Gryphcest - A Father/Son Bonding

Story by Andrew Viri on SoFurry

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Credit where credit is due: this story made possible with the help of Altenia. Thanks for all the inspiration, hun!

A young adolescent male gryphon stands in front of the mirror in his room, blushing faintly as he admires the image of himself, trying on girls' clothing for the first time. Just beginning to awaken sexually, he'd found himself strangely curious about what it would be like to look like a girl. He'd finally managed to steal a girl's uniform from the school supply and could scarcely believe how much he loved wearing it. The boy was of a lithe, already rather effeminate build. He'd had no trouble finding a uniform in his size. The uniform itself comprised of a white button-down blouse, a blue plaid pleated skirt and a matching three-button vest. The blouse and vest left a tuft of soft, downy chest feathers exposed in lieu of actual cleavage and the skirt came down to just above the boy's knees showing off his bare, short-furred leonine legs.

The boy was disappointed that the uniform didn't come with a bra or panties, something he would have to acquire elsewhere somehow, he supposed. For the time being, the young gryph's leonine sheath and balls dangled free underneath the skirt, his sheath more than a little plumped out with excitement. The gryphon boy was trying not to get too excited though. He'd fantasized about pawing off in a pair of panties while wearing them but without a pair of panties to wear right then, he wanted to wait on that. He'd figure out some way of getting panties.

Suddenly a strong, familiar voice broke the young boy's attention away from his mirror, "So my little boy wants to be a little girl, hmm?"

His father's voice. The gryphon boy stood still, his heart skipping a beat. He must have forgotten to lock the door or left it open a crack in his haste to get changed. He turned around slowly to face the older dracogryph standing in his doorway. His father stood tall with a strong, masculine build; something the boy had always been envious of. Fearing that he was going to be punished, the boy looked up at his father's golden-scaled draconic face but his gaze was met instead with a wry grin... almost approving in the way his father looked at him. The boy stuttered to try to explain, but he couldn't say anything coherent.

The father gryph just smiled, stepping all the way inside the room and closing the door behind him with a "click" as he pressed in the button for the lock. He moved closer to the boy and placed a gentle paw on the boy's shoulder, guiding him over to the bed where the two sat down on the edge side by side. The boy was too nervous to notice the prominent bulge in his father's pants as they sat down.

"It's okay, son, you're not in trouble. It's great that you like dressing this way. I always wanted a girl to be honest," he spoke in a reassuring tone, a gentle paw rubbing along the boy's back.

The boy fidgeted in his seat, nervously tugging on the hem of his skirt as it lay across his lap. "Dad, I-"

Father interrupted with a raised finger, "Call me 'daddy' now. If you want to be my little girl I'll have to teach you what that means," he said with a bit of a smirk.

Gulping, the young gryphon nodded shyly, blushing at that, though uncertain just what his father meant. He breathed softly, trying to steady his shaking paws, "Y-yes, um.. d-daddy..?" He looked up at the elder male, feeling the heat of a deep blush run all across his face as he said that. Though at the same time he suddenly felt much more comfortable.

With a wide grin, the father pat his son's shoulders, "Good girl. Now get up and let daddy see how you look in your new outfit."

The boy squirmed a bit as his father called him that. It sent a strange tingle all through his body but he decided almost immediately that he liked it. He wanted to hear his father call him 'good girl' more. He wanted to be a good girl for daddy. That thought alone made his sheath stir back to life very suddenly and he modestly hoped that it wouldn't show under his skirt while he obediently stood up off the edge of his bed. He took a couple steps out in front of his father and stood there facing the elder gryph while shyly ducking his head a bit, his paws still nervously tugging at the hem of his skirt.

"Stand up straight. Hands at your sides, stop playing with your skirt or it'll fray," Father directed his son, rewarding the boy with a pleased, "Good girl," once the boy stood there much more naturally. "Good.. good... now," the dracogryph twirled a finger around in the air, "let daddy see the back."

It was then that the boy noticed the aroused lump in his father's lap. Not knowing how to react to that, he quickly followed directions and turned around to let his father see him from behind. Another rewarding "good girl" and the young boy felt his own arousal growing uncontrollably, his emerging member tenting out the front of his skirt rather obviously. His father told him to turn back around and the boy gulped hard, his face felt as though it was on fire with the heat from his blush. Obediently, though, he turned back to face his father, eyes going wide and his beak agape as he saw that his father had taken the time while his back was turned to undress, his clothes discarded in a wrinkled pile on the floor. The dracogryph sat on his son's bed with his legs spread, putting his malehood on full display.

Large, swollen seedorbs nestled against his groin below a thick, plumped out sheath with a massive, jet-black gryphonhood rising up from it. Eighteen inches long from tip to the opening of his leonine sheath, a two-inch thick, pointed tip that rapidly swelled out to a three-inch thick shaft all the way down to the soft lump of his knot at the base. Such an incredible sight for the young, virgin boy. He just stood there, eyes locked on his father's member.

The older male grinned widely as he watched his son admiring the shaft that had sired him. Beckoning with one paw while holding his member out in front of his lap, he spoke "Come get a closer look, girl. Just kneel down between my legs."

The boy moved forward feeling as though he was in a dream. He couldn't believe this was really happening but as he got down on his knees in front of his father his own aching arousal told him it was real and he wanted it.

Daddy gently took his son's head in his paws and brought it in close against his groin, rubbing the boy's face into his sheath and balls. Thick with potent masculine musk, the young gryph's nostrils flared as he breathed it in. The scent was overwhelming, intoxicating. All he wanted was to breathe in more of it, eagerly nuzzling his face into his father's crotch.

"Mmmm.. good girl. Good girl..." the father breathed out a soft groan of pleasure and encouraged his son with gentle caresses to the back of his head and neck. "Take a little taste of daddy now," he directed.

The boy had been wanting to do just that but held back out of shyness. Having been given the direction, though, he immediately opened his beak and gave his father's sheath a wet lick with his smooth tongue, tasting the musky flavor of daddy's crotch. He couldn't help but let out a shy little moan, muffled into his father's groin. He eagerly continued licking his father's sheath and on down to those massive balls, adoring them. The knowledge that this was his father and that he'd been born from the seed inside these very balls was ever present in the boy's mind and it only made him enjoy himself more.

Father groaned with pleasure as his boy set to licking around his groin. He encouraged the boy with constant whispers of "good girl" and decided to reward his son's eagerness by sliding a hindpaw up the boy's thigh, under his skirt, the soft-furred leonine paw brushed against the boy's dangling sac and up against his sheath. The boy gasped and let out a shy whimper at the touch. He kept licking his father's sac, though, coating it in warm saliva.

Not content to let his son lick only his sheath and balls, the elder gryph gently lifted the boy's head out of his groin, looking down at him while his stiff ebony shaft hovered above the boy's beak, a small trickle of precum leaking down his length. His hindpaw under the boy's skirt, gently stroking his stiff young cock between his toes. He could feel copious amounts of his son's own pre leaking between his toes while he teased slowly. The boy whimpered a bit, his sensitive young cock aching in need.

"Mmm.. who's daddy's good little girl?"

Blushing profusely, the young gryphon looked up past that massive gryphon cock at his father, "I.. I am, daddy. I'm your good little girl."

Daddy grinned widely at that response, pulling the boy's face back into his groin and laying his throbbing shaft against his soft feathered face. "That's right. Now be a good girl and taste daddy's cock," he directed with a low rumble while squeezing the boy's twitchy little cock between his toes.

Moaning at the squeeze, the young gryphon huffed softly and opened his beak again to start licking his father's dark flesh. He tasted the warm precum that leaked down from the tip and followed the trickle up to daddy's tip, curiously teasing his smooth tongue around. He was about to take the girthy shaft into his mouth when he suddenly tensed and let out a squawk as the boy came. His sensitive virgin cock splattering his hot load all over daddy's hindpaw and staining the front of his skirt. The boy whimpered and glanced up at his father timidly.

The older gryph just smiled down at his son and pat his cheek gently, deftly squeezing his hindpaw on the boy's shaft to milk out every last drop. "You've been enjoying yourself, huh, girl? Well you better get down and lick daddy's paw clean," he said sternly with a grin.

Blushing deeply and nodding, the boy pulled back from his father's groin and leaned down on his hands and knees. Daddy held out his hindpaw, the boy was surprised at just how much cum he'd let loose on his father's hindpaw--more than he'd ever made by pawing off--and he was sure there was still more cum staining his skirt and smeared along his cock. He focused on his father's paw though, sniffing lightly as he leaned in toward it. He'd been tempted to taste his own cum before but he'd never gone through with it. Now he had to; no going back now. He opened his beak and licked, tasting the warm, salty, slimy-textured seed.

He liked the taste. It was thick and sticky and musky-flavored and he loved it. The gryphon boy set to work hungrily licking his own cum off his father's hindpaw, moaning softly while he worked. As the boy chased the slimy globs of seed around the paw he found that it wasn't just the cum he was enjoying, but the act of licking a footpaw was strangely arousing in the most incredible way. He eagerly continued licking and slurping even as he lapped up the last of the warm seed. He teased his smooth tongue between his father's toes and gingerly closed his beak around them, nursing softly with a muffled moan.

While he enjoyed his son's attentions, the older dracogryph was treated to a lewd sight in the boy's mirror, giving the father a view under the boy's skirt. He eyed that taught, young rump and the boy's cock and balls dangling between his thighs with leftover cum dripping down from that young little shaft. The boy raised his tail up high while he worked on daddy's footpaw, giving his father a good view of his tight, virgin tailhole. With that sight the older gryph grunted, lust boiling up within his loins, making his cock ache wantingly.

"Alright, girl. That's enough of that," he grunted softly, eager to move on.

The young gryphon boy reluctantly pulled his face away from his father's paw, having been thoroughly enjoying the feel of those soft pads over his beak and face, nuzzling and licking at it so adoringly. He'd never known he could find such intense pleasure like that. It was something he'd have to do again whenever daddy would let him. For the moment, though, he looked up at his father, curious and eager for whatever was next.

Daddy pat the bed next to him, grinning widely down at his son, "Stand up. Good. Now bend over the side of your bed here."

Blushed deeply, the boy did as he was told, leaning forward over the edge of his bed next to where his father sat. The older gryph got up and moved around to stand behind his son. He lifted the boy's skirt up over his back and kicked his feet apart into a wider stance to give himself easier access. The boy breathed heavily, panting in anxious excitement.

With a firm paw on one of his son's hips and another on the boy's shoulder, holding him steady against the edge of the bed, daddy leaned in over the young gryph, nuzzling the back of his head with a deep, lustful growl, resting his throbbing malehood against the boy's rump. "Daddy's gonna fuck you now," he spoke, "You be a good girl and take it."

Those words sent a chill all up and down the boy's back, making his toes curl and his whole body shiver. He had no idea how daddy's cock was going to fit in him but he was in a haze of lust and could only do as his father told him: be a good girl.

The father gryph stood up straight behind his son and spat into one of his paws, reaching it down and rubbing the wet loogie into the boy's tailhole. The young gryphon arched his back, eyes wide at the strange new sensation. He felt the paw withdraw for a moment as his father spat again, returning to rub firmly against that tight little virgin pucker. When daddy was satisfied that his son was good and wet he turned his attention to smearing precum along his shaft. Ample globs of the slick fluid constantly leaking from his tip.

The boy waited anxiously. He could hear the wet noise of his father pawing himself, making sure that massive erection was good and slick before bringing the tip to bear against the boy's tight, virgin entrance. There was a brief pause before daddy pushed forward firmly, his blunted tip wedging open his son's tailhole.

"Ahh! D-daddy!" the boy squawked, eyes wide, clawing at his bedsheets as his whole body tensed at the sudden intrusion.

Grunting, the father gryph replied with a lustful growl, "Just relax, girl. It'll get easier."

His tailhole spasming tightly around the tip of his father's invading shaft, the young gryphon gulped and panted heavily, trying his best to relax. He squirmed a bit and pushed back against daddy's cock. It was then that the boy's tense ring loosened up and he felt his father sink into him quickly. Both father and son moaned out deeply in shared pleasure and the older gryph took firm hold on his son's hips, pushing forward firmly, gliding his hard, throbbing member deeply into the boy's virgin ass. The soft swell of his knot coming to rest snugly against his son's tightly stretched ring.

"Oooh. Good girl," he moaned, leaning in over the boy's back, slowly twisting his hips side to side, grinding his knot against that strained hole. "Daddy's almost all the way inside you. Feels good doesn't it, girl?" he growled softly, nipping and tugging possessively at the back of his son's neck.

Blushing heavily, the boy gulped and gave a shy nod, replying shakily, "Y-yes, d-daddy." The feel of his father's cock so deeply inside him was incredible. He could feel that massive shaft twitching and throbbing as it twisted inside his tailhole.

Tight, hot, velvety-soft insides squeezed impossibly tight around the dracogryph's cock. He felt he could savor that sensation all day long but he knew even more pleasure awaited him and he was eager to get on with it. Father leaned over son, hissing in the boy's ear, "Daddy's gonna fuck you now, girl." He felt the boy squirm under him at that, feathers ruffling as the boy blushed intensely. The dracogryph's lips drew back in a wide grin. He held the boy down under his weight and started to draw his hips back slowly.

The boy let out a loud moan as he felt his father's shaft retreating from his tailhole. Suddenly, with about half the length still inside him, he felt the shaft thrust powerfully back inside his ass. The impact of his father's knot against his tailhole sent a shock up his back, making the boy squawk and moan as his eyes rolled back in his head. Daddy apparently liked the reaction his boy gave to that thrust because the dracogryph repeated the motion several times. Each time the boy felt his body wracked with intense sensations; sensations he'd call pain if it didn't feel so good.

Father started thrusting more steadily into his son, not interested in making it a sensual experience for the boy, he quickly settled into a steady pace, powerfully ramming his cock into that oh-so-tight tailhole with lustful abandon. He could feel his son squirming under him, a feigned struggle that only served to urge the father on. Soon he could feel his climax building within his burning loins, the heavy, swollen sac that slapped against his son's with every thrust ached in need of release. He wanted more, though, growling to his son, "Beg for it, girl. Beg daddy to fuck you."

The boy didn't even hesitate, taken over completely by his father's powerful lust, he cried out, "Fuck me, daddy! P-please! Nggghh! H-harder... fuck me harder, d-daddy!" The boy's own loins burned with the same desire for release. He tore at his bedsheets as he writhed uncontrollably, pinned against his bed while his father ravaged him, stealing his virginity.

Hearing his son cry out so lewdly for him made the father's lust burn ever hotter. He brutally pounded away at his son's ass, ramming his cock in hard enough to breach the boy's tight ring with his knot, only to pull it free again for another punishing thrust. Grunting and moaning loudly in building pleasure, he spoke in gruff, uneven tones between pants, "Who's -ngh- my good little -MMF!- girl? Hmm? Who's daddy's good girl?"

The feel of his father's hot, humid breath against the back of his neck sent shivers down his back while the forceful push and pull of his father's knot through his tailhole sent intense paroxysmal shockwaves back up through his body. His legs had long ago gone completely limp. If his father wasn't holding him in place so firmly, the boy would have slipped from the edge of his bed and slumped to the floor. His whole body felt weak but through it all his father's voice was there, keeping the boy alert while he took that massive cock inside his ass. It was all he could do to whimper a reply to his father, "I am, daddy! I'm your good little girl!"

The father gryph couldn't hold out any longer. He gave one final thrust, hilting himself deep inside his son's tailhole, his sheath "kissing" the boy's sore, abused ring. He held there, arching his back and letting out a loud roar of pleasure as he finally came. His knot swelled and hardened rapidly, tying securely inside the boy's ass as his balls drew up tight to his groin, thick ropes of hot cum gushing deep inside his son's tailhole. The very seed the boy had been sired from now pumping into him.

Eyes open wide, mouth agape, the boy let out a loud cry of pleasure in harmony with his father, the elder's swollen knot pressed right against the boy's throbbing prostate. Having never felt such attention before, combined with the intense rush of hot seed filling up inside his tailpassage, the boy couldn't help but let loose his own load, shuddering and shaking under his father's weight while cumming hard into his skirt, spilling even more seed than when he came over daddy's hindpaw, though not nearly as much as his father was spilling inside him.

The two stayed locked in the throes of ecstasy for a while until, both spent, the boy collapsed into his bed and his father collapsed atop him. His achingly hard cock buried deep inside his son's cum-flooded tailhole. Daddy's thick knot holding him securely in place, plugging all that hot cum inside. He gasped softly, catching his breath, "You liked that, girl?"

The boy nodded softly, blushing, "Yes, daddy."

Grinning, the dracogryph nipped possessively at the back of his son's neck, "Good. 'Cause daddy's gonna start fucking you every day now."

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