Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wuff

Story by Literate Raven Studios on SoFurry

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#6 of Naughtyvember

artwork by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/monstersheltie

Wuff belongs to: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ugxwolf

Alyx belongs to their respective owner.

On a cold evening out in the city of Paladia in an apartment, high above the darkened city streets. Illuminated by the television screen a bored feline lay on a couch. "God damn why's there never anything on?" The feline puffed out their cheeks grumpily.

When a thought popped into her head, an oh so cheeky thought. Glancing over to the cell phone sitting on the end table. She grabbed it and started typing away.

"Hey babe, been kinda bored. I was hoping you might wanna get a bit knotty. ;)" they sent off. Gnawing on the bottom lip as they eagerly waited for a reply.

"I'll be over shortly." Was the only thing the recipient sent off.

"Wow that was fast..." The feline mumbled. "Might as well slip into something comfortable." Glancing down at themselves. "Man I'm good at this." Chuckling to themself.

Twenty or so minutes had passed when they heard a knock come rap tapping against their door.

"That must be them." The feline got up stretching, sporting an oh so lovely pair of colorful pajama bottoms and a baggy black tee shirt. Walking up to the door unlocking it and opening it; only for them to be bombarded with a large black wolf pressing their lips against the feline's.

"Whoa! Nice to see you too hun. Didn't think I'd get you that riled up." The feline piped up.

"Well you said my absolute favorite thing in the world, combined with my favorite person? How can I say no?" He said barely able to contain himself as he pried his way into the apartment.

"Really? I didn't think you were into that kinda thing." Alyx scratched her chin.

"You mean sex yes?" Wuff responded.

"Well eventually yeah." Alyx commented. "Follow me hun." The feline walked into the bedroom. "What I meant was this right here..." They stepped into their walk in closet and pulled out a lavender colored rope. It was hefty in length to say the least. Certainly enough to have some real fun with.

The male looked at the rope curiously. "So wait... Lemme wrap my mind around this real quick. You want me. To tie you. Alyx. Up in this frou frou purple rope. Am I getting that right?"

Alyx looked at him a little embarrassed. "Well when you put it like that..." Shuffling their foot on the ground self consciously.

"Sounds like a lot of fun!" He exclaimed and hugged the feline tightly.

"W-what is-!" Before they could even finish their sentence the rope was dropped on the ground and was hugged by the much larger male.

After a little bit of delegation between the two they finally climbed up onto the bed, nude, kissing and touching on each other. The soft rope delicately sliding along the felines body. Up her back,around her waist. Running along her nether lips. Causing the feline to groan in enjoyment.

Wuff tightened the ropes on her with a grin. "You like being tied up don't you? You little slut." He said with a tinge of play to his voice.

"Oh my~ What's this side of you?" The feline giggled struggling against the ropes, causing the rope to grind harder into her damp lips. Causing Alyx to moan out louder. Panting helplessly as he grabbed her tied wrists and tied them back into the main rope line.

"Oh it's always been there. You just haven't seen my 'mean' side." He leaned in growling into the feline's ear. Yanking on the main ropes, watching the feline squirm before his power.

"Well you're gonna make me squirt if you keep that up." Alyx blushed admitting.

"So what you're saying is keep it up? Got it." He grabbed the feline with both hands; one by the groin the other by the chest. Hoisting Alyx up to him, kissing them hard on the lips. Curling his lover a few times. Watching them squirm and moan as the rope tantalized their most sensitive places.

The ropes were drenched as a pleasured yowl, a spritz of femcum splattered against the lavender ropes and spritzed the male's chest, a tired feline drooped in his arms still dangling in the rope, wriggling from the sensitivity that ensued with the afterglow.

"Babyyyy." Alyx cooed.

"Yes sweetheart?" Wuff asked with a chuckle.

"That was lovely. Can you spend the night. Cause. Cause reasons." The feline's eyes shifted left and right.

"You want me to stay for round two don't you?" He kissed their forehead.

"Well I do kinda owe you that much don't I?" They purred sweetly.

"You don't owe me; but it's definitely adored." He smiled setting her on the bed as he lay beside her for a moment's respite.