Retsuko and Naeye: Changes

Story by Naeko on SoFurry

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#2 of Retsuko and Naeye

Naeye crawled out of bed, grumbling at the fact that her new mate had woken her up making so much noise downstairs. She realised a strange feeling, but wasn't sure what it was. She looked down at herself and let out a groan.

"Oh god... This can't be real..." She said in fear.

She walked to a mirror, wanting to make sure that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her or something. But no, there, standing in front of her was an unfamiliar body, with a quite large penis and a lack of breasts. She stared in horror at her cock, before deciding to clothe herself in a heavily padded bra, along with a black top that completely hides her cleavage and a grey short skirt with frills on it, managing to conceal her now male body quite easily. She, or he as he should now be called, walked downstairs and into the living room.

"Morning sleepyhead" he was greeted with. "How are you this morning?"

"The same as usual I guess" he replied, not wanting to cause Retsuko to notice.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am", he said, closing in to kiss the cat-bat.

As the blue-grey goddess he was kissing began to run her hands down his body he pulled away in fear, noticing his erection pressing against her.

"I'm... Not in the mood today" he lied.

Retsuko looked downwards, noticing the slight lift at the front of his skirt.

"Nae... What's that?" she inquired.

"It's just... Something in my pockets", he lied, scared that his mate would discover it.

"But... You don't have pockets..."

Naeye burst into tears hearing this, unable to hold back his feelings about his new body any longer.

Retsuko moved closer, taking her girlfriend in her arms. "Come on... You can tell me..."

"I-I woke up like this," he sobbed. "I don't know what's happened to my body! It's not even mine any more!"

"Don't cry," she said, her body pressing against his shaft as she hugged him closer. "It's not that bad..."

"But, I can't be your girlfriend any more! And you said you're not very interested in boys!"

"But not very interested doesn't mean no interest, I've been with a few before" she answered, winking an ice blue eye at him, moving a hand down to softly stroke his erection. "How about we get this sorted now?"

"Do you really want to? But I'm not sure how to do it..." he blushed.

"I can help with that" she winked again, trailing her head down his body and putting it up his skirt, pulling his pink g-string down slowly.

He gasped as she began to lick the tip of his shaft, surprised by the new sensation.

"This feels different, but so good..."

This statement was answered only as Retsuko took his throbbing shaft into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and moaning gently. He instinctively began thrusting into her mouth, moaning as he began to enjoy the feeling of his new cock. Retsuko moved her hands down her body to begin playing with her breasts, obviously enjoying pleasing her partner's new asset.

"Retsu... I feel strange down there... I think I might be about to cum" he moaned. "Can I? I promise I'll give you more after..."

"Yes, cum in my mouth" she said, moaning softly at the thought.

He cried out, spraying his seed into her mouth while still thrusting. Finally, he pulled his shaft out, Retsuko still attempting to swallow the masses of cum.

"This feels quite good... I might have been able to enjoy it, apart from the fact that I can't wear any of my clothes"

Suddenly, a strange sensation took over him, and he began to grow small breasts, the size of his shaft decreasing.

"Well, now that we know how to fix it, we better hurry up and do it" she smiled eagerly.

Naeye looked down at her still erected shaft.

"It seems like some things about me didn't change when I did," she answered.

"Lay down," Retsuko instructed her, while removing her skirt and g-string and beginning to straddle her as she lay down. "Ready for this?"

"But... Couldn't this get you pregnant?" she questioned, worried.

"I wouldn't mind that," Retsuko smiled, sliding down onto her mate's warm shaft.

Naeye cried out at the intensity of having her cock inside someone.

"I thought your mouth was good, but... Ahh!" She cried out, sitting up to begin to lick her mate's nipple, beginning to play with one of her own tiny breasts.

Retsuko started thrusting down onto her, letting out loud moans with every thrust, running a paw over Naeye's other breast. Naeye responded to the increased pleasure by thrusting into her mate, being taken over by the pleasure she's receiving, pleased that her breasts work properly again.

"Ahh! It feels so good to ride you!" Retsuko cried out.

"Not as good at it is to be inside you!" her mate moaned back. "I'm gonna cum already!"

"Ahh! I'm gonna cum too!" she screamed, thrusting as fast as possible, moaning louder.

Naeye cried out, as she sprayed her seed inside her, it starting to spill out of her because of the amount of it, licking the blonde-haired cat-bat's nipple eagerly. The feeling of the cat-butterfly's seed filling her up pushed Retsuko over the edge, making her orgasm powerfully, her juices mixing with the seed spilling out of her.

The same feeling rushed over Naeye again, her breasts returning to half their usual size, and her shaft shrinking so that it's too small to fit inside of her mate.

"How are we going to fix this now?" she frowned.

Retsuko got down on all fours and began to lick the shaft.

"Like this" she replied.

"It feels good, but it doesn't feel like it'll be enough..." the white almost-female complained.

"Ahh... I'll be back in a minute" the blue-grey female replied, running upstairs and returning with a vibrator.

"This is something I'm actually more familiar with..." She grinned. "And I guess my cock could be like my clit..."

"Yeah" was the only reply she got, as the cat-bat went back down, placing the vibrator into the pink-haired cat and beginning to lick her 'clit'.

"Wow... My tailhole feels even better than it does usually..." She said, moaning every time Retsuko ran her tongue over her cock.

Retsuko reached down, turning the vibrator up, using her free hand to play with one of Naeye's breasts. Being treated like a girl again excited Naeye further, and she began thrusting towards the toy, moaning even louder than before. Retsuko turned the vibrator up to full, beginning to gently suck on her 'clit'.

"I feel like I'm ready to cum again!" Naeye moaned, using both her hands to play with her breasts, desperate to orgasm.

"Cum in my mouth again" she said seductively.

Naeye screamed, cum squirting out of her 'clit' and into her mate's mouth. The cat-bat moved back and watched eagerly as her mate began to return to her original form, swallowing the cum in her mouth happily. The cat-butterfly collapsed as her body returned to normal, exhausted from the transformations and the amount of pleasure she's felt. Retsuko cuddled up to Naeye, looking at her belly before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

-------------------------------------------5 years later--------------------------------------------

"Sasuke, get down from there!" Naeye shouted at her son, who had just flown up on top of a bookshelf.

Sasuke had recently turned four and learned how to fly, which left problems for both of his mothers. He resembled Retsuko mostly, with blue-grey fur and blonde hair, but he had they blue eyes of Naeye, and butterfly wings on his back.

They dreaded the day when they'd have to explain to him about how he was conceived. The same thing still happens to Naeye sometimes, which has led them to be expecting a third in next month.

Their second child, Sakura, resembled Naeye more closely, with white fur and butterfly wings, but with the hair and eyes of her other mother. She also resembled Naeye more in personality, being a lot more straightforward with what she wants, even if she's only two.

Naeye gave up and walked up behind Retsuko, throwing her arms around her waist and kissing her on the cheek.

"I can't believe we managed to have kittens," she whispered in her ear.

"Neither can I..." Retsuko replied, smiling happily. "I think it's a boy, what should we call it?"

"How about Naruto? He seems to be full of energy like him" her mate laughed.

"It sounds quite nice, actually. I think we will call him that" the cat-bat smiled happily. "I love you"

"I love you too", Naeye said, before walking off to tend to the children again.

Toshiro's interest: Because I want you

This wasn't the most comfortable position he'd ever been in. There he stood, in a dress with a horny bunny moving slowly towards him. The small arctic wolf had only gone in Naeye's room to help tidy up. But today, Naeye had left her clothes out. Female...

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Retsuko and Naeye: The Beginning

They were good friends. Or at least, that's what it was meant to be. However, no matter how much Naeye ignored it, there was something strange about Retsuko, something better than all the other girls. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't take her...

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