15th December

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#15 of Camp Snow

Sharing is Caring.

Isn't love much better when you can share it? And best with more than one person?

At least Jake seems to think this way.

But if everyone is happy at least... :)

I hope you like today's chapter.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involved anthro animals of different species in a pure fantasy world.

The story (even if not every chapter) contains nudity and sexual contacts involving adolescents, cubs and adults.

If you feel offended by either of these topics or dislike this kind of stories or anything in the tags used, please stop reading here.

Only read this story, if you are of legal age for your country (usually 18).

If you find any crucial tags missing to prevent people from reading content they might not like, please add them to the respective chapter.

At the moment, I plan to add one chapter each day until Christmas. If you don't see a chapter at one day, first try to check your blacklisted tags. (It might however happen that I can't upload a story every day, so if even without the blacklisted tags you don't see the story, it is just delayed.)

This story does not reflect the opinion or likes and dislikes of the author but are purely for entertainment. For legal reasons all characters are, like always, considered being adult in this fantasy world. Please never forget the difference between fantasy and reality and leave everything of the story as a fantasy.

15th December

It was past midnight, when Jen and Lisa rushed through the night. They had been in terrible need the whole evening, but the other girls were talking a lot and did not go to sleep and when they did, the two girls, who pretended to sleep first to avoid the others noticing that they were shivering from trying to hold the urge in to run to Jake and get pounded, fell asleep and just woke up around midnight.

Lisa groaned just as much as Jen did. The heat already was bad but having experienced the "cure" for this before and anticipating what would happen was making it worse. The whole body of Jen tingled and felt like it was burning from the inside in demand of the release and the pleasure that Jake would surely give her.

"Good evening ladies." Jake greeted them with a grin and let them into his warm room without any delay. Lisa and Jen stormed in and throw themselves on the first bed, which was not used, to groan loud in unison from holding in the feeling on their way here.

"It looks like you are in need." He remarked and moved closer to them and put a hand on their crotch. Even though both wore the pads he gave them, their panties were soaked in their juices. He massaged their camel toes through the cloth and licked their necks which earned him a few lustful moans.

Jen's heat was much further than Lisa's because she was two days ahead, and it just bloomed to full life. Jen did not know how she got through the last day, but she felt dizzy and burned inside and she longed for Jake to release her from this feeling.

The slow way Jake peeled her out of her clothes was like a torture for her and while he pulled down her clothes, over her wings and tail, she saw Lisa disrobing much faster, with a fast breath.

"I am sorry my little flower..." he said to Lisa and ran his hand over her teats which made her moan and fall back on the bed, where she soaked the cover with her juices. "... but I promised Jen that she would be first."

Jen groaned loud and lifted her now naked rear. Her tail went high to show him how her pussy was overflowing and dripping from her heat. She saw his member get hard fast from their scent and the view she gave him, and she spread her legs a bit more, crouching on the bed, to taunt him to finally push inside her.

Jake was not able to hold back any longer as well. He nearly jumped on her, pushing her down a bit until her legs and arms were able to support his weight, and then he pushed in with such a force, that Jen felt his member spear all the way into her womb and his knot clash with her wet vulva.

A mix of a sigh and a moan escaped her muzzle and Jen pushed against him to not get pushed forward on the bed. He pulled back and her insides, still a bit sore and sensitive from the night before, gripped around his nubs and quivered from the sensation of his member rubbing along her flesh.

She heard the squelching wet sound when he pushed in again and his knot already slipped half into her from the force and her slippery wetness.

Jen just closed her eyes and mewled with each push of Jake, while the pushes became faster and faster until finally the knot slipped in during his pushes and he was locked inside her.

This did not stop him from moving fast back and forth, for the few centimeters he could move inside her, and make both grunt from the stimulation. Jen chirped with high pitches when she reached her climax with him still moving inside her and only half a minute later, when she was still contracting around him but her moans piped down, he stopped and she felt him expand in her and then gush his hot seed into her womb.

The fire inside her exploded in second, a bit lighter, orgasm and she milked his member of every drop of his spunk.

When they calmed down and only moaned now and then, they could hear the groan of Lisa and when Jen opened her eyes to look to her, she saw the girl with her paw at the snatch and looking totally crazy in need.

It took a while until she noticed, that they stopped and see the waving arm of Jake that signaled her to come closer.

Jake had her kneel in front of them on the bed and began to lick over her spade, which was directly above the nose of Jen. While she put her head on the bed and relaxed, the burning of the heat was satisfied for now and she had to wait until the knot of Jake would shrink enough to pull out, she watched the skillful tongue of Jake glide inside the pussy right in front of her eyes and make Lisa moan.

The girl juices dropped on the face of Jen and she closed her eyes to not get it inside. Her nostrils quivered from the heavy smell her friend was emitting and then she heard her moan loud and spirt more juice over her face.

Jake finally was able to pull out, even though Jen had felt his member twitch a few times before and even though the knot shrank, his rod still felt hard inside her until he removed it.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Jake had turned Lisa around, so that she was facing her backside to them and had her push her hands against the wall at the front end of the bed.

Just a few centimeters before her eyes she saw Jake's thick penis part the soft and small folds of Lisa and pushed in, to the edge of the knot, that was slowly growing again.

Jen wanted to give them some more space, but she could not move away. Jake had his knees at her armpits and his shanks were crossed over her back, right behind her wings, which locked her in this position.

She witnessed from close distance, how Jake made Lisa moan and mewl under his heavy pushes and how with each push, a bit more of his knot slipped into the extremely tight fit.

Jen did not know how much time passed, but finally the knot, already grown quite a bit, managed to squeeze into her vagina and Jen saw her lips close behind it quivering and squirting in another climax.

She saw his sphincter contracted a few times and his tail base shiver and then a pulse ran though the fleshy part of his batter that was visible behind his knot and when Jen looked a bit past the pussy of Lisa, even past the bulge, that was the knot, she saw her belly beginning to bulge a bit more with each spurt that she heard entering her with a deep gurgling noise.

Jake lifted Lisa when he got up and stepped next to the bed to allow Jen to stand up.

While Jen waited for Jake to finally slip out of her lioness friend, she felt the hot burning feeling inside her grow again. It seemed that when the spunk dripped out of her, the burning feeling returned as if it just waited for her to empty.

Before he mounted her again, Jake licked the snatch and tail hole of Jen and she groaned demanding and wiggled with her hind to have him hurry up and jump her already.

Two days before, at the start of her heat, she had enjoyed the foreplay, but after a full day of agony holding in her feelings and with her heat at the max, her body demanded more than his tongue.

When he mounted her, she froze when she felt him line his dick up with her hind. She did not hear what he said, because her head was buzzing from her heat and the tingling need inside her.

Before she could react or move, he pushed into her rear and Jen groaned loud because the heavy spreading hurt a bit.

She had been used in the rear a lot the last night, but the ointment of Jake had managed to heal the sore entrance. Her insides however were hypersensitive, just like her pussy had been, because it still was a bit sore.

After a few groans, she started to moan and mewl just like she did before, when he pushed into her snatch.

She felt her pussy splash juices around in an orgasm that she entered half way through and she started to feel exhausted and just concentrated in keeping her body up while Jake pushed harder and harder to finally push his knot into her tailhole and cream her insides, just like the boys did before.

"It seems you like this a lot." He whispered in her ear huffing from the exercise. "What do you prefer? Your tailhole or your pussy?"

When Jen did not answer, he nibbled on her ear and whispered again. "Tell me, your ass or your pussy?"

"not my tailhole" she whispered very silent and Jake suckled on her ear. "What did you say? I could not hear you." - "Not my tailhole." She said a bit feisty, because she felt embarrassed and angry for him forcing her to say this loud.

"So, where do you like is most?" he asked, and Jen felt her head get hot from the blood that rushed into it. "My slit." She breathed. "Your what?" asked Jake with a chuckle. "My pussy okay?" she said a bit louder and Jake laughed.

She heard Lisa giggle next to her and shot a gaze at her. She turned her head around enough to be able to whisper something to Jake that Lisa would not hear, who sat on the bed next to them.

"I think she wants to try out her tailhole as well." She whispered and Jake chuckled. "Do you think so?" he asked, and Jen giggled. "It seems so for me."

Naturally, Jake did take Lisa into the tail hole and made her groan and moan from his pushes. With her not having been penetrated there before, it hurt a lot at the start, and he had to go very slowly and rub his dick against her pussy to make it slippery enough to go in at all.

After a few minutes of probing further and further though, he managed to push in more easily and the groans turned into moans.

Her rear was too tight for his knot and so his enormous bulge pushed against the buttocks of Lisa, when he started to twitch and pump his semen into her ass.

"I agree with Jen." Lisa huffed when he pulled out and she caught her breath a bit while leaking his spunk on the bed from her gaping tailhole.

"I also prefer my pussy." Both girls had to giggle, and Jen extended her arm to lock hands with Lisa. They looked each other into the eye while giggling and smiling and Jen felt Jake raise her hind to get another round with her.

The dragoness lifted her rear to help him getting her read faster and while she still had the soft paw of Lisa in her hand, she felt the tingling of her snatch being cured by the pushes of Jaks's thick rod soon after, mewling and moaning freely, while her blue eyes still were looking into the equally blue eyes of Lisa and the two white scaled and white furred girls smiled at each other while their lover took them in turns.

This morning, both barely made it in time before the other girls woke up. Jake had to go into the house and get them some spare clothes, because their clothes had been sticky by the time, they arrived at the shower house. They washed the tights and underwear in the shower and then gave it Jake so he could dry them in his room. When they got back into their house, with the fresh underwear and tights and freshly showered, the other girls just woke up.

Because their shirts were sweaty, they also changed these and put the old ones into the cloth collector for washing. Luckily, Jen and Lisa were on duty today, because Jen noticed, that even their shirts got a few strains from either Jake's spunk or their heat juices.

Even though they had been up nearly half of the night until the morning, they only fell asleep for one hour in the end, before the alarm clock of Jake woke them up again, they felt much fitter than last night.

With a bit of the dragon's spunk sill inside their wombs, they had kept it there because they liked the way it felt against their inner walls, the heat was just a nerve wracking tingle during the day and only very late in the evening, the burning and tingling increased and the heat was calling up to them again.

Again, both Lisa and Jen had managed to keep their condition a secret from the others. The pads that suppressed the smell was one of the reason, but the other was, that they now were together and could much better cover for each other when they felt weak in their legs from a sudden pike of the tingling, It also was less suspicious, when both declared, that they were too exhausted from running around after lunch and decided to take a rest, which they did for a few hours, sleeping together on a couch in the dining hall, while the others played outside.

After their sleep, when Jen's heat acted up and made it unbearable for her, Jake managed to slip away with her and into his house to have a quick fuck with her, while Lisa was bothered a lot but seemed not to be as bad in heat as Jen.

This night, the other girls had played a lot during the day and were so tired, that the watch of Lisa did barely show 10, when the girls left for Jake again.

They both agreed, that the nightly visits at Jake's house were by far the most exciting and fun thing they did in the whole camp so far.

They were two girls, in their first heat, with no worries or fears but just curiosity and starving for sex and a big crush on their caretaker.

The big tent Jake showed, when he opened the doors just in his underwear again, showed clearly, that not only the girls were starting to have fun with this activity and looking forward to the nights, but the older dragon as well.