A Worried Doberman

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#4 of A Lucky Doberman

Fifth story! Semi conesensual between two cubs, don't like underage sexings don't read. Gets back to the story a little bit and is a little less ridiculous than the previous one. Same story as the previous three, continuing on this venture. Bla Bla Bla...

The door slammed in Jacob's face, "bye..." Standing there for a moment, Jacob thought of going in to follow but decided against it. Maybe the only thing wrong with Jesse was that he had been bugging him all week. Jacob sighed and headed home trying to think about what was happening. There had always been something wrong with Jesse, or Jesse always seemed sort of sad no matter what. The big Doberman kicked a rock on the ground. Then he comes out of no where with all this other stuff that feels good but the dog knew was wrong. No one was getting hurt. Jesse seemed more than happy to do them, being the instigator of all the events that had occurred. Jacob's shorts tightened a bit, he shouldn't think about that. Jacob cleared his mind and started to change his course back to the school.

Jacob walked up to the little playground in between the school and the church. Hoping to find Sister Burns he looked around a bit, causing all the kids on the playground to stop what they were doing and look at him. Jacob became discouraged and began to walk towards the school when he heard the sound of running behind him. Jacob turned around and Damon stood there with his usual displeased look.

"H-Hello Damon." The pup said looking down a bit. "How are you doing?"

"We are going to play again." Deadpan and commanding the young fox stared at the Doberman.

"W-What?" surprised at the forceful command the pup pulled back a bit.

"We are going to play again, this time without Jesse." The young fox stood there blankly glaring at the dog, scaring the Doberman quite thoroughly.

"I-" Jacob cut himself off and turned to walk away. Taking a few steps toward the school he looked back and the young fox started to follow him. "Damon!" The leaves on the tree above them started to fall a bit as the solid ground shook. "Damon honey!" Like watching a boulder break down a post, the giant black cat swooped up the nine year old into a hug and began to swing him back and forth in her arms. "Oh I missed you so much!" Mrs.Tillman said continuing to swing the motionless fox. Damon never took his eyes off the pup, he just continued to stare angrily through his flat brown eyes. Jacob shivered, he should be more concerned with this fox than anyone.

"Oh Hello Jacob! How are you!" Jacob shook his head back and looked at the smile hidden in the large feline face. "I've bee-" "Hurry Up!" A raspy voice shouted from the parking lot. Damon's father, Jacob thought, as he looked at the scruffy fox at the wheel of the car. He looked just as unenthusiastic as Damon. "Oh sorry dear, we must be going!" The black mountain said as she pinched the Doberman's cheek again and tumbled off to the car. "Goodbye!" Jacob said waving until the adult fox fixed a glare on him the same as his son. Soon they got in their car and drove off, Jacob now became a bit concerned with that family in particular.

Jacob continued on his way towards the school, this time with all the kids staring again confused at what had just happened. Jacob walked inside and started towards the Principal's office. He passed the bathroom where Jesse had first... introduced him to that. Speeding up a bit Jacob walked down and reached the Principal's office. Opening it he didn't find the old bat anywhere and looked down at his feet. Jacob clicked the door shut and started to walk back towards the exit when he heard a familiar voice, "Jacob!" Jacob turned around and waited for the Great Dane to make her way down the hall.

"Hello Sister Coulter, is everything okay?" The pup seemed confused.

"Oh yes yes, it's just good that I caught you, I suppose the Lord has his ways." Sister Coulter said causing the pup to turn his head sideways. "Come in come in, I was going to wait for Sister Burns to get back and then we were going to talk about Jesse." The Great Dane caught her breath and then opened the door that Jacob had just closed and the eager pup hopped right inside.

There they waited for a while, Sister Coulter held the cross around her neck and started to pray. Jacob sat there with his hands folded. After two prayers and a third yawn the door opened up and Principal Burns walked in. "Why hello Jacob, why are you here?"

"I caught him just as he was about to leave." The Great Dane said laying her cross back onto her chest. "Well how fortunate, we were just about to discuss you and Jesse." The young pup moved up in his seat his heart half in his throat.

"Sister Coulter has been concerned for some time now about him. Now with you adding in your voiced concern and being unable to find out enough on your own, I thought I would sit down with Sister Coulter to talk. Sister," a claw pointed at the Great Dane.

"Jesse is a marvelous boy, when he's paying attention," they all smiled a bit, "but I have no idea what his home life is like. I've asked him which gathers no response and I can't get in contact with his parents. We do know that his parents suffered a separation a few years ago but we have no idea how Jesse is doing, he's very closed off."

Principal Burns turned to the surprised pup, "Jesse's parents separated and his younger brother went to live with his father. Jesse stayed back with his mother and his aunt started to pay for his schooling. Since the divorce we haven't seen Mrs.Wyatt at all."

Jacob thought for a moment, "When did his parents separate?"

"Right after the third week of kindergarten." So Jacob never even knew Jesse when his parents were together. The Guardian Angel program starts sometime after the first month of kindergarten so the kids can get use to socializing. "We followed him and gave him some special attention to make sure he was okay but he seemed better than the other kids." Jacob pulled himself out of his thoughts to pay attention. "Jesse would always smile when you talked to him and would help the other kids if they ever needed it. He would help clean everything even though he usually played by himself and everytime someone was upset he was the first one there for them. Seemingly he became far more mature in the span of a few weeks."

Sister Coulter picked up, "Besides being easily distracted he's fairly advanced emotionally. He's no smarter than the other kids but he seems to understand things more in the social realms. The only time he seems to whine or pout is when it would be amusing or acceptable for him to do so. In fact he constantly watches the other kids' reactions as if trying to gauge how he should act himself. Sometimes he uses terms and phrases that make me think he's been around far more adults than the other kids but everytime I ask him where he learned something or look at him oddly, he stops using that phrase or term altogether. Plus everytime he talks to me he smiles as if he thinks that will make all my cares go away."

Jacob shot up, "His aunt does that too!" Both Sisters now looking at him, "His aunt is almost always smiling and Jesse seems to have the same smile on."

"How did the sleepover go?" The bat's eyes zeroed in on the young pup as he became uncomfortable. "Uh-Um well..." Now both Sisters were concerned. The young pup gulped a bit. "His mom looked really tired and said I couldn't stay there but she said we could sleepover at his aunt's. His aunt was really nice and smiled all the time. His cousin -" Jacob cut himself off seeing the young kit on top of him again, "Um... his cousin was... " both of the Sisters pulled in a bit. "His cousin was kind of mean sometimes, plus he's kind of scary." Confusion now perforated the room. The huge Doberman was scared of a tiny red fox?

"Well what do you mean?" Principal Burns asked resting her head on her claws. Jacob grabbed his wrist and rubbed it a bit. "At first I thought he was just spoiled because he wanted everything for himself all the time, but he's always angry. He always seems upset too and today he wouldn't stop staring at me."

"Is he mad at you? Did he give you a reason?" asked the Great Dane. "Well, he said he wanted to play with me again... without Jesse."

"So he just wants the attention for himself then right?" Principal Burns looked at the big dog.

"Y-yeah I guess so..." Jacob said staring at the ground.

"Sister Coulter would you please excuse us." Jacob looked up at the old bat. Sister Coulter opened her mouth to speak but instead closed it and stood up. "If you need me I'll be down the hall." she said with a bow and left the office leaving behind a remorseful air. Jacob looked back at Sister Burns.

"What is it you're not telling me?"

Jacob left sweating bullets. He couldn't tell her no matter how much she asked. If she knew it wouldn't help anything. Jesse was the one that he should be talking to anyway. Jacob sighed and started to walk out of the school out to where Jesse lived. The sun had set and soon the only light that came was from the flickering lamp posts above. Jacob walked in front of Jesse's door and knocked. Nothing. He knocked a few more times and still got nothing. Desperate to talk to the kitten he walked around the building and tried to find the right window. Most people had their blinds down except for one that had them half down. Jacob looked inside and saw a long white leg on a bed. Anxiously he knocked on the window causing the dusty blinds to fall off completely.

Looking in he now saw Jesse's naked mom and step father. His mother was naked and cum covered her stomach as she slept. Next to her was a brown cat who was erect, his arms and legs flailed out dominating most of the bed. Jacob pulled back from the window in shock then peered back in. His member started to twitch and grow as he looked in on Jesse's parents. Shaking his head he continued to look around. Not only did he not see Jesse but the place seemed trashed and he didn't even know where the little kitten could possibly sleep.

Panicking for a moment Jacob tried to think. Where else could he be? He lifted his head and ran back towards the school.

Trying to remember the street names the young pup walked down street after street. Soon he came up to a familiar turn. Was it right or left? Well right was always right, the pup chuckled a bit as he repeated one of Jesse's favourite puns. After what seemed like an eternity his trail of flickering lights turned into a steady yellow glow. The lawns and houses were neat and kept and everything had the illusion of being okay. Jacob walked up to a dark blue house that would have been invisible if not for light in the windows. Jacob knocked on the large door and waited.

With a creak the door opened and Damon stood there in the doorway. Damon smirked. "Is Jesse here?" Damon was about to speak when the all to familiar rumbling started, "Why Helloooo!" The big cat stormed in standing behind Damon. Damon frowned again and ran back up the stairs.

"What brings you out here so late sweety?" An uneasy smile came across the pup's face, "I was looking for Jesse. I wanted to talk with him."

"I'm sorry sweety but he's not here. Did you check his mom's?" The big cat lost her smile a bit looking concerned.

"Yes but I got no answer, so I thought that either they were asleep or that he might be here." The big pup said feeling bad about lying a bit.

"Well Honey he's not here, what do you need to talk to him about so bad?" Jacob shot his eyes open and tried to think.

"Uh-Um... well I talked with Sister Coulter today and..." the pup was starting to lose his cool a bit. His mind snapped back to when the three of them were smiling in Sister Burns' office. "she wanted to talk with him about his daydreaming." Jacob said all at once.

"So why are you all the way out here hun?" The feline raised an eyebrow.

"W-Well she wanted to talk to him this weekend so that... he wouldn't get embarrassed about it at school." Jacob was hoping desperately that that excuse would get him free.

"Okay, honey calm down," the big cat put her hands on the nervous pup's shoulders, "if I see him I'll let him know. Come back tomorrow and I'll try to help if I can. Now, " the smile returning to her face, "Come give Aunty a big hug!" In one swoop the pup was being suffocated and crushed in a loving embrace that could turn coal into diamonds. "There now have a good night," she said setting down the pup and beginning to close the door.

"Goodnight," the pup said faintly catching his breath. Jacob turned around and was going to walk home when he felt something whiz by his face. A jar of peanut butter landed next to him on the lawn and he picked it up. Looking up he saw Damon hanging out his window glaring down. Looking down at the jar he noticed that a piece of paper was wrapped around it and taped in place. Taking off the tape he began to read:

"If you want to know where Jesse is then meet me at the playground by the school. I'll be there in about an hour. You better be too or else I'll tell everyone what we did."

Jacob looked back up at Damon who remained there glaring. Then he pulled back into his room, never moving his eyes, and slammed down his window. Jacob shivered a bit and turned around walking as quickly as he could.

Waiting in the green tunnel Jacob looked out of one of the holes in the side. At least the little kit was clever. The area the fox chose was pretty isolated. The playground lied between the Church and the school which were now closed and a line of tall hedges and trees blocked the view behind it. The only way to see them would be to pull into the parking lot and at this time of night no one was going to come to a closed school or church. Besides that he was concerned, What if Damon did something to Jesse? What could Damon do? He was worrying to much, he knew. Still the fox scared him a bit.

The sound of clicking spokes made the pup climb out of the tunnel and he watched as Damon biked up to the park. The fox threw his bike down and climbed up the nearest platform of the playground till he was standing in front of Jacob.

"Where is-" "Shut up!" Damon set his backpack down and pulled down his shorts. "I wanna play first."

"We can't do that!"

"We will or else I'll tell everyone about what we did before!" The young pup got quiet. Damon just stood there staring at the dog while holding his little sheath. Jacob closed his eyes and got down. Reaching out he began to lap at the fox's parts, what else could he do? In no time at all the young fox was hard and pushed his hips forward. Jacob took the tiny member into his muzzle and began to suck on it. "yeah." Damon rolled his head back and held onto the pup's ears. Growing bored of this he wanted to push to his favourite part. He pulled out of the pup's mouth and reached into his bag.

"Stand up!" commanded the tiny fox. Jacob stood up and soon two little paws were pulling down his shorts. The canine meat popped right out and held itself up fully erect. The fox unscrewed the cap and poured some vegetable oil onto his toy. The pup whined a bit and Damon put down the bottle and rubbed the meat stick up and down until it was slick. Then he walked behind Jacob and put his paws on the outside of the tunnel, pushing out his butt.

"I want you to push into me like last time." Jacob stood there confused for a second and then looked at the tiny fox butt. One of his paws engulfed a cheek and he squeezed a bit getting a little bit harder. "Don't just stand there put it in!" yelled the impatient kit.

Jacob snapped to attention and tried to line himself up finding it difficult. "What's the matter?!"

"Can we move somewhere else? I'm to far above you." Sighing heavily Damon stood up and began to look at places. Some of the steps looked like they might give the right distance but he would have to lay down on the platform which he didn't want to do. Jacob could always lay down again but then he wouldn't be able to push as much. The tiny set of eyes fell on the swings. "Come on." Damon said jumping down, leaving his shorts behind.

"Can you push this over the bar a few times?" Damon asked pointing at the tire swing.

"I think so, but why?"

"Just do it!" The big dog grabbed the tire and Damon stepped away. With a big push the tire swung back and over the bar that held it making the chain wrap around. "Once more!" Jacob pushed again getting the same result and the tire swing now hung a bit higher off the ground. Damon walked over and laid down on the big tire, his tiny feet hanging in the air and his butt out to Jacob. Jacob reached in to start and Damon shouted, "Wait!" Moving his furry arms a bit he go down and looked at the dog.

"Lift me up and sit me in it." Glaring at the pup the fox raised his arms. Jacob lifted him onto the tire and Damon moved down and put his legs up resting the heels of his sandals on the chains of the swing. "There now go." Jacob shrugged and moved in.

His penis lined up nearly perfectly now. Jacob held his penis with one paw and grabbed the inner part of the tire with the other pulling it closer. "Aaahhh." Damon moaned as the dog's head slipped into his supple bottom. Jacob cringed a bit at the tightness and continued to push until he was in all the way. "Ooooooh," Jacob sighed out as he felt the kit's pulse through his ass. "Start going!"

Jacob put his other paw out and grabbed the opposite inside wall of the tire. Thrusting forward the swing moved backwards and Jacob pulled it right back slamming Damon onto his cock. "Aaaaaooooooh, Do that again!" Jacob pushed again and pulled the swing back, this time as hard as he could. "Ugghhh! Faster faster!!" This time he thrust and pulled it back and began to start a rhythm. His knot was beginning to swell and he could feel it bumping in front of the boy's hole. "Faster Faster!!!" Damon was pawing off as fast as he could, the big dick inside him making his tummy bulge everytime the swing was pulled back. "Errgh!" Jacob was starting to get furious and pulled back harder and harder. Starting to lose himself a bit he desperately wanted his knot in the kit's ass. Breathing in sharply Jacob ripped back the swing and slammed his knot into the boy. "AAAAAAHHH!!!" With lust still in his eyes Jacob moved his paws and pushed the swing away ripping his knot out of the fox. "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Bearing his teeth and growling Jacob started to pull and push the swing like this as fast as he could, pulling his knot and dick all the way out and then tying himself back into the boy. "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! AAAHHH!!" Damon stopped pawing off and held onto the tire he was laying on, bearing with the new girth that was plowing into him. "Eeer - EErrgh, " Jacob could feel himself getting closer and started plowing through even harder, "Aaah AAh Aroooooooo!" Jacob howled as he rammed himself back into the fox spraying his semen in the kit. Jacob continued to fuck the boy regardless of now being tied to him. Damon began to paw off again and soon began to twitch on the dog's cock as he had a dry orgasm.

Jacob kept thrusting, wiggling his big cock that was stuck in the boy. Soon enough he came to and pushed on the swing, "AAAAAAHHH!!!" Damon cried and held his ass and the dog's penis was torn out of him. Panting, Jacob looked down at the fox, "Where is Jesse?"

A Bothersome Doberman

Fourth story of mine. Yes everytime I will do this little annoying header thing. This one is getting back to my kinky self a bit. There is an adult in this one, who has sex with a cub. Don't like underage sex play then don't read. There is more bondage...

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A Scared Doberman

Third story, has a lot to do with the last one. It is a little less consensual than last time but in a fun playful way. There is also significantly more story this time. Now sometimes I like a story. Sometimes though the story takes way to long, or it...

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A Scary Doberman

Okay my second story. There is sort of consensual sex between two cubs. More like one knows what he is doing and the other does not. So two underage cubs, both male and there is some pawing off and some oral. I don't think it's very offensive but...

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