Too much mare to handle
Some cheap real estate comes with a hard to please mare
The estate was surprisingly cheap at the bank auction, nobody else even showed up. The property changed hands a dozen times over the last two years, each under mysterious circumstances, which scared off any competition. Included with the mansion and the land was a mare they found in the stables, in perfect condition despite nobody being around to care for it. She was a bay thoroughbred with a lively temperament. Her gaze was penetrating and deep. Whenever I looked out to the pasture she always was looking back at me.
That night, as I was heading in for the night, she pinned me against a wall with her quarters, utterly shocked at what happened next.
"If you can please me you will be well rewarded, but if you fail you will be mine forever." The mare demanded.
Heavy, moist heat radiated off her nethers as they gave a few winks as she repositioned herself. I stood in disbelief before she reiterated her order. I jammed my face straight into her pussy and lapped at her clit for a minute or two, before she pulled back slightly, juices starting to trickle out from within.
"Good, but very direct, I want some real passion. Kiss my ass and get deep in there, I want it well lubed for when we actually start going", the mare said, seemingly a bit bored.
I traced around her donut with my tongue gingerly, surprised that the hole was quite clean. The musk of ass still wafted off of it, and was all I could notice as her backside became my total focus.
"Get that tongue all the way in there now, no need to be afraid of my ass", she urged while once again pinning me against the wall. "Put your hands to work too, these thighs could use a good massage".
It was impossible to see anything other than her ass, which seemed like much more to rub than I had previously thought. She frequently shifted her position against the wall, which I was grateful for because she got in the way of air often. The only air available was viscous with sweat and the scent of sex. This ass worship seemed to go on forever and my mouth had become quite tired. I then realized that she had somehow positioned herself such that my feet were no longer on the ground. In fact, I was only 3 feet tall and rapidly dwindling in size.
She pulled away from the wall, and I struggled to avoid falling, clutching her thick ass and wedging myself as best I could. "Put your whole body to work" she moaned, as I came to a stop about 1 foot tall. My feet slid along her slick clit while my arms were clenched by her anus.
Her sphincter was too tight to fight against; each attempt at escape only deepened its hold. The loose foothold on her clit was lost as I was up to my waist in. The wall of muscle squeezed the air out of me, and I thought I would pass out as I thrashed uselessly against her pucker. The grip on my body didn't loosen as I ended up inside her; in fact I simply dwindled down to less than an inch.
The mare was amused by my plight, though she had experienced this dozens of times before.
"If you like that, you could just stay there forever, but if you really want to finish me off, then I need to feel you in my pussy. Hurry up; sapping your size makes me horny too!" Her anus dilated for a few seconds allowing me to scramble out. The way back to her pussy was slick from my previous ministrations as well as her own need. Her vulva quivered as she impatiently winked her clit.
Getting down to the clit was still a relatively short trip, but the risk of falling off made me hesitant to rush straight down. I had made it half way down her labia and had similarly halved in height. With no other option, I leapt straight into her pussy, sliding down the wet muscular wall. Once again I felt myself getting pulled deeper by muscular contractions, but they briefly let up after some massaging. The air was hot and saturated in the mare's sex, it was difficult to do much of anything, but the fear of drowning within her kept me going.
Back at the entrance laid her throbbing clit. By this point I was less than 1/4th its size but I knew it was the only shot I had of getting her to climax. I wedged myself into her clitoral hood and worked with everything that I had left, paying no attention to the continued shrinking.
I had run out of energy as I shrank to 1/16th of an inch, suddenly everything shuddered as the mare finally came. The quake and the wave of cum had knocked me out of my safe position. I had no energy left to grab her and I was trapped in a trickle of cum falling past her gaskins.
I woke up the next morning in the stable as if nothing of the last night had happened. When I walked past the horse, she told me I can care for her, and she has some more rewards tonight.