The Junk Shop: Random Trades Revisited

Story by TanukiDragoness on SoFurry

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#1 of Junk Shop

Authorized re-visitation of "Random Trades", part of Hooves' "The Junk Shop" series which captivated us all nearly a decade ago.

The rules are simple: Friday at midnight, after the Junk Shop closes for the weekend, the back door opens, and anyone can step up to trade with another unknown stranger. There are no take-backs, and whatever you have at the end of the night, you're stuck with, at least until Monday. Tonight, 12 individuals will take the stage, and will walk away to find their sex lives have been made just a little bit weirder...

The Junk Shop: Random Trades Revisited

A re-hash by TAN?UKI

Original story by Hooves

This story can also be found at...

SoFurry -

FurAffinity -

"The Random Trades Game"...

Technically, it wasn't a service the Junk Shop offered, and officially, the Junk Shop didn't know about it, but every two weeks, late Friday night, after the shop had closed for the weekend, Tad, the shop manager, would set up a special pair of outdated machines in the extra storage-room around the back, out of view of each other. Normally, the machines would be used to scan, remove, and replace the user's junk with a selection from a nearby console, but not tonight. Tonight the machines were linked only to each other, and, with the push of a button, the voyeuristic husky could remove the genitals of the two users, and replace them with the other's: a genital-swap with a stranger.

Trading junk as part of a game wasn't illegal, per se, and officially the police didn't know about it, and really, it was all in good fun... Well, "good", except for the fact that half of the people playing were drunken idiots who didn't realize the risk of sticking your dick in random machines, and the other half were either scammers who'd swapped for the cheapest junk they could find or sex-weirdos who enjoyed the thought of them or another fur ending up with junk that may or may not have been usable.

And, to be fair, that was what made it interesting for Tad: the fact that some of them had to go home with genitals they didn't want, while the rest watched their sex lives get just a little bit weirder. Most of the people there weren't there to trade either, just voyeurs like him, who liked to see this kind of sick shit go down.

The company knew about it, sure, but they didn't bother to say anything because, no matter what was bought and sold, they got to take a fee, and both scammers swapping for their worst packages and drunken idiots looking to buy something usable when the shop reopened on monday ended up paying the markup. So it was a win-win for everyone!

Well... Except the drunken idiots.

The latest one who'd stepped away, a big roan stallion who'd boasted enormous junk, hadn't even noticed that the knotted canine cock he'd just swapped for, while hefty, didn't actually have balls. It was very possible he wouldn't notice until he reached down in the shower the next day, only to find himself neutered, and he might not even fully remember where his cock had gone!

Lion / Kid

Tad watched with a smirk as the Quarterback of the local football team lumbered in, the huge lion putting his sizeable package, including his massive balls, into the machine. On the other side, Tad noticed a weasel who couldn't possibly have been old enough for even puberty, let alone using these machines, slipping in and running for the machine when no one was looking. He smirked as the kid jumped on, pretending to look away as he idly hit the button.

"Whoopsie!" he muttered, as the big lion rolled his head back, enjoying the feeling of the machine sucking at his crotch, holding him there with a tight fit, the warmth of the lasers as they removed his junk so seamlessly, it didn't even hurt, the sensation of the nerve endings of his opened crotch being momentarily exposed as the two sets of genitals were swapped, almost as if threatening to leave his crotch bare, and finally, the new ones were slid into place and fully re-attached with the same lasers. When the suction turned off and the machine let go, the lion looked down with excitement, like so many others, though Tad couldn't even fathom what they expected to see: how did these stupid jocks not understand the risk behind a random trades game?

The lion must've expected something bigger than the tiny thing he'd gotten, or at least something with dropped balls, because he didn't take it well. He roared in fury, realizing just how badly he'd gotten the short end of things. "YOU!" he screamed at Tad, who just blinked at him, nonplussed, "GIVE ME MY DICK BACK!!"

Tad, sitting safely inside the control booth, put on his best cashier's face, and stated the simple fact of the matter in response, "Sir, I don't have your dick, he does." he pointed to the tail of the giggling weasel as it disappeared through the doorway.

"STOP! COCK-THEIF!!" the lion screamed, charging for the door and going after the kid, as if there was any hope of the drunken fool catching a kid he hadn't even seen in a crowd of strangers.

Tad chuckled as he watched the lion run out, "Heh, ya win some, ya lose some... and you guys are on a real losing streak." He grinned as he thought back to all the other shenanigans where those footballers had lost their junk. "NEEEEXT!" he shouted out the doors.

Bull / Fox

A big bull, just as tipsy as the others, came in through the door they'd left from.

On the other side, an old fox, clearly healthy, but well over retirement age, came in.

"Oh, this should be interesting..." Tad muttered as he got his finger ready on the button, while simultaneously preparing himself to run out if he needed to intervene afterwards.

The bull's tongue actually lolled out of his mouth as he enjoyed the feeling of losing his junk, like an idiot, but the old man (who Tad had noticed didn't even come in with genitals that matched his body) just closed his eyes with a serene expression of enjoyment.

The swap was over as quick as the others, and the fox was left staring with happy surprise at his new, full-sized bull-penis, complete with massive, youthful balls.

The bull was just as wide-eyed, but stared with much less enthusiasm at the wrinkled, shriveled, thoroughly emaciated canine penis he'd found himself with.

Both of them slipped away from the machines, walking around them to see who was on the other side.

"Well well, sonny," the old man chuckled, "Hope you don't mind getting the short end of the stick, eh?"

The bull grunted, like he wanted to be angry, but hesitated, disarmed by the unassuming, seemingly friendly old man who now had his cock hanging between his legs.

"I uh..." he stammered, "Listen, I uh... can I get my dick back?"

The old fox frowned, a little confused, "I do believe that's against the rules. And besides, what did you expect in a 'Random Trades Game'?"

The bull cringed a little, "Well, it's just that... I used to have that, and now I have this... fox one... and..."

"It's a dog's, actually" the fox politefully corrected, "A collie's, I do believe."

The bull blinked down at it, "Wait, what, but you're uh..."

The old man raised a brow, "My word, have you never heard of an older person using the junk shop to get a new, younger set to please the missus? I dare say I've owned seven so far!" he glanced down with a smirk, caressing his new, fat, bull penis with his little black hand, "Well, eight now, I suppose."

He continued, seeing the bull's confusion, waving to usher him out of the room, "My boy, it won't stay that way. In time, your natural youth will liven it up, while my lack of it will turn this one as wrinkled as that one." he smiled, giving the bull a pat on the side, as he couldn't reach his shoulder, "Don't you worry, you'll have it looking fit as the day I bought it in no time."

The bull's drunken brain struggled to comprehend what he was hearing, "Wait... So... Why are you doing random trades?"

"Well, because it's free of course! Besides, I'm old enough that I wouldn't mind getting something out of my ordinary." he chuckled and gave a wink, "I'd even be happy to end up some of the lady bits, to be honest." He reached down and stroked that cock again, "Although, I'm sure this will be a hit with my wife."

"Oh... well... I'm glad to hear that." the bull said, somewhat forgetting that that was his cock they were talking about, when he'd been left with the old man's shriveled second-hand one.

"Listen," the old man said, putting away his new junk and closing up his pants, "You seem like a nice young man. Why don't you give me a call in a couple weeks, when that starts livening up, and I'll come trade back with you." he smiled, handing him a business card, "I'll even give you it for free for your trouble!"

"R-really? Thanks!" the bull said, the fact no longer even occurring to him that he was thanking the man for offering to give him back his own penis after using it to bone an elderly woman for a couple weeks.

It might've been the start of a beautiful friendship, if the bull hadn't been so much dumber than the fox, though maybe there was hope if he called the number when he sobered up in the morning... if he remembered this conversation, that was. Only time would tell!

Elk / Mouse

Meanwhile, back in the trading room, a tall elk sporting a truly massive member (well over a foot long) waited patiently with his arms crossed, having just finished the several minute process of just fitting the damn thing in the machine. He didn't seem drunk, just bored, even smiling slightly to himself as he waited to see whether or not whoever ended up with his massive log could handle it. After all, the thing even gave him trouble on a regular basis: he couldn't even wear pants!

Unbeknownst to him, a little mouse had finally worked up the courage, and was scurrying up to the other machine. He was so short, he had to pull himself up onto the receptacle, straddling it like a saddle. The crowd roared with guffawing laughter as he adjusted himself in the seat so that his junk was centered in the slot, then shot a thumbs-up to Tad.

Tad, for his part, thought he was doing a good job not doubling over with laughter at where this was going. Seeing them both in place, he finally hit the button. The stag bit his lip as the machine went to work, but kept his arms crossed, used to getting attention down there. The little mouse, on the other hand, squirmed, kicking his legs and letting out a few squeaks as the machine pulled and worked at his crotch.

The stag's eyes widened a little when he realized what kind of noises the fur on the other end was making, but by then, it was far too late, and the machine had already finished the job.

He slipped away easily, looking down in mild shock at his new genitals. At first, he thought he didn't have any. At second, he thought he'd been turned into a doe. At third, he heard the squeaking coming from the other side of the room again, and he finally realized what had happened.

He'd been given a mouse's penis.

A tiny, miniscule, mouse penis.

A penis so small, it didn't even show up.

"Shit..." he muttered, putting his huge hands to his head, just below those impressive antlers.

And then, he started to chuckle. And that chuckle became a full, bellowing laugh, as he stepped down from the machine, and went around the curtain to find the source of the squeaking.

On the other side, the mouse struggled, trying to get off of the machine he'd sat on, but finding that his genitals were caught in it. He stopped only when he noticed the hulking presence move up behind him, the buck still laughing. The mouse's ears pinned back as he realized there was no way to get away, but the stag just picked him up like one would a small child, and set him on the floor.

The mouse tried to get some distance, but instantly found himself tumbling forward onto the floor. He barely caught himself with his hands before he faceplanted, rolling sideways to see the body part he'd painfully tripped over.

It was his cock.

His new, massive, eight-teen-inch-long cervine cock.

He had tripped over his own cock.


He hadn't tripped over it: that cock was so long, so massive, that it had caught against the ground like a third leg, because it was bigger than the two he already had.

...And that's why Tad was currently losing his shit, slamming his fist against the table in the control booth as he watched this insane semi-pornographic farce play out.

The mighty stag had come up with something so miniscule on him that he might as well not have anything, and the little mouse had come up with a cock so large that he literally could not walk. It was literally one of the most absurd trades he had ever seen in this game, and he was struggling so hard to regain his composure that he could barely take a photo with his phone.

Finally, as he stared up at the Elk's all-but-bare crotch, the absurdity of the situation dawned upon the mouse. First, he began to nervously chuckled, and it grew into his own full guffaw, all three of them laughing their asses off along with the crowd.

"Well, looks like neither of us got anything good, eh?" the elk asked as he finally calmed down, offering a hand to help the little mouse up.

"Nope, but that's the point isn't it?" the absurdly-endowed mouse replied, "You're gambling with what you got, and you either get something you like, or you get something weird."

The negligibly-endowed stag gave another chuckle, "Yeah, pretty much."

"Thank you!" Tad shouted from the booth, "Someone who actually gets the game!"

The two of them chuckled and waved before the stag helped the mouse leave the room. They'd probably come back in asking to swap back at the end of the night, and just for that, he might even let them.


Jeremy was a goat, fresh out of high school and getting to know the college crowd.

He'd come here with his big brother, but he'd disappeared with that skunk after getting a bad trade, probably trying to negotiate getting his cock back, especially since he'd been so proud of that ring he'd just put in it.

Really, Jeremy wasn't sure why his brother had even bothered, just because the guys encouraged it.

And yet for some reason, Jeremy was standing in the crowd huddled by one of the entrances.

He was tipsy from the beers his brother had given him, hesitating to really get in and play after seeing so many guys get bad trades, but still... he wondered if he might be the one to come out on top?

The other guys standing around him must have wondered that as well, because they all seemed to be teetering on the edge with him, passively trying to psych each other up for a risk they themselves weren't willing to take. Every one of them wanted to stand triumphant after a good trade, but none of them wanted to get caught with the bad hand his brother was off trying to reverse.

All he could do was look on, watching, waiting for the next thing that happened...

Suddenly a little breeze rustled the curtain, opening up a small crack near the floor, and through it something caught his eye... a hoof... a swish of tail... The next person on the other side was a black-furred horse. A tough one at that!

He glanced around, sure someone else had seen it, but no one else was making a move. They didn't know.

He grinned, rushing forward to get into the swap-room. He was going to make up for his brother's loss: he was going to win it!

He staggered up to the machine, nearly losing his balance from the intoxication. He hesitated for the briefest moment as he thought: did he really want to get rid of his own genitals, the ones he'd been born with?

The clop clop of heavy hooves as the aggressive horse on the other side as the horse got situated gave him his answer. With a grin, he jammed his crotch into the machine's opening: horse-cock, here he came!

Ramona, a middle-aged mare, smirked slightly as she held up the hem of her little red dress, her black-furred crotch pressed firmly to the machine.

Of all the wild games she'd played with her husband, getting involved with this "Random Trades Game" was possibly the most extreme.

Normally, he'd be the one on the stage, swapping out whatever junk he had for something she'd take for a ride when they got home, then take to the junk shop to have neutered once she got bored with it.

Seeing as she'd gotten bored with the idea and taken his genitals altogether last time, the game was different: _Ramona _would be the one to swap genitals with a random stranger, and whatever she got, that's what she'd have to work with on him. If he was particularly lucky, she'd take him in the next day to buy him whatever she wanted to ride, and he'd get to fuck her in a different vagina than he was used to. If he wasn't (and, judging by the crowd, this was the more likely outcome) his crotch would stay bare, and he'd be the one bending over for her, taking whatever size of cock she came out with.

She glanced back for a moment, locking eyes with the meek looking horse, whose genitals had been completely removed, as he stood and watched, naked aside from a collar and leash which he was now holding obediently.

She couldn't help but smile at him as the machine turned on: she really did love him, and she especially enjoyed playing these wild games that they both enjoyed so much. Whatever she walked away with, she was going to make sure he enjoyed it thoroughly...

Tad Recognized the mare from the shop: Ramona was infamous for being one kinky bitch, and while this wasn't the first time she'd been here, it was the first time she'd been the one in the machine: usually her husband was the one cycling through new sets of genitals, which she'd come in and sell the balls off of the a few days later after she'd had her fun. He should've figured she'd get bored with that and change the game around.

He looked back at that determined grin on the goat boy: clearly, he thought he'd found a way to game the system, and didn't know what he was about to get into.

Tad smirked. He liked to dash that kind of hubris, and couldn't wait to see the look on his face once he realized his failure.

After all: "Random Trades" was a game that only the truly kinky could win.

Jeremy grinned as he heard the horse on the other side settle into place on the machine.

"Jeremy!" _..._he could've sworn he heard his brother calling his name.

"Bro?" he looked behind him, and was about to get up, just as the machine whirred to life.

He let out a gasp as his hips locked to the machine, and he felt that firm suction against his entire crotch area. The gasp turned into a moan as he felt the warm tingling sensation of it going to work.

He gripped the sides of the machine as if he was fucking it, thinking of just how awesome his next romp was going to be with the horse cock he thought he was getting.

He didn't even notice the whinnying sigh coming from the mare on the other side as she lost the reproductive system he'd soon receive in return for the male one which he was vaguely aware had just been detached from his body.

The machine continued to hum as it swapped their genitals, the younger of the goat brothers grinning in gleeful ignorance, relishing the feeling of that warmth traveling deep, up inside his body, as he became a sister.

He bit his lip, still foolishly thinking of all the fun times he'd have with a massive member, not realizing that any "members" in his near future wouldn't belong to him.

Finally, the machine went quiet, and Jeremy was left with the outcome of his decision.

"Alright boys..." he shouted to the group behind him, "Feast your eyes on THIS!!"

And with one fast motion, he yanked away from the machine, turning around to jut his crotch out, legs spread, giving everyone a full view of what he'd just traded his dick for.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the mare walked over to her husband, slowly, with a devilish grin, the edge of her dress sitting on the base of her new goat cock. He stared down at it with trepidation, realizing that was going inside of him by the end of the night.

"Hey," a deep voice said next to him, "Just be glad it wasn't one of ours."

The gelding looked over to see a huge elk towering next to him. There was a mouse with a cock that was bigger than his own legs, smirking, sitting on his shoulders. He glanced down to see that the stag's penis was small enough to have fit on the mouse, and instantly understood what had happened with a chuckle.

The mare joined in the laughter as she walked over to them, "Well well, it looks like the two of you are having quite the night. Come gelding," she said, taking the leash from her husband's hands and pulling him away, "our night has only just begun."

He blushed, grinning slightly as she led him back home. The woman was crazy, ruthless, and incredibly creative...

...and he loved every second of it!

Opossum / Heyena

Meanwhile, on the other side, the crowd was being entertained by a completely different situation.

The young goat laughed along, still oblivious that the mare's vulva poking out between his legs as he showed it off, ignorantly proud of his new, horsey genitals.

"You go dude! Rock that horsey junk!" a female opossum with a black mohawk that had to have been a mod cheered, the row of rings in her ear jingling as she walked by.

Reggie had heard quite a bit about this "Junk Shop" from her friends, especially after her boyfriend had gone through a brief phase of swapping out, even surprising her with a vagina one time before settling on just going bare. (he was good with his fingers and tongue, so she didn't mind. Besides, he wore tight pants better than she did now, which was rockin!)

While she'd always kinda disliked her odd, marsupial organs, which split into two vaginas just beyond the opening, she didn't care enough to put down money, nor could she make up her mind on what she was looking for. When she found out about the "Random Trades Game" they ran in secret behind the shop, it sounded like the perfect place to give it a shot!

She approached the unfamiliar machine, slowing as the moment drew nearer, hesitating as she realized there would soon be no going back. Was she really about to give up the genitals she'd grown up with?

With a deep breath, she steeled her resolve, lifted up her leg, and straddled it like her motorcycle. She hadn't bothered to wear panties beneath her dress tonight: she didn't usually wear them until the breeze got nippy up there. Hell, as a teenager she used to hang out in the mall wearing nothing but accessories. Her lack of panties to pull down made it all the easier to get this over with.

She had no idea who was on the other side, or what sort of junk she was about to get, but there was no more time to think about that now, as the machine turned on and began its suction.

She closed her eyes and let out a little groan: she'd been told it was an indescribable, yet pleasant sensation of suction, groping, and warmth as the machine did whatever it did to change things around, and sure enough, as her vagina was disconnected from her body, it felt like a thousand little warm tongues were lapping up the inside of her body. Then, with a gasp, she felt an emptiness, realizing that everything that had made her female was now gone, replaced with a tingling sensation. She bit her lip as the feeling lingered as the genitals were swapped, almost as if it was threatening to leave her with nothing, before she felt that warmth again, and something new was slid into place. She breathed hard and shivered where she sat as the machine did its work, connecting new nerve endings, which still tingled from the procedures being done.

For a moment, she thought she might orgasm from it, then and there, but it never pushed her that far, and in a few moments more, it was done.

She sat there a moment, waiting for the panting to stop, almost afraid to see what she'd gotten. Taking another deep breath, she stood up from the machine, looking down to see a large, canine member bobbing up and down.

She'd gotten a cock. A big one at that.

It was big, bulbous, and veiny, jet black with a white design tattooed on, matching her black skirt with its own lacy embroidering. A set of loose rings ran up one side, jingling together, just like the ones on her ear. The sheath was covered in fluffy light brown fur, which clashed with her own, but gave way to more black skin where a furless scrotum swung with balls so big, it made her blush to think they were swinging beneath her.

She never thought she'd have a cock between her legs, but by some stroke of luck, this one was perfect for her!

Excited, she stepped away, turning around with a smirk as she showed off her new cock to the crowd, who cheered as she gave a little thrust with it.

The young goat who had gone before her wasn't too happy about the loss of attention. "Oh, you think her dick is cool?" he reached down to grab his new shaft, "What about-" he stopped as his hand grasped air. He fumbled for a moment, looking for that massive horse cock he'd just received, but found only flatness. Surprised, he looked down, finally seeing what he'd actually traded for.

There was no cock made for penetrating mares between his legs. No pendulous balls made for breeding them swung beneath him. In fact, nothing male protruded from his grin at all. Instead, between his legs was a pussy. A mare's pussy. Made for being penetrated and bred by a stallion.

Finally, he realized in horror what had happened: that hadn't been a stallion he'd seen through the curtains. It had been a mare.

He had given himself a sex-change.

His face went red beneath his fur, and his hands shot down to cover himself, and he wished he'd worn more than a shirt tonight as he realized just why all those big stallions had been so excited when he was showing off: they hadn't been thinking of fucking along side him... They'd been thinking of fucking him!

Quickly, while most of them were still distracted by the goth opossum's cock, he turned to run away. The few that were still watching laughed even harder at the fool who'd traded his own penis for a vagina without even realizing it.

Meanwhile, Reggie didn't really notice the goat running in fright, she was more interested in meeting whoever this wild cock had come from. She stepped down from the platform, walking around to the side of the curtain, that cock bobbing visibly from under her short skirt.

Around the corner, she found a hyena with spikey bleached hair. Tucked under his arm, he had a skateboard, with a helmet and some protective gear buckled around the middle. He wasn't wearing anything but accessories, which allowed him to show off the wild black and white designs dyed all over the light brown fur of his body, as well as that opossum vulva, her old vulva, now nestled between his legs.

He chuckled as he noticed the cock she was sporting, "So you're the babe who gave me my new look for the fall... Opossum vag! Rockin'!" he made the horns sign with his fingers, grinning wide as hyenas are wont to do. "I haven't had a pussy in a while!"

She giggled, the cock bobbing between her legs as she did so, "So... you don't even care that you don't have your cock anymore?"

"Oh that?" he glanced down, "That's a coyote one I bought off the junk shop about a year ago. Feral, jet black recolor, hairless balls. I added the tattoo to give it my own spin." he chuckled, "I haven't seen my original junk since I traded it for a feral cat's when the Junk Shop opened!"


The hyena struck a pose, showing off every fabulous inch of himself, "My body is a fashion statement, and I'm gonna rock it!" he said with a laugh. He glanced down at his old member as if bobbed between her legs, "By the way, the rings get cold real easy in the winter, so if you're gonna let it hang, you should take them out before it gets snowy. Just don't let the holes close, I mean, if ya' wanna keep 'em."

"Are you kidding?" she grinned, "I'm gonna be the only girl I know with cock piercings! Hell yeah I'm gonna keep 'em!" She looked down, "By the way, since you warned me, I should warn you, marsupials have two vaginas."

"Really?" the Hyena looked down curiously, reaching for himself with two fingers, casually sliding both in like he'd done with his female partners. "Woah! Far Out!" he said, feeling his fingers split between the two vaginas which were now inside his body, "So like, how do you use these?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Ugh, it's a total pain. Opossum guys have this split in them for that, but with regular dicks, you gotta get it into one of them, then they've gotta avoid thrusting where they split." she frowned apologetically, "That's kinda why I wanted to get rid of them."

"Huh... Would you... mind showing me how to do that?"

"Uh... I guess... But how?"

"You've got my old cock now, don't you?"

She looked down at the strange cock bobbing between her legs. She had to admit, she was pretty curious as to how it would feel. She Glanced back at his vulva, the one she'd seen in the mirror her entire life, realizing this might be the last time she ever saw it, and figured it wouldn't be too weird to have her first time with it.

"Sure!" she said with a grin, "Let's go find a park bench!"

Gator / Ferret

Jeremy was in a panic. He'd lost his cock to some mare, was now pantsless with her pussy, had no idea where his older brother was, and the beer was not helping.

He'd just run into the grassy area beside the shop, where the people who weren't spectating were loitering as they came and went. Some goth guy, a heavily pierced terrier with black fur and no junk, had even had the audacity to set up a little stand to sell hot dogs and tacos just in view of the show. The dog grinned, flashing a thumbs up to someone on Jeremy's right, and he turned his head to see what he was so excited about.

That goth opossum from earlier was up on a park bench, distractedly returning the gesture from her boyfriend. A heavily tattoed hyena was sprawled out beneath her, holding on the her shoulders, both moaning as she bobbed up and down. At first, Jeremy thought she was riding him, but after in another moment he realized that his legs were spread wide around her waist, and she was absolutely ramming _him in _her pussy with his own cock!

"F-Fuck!" the hyena shouted, "I never knew how good this felt! Ah! Those rings!" he kicked a little as he yowled like a bitch getting bred.

Jeremy blushed deep: he'd always dreamed of making girls scream with his own cock. He trembled as he wondered if he might also enjoy being fucked like that... legs spread around a big guy's hips, big hands holding onto his sides, a massive rod thrusting in and out of his pussy, making him bounce up and down as he cried out for more!

His eyes widened as he felt something stir between his legs, hand rushing to feel at it, only to find that he was wet: he was literally becoming aroused by the thought of being fucked in the pussy like a girl.

He bit his lip: he had to find that mare, he had to get his cock back!

As the desperate search continued, an alligator with muscled arms and a beer gut had sat down, causing the metal housing of the machine to creak a little as he waited for a partner to swap with. He glanced over at a group of other large guys, grinning with thumbs up. One of them, a particularly muscled bear, nodded back at him with a wink.

The alligator smiled bashfully, as he and the bear had just had a wonderful evening with the other guys, and were going back to their apartment to spend the rest of the night playing with whatever he got out of this trade.

Meanwhile, Tad glanced up at the clock as voyeuristic excitement turned to boredom. The last two trades had come a bit slow, the drunks were sobering up, and the crowd was starting to wane. It was probably about time to shut the activity down.

Also, he'd noticed that stupid goat boy running around, probably looking for someone to trade that pussy off onto. If he was being at all picky, he wasn't going to find someone in the next ten minutes, as people with decent dicks they wanted to swap for vaginas were hard to come by. That wasn't how the game was played anyway: it was Random trades, not "agreed upon beforehand" trades. What you got was the luck of the draw, and if you didn't like it... your loss!

Besides, the idea of the goat spending the rest of the night, possibly a good deal longer, stuck with some mare's pussy, was especially entertaining to him.

Finally, a little ferret who figured it was now or never worked up the courage to take a turn, giggling and blushing as she ran up to the machine and jumped up on it, her little legs kicking off the side as she settled into place. The group of big guys standing next to the stage pointed and began to cheer and chuckle, flashing thumbs-ups to whoever was on the other booth. She grinned, blushing a little as she realized it was probably their friend, another big guy, and she was probably going to have to tuck something big into the belt on her blouse when she went home tonight. She didn't have more time to think on it, as the machine turned on, leaving her squirming and gasping.

On the other side, the alligator bit his lip with a bit of trepidation as he felt the machine work away: based on the reaction from the other guys, whoever had just gotten in on the other side would be a big surprise. There was nothing he could do but wait now, so he just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of the machine getting to work, letting out a long, breathy moan as he lost his genitals and gained a new set from a complete stranger.

Less than a minute later, the procedure was complete, and both traders were left gasping in their seats.

The alligator pulled away to inspect the damage, finding his scaly masculine slit replaced with a cute little fluffy one. He looked up at his boyfriend, who was now grinning and making a thrusting motion with his hips, bare erection at full mast, as the others clapped and cheered. The big alligator covered his face bashfully, thighs quivering a little as his new pussy started to get wet at the very thought that it was about to be broken in by his lover.

The ferret girl walked away from the machine with a bit of confusion at her new, scaly slit: it didn't LOOK like a penis... was that someone's girlfriend on the other side?

Sitting on the edge of the platform, she bent over with that looong, flexible back, looking at the slit up close as she used two fingers to part it...


She scrunched up her face as something long, hard, and slimy slid out of the slit and smacked her in the snout. It took her a moment to realize she'd just been hit in the face by a penis. Her new lizard penis.

Nearby, she heard a couple of those men laughing at her. She looked up to see she was being approached by a hefty bear sporting an erection, and a similarly built alligator with her own pussy between his legs.

"Heh, you look like you could suck yourself off if you wanted!" the big gator chuckled.

She blushed, grinning, "Yeah, I um... I've gotten myself off with my own mouth a few times with... that..." she pointed between his legs with a blush.

"Hope yer not missing it already." the alligator scratched his head, "I could trade ya back if ya want..."

"No no!" she chuckled, "it's fine! Just... Always had a bit of a fetish for this sort of thing, never had a chance to try it out before."

The alligator nodded with a grin, "You take good care of that cock: it's been a great companion to me."

She grinned, "Likewise with my pussy!" she gave him a wink, then looked back down to poke at her new cock, "Gee, this thing sure is hard..."

"Oh, it's always like that." the bear grinned, "That's part of the run of it."

"Yeah, I sure am gonna miss that about it, though..." the alligator reached over to stroke the bear's chest-fur, "I suppose I still won't have a problem going round after round though, now that I have a pussy."

The ferret tilted her head, "So, wait... how do I get it back in the slit?"

"Ya just gotta... pull... with the muscles inside it..." the alligator said, hesitantly, "I can't really explain..."

She concentrated for a moment, flexing a few of the muscles in her crotch before finding the right one to make it slip back in.

Her eyes widened, as she marveled at the once-again-bare slit, "Wow! That's nifty!"

The alligator laughed, "Yep! I always liked that about it, and I hope it gives you just as many fun times as it did me."

The bear nodded with a smirk, "Oh, methinks the lil' lady'll find out what it's like to get a blojob from herself by the end of the night..."

The ferret blushed, biting her lip as she stared up at them.

Slowly, she nodded.

Closing Time

Jeremy was panting and sweating in panic as the crowd got thinner and thinner. He'd gone all the way back to the parking lot to try and find that black mare, and now he was walking back to the machine with the fleeting hope that maybe she was still watching and he'd missed her the first time.

At this point though, he was desperate, and was willing to get any decently sized cock, even if it wasn't his own, so as he asked random passers-by, "Hey, have you seen the black mare who got my dick?" he started asking, "Would you like to trade?" if they had a big enough dick. The results were pretty much universally laughter about just how screwed he was.

"I'll trade for it!" a little voice piped up behind him.

He looked around to see a little white rabbit grinning up at him. He was wearing nothing but rainbow jewelry, sporting a sheath and ballsack with fur that had been colored pink, along with his headfur, hands, and feet.

Jeremy scoffed at the little gay bunny, "No way dude, I'm looking for a real cock, not a twig."

The rabbit scowled at him, "Well if you're gonna be a dick about it, maybe you should _spend some time without one!" and with that, he stormed off, though the fact that his cute little tail and butt couldn't stop swaying made him seem extra flamboyant. He didn't even bother to tell the goat that he was actually packing a decently sized doggy dick he'd traded for the last time the game was on. Fat and manly was _so not his style, and he'd always been a little curious what it would be like to have girl parts, but he wasn't gonna go out of his way for a jerk like that! At least his boyfriend would be enjoy him having that fat knot a little longer...

Jeremy didn't even think about it.

He looked to his left, seeing a group of burly gays, who cuddled each other and cheered on at a blushing ferret girl curled up on a park bench, vigorously fellating her new cock with a blush. He noticed that one of them, a bear, was groping the crotch of the alligator next to him, putting two fingers inside his boyfriend's new pussy as he played with it.

'They don't look upset about switching genitals... Would it really be so bad?`

He looked to his right to see the hyena and the opossum were still on the bench. His tongue was lolled out of his mouth where he lounged, splayed, with semen oozing out of his creampied cunt, while the opossum girl sat with his head in her lap, leaning back against the bench with her eyes closed, semen and fluids dripping to the grass from that half-erect cock which was poking out from under her skirt.

'If he likes it so much...', that treacherous little voice in his head said, '...maybe it wouldn't be so bad...'

No! He shook his head, he had to have his cock back! He was a man, and he needed a cock!

Finally, he saw his older brother staggering out of a side area, buttoning up his wet pants, waddling about with a particularly ashamed expression.

"Big bro!" He yelled, running up to him, "You got your cock back! You gotta help me get mine back too!" He insisted.

His brother looked at him with a sad uncertainty.

"Don't tell me you didn't get your cock back!! Does that mean neither of us have anything!?"

"Shit..." His brother said, running his fingers through his headfur in frustration, "I can't believe this..."

Jeremy was shaking with fright now, "What are we gonna do bro?! I can't go home like this!!"

"I don't know, I don't know..." his brother said frantically. Suddenly, he looked up, eyes widening with a revelation, "The Game! The game is still going! We can still swap with some other suckers and get it over with!!" He turned for the corner, and they both broke into a run.

Jeremy panted as he followed as fast as his legs would carry, "If we hurry, maybe we can get back in time to-" he stopped as he saw the area where the game had been. The warehouse doors had already been shut and locked, and the lights were going off as the last two spectators, a massively hung stag and a middle aged mouse, chatted happily as they walked away.

"It's over?!" he shouted, clutching his horns with his hands.

"Nooo!!" His brother fell to his knees, his new, useless penis pissing his pants a little bit more.

Nearby, the last of his so-called "college buddies" chuckled as they walked over.

"Hey bro, better luck next time!" a big mastiff jeered.

"Yeah bro, you totally got screwed!" a pantsless bull gave a punctuating thrust, mocking them with the meaty cock he still possessed.

"And it looks like neither of them is going to do any 'screwing' any time soon!" another one guffawed.

The last one, a big pony who wasn't wearing any clothing, letting his endowment hang out, looked over at Jeremy, who was now cowering on the ground and covering his marehood. He chuckled and looked at the rest of the guys who still had their cocks, "Just you wait boys. Pretty soon, there'll be a new girl around the dorms!"

"Wha... what?" Jeremy looked up at him.

"Didn't ya know? Those machines don't just trade yer dick, they trade it all." He told him with a sadistic grin, "That mare didn't just get yer balls, she left ya with her ovaries. Yer gonna be goin' through some changes, prolly grow some nice big tits! And once heat _kicks in? Yer gonna be _beggin fer rides!"

"R-really?" he asked in horror, "I... I don't want to... I'm a guy! I don't wanna turn into a girl!"

"Don't worry kid, I'm sure you won't have to beg too hard..." he chuckled, turning to walk away, "...yer gonna make a puuurdy girl!"

Jeremy shuddered, remembering that feeling of warmth deep inside his guts, realizing what it had been: the machine putting ovaries deep inside him. And right now, they'd be pumping out enough estrogen to maintain the body of a mare twice his size!

Jeremy blushed, knowing if he didn't get a pair of testicles again soon, it'd be just as the pony had said: he'd develop feminine features, breasts included, and, eventually, go into estrus.

He looked over at his brother, whose wilted expression matched his own: they were both stuck like this, and would have to wait until Monday morning for the junk shop to reopen.

Things were really not going well for the goat brothers tonight...


After a miserable weekend of a disappointed girlfriend and wet pants for one brother, and an over-powered female puberty and messy dripping for the younger, Monday finally came around. The goat brothers finally left their dorms, the elder slipping on a diaper and the younger having to wear panties with a pad. Finally ready for this nightmare to be over, they returned to the junk shop...

...except when they got there, the storefront was shuttered, the area deserted, save for the hyena from the other night, who was pouting as he read the notice on the door and checked his phone.

"Hey..." Jeremy's brother asked in confusion, "Are they closed?"

"Yeah," The hyena said with an annoyed eye roll, "apparently a minor snuck into the game on friday and did a swap. Super illegal. The police got involved and all the shops in town are shut down, even the main one."

"What!? No!" Jeremy put his hands on his horns in terror.

"Yeah dude!" The hyena groused, "and that means no more swaps or mods until they reopen!"

"When will that be?"

He shrugged, "Doesn't say... Could be a few weeks while they settle it, could take years... Hell, they might never reopen again!" He frowned, "Ah man, that'd suck: this place was ballin!"

"If... if they don't reopen..." the older goat asked, "How are we gonna get our dicks back!?"

"Don't know. I guess you two are outta luck. Total bummer." He shook his head and sighed, "I guess I'm just gonna have to do dye and piercings the old fashioned way for a while..."

"Wait..." Jeremy asked, "You aren't here to get your dick back?"

"Nah brah, I was just here for a recolor and rings for this sweet new vulva!" His face turned to confusion, "Wait... Did you trade for a girl's parts too?"

Jeremy nodded slowly, stammering, "Y-yeah... I got a mare's... p-pussy."

"Ah, that's gonna be an interesting time for you then." the hyena said thoughtfully, "Ya know, 'cause these things come with ovaries, and yers are gonna blast ya with hormones that'll make you look girly." He looked down at his chest with a smirk, "I'm wonderin' how I might feel when I grow tits."

"Ohhh fuck..." Jeremy buried his face in his hands.

"Hey bro, it's not so bad: at least yer nice and skinny. Young too." he grinned, flashing a thumbs up, "I bet yer gonna be hot!" He turned to leave, "Welp, I'll be seein' ya! Good luck!"

And with that, the hyena jumped back on his skateboard and rode off, leaving the goat brothers to bemoan their fate.

They were totally screwed.