious to tickling!

As Si-ann let up on the tickling, she pushed me all the way into her before her sex sealed over itself and I was fully inside her. I remained in limbo between her passage and her womb before I was completely dumped all the way into the latter. I soon moved my body in a way so that I was curled up in a fetal position deep within Si-ann. And as I did so, I felt the passage that she had created to admit me vanish as though I had been sealed inside a pocket of air and slime deep within the horny Lugia. All around me, I felt her body rumbling and vibrating as she purred comfortably.

I had to wonder how much air was in here, but something told me that Si-ann could not and would not let me suffocate. The very fact that she was magic allowed her to defy the laws of nature and basically do whatever she wanted. Still, that didn't stop me from poking the side of her womb to try and get her attention.

"Si? Are you okay out there?" My voice sounded like it was being spoken in a soundproof room.

Thankfully, Si-ann heard me. "I'm fine, love. I guess I should be asking you if you're okay."

I sighed, knowing that I could still vocally communicate with her. "I'm still alive. This is just a little overwhelming is all. You're not going to let me die in here, are you?"

At this, I felt a faint pressure pushing against my back that told me that Si-ann was rubbing her potentially bloated belly. "Not this time, love. If I wanted you to die within me, I would have gone to a lot more trouble. And even then, I wouldn't let you go all the way."

I didn't understand her logic, but I felt sure that I had just given her a disturbing (to me) idea.

"So what happens now? Am I going to melt? Am I going to turn into a Rubber? What are you going to do to me now that you have me?"

I felt Si-ann bounce lightly as she chuckled. "Sorry, love; I'm not quite done with you the way you are to let you off the hook that easily. I'm just going to let you sit in there for a while until I see fit to let you out. You have no idea how good this feels to be so full that you just want to burst and I'm not going to part with this feeling so lightly."

This bothered me slightly, but I had to ask her a question that was on my mind. "So I take it I gave you what you wanted?"

Si-ann nodded. "Yes, love. You have done well. I'm just going to keep you in there until I tire of it and then I'll let you out." And before I could ask, she added, "Your virginity is still intact, so don't worry about that. That is... unless you get frisky while you're in there."

I gulped and shook my head. "I'll be fine. I'm just wondering how I'm going to eat and stuff while I'm in here."

"Oh, don't you worry about that. There's plenty of all-purpose Rubber Honey flowing around you. If you need to eat or drink, just take a few swallows of it and it'll do the rest. But for now..." she said with a pleasant sigh. "I think I fancy a day on the town."

I suddenly realized what she was about to do. "Si! You can't go outside! People will see you and they'll try to take you away!"

Si-ann patted her belly lightly and chuckled. "Don't you worry your little human head about that. I'll be fine and even if they do try to take me away, I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. You just take a little nap and when you wake up, I'll let you out. I promise, okay?"

She hadn't yet failed to uphold her word, so I sighed reluctantly, took a few swallows of the amazing Rubber Honey around me and closed my eyes to try and get some sleep.

As she felt Alex fall asleep within her, Si-ann smiled and whispered a small blessing in his honor. He would be visited by pleasant dreams while he was in there and when he awoke, he would be completely rested and refreshed as though he had had the best night's sleep in his entire life.

Si-ann then turned to the mess she had made while Alex had been "tormenting" her and blushed. There was a lot more Rubber Honey on the floor than she had anticipated, which had accumulated on the black bile that she had thrown up yesterday morning that she hadn't gotten around to cleaning yet. The smell of warm, musky rubber was pleasant to the Synthetic, but she knew that if it got out, other humans might not find it so enticing. So in an attempt to clean up the mess, Si-ann focused her powers into compacting the mess into as small as an area as she could, which worked to some degree. She managed to condense the mess into a single sphere about the size of a basketball, which was how big her own egg had been. However, the mass had been packed inexpertly since she was still young and hadn't yet perfected her telepathic abilities. The orb was so unstable that if it was bumped the wrong way, it could potentially explode and cause an even bigger mess than what she had just cleaned up. And since she didn't want to draw any more attention to herself than she already had, Si-ann decided to hide the orb in a room in the house that was seldomly visited, even by Alex himself. She Teleported the orb from the living room to a porch-like area at the rear of the house that was little more than a storage area. It was unlikely that anyone would disturb it there while she was out, so she was able to rest easy knowing that it was only her and Alex living there at the moment. However, the smell had only been fixed to some degree. This place had been the home of so many Synthetics already, both tame and wild, that it was pointless to try and clean up the combined smell or rubber, vinyl, plush, goo, glass and metal. There had been so many fluids and materials flying around this house over the years that it had pretty much embedded itself in everything from the furniture to the carpet to everything else in the home. It was amazing that people still came to live in here even with the smell. However, Si-ann wasn't one to judge anyone else apart from her own human, so she figured it was up to whoever wanted the house if they wanted to live there.

Si-ann was about to head out of the house when she realized something. She might not have been able to conceal herself completely, but the best thing she could do was hide her "finer features" and give herself a kind of "makeover" so that she at least appeared "appropriate" in public. This was the City of Magic after all, but even exotics like herself needed to at least appear "normal" so that she didn't draw attention to herself. Si-ann had a nagging feeling in her gut (apart from the slumbering human) that her creator, Black Shiron, had not yet given up the search for her. If he ever found her, it was likely that she would be taken away from her lover and used for much more malevolent missions and experiments. She might appear evil on the outside, but inside, she had a heart of golden rubber that she planned to keep intact. This world was just too enjoyable to think about trying to destroy it.

But even if she managed to disguise herself, she still had a rather unattractive belly about her that would certainly make her stick out in a crowd. As much as she didn't want to disturb the human sleeping within her womb, she knew she had to find some way to condense the mass within her so that she at least appeared more "normal" by Synthetic standards.

So as an improvisation, Si-ann began charging up her first Dragonbreath attack, but before she could fire it, she stifled it in her mouth and then swallowed it, directing it to her womb, which obliterated the human's body on impact. However, she reacted quickly enough to store his "data" away within her so that she would be able to completely rebuild him when she was ready to let him out.

Her actions had removed the large bulge in her belly, but now there was nothing that could wake Alex up until Si-ann was ready to put him back together. In a way, she hadn't gone against her word and "harmed" him but had, in fact, "compacted" him for the time being.

Now that she looked somewhat more appropriate, Si-ann turned to the blank TV, which acted like a makeshift mirror. She would have to do something about her skin color. A Black Lugia was not normal, even in this magical city where furries were becoming increasingly more popular. Black Shiron would find her in an instant. So Si-ann closed her eyes and focused her energy into the color of her skin, which felt oddly relaxing for her. When she opened her eyes again, she was pleased to find that she was looking at a mirror image of what a Lugia was supposed to look like. She now had smooth, silver-white skin with various navy-blue parts. She now had a round, sky-blue crest on her belly with a V-shaped indentation on the top, which was everything she remembered about a Lugia (she had been bred from one, after all). She just had to do something about her privates and she would be all set.

This was probably the easiest part of her entire anatomy to fix. Si-ann closed her eyes and sucked in her breath, along with her female sex, which sealed shut, and her male sheath, which flattened out to blend with her silver-white skin. And while she could do nothing about her crimson eyes, she felt that she had concealed herself enough to be admissible in public. Making sure that Alex was still unharmed within her, Si-ann Teleported out of the house and began walking down the street into the community. She wasn't experienced enough to try flying yet, so she would have to hoof it for now.

As Si-ann stated walking away, she was unaware that a pair of figures was watching her from atop the roof of the house that she had just left. One of them was the son of the god of gods, a four-armed and wingless Insectoid Dragon known as "Plexadonn Incendus". The figure next to him was none other than the Twilight Realm spy that had spirited Si-ann's egg away from Black Shiron's castle just a few days ago. Because it was currently undercover, the author of this story will not reveal its identity at this time. We'll just call "her" "M" for now.

"M" was a native to the Twilight Realm that had somehow escaped Black Shiron's takeover of her home. She had been in the "World of Light" at that time and when she had returned to find her home in shambles, she had vowed to fight Black Shiron until she had gotten her world back. In doing so, she had made a deal with Strato and Plexadonn Incendus. In exchange for her spying on Black Shiron and helping them keep tabs on his actions, M would be granted immunity from Black Shiron's forces for as long as she remained in the World of Light. Neither of the Incendi had the power to affect the Twilight Realm, but they had promised Him that once they had enough evidence of Black Shiron's cruelty and neglect, they would be granted the power needed to overthrow the Twilit Windragon and help M regain her home.

At the moment, all they had to go on was M's testimony and very little physical evidence. In fact, the only evidence that they had had just walked away from them, so they had to keep an eye on Si-ann and hope that when they finally revealed themselves that she would be willing to work with them and tell them what they knew about Black Shiron's operations.

M's body was so small that she didn't see the need to walk or stand on anything. Instead, she almost always hovered around so that she didn't have to walk with her short legs. Plexadonn was easily three to four times her size, plus he had longer legs, so he used them far more than M did.

M hovered behind Plexie's shoulder and watched Si-ann walk out of sight down the street. "So, she finally decided to come out of hiding, huh?" she said in her strange, otherworldly voice. "She didn't do a half-bad job of disguising herself. I'm impressed with her powers at such an early age."

The usual smile that Plexadonn wore was replaced with a firm look of content. This was a very serious matter, which Plexie knew required him to be on his guard around the clock. "I'm sure she'll continue to develop and evolve until she's all but impossible to be brought back into the Twilight."

M scoffed and smiled malevolently at Plexie. "And what's wrong with Twilight, I wonder? It's not that bad. This World of Light can be so uncomfortable at times. If I had had my way, I'd cover the world in Twilight just for a little change of pace."

Plexadonn sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately, that decision does not lie with you, so you can drop it. Father and I probably feel the same about your world, and if we weren't so powerless there, we'd probably make a few changes as well such as creating more Sols."

M chuckled and did a hovering backflip in the air. "I'm pretty sure that we have plenty of Sols already, so thanks, but no thanks." She then cast an eye down where Si-ann had gone. "Do you want me to follow her and keep an eye on her?"

Plexie shook his head. "I think you should sit this one out. Si-ann was born of Twilight, so I think she might know if someone from that world was following her. If you want to make yourself useful, you can go investigate that unauthorized Twilight portal appearing outside the city."

M sighed and shrugged. "If that'll make you happy, I'll do it. See ya later!" She then flipped in the air again and disappeared into a field of black Twilight squares, which was her kind's version of teleporting. Plexadonn remained on the roof for a few moments more before he, too, stood up and Teleported out of the area. Si-ann could handle herself for now until it was time to check up on her again.

Si-ann, meanwhile, had been experimenting with teleportation as well and had gotten some mixed results. She had been able to Teleport from one street to another as long as she could see where she was going before she did it. She knew that as she matured, she would be able to Teleport much farther distances even if she couldn't see them or even if she hadn't been there before. Still, her own abilities shaved minutes off of her time outside at a time.

Si-ann paid a visit to different parts of the city, but she did her best to remain in the suburbs until she was certain that she was not alone in this magical city. She had yet to see a single furry walking around on the streets, but she still sensed that they were somewhere in the city. Granted, it was still in the middle of winter and the temperature wasn't exactly pleasant outside, but as a Rubber, the cold did little more to Si-ann's body than lick her rubbery skin with cold puffs of air. She didn't feel hot or cold like humans and animals did, but she still needed to be careful. She was made of rubber and if it became too hot or cold, her body movements would be affected as such. Still, those kinds of temperatures were rare in this part of the world, so she didn't really have anything to worry about.

Si-ann's adventures in the city eventually led her out to a set of large hills out in the field behind the city mall. She wasn't quite sure what she was looking for, but she could smell a rather strong odor of magic out there that was a bit higher than the rest of the city. Curious, she Teleported herself over to those hills and soon found a cave in the largest one where the magic was the strongest.

However, she didn't find anything noticeable inside the cave. It was rather plain and the cave wall only went back about 100 feet. Yet she couldn't get the smell of magic out of her mind. It was so strong that she thought she might pass out if she waited her much longer. There was nothing there, but her instincts told her that there was something here. And the strength of the magic told her that the forces generating them were here right now.

She was about to leave before she came down with something when she noticed a seemingly innocent stretch of rock swing outwards like a normal door. However, the other side of the door appeared to be made out of metal, which meant that the stone look was just there to conceal it.

As she watched, a large, hulking, draconic creature began to pass through the door when it noticed Si-ann standing in the cave and halted. At first glance, it appeared to be Black Shiron. It was a massive dragon that was clad in a set of leather gauntlets, avian's helm and various golden accessories. But when Si-ann's eyes finally focused in the darkness, she realized that this dragon's skin and wings was a shocking pure-white color. This couldn't be Black Shiron, but it was obviously a Windragon of some kind. As for what it was doing here, Si-ann was uncertain. Apparently, it lived here and she had just invaded its home.

But when the Windragon stopped to look the Lugia over, it seemed to understand that she was just an innocent bystander. Ducking back down under the door frame (which was barely bigger than it was), it spoke to a third party that was apparently on the other side of it.

"Chemical... we have company..." It even sounded like Black Shiron, but it obviously wasn't.

The dragon moved to one side as yet another dragon appeared in the doorway. This one, however, was somewhat smaller and far more curious than the Windragon itself. It was a black dragoness with sharp, toxic-green coloring on numerous parts of its body including its wing membranes, chest plates, body stripes and wild mane. It was an anthromorph as well, which piqued Si-ann's interest. And when she stopped to look closer, she realized that this dragoness was also a "wild furry" just like herself. A pair of large, robust, scaly breasts grew from its chest, each tipped with a bright-magenta nipple and a small, similarly-colored slit in-between its legs. Similar coloring could be seen on its three-clawed feet, its four-clawed hands, its twin, jagged, head horns and a couple of bizarre tattoos under its eyes. Apparently, the dragoness was a bit "wilder" than its "mate", which didn't have a single obscene feature on it.

The dragoness, whom the Windragon had called "Chemical", smiled when she saw Si-ann and then looked up at her mate. "It's okay, Shiron. You can go. I'll handle her."

Si-ann's nonexistent heart skipped a beat when she said this. Was she feral or was Si-ann overestimating her? But when "Shiron" merely slid past Si-ann and took flight out of the cave, "Chemical" merely gestured to the Lugia to come in.

"It's okay. We're all friends here. I'm not going to hurt you."

Si-ann was feeling a little weird since she couldn't seem to get a lock on this dragoness' mind. It made her head hurt, which suggested that she had taken some kind of mental training prior to them meeting. Amazingly, Chemical seemed to sense this and shook her head coyly.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you. I've had plenty of mental training by the god of gods and if you push it, your sanity might inadvertently snap. And since I sense that you are a good soul, that's probably the last thing you want to lose."

Si-ann shook her head to clear it and decided to lay off the mind-reading in this occasion. She then nodded and came into the room after Chemical.

The room looked less like a cave than it did like a small, private study. There were several bookcases full of spell books, a couple of desks, a podium with a large silver book on it and a large, comfortable nest of what appeared to be blankets and other synthetic materials that looked big enough to house the Shiron and Chemical together. The whole room was gently lit by a number of small, round orbs dotted around the area that were giving off their own light like tiny, portable stars.

"This is... really nice," said Si-ann, looking around with interest. She stopped and gave the room a quick smell and noted something rather unusual that didn't register with her. "But... the Synthetic smell... I can't recognize it."

Chemical chuckled and sat down at the desk where she had been sitting just moments earlier. "That's because I'm an exceptional Synthetic known as a "Super-Synthetic". I have the ability to turn myself into any artificial material at will."

Si-ann blinked. "How do you do that?"

Chemical grinned. "Like this." Then without even moving any part of her body, Chemical's skin consistency suddenly changed from opaque flesh to semi-transparent balloon skin! She had actually turned from a "fleshie" into a Balloonie! It was all there: the reflective trait, the air-filled center and even the smell of latex balloons that met Si-ann's nostrils.

"Wow," said Si-ann in awe. "Can you do anything else?"

Chemical nodded and before the Lugia knew it, she was looking at another inflatable version of the dragon. This time, however, her skin had toughened up and parts of her hands, toes and wings looked a bit "bloated" as though they had fused together -- all unmistakable characteristics of a Vinyl Toy.

Si-ann liked what she saw and suddenly became curious about her own body chemistry. "Do you think that... I could become like you?"

Chemical changed back into her fleshie form and shook her head. "Sorry, friend. You have to be created as one. No exceptions, period."

Si-ann's expression fell slightly, but then she realized that Rubbers had their own unique abilities, some of which she hadn't gotten around to trying yet.

But then Chemical told the Lugia something that caught her off-guard. "You know, no one's around. You can reveal yourself to me and let loose."

Si-ann balked. "How did you...?"

Chemical smiled. "I happen to be an X-Class Synthetic, as you can see." She gestured to her rather shapely cleavage. "We can kind of tell if another one is in our presence. Now... why don't you show me your true self?"

Even though Si-ann couldn't read this black beauty's mind, she still felt that she could trust her. So with a reluctant sigh, she closed her eyes and focused her powers into removing the physical changes she had made to herself. Before too long, Si-ann was blacker than a moonless midnight again and her male and female genitals were (somewhat) evident again.

Chemical's eyes went wide in awe as she got up and looked over the Rubber Lugia from every possible angle. Si-ann didn't object to the examination, but it still made her uneasy to be examined by someone that wasn't her own human.

"Hmm... I think I've heard of you," said Chemical after what seemed like an eternity. "You're that Lugia that was supposed to be like a black deity of X-Class Synthetics. You were created in the Twilight Realm to be the ultimate sex slave, but you apparently got away somehow and now, you're living with a rather uneasy human down on Kandiyohi Avenue."

She was right about most of it, but Si-ann still wondered where she was getting her information. "How did you...?"

Chemical chuckled and gestured over at the silver book on the podium Si-ann had noticed earlier. "I happen to have one of the seven copies of the Silver Tome, which tells me anything and everything I need to know. In fact, my job is to record information into it every night."

Si-ann certainly believed it, even though she wasn't sure why. Chemical didn't have a reason to lie to her, so it only made sense that she believed her.

Suddenly, Si-ann had a curious question. "If you're an X-Class Synthetic... can you tell me something that I've been wondering about?"

The dragoness smiled and nodded. "I can try."

"I've been alive for a few days now and I've been respecting my human's wishes to have sex when he feels like it... but I've been kind of going through withdrawals without his physical love inside me. I nearly snapped when I made him experience an unbirthing this morning and I'm worried that if I leave the decisions up to him, I might go crazy. Can you tell me if I should force myself upon him or starve myself and let him make those decisions?"

Chemical thought about this for a long time before it came to her. "If you ask me, neither of you are going to be happy if you go either way. My idea is that you improvise and try to find something that the both of you can do. Instead of demanding his physical love whenever you feel like it, see if you can do it in a way that he feels like it. And don't be afraid to use your psychic powers when the situation presents itself. Lugia are very capable creatures when it comes to mental acuity and I'm sure you can find something to do with your powers once you put your mind to it. Just experiment with your human until you find something you can both work with. I'm sure it will come to you in time."

Si-ann thought long and hard about these details and realized that Chemical was far more experienced in the sexual arts than she had given her credit for. The dragoness was obviously very knowledgeable about Lugia and what they were capable of. She was almost knew too much about them, but she was sure that after reading and journaling in her copy of the Silver Tome, she probably knew more than she was letting on.

Still, it was more than Si-ann had known when she had walked in there, so it only made sense that she at least tried out the dragoness' ideas.

"Okay... I think I get the idea. I'll have to run them by Alex when I let him out and see what he thinks. Thank you, Chemical." Si-ann held out her massive wing as though to shake the dragoness' clawed paw, which she didn't object to. It was an odd sight because the sizes of their limbs were so different, but they accomplished the task without any trouble and before long, Si-ann was getting ready to leave. Chemical unlocked the door and saw her out to the edge of the cave where the wind was starting to blow. More time had passed since they had been in there than Si-ann had been aware of and she suddenly realized that it was already starting to get dark in the winter afternoon.

"Wow... time must stand still when we're in there," said Si-ann in amazement.

Chemical nodded. "Pretty close to it. Remember, if you ever need any help, just swing on by my place and Shiron and I will do our best to help you."

Si-ann allowed herself to be stroked comfortably on the neck by the dragoness for a moment before she, too, nodded and then spread her wings for the first time and took flight, not knowing how she had learned to fly so fast but feeling a fresh surge of confidence building in her. She did not bother to disguise herself while airborne since it was unlikely that anyone would notice any key parts of her. Still, she looked like a kind of fallen angel to anyone who happened to look up at her at the time. And the reflectiveness of her skin made her shine in the sunset like a rubbery beacon as she soared back to her home.

It took a few minutes, but soon, Si-ann had fully reconstructed the slumbering human within her and eventually began to process of giving Alex his second birth. She summoned the rubbery passage that he had passed through to get to her womb again and searched around for something to bite so that she could stifle out the pain she was likely to be in. It was one thing to have something go into your womb, but sometimes, it was another thing to have them come out. And since Alex's skin tended to stretch her rubbery flesh in uncomfortable ways, even for her, she needed something to keep a grip on in the even that she went crazy from the bizarre pain.

Actually, that was only half-true. It would be painful to rebirth a full-fledged human, but it was more of a "pleasurable pain". She knew that she would become so stimulated that she could possibly lose control of her powers and end up wrecking the house. So to keep her mind and body focused on the task at hand, Si-ann selected a large plastic broom handle and held it firmly in her beak so that she could concentrate her efforts and her powers in one place so the house didn't blow up while she was in the middle of "labor".

So with a few deep breaths, Si-ann spread her legs and began forcing the human out of her womb. The erotic sensations of both pain and pleasure as Alex's head slipped into her passage were starting to make her mental powers rattle anything on the shelves in the immediate vicinity, but she did her best to remain in control and tried to focus her energy into her jaw, biting as hard as she could into the broom handle. Her teeth and jaw pressure would normally have broken open a coconut had she been a real Lugia, but as a Rubber, there just wasn't enough pressure in her jaws to break even the broom handle. Since she really didn't have any bones, there wasn't a firm enough skeletal structure to get those kinds of pressure in her body. Instead, her jaw, teeth and skin basically just bended around the handle, leaving little to no permanent markings on the plastic.

Si-ann was able to keep her powers focused enough to keep birthing Alex from her sex, which had already reached his waist. His clothes were soaked with her rubbery juices and they clung to him like a wet shirt doused with cold water. They would never get the smell of rubber and sex out of them, but Alex had plenty more clothes to choose from. Si-ann just felt lucky that they hadn't bound themselves to him like some rare Synthetic cases. But then again, she hadn't really insisted on that concept in the first place, so neither of them needed to worry about it. Soon, the rest of the human spilled onto the floor in a puddle of black sex fluids.

As Si-ann finally managed to recover after the massive orgasmic release, she spat out the broom handle and looked over the human, who was still sleeping soundly. He appeared to be unharmed and relatively intact. The only difference that she could see was that after soaking in black Rubber fluids for so long, Alex's hair seemed to have absorbed the natural dye that it contained, turning his hair from brown to jet-black. But otherwise, he was pretty much okay. Even more, he had a dreamy smile on his face! This brought one to the Lugia's face as well since he was obviously still enjoying the blessing of good dreams she had given him when he had fallen asleep this morning. It seemed like a pity to wake him, but after emptying Alex out of herself, Si-ann was feeling somewhat empty and felt a need for some kind of food. She could have easily fed herself, but she didn't seem to mind being hand-fed by the human as though she was his pet and he was her loving master.

So with a reluctant sigh, Si-ann leaned over the sleeping human and whispered lightly into his right ear. "Alex... my love... it's time to wake up. You've slept the day away and now you must come back to me."

Si-ann's sweet crooning echoed in my dreams, slowly bringing me back into the world. I wasn't sure how she had done it, but I had a feeling that she had been responsible for giving me such sweet and pleasant dreams while I had been out. She was such a wonderful creature that I had to wonder just how I survived all my life without her.

I finally came back into consciousness and smelled the distinct odor of warm rubber and Lugian pheromones. However, something told me that since I had been in Si-ann's womb, I would never be able to get the smell out of my skin. I would be both elastic and latex-smelling forevermore, but as long as Si-ann didn't mind, that was just fine with me.

I finally opened my eyes and sure enough, the first thing I saw was the black, rubbery goddess standing over me. She looked rather content and pleased to see me awake. But there was also something else in her crimson eyes that I hadn't seen when I had last seen her. It wasn't something that I needed to worry about, but it was rather curious to see. It was as though Si-ann had gained some kind of greater understanding while I had been out that she hadn't had this morning. She looked as though she finally understood her purpose in life and now knew what she wanted to do with her existence. In a way, it was almost as if she was viewing me as more than just a human or a lover; it was like she now saw me as someone that she wanted to spend the rest of her "artificial" life with, however long that might be.

I smiled softly and spoke to Si-ann in a light voice. "Hello, my love... Did you have fun out on the town?"

Si-ann cooed and nuzzled her head up against my cheek. "More than you realize, love. I learned how we can make this relationship work so that both of us are happy at the same time."

I blinked curiously. "Oh? How is that?"

Si-ann lifted her head up and looked down at her privates. Her feminine sex was just starting to shrink back to its original size, but her male cock had suddenly bloomed out of its rubbery sheath from the sensations that the pheromones in the air were giving her. "I think we should take things a little bit at a time until we're both satisfied with ourselves. It's kind of like the saying: "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." For us to coexist peacefully, we must give ourselves to the other a little bit at a time until we reach one perfect unity. For this..." She licked her lips in satisfaction. "I must break your virginity." I blinked when she said this. "You know it is inevitable, Alex. One way or another, I will get your love inside me. Your option to make that decision is running out of time. Sooner or later, I will have no choice but to force myself upon you. It would be easier for the both of us if you gave yourself willingly before I do anything rash and unexpected. As much as I don't want to hurt you, my patience and sanity can only stretch so far. Soon, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands and take what I need regardless of what I might have said to you."

Finally, I realized that she meant it. She had promised me that she wouldn't hurt me, but that word was valid as long as Si-ann was able to control herself and the dark powers that dwelled within her. Sooner or later, those powers would bypass her word and I was likely to be mated with even if I didn't want to. I was fighting a losing battle for my virginity and I knew that the sooner I gave myself to her, the better off we would be.

Sure enough, Si-ann heard every word but did not say anything as I thought this over. I made a last-ditch effort to try and find a way out of this before finally and reluctantly giving up. With a defeated sigh, I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked up at Si-ann with a nervous frown.

"All right, Si. I guess there's no getting around it. If you want to mate with me, I won't fight you any longer. I realize that my virginity is no longer as important as my safety or my sanity. Here..." I slowly slid my slimy pants and boxers down, revealing my own cock, which had been stone-stiff for the past few minutes of breathing Si-ann's pheromones. "Help yourself."

For a moment, Si-ann looked as though she was going to cry. I could see a glimmer of a tear welling up in her eye, but that might have been the sunlight reflecting off of her eye anyway. She finally closed her eyes and smiled sadly. "You made the right decision, my love. I promise that you will not regret it. I will not let your virginity die in vain. You will not be reduced to a mere human sextoy for as long as I am alive. But still..." She opened her eyes and looked down at my cock, which looked like a mere stick in comparison to the black beshemoth. "I think I fancy a change of protocol. Flip over, please."

It took me a moment to realize what she wanted to do. I wasn't sure if it was safe or sane to do to a human less than half her size, but right now, that didn't matter. I had the choice to submit to Si-ann and now I had to face the consequences of my decision. Besides, like she said, it would be a change of pace compared to regular male-to-female sex.

With a sigh, I reluctantly rolled myself over so that my bare buttocks were practically mooning the black deity. She didn't seem to mind, though, given the circumstances. She merely fondled her own cock with a wing and then waddled forward a few steps so that she was hovering dangerously over me. I looked over my shoulder and blanched when I saw how thick around that finger-like cock was. It made my own seem like a puny stick, but the fact that it was oddly limp seemed to confuse me. I could see a small, round urethra bored into the tip of it, which bothered me a little knowing that I could see it. It wasn't tapered or spear-shaped like what I had read about but instead hung there like a slimy black finger.

As Si-ann stood over me, she detected my thoughts and filled me in. "If I had had my way, my cock would be somewhat more... "impressive". But since I was bred this way, I guess I'll just have to make do. Besides..." she added, flexing it for a moment. "It's much more... "flexible" this way and I intend to put it to good use."

I whimpered a little and looked forward to try and put her words out of my mind. However, it did little to help me when I felt that smooth, rubbery cock being trailed over my cheeks like some kind of sick foreplay. And just before Si-ann seemed ready to commit, I had one last plea to say to her.

"Si... this isn't going to... hurt... is it?"

Si-ann paused for a moment before she purred gently and lightly touched me on the small of the back with her wing. "Not at all. And if you feel any pain at all, I will sense it and abort this immediately. I may be sex-hungry, but I still stick by my word above all else. It's what we Lugia are known for. Now... just relax."

I tried to, but my nerves were all but shot. However, Si-ann anticipated this and I suddenly felt my mind become relaxed as she soothed me with her psychic powers. And as I relaxed my cheeks, I felt the rubbery finger pass between them and make contact with my anus. The next thing I knew, Si-ann had penetrated my once-virgin ass and the ritual began.

Meanwhile, off in the distance, the creature known as Black Daemon suddenly halted in its search and turned its head to look in the direction of Alex and Si-ann's house. After all this time, it finally had a lock on the escaped Lugia and now, it had a job to do. Spreading its rubbery wings wide, it took flight and flew towards the home where its destiny awaited.

Having sex wasn't as unpleasant as I had come to believe. And even though I was the one who was being "fucked" by a beast more than twice my size, the sensations I was feeling were rather unusual for me. Si-ann slid her finger-like cock into my ass, which felt a lot like I was having a camera shoved somewhat more violently into me. I know that because the doctor did it once to check for... well... you get the idea. However, Si-ann's rubber cock was somewhat smoother and much warmer than a cold, hard, plastic camera.

As a way of getting leverage, Si-ann took my arms lightly but irresistibly in her wings and pulled them towards her so that my back bent backwards a little as she bucked and humped her human victim. All that escaped my mouth was a few uneasy moans and some sudden gasps as the cock touched something inside me that I had once hoped would remain untouched. Si-ann seemed to be less interested in flat-out raping me and appeared to be curiously "exploring" me. Her cock stretched to incredible lengths as it wormed its way around inside me and touched various parts inside me.

Eventually, I felt it reach something that felt a lot like my heart. I could feel it beating against the tip, which lightly caressed the organ before appearing to retreat for a moment. I was amazed that Si-ann had found her way that far into me and still seemed unfazed. I even found the strength to ask her a question while he continued to buck into me.

"Si..." I said in a hushed whisper. "What are you doing?"

Si-ann's jaw was locked from the state of bliss she was in, but she was still able to speak to me through telepathy.

Relax. I know what I'm doing. Just trust me.

I was still uneasy about this as I felt her cock poke my heart again. "Have you ever... done this before?"

I knew the answer before I had even finished the question. No. But even then, hearing it from Si-ann herself seemed to deepen my fear. However, if she knew what she was doing, even on instinct, then I had to trust her.

I did my best to relax as Si-ann's cock firmly pushed against my heart. I could feel its pressure, but when I felt it penetrate the organ's skin, I all but stopped breathing. But what happened next nearly caused me to faint.

Si-ann was making a soft, throaty hum deep in her throat and I could feel it vibrating all the way inside of me. However, I was unprepared for when a sudden bulge appeared at her cock base and gently began slithering up her length, past my ass and into my body. It felt like whatever was in that bulge was alive! I could feel it wriggling as it slid the length of Si-ann's cock and made its way into me. To make matters worse, a second bulge had started to make its way into me, shortly followed by a third.

By now, the first intruder had reached my heart and the next thing I knew, Si-ann's cock expelled something soft and squishy that felt like a tiny slug. As it entered my heart, my pulse seemed to freeze up and my blood pressure dropped to zero. What was worse, once it was in there, I could actually feel it MOVING AROUND INSIDE ME!!! It was alive!

"Si..." I said in a strangled gasp. "What are you doing?!"

As the second slug found its way into my heart, Si-ann leaned over me and managed to speak without getting lockjaw. "I am synchronizing myself with you. These "slugs", as you seem to think, are bits and pieces of my "flesh" and "blood" that I am fusing into your body. They will flow through your system, converting your flesh and blood into a "living" version of me. It will take several days for the conversion to be complete, but when it's done, you'll be a Rubber just like me. Don't worry..." she added as I whimpered in fear. "I'll help you adjust. I'll protect you and make sure you're as comfortable as you can be. Don't forget, my sweet little human... I love you. I always will."

I wasn't quite sure what it was, but there was something about hearing it coming from Si-ann's own lips that made the words she had used seem much more significant. The fact that she loved me as a person instead of just a human or a "sex slave" seemed to confirm that she was "the one" for me. I had never been able to find a human girlfriend that I could coexist with, but the fact that a Rubber Lugia honestly instead of just as friends seemed to give my life some kind of higher meaning. I whimpered again and tears came to my eyes, but this time, they were filled with happiness instead of sorrow and/or fear. She loved me! She really loved me!

Si-ann smiled and gave my cheek a lick as the third and final "slug" made its way into my heart, which hadn't yet restarted its life-giving duty. And once the last slug was inside me, I felt Si-ann quiver again while something new started to make its way through her cock. However, this time, the materials inside were somewhat slimmer and moved at a much faster rate. The next thing I knew, Si-ann finally released her first official wave of Rubber seed into my system. The power and the force of the semen was enough to jumpstart my heart back into life as it mixed with my blood. Si-ann then sighed and began to pull her cock out of me. A little leftover seed sealed the literal hole in my heart shut before it snaked its way back through my system and eventually popped out of my anus and slipped back into Si-ann's sheath. The Lugia finally released my arms after lightly setting me back down the floor and then backing up a few paces. I was a little sore from the lasting intrusion, but I would get over it in time. I was finally able to relax knowing that it was over... for now. There was no telling how soon Si-ann would want to fuck me in the near future.

Si-ann sat down on the floor and rubbed her sheath with a wing, apparently trying to get some "feeling" back into it while I recovered on the floor. The whole ordeal had taken a lot out of me, but my strength was quickly returning to me as I lied there.

After a while, Si-ann sensed that I had recovered enough and shimmied over to sit next to me while stroking my back with a wing.

"Are you okay, love?" Let the record show that she asked me first.

I let out a hesitant sigh. "I... I think so. You know... that wasn't so bad. A little unusual, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle."

Si-ann cooed playfully and continued to stroke me. "See? I told you it wouldn't really hurt. Am I not a Lugia of my word?"

I smiled and finally rolled over onto my back. "You certainly are. I never should have doubted you, love. I think you and I are going to be very good lovers."

Just then, we heard a loud pounding coming from the door to the garage in the laundry room. This was odd since visitors usually used the front door when they arrived.

I looked up at the Lugia, who was just as confused as I was. "That's odd. I'm not expecting anyone tonight. And don't they usually use the front door?"

Si-ann looked curiously towards the door. "You would think so. It's just human nature."

The pounding came again and seemed much more violent.

"Do you think we should let them in?" Si-ann asked me.

"I guess so. But I think you should hide. If its someone I know, I don't want them to see you. Here..." I finally got up, pulled up my pants and motioned for Si-ann to follow me. "Let's hide you in my room for now. You're too big to hide anywhere else right now."

Si-ann agreed and the two of us walked through the hallway towards the door. I was limping slightly from our session, but hopefully no one would notice. The only drawback was that the whole house was covered in rubber fluids and smelled strongly of latex and sex. If we were lucky, the visitor wouldn't want to come in for that very reason.

The pounding grew more incessant as Si-ann bent herself at an angle to slide into my room. She stuck her head out the door and watched from a safe distance as I made sure that she was okay. She seemed a little uneasy about the visitor and I could tell that she was trying to get a lock on his or her mind.

But just as I was turning the knob of the door, Si-ann's expression looked suddenly petrified.

"Alex! Don't...!"

Too late. Before I had gotten the door fully opened, it was suddenly blasted open by the figure on the other side, the force of which knocked me backwards before I could get hurt. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor as a massive black creature had forced its way into the house and was now standing over me with a guttural roar!

At first, it looked like a copy of Si-ann, but closer inspection told me that this Rubber was anything but what she was. It took the form of a massive black dragon complete with powerful, muscular, clawed arms, similarly-lethal feet, a thick, flexible tail tipped with what looked like a four-pointed spear and massive, draconic wings that nearly put Si-ann's Lugian ones to shame. Its head was reptilian in nature and was filled with a number of pointed black fangs. But when I looked into its eyes, I realized that this was a creature without a heart, a soul or a mind. How could I tell that? I could tell because its "eyes", if you could call them that, were little more than molded pieces of black rubber that only gave the impression that it had eyes.

But what was most alarming was what I could see sticking out from underneath it from this angle. It was a massive, black, ribbed and barbed cock that put even Si-ann's to shame. It was easily two inches thick and well over a foot long. To make matters worse, it was dripping with a fluid that seemed to react like acid when it hit the floor beneath it. I was able to avoid this material, but I had to wonder if this creature had been sent here or if it actually chose to come here.

Si-ann's expression was that of cold fear. "Th-That's my... that's the beast I was bred from! It's... my... father!"

If I wasn't so scared at the moment, I would have easily made the connection. Both of them were obviously X-Class Rubber Synthetics whose only real differences was that Si-ann had a soul and had the form of a Lugia whereas this one was clearly soulless and had a lethal draconic form.

But Si-ann wasn't done yet. "But I don't... understand... It didn't look anything like this when I was created! What's going on?!"

The creature spared her the trouble of coming up with an answer when it looked up and spotted her standing in the bedroom. It opened its mouth and let out a sharp, shrill, inhuman hiss, acid dripping from its mouth, which just missed me by inches. It then stepped over me as though I wasn't there and started walking towards Si-ann. I was able to roll out of the way before any of its fluids hit me, but by the time I got up, the creature had already chased Si-ann into my room and I could hear her yelling for help.

"Alex! Help me! I don't wanna go back!"

I dashed the short distance between the laundry room and my bedroom and came in to find the dragon standing over Si-ann's fallen form and trying to shove its drooling cock into her. Si-ann looked around it and pleaded for my help.

"Alex! Don't let it mate with me! I'll never see you again! Help!"

As a flesh-and-blood human, I knew that it was next to pointless to try to win a fight against a full-grown Rubber dragon, but that didn't stop me from trying. I cared too much about Si-ann to let her go down without some sort of fight and she cared about me just as much.

Without a moment of hesitation, I ran into the room and leaped straight onto the dragon's back and wrapped my arms around its neck in an attempt to choke it out! I was amazed at my own bravery, but I guess people do some pretty crazy things when they're in love.

At first, my plan seemed to be working. The dragon recoiled enough for Si-ann to roll out from under it as it flailed its arms and flapped its wings, trying to shake me off its back. But then I suddenly remembered the fatal flaw in my plan. All Synthetics, including Rubbers were not actually "alive" and therefore, they didn't need to breathe to survive! And when the dragon stopped flailing and turned its head to look at me with a snarling hiss, I suddenly realized that this plan had been doomed from the start.

"Son of a..." I started to say. But just before I could get it out, the dragon opened its mouth and was about to spray my face with acid saliva. But in that split-second before it could, I suddenly felt myself forcibly yanked from around the dragon's neck by an invisible force, which didn't come a moment too soon. The dragon spit flew past me, just missing me and my manhood by half an inch before hitting the floor and burning a hole right in the carpet.

Si-ann managed to catch me before I hit the ground, but she had inadvertently underestimated her power and the next thing either of us knew, We had both tumbled over backwards into the doorway with the Lugia on her back and me sprawled out on top of her.

The dragon was clearly not happy with either of our actions and before we knew it, it was standing over us on its hind legs even though it was clearly a quadruped. It didn't exactly take too kindly from me letting Si-ann get away and it chose me as its first target. With one powerful and swift motion, it had wrapped its claws around my throat and had lifted me clean off of Si-ann so that I was staring level with its black, non-existent eyes. It leered at me and I could see foam building up in the corner of its mouth. Si-ann made to try to help me, but the dragon showed little remorse when it kicked her straight in her maleness before planting a foot on top of her to keep her immobile. And judging from her pained expression, even though she didn't have any testicles, it still hurt pretty bad when you got kicked there. Apparently, Synthetics could only be affected in that area by other Synthetics of the same type.

The dragon growled at me for a moment, taking some sick pleasure in doing to me what I had tried and failed to do to it. Unlike either of them, I was still alive and needed oxygen if I was to survive, and right now, I wasn't getting very much into my lungs from the iron grip it had on me. My life was slipping away and this dragon was showing no remorse for either of us. And since Si-ann was still in obvious pain, there really wasn't anything she could do to help me.

Just when all hope seemed lost, a powerful, inhuman voice sounded out with a force that was similar to a thunderstorm. "TOKEDUKO!!!"

The next thing I knew, the dragon had dropped me and it suddenly appeared like it was choking for real this time. It clawed at its throat and took a few steps back before it suddenly began to swell up. Its torso and its finer features were inflating to ridiculous proportions and it soon looked like one of those "fat furs" that some people got a kick out of on the Internet.

But it didn't stop there. Just when it seemed that it could stretch no more, there was a sound of tearing rubber and the next thing either of us knew, the dragon's body detonated with a sick splat!!! Black fluids and other rubbery materials splattered the walls of my room like some kind of science fiction movie with a gory alien death scene. Neither Si-ann nor I were spared as the black "Rubber guts" splattered all over us. It was sheer chance that we weren't hit by any of the acid that the dragon had had in its body.

Si-ann finally managed to recover herself and sat up, using her powers to give me a little "boost" onto my feet. It was odd that the dragon had suddenly exploded for no apparent reason, but that reason was discovered when I looked around the Lugia and spotted another figure standing behind her.

It was yet another dragon, but this one was significantly different than the one that had just blown up. Unlike the other one, this one appeared to be a "real" dragon and had various different features than it had. This one was mostly a soft, smoky-gray color on its bipedal legs, its flexible tail and its head and neck. It had a pair of pointed, elf-like ears on the sides of its head and its eyes were a soft and kind pearl-blue. However, the look in the dragon's eyes was anything but kind at the moment. It had a long, thick mane of black head fur and a pair of short, pointed, black horns sticking up out of its head. A pair of long, curved, segmented antennae stretched from its brow and went down behind it, which I counted up to eight long, triangular segments on each one. The presence of its antennae kind of made it look like an insect of some kind even though it was clearly a dragon that didn't even have any wings.

But on its torso, I noted a rather curious feature. It had a set of chest plates on its mid-torso that stretched out into not two but four long, flexible, powerful, blue arms, each with five black-clawed fingers on each of its hands. This kind of supported the fact that it was an insect of some kind even though it was clearly a dragon.

The dragon had all four of its hands at its sides as it looked past me into the messy bedroom. It seemed that this was the one that had shouted that unusual word that had caused the Rubber dragon to explode. Now that I thought about it, it had sounded like a spell of some kind, which suggested that this dragon knew how to use magic to some degree.

Si-ann looked curiously at me before she followed my gaze and finally realized that the dragon was there. But for some reason, she lowered her head and bowed her head down as though genuflecting to the dragon.

"Uh... Si?" I said in bewilderment. "What are you doing?"

Si-ann came out of her bow and spoke to me as though I had offended her somehow. "Alex! This is Plexadonn Incendus! Next to the god of gods, Strato Incendus, he's the most powerful physical being in the world! Show some respect! We're in the presence of a god!"

"Plexadonn", however, didn't seem to mind. "It's okay, Si-ann. It only makes sense that humans don't know anything about me." He had a young, kind, free-spirited voice as though I was talking to an energetic teenager. "I'm just glad the two of you are all right."

Finally, everything clicked. "So you were the one who saved us." I said in awe. "How did you...?"

Plexadonn grinned for the first time and held up his upper-right paw before snapping his digits sharply and then pointing to me. "Like your friend said, Mr. Schaefer, I'm a god. See for yourself." He motioned for me to look at myself. Sure enough, when I looked down myself, I noticed that the black sludge that had covered both me and Si-ann had magically disappeared, leaving the both of us completely clean again. My clothes had even been cleaned of the latex slime that Si-ann had been responsible for earlier and the smell of rubber had been removed from deep within my pores. Now that was a miracle in itself!

Now a true believer, I asked Plexadonn the obvious. "How did you know that we were being attacked?"

Plexadonn crossed his upper arms while his lower ones remained at his sides and smiled. "I have my sources; let's just leave it at that. You should consider yourselves lucky that I was even in the area. I might not have been here if I hadn't already been keeping tabs on Si-ann in the first place."

Si-ann blinked. "You've been watching me all this time? But... I should have heard your mind."

"Plexie" shook his head and tapped the side of his head. "Hello... what part of "god" aren't you getting here? I doubt you could read my mind even if you tried. Just consider yourself fortunate that I got here when I did."

Si-ann blushed (if that was even possible) and looked away shyly. It took a lot to make a Rubber as black as her change her color even the slightest, but Plexadonn did a pretty good job of doing that without even trying.

Plexie then made a shooing motion with his lower-left hand for the two of us to move aside. "If you please..."

Si-ann and I took the hint and we backed into the room and moved aside for Plexie to look around at the mess that he had made. He seemed to be rather curious in the Rubber fluids splattered all over the room and took a quick test sniff of it.

"Hmm... this has Black Shiron's handiwork written all over it. It seems that we can never get a lock on him no matter how hard we try." He then turned around and looked at Si-ann. "You won't mind if I take this with me to do a few... tests with it, do you?"

Si-ann looked genuinely puzzled. "Why are you asking me?"

Plexie shrugged. "Well, it was technically your father, so I guess it's only polite to ask its next of kin."

Si-ann suddenly frowned and snorted. "As far as I'm concerned, I have no mother or father. I was created to be a creature of power and sexual dominance. In fact, the only family that I'm happy with is standing right here." She gestured to me with her wing, which made me blush this time. It sounded like she really meant it when she called me her "family", which touched me in a way that I had never been touched before.

"Si-ann..." I said in a hushed voice.

"You can let that creature burn in Hell for all I care," Si-ann continued in a huff. "That's just fine with me."

Plexie held up two of his hands as though he was being defensive. "Okay, okay. It's my job to ask is all. I knew you felt that way, but I have to ask questions before I do things just out of respect. If you feel that way about it, then who am I to stop you?"

He snapped his upper-left paw and before any of us knew what had happened, the mess had been cleaned up and had all been reduced to a single black orb in Plexie's lower-left paw. He then clenched that paw into a fist and the orb vanished with a small pop!

Plexadonn then made to leave out the room without even a good-bye, but just before he reached the laundry room door, he paused with one of his paws on the doorknob. Turning around, he pointed to me while I stood in the hallway with Si-ann standing in the room next to me.

"You. Alex."

I blinked and pointed to myself. "Me, sir?"

Plexie shook and nodded his head. "No formalities here, my dear human. Yes, you. I saw your attempt to try and fight off Black Daemon." I assumed that he was talking about the Rubber dragon. "It was pointless..." I blushed in embarrassment. "...but it was still the bravest thing I've ever seen a human do for their Synthetic." I blinked. "So I think as a reward, you two deserve to enjoy each other's presence to the fullest."

Si-ann and I looked blankly at each other, which was a first since Si-ann usually got her information from the mind of whoever was talking to. But since she obviously couldn't read Plexadonn's mind, she was on her own this time.

"What kind of reward?" she asked innocently.

Plexie smiled and turned all the way around to face us. "Oh... it isn't much. Just consider it an act of good will from my father and I. However, I can't bestow it upon you unless you agree to it." He directed this statement to Si-ann, who looked genuinely concerned for a moment. "It's up to you. If you don't want it, I can find another more suitable reward for the both of you. What do you say?"

The two of us thought about this for a long while before Si-ann asked me an honest question. "Would you still love me even if I accepted it, Alex?"

I was concerned with her question, but I felt she had every right to ask it. "After everything we've been through, my love for you is unshakeable. I'd say we accept his offer and go from there." And to show how much I loved her, I wrapped my arm around her neck and lightly kissed her there (I was too short to reach her forehead). Si-ann hummed with a confident smile and then kissed me back on the forehead.

"Thank you, my sweet little human. This means a lot to me." She then turned to Plexadonn and nodded confidently. "We'll take it, whatever it is, and our love for each other will never waiver."

Plexadonn chuckled with confidence and nodded back. "Very well. Lower your head, my lovely Lugia." Si-ann did so and Plexadonn stepped forward to place a paw over her head like a priest giving a blessing. However, instead of going into a long and detailed blessing, all that happened was that a faint aura appeared under his paw and he spoke one very long and complex word to her.


I later learned that the bizarre word was from an ancient and magical language that was actually translated to be "anthropomorphize". But right now, my head was spinning with the complexity of the word. Si-ann didn't seem to recognize the word, either, but it still seemed to have some kind of effect on her as her body glowed with a thin, bright, blue aura for a moment before it just went out and she opened her eyes.

Plexadonn removed his paw from over her and stepped back to admire his work. However, nothing seemed to be happening to her from what either of us could see.

"Is that it?" I asked curiously.

Plexie nodded. "That's it for now. All it needs now is one more intimate encounter from the both of you and it will kick in overnight. It's up to you when you want to do it, but make sure you both get some sleep afterwards or else it might do more physical damage than its supposed to. Until then, I must be on my way. Good day."

Plexadonn held out his lower-right paw for me to shake and then he headed out the garage door. He vanished from sight before the door even had time to close.

Si-ann looked curiously over herself for a moment before coming up with a decision. "It's getting late, love. I haven't eaten in a while and I think that one session a day is enough."

However, I wasn't one to be deterred. "Yes to the first, yes to the second, but I've still got some enthusiasm left. Let's have a quick bite and then we'll see just what I'm really capable of with you."

Si-ann smiled mischievously and took this as a playful challenge. "Very well. I guess I can handle a little more playtime. You just make sure you can keep up."

Patting her playfully on the neck, I walked down the hallway into the kitchen while Si-ann followed after me. She was already a little frisky because she lowered her head down and nipped me on the butt several times as I rummaged around in the kitchen. I knew she was feeling in the mood, but right now, I needed to get something to eat or else I wouldn't have the strength to undergo one more encounter tonight. Si-ann was rather horny as I cooked up a pot of noodles because she didn't seem to want to stay more than two feet from me at all times and was always running her tongue over some part of my body. I let her do it because it was just in her nature to do so. I had gone through too much with her already to try to fight her, and part of me was actually enjoying this.

When my food was finally done, I set the table and then spread out a number of plastic bags for Si-ann to help herself to while I ate in peace. I even painted a fair amount of rubber cement on the floor for her to "snack" on, but she had quaffed the last of my cooking oil the last time I had fed her, so she was out of luck this time. However, Si-ann was not one to be denied, so she improvised by raiding my cupboards while I ate and came up with a jar of vegetable shortening that she carried into the living room after she had eaten the rest of the food. When I was done, I came in to find Si-ann alternating between dipping one of her finger-like feathers in the shortening like a scoop and then shoving it in her sex the same way she had done with the cooking oil. She seemed to be both "eating" and lubing herself up for the impending clash between us. I even decided to jumpstart the occasion and offered to grease Si-ann up before the main event.

Naturally, the horny Lugia did not object to me taking large wads of shortening in my hand and then spreading it all over her rubbery body. She let out a series of deep, throaty purrs, churrs, hums and shrills as I greased her up as much as I could. And when I felt I had gotten her as slippery as I dared, Si-ann held out her wing to keep me from going anywhere and then used her beak to remove all of my grease-covered clothes and tossing them aside.

Neither of us ever made it to the bedroom that night.

The following morning, I woke up in a puddle of black sex fluids that had accumulated during our mating last night. Everything that happened was just a blur of pleasurable emotion to me. I couldn't quite remember what had happened, but all that I felt right now was a state of pure, orgasmic bliss. I was so tingly all over my body that I felt like I was going to orgasm just by moving. But I knew that was not going to happen, so with my cock still hard and quivering, I sat up in the mess and looked around.

Si-ann was lying directly next to me on her side with one of her arms draped over me. She seemed to have sexed herself to sleep just like me and was still pretty much out... of... it...

Wait a minute... there was something different about Si-ann that hadn't been there last night. She was a lot slimmer than what I had gotten used to and her body shape seemed to have changed into something a bit more... "humanoid" than before. For one thing, her wings had moved from her primary limbs to taking up residence on her shoulders like a dragon's. She had also grown a pair of long, slim, smooth arms that each ended with a human-like hand with slim, slender, feminine fingers with no fingernails to speak of on the tips. And when I looked at her torso...

"Si! Hey, Si! Wake up!" I said, nudging her firmly.

Si-ann's eyes slowly opened and she yawned widely before looking at me with a tired smile. "Good morning, love. Talk about a crazy night, huh?"

I nodded. "If you think t was crazy, take a look at what happened to you!"

Si-ann pushed herself into a sitting position and rubbed her eyes with her hands. "What are you talking about, Alex?"

I wasn't quite sure how to explain it to her since she hadn't quite noticed anything yet. So as an alternative, I pictured what I saw in my mind, hoping she would see it and get the idea.

Thankfully, she did and she looked down at herself for a moment before standing straight up. "What the...?! What happened... to... me?" Her panic was suddenly replaced by genuine curiosity as she began looking over herself. "Say... this isn't half-bad."

I stood up and looked over the rest of her for myself. Si-ann's body had slimmed out to become much more shapely and feminine, which included a pair of rather robust rubber breasts growing from her chest, each tipped with a nipple that was just as black as the rest of her. Her form was more humanoid than before and she seemed to be taking rather curious interest in her arms and the new location of her wings. Her head was pretty much unchanged, as were her back plates and her tail. Her legs, though, had gotten much longer and contributed to a fair amount of her seven-foot height. Her male and female genitals were still present, but both of them were a little easier to hide now that she was standing like a human. Other than that, she was just as lovely and as amazing as I had ever imagined her to be. It was as if Si-ann had become an anthro Lugia. Cool!

Si-ann looked over her amazing new form before looking up at me with a confident grin. "I guess this was what Plexadonn gave us for our reward, huh?"

I nodded. "It sure looks that way. I'm just wondering what we're going to do with it now."

Si-ann looked down at herself for a moment before looking up at me with a malevolent smile. "I guess we should test it out on your human form before the Rubber DNA inside you kicks in."

I blinked. "Already? You just put them in last night!"

Si-ann smiled and wrapped her arms around me in a loving hug. "I know that, but after seeing what I've become, I think you should share in me delight. Let's just speed up the process a little." I could feel my cock bumping up against her feminine slit as she directed me over to sit on the couch. I sighed as we went at it yet again. Rubbers and their sex drives; there was just no pleasing either of them!


Latexed Lugia 4: Poke Putty

Latexed Lugia 4: Poké Putty By shadowlugia249 Author's Note: Old character. Old theme. New Twist. Enjoy! I pulled up into the parking lot of the infamous "Plush Paradise" toy store with uncertain hopes. I wasn't quite sure what I was looking for...

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Fit for a God 3 Light Version: Flammie and Glory

**Fit for a God 3 Light Version: Flammie and Glory** _By shadowlugia249_ Author's Note: Unlike the last two "Fit for a God" stories, this one came to me while I was awake. I decided to take a different approach this time. Since there are too...

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Latex Lore Chapter 4: Plastic Payback

**Latex Lore Chapter 4: Plastic Payback** _By shadowlugia249_ Author's Note: I have the rest of the story all planned out, I just need to catch up with it. By now, you've probably noticed a few similarities with my story and with movies...

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